[librsvg/librsvg-2.42: 4/17] Rustfmt.

commit b2f5b0f4356a994912ab6f298a4aa485fb528c8f
Author: Jordan Petridis <jordanpetridis protonmail com>
Date:   Wed Feb 28 13:25:26 2018 +0200


 rsvg_internals/build.rs            |  296 ++++----
 rsvg_internals/src/aspect_ratio.rs |  448 ++++++++----
 rsvg_internals/src/attributes.rs   |   23 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/bbox.rs         |  119 +--
 rsvg_internals/src/clip_path.rs    |   29 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/cnode.rs        |   93 ++-
 rsvg_internals/src/color.rs        |  255 ++++---
 rsvg_internals/src/coord_units.rs  |   30 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs  |  343 ++++-----
 rsvg_internals/src/error.rs        |   78 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/gradient.rs     |  598 ++++++++-------
 rsvg_internals/src/image.rs        |  114 +--
 rsvg_internals/src/length.rs       |  595 ++++++++-------
 rsvg_internals/src/lib.rs          |  228 ++----
 rsvg_internals/src/link.rs         |   53 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/marker.rs       | 1156 +++++++++++++++--------------
 rsvg_internals/src/mask.rs         |  128 ++--
 rsvg_internals/src/node.rs         |  425 +++++------
 rsvg_internals/src/opacity.rs      |  186 +++--
 rsvg_internals/src/paint_server.rs |  257 +++----
 rsvg_internals/src/parsers.rs      |  340 ++++-----
 rsvg_internals/src/path_builder.rs |  175 ++---
 rsvg_internals/src/path_parser.rs  | 1420 +++++++++++++++---------------------
 rsvg_internals/src/pattern.rs      |  423 ++++++-----
 rsvg_internals/src/property_bag.rs |   49 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/shapes.rs       |  456 ++++++------
 rsvg_internals/src/space.rs        |   60 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/state.rs        |   44 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/stop.rs         |  121 ++-
 rsvg_internals/src/structure.rs    |  523 ++++++-------
 rsvg_internals/src/text.rs         |   35 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/transform.rs    |  351 +++++----
 rsvg_internals/src/util.rs         |   10 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/viewbox.rs      |   66 +-
 rsvg_internals/src/viewport.rs     |   94 +--
 35 files changed, 4817 insertions(+), 4804 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/build.rs b/rsvg_internals/build.rs
index 421f39b0..12d2b99a 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/build.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/build.rs
@@ -14,154 +14,152 @@ fn generate_phf_of_svg_attributes() {
     // (attribute name, Rust enum value)
     // Keep this in sync with rsvg-attributes.h
-    let attribute_defs = [
-        ( "alternate",          "Alternate" ),
-        ( "amplitude",          "Amplitude" ),
-        ( "azimuth",            "Azimuth" ),
-        ( "baseFrequency",      "BaseFrequency" ),
-        ( "baseline-shift",     "BaselineShift" ),
-        ( "bias",               "Bias" ),
-        ( "class",              "Class" ),
-        ( "clip-path",          "ClipPath" ),
-        ( "clip-rule",          "ClipRule" ),
-        ( "clipPathUnits",      "ClipPathUnits" ),
-        ( "color",              "Color" ),
-        ( "comp-op",            "CompOp" ),
-        ( "cx",                 "Cx" ),
-        ( "cy",                 "Cy" ),
-        ( "d",                  "D" ),
-        ( "diffuseConstant",    "DiffuseConstant" ),
-        ( "direction",          "Direction" ),
-        ( "display",            "Display" ),
-        ( "divisor",            "Divisor" ),
-        ( "dx",                 "Dx" ),
-        ( "dy",                 "Dy" ),
-        ( "edgeMode",           "EdgeMode" ),
-        ( "elevation",          "Elevation" ),
-        ( "enable-background",  "EnableBackground" ),
-        ( "encoding",           "Encoding" ),
-        ( "exponent",           "Exponent" ),
-        ( "fill",               "Fill" ),
-        ( "fill-opacity",       "FillOpacity" ),
-        ( "fill-rule",          "FillRule" ),
-        ( "filter",             "Filter" ),
-        ( "filterUnits",        "FilterUnits" ),
-        ( "flood-color",        "FloodColor" ),
-        ( "flood-opacity",      "FloodOpacity" ),
-        ( "font-family",        "FontFamily" ),
-        ( "font-size",          "FontSize" ),
-        ( "font-stretch",       "FontStretch" ),
-        ( "font-style",         "FontStyle" ),
-        ( "font-variant",       "FontVariant" ),
-        ( "font-weight",        "FontWeight" ),
-        ( "fx",                 "Fx" ),
-        ( "fy",                 "Fy" ),
-        ( "gradientTransform",  "GradientTransform" ),
-        ( "gradientUnits",      "GradientUnits" ),
-        ( "height",             "Height" ),
-        ( "href",               "Href" ),
-        ( "id",                 "Id" ),
-        ( "in",                 "In" ),
-        ( "in2",                "In2" ),
-        ( "intercept",          "Intercept" ),
-        ( "k1",                 "K1" ),
-        ( "k2",                 "K2" ),
-        ( "k3",                 "K3" ),
-        ( "k4",                 "K4" ),
-        ( "kernelMatrix",       "KernelMatrix" ),
-        ( "kernelUnitLength",   "KernelUnitLength" ),
-        ( "letter-spacing",     "LetterSpacing" ),
-        ( "lighting-color",     "LightingColor" ),
-        ( "limitingConeAngle",  "LimitingConeAngle" ),
-        ( "marker",             "Marker" ),
-        ( "marker-end",         "MarkerEnd" ),
-        ( "marker-mid",         "MarkerMid" ),
-        ( "marker-start",       "MarkerStart" ),
-        ( "markerHeight",       "MarkerHeight" ),
-        ( "markerUnits",        "MarkerUnits" ),
-        ( "markerWidth",        "MarkerWidth" ),
-        ( "mask",               "Mask" ),
-        ( "maskContentUnits",   "MaskContentUnits" ),
-        ( "maskUnits",          "MaskUnits" ),
-        ( "mode",               "Mode" ),
-        ( "numOctaves",         "NumOctaves" ),
-        ( "offset",             "Offset" ),
-        ( "opacity",            "Opacity" ),
-        ( "operator",           "Operator" ),
-        ( "order",              "Order" ),
-        ( "orient",             "Orient" ),
-        ( "overflow",           "Overflow" ),
-        ( "parse",              "Parse" ),
-        ( "path",               "Path" ),
-        ( "patternContentUnits", "PatternContentUnits" ),
-        ( "patternTransform",   "PatternTransform" ),
-        ( "patternUnits",       "PatternUnits" ),
-        ( "points",             "Points" ),
-        ( "pointsAtX",          "PointsAtX" ),
-        ( "pointsAtY",          "PointsAtY" ),
-        ( "pointsAtZ",          "PointsAtZ" ),
-        ( "preserveAlpha",      "PreserveAlpha" ),
-        ( "preserveAspectRatio", "PreserveAspectRatio" ),
-        ( "primitiveUnits",     "PrimitiveUnits" ),
-        ( "r",                  "R" ),
-        ( "radius",             "Radius" ),
-        ( "refX",               "RefX" ),
-        ( "refY",               "RefY" ),
-        ( "requiredExtensions", "RequiredExtensions" ),
-        ( "requiredFeatures",   "RequiredFeatures" ),
-        ( "result",             "Result" ),
-        ( "rx",                 "Rx" ),
-        ( "ry",                 "Ry" ),
-        ( "scale",              "Scale" ),
-        ( "seed",               "Seed" ),
-        ( "shape-rendering",    "ShapeRendering" ),
-        ( "slope",              "Slope" ),
-        ( "specularConstant",   "SpecularConstant" ),
-        ( "specularExponent",   "SpecularExponent" ),
-        ( "spreadMethod",       "SpreadMethod" ),
-        ( "stdDeviation",       "StdDeviation" ),
-        ( "stitchTiles",        "StitchTiles" ),
-        ( "stop-color",         "StopColor" ),
-        ( "stop-opacity",       "StopOpacity" ),
-        ( "stroke",             "Stroke" ),
-        ( "stroke-dasharray",   "StrokeDasharray" ),
-        ( "stroke-dashoffset",  "StrokeDashoffset" ),
-        ( "stroke-linecap",     "StrokeLinecap" ),
-        ( "stroke-linejoin",    "StrokeLinejoin" ),
-        ( "stroke-miterlimit",  "StrokeMiterlimit" ),
-        ( "stroke-opacity",     "StrokeOpacity" ),
-        ( "stroke-width",       "StrokeWidth" ),
-        ( "style",              "Style" ),
-        ( "surfaceScale",       "SurfaceScale" ),
-        ( "systemLanguage",     "SystemLanguage" ),
-        ( "tableValues",        "TableValues" ),
-        ( "targetX",            "TargetX" ),
-        ( "targetY",            "TargetY" ),
-        ( "text-anchor",        "TextAnchor" ),
-        ( "text-decoration",    "TextDecoration" ),
-        ( "text-rendering",     "TextRendering" ),
-        ( "transform",          "Transform" ),
-        ( "type",               "Type" ),
-        ( "unicode-bidi",       "UnicodeBidi" ),
-        ( "values",             "Values" ),
-        ( "verts",              "Verts" ),
-        ( "viewBox",            "ViewBox" ),
-        ( "visibility",         "Visibility" ),
-        ( "width",              "Width" ),
-        ( "writing-mode",       "WritingMode" ),
-        ( "x",                  "X" ),
-        ( "x1",                 "X1" ),
-        ( "y1",                 "Y1" ),
-        ( "x2",                 "X2" ),
-        ( "y2",                 "Y2" ),
-        ( "xChannelSelector",   "XChannelSelector" ),
-        ( "xlink:href",         "XlinkHref" ),
-        ( "xml:lang",           "XmlLang" ),
-        ( "xml:space",          "XmlSpace" ),
-        ( "y",                  "Y" ),
-        ( "yChannelSelector",   "YChannelSelector" ),
-        ( "z",                  "Z" ),
-    ];
+    let attribute_defs = [("alternate", "Alternate"),
+                          ("amplitude", "Amplitude"),
+                          ("azimuth", "Azimuth"),
+                          ("baseFrequency", "BaseFrequency"),
+                          ("baseline-shift", "BaselineShift"),
+                          ("bias", "Bias"),
+                          ("class", "Class"),
+                          ("clip-path", "ClipPath"),
+                          ("clip-rule", "ClipRule"),
+                          ("clipPathUnits", "ClipPathUnits"),
+                          ("color", "Color"),
+                          ("comp-op", "CompOp"),
+                          ("cx", "Cx"),
+                          ("cy", "Cy"),
+                          ("d", "D"),
+                          ("diffuseConstant", "DiffuseConstant"),
+                          ("direction", "Direction"),
+                          ("display", "Display"),
+                          ("divisor", "Divisor"),
+                          ("dx", "Dx"),
+                          ("dy", "Dy"),
+                          ("edgeMode", "EdgeMode"),
+                          ("elevation", "Elevation"),
+                          ("enable-background", "EnableBackground"),
+                          ("encoding", "Encoding"),
+                          ("exponent", "Exponent"),
+                          ("fill", "Fill"),
+                          ("fill-opacity", "FillOpacity"),
+                          ("fill-rule", "FillRule"),
+                          ("filter", "Filter"),
+                          ("filterUnits", "FilterUnits"),
+                          ("flood-color", "FloodColor"),
+                          ("flood-opacity", "FloodOpacity"),
+                          ("font-family", "FontFamily"),
+                          ("font-size", "FontSize"),
+                          ("font-stretch", "FontStretch"),
+                          ("font-style", "FontStyle"),
+                          ("font-variant", "FontVariant"),
+                          ("font-weight", "FontWeight"),
+                          ("fx", "Fx"),
+                          ("fy", "Fy"),
+                          ("gradientTransform", "GradientTransform"),
+                          ("gradientUnits", "GradientUnits"),
+                          ("height", "Height"),
+                          ("href", "Href"),
+                          ("id", "Id"),
+                          ("in", "In"),
+                          ("in2", "In2"),
+                          ("intercept", "Intercept"),
+                          ("k1", "K1"),
+                          ("k2", "K2"),
+                          ("k3", "K3"),
+                          ("k4", "K4"),
+                          ("kernelMatrix", "KernelMatrix"),
+                          ("kernelUnitLength", "KernelUnitLength"),
+                          ("letter-spacing", "LetterSpacing"),
+                          ("lighting-color", "LightingColor"),
+                          ("limitingConeAngle", "LimitingConeAngle"),
+                          ("marker", "Marker"),
+                          ("marker-end", "MarkerEnd"),
+                          ("marker-mid", "MarkerMid"),
+                          ("marker-start", "MarkerStart"),
+                          ("markerHeight", "MarkerHeight"),
+                          ("markerUnits", "MarkerUnits"),
+                          ("markerWidth", "MarkerWidth"),
+                          ("mask", "Mask"),
+                          ("maskContentUnits", "MaskContentUnits"),
+                          ("maskUnits", "MaskUnits"),
+                          ("mode", "Mode"),
+                          ("numOctaves", "NumOctaves"),
+                          ("offset", "Offset"),
+                          ("opacity", "Opacity"),
+                          ("operator", "Operator"),
+                          ("order", "Order"),
+                          ("orient", "Orient"),
+                          ("overflow", "Overflow"),
+                          ("parse", "Parse"),
+                          ("path", "Path"),
+                          ("patternContentUnits", "PatternContentUnits"),
+                          ("patternTransform", "PatternTransform"),
+                          ("patternUnits", "PatternUnits"),
+                          ("points", "Points"),
+                          ("pointsAtX", "PointsAtX"),
+                          ("pointsAtY", "PointsAtY"),
+                          ("pointsAtZ", "PointsAtZ"),
+                          ("preserveAlpha", "PreserveAlpha"),
+                          ("preserveAspectRatio", "PreserveAspectRatio"),
+                          ("primitiveUnits", "PrimitiveUnits"),
+                          ("r", "R"),
+                          ("radius", "Radius"),
+                          ("refX", "RefX"),
+                          ("refY", "RefY"),
+                          ("requiredExtensions", "RequiredExtensions"),
+                          ("requiredFeatures", "RequiredFeatures"),
+                          ("result", "Result"),
+                          ("rx", "Rx"),
+                          ("ry", "Ry"),
+                          ("scale", "Scale"),
+                          ("seed", "Seed"),
+                          ("shape-rendering", "ShapeRendering"),
+                          ("slope", "Slope"),
+                          ("specularConstant", "SpecularConstant"),
+                          ("specularExponent", "SpecularExponent"),
+                          ("spreadMethod", "SpreadMethod"),
+                          ("stdDeviation", "StdDeviation"),
+                          ("stitchTiles", "StitchTiles"),
+                          ("stop-color", "StopColor"),
+                          ("stop-opacity", "StopOpacity"),
+                          ("stroke", "Stroke"),
+                          ("stroke-dasharray", "StrokeDasharray"),
+                          ("stroke-dashoffset", "StrokeDashoffset"),
+                          ("stroke-linecap", "StrokeLinecap"),
+                          ("stroke-linejoin", "StrokeLinejoin"),
+                          ("stroke-miterlimit", "StrokeMiterlimit"),
+                          ("stroke-opacity", "StrokeOpacity"),
+                          ("stroke-width", "StrokeWidth"),
+                          ("style", "Style"),
+                          ("surfaceScale", "SurfaceScale"),
+                          ("systemLanguage", "SystemLanguage"),
+                          ("tableValues", "TableValues"),
+                          ("targetX", "TargetX"),
+                          ("targetY", "TargetY"),
+                          ("text-anchor", "TextAnchor"),
+                          ("text-decoration", "TextDecoration"),
+                          ("text-rendering", "TextRendering"),
+                          ("transform", "Transform"),
+                          ("type", "Type"),
+                          ("unicode-bidi", "UnicodeBidi"),
+                          ("values", "Values"),
+                          ("verts", "Verts"),
+                          ("viewBox", "ViewBox"),
+                          ("visibility", "Visibility"),
+                          ("width", "Width"),
+                          ("writing-mode", "WritingMode"),
+                          ("x", "X"),
+                          ("x1", "X1"),
+                          ("y1", "Y1"),
+                          ("x2", "X2"),
+                          ("y2", "Y2"),
+                          ("xChannelSelector", "XChannelSelector"),
+                          ("xlink:href", "XlinkHref"),
+                          ("xml:lang", "XmlLang"),
+                          ("xml:space", "XmlSpace"),
+                          ("y", "Y"),
+                          ("yChannelSelector", "YChannelSelector"),
+                          ("z", "Z")];
     let path = Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("attributes-codegen.rs");
     let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(&path).unwrap());
@@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ fn generate_phf_of_svg_attributes() {
     for &(_, valname) in attribute_defs.iter() {
         writeln!(&mut file, "    {},", valname).unwrap();
     writeln!(&mut file, "}}").unwrap();
     writeln!(&mut file, "static ATTRIBUTES: phf::Map<&'static str, Attribute> = ").unwrap();
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/aspect_ratio.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/aspect_ratio.rs
index aea983eb..32490ff4 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/aspect_ratio.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/aspect_ratio.rs
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
 //! We have an [`AspectRatio`] struct which encapsulates such a value.
 //! ```
-//! assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMid", ()),
-//!             Ok (AspectRatio { defer: false,
-//!                               align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
-//!                                                       fit: FitMode::Meet } }));
+//! assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid", ()),
+//!            Ok(AspectRatio { defer: false,
+//!                             align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
+//!                                                     fit: FitMode::Meet, }, }));
 //! ```
 //! [`AspectRatio`]: struct.AspectRatio.html
 //! [spec]: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#PreserveAspectRatioAttribute
+use error::*;
 use parsers::Parse;
 use parsers::ParseError;
-use error::*;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum FitMode {
-    Slice
+    Slice,
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
@@ -33,49 +33,47 @@ pub enum AlignMode {
-    XmaxYmax
+    XmaxYmax,
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum Align {
-    Aligned {
-        align: AlignMode,
-        fit: FitMode
-    }
+    Aligned { align: AlignMode, fit: FitMode },
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub struct AspectRatio {
     pub defer: bool,
-    pub align: Align
+    pub align: Align,
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
 enum Align1D {
-    Max
+    Max,
-fn align_1d (a: Align1D, dest_pos: f64, dest_size: f64, obj_size: f64) -> f64 {
+fn align_1d(a: Align1D, dest_pos: f64, dest_size: f64, obj_size: f64) -> f64 {
     match a {
-        Align1D::Min => { dest_pos },
-        Align1D::Mid => { dest_pos + (dest_size - obj_size) / 2.0 },
-        Align1D::Max => { dest_pos + dest_size - obj_size }
+        Align1D::Min => dest_pos,
+        Align1D::Mid => dest_pos + (dest_size - obj_size) / 2.0,
+        Align1D::Max => dest_pos + dest_size - obj_size,
 impl AspectRatio {
-    pub fn compute (&self,
-                    object_width: f64,
-                    object_height: f64,
-                    dest_x: f64,
-                    dest_y: f64,
-                    dest_width: f64,
-                    dest_height: f64) -> (f64, f64, f64, f64) {
+    pub fn compute(&self,
+                   object_width: f64,
+                   object_height: f64,
+                   dest_x: f64,
+                   dest_y: f64,
+                   dest_width: f64,
+                   dest_height: f64)
+                   -> (f64, f64, f64, f64) {
         match self.align {
-            Align::None => { (dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) }
+            Align::None => (dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height),
             Align::Aligned { align, fit } => {
                 let w_factor = dest_width / object_width;
@@ -83,8 +81,12 @@ impl AspectRatio {
                 let factor: f64;
                 match fit {
-                    FitMode::Meet  => { factor = w_factor.min (h_factor); }
-                    FitMode::Slice => { factor = w_factor.max (h_factor); }
+                    FitMode::Meet => {
+                        factor = w_factor.min(h_factor);
+                    }
+                    FitMode::Slice => {
+                        factor = w_factor.max(h_factor);
+                    }
                 let w = object_width * factor;
@@ -94,19 +96,46 @@ impl AspectRatio {
                 let yalign: Align1D;
                 match align {
-                    AlignMode::XminYmin => { xalign = Align1D::Min; yalign = Align1D::Min; },
-                    AlignMode::XminYmid => { xalign = Align1D::Min; yalign = Align1D::Mid; },
-                    AlignMode::XminYmax => { xalign = Align1D::Min; yalign = Align1D::Max; },
-                    AlignMode::XmidYmin => { xalign = Align1D::Mid; yalign = Align1D::Min; },
-                    AlignMode::XmidYmid => { xalign = Align1D::Mid; yalign = Align1D::Mid; },
-                    AlignMode::XmidYmax => { xalign = Align1D::Mid; yalign = Align1D::Max; },
-                    AlignMode::XmaxYmin => { xalign = Align1D::Max; yalign = Align1D::Min; },
-                    AlignMode::XmaxYmid => { xalign = Align1D::Max; yalign = Align1D::Mid; },
-                    AlignMode::XmaxYmax => { xalign = Align1D::Max; yalign = Align1D::Max; }
+                    AlignMode::XminYmin => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Min;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Min;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XminYmid => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Min;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XminYmax => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Min;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Max;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmidYmin => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Min;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmidYmid => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmidYmax => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Max;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmaxYmin => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Max;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Min;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmaxYmid => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Max;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Mid;
+                    }
+                    AlignMode::XmaxYmax => {
+                        xalign = Align1D::Max;
+                        yalign = Align1D::Max;
+                    }
-                let xpos = align_1d (xalign, dest_x, dest_width, w);
-                let ypos = align_1d (yalign, dest_y, dest_height, h);
+                let xpos = align_1d(xalign, dest_x, dest_width, w);
+                let ypos = align_1d(yalign, dest_y, dest_height, h);
                 (xpos, ypos, w, h)
@@ -115,44 +144,67 @@ impl AspectRatio {
 impl Default for Align {
-    fn default () -> Align {
-        Align::Aligned {
-            align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
-            fit: FitMode::Meet
-        }
+    fn default() -> Align {
+        Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
+                         fit: FitMode::Meet, }
 impl Default for AspectRatio {
-    fn default () -> AspectRatio {
-        AspectRatio {
-            defer: false,
-            align: Default::default ()
-        }
+    fn default() -> AspectRatio {
+        AspectRatio { defer: false,
+                      align: Default::default(), }
-fn parse_align_mode (s: &str) -> Option<Align> {
+fn parse_align_mode(s: &str) -> Option<Align> {
     match s {
-        "none"     => { Some (Align::None) },
-        "xMinYMin" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmin, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMidYMin" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmin, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMaxYMin" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmin, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMinYMid" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmid, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMidYMid" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMaxYMid" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmid, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMinYMax" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMidYMax" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmax, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        "xMaxYMax" => { Some (Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmax, fit: FitMode::Meet } ) },
-        _          => { None }
+        "none" => Some(Align::None),
+        "xMinYMin" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmin,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMidYMin" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmin,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMaxYMin" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmin,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMinYMid" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmid,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMidYMid" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMaxYMid" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmid,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMinYMax" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMidYMax" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmax,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        "xMaxYMax" => {
+            Some(Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmax,
+                                  fit: FitMode::Meet, })
+        }
+        _ => None,
-fn parse_fit_mode (s: &str) -> Option<FitMode> {
+fn parse_fit_mode(s: &str) -> Option<FitMode> {
     match s {
-        "meet"  => { Some (FitMode::Meet) },
-        "slice" => { Some (FitMode::Slice) },
-        _       => { None }
+        "meet" => Some(FitMode::Meet),
+        "slice" => Some(FitMode::Slice),
+        _ => None,
@@ -160,11 +212,11 @@ enum ParseState {
-    Finished
+    Finished,
-fn make_err () -> AttributeError {
-    AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected \"[defer] <align> [meet | slice]\""))
+fn make_err() -> AttributeError {
+    AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected \"[defer] <align> [meet | slice]\""))
 impl Parse for AspectRatio {
@@ -173,46 +225,45 @@ impl Parse for AspectRatio {
     fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<AspectRatio, AttributeError> {
         let mut defer = false;
-        let mut align: Align = Default::default ();
+        let mut align: Align = Default::default();
         let mut fit_mode = FitMode::Meet;
         let mut state = ParseState::Defer;
-        for v in s.split_whitespace () {
+        for v in s.split_whitespace() {
             match state {
                 ParseState::Defer => {
                     if v == "defer" {
                         defer = true;
                         state = ParseState::Align;
-                    } else if let Some (parsed_align) = parse_align_mode (v) {
+                    } else if let Some(parsed_align) = parse_align_mode(v) {
                         align = parsed_align;
                         state = ParseState::Fit;
                     } else {
-                        return Err(make_err ());
+                        return Err(make_err());
-                },
+                }
                 ParseState::Align => {
-                    if let Some (parsed_align) = parse_align_mode (v) {
+                    if let Some(parsed_align) = parse_align_mode(v) {
                         align = parsed_align;
                         state = ParseState::Fit;
                     } else {
-                        return Err(make_err ());
+                        return Err(make_err());
-                },
+                }
                 ParseState::Fit => {
-                    if let Some (parsed_fit) = parse_fit_mode (v) {
+                    if let Some(parsed_fit) = parse_fit_mode(v) {
                         fit_mode = parsed_fit;
                         state = ParseState::Finished;
                     } else {
-                        return Err(make_err ());
+                        return Err(make_err());
-                },
+                }
                 _ => {
-                    return Err(make_err ());
+                    return Err(make_err());
@@ -221,22 +272,20 @@ impl Parse for AspectRatio {
         // Since the meet|slice is optional, we can end up in either
         // of the following states:
         match state {
-            ParseState::Fit | ParseState::Finished => {},
-            _ => { return Err(make_err ()); }
+            ParseState::Fit | ParseState::Finished => {}
+            _ => {
+                return Err(make_err());
+            }
-        Ok (AspectRatio {
-            defer: defer,
-            align: match align {
-                Align::None => { Align::None },
-                Align::Aligned { align, .. } => {
-                    Align::Aligned {
-                        align: align,
-                        fit: fit_mode
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        })
+        Ok(AspectRatio { defer,
+                         align: match align {
+                             Align::None => Align::None,
+                             Align::Aligned { align, .. } => {
+                                 Align::Aligned { align,
+                                                  fit: fit_mode, }
+                             }
+                         }, })
@@ -245,83 +294,164 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parsing_invalid_strings_yields_error () {
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("", ()).is_err ());
+    fn parsing_invalid_strings_yields_error() {
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("defer", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer foo", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("defer foo", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xmidymid", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xmidymid", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMidYMid foo", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMidYMid foo", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("xmidymid", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("xmidymid", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMid foo", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid foo", ()).is_err());
-        assert! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMidYMid meet foo", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMidYMid meet foo", ()).is_err());
-    fn parses_valid_strings () {
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer none", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: true,
-                                      align: Align::None }));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMid", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: false,
-                                      align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
-                                                              fit: FitMode::Meet } }));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMidYMid", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: true,
-                                      align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
-                                                              fit: FitMode::Meet } }));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMinYMax", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: true,
-                                      align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax,
-                                                              fit: FitMode::Meet } }));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMaxYMid meet", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: true,
-                                      align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmid,
-                                                              fit: FitMode::Meet } }));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("defer xMinYMax slice", ()),
-                    Ok (AspectRatio { defer: true,
-                                      align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax,
-                                                              fit: FitMode::Slice } }));
+    fn parses_valid_strings() {
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("defer none", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: true,
+                                    align: Align::None, }));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: false,
+                                    align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
+                                                            fit: FitMode::Meet, }, }));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMidYMid", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: true,
+                                    align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmidYmid,
+                                                            fit: FitMode::Meet, }, }));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMinYMax", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: true,
+                                    align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax,
+                                                            fit: FitMode::Meet, }, }));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMaxYMid meet", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: true,
+                                    align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XmaxYmid,
+                                                            fit: FitMode::Meet, }, }));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("defer xMinYMax slice", ()),
+                   Ok(AspectRatio { defer: true,
+                                    align: Align::Aligned { align: AlignMode::XminYmax,
+                                                            fit: FitMode::Slice, }, }));
-    fn aligns () {
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMin meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMin slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMid meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMid slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMax meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMinYMax slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMin meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMin slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMid meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMid slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMax meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMidYMax slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMin meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMin slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMid meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMid slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMax meet", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
-        assert_eq! (AspectRatio::parse ("xMaxYMax slice", ()).unwrap().compute (1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 
1.0), (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+    fn aligns() {
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMin meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMin slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMid meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMid slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMax meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMinYMax slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMin meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMin slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMax meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (4.95, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMax slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMin meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMin slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMid meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMid slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -49.5, 10.0, 100.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMax meet", ()).unwrap()
+                                                          .compute(1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0),
+                   (9.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0));
+        assert_eq!(AspectRatio::parse("xMaxYMax slice", ()).unwrap()
+                                                           .compute(1.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    0.0,
+                                                                    10.0,
+                                                                    1.0),
+                   (0.0, -99.0, 10.0, 100.0));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/attributes.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/attributes.rs
index 02630a8a..65a55d4f 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/attributes.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/attributes.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 extern crate phf;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use libc;
 use std::str::FromStr;
@@ -18,26 +18,27 @@ impl FromStr for Attribute {
-pub extern fn rsvg_attribute_from_name(raw_name: *const libc::c_char,
-                                       out_attr: *mut Attribute) -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_attribute_from_name(raw_name: *const libc::c_char,
+                                           out_attr: *mut Attribute)
+                                           -> glib_sys::gboolean {
     let name = unsafe { utf8_cstr(raw_name) };
     match Attribute::from_str(name) {
         Ok(a) => {
-            unsafe { *out_attr = a; }
+            unsafe {
+                *out_attr = a;
+            }
-        },
-        Err(_) => {
-            false.to_glib()
+        Err(_) => false.to_glib(),
 mod tests {
-    use std::mem;
     use super::*;
+    use std::mem;
     fn parses_attributes() {
@@ -52,8 +53,8 @@ mod tests {
     fn c_attribute_from_name() {
         let mut a: Attribute = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
-        let res: bool = from_glib(rsvg_attribute_from_name("width".to_glib_none().0,
-                                                           &mut a as *mut Attribute));
+        let res: bool =
+            from_glib(rsvg_attribute_from_name("width".to_glib_none().0, &mut a as *mut Attribute));
         assert_eq!(a, Attribute::Width);
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/bbox.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/bbox.rs
index 6fa5d4e9..ada8b041 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/bbox.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/bbox.rs
@@ -1,65 +1,63 @@
 use cairo;
 use glib_sys;
-use glib::translate::*;
 use cairo::MatrixTrait;
+use glib::translate::*;
 use util::*;
 /* Keep this in sync with ../../rsvg-private.h:RsvgBbox */
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 pub struct RsvgBbox {
-    pub rect:   cairo::Rectangle,
+    pub rect: cairo::Rectangle,
     pub affine: cairo::Matrix,
-    virgin:     glib_sys::gboolean
+    virgin: glib_sys::gboolean,
 impl RsvgBbox {
-    pub fn is_virgin (&self) -> bool {
-        from_glib (self.virgin)
+    pub fn is_virgin(&self) -> bool {
+        from_glib(self.virgin)
     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
-        from_glib(self.virgin) || double_equals(self.rect.width, 0.0) || double_equals(self.rect.height, 0.0)
+        from_glib(self.virgin) || double_equals(self.rect.width, 0.0)
+        || double_equals(self.rect.height, 0.0)
-pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_init (raw_bbox: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_matrix: *const cairo::Matrix) {
-    assert! (!raw_bbox.is_null ());
-    assert! (!raw_matrix.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_bbox_init(raw_bbox: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_matrix: *const cairo::Matrix) {
+    assert!(!raw_bbox.is_null());
+    assert!(!raw_matrix.is_null());
     let bbox: &mut RsvgBbox = unsafe { &mut (*raw_bbox) };
-    bbox.virgin = true.to_glib ();
+    bbox.virgin = true.to_glib();
     bbox.affine = unsafe { *raw_matrix };
-pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_insert (raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox) {
-    assert! (!raw_dst.is_null ());
-    assert! (!raw_src.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_bbox_insert(raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox) {
+    assert!(!raw_dst.is_null());
+    assert!(!raw_src.is_null());
     let dst: &mut RsvgBbox = unsafe { &mut (*raw_dst) };
     let src: &RsvgBbox = unsafe { &*raw_src };
-    if src.is_virgin () {
+    if src.is_virgin() {
-    let (mut xmin, mut ymin, mut xmax, mut ymax) = if !dst.is_virgin () {
-        (dst.rect.x,
-         dst.rect.y,
-         (dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width),
-         (dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height))
+    let (mut xmin, mut ymin, mut xmax, mut ymax) = if !dst.is_virgin() {
+        (dst.rect.x, dst.rect.y, (dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width), (dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height))
     } else {
         (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     let mut affine = dst.affine;
-    affine.invert (); // this will panic!() if it's not invertible... should we check on our own?
-    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&src.affine, &affine);
+    affine.invert(); // this will panic!() if it's not invertible... should we check on our own?
+    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&src.affine, &affine);
     /* This is a trick.  We want to transform each of the corners of
      * the rectangle defined by src.rect with the affine
@@ -71,20 +69,28 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_insert (raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox
     for i in 0..4 {
         let rx: f64 = src.rect.x + src.rect.width * f64::from(i % 2);
         let ry: f64 = src.rect.y + src.rect.height * f64::from(i / 2);
-        let x: f64  = affine.xx * rx + affine.xy * ry + affine.x0;
-        let y: f64  = affine.yx * rx + affine.yy * ry + affine.y0;
+        let x: f64 = affine.xx * rx + affine.xy * ry + affine.x0;
+        let y: f64 = affine.yx * rx + affine.yy * ry + affine.y0;
-        if dst.is_virgin () {
+        if dst.is_virgin() {
             xmin = x;
             xmax = x;
             ymin = y;
             ymax = y;
-            dst.virgin = false.to_glib ();
+            dst.virgin = false.to_glib();
         } else {
-            if x < xmin { xmin = x; }
-            if x > xmax { xmax = x; }
-            if y < ymin { ymin = y; }
-            if y > ymax { ymax = y; }
+            if x < xmin {
+                xmin = x;
+            }
+            if x > xmax {
+                xmax = x;
+            }
+            if y < ymin {
+                ymin = y;
+            }
+            if y > ymax {
+                ymax = y;
+            }
@@ -95,30 +101,27 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_insert (raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox
-pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_clip (raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox) {
-    assert! (!raw_dst.is_null ());
-    assert! (!raw_src.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_bbox_clip(raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox) {
+    assert!(!raw_dst.is_null());
+    assert!(!raw_src.is_null());
     let dst: &mut RsvgBbox = unsafe { &mut (*raw_dst) };
     let src: &RsvgBbox = unsafe { &*raw_src };
-    if src.is_virgin () {
+    if src.is_virgin() {
-    let (mut xmin, mut ymin, mut xmax, mut ymax) = if !dst.is_virgin () {
-        ((dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width),
-         (dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height),
-         dst.rect.x,
-         dst.rect.y)
+    let (mut xmin, mut ymin, mut xmax, mut ymax) = if !dst.is_virgin() {
+        ((dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width), (dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height), dst.rect.x, dst.rect.y)
     } else {
         (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     let mut affine = dst.affine;
-    affine.invert ();
-    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&src.affine, &affine);
+    affine.invert();
+    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&src.affine, &affine);
     /* This is a trick.  See rsvg_bbox_insert() for a description of how it works. */
     for i in 0..4 {
@@ -127,25 +130,41 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_bbox_clip (raw_dst: *mut RsvgBbox, raw_src: *const RsvgBbox)
         let x = affine.xx * rx + affine.xy * ry + affine.x0;
         let y = affine.yx * rx + affine.yy * ry + affine.y0;
-        if dst.is_virgin () {
+        if dst.is_virgin() {
             xmin = x;
             xmax = x;
             ymin = y;
             ymax = y;
-            dst.virgin = false.to_glib ();
+            dst.virgin = false.to_glib();
         } else {
-            if x < xmin { xmin = x; }
-            if x > xmax { xmax = x; }
-            if y < ymin { ymin = y; }
-            if y > ymax { ymax = y; }
+            if x < xmin {
+                xmin = x;
+            }
+            if x > xmax {
+                xmax = x;
+            }
+            if y < ymin {
+                ymin = y;
+            }
+            if y > ymax {
+                ymax = y;
+            }
-    if xmin < dst.rect.x { xmin = dst.rect.x; }
-    if ymin < dst.rect.y { ymin = dst.rect.y; }
+    if xmin < dst.rect.x {
+        xmin = dst.rect.x;
+    }
+    if ymin < dst.rect.y {
+        ymin = dst.rect.y;
+    }
-    if xmax > dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width { xmax = dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width; }
-    if ymax > dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height { ymax = dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height; }
+    if xmax > dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width {
+        xmax = dst.rect.x + dst.rect.width;
+    }
+    if ymax > dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height {
+        ymax = dst.rect.y + dst.rect.height;
+    }
     dst.rect.x = xmin;
     dst.rect.width = xmax - xmin;
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/clip_path.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/clip_path.rs
index 27b58327..fbb03fb9 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/clip_path.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/clip_path.rs
@@ -2,24 +2,22 @@ use libc;
 use std::cell::Cell;
 use attributes::Attribute;
+use coord_units::CoordUnits;
 use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
-use node::{NodeResult, NodeTrait, NodeType, RsvgCNodeImpl, RsvgNode, boxed_node_new};
-use coord_units::CoordUnits;
+use node::{boxed_node_new, NodeResult, NodeTrait, NodeType, RsvgCNodeImpl, RsvgNode};
 use parsers::parse;
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 coord_units!(ClipPathUnits, CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse);
 struct NodeClipPath {
-    units: Cell<ClipPathUnits>
+    units: Cell<ClipPathUnits>,
 impl NodeClipPath {
     fn new() -> NodeClipPath {
-        NodeClipPath {
-            units: Cell::new(ClipPathUnits::default())
-        }
+        NodeClipPath { units: Cell::new(ClipPathUnits::default()), }
@@ -27,8 +25,9 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeClipPath {
     fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::ClipPathUnits =>
-                    self.units.set(parse("clipPathUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::ClipPathUnits => {
+                    self.units.set(parse("clipPathUnits", value, (), None)?)
+                }
                 _ => (),
@@ -47,22 +46,24 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeClipPath {
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_clip_path_new(_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const 
RsvgNode {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_clip_path_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                          raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                          -> *const RsvgNode {
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_clip_path_get_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_clip_path_get_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut units = ClipPathUnits::default();
     node.with_impl(|clip_path: &NodeClipPath| {
-        units = clip_path.units.get();
-    });
+                       units = clip_path.units.get();
+                   });
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/cnode.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/cnode.rs
index 3b6be21a..728349a9 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/cnode.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/cnode.rs
@@ -6,68 +6,89 @@ use state::RsvgState;
 use std::rc::*;
-type CNodeSetAtts = unsafe extern "C" fn (node: *const RsvgNode, node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl, handle: 
*const RsvgHandle, pbag: *const PropertyBag);
-type CNodeDraw = unsafe extern "C" fn (node: *const RsvgNode, node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl, draw_ctx: 
*const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32);
-type CNodeFree = unsafe extern "C" fn (node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl);
+type CNodeSetAtts = unsafe extern "C" fn(node: *const RsvgNode,
+ node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl,
+ handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+ pbag: *const PropertyBag);
+type CNodeDraw = unsafe extern "C" fn(node: *const RsvgNode,
+ node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl,
+ draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+ dominate: i32);
+type CNodeFree = unsafe extern "C" fn(node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl);
 struct CNode {
     c_node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl,
     set_atts_fn: CNodeSetAtts,
-    draw_fn:     CNodeDraw,
-    free_fn:     CNodeFree,
+    draw_fn: CNodeDraw,
+    free_fn: CNodeFree,
 impl NodeTrait for CNode {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        unsafe { (self.set_atts_fn) (node as *const RsvgNode, self.c_node_impl, handle, pbag.ffi()); }
+    fn set_atts(&self,
+                node: &RsvgNode,
+                handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+                pbag: &PropertyBag)
+                -> NodeResult {
+        unsafe {
+            (self.set_atts_fn)(node as *const RsvgNode,
+                               self.c_node_impl,
+                               handle,
+                               pbag.ffi());
+        }
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        unsafe { (self.draw_fn) (node as *const RsvgNode, self.c_node_impl, draw_ctx, dominate); }
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        unsafe {
+            (self.draw_fn)(node as *const RsvgNode,
+                           self.c_node_impl,
+                           draw_ctx,
+                           dominate);
+        }
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
 impl Drop for CNode {
-    fn drop (&mut self) {
-        unsafe { (self.free_fn) (self.c_node_impl); }
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        unsafe {
+            (self.free_fn)(self.c_node_impl);
+        }
-pub extern fn rsvg_rust_cnode_new (node_type:   NodeType,
-                                   raw_parent:  *const RsvgNode,
-                                   state:       *mut RsvgState,
-                                   c_node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl,
-                                   set_atts_fn: CNodeSetAtts,
-                                   draw_fn:     CNodeDraw,
-                                   free_fn:     CNodeFree) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    assert! (!state.is_null ());
-    assert! (!c_node_impl.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_rust_cnode_new(node_type: NodeType,
+                                      raw_parent: *const RsvgNode,
+                                      state: *mut RsvgState,
+                                      c_node_impl: *const RsvgCNodeImpl,
+                                      set_atts_fn: CNodeSetAtts,
+                                      draw_fn: CNodeDraw,
+                                      free_fn: CNodeFree)
+                                      -> *const RsvgNode {
+    assert!(!state.is_null());
+    assert!(!c_node_impl.is_null());
-    let cnode = CNode {
-        c_node_impl: c_node_impl,
-        set_atts_fn: set_atts_fn,
-        draw_fn:     draw_fn,
-        free_fn:     free_fn
-    };
+    let cnode = CNode { c_node_impl,
+                        set_atts_fn,
+                        draw_fn,
+                        free_fn, };
-    box_node (Rc::new (Node::new (node_type,
-                                  node_ptr_to_weak (raw_parent),
-                                  state,
-                                  Box::new (cnode))))
+    box_node(Rc::new(Node::new(node_type,
+                               node_ptr_to_weak(raw_parent),
+                               state,
+                               Box::new(cnode))))
-pub extern fn rsvg_rust_cnode_get_impl (raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_rust_cnode_get_impl(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    node.get_c_impl ()
+    node.get_c_impl()
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/color.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/color.rs
index a1b9a007..50a69e31 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/color.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/color.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 use cssparser;
 use libc;
+use error::*;
 use parsers::Parse;
 use parsers::ParseError;
-use error::*;
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 // There are two quirks here:
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pub enum ColorKind {
-    ParseError
+    ParseError,
 // Keep this in sync with rsvg-css.h:RsvgCssColorSpec
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pub enum ColorKind {
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
 pub struct ColorSpec {
     kind: ColorKind,
-    argb: u32
+    argb: u32,
 // Keep in sync with rsvg-css.h:AllowInherit
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ pub struct ColorSpec {
 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
 pub enum AllowInherit {
-    Yes
+    Yes,
 // Keep in sync with rsvg-css.h:AllowCurrentColor
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub enum AllowInherit {
 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
 pub enum AllowCurrentColor {
-    Yes
+    Yes,
 // This is the Rust version of the above
@@ -58,116 +58,117 @@ pub enum AllowCurrentColor {
 pub enum Color {
-    RGBA (cssparser::RGBA)
+    RGBA(cssparser::RGBA),
 impl Parse for Color {
     type Data = (AllowInherit, AllowCurrentColor);
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, (allow_inherit, allow_current_color): (AllowInherit, AllowCurrentColor)) -> 
Result<Color, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str,
+             (allow_inherit, allow_current_color): (AllowInherit, AllowCurrentColor))
+             -> Result<Color, AttributeError> {
         if s == "inherit" {
             if allow_inherit == AllowInherit::Yes {
-                Ok (Color::Inherit)
+                Ok(Color::Inherit)
             } else {
-                Err (AttributeError::Value ("inherit is not allowed here".to_string ()))
+                Err(AttributeError::Value("inherit is not allowed here".to_string()))
         } else {
-            let mut input = cssparser::ParserInput::new (s);
-            match cssparser::Color::parse (&mut cssparser::Parser::new (&mut input)) {
-                Ok (cssparser::Color::CurrentColor) => {
+            let mut input = cssparser::ParserInput::new(s);
+            match cssparser::Color::parse(&mut cssparser::Parser::new(&mut input)) {
+                Ok(cssparser::Color::CurrentColor) => {
                     if allow_current_color == AllowCurrentColor::Yes {
-                        Ok (Color::CurrentColor)
+                        Ok(Color::CurrentColor)
                     } else {
-                        Err (AttributeError::Value ("currentColor is not allowed here".to_string ()))
+                        Err(AttributeError::Value("currentColor is not allowed here".to_string()))
-                },
+                }
-                Ok (csscolor) => Ok (Color::from (csscolor)),
+                Ok(csscolor) => Ok(Color::from(csscolor)),
-                _ => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("invalid syntax for color")))
+                _ => Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("invalid syntax for color"))),
 impl Color {
-    pub fn from_color_spec (spec: &ColorSpec) -> Result <Color, AttributeError> {
+    pub fn from_color_spec(spec: &ColorSpec) -> Result<Color, AttributeError> {
         match *spec {
-            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::Inherit, .. }      => Ok (Color::Inherit),
+            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::Inherit,
+                        .. } => Ok(Color::Inherit),
-            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor, .. } => Ok (Color::CurrentColor),
+            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor,
+                        .. } => Ok(Color::CurrentColor),
-            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb } => Ok (Color::RGBA (rgba_from_argb (argb))),
+            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                        argb, } => Ok(Color::RGBA(rgba_from_argb(argb))),
-            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ParseError, .. } => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new 
("parse error")))
+            ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ParseError,
+                        .. } => Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("parse error"))),
-fn rgba_from_argb (argb: u32) -> cssparser::RGBA {
-    cssparser::RGBA::new (((argb & 0x00ff_0000) >> 16) as u8,
-                          ((argb & 0x0000_ff00) >> 8) as u8,
-                          (argb & 0x0000_00ff) as u8,
-                          ((argb & 0xff00_0000) >> 24) as u8)
+fn rgba_from_argb(argb: u32) -> cssparser::RGBA {
+    cssparser::RGBA::new(((argb & 0x00ff_0000) >> 16) as u8,
+                         ((argb & 0x0000_ff00) >> 8) as u8,
+                         (argb & 0x0000_00ff) as u8,
+                         ((argb & 0xff00_0000) >> 24) as u8)
 impl From<cssparser::Color> for Color {
-    fn from (c: cssparser::Color) -> Color {
+    fn from(c: cssparser::Color) -> Color {
         match c {
             cssparser::Color::CurrentColor => Color::CurrentColor,
-            cssparser::Color::RGBA (rgba) => Color::RGBA (rgba)
+            cssparser::Color::RGBA(rgba) => Color::RGBA(rgba),
 impl From<u32> for Color {
-    fn from (argb: u32) -> Color {
-        Color::RGBA (rgba_from_argb (argb))
+    fn from(argb: u32) -> Color {
+        Color::RGBA(rgba_from_argb(argb))
 impl From<Result<Color, AttributeError>> for ColorSpec {
-    fn from (result: Result<Color, AttributeError>) -> ColorSpec {
+    fn from(result: Result<Color, AttributeError>) -> ColorSpec {
         match result {
-            Ok (Color::Inherit) =>
-                ColorSpec {
-                    kind: ColorKind::Inherit,
-                    argb: 0
-                },
-            Ok (Color::CurrentColor) =>
-                ColorSpec {
-                    kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor,
-                    argb: 0
-                },
-            Ok (Color::RGBA (rgba)) =>
-                ColorSpec {
-                    kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
-                    argb: (u32::from(rgba.alpha) << 24 |
-                           u32::from(rgba.red)   << 16 |
-                           u32::from(rgba.green) << 8  |
-                           u32::from(rgba.blue))
-                },
-            _ =>
-                ColorSpec {
-                    kind: ColorKind::ParseError,
-                    argb: 0
-                }
+            Ok(Color::Inherit) => {
+                ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::Inherit,
+                            argb: 0, }
+            }
+            Ok(Color::CurrentColor) => {
+                ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor,
+                            argb: 0, }
+            }
+            Ok(Color::RGBA(rgba)) => {
+                ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                            argb: (u32::from(rgba.alpha) << 24 | u32::from(rgba.red) << 16
+                                   | u32::from(rgba.green) << 8
+                                   | u32::from(rgba.blue)), }
+            }
+            _ => {
+                ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ParseError,
+                            argb: 0, }
+            }
-pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_color (string: *const libc::c_char,
-                                    allow_inherit: AllowInherit,
-                                    allow_current_color: AllowCurrentColor) -> ColorSpec {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_css_parse_color(string: *const libc::c_char,
+                                       allow_inherit: AllowInherit,
+                                       allow_current_color: AllowCurrentColor)
+                                       -> ColorSpec {
     let s = unsafe { utf8_cstr(string) };
-    ColorSpec::from (Color::parse (s, (allow_inherit, allow_current_color)))
+    ColorSpec::from(Color::parse(s, (allow_inherit, allow_current_color)))
@@ -175,95 +176,119 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
     use glib::translate::*;
-    fn parse (s: &str) -> ColorSpec {
+    fn parse(s: &str) -> ColorSpec {
         // ColorSpec::from (Color::parse (s, (AllowInherit::Yes, AllowCurrentColor::Yes)))
-        rsvg_css_parse_color (s.to_glib_none ().0, AllowInherit::Yes, AllowCurrentColor::Yes)
+        rsvg_css_parse_color(s.to_glib_none().0,
+                             AllowInherit::Yes,
+                             AllowCurrentColor::Yes)
-    fn parses_hash_hex_colors () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#AB10fa20"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0x20ab10fa });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#10fa20"),   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff10fa20 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#abcd"),     ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xddaabbcc });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#123"),      ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff112233 });
+    fn parses_hash_hex_colors() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("#AB10fa20"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0x20ab10fa, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("#10fa20"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff10fa20, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("#abcd"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xddaabbcc, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("#123"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff112233, });
-    fn parses_color_keywords () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("red"),  ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xffff0000 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("lime"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff00ff00 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("blue"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff0000ff });
+    fn parses_color_keywords() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("red"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xffff0000, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("lime"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff00ff00, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("blue"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff0000ff, });
-    fn parses_color_functions () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("rgb(255, 0, 0)"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xffff0000 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("rgb(0, 255, 0)"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff00ff00 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("rgb(0, 0, 255)"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB, argb: 0xff0000ff });
+    fn parses_color_functions() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("rgb(255, 0, 0)"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xffff0000, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("rgb(0, 255, 0)"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff00ff00, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("rgb(0, 0, 255)"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ARGB,
+                               argb: 0xff0000ff, });
-    fn parses_current_color () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("currentColor"), ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor, argb: 0 });
+    fn parses_current_color() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("currentColor"),
+                   ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::CurrentColor,
+                               argb: 0, });
-    fn make_error () -> ColorSpec {
-        ColorSpec {
-            kind: ColorKind::ParseError,
-            argb: 0
-        }
+    fn make_error() -> ColorSpec {
+        ColorSpec { kind: ColorKind::ParseError,
+                    argb: 0, }
-    fn invalid_hash_hex_colors_yield_error () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#"), make_error ());
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#xyz"), make_error ());
-        assert_eq! (parse ("#112233gg"), make_error ());
+    fn invalid_hash_hex_colors_yield_error() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("#"), make_error());
+        assert_eq!(parse("#xyz"), make_error());
+        assert_eq!(parse("#112233gg"), make_error());
-    fn invalid_colors_yield_error () {
-        assert_eq! (parse (""), make_error ());
-        assert_eq! (parse ("foo"), make_error ());
-        assert_eq! (parse ("rgb(chilaquil)"), make_error ());
-        assert_eq! (parse ("rgb(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)"), make_error ());
+    fn invalid_colors_yield_error() {
+        assert_eq!(parse(""), make_error());
+        assert_eq!(parse("foo"), make_error());
+        assert_eq!(parse("rgb(chilaquil)"), make_error());
+        assert_eq!(parse("rgb(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)"), make_error());
-    fn yields_error_on_disallowed_current_color () {
-        assert_eq! (ColorSpec::from (Color::parse ("currentColor", (AllowInherit::Yes, 
-                    make_error ());
+    fn yields_error_on_disallowed_current_color() {
+        assert_eq!(ColorSpec::from(Color::parse("currentColor",
+                                                (AllowInherit::Yes, AllowCurrentColor::No))),
+                   make_error());
-    fn yields_error_on_disallowed_inherit () {
-        assert_eq! (ColorSpec::from (Color::parse ("inherit", (AllowInherit::No, AllowCurrentColor::Yes))),
-                    make_error ());
+    fn yields_error_on_disallowed_inherit() {
+        assert_eq!(ColorSpec::from(Color::parse("inherit",
+                                                (AllowInherit::No, AllowCurrentColor::Yes))),
+                   make_error());
-    fn test_roundtrip (s: &str) {
-        let result = Color::parse (s, (AllowInherit::Yes, AllowCurrentColor::Yes));
-        let result2 = result.clone ();
-        let spec = ColorSpec::from (result2);
+    fn test_roundtrip(s: &str) {
+        let result = Color::parse(s, (AllowInherit::Yes, AllowCurrentColor::Yes));
+        let result2 = result.clone();
+        let spec = ColorSpec::from(result2);
-        if result.is_ok () {
-            assert_eq! (Color::from_color_spec (&spec), result);
+        if result.is_ok() {
+            assert_eq!(Color::from_color_spec(&spec), result);
         } else {
-            assert! (Color::from_color_spec (&spec).is_err ());
+            assert!(Color::from_color_spec(&spec).is_err());
-    fn roundtrips () {
-        test_roundtrip ("inherit");
-        test_roundtrip ("currentColor");
-        test_roundtrip ("#aabbccdd");
-        test_roundtrip ("papadzul");
+    fn roundtrips() {
+        test_roundtrip("inherit");
+        test_roundtrip("currentColor");
+        test_roundtrip("#aabbccdd");
+        test_roundtrip("papadzul");
-    fn from_argb () {
-        assert_eq! (Color::from (0xaabbccdd),
-                    Color::RGBA (cssparser::RGBA::new (0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xaa)));
+    fn from_argb() {
+        assert_eq!(Color::from(0xaabbccdd),
+                   Color::RGBA(cssparser::RGBA::new(0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xaa)));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/coord_units.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/coord_units.rs
index 845961dd..feaa7cb7 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/coord_units.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/coord_units.rs
@@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ use parsers::{Parse, ParseError};
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum CoordUnits {
-    ObjectBoundingBox
+    ObjectBoundingBox,
 impl Parse for CoordUnits {
     type Data = ();
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<CoordUnits, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<CoordUnits, AttributeError> {
         match s {
-            "userSpaceOnUse"    => Ok (CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse),
-            "objectBoundingBox" => Ok (CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox),
-            _                   => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected 'userSpaceOnUse' 
or 'objectBoundingBox'")))
+            "userSpaceOnUse" => Ok(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse),
+            "objectBoundingBox" => Ok(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox),
+            _ => {
+                Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected 'userSpaceOnUse' or \
+                                                           'objectBoundingBox'")))
+            }
@@ -70,15 +73,17 @@ mod tests {
     coord_units!(MyUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
-    fn parsing_invalid_strings_yields_error () {
-        assert! (MyUnits::parse ("", ()).is_err ());
-        assert! (MyUnits::parse ("foo", ()).is_err ());
+    fn parsing_invalid_strings_yields_error() {
+        assert!(MyUnits::parse("", ()).is_err());
+        assert!(MyUnits::parse("foo", ()).is_err());
-    fn parses_paint_server_units () {
-        assert_eq! (MyUnits::parse ("userSpaceOnUse", ()), Ok (MyUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse)));
-        assert_eq! (MyUnits::parse ("objectBoundingBox", ()), Ok (MyUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox)));
+    fn parses_paint_server_units() {
+        assert_eq!(MyUnits::parse("userSpaceOnUse", ()),
+                   Ok(MyUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse)));
+        assert_eq!(MyUnits::parse("objectBoundingBox", ()),
+                   Ok(MyUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox)));
@@ -88,6 +93,7 @@ mod tests {
     fn converts_to_coord_units() {
-        assert_eq!(CoordUnits::from(MyUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox)), CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
+        assert_eq!(CoordUnits::from(MyUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox)),
+                   CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
index 93ae444c..80f26871 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
@@ -1,301 +1,314 @@
 use cairo;
 use cairo_sys;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use libc;
-use pango_sys;
 use pango;
+use pango_sys;
 use color::*;
 use error::*;
-use opacity::*;
-use node::RsvgNode;
 use node::NodeType;
+use node::RsvgNode;
+use opacity::*;
 use path_builder::RsvgPathBuilder;
 use state::RsvgState;
 pub enum RsvgDrawingCtx {}
 extern "C" {
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_dpi (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                 out_dpi_x: *mut f64,
-                                 out_dpi_y: *mut f64);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_dpi(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                out_dpi_x: *mut f64,
+                                out_dpi_y: *mut f64);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64;
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64;
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_view_box_size (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                           out_x: *mut f64,
-                                           out_y: *mut f64);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_view_box_size(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                          out_x: *mut f64,
+                                          out_y: *mut f64);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_push_view_box (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                       width:     f64,
-                                       height:    f64);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_push_view_box(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, width: f64, height: f64);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_pop_view_box (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_pop_view_box(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                      url:      *const libc::c_char) -> *mut RsvgNode;
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                     url: *const libc::c_char)
+                                     -> *mut RsvgNode;
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node_of_type (draw_ctx:  *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                              url:       *const libc::c_char,
-                                              node_type: NodeType) -> *mut RsvgNode;
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node_of_type(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                             url: *const libc::c_char,
+                                             node_type: NodeType)
+                                             -> *mut RsvgNode;
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_release_node (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                      node:     *mut RsvgNode);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_release_node(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, node: *mut RsvgNode);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_current_state_affine (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Matrix;
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Matrix;
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                                  affine:   *const cairo::Matrix);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                                 affine: *const cairo::Matrix);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_pango_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut pango_sys::PangoContext;
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_pango_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx)
+                                          -> *mut pango_sys::PangoContext;
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_add_clipping_rect (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                           x: f64,
-                                           y: f64,
-                                           w: f64,
-                                           h: f64);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                          x: f64,
+                                          y: f64,
+                                          w: f64,
+                                          h: f64);
-    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                              node:     *const RsvgNode,
-                                              dominate: i32);
+    fn rsvg_drawing_ctx_draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                             node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                             dominate: i32);
-    fn rsvg_current_state (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut RsvgState;
-    fn rsvg_state_new () -> *mut RsvgState;
-    fn rsvg_state_free (state: *mut RsvgState);
-    fn rsvg_state_reinit (state: *mut RsvgState);
-    fn rsvg_state_reconstruct (state: *mut RsvgState, node: *const RsvgNode);
-    fn rsvg_state_is_overflow (state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
-    fn rsvg_state_has_overflow (state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_cond_true (state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
-    fn rsvg_state_set_cond_true (state: *const RsvgState, cond_true: glib_sys::gboolean);
-    fn rsvg_state_get_stop_color (state: *const RsvgState) -> *const ColorSpec;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_stop_opacity (state: *const RsvgState) -> *const OpacitySpec;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_current_color (state: *const RsvgState) -> u32;
+    fn rsvg_current_state(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut RsvgState;
+    fn rsvg_state_new() -> *mut RsvgState;
+    fn rsvg_state_free(state: *mut RsvgState);
+    fn rsvg_state_reinit(state: *mut RsvgState);
+    fn rsvg_state_reconstruct(state: *mut RsvgState, node: *const RsvgNode);
+    fn rsvg_state_is_overflow(state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
+    fn rsvg_state_has_overflow(state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_cond_true(state: *const RsvgState) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
+    fn rsvg_state_set_cond_true(state: *const RsvgState, cond_true: glib_sys::gboolean);
+    fn rsvg_state_get_stop_color(state: *const RsvgState) -> *const ColorSpec;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_stop_opacity(state: *const RsvgState) -> *const OpacitySpec;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_current_color(state: *const RsvgState) -> u32;
-    fn rsvg_state_push (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
-    fn rsvg_state_pop (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
+    fn rsvg_state_push(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
+    fn rsvg_state_pop(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
-    fn rsvg_state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                 state: *mut RsvgState,
-                                 dominate: libc::c_int);
+    fn rsvg_state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                state: *mut RsvgState,
+                                dominate: libc::c_int);
-    fn rsvg_push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
-    fn rsvg_pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
+    fn rsvg_push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
+    fn rsvg_pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx);
-    fn rsvg_render_path_builder (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                 builder: *const RsvgPathBuilder);
-    fn rsvg_render_surface (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                            surface: *const cairo_sys::cairo_surface_t,
-                            x: f64,
-                            y: f64,
-                            w: f64,
-                            h: f64);
+    fn rsvg_render_path_builder(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, builder: *const RsvgPathBuilder);
+    fn rsvg_render_surface(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                           surface: *const cairo_sys::cairo_surface_t,
+                           x: f64,
+                           y: f64,
+                           w: f64,
+                           h: f64);
-    fn rsvg_cairo_get_cairo_context (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t;
-    fn rsvg_cairo_set_cairo_context (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, cr: *const cairo_sys::cairo_t);
+    fn rsvg_cairo_get_cairo_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t;
+    fn rsvg_cairo_set_cairo_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, cr: *const cairo_sys::cairo_t);
-pub fn get_dpi (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> (f64, f64) {
+pub fn get_dpi(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> (f64, f64) {
     let mut dpi_x: f64 = 0.0;
     let mut dpi_y: f64 = 0.0;
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_dpi (draw_ctx, &mut dpi_x, &mut dpi_y); }
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_dpi(draw_ctx, &mut dpi_x, &mut dpi_y);
+    }
     (dpi_x, dpi_y)
-pub fn get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64 {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx) }
+pub fn get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64 {
+    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx) }
-pub fn get_view_box_size (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> (f64, f64) {
+pub fn get_view_box_size(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> (f64, f64) {
     let mut w: f64 = 0.0;
     let mut h: f64 = 0.0;
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_view_box_size (draw_ctx, &mut w, &mut h); }
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_view_box_size(draw_ctx, &mut w, &mut h);
+    }
     (w, h)
-pub fn push_view_box (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                      width:     f64,
-                      height:    f64)
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_push_view_box (draw_ctx, width, height); }
+pub fn push_view_box(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, width: f64, height: f64) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_push_view_box(draw_ctx, width, height);
+    }
-pub fn pop_view_box (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_pop_view_box (draw_ctx); }
+pub fn pop_view_box(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
+    }
-pub fn acquire_node (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                     url:      &str) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node (draw_ctx, str::to_glib_none (url).0) }
+pub fn acquire_node(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, url: &str) -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node(draw_ctx, str::to_glib_none(url).0) }
-pub fn acquire_node_of_type (draw_ctx:  *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                             url:       &str,
-                             node_type: NodeType) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node_of_type (draw_ctx, str::to_glib_none (url).0, node_type) }
+pub fn acquire_node_of_type(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                            url: &str,
+                            node_type: NodeType)
+                            -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_acquire_node_of_type(draw_ctx, str::to_glib_none(url).0, node_type) }
-pub fn release_node (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                     node:     *mut RsvgNode) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_release_node (draw_ctx, node); }
+pub fn release_node(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, node: *mut RsvgNode) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_release_node(draw_ctx, node);
+    }
-pub fn state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                            state: *mut RsvgState,
-                            dominate: i32) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, state, dominate); }
+pub fn state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, state: *mut RsvgState, dominate: i32) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, state, dominate);
+    }
-pub fn push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx); }
+pub fn push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
+    }
-pub fn pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx); }
+pub fn pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
+    }
-pub fn render_path_builder (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                            builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_render_path_builder (draw_ctx, builder); }
+pub fn render_path_builder(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_render_path_builder(draw_ctx, builder);
+    }
-pub fn render_surface (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                       surface: &cairo::ImageSurface,
-                       x: f64,
-                       y: f64,
-                       w: f64,
-                       h: f64) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_render_surface (draw_ctx, surface.to_raw_none(), x, y, w, h); }
+pub fn render_surface(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                      surface: &cairo::ImageSurface,
+                      x: f64,
+                      y: f64,
+                      w: f64,
+                      h: f64) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_render_surface(draw_ctx, surface.to_raw_none(), x, y, w, h);
+    }
-pub fn get_cairo_context (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Context {
+pub fn get_cairo_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Context {
     unsafe {
-        let raw_cr = rsvg_cairo_get_cairo_context (draw_ctx);
+        let raw_cr = rsvg_cairo_get_cairo_context(draw_ctx);
-        cairo::Context::from_glib_none (raw_cr)
+        cairo::Context::from_glib_none(raw_cr)
-pub fn set_cairo_context (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, cr: &cairo::Context) {
+pub fn set_cairo_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, cr: &cairo::Context) {
     unsafe {
-        let raw_cr = cr.to_glib_none ().0;
+        let raw_cr = cr.to_glib_none().0;
-        rsvg_cairo_set_cairo_context (draw_ctx, raw_cr);
+        rsvg_cairo_set_cairo_context(draw_ctx, raw_cr);
-pub fn get_current_state_affine (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Matrix {
-    unsafe {
-        rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_current_state_affine (draw_ctx)
-    }
+pub fn get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> cairo::Matrix {
+    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx) }
-pub fn set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, affine: cairo::Matrix) {
+pub fn set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, affine: cairo::Matrix) {
     unsafe {
-        rsvg_drawing_ctx_set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx, &affine);
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx, &affine);
 pub fn get_pango_context(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> pango::Context {
-    unsafe {
-        from_glib_full(rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_pango_context(draw_ctx))
-    }
+    unsafe { from_glib_full(rsvg_drawing_ctx_get_pango_context(draw_ctx)) }
-pub fn add_clipping_rect (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                          x: f64,
-                          y: f64,
-                          w: f64,
-                          h: f64) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_add_clipping_rect (draw_ctx, x, y, w, h); }
+pub fn add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, x: f64, y: f64, w: f64, h: f64) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx, x, y, w, h);
+    }
-pub fn draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                             node:     *const RsvgNode,
-                             dominate: i32) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_drawing_ctx_draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx, node, dominate); }
+pub fn draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, node: *const RsvgNode, dominate: i32) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_drawing_ctx_draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx, node, dominate);
+    }
-pub fn get_current_state (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut RsvgState {
-    unsafe { rsvg_current_state (draw_ctx) }
+pub fn get_current_state(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *mut RsvgState {
+    unsafe { rsvg_current_state(draw_ctx) }
-pub fn state_new () -> *mut RsvgState {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_new () }
+pub fn state_new() -> *mut RsvgState {
+    unsafe { rsvg_state_new() }
-pub fn state_free (state: *mut RsvgState) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_free (state); }
+pub fn state_free(state: *mut RsvgState) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_state_free(state);
+    }
-pub fn state_reinit (state: *mut RsvgState) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_reinit (state); }
+pub fn state_reinit(state: *mut RsvgState) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_state_reinit(state);
+    }
-pub fn state_reconstruct (state: *mut RsvgState, node: *const RsvgNode) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_reconstruct (state, node); }
+pub fn state_reconstruct(state: *mut RsvgState, node: *const RsvgNode) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_state_reconstruct(state, node);
+    }
-pub fn state_is_overflow (state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
-    unsafe { from_glib (rsvg_state_is_overflow (state)) }
+pub fn state_is_overflow(state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
+    unsafe { from_glib(rsvg_state_is_overflow(state)) }
-pub fn state_has_overflow (state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
-    unsafe { from_glib (rsvg_state_has_overflow (state)) }
+pub fn state_has_overflow(state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
+    unsafe { from_glib(rsvg_state_has_overflow(state)) }
-pub fn state_get_cond_true (state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
-    unsafe { from_glib (rsvg_state_get_cond_true (state)) }
+pub fn state_get_cond_true(state: *const RsvgState) -> bool {
+    unsafe { from_glib(rsvg_state_get_cond_true(state)) }
-pub fn state_set_cond_true (state: *const RsvgState, cond_true: bool) {
-    unsafe { rsvg_state_set_cond_true (state, cond_true.to_glib()); }
+pub fn state_set_cond_true(state: *const RsvgState, cond_true: bool) {
+    unsafe {
+        rsvg_state_set_cond_true(state, cond_true.to_glib());
+    }
-pub fn state_push (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+pub fn state_push(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
     unsafe {
-        rsvg_state_push (draw_ctx);
+        rsvg_state_push(draw_ctx);
-pub fn state_pop (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+pub fn state_pop(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
     unsafe {
-        rsvg_state_pop (draw_ctx);
+        rsvg_state_pop(draw_ctx);
-pub fn state_get_stop_color (state: *const RsvgState) -> Result<Option<Color>, AttributeError> {
+pub fn state_get_stop_color(state: *const RsvgState) -> Result<Option<Color>, AttributeError> {
     unsafe {
-        let spec_ptr = rsvg_state_get_stop_color (state);
+        let spec_ptr = rsvg_state_get_stop_color(state);
-        if spec_ptr.is_null () {
-            Ok (None)
+        if spec_ptr.is_null() {
+            Ok(None)
         } else {
-            Color::from_color_spec (&*spec_ptr).map (Some)
+            Color::from_color_spec(&*spec_ptr).map(Some)
-pub fn state_get_stop_opacity (state: *const RsvgState) -> Result<Option<Opacity>, AttributeError> {
+pub fn state_get_stop_opacity(state: *const RsvgState) -> Result<Option<Opacity>, AttributeError> {
     unsafe {
-        let opacity_ptr = rsvg_state_get_stop_opacity (state);
+        let opacity_ptr = rsvg_state_get_stop_opacity(state);
-        if opacity_ptr.is_null () {
-            Ok (None)
+        if opacity_ptr.is_null() {
+            Ok(None)
         } else {
-            Opacity::from_opacity_spec (&*opacity_ptr).map (Some)
+            Opacity::from_opacity_spec(&*opacity_ptr).map(Some)
-pub fn state_get_current_color (state: *const RsvgState) -> Color {
-    let argb = unsafe { rsvg_state_get_current_color (state) };
+pub fn state_get_current_color(state: *const RsvgState) -> Color {
+    let argb = unsafe { rsvg_state_get_current_color(state) };
-    Color::from (argb)
+    Color::from(argb)
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/error.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/error.rs
index 615415c1..cb9e7420 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/error.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/error.rs
@@ -1,97 +1,93 @@
-use std::fmt;
 use std::error;
+use std::fmt;
-use cssparser::{BasicParseError};
+use cssparser::BasicParseError;
 use parsers::ParseError;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum AttributeError {
     // parse error
-    Parse (ParseError),
+    Parse(ParseError),
     // invalid value
-    Value (String)
+    Value(String),
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub struct NodeError {
     attr_name: String,
-    err:       AttributeError
+    err: AttributeError,
 impl NodeError {
-    pub fn parse_error (attr_name: &str, error: ParseError) -> NodeError {
-        NodeError {
-            attr_name: attr_name.to_string (),
-            err: AttributeError::Parse (error)
-        }
+    pub fn parse_error(attr_name: &str, error: ParseError) -> NodeError {
+        NodeError { attr_name: attr_name.to_string(),
+                    err: AttributeError::Parse(error), }
-    pub fn value_error (attr_name: &str, description: &str) -> NodeError {
-        NodeError {
-            attr_name: attr_name.to_string (),
-            err: AttributeError::Value (description.to_string ())
-        }
+    pub fn value_error(attr_name: &str, description: &str) -> NodeError {
+        NodeError { attr_name: attr_name.to_string(),
+                    err: AttributeError::Value(description.to_string()), }
-    pub fn attribute_error (attr_name: &str, error: AttributeError) -> NodeError {
-        NodeError {
-            attr_name: attr_name.to_string (),
-            err: error
-        }
+    pub fn attribute_error(attr_name: &str, error: AttributeError) -> NodeError {
+        NodeError { attr_name: attr_name.to_string(),
+                    err: error, }
 impl error::Error for NodeError {
-    fn description (&self) -> &str {
+    fn description(&self) -> &str {
         match self.err {
-            AttributeError::Parse (_) => "parse error",
-            AttributeError::Value (_) => "invalid attribute value"
+            AttributeError::Parse(_) => "parse error",
+            AttributeError::Value(_) => "invalid attribute value",
 impl fmt::Display for NodeError {
-    fn fmt (&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
         match self.err {
-            AttributeError::Parse (ref n) => write! (f,
-                                                     "error parsing value for attribute \"{}\": {}",
-                                                     self.attr_name,
-                                                     n.display),
+            AttributeError::Parse(ref n) => {
+                write!(f,
+                       "error parsing value for attribute \"{}\": {}",
+                       self.attr_name, n.display)
+            }
-            AttributeError::Value (ref s) => write! (f,
-                                                     "invalid value for attribute \"{}\": {}",
-                                                     self.attr_name,
-                                                     s)
+            AttributeError::Value(ref s) => {
+                write!(f,
+                       "invalid value for attribute \"{}\": {}",
+                       self.attr_name, s)
+            }
 impl From<ParseError> for AttributeError {
-    fn from (pe: ParseError) -> AttributeError {
-        AttributeError::Parse (pe)
+    fn from(pe: ParseError) -> AttributeError {
+        AttributeError::Parse(pe)
 impl<'a> From<BasicParseError<'a>> for AttributeError {
-    fn from (e: BasicParseError) -> AttributeError {
+    fn from(e: BasicParseError) -> AttributeError {
-pub fn is_parse_error<T> (r: &Result<T, AttributeError>) -> bool {
+pub fn is_parse_error<T>(r: &Result<T, AttributeError>) -> bool {
     match *r {
-        Err (AttributeError::Parse (_)) => true,
-        _ => false
+        Err(AttributeError::Parse(_)) => true,
+        _ => false,
-pub fn is_value_error<T> (r: &Result<T, AttributeError>) -> bool {
+pub fn is_value_error<T>(r: &Result<T, AttributeError>) -> bool {
     match *r {
-        Err (AttributeError::Value (_)) => true,
-        _ => false
+        Err(AttributeError::Value(_)) => true,
+        _ => false,
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/gradient.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/gradient.rs
index d62f76ba..4a10f9df 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/gradient.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/gradient.rs
@@ -14,16 +14,15 @@ use handle::RsvgHandle;
 use length::*;
 use node::*;
 use paint_server::*;
-use parsers::{Parse, parse};
+use parsers::{parse, Parse};
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 use stop::*;
 use util::*;
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 struct ColorStop {
     pub offset: f64,
-    pub rgba:   u32
+    pub rgba: u32,
 coord_units!(GradientUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
@@ -34,11 +33,11 @@ coord_units!(GradientUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
 struct GradientCommon {
-    pub units:    Option<GradientUnits>,
-    pub affine:   Option<cairo::Matrix>,
-    pub spread:   Option<PaintServerSpread>,
+    pub units: Option<GradientUnits>,
+    pub affine: Option<cairo::Matrix>,
+    pub spread: Option<PaintServerSpread>,
     pub fallback: Option<String>,
-    pub stops:    Option<Vec<ColorStop>>
+    pub stops: Option<Vec<ColorStop>>,
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
@@ -47,33 +46,31 @@ enum GradientVariant {
         x1: Option<RsvgLength>,
         y1: Option<RsvgLength>,
         x2: Option<RsvgLength>,
-        y2: Option<RsvgLength>
+        y2: Option<RsvgLength>,
     Radial {
         cx: Option<RsvgLength>,
         cy: Option<RsvgLength>,
-        r:  Option<RsvgLength>,
+        r: Option<RsvgLength>,
         fx: Option<RsvgLength>,
         fy: Option<RsvgLength>,
-    }
+    },
 struct Gradient {
     pub common: GradientCommon,
-    pub variant: GradientVariant
+    pub variant: GradientVariant,
 impl Default for GradientCommon {
-    fn default () -> GradientCommon {
-        GradientCommon {
-            units:    Some(GradientUnits::default()),
-            affine:   Some(cairo::Matrix::identity()),
-            spread:   Some(PaintServerSpread::default()),
-            fallback: None,
-            stops:    Some(Vec::<ColorStop>::new()),
-        }
+    fn default() -> GradientCommon {
+        GradientCommon { units: Some(GradientUnits::default()),
+                         affine: Some(cairo::Matrix::identity()),
+                         spread: Some(PaintServerSpread::default()),
+                         fallback: None,
+                         stops: Some(Vec::<ColorStop>::new()), }
@@ -102,51 +99,47 @@ macro_rules! fallback_to (
 impl GradientCommon {
     fn unresolved() -> GradientCommon {
-        GradientCommon {
-            units:    None,
-            affine:   None,
-            spread:   None,
-            fallback: None,
-            stops:    None,
-        }
+        GradientCommon { units: None,
+                         affine: None,
+                         spread: None,
+                         fallback: None,
+                         stops: None, }
-    fn clone_stops (&self) -> Option<Vec<ColorStop>> {
-        if let Some (ref stops) = self.stops {
-            Some (stops.clone ())
+    fn clone_stops(&self) -> Option<Vec<ColorStop>> {
+        if let Some(ref stops) = self.stops {
+            Some(stops.clone())
         } else {
-    fn is_resolved (&self) -> bool {
-        self.units.is_some() &&
-            self.affine.is_some () &&
-            self.spread.is_some () &&
-            self.stops.is_some()
+    fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
+        self.units.is_some() && self.affine.is_some() && self.spread.is_some()
+        && self.stops.is_some()
-    fn resolve_from_defaults (&mut self) {
+    fn resolve_from_defaults(&mut self) {
-    fn resolve_from_fallback (&mut self, fallback: &GradientCommon) {
-        fallback_to! (self.units,  fallback.units);
-        fallback_to! (self.affine, fallback.affine);
-        fallback_to! (self.spread, fallback.spread);
-        fallback_to! (self.stops,  fallback.clone_stops ());
+    fn resolve_from_fallback(&mut self, fallback: &GradientCommon) {
+        fallback_to!(self.units, fallback.units);
+        fallback_to!(self.affine, fallback.affine);
+        fallback_to!(self.spread, fallback.spread);
+        fallback_to!(self.stops, fallback.clone_stops());
-        self.fallback = clone_fallback_name (&fallback.fallback);
+        self.fallback = clone_fallback_name(&fallback.fallback);
-    fn add_color_stop (&mut self, mut offset: f64, rgba: u32) {
-        if self.stops.is_none () {
-            self.stops = Some (Vec::<ColorStop>::new ());
+    fn add_color_stop(&mut self, mut offset: f64, rgba: u32) {
+        if self.stops.is_none() {
+            self.stops = Some(Vec::<ColorStop>::new());
-        if let Some (ref mut stops) = self.stops {
+        if let Some(ref mut stops) = self.stops {
             let last_offset: f64 = if !stops.is_empty() {
-                stops[stops.len () - 1].offset
+                stops[stops.len() - 1].offset
             } else {
@@ -155,49 +148,37 @@ impl GradientCommon {
                 offset = last_offset;
-            stops.push (ColorStop { offset: offset,
-                                    rgba:   rgba });
+            stops.push(ColorStop { offset, rgba });
         } else {
-            unreachable! ();
+            unreachable!();
 impl GradientVariant {
     fn unresolved_linear() -> Self {
-        GradientVariant::Linear {
-            x1: None,
-            y1: None,
-            x2: None,
-            y2: None,
-        }
+        GradientVariant::Linear { x1: None,
+                                  y1: None,
+                                  x2: None,
+                                  y2: None, }
     fn unresolved_radial() -> Self {
-        GradientVariant::Radial {
-            cx: None,
-            cy: None,
-            r:  None,
-            fx: None,
-            fy: None,
-        }
+        GradientVariant::Radial { cx: None,
+                                  cy: None,
+                                  r: None,
+                                  fx: None,
+                                  fy: None, }
-    fn is_resolved (&self) -> bool {
+    fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
         match *self {
             GradientVariant::Linear { x1, y1, x2, y2 } => {
-                x1.is_some () &&
-                    y1.is_some () &&
-                    x2.is_some () &&
-                    y2.is_some ()
-            },
+                x1.is_some() && y1.is_some() && x2.is_some() && y2.is_some()
+            }
             GradientVariant::Radial { cx, cy, r, fx, fy } => {
-                cx.is_some () &&
-                    cy.is_some () &&
-                    r.is_some () &&
-                    fx.is_some () &&
-                    fy.is_some ()
+                cx.is_some() && cy.is_some() && r.is_some() && fx.is_some() && fy.is_some()
@@ -216,53 +197,75 @@ impl GradientVariant {
     fn default_radial() -> Self {
         // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/pservers.html#RadialGradients
-        GradientVariant::Radial {
-            cx: Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap()),
-            cy: Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap()),
-            r:  Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Both).unwrap()),
+        GradientVariant::Radial { cx:
+                                      Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap()),
+                                  cy:
+                                      Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap()),
+                                  r: Some(RsvgLength::parse("50%", LengthDir::Both).unwrap()),
-            fx: None,
-            fy: None,
-        }
+                                  fx: None,
+                                  fy: None, }
-    fn resolve_from_defaults (&mut self) {
+    fn resolve_from_defaults(&mut self) {
         /* These are per the spec */
         match *self {
-            GradientVariant::Linear { .. } =>
-                self.resolve_from_fallback(&GradientVariant::default_linear()),
+            GradientVariant::Linear { .. } => {
+                self.resolve_from_fallback(&GradientVariant::default_linear())
+            }
             GradientVariant::Radial { .. } => {
-            },
+            }
-        if let GradientVariant::Radial { cx, cy, ref mut fx, ref mut fy, .. } = *self {
+        if let GradientVariant::Radial { cx,
+                                         cy,
+                                         ref mut fx,
+                                         ref mut fy,
+                                         .. } = *self
+        {
             // fx and fy fall back to the presentational value of cx and cy
             fallback_to!(*fx, cx);
             fallback_to!(*fy, cy);
-    fn resolve_from_fallback (&mut self, fallback: &GradientVariant) {
+    fn resolve_from_fallback(&mut self, fallback: &GradientVariant) {
         match *self {
-            GradientVariant::Linear { ref mut x1, ref mut y1, ref mut x2, ref mut y2 } => {
-                if let GradientVariant::Linear { x1: x1f, y1: y1f, x2: x2f, y2: y2f } = *fallback {
-                    fallback_to! (*x1, x1f);
-                    fallback_to! (*y1, y1f);
-                    fallback_to! (*x2, x2f);
-                    fallback_to! (*y2, y2f);
+            GradientVariant::Linear { ref mut x1,
+                                      ref mut y1,
+                                      ref mut x2,
+                                      ref mut y2, } => {
+                if let GradientVariant::Linear { x1: x1f,
+                                                 y1: y1f,
+                                                 x2: x2f,
+                                                 y2: y2f, } = *fallback
+                {
+                    fallback_to!(*x1, x1f);
+                    fallback_to!(*y1, y1f);
+                    fallback_to!(*x2, x2f);
+                    fallback_to!(*y2, y2f);
-            },
-            GradientVariant::Radial { ref mut cx, ref mut cy, ref mut r, ref mut fx, ref mut fy } => {
-                if let GradientVariant::Radial { cx: cxf, cy: cyf, r: rf, fx: fxf, fy: fyf } = *fallback {
-                    fallback_to! (*cx, cxf);
-                    fallback_to! (*cy, cyf);
-                    fallback_to! (*r,  rf);
-                    fallback_to! (*fx, fxf);
-                    fallback_to! (*fy, fyf);
+            }
+            GradientVariant::Radial { ref mut cx,
+                                      ref mut cy,
+                                      ref mut r,
+                                      ref mut fx,
+                                      ref mut fy, } => {
+                if let GradientVariant::Radial { cx: cxf,
+                                                 cy: cyf,
+                                                 r: rf,
+                                                 fx: fxf,
+                                                 fy: fyf, } = *fallback
+                {
+                    fallback_to!(*cx, cxf);
+                    fallback_to!(*cy, cyf);
+                    fallback_to!(*r, rf);
+                    fallback_to!(*fx, fxf);
+                    fallback_to!(*fy, fyf);
@@ -270,22 +273,23 @@ impl GradientVariant {
 impl Gradient {
-    fn is_resolved (&self) -> bool {
-        self.common.is_resolved () && self.variant.is_resolved ()
+    fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
+        self.common.is_resolved() && self.variant.is_resolved()
-    fn resolve_from_defaults (&mut self) {
-        self.common.resolve_from_defaults ();
-        self.variant.resolve_from_defaults ();
+    fn resolve_from_defaults(&mut self) {
+        self.common.resolve_from_defaults();
+        self.variant.resolve_from_defaults();
-    fn resolve_from_fallback (&mut self, fallback: &Gradient) {
-        self.common.resolve_from_fallback (&fallback.common);
-        self.variant.resolve_from_fallback (&fallback.variant);
+    fn resolve_from_fallback(&mut self, fallback: &Gradient) {
+        self.common.resolve_from_fallback(&fallback.common);
+        self.variant.resolve_from_fallback(&fallback.variant);
-    fn add_color_stops_from_node (&mut self, node: &RsvgNode) {
-        assert! (node.get_type () == NodeType::LinearGradient || node.get_type () == 
+    fn add_color_stops_from_node(&mut self, node: &RsvgNode) {
+        assert!(node.get_type() == NodeType::LinearGradient
+                || node.get_type() == NodeType::RadialGradient);
         node.foreach_child(|child| {
             if child.get_type () != NodeType::Stop {
@@ -304,47 +308,46 @@ impl Gradient {
-    fn add_color_stop (&mut self, offset: f64, rgba: u32) {
-        self.common.add_color_stop (offset, rgba);
+    fn add_color_stop(&mut self, offset: f64, rgba: u32) {
+        self.common.add_color_stop(offset, rgba);
-    fn add_color_stops_to_pattern (&self,
-                                   pattern:  &mut cairo::Gradient,
-                                   opacity:  u8) {
-        if let Some(stops) = self.common.stops.as_ref () {
+    fn add_color_stops_to_pattern(&self, pattern: &mut cairo::Gradient, opacity: u8) {
+        if let Some(stops) = self.common.stops.as_ref() {
             for stop in stops {
                 let rgba = stop.rgba;
-                pattern.add_color_stop_rgba (stop.offset,
-                                             (f64::from((rgba >> 24) & 0xff)) / 255.0,
-                                             (f64::from((rgba >> 16) & 0xff))  / 255.0,
-                                             (f64::from((rgba >> 8) & 0xff))  / 255.0,
-                                             f64::from((rgba & 0xff) * u32::from(opacity)) / 255.0 / 255.0);
+                pattern.add_color_stop_rgba(stop.offset,
+                                            (f64::from((rgba >> 24) & 0xff)) / 255.0,
+                                            (f64::from((rgba >> 16) & 0xff)) / 255.0,
+                                            (f64::from((rgba >> 8) & 0xff)) / 255.0,
+                                            f64::from((rgba & 0xff) * u32::from(opacity)) / 255.0
+                                            / 255.0);
 trait FallbackSource {
-    fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode>;
+    fn get_fallback(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode>;
-fn resolve_gradient (gradient: &Gradient, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) -> Gradient {
-    let mut result = gradient.clone ();
+fn resolve_gradient(gradient: &Gradient, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) -> Gradient {
+    let mut result = gradient.clone();
-    while !result.is_resolved () {
+    while !result.is_resolved() {
         let mut opt_fallback: Option<RsvgNode> = None;
-        if let Some (ref fallback_name) = result.common.fallback {
-            opt_fallback = fallback_source.get_fallback (&**fallback_name);
+        if let Some(ref fallback_name) = result.common.fallback {
+            opt_fallback = fallback_source.get_fallback(&**fallback_name);
-        if let Some (fallback_node) = opt_fallback {
+        if let Some(fallback_node) = opt_fallback {
             fallback_node.with_impl (|i: &NodeGradient| {
                 let fallback_gradient = i.get_gradient_with_color_stops_from_node (&fallback_node);
                 result.resolve_from_fallback (&fallback_gradient)
         } else {
-            result.resolve_from_defaults ();
+            result.resolve_from_defaults();
@@ -354,96 +357,99 @@ fn resolve_gradient (gradient: &Gradient, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource)
 struct NodeFallbackSource {
     draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-    acquired_nodes: Vec<*mut RsvgNode>
+    acquired_nodes: Vec<*mut RsvgNode>,
 impl NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn new (draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx) -> NodeFallbackSource {
-        NodeFallbackSource {
-            draw_ctx: draw_ctx,
-            acquired_nodes: Vec::<*mut RsvgNode>::new ()
-        }
+    fn new(draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx) -> NodeFallbackSource {
+        NodeFallbackSource { draw_ctx,
+                             acquired_nodes: Vec::<*mut RsvgNode>::new(), }
 impl Drop for NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn drop (&mut self) {
-        while let Some (node) = self.acquired_nodes.pop () {
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (self.draw_ctx, node);
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        while let Some(node) = self.acquired_nodes.pop() {
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(self.draw_ctx, node);
 impl FallbackSource for NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode> {
-        let fallback_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node (self.draw_ctx, name);
+    fn get_fallback(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode> {
+        let fallback_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node(self.draw_ctx, name);
-        if fallback_node.is_null () {
+        if fallback_node.is_null() {
             return None;
-        let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *fallback_node };
-        if !(node.get_type () == NodeType::LinearGradient || node.get_type () == NodeType::RadialGradient) {
+        let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*fallback_node };
+        if !(node.get_type() == NodeType::LinearGradient
+             || node.get_type() == NodeType::RadialGradient)
+        {
             return None;
-        self.acquired_nodes.push (fallback_node);
+        self.acquired_nodes.push(fallback_node);
-        Some (node.clone ())
+        Some(node.clone())
-fn set_common_on_pattern<P: cairo::Pattern + cairo::Gradient> (gradient: &Gradient,
-                                                               draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                                               pattern:  &mut P,
-                                                               bbox:     &RsvgBbox,
-                                                               opacity:  u8)
-    let cr = drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context (draw_ctx);
+fn set_common_on_pattern<P: cairo::Pattern + cairo::Gradient>(gradient: &Gradient,
+                                                              draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                                              pattern: &mut P,
+                                                              bbox: &RsvgBbox,
+                                                              opacity: u8) {
+    let cr = drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(draw_ctx);
-    let mut affine = gradient.common.affine.unwrap ();
+    let mut affine = gradient.common.affine.unwrap();
-    let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap ();
+    let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap();
     if units == GradientUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-        let bbox_matrix = cairo::Matrix::new (bbox.rect.width, 0.0,
-                                              0.0, bbox.rect.height,
-                                              bbox.rect.x, bbox.rect.y);
-        affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&affine, &bbox_matrix);
+        let bbox_matrix = cairo::Matrix::new(bbox.rect.width,
+                                             0.0,
+                                             0.0,
+                                             bbox.rect.height,
+                                             bbox.rect.x,
+                                             bbox.rect.y);
+        affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&affine, &bbox_matrix);
-    affine.invert ();
-    pattern.set_matrix (affine);
-    pattern.set_extend (gradient.common.spread.unwrap ().0);
+    affine.invert();
+    pattern.set_matrix(affine);
+    pattern.set_extend(gradient.common.spread.unwrap().0);
-    gradient.add_color_stops_to_pattern (pattern, opacity);
+    gradient.add_color_stops_to_pattern(pattern, opacity);
-    cr.set_source (pattern);
+    cr.set_source(pattern);
-fn set_linear_gradient_on_pattern (gradient: &Gradient,
-                                   draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                   bbox:     &RsvgBbox,
-                                   opacity:  u8) -> bool {
+fn set_linear_gradient_on_pattern(gradient: &Gradient,
+                                  draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                  bbox: &RsvgBbox,
+                                  opacity: u8)
+                                  -> bool {
     if let GradientVariant::Linear { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = gradient.variant {
-        let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap ();
+        let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap();
         if units == GradientUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-            drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
+            drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
-        let mut pattern = cairo::LinearGradient::new (x1.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx),
-                                                      y1.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx),
-                                                      x2.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx),
-                                                      y2.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx));
+        let mut pattern = cairo::LinearGradient::new(x1.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx),
+                                                     y1.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx),
+                                                     x2.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx),
+                                                     y2.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx));
         if units == GradientUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-            drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
-        set_common_on_pattern (gradient, draw_ctx, &mut pattern, bbox, opacity);
+        set_common_on_pattern(gradient, draw_ctx, &mut pattern, bbox, opacity);
     } else {
-        unreachable! ();
+        unreachable!();
@@ -451,33 +457,29 @@ fn set_linear_gradient_on_pattern (gradient: &Gradient,
 /* SVG defines radial gradients as being inside a circle (cx, cy, radius).  The
  * gradient projects out from a focus point (fx, fy), which is assumed to be
- * inside the circle, to the edge of the circle.
- *
- * The description of https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/pservers.html#RadialGradientElement
- * states:
- *
- * If the point defined by ‘fx’ and ‘fy’ lies outside the circle defined by
- * ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’, then the user agent shall set the focal point to the
- * intersection of the line from (‘cx’, ‘cy’) to (‘fx’, ‘fy’) with the circle
- * defined by ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’.
- *
- * So, let's do that!
- */
-fn fix_focus_point (mut fx: f64,
-                    mut fy: f64,
-                    cx: f64,
-                    cy: f64,
-                    radius: f64) -> (f64, f64) {
+ * inside the circle, to the edge of the circle. */
+// The description of https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/pservers.html#RadialGradientElement
+// states:
+// If the point defined by ‘fx’ and ‘fy’ lies outside the circle defined by
+// ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’, then the user agent shall set the focal point to the
+// intersection of the line from (‘cx’, ‘cy’) to (‘fx’, ‘fy’) with the circle
+// defined by ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’.
+// So, let's do that!
+fn fix_focus_point(mut fx: f64, mut fy: f64, cx: f64, cy: f64, radius: f64) -> (f64, f64) {
     /* Easy case first: the focus point is inside the circle */
     if (fx - cx) * (fx - cx) + (fy - cy) * (fy - cy) <= radius * radius {
         return (fx, fy);
-    /* Hard case: focus point is outside the circle.
-     *
-     * First, translate everything to the origin.
-     */
+    /* Hard case: focus point is outside the circle. */
+    //
+    // First, translate everything to the origin.
+    //
     fx -= cx;
     fy -= cy;
@@ -489,9 +491,10 @@ fn fix_focus_point (mut fx: f64,
     /* Find the vector's magnitude */
-    let mag = (vx * vx + vy * vy).sqrt ();
+    let mag = (vx * vx + vy * vy).sqrt();
-    /* Normalize the vector to have a magnitude equal to radius; (vx, vy) will now be on the edge of the 
circle */
+    /* Normalize the vector to have a magnitude equal to radius; (vx, vy) will now be on the
+     * edge of the circle */
     let scale = mag / radius;
@@ -503,88 +506,84 @@ fn fix_focus_point (mut fx: f64,
     (vx + cx, vy + cy)
-fn set_radial_gradient_on_pattern (gradient: &Gradient,
-                                   draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                   bbox:     &RsvgBbox,
-                                   opacity:  u8) -> bool {
+fn set_radial_gradient_on_pattern(gradient: &Gradient,
+                                  draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                  bbox: &RsvgBbox,
+                                  opacity: u8)
+                                  -> bool {
     if let GradientVariant::Radial { cx, cy, r, fx, fy } = gradient.variant {
-        let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap ();
+        let units = gradient.common.units.unwrap();
         if units == GradientUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-            drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
+            drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
-        let n_cx = cx.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let n_cy = cy.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let n_r  =  r.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let n_fx = fx.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let n_fy = fy.as_ref ().unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+        let n_cx = cx.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let n_cy = cy.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let n_r = r.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let n_fx = fx.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let n_fy = fy.as_ref().unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        let (new_fx, new_fy) = fix_focus_point (n_fx, n_fy, n_cx, n_cy, n_r);
+        let (new_fx, new_fy) = fix_focus_point(n_fx, n_fy, n_cx, n_cy, n_r);
-        let mut pattern = cairo::RadialGradient::new (new_fx, new_fy, 0.0, n_cx, n_cy, n_r);
+        let mut pattern = cairo::RadialGradient::new(new_fx, new_fy, 0.0, n_cx, n_cy, n_r);
         if units == GradientUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-            drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
-        set_common_on_pattern (gradient, draw_ctx, &mut pattern, bbox, opacity);
+        set_common_on_pattern(gradient, draw_ctx, &mut pattern, bbox, opacity);
     } else {
-        unreachable! ();
+        unreachable!();
-fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (gradient: &Gradient,
-                                draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                opacity:  u8,
-                                bbox:     &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    assert! (gradient.is_resolved ());
+fn set_pattern_on_draw_context(gradient: &Gradient,
+                               draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                               opacity: u8,
+                               bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                               -> bool {
+    assert!(gradient.is_resolved());
     match gradient.variant {
         GradientVariant::Linear { .. } => {
-            set_linear_gradient_on_pattern (gradient, draw_ctx, bbox, opacity)
+            set_linear_gradient_on_pattern(gradient, draw_ctx, bbox, opacity)
         GradientVariant::Radial { .. } => {
-            set_radial_gradient_on_pattern (gradient, draw_ctx, bbox, opacity)
+            set_radial_gradient_on_pattern(gradient, draw_ctx, bbox, opacity)
 struct NodeGradient {
-    gradient: RefCell <Gradient>
+    gradient: RefCell<Gradient>,
 impl NodeGradient {
-    fn new_linear () -> NodeGradient {
-        NodeGradient {
-            gradient: RefCell::new (Gradient {
-                common: GradientCommon::unresolved (),
-                variant: GradientVariant::unresolved_linear(),
-            })
-        }
+    fn new_linear() -> NodeGradient {
+        NodeGradient { gradient: RefCell::new(Gradient { common: GradientCommon::unresolved(),
+                                                         variant:
+                                                             GradientVariant::unresolved_linear(), }), }
-    fn new_radial () -> NodeGradient {
-        NodeGradient {
-            gradient: RefCell::new (Gradient {
-                common: GradientCommon::unresolved (),
-                variant: GradientVariant::unresolved_radial(),
-            })
-        }
+    fn new_radial() -> NodeGradient {
+        NodeGradient { gradient: RefCell::new(Gradient { common: GradientCommon::unresolved(),
+                                                         variant:
+                                                             GradientVariant::unresolved_radial(), }), }
-    fn get_gradient_with_color_stops_from_node (&self, node: &RsvgNode) -> Gradient {
-        let mut gradient = self.gradient.borrow ().clone ();
-        gradient.add_color_stops_from_node (node);
+    fn get_gradient_with_color_stops_from_node(&self, node: &RsvgNode) -> Gradient {
+        let mut gradient = self.gradient.borrow().clone();
+        gradient.add_color_stops_from_node(node);
 impl NodeTrait for NodeGradient {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         let mut g = self.gradient.borrow_mut();
         let mut x1 = None;
@@ -594,29 +593,29 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeGradient {
         let mut cx = None;
         let mut cy = None;
-        let mut r  = None;
+        let mut r = None;
         let mut fx = None;
         let mut fy = None;
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 // Attributes common to linear and radial gradients
+                Attribute::GradientUnits => {
+                    g.common.units = Some(parse("gradientUnits", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::GradientUnits =>
-                    g.common.units = Some(parse("gradientUnits", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::GradientTransform =>
-                    g.common.affine = Some(parse("gradientTransform", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::GradientTransform => {
+                    g.common.affine = Some(parse("gradientTransform", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::SpreadMethod =>
-                    g.common.spread = Some(parse("spreadMethod", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::SpreadMethod => {
+                    g.common.spread = Some(parse("spreadMethod", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::XlinkHref =>
-                    g.common.fallback = Some(value.to_owned()),
+                Attribute::XlinkHref => g.common.fallback = Some(value.to_owned()),
                 // Attributes specific to each gradient type.  The defaults mandated by the spec
                 // are in GradientVariant::resolve_from_defaults()
                 Attribute::X1 => x1 = Some(parse("x1", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Y1 => y1 = Some(parse("y1", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
                 Attribute::X2 => x2 = Some(parse("x2", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
@@ -624,7 +623,7 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeGradient {
                 Attribute::Cx => cx = Some(parse("cx", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Cy => cy = Some(parse("cy", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::R  => r  = Some(parse("r",  value, LengthDir::Both, None)?),
+                Attribute::R => r = Some(parse("r", value, LengthDir::Both, None)?),
                 Attribute::Fx => fx = Some(parse("fx", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Fy => fy = Some(parse("fy", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
@@ -632,82 +631,79 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeGradient {
-        match node.get_type () {
+        match node.get_type() {
             NodeType::LinearGradient => {
-                g.variant = GradientVariant::Linear {
-                    x1: x1,
-                    y1: y1,
-                    x2: x2,
-                    y2: y2,
-                };
-            },
+                g.variant = GradientVariant::Linear { x1, y1, x2, y2 };
+            }
             NodeType::RadialGradient => {
-                g.variant = GradientVariant::Radial {
-                    cx: cx,
-                    cy: cy,
-                    r:  r,
-                    fx: fx,
-                    fy: fy,
-                };
-            },
-            _ => unreachable! ()
+                g.variant = GradientVariant::Radial { cx, cy, r, fx, fy };
+            }
+            _ => unreachable!(),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing; paint servers are handled specially
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_linear_gradient_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const 
RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::LinearGradient,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeGradient::new_linear ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_linear_gradient_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                                raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                                -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::LinearGradient,
+                   raw_parent,
+                   Box::new(NodeGradient::new_linear()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_radial_gradient_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const 
RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::RadialGradient,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeGradient::new_radial ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_radial_gradient_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                                raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                                -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::RadialGradient,
+                   raw_parent,
+                   Box::new(NodeGradient::new_radial()))
-fn resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (gradient: &Gradient,
-                                      draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                      opacity:  u8,
-                                      bbox:     &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    let mut fallback_source = NodeFallbackSource::new (draw_ctx);
+fn resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(gradient: &Gradient,
+                                     draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                     opacity: u8,
+                                     bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                                     -> bool {
+    let mut fallback_source = NodeFallbackSource::new(draw_ctx);
     if bbox.is_empty() {
-        return true
+        return true;
-    let resolved = resolve_gradient (gradient, &mut fallback_source);
+    let resolved = resolve_gradient(gradient, &mut fallback_source);
-    set_pattern_on_draw_context (&resolved, draw_ctx, opacity, &bbox)
+    set_pattern_on_draw_context(&resolved, draw_ctx, opacity, &bbox)
-pub fn gradient_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (node:     &RsvgNode,
-                                                   draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                                   opacity:  u8,
-                                                   bbox:     &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    assert! (node.get_type () == NodeType::LinearGradient || node.get_type () == NodeType::RadialGradient);
+pub fn gradient_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(node: &RsvgNode,
+                                                  draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                                  opacity: u8,
+                                                  bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                                                  -> bool {
+    assert!(node.get_type() == NodeType::LinearGradient
+            || node.get_type() == NodeType::RadialGradient);
     let mut did_set_gradient = false;
-    node.with_impl (|node_gradient: &NodeGradient| {
-        let gradient = node_gradient.get_gradient_with_color_stops_from_node (node);
-        did_set_gradient = resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (&gradient, draw_ctx, opacity, &bbox);
-    });
+    node.with_impl(|node_gradient: &NodeGradient| {
+                       let gradient = node_gradient.get_gradient_with_color_stops_from_node(node);
+                       did_set_gradient =
+                           resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(&gradient, draw_ctx, opacity, &bbox);
+                   });
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/image.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/image.rs
index e5f92d32..8ab643c6 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/image.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/image.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-use libc;
 use cairo;
 use cairo_sys;
 use glib;
 use glib::translate::*;
 use glib_sys;
+use libc;
 use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
 use std::ptr;
@@ -19,71 +19,80 @@ use parsers::parse;
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 struct NodeImage {
-    aspect:  Cell<AspectRatio>,
-    x:       Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    y:       Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    w:       Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    h:       Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    surface: RefCell<Option<cairo::ImageSurface>>
+    aspect: Cell<AspectRatio>,
+    x: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    y: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    w: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    h: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    surface: RefCell<Option<cairo::ImageSurface>>,
 impl NodeImage {
-    fn new () -> NodeImage {
-        NodeImage {
-            aspect:  Cell::new (AspectRatio::default ()),
-            x:       Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            y:       Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            w:       Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            h:       Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            surface: RefCell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeImage {
+        NodeImage { aspect: Cell::new(AspectRatio::default()),
+                    x: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                    y: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                    w: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                    h: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                    surface: RefCell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeImage {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::X =>      self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
-                Attribute::Y =>      self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::Width =>  self.w.set(parse("width", value,  LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                                      Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
-                Attribute::Height => self.h.set(parse("height", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                                      Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
-                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio =>
-                    self.aspect.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::XlinkHref |
-                Attribute::Path => {
+                Attribute::X => self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
+                Attribute::Y => self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
+                Attribute::Width => {
+                    self.w.set(parse("width",
+                                     value,
+                                     LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
+                Attribute::Height => {
+                    self.h.set(parse("height",
+                                     value,
+                                     LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
+                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio => {
+                    self.aspect.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?)
+                }
+                Attribute::XlinkHref | Attribute::Path => {
                     // "path" is used by some older Adobe Illustrator versions
-                    extern "C" { fn rsvg_cairo_surface_new_from_href
-                                 (handle: *const RsvgHandle,
-                                  href:   *const libc::c_char,
-                                  error:  *mut *mut glib_sys::GError) -> *mut cairo_sys::cairo_surface_t;
+                    extern "C" {
+                        fn rsvg_cairo_surface_new_from_href(handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+                                                            href: *const libc::c_char,
+                                                            error: *mut *mut glib_sys::GError)
+                                                            -> *mut cairo_sys::cairo_surface_t;
                     let mut error = ptr::null_mut();
-                    let raw_surface = unsafe { rsvg_cairo_surface_new_from_href (handle,
-                                                                                 value.to_glib_none().0,
-                                                                                 &mut error) };
+                    let raw_surface = unsafe {
+                        rsvg_cairo_surface_new_from_href(handle, value.to_glib_none().0, &mut error)
+                    };
                     if !raw_surface.is_null() {
-                        *self.surface.borrow_mut() = Some(unsafe { cairo::ImageSurface::from_raw_full 
(raw_surface).unwrap() });
+                        *self.surface.borrow_mut() = Some(unsafe {
+                                                              cairo::ImageSurface::from_raw_full 
+                                                          });
                     } else {
                         let _: glib::Error = unsafe { from_glib_full(error) }; // FIXME: we should note that 
the image couldn't be loaded
-                },
+                }
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
         if let Some(ref surface) = *self.surface.borrow() {
             let x = self.x.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
             let y = self.y.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
@@ -98,14 +107,19 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeImage {
             let aspect = self.aspect.get();
             if !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow(state) {
-                if let Align::Aligned {fit: FitMode::Slice, ..} = aspect.align {
+                if let Align::Aligned { fit: FitMode::Slice,
+                                        .. } = aspect.align
+                {
                     drawing_ctx::add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx, x, y, w, h);
-            let (x, y, w, h) = aspect.compute (f64::from(surface.get_width()),
-                                               f64::from(surface.get_height()),
-                                               x, y, w, h);
+            let (x, y, w, h) = aspect.compute(f64::from(surface.get_width()),
+                                              f64::from(surface.get_height()),
+                                              x,
+                                              y,
+                                              w,
+                                              h);
             drawing_ctx::render_surface(draw_ctx, surface, x, y, w, h);
@@ -113,14 +127,14 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeImage {
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_image_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Image,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeImage::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_image_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                      raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                      -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Image, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeImage::new()))
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/length.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/length.rs
index c22f76f2..d64c55e6 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/length.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/length.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput, Token};
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use libc;
 use regex::Regex;
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ use std::ptr;
 use drawing_ctx;
 use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
+use error::*;
 use parsers::Parse;
 use parsers::ParseError;
-use error::*;
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 /* Keep this in sync with ../../rsvg-private.h:LengthUnit */
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ pub enum LengthUnit {
-    RelativeSmaller
+    RelativeSmaller,
 /* Keep this in sync with ../../rsvg-private.h:LengthDir */
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pub enum LengthUnit {
 pub enum LengthDir {
-    Both
+    Both,
 /* This is *not* an opaque struct; it is actually visible to the C code.  It is so
@@ -47,76 +47,91 @@ pub enum LengthDir {
 pub struct RsvgLength {
     pub length: f64,
     pub unit: LengthUnit,
-    dir: LengthDir
+    dir: LengthDir,
 impl Default for RsvgLength {
-    fn default () -> RsvgLength {
-        RsvgLength {
-            length: 0.0,
-            unit:   LengthUnit::Default,
-            dir:    LengthDir::Both
-        }
+    fn default() -> RsvgLength {
+        RsvgLength { length: 0.0,
+                     unit: LengthUnit::Default,
+                     dir: LengthDir::Both, }
 const POINTS_PER_INCH: f64 = 72.0;
-const CM_PER_INCH:     f64 = 2.54;
-const MM_PER_INCH:     f64 = 25.4;
-const PICA_PER_INCH:   f64 = 6.0;
+const CM_PER_INCH: f64 = 2.54;
+const MM_PER_INCH: f64 = 25.4;
+const PICA_PER_INCH: f64 = 6.0;
-fn compute_named_size (name: &str) -> f64 {
+fn compute_named_size(name: &str) -> f64 {
     let power: f64;
     match name {
-        "xx-small" => { power = -3.0; },
-        "x-small"  => { power = -2.0; },
-        "small"    => { power = -1.0; },
-        "medium"   => { power = 0.0; },
-        "large"    => { power = 1.0; },
-        "x-large"  => { power = 2.0; },
-        "xx-large" => { power = 3.0; },
-        _          => { unreachable! (); }
+        "xx-small" => {
+            power = -3.0;
+        }
+        "x-small" => {
+            power = -2.0;
+        }
+        "small" => {
+            power = -1.0;
+        }
+        "medium" => {
+            power = 0.0;
+        }
+        "large" => {
+            power = 1.0;
+        }
+        "x-large" => {
+            power = 2.0;
+        }
+        "xx-large" => {
+            power = 3.0;
+        }
+        _ => {
+            unreachable!();
+        }
-    12.0 * 1.2f64.powf (power) / POINTS_PER_INCH
+    12.0 * 1.2f64.powf(power) / POINTS_PER_INCH
-pub extern fn rsvg_length_parse (string: *const libc::c_char, dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_length_parse(string: *const libc::c_char, dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
     let my_string = unsafe { utf8_cstr(string) };
     // FIXME: this ignores errors; propagate them upstream
-    RsvgLength::parse (my_string, dir).unwrap_or_else(|_| {RsvgLength::default ()})
+    RsvgLength::parse(my_string, dir).unwrap_or_else(|_| RsvgLength::default())
 /* https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#DataTypeLength
- * https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/syndata.html#length-units
- *
- * Lengths have units.  When they need to be need resolved to
- * units in the user's coordinate system, some unit types
- * need to know if they are horizontal/vertical/both.  For example,
- * a some_object.width="50%" is 50% with respect to the current
- * viewport's width.  In this case, the @dir argument is used
- * inside RsvgLength::normalize(), when it needs to know to what the
- * length refers.
- */
-fn make_err () -> AttributeError {
-    AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected length: number(\"em\" | \"ex\" | \"px\" | \"in\" | 
\"cm\" | \"mm\" | \"pt\" | \"pc\" | \"%\")?"))
+ * https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/syndata.html#length-units */
+// Lengths have units.  When they need to be need resolved to
+// units in the user's coordinate system, some unit types
+// need to know if they are horizontal/vertical/both.  For example,
+// a some_object.width="50%" is 50% with respect to the current
+// viewport's width.  In this case, the @dir argument is used
+// inside RsvgLength::normalize(), when it needs to know to what the
+// length refers.
+fn make_err() -> AttributeError {
+    AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected length: number(\"em\" | \"ex\" | \"px\" | \
+                                           \"in\" | \"cm\" | \"mm\" | \"pt\" | \"pc\" | \"%\")?"))
 impl Parse for RsvgLength {
     type Data = LengthDir;
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (string: &str, dir: LengthDir) -> Result <RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
-        let mut input = ParserInput::new (string);
-        let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+    fn parse(string: &str, dir: LengthDir) -> Result<RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
+        let mut input = ParserInput::new(string);
+        let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
         let length = RsvgLength::from_cssparser(&mut parser, dir)?;
-        parser.expect_exhausted ().map_err (|_| make_err ())?;
+        parser.expect_exhausted().map_err(|_| make_err())?;
@@ -124,175 +139,191 @@ impl Parse for RsvgLength {
 impl RsvgLength {
     pub fn new(l: f64, unit: LengthUnit, dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
-        RsvgLength {
-            length: l,
-            unit: unit,
-            dir: dir
-        }
+        RsvgLength { length: l,
+                     unit,
+                     dir, }
-    pub fn check_nonnegative (self) -> Result <RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
+    pub fn check_nonnegative(self) -> Result<RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
         if self.length >= 0.0 {
-            Ok (self)
+            Ok(self)
         } else {
-            Err (AttributeError::Value ("value must be non-negative".to_string ()))
+            Err(AttributeError::Value("value must be non-negative".to_string()))
-    pub fn normalize (&self, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64 {
+    pub fn normalize(&self, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64 {
         match self.unit {
-            LengthUnit::Default => {
-                self.length
-            },
+            LengthUnit::Default => self.length,
             LengthUnit::Percent => {
-                let (width, height) = drawing_ctx::get_view_box_size (draw_ctx);
+                let (width, height) = drawing_ctx::get_view_box_size(draw_ctx);
                 match self.dir {
-                    LengthDir::Horizontal => { self.length * width },
-                    LengthDir::Vertical   => { self.length * height },
-                    LengthDir::Both       => { self.length * viewport_percentage (width, height) }
+                    LengthDir::Horizontal => self.length * width,
+                    LengthDir::Vertical => self.length * height,
+                    LengthDir::Both => self.length * viewport_percentage(width, height),
-            },
+            }
-            LengthUnit::FontEm => {
-                self.length * drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx)
-            },
+            LengthUnit::FontEm => self.length * drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx),
             LengthUnit::FontEx => {
-                self.length * drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx) / 2.0
-            },
+                self.length * drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx) / 2.0
+            }
             LengthUnit::Inch => {
-                let (dpi_x, dpi_y) = drawing_ctx::get_dpi (draw_ctx);
+                let (dpi_x, dpi_y) = drawing_ctx::get_dpi(draw_ctx);
                 match self.dir {
-                    LengthDir::Horizontal => { self.length * dpi_x },
-                    LengthDir::Vertical   => { self.length * dpi_y },
-                    LengthDir::Both       => { self.length * viewport_percentage (dpi_x, dpi_y) }
+                    LengthDir::Horizontal => self.length * dpi_x,
+                    LengthDir::Vertical => self.length * dpi_y,
+                    LengthDir::Both => self.length * viewport_percentage(dpi_x, dpi_y),
-            },
+            }
-            LengthUnit::RelativeLarger |
-            LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller => {
-                drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size (draw_ctx)
-            },
+            LengthUnit::RelativeLarger | LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller => {
+                drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx)
+            }
-    pub fn hand_normalize (&self,
-                           pixels_per_inch: f64,
-                           width_or_height: f64,
-                           font_size: f64) -> f64 {
+    pub fn hand_normalize(&self,
+                          pixels_per_inch: f64,
+                          width_or_height: f64,
+                          font_size: f64)
+                          -> f64 {
         match self.unit {
-            LengthUnit::Default => { self.length },
+            LengthUnit::Default => self.length,
-            LengthUnit::Percent => { self.length * width_or_height },
+            LengthUnit::Percent => self.length * width_or_height,
-            LengthUnit::FontEm => { self.length * font_size },
+            LengthUnit::FontEm => self.length * font_size,
-            LengthUnit::FontEx => { self.length * font_size / 2.0 },
+            LengthUnit::FontEx => self.length * font_size / 2.0,
-            LengthUnit::Inch => { self.length * pixels_per_inch },
+            LengthUnit::Inch => self.length * pixels_per_inch,
-            _ => { 0.0 }
+            _ => 0.0,
-    fn from_cssparser(parser: &mut Parser, dir: LengthDir) -> Result <RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
+    fn from_cssparser(parser: &mut Parser, dir: LengthDir) -> Result<RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
         let length = {
             let token = parser.next ()
                 .map_err (|_| AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected number and optional symbol, 
or number and percentage")))?;
             match *token {
-                Token::Number { value, .. } => RsvgLength { length: f64::from(value),
-                                                            unit:   LengthUnit::Default,
-                                                            dir:    dir },
+                Token::Number { value, .. } => {
+                    RsvgLength { length: f64::from(value),
+                                 unit: LengthUnit::Default,
+                                 dir, }
+                }
-                Token::Percentage { unit_value, .. } => RsvgLength { length: f64::from(unit_value),
-                                                                     unit:   LengthUnit::Percent,
-                                                                     dir:    dir },
+                Token::Percentage { unit_value, .. } => {
+                    RsvgLength { length: f64::from(unit_value),
+                                 unit: LengthUnit::Percent,
+                                 dir, }
+                }
                 Token::Dimension { value, ref unit, .. } => {
                     let value = f64::from(value);
-                    match unit.as_ref () {
-                        "em" => RsvgLength { length: value,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::FontEm,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "ex" => RsvgLength { length: value,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::FontEx,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "pt" => RsvgLength { length: value / POINTS_PER_INCH,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "in" => RsvgLength { length: value,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "cm" => RsvgLength { length: value / CM_PER_INCH,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "mm" => RsvgLength { length: value / MM_PER_INCH,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "pc" => RsvgLength { length: value / PICA_PER_INCH,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        "px" => RsvgLength { length: value,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::Default,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                        _ => return Err (make_err ())
+                    match unit.as_ref() {
+                        "em" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::FontEm,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "ex" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::FontEx,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "pt" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value / POINTS_PER_INCH,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "in" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "cm" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value / CM_PER_INCH,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "mm" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value / MM_PER_INCH,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "pc" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value / PICA_PER_INCH,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "px" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: value,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Default,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        _ => return Err(make_err()),
-                },
+                }
                 // FIXME: why are the following in Length?  They should be in FontSize
-                Token::Ident (ref cow) => match cow.as_ref () {
-                    "larger" => RsvgLength { length: 0.0,
-                                             unit:   LengthUnit::RelativeLarger,
-                                             dir:    dir },
-                    "smaller" => RsvgLength { length: 0.0,
-                                              unit:  LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller,
-                                              dir:   dir },
-                    "xx-small" |
-                    "x-small" |
-                    "small" |
-                    "medium" |
-                    "large" |
-                    "x-large" |
-                    "xx-large" => RsvgLength { length: compute_named_size (cow),
-                                               unit:   LengthUnit::Inch,
-                                               dir:    dir },
-                    _ => return Err (make_err ())
-                },
-                _ => return Err (make_err ())
+                Token::Ident(ref cow) => {
+                    match cow.as_ref() {
+                        "larger" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: 0.0,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::RelativeLarger,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "smaller" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: 0.0,
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        "xx-small" | "x-small" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "x-large"
+                        | "xx-large" => {
+                            RsvgLength { length: compute_named_size(cow),
+                                         unit: LengthUnit::Inch,
+                                         dir, }
+                        }
+                        _ => return Err(make_err()),
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => return Err(make_err()),
-        Ok (length)
+        Ok(length)
-fn viewport_percentage (x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
-    /* https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#Units
-     *
-     * "For any other length value expressed as a percentage of the viewport, the
-     * percentage is calculated as the specified percentage of
-     * sqrt((actual-width)**2 + (actual-height)**2))/sqrt(2)."
-     */
-    (x * x + y * y).sqrt () / SQRT_2
+fn viewport_percentage(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
+    /* https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#Units */
+    //
+    // "For any other length value expressed as a percentage of the viewport, the
+    // percentage is calculated as the specified percentage of
+    // sqrt((actual-width)**2 + (actual-height)**2))/sqrt(2)."
+    //
+    (x * x + y * y).sqrt() / SQRT_2
 // Keep in sync with rsvg-styles.h:RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind
@@ -301,7 +332,7 @@ pub enum RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind {
-    Error
+    Error,
 // Keep in sync with rsvg-styles.h:RsvgStrokeDasharray
@@ -309,7 +340,7 @@ pub enum RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind {
 pub struct RsvgStrokeDasharray {
     pub kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind,
     pub num_dashes: usize,
-    pub dashes: *mut RsvgLength
+    pub dashes: *mut RsvgLength,
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
@@ -367,53 +398,56 @@ fn parse_dash_array(s: &str) -> Result<Vec<RsvgLength>, AttributeError> {
-pub extern fn rsvg_length_normalize (raw_length: *const RsvgLength, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64 {
-    assert! (!raw_length.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_length_normalize(raw_length: *const RsvgLength,
+                                        draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx)
+                                        -> f64 {
+    assert!(!raw_length.is_null());
     let length: &RsvgLength = unsafe { &*raw_length };
-    length.normalize (draw_ctx)
+    length.normalize(draw_ctx)
-pub extern fn rsvg_length_hand_normalize (raw_length: *const RsvgLength,
-                                          pixels_per_inch: f64,
-                                          width_or_height: f64,
-                                          font_size: f64) -> f64 {
-    assert! (!raw_length.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_length_hand_normalize(raw_length: *const RsvgLength,
+                                             pixels_per_inch: f64,
+                                             width_or_height: f64,
+                                             font_size: f64)
+                                             -> f64 {
+    assert!(!raw_length.is_null());
     let length: &RsvgLength = unsafe { &*raw_length };
-    length.hand_normalize (pixels_per_inch, width_or_height, font_size)
+    length.hand_normalize(pixels_per_inch, width_or_height, font_size)
-pub extern fn rsvg_parse_stroke_dasharray(string: *const libc::c_char) -> RsvgStrokeDasharray {
-    let my_string = unsafe { &String::from_glib_none (string) };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_parse_stroke_dasharray(string: *const libc::c_char) -> RsvgStrokeDasharray {
+    let my_string = unsafe { &String::from_glib_none(string) };
     match parse_stroke_dash_array(my_string) {
-        Ok(StrokeDasharray::None) => RsvgStrokeDasharray {
-            kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::None,
-            num_dashes: 0,
-            dashes: ptr::null_mut()
-        },
-        Ok(StrokeDasharray::Inherit) => RsvgStrokeDasharray {
-            kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Inherit,
-            num_dashes: 0,
-            dashes: ptr::null_mut()
-        },
-        Ok(StrokeDasharray::Dasharray(ref v)) => RsvgStrokeDasharray {
-            kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Dashes,
-            num_dashes: v.len(),
-            dashes: to_c_array(v)
-        },
-        Err(_) => RsvgStrokeDasharray {
-            kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Error,
-            num_dashes: 0,
-            dashes: ptr::null_mut()
+        Ok(StrokeDasharray::None) => {
+            RsvgStrokeDasharray { kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::None,
+                                  num_dashes: 0,
+                                  dashes: ptr::null_mut(), }
+        }
+        Ok(StrokeDasharray::Inherit) => {
+            RsvgStrokeDasharray { kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Inherit,
+                                  num_dashes: 0,
+                                  dashes: ptr::null_mut(), }
+        }
+        Ok(StrokeDasharray::Dasharray(ref v)) => {
+            RsvgStrokeDasharray { kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Dashes,
+                                  num_dashes: v.len(),
+                                  dashes: to_c_array(v), }
+        }
+        Err(_) => {
+            RsvgStrokeDasharray { kind: RsvgStrokeDasharrayKind::Error,
+                                  num_dashes: 0,
+                                  dashes: ptr::null_mut(), }
@@ -431,71 +465,79 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_default () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("42", LengthDir::Horizontal),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(42.0, LengthUnit::Default, LengthDir::Horizontal)));
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("-42px", LengthDir::Horizontal),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(-42.0, LengthUnit::Default, LengthDir::Horizontal)));
+    fn parses_default() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("42", LengthDir::Horizontal),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(42.0,
+                                      LengthUnit::Default,
+                                      LengthDir::Horizontal)));
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("-42px", LengthDir::Horizontal),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(-42.0,
+                                      LengthUnit::Default,
+                                      LengthDir::Horizontal)));
-    fn parses_percent () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("50.0%", LengthDir::Horizontal),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(0.5, LengthUnit::Percent, LengthDir::Horizontal)));
+    fn parses_percent() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("50.0%", LengthDir::Horizontal),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(0.5,
+                                      LengthUnit::Percent,
+                                      LengthDir::Horizontal)));
-    fn parses_font_em () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("22.5em", LengthDir::Vertical),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(22.5, LengthUnit::FontEm, LengthDir::Vertical)));
+    fn parses_font_em() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("22.5em", LengthDir::Vertical),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(22.5,
+                                      LengthUnit::FontEm,
+                                      LengthDir::Vertical)));
-    fn parses_font_ex () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("22.5ex", LengthDir::Vertical),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(22.5, LengthUnit::FontEx, LengthDir::Vertical)));
+    fn parses_font_ex() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("22.5ex", LengthDir::Vertical),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(22.5,
+                                      LengthUnit::FontEx,
+                                      LengthDir::Vertical)));
-    fn parses_physical_units () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("72pt", LengthDir::Both),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(1.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
+    fn parses_physical_units() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("72pt", LengthDir::Both),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(1.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("-22.5in", LengthDir::Both),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(-22.5, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("-22.5in", LengthDir::Both),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(-22.5, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("-254cm", LengthDir::Both),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(-100.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("-254cm", LengthDir::Both),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(-100.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("254mm", LengthDir::Both),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(10.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("254mm", LengthDir::Both),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(10.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("60pc", LengthDir::Both),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(10.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("60pc", LengthDir::Both),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(10.0, LengthUnit::Inch, LengthDir::Both)));
-    fn parses_relative_larger () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("larger", LengthDir::Vertical),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(0.0, LengthUnit::RelativeLarger, LengthDir::Vertical)));
+    fn parses_relative_larger() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("larger", LengthDir::Vertical),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(0.0,
+                                      LengthUnit::RelativeLarger,
+                                      LengthDir::Vertical)));
-    fn parses_relative_smaller () {
-        assert_eq! (RsvgLength::parse ("smaller", LengthDir::Vertical),
-                    Ok (RsvgLength::new(0.0, LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller, LengthDir::Vertical)));
+    fn parses_relative_smaller() {
+        assert_eq!(RsvgLength::parse("smaller", LengthDir::Vertical),
+                   Ok(RsvgLength::new(0.0,
+                                      LengthUnit::RelativeSmaller,
+                                      LengthDir::Vertical)));
-    fn parses_named_sizes () {
-        let names = vec![ "xx-small",
-                           "x-small",
-                           "small",
-                           "medium",
-                           "large",
-                           "x-large",
-                           "xx-large" ];
+    fn parses_named_sizes() {
+        let names = vec!["xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large"];
         let mut previous_value: Option<f64> = None;
@@ -503,48 +545,51 @@ mod tests {
         // enforce a particular sequence.
         for name in names {
-            let length = RsvgLength::parse (name, LengthDir::Both).unwrap ();
+            let length = RsvgLength::parse(name, LengthDir::Both).unwrap();
-            assert_eq! (length.unit, LengthUnit::Inch);
-            assert_eq! (length.dir, LengthDir::Both);
+            assert_eq!(length.unit, LengthUnit::Inch);
+            assert_eq!(length.dir, LengthDir::Both);
-            if let Some (v) = previous_value {
-                assert! (length.length > v);
+            if let Some(v) = previous_value {
+                assert!(length.length > v);
             } else {
-                previous_value = Some (length.length);
+                previous_value = Some(length.length);
-    fn empty_length_yields_error () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&RsvgLength::parse ("", LengthDir::Both)));
+    fn empty_length_yields_error() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&RsvgLength::parse("", LengthDir::Both)));
-    fn invalid_unit_yields_error () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&RsvgLength::parse ("8furlong", LengthDir::Both)));
+    fn invalid_unit_yields_error() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&RsvgLength::parse("8furlong", LengthDir::Both)));
-    fn invalid_font_size_yields_error () {
+    fn invalid_font_size_yields_error() {
         // FIXME: this is intended to test the (absence of) the "larger" et al values.
         // Since they really be in FontSize, not RsvgLength, we should remember
         // to move this test to that type later.
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&RsvgLength::parse ("furlong", LengthDir::Both)));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&RsvgLength::parse("furlong", LengthDir::Both)));
-    fn check_nonnegative_works () {
-        assert! (RsvgLength::parse ("0", LengthDir::Both).and_then (|l| l.check_nonnegative ()).is_ok ());
-        assert! (RsvgLength::parse ("-10", LengthDir::Both).and_then (|l| l.check_nonnegative ()).is_err ());
+    fn check_nonnegative_works() {
+        assert!(RsvgLength::parse("0", LengthDir::Both).and_then(|l| l.check_nonnegative())
+                                                       .is_ok());
+        assert!(RsvgLength::parse("-10", LengthDir::Both).and_then(|l| l.check_nonnegative())
+                                                         .is_err());
     fn parses_stroke_dasharray() {
-        assert_eq!(parse_stroke_dash_array("none").unwrap(), StrokeDasharray::None);
-        assert_eq!(parse_stroke_dash_array("inherit").unwrap(), StrokeDasharray::Inherit);
+        assert_eq!(parse_stroke_dash_array("none").unwrap(),
+                   StrokeDasharray::None);
+        assert_eq!(parse_stroke_dash_array("inherit").unwrap(),
+                   StrokeDasharray::Inherit);
         assert_eq!(parse_stroke_dash_array("10, 5").unwrap(),
                    StrokeDasharray::Dasharray(parse_dash_array("10, 5").unwrap()));
@@ -553,34 +598,24 @@ mod tests {
     fn parses_dash_array() {
         // helper to cut down boilderplate
-        let length_parse = |s| { RsvgLength::parse(s, LengthDir::Both).unwrap() };
+        let length_parse = |s| RsvgLength::parse(s, LengthDir::Both).unwrap();
-        let expected =  vec![
-            length_parse("1"),
-            length_parse("2in"),
-            length_parse("3"),
-            length_parse("4%")
-        ];
+        let expected = vec![length_parse("1"),
+                            length_parse("2in"),
+                            length_parse("3"),
+                            length_parse("4%")];
         let sample_1 = vec![length_parse("10"), length_parse("6")];
-        let sample_2 = vec![
-            length_parse("5"),
-            length_parse("5"),
-            length_parse("20"),
-        ];
-        let sample_3 = vec![
-            length_parse("10px"),
-            length_parse("20px"),
-            length_parse("20px"),
-        ];
-        let sample_4 = vec![
-            length_parse("25"),
-            length_parse("5"),
-            length_parse("5"),
-            length_parse("5"),
-        ];
+        let sample_2 = vec![length_parse("5"), length_parse("5"), length_parse("20")];
+        let sample_3 = vec![length_parse("10px"),
+                            length_parse("20px"),
+                            length_parse("20px")];
+        let sample_4 = vec![length_parse("25"),
+                            length_parse("5"),
+                            length_parse("5"),
+                            length_parse("5")];
         let sample_5 = vec![length_parse("3.1415926"), length_parse("8")];
         let sample_6 = vec![length_parse("5"), length_parse("3.14")];
@@ -596,8 +631,10 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(parse_dash_array("2").unwrap(), sample_7);
         // Empty dash_array
-        assert_eq!(parse_dash_array(""), Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("empty string"))));
-        assert_eq!(parse_dash_array("\t  \n     "), Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("empty 
+        assert_eq!(parse_dash_array(""),
+                   Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("empty string"))));
+        assert_eq!(parse_dash_array("\t  \n     "),
+                   Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("empty string"))));
         assert!(parse_dash_array("10,  \t, 20 \n").is_err());
         // No trailling commas allowed, parse error
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/lib.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/lib.rs
index aedebebf..78c6345a 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/lib.rs
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ extern crate cairo_sys;
 extern crate cssparser;
 extern crate glib;
 extern crate glib_sys;
-extern crate libc;
 extern crate itertools;
+extern crate libc;
 extern crate pango;
 extern crate pango_sys;
 extern crate regex;
@@ -19,169 +19,70 @@ extern crate lazy_static;
 extern crate downcast_rs;
-pub use attributes::{
-    rsvg_attribute_from_name,
-pub use bbox::{
-    RsvgBbox,
-    rsvg_bbox_init,
-    rsvg_bbox_insert,
-    rsvg_bbox_clip
-pub use chars::{
-    rsvg_node_chars_new,
-    rsvg_node_chars_append,
-    rsvg_node_chars_get_string,
-pub use clip_path::{
-    rsvg_node_clip_path_new,
-    rsvg_node_clip_path_get_units
-pub use cnode::{
-    rsvg_rust_cnode_new,
-    rsvg_rust_cnode_get_impl
-pub use color::{
-    AllowCurrentColor,
-    AllowInherit,
-    ColorKind,
-    ColorSpec,
-    rsvg_css_parse_color
-pub use gradient::{
-    rsvg_node_linear_gradient_new,
-    rsvg_node_radial_gradient_new,
-pub use length::{
-    LengthUnit,
-    LengthDir,
-    RsvgLength,
-    rsvg_length_parse,
-    rsvg_length_normalize,
-    rsvg_length_hand_normalize,
-    rsvg_parse_stroke_dasharray
-pub use image::{
-    rsvg_node_image_new,
-pub use link::{
-    rsvg_node_link_new,
-pub use marker::{
-    rsvg_node_marker_new,
-pub use mask::{
-    rsvg_node_mask_new,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_x,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_y,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_width,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_height,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_units,
-    rsvg_node_mask_get_content_units,
-pub use node::{
-    rsvg_node_get_type,
-    rsvg_node_get_parent,
-    rsvg_node_ref,
-    rsvg_node_unref,
-    rsvg_node_is_same,
-    rsvg_node_get_state,
-    rsvg_node_add_child,
-    rsvg_node_set_atts,
-    rsvg_node_draw,
-    rsvg_node_set_attribute_parse_error,
-    rsvg_node_foreach_child,
-    rsvg_node_draw_children,
-pub use opacity::{
-    OpacityKind,
-    OpacitySpec,
-    rsvg_css_parse_opacity
-pub use paint_server::{
-    rsvg_paint_server_parse,
-    rsvg_paint_server_ref,
-    rsvg_paint_server_unref,
-    _set_source_rsvg_paint_server
-pub use parsers::{
-    rsvg_css_parse_number_list,
-    rsvg_css_parse_number_optional_number
-pub use path_builder::{
-    rsvg_path_builder_add_to_cairo_context
-pub use pattern::{
-    rsvg_node_pattern_new,
-pub use property_bag::{
-    rsvg_property_bag_free,
-    rsvg_property_bag_iter_begin,
-    rsvg_property_bag_iter_end,
-    rsvg_property_bag_iter_next,
-    rsvg_property_bag_new,
-pub use shapes::{
-    rsvg_node_circle_new,
-    rsvg_node_ellipse_new,
-    rsvg_node_line_new,
-    rsvg_node_path_new,
-    rsvg_node_polygon_new,
-    rsvg_node_polyline_new,
-    rsvg_node_rect_new,
-pub use space::{
-    rsvg_xml_space_normalize,
-pub use stop::{
-    rsvg_node_stop_new
-pub use structure::{
-    rsvg_node_group_new,
-    rsvg_node_defs_new,
-    rsvg_node_switch_new,
-    rsvg_node_symbol_new,
-    rsvg_node_svg_new,
-    rsvg_node_svg_get_size,
-    rsvg_node_svg_get_view_box,
-    rsvg_node_svg_apply_atts,
-    rsvg_node_use_new,
-pub use text::{
-    rsvg_text_create_layout,
-pub use transform::{
-    rsvg_parse_transform,
-pub use viewbox::{
-    RsvgViewBox
+pub use attributes::rsvg_attribute_from_name;
+pub use bbox::{rsvg_bbox_clip, rsvg_bbox_init, rsvg_bbox_insert, RsvgBbox};
+pub use chars::{rsvg_node_chars_append, rsvg_node_chars_get_string, rsvg_node_chars_new};
+pub use clip_path::{rsvg_node_clip_path_get_units, rsvg_node_clip_path_new};
+pub use cnode::{rsvg_rust_cnode_get_impl, rsvg_rust_cnode_new};
+pub use color::{rsvg_css_parse_color, AllowCurrentColor, AllowInherit, ColorKind, ColorSpec};
+pub use gradient::{rsvg_node_linear_gradient_new, rsvg_node_radial_gradient_new};
+pub use length::{rsvg_length_hand_normalize, rsvg_length_normalize, rsvg_length_parse,
+                 rsvg_parse_stroke_dasharray, LengthDir, LengthUnit, RsvgLength};
+pub use image::rsvg_node_image_new;
+pub use link::rsvg_node_link_new;
+pub use marker::rsvg_node_marker_new;
+pub use mask::{rsvg_node_mask_get_content_units, rsvg_node_mask_get_height,
+               rsvg_node_mask_get_units, rsvg_node_mask_get_width, rsvg_node_mask_get_x,
+               rsvg_node_mask_get_y, rsvg_node_mask_new};
+pub use node::{rsvg_node_add_child, rsvg_node_draw, rsvg_node_draw_children,
+               rsvg_node_foreach_child, rsvg_node_get_parent, rsvg_node_get_state,
+               rsvg_node_get_type, rsvg_node_is_same, rsvg_node_ref,
+               rsvg_node_set_attribute_parse_error, rsvg_node_set_atts, rsvg_node_unref};
+pub use opacity::{rsvg_css_parse_opacity, OpacityKind, OpacitySpec};
+pub use paint_server::{_set_source_rsvg_paint_server, rsvg_paint_server_parse,
+                       rsvg_paint_server_ref, rsvg_paint_server_unref};
+pub use parsers::{rsvg_css_parse_number_list, rsvg_css_parse_number_optional_number};
+pub use path_builder::rsvg_path_builder_add_to_cairo_context;
+pub use pattern::rsvg_node_pattern_new;
+pub use property_bag::{rsvg_property_bag_free, rsvg_property_bag_iter_begin,
+                       rsvg_property_bag_iter_end, rsvg_property_bag_iter_next,
+                       rsvg_property_bag_new};
+pub use shapes::{rsvg_node_circle_new, rsvg_node_ellipse_new, rsvg_node_line_new,
+                 rsvg_node_path_new, rsvg_node_polygon_new, rsvg_node_polyline_new,
+                 rsvg_node_rect_new};
+pub use space::rsvg_xml_space_normalize;
+pub use stop::rsvg_node_stop_new;
+pub use structure::{rsvg_node_defs_new, rsvg_node_group_new, rsvg_node_svg_apply_atts,
+                    rsvg_node_svg_get_size, rsvg_node_svg_get_view_box, rsvg_node_svg_new,
+                    rsvg_node_switch_new, rsvg_node_symbol_new, rsvg_node_use_new};
+pub use text::rsvg_text_create_layout;
+pub use transform::rsvg_parse_transform;
+pub use viewbox::RsvgViewBox;
 mod coord_units;
@@ -189,6 +90,7 @@ mod coord_units;
 mod aspect_ratio;
 mod attributes;
 mod bbox;
+#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
 mod chars;
 mod clip_path;
 mod cnode;
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/link.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/link.rs
index cfcb546c..c15f5d81 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/link.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/link.rs
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ use cairo_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
 use libc;
+use regex::{Captures, Regex};
 use std::borrow::Cow;
 use std::cell::RefCell;
-use regex::{Regex, Captures};
 use attributes::Attribute;
 use drawing_ctx::{self, RsvgDrawingCtx};
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ struct NodeLink {
 impl NodeLink {
     fn new() -> NodeLink {
-        NodeLink { link: RefCell::new(None) }
+        NodeLink { link: RefCell::new(None), }
@@ -44,11 +44,13 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeLink {
             let attributes = link.as_ref().map(|i| format!("uri='{}'", escape_value(i)));
-            drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(draw_ctx).with_tag(
-                CAIRO_TAG_LINK,
-                attributes.as_ref().map(|i| i.as_str()),
-                || node.draw_children(draw_ctx, dominate),
-            )
+            drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(draw_ctx).with_tag(CAIRO_TAG_LINK,
+                                                              attributes.as_ref()
+                                                                        .map(|i| i.as_str()),
+                                                              || {
+                                                                  node.draw_children(draw_ctx,
+                                                                                     dominate)
+                                                              })
         } else {
             node.draw_children(draw_ctx, dominate)
@@ -65,22 +67,19 @@ fn escape_value(value: &str) -> Cow<str> {
         static ref REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"['\\]").unwrap();
-    REGEX.replace_all(
-        value,
-        |caps: &Captures| match caps.get(0).unwrap().as_str() {
+    REGEX.replace_all(value, |caps: &Captures| {
+        match caps.get(0).unwrap().as_str() {
             "'" => "\\'".to_owned(),
             "\\" => "\\\\".to_owned(),
             _ => unreachable!(),
-        },
-    )
+        }
+    })
 extern "C" {
-    fn cairo_tag_begin(
-        cr: *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t,
-        tag_name: *const libc::c_char,
-        attibutes: *const libc::c_char,
-    );
+    fn cairo_tag_begin(cr: *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t,
+                       tag_name: *const libc::c_char,
+                       attibutes: *const libc::c_char);
     fn cairo_tag_end(cr: *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t, tag_name: *const libc::c_char);
@@ -89,8 +88,7 @@ trait CairoTagging {
     fn tag_begin(&self, tag_name: &str, attributes: Option<&str>);
     fn tag_end(&self, tag_name: &str);
     fn with_tag<U, T>(&self, tag_name: &str, attributes: Option<&str>, f: U) -> T
-    where
-        U: Fn() -> T,
+        where U: Fn() -> T
         self.tag_begin(tag_name, attributes);
         let result = f();
@@ -103,11 +101,9 @@ trait CairoTagging {
 impl CairoTagging for cairo::Context {
     fn tag_begin(&self, tag_name: &str, attributes: Option<&str>) {
         unsafe {
-            cairo_tag_begin(
-                self.to_glib_none().0,
-                tag_name.to_glib_none().0,
-                attributes.to_glib_none().0,
-            );
+            cairo_tag_begin(self.to_glib_none().0,
+                            tag_name.to_glib_none().0,
+                            attributes.to_glib_none().0);
@@ -118,12 +114,11 @@ impl CairoTagging for cairo::Context {
-/***** C Prototypes *****/
+/***** C Prototypes **** * * * * **/
-pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_link_new(
-    _: *const libc::c_char,
-    raw_parent: *const RsvgNode,
-) -> *const RsvgNode {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_link_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
     boxed_node_new(NodeType::Link, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeLink::new()))
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/marker.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/marker.rs
index 88d3ea0a..252b75cc 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/marker.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/marker.rs
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ use error::*;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
 use length::*;
 use node::*;
-use path_builder::*;
 use parsers;
-use parsers::{Parse, parse};
+use parsers::{parse, Parse};
 use parsers::ParseError;
+use path_builder::*;
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 use util::*;
 use viewbox::*;
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ use viewbox::*;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 enum MarkerUnits {
-    StrokeWidth
+    StrokeWidth,
 impl Default for MarkerUnits {
-    fn default () -> MarkerUnits {
+    fn default() -> MarkerUnits {
@@ -39,11 +39,14 @@ impl Parse for MarkerUnits {
     type Data = ();
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result <MarkerUnits, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<MarkerUnits, AttributeError> {
         match s {
-            "userSpaceOnUse" => Ok (MarkerUnits::UserSpaceOnUse),
-            "strokeWidth"    => Ok (MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth),
-            _                => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected \"userSpaceOnUse\" or 
+            "userSpaceOnUse" => Ok(MarkerUnits::UserSpaceOnUse),
+            "strokeWidth" => Ok(MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth),
+            _ => {
+                Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected \"userSpaceOnUse\" or \
+                                                           \"strokeWidth\"")))
+            }
@@ -53,12 +56,12 @@ impl Parse for MarkerUnits {
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 enum MarkerOrient {
-    Degrees (f64)
+    Degrees(f64),
 impl Default for MarkerOrient {
-    fn default () -> MarkerOrient {
-        MarkerOrient::Degrees (0.0)
+    fn default() -> MarkerOrient {
+        MarkerOrient::Degrees(0.0)
@@ -66,12 +69,13 @@ impl Parse for MarkerOrient {
     type Data = ();
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result <MarkerOrient, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<MarkerOrient, AttributeError> {
         match s {
-            "auto" => Ok (MarkerOrient::Auto),
-            _      => parsers::angle_degrees (s)
-                .map (MarkerOrient::Degrees)
-                .map_err (AttributeError::Parse)
+            "auto" => Ok(MarkerOrient::Auto),
+            _ => {
+                parsers::angle_degrees(s).map(MarkerOrient::Degrees)
+                                         .map_err(AttributeError::Parse)
+            }
@@ -79,184 +83,189 @@ impl Parse for MarkerOrient {
 // NodeMarker
 struct NodeMarker {
-    units:  Cell<MarkerUnits>,
-    ref_x:  Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    ref_y:  Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    width:  Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    units: Cell<MarkerUnits>,
+    ref_x: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    ref_y: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    width: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     height: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     orient: Cell<MarkerOrient>,
     aspect: Cell<AspectRatio>,
-    vbox:   Cell<Option<ViewBox>>
+    vbox: Cell<Option<ViewBox>>,
 impl NodeMarker {
-    fn new () -> NodeMarker {
-        NodeMarker {
-            units:  Cell::new (MarkerUnits::default ()),
-            ref_x:  Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            ref_y:  Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            width:  Cell::new (NodeMarker::get_default_size (LengthDir::Horizontal)),
-            height: Cell::new (NodeMarker::get_default_size (LengthDir::Vertical)),
-            orient: Cell::new (MarkerOrient::default ()),
-            aspect: Cell::new (AspectRatio::default ()),
-            vbox:   Cell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeMarker {
+        NodeMarker { units: Cell::new(MarkerUnits::default()),
+                     ref_x: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                     ref_y: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                     width: Cell::new(NodeMarker::get_default_size(LengthDir::Horizontal)),
+                     height: Cell::new(NodeMarker::get_default_size(LengthDir::Vertical)),
+                     orient: Cell::new(MarkerOrient::default()),
+                     aspect: Cell::new(AspectRatio::default()),
+                     vbox: Cell::new(None), }
-    fn get_default_size (dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
+    fn get_default_size(dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
         // per the spec
-        RsvgLength::parse ("3", dir).unwrap()
+        RsvgLength::parse("3", dir).unwrap()
-    fn render (&self,
-               node:           &RsvgNode,
-               c_node:         *const RsvgNode,
-               draw_ctx:       *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-               xpos:           f64,
-               ypos:           f64,
-               computed_angle: f64,
-               line_width:     f64) {
-        let marker_width = self.width.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let marker_height = self.height.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    fn render(&self,
+              node: &RsvgNode,
+              c_node: *const RsvgNode,
+              draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+              xpos: f64,
+              ypos: f64,
+              computed_angle: f64,
+              line_width: f64) {
+        let marker_width = self.width.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let marker_height = self.height.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
         if double_equals(marker_width, 0.0) || double_equals(marker_height, 0.0) {
             // markerWidth or markerHeight set to 0 disables rendering of the element
             // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#MarkerWidthAttribute
-        let mut affine = drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine (draw_ctx);
-        affine.translate (xpos, ypos);
+        let mut affine = drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx);
+        affine.translate(xpos, ypos);
-        let rotation = match self.orient.get () {
-            MarkerOrient::Auto =>        computed_angle,
-            MarkerOrient::Degrees (d) => d * PI / 180.0,
+        let rotation = match self.orient.get() {
+            MarkerOrient::Auto => computed_angle,
+            MarkerOrient::Degrees(d) => d * PI / 180.0,
-        affine.rotate (rotation);
+        affine.rotate(rotation);
-        if self.units.get () == MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth {
-            affine.scale (line_width, line_width);
+        if self.units.get() == MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth {
+            affine.scale(line_width, line_width);
-        if let Some (vbox) = self.vbox.get () {
-            let (_, _, w, h) = self.aspect.get ().compute (vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height,
-                                                           0.0, 0.0,
-                                                           marker_width, marker_height);
+        if let Some(vbox) = self.vbox.get() {
+            let (_, _, w, h) = self.aspect.get().compute(vbox.0.width,
+                                                         vbox.0.height,
+                                                         0.0,
+                                                         0.0,
+                                                         marker_width,
+                                                         marker_height);
-            affine.scale (w / vbox.0.width, h / vbox.0.height);
+            affine.scale(w / vbox.0.width, h / vbox.0.height);
-            drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height);
-            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height);
+            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
         } else {
-            drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, marker_width, marker_height);
-            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, marker_width, marker_height);
+            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
-        affine.translate (-self.ref_x.get ().normalize (draw_ctx),
-                          -self.ref_y.get ().normalize (draw_ctx));
-        drawing_ctx::state_push (draw_ctx);
+        affine.translate(-self.ref_x.get().normalize(draw_ctx),
+                         -self.ref_y.get().normalize(draw_ctx));
-        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state (draw_ctx);
-        drawing_ctx::state_reinit (state);
-        drawing_ctx::state_reconstruct (state, c_node);
+        drawing_ctx::state_push(draw_ctx);
-        drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx, affine);
+        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state(draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::state_reinit(state);
+        drawing_ctx::state_reconstruct(state, c_node);
+        drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx, affine);
-        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state (draw_ctx);
+        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state(draw_ctx);
-        if !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow (state) {
-            if let Some (vbox) = self.vbox.get () {
-                drawing_ctx::add_clipping_rect (draw_ctx,
-                                                vbox.0.x,
-                                                vbox.0.y,
-                                                vbox.0.width,
-                                                vbox.0.height);
+        if !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow(state) {
+            if let Some(vbox) = self.vbox.get() {
+                drawing_ctx::add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx,
+                                               vbox.0.x,
+                                               vbox.0.y,
+                                               vbox.0.width,
+                                               vbox.0.height);
             } else {
-                drawing_ctx::add_clipping_rect (draw_ctx,
-                                                0.0,
-                                                0.0,
-                                                marker_width,
-                                                marker_height);
+                drawing_ctx::add_clipping_rect(draw_ctx, 0.0, 0.0, marker_width, marker_height);
-        node.draw_children (draw_ctx, -1); // dominate=-1 so it won't reinherit state / push a layer
+        node.draw_children(draw_ctx, -1); // dominate=-1 so it won't reinherit state / push a layer
-        drawing_ctx::state_pop (draw_ctx);
-        drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
-        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::state_pop(draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
 impl NodeTrait for NodeMarker {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::MarkerUnits =>
-                    self.units.set(parse("markerUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::MarkerUnits => self.units.set(parse("markerUnits", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::RefX =>
-                    self.ref_x.set(parse("refX", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
+                Attribute::RefX => {
+                    self.ref_x.set(parse("refX", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::RefY =>
-                    self.ref_y.set(parse("refY", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
+                Attribute::RefY => self.ref_y.set(parse("refY", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::MarkerWidth =>
-                    self.width.set(parse("markerWidth", value, LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                         Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::MarkerWidth => {
+                    self.width.set(parse("markerWidth",
+                                         value,
+                                         LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                         Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
-                Attribute::MarkerHeight =>
-                    self.height.set(parse("markerHeight", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::MarkerHeight => {
+                    self.height.set(parse("markerHeight",
+                                          value,
+                                          LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
-                Attribute::Orient =>
-                    self.orient.set(parse("orient", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::Orient => self.orient.set(parse("orient", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio =>
-                    self.aspect.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio => {
+                    self.aspect.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::ViewBox =>
-                    self.vbox.set(Some(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)?)),
+                Attribute::ViewBox => self.vbox.set(Some(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)?)),
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing; markers are drawn by their referencing shapes
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_marker_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Marker,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeMarker::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_marker_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                       raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                       -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Marker, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeMarker::new()))
 // Machinery to figure out marker orientations
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum Segment {
-    Degenerate {            // A single lone point
+    Degenerate {
+        // A single lone point
         x: f64,
-        y: f64
+        y: f64,
     LineOrCurve {
-        x1: f64, y1: f64,
-        x2: f64, y2: f64,
-        x3: f64, y3: f64,
-        x4: f64, y4: f64
+        x1: f64,
+        y1: f64,
+        x2: f64,
+        y2: f64,
+        x3: f64,
+        y3: f64,
+        x4: f64,
+        y4: f64,
@@ -264,48 +273,47 @@ enum SegmentState {
-    ClosedSubpath
+    ClosedSubpath,
-/* This converts a cairo_path_t into a list of curveto-like segments.  Each segment can be:
- *
- * 1. Segment::Degenerate => the segment is actually a single point (x, y)
- *
- * 2. Segment::LineOrCurve => either a lineto or a curveto (or the effective lineto that results from a 
- *    We have the following points:
- *       P1 = (x1, y1)
- *       P2 = (x2, y2)
- *       P3 = (x3, y3)
- *       P4 = (x4, y4)
- *
- *    The start and end points are P1 and P4, respectively.
- *    The tangent at the start point is given by the vector (P2 - P1).
- *    The tangent at the end point is given by the vector (P4 - P3).
- *    The tangents also work if the segment refers to a lineto (they will both just point in the same 
- */
-fn make_degenerate (x: f64, y: f64) -> Segment {
-    Segment::Degenerate { x: x, y: y }
+/* This converts a cairo_path_t into a list of curveto-like segments.  Each segment can be: */
+// 1. Segment::Degenerate => the segment is actually a single point (x, y)
+// 2. Segment::LineOrCurve => either a lineto or a curveto (or the effective lineto that results
+// from a closepath).    We have the following points:
+//       P1 = (x1, y1)
+//       P2 = (x2, y2)
+//       P3 = (x3, y3)
+//       P4 = (x4, y4)
+//    The start and end points are P1 and P4, respectively.
+//    The tangent at the start point is given by the vector (P2 - P1).
+//    The tangent at the end point is given by the vector (P4 - P3).
+// The tangents also work if the segment refers to a lineto (they will both just point in the
+// same direction).
+fn make_degenerate(x: f64, y: f64) -> Segment {
+    Segment::Degenerate { x, y }
-fn make_curve (x1: f64, y1: f64,
-               x2: f64, y2: f64,
-               x3: f64, y3: f64,
-               x4: f64, y4: f64) -> Segment {
-    Segment::LineOrCurve {
-        x1: x1, y1: y1,
-        x2: x2, y2: y2,
-        x3: x3, y3: y3,
-        x4: x4, y4: y4
-    }
+fn make_curve(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) -> Segment {
+    Segment::LineOrCurve { x1,
+                           y1,
+                           x2,
+                           y2,
+                           x3,
+                           y3,
+                           x4,
+                           y4, }
-fn make_line (x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> Segment {
-    make_curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+fn make_line(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> Segment {
+    make_curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, y2)
-pub fn path_builder_to_segments (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) -> Vec<Segment> {
+pub fn path_builder_to_segments(builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) -> Vec<Segment> {
     let mut last_x: f64;
     let mut last_y: f64;
     let mut cur_x: f64;
@@ -320,15 +328,15 @@ pub fn path_builder_to_segments (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) -> Vec<Segment> {
     subpath_start_x = 0.0;
     subpath_start_y = 0.0;
-    segments = Vec::new ();
+    segments = Vec::new();
     state = SegmentState::Initial;
-    for path_command in builder.get_path_commands () {
+    for path_command in builder.get_path_commands() {
         last_x = cur_x;
         last_y = cur_y;
         match *path_command {
-            PathCommand::MoveTo (x, y) => {
+            PathCommand::MoveTo(x, y) => {
                 cur_x = x;
                 cur_y = y;
@@ -336,61 +344,62 @@ pub fn path_builder_to_segments (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) -> Vec<Segment> {
                 subpath_start_y = cur_y;
                 match state {
-                    SegmentState::Initial |
-                    SegmentState::InSubpath => {
-                        /* Ignore the very first moveto in a sequence (Initial state), or if we were
-                         * already drawing within a subpath, start a new subpath.
+                    SegmentState::Initial | SegmentState::InSubpath => {
+                        /* Ignore the very first moveto in a sequence (Initial state), or if we
+                         * were already drawing within a subpath, start
+                         * a new subpath.
                         state = SegmentState::NewSubpath;
-                    },
+                    }
                     SegmentState::NewSubpath => {
-                        /* We had just begun a new subpath (i.e. from a moveto) and we got another
-                         * moveto?  Output a stray point for the previous moveto.
+                        /* We had just begun a new subpath (i.e. from a moveto) and we got
+                         * another moveto?  Output a stray point for the
+                         * previous moveto.
-                        segments.push (make_degenerate (last_x, last_y));
+                        segments.push(make_degenerate(last_x, last_y));
                         state = SegmentState::NewSubpath;
                     SegmentState::ClosedSubpath => {
                         /* Cairo outputs a moveto after every closepath, so that subsequent
-                         * lineto/curveto commands will start at the closed vertex.
-                         *
-                         * We don't want to actually emit a point (a degenerate segment) in that
-                         * artificial-moveto case.
-                         *
-                         * We'll reset to the Initial state so that a subsequent "real" moveto will
-                         * be handled as the beginning of a new subpath, or a degenerate point, as
-                         * usual.
-                         */
+                         * lineto/curveto commands will start at the closed vertex. */
+                        //
+                        // We don't want to actually emit a point (a degenerate segment) in that
+                        // artificial-moveto case.
+                        //
+                        // We'll reset to the Initial state so that a subsequent "real" moveto will
+                        // be handled as the beginning of a new subpath, or a degenerate point, as
+                        // usual.
+                        //
                         state = SegmentState::Initial;
-            },
+            }
-            PathCommand::LineTo (x, y) => {
+            PathCommand::LineTo(x, y) => {
                 cur_x = x;
                 cur_y = y;
-                segments.push (make_line (last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y));
+                segments.push(make_line(last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y));
                 state = SegmentState::InSubpath;
-            },
+            }
-            PathCommand::CurveTo ((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) => {
+            PathCommand::CurveTo((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) => {
                 cur_x = x4;
                 cur_y = y4;
-                segments.push (make_curve (last_x, last_y, x2, y2, x3, y3, cur_x, cur_y));
+                segments.push(make_curve(last_x, last_y, x2, y2, x3, y3, cur_x, cur_y));
                 state = SegmentState::InSubpath;
-            },
+            }
             PathCommand::ClosePath => {
                 cur_x = subpath_start_x;
                 cur_y = subpath_start_y;
-                segments.push (make_line (last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y));
+                segments.push(make_line(last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y));
                 state = SegmentState::ClosedSubpath;
@@ -400,129 +409,132 @@ pub fn path_builder_to_segments (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder) -> Vec<Segment> {
     if let SegmentState::NewSubpath = state {
         // Output a lone point if we started a subpath with a moveto
         // command, but there are no subsequent commands.
-        segments.push (make_degenerate (cur_x, cur_y));
+        segments.push(make_degenerate(cur_x, cur_y));
-fn points_equal (x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> bool {
-    double_equals (x1, x2) && double_equals (y1, y2)
+fn points_equal(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> bool {
+    double_equals(x1, x2) && double_equals(y1, y2)
-/* If the segment has directionality, returns two vectors (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y); otherwise, returns None.  The
- * vectors are the tangents at the beginning and at the end of the segment, respectively.  A segment does 
not have
- * directionality if it is degenerate (i.e. a single point) or a zero-length segment, i.e. where all four 
- * points are coincident (the first and last control points may coincide, but the others may define a loop - 
- * nonzero length)
+/* If the segment has directionality, returns two vectors (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y); otherwise,
+ * returns None.  The vectors are the tangents at the beginning and at the end of the segment,
+ * respectively.  A segment does not have directionality if it is degenerate (i.e. a single
+ * point) or a zero-length segment, i.e. where all four control points are coincident (the first
+ * and last control points may coincide, but the others may define a loop - thus nonzero length)
-fn get_segment_directionalities (segment: &Segment) -> Option <(f64, f64, f64, f64)> {
+fn get_segment_directionalities(segment: &Segment) -> Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)> {
     match *segment {
-        Segment::Degenerate { .. } => { None },
-        Segment::LineOrCurve { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 } => {
-            let coincide_1_and_2 = points_equal (x1, y1, x2, y2);
-            let coincide_1_and_3 = points_equal (x1, y1, x3, y3);
-            let coincide_1_and_4 = points_equal (x1, y1, x4, y4);
-            let coincide_2_and_3 = points_equal (x2, y2, x3, y3);
-            let coincide_2_and_4 = points_equal (x2, y2, x4, y4);
-            let coincide_3_and_4 = points_equal (x3, y3, x4, y4);
+        Segment::Degenerate { .. } => None,
+        Segment::LineOrCurve { x1,
+                               y1,
+                               x2,
+                               y2,
+                               x3,
+                               y3,
+                               x4,
+                               y4, } => {
+            let coincide_1_and_2 = points_equal(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+            let coincide_1_and_3 = points_equal(x1, y1, x3, y3);
+            let coincide_1_and_4 = points_equal(x1, y1, x4, y4);
+            let coincide_2_and_3 = points_equal(x2, y2, x3, y3);
+            let coincide_2_and_4 = points_equal(x2, y2, x4, y4);
+            let coincide_3_and_4 = points_equal(x3, y3, x4, y4);
             if coincide_1_and_2 && coincide_1_and_3 && coincide_1_and_4 {
             } else if coincide_1_and_2 && coincide_1_and_3 {
-                Some ((x4 - x1, y4 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
+                Some((x4 - x1, y4 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
             } else if coincide_1_and_2 && coincide_3_and_4 {
-                Some ((x4 - x1, y4 - y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1))
+                Some((x4 - x1, y4 - y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1))
             } else if coincide_2_and_3 && coincide_2_and_4 {
-                Some ((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1))
+                Some((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1))
             } else if coincide_1_and_2 {
-                Some  ((x3 - x1, y3 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
+                Some((x3 - x1, y3 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
             } else if coincide_3_and_4 {
-                Some ((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x2, y4 - y2))
+                Some((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x2, y4 - y2))
             } else {
-                Some ((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
+                Some((x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3))
-/* The SVG spec 1.1 says http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#PathElementImplementationNotes
- *
- * Certain line-capping and line-joining situations and markers
- * require that a path segment have directionality at its start and
- * end points. Zero-length path segments have no directionality. In
- * these cases, the following algorithm is used to establish
- * directionality:  to determine the directionality of the start
- * point of a zero-length path segment, go backwards in the path
- * data specification within the current subpath until you find a
- * segment which has directionality at its end point (e.g., a path
- * segment with non-zero length) and use its ending direction;
- * otherwise, temporarily consider the start point to lack
- * directionality. Similarly, to determine the directionality of the
- * end point of a zero-length path segment, go forwards in the path
- * data specification within the current subpath until you find a
- * segment which has directionality at its start point (e.g., a path
- * segment with non-zero length) and use its starting direction;
- * otherwise, temporarily consider the end point to lack
- * directionality. If the start point has directionality but the end
- * point doesn't, then the end point uses the start point's
- * directionality. If the end point has directionality but the start
- * point doesn't, then the start point uses the end point's
- * directionality. Otherwise, set the directionality for the path
- * segment's start and end points to align with the positive x-axis
- * in user space.
- */
-fn find_incoming_directionality_backwards (segments: &[Segment], start_index: usize) -> (bool, f64, f64) {
-    /* "go backwards ... within the current subpath until ... segment which has directionality at its end 
point" */
-    for segment in segments[.. start_index + 1].iter ().rev () {
+/* The SVG spec 1.1 says http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#PathElementImplementationNotes */
+// Certain line-capping and line-joining situations and markers
+// require that a path segment have directionality at its start and
+// end points. Zero-length path segments have no directionality. In
+// these cases, the following algorithm is used to establish
+// directionality:  to determine the directionality of the start
+// point of a zero-length path segment, go backwards in the path
+// data specification within the current subpath until you find a
+// segment which has directionality at its end point (e.g., a path
+// segment with non-zero length) and use its ending direction;
+// otherwise, temporarily consider the start point to lack
+// directionality. Similarly, to determine the directionality of the
+// end point of a zero-length path segment, go forwards in the path
+// data specification within the current subpath until you find a
+// segment which has directionality at its start point (e.g., a path
+// segment with non-zero length) and use its starting direction;
+// otherwise, temporarily consider the end point to lack
+// directionality. If the start point has directionality but the end
+// point doesn't, then the end point uses the start point's
+// directionality. If the end point has directionality but the start
+// point doesn't, then the start point uses the end point's
+// directionality. Otherwise, set the directionality for the path
+// segment's start and end points to align with the positive x-axis
+// in user space.
+fn find_incoming_directionality_backwards(segments: &[Segment],
+                                          start_index: usize)
+                                          -> (bool, f64, f64) {
+    /* "go backwards ... within the current subpath until ... segment which has directionality
+     * at its end point" */
+    for segment in segments[..start_index + 1].iter().rev() {
         match *segment {
             Segment::Degenerate { .. } => {
                 return (false, 0.0, 0.0); /* reached the beginning of the subpath as we ran into a 
standalone point */
-            },
+            }
-            Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } => {
-                match get_segment_directionalities (segment) {
-                    Some ((_, _, v2x, v2y)) => { return (true, v2x, v2y); }
-                    None => { continue; }
+            Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } => match get_segment_directionalities(segment) {
+                Some((_, _, v2x, v2y)) => {
+                    return (true, v2x, v2y);
-            }
+                None => {
+                    continue;
+                }
+            },
     (false, 0.0, 0.0)
-fn find_outgoing_directionality_forwards (segments: &[Segment], start_index: usize) -> (bool, f64, f64) {
-    /* "go forwards ... within the current subpath until ... segment which has directionality at its start 
point" */
+fn find_outgoing_directionality_forwards(segments: &[Segment],
+                                         start_index: usize)
+                                         -> (bool, f64, f64) {
+    /* "go forwards ... within the current subpath until ... segment which has directionality at
+     * its start point" */
-    for segment in &segments[start_index .. ] {
+    for segment in &segments[start_index..] {
         match *segment {
             Segment::Degenerate { .. } => {
-                return (false, 0.0, 0.0);  /* reached the end of a subpath as we ran into a standalone point 
-            },
+                return (false, 0.0, 0.0); /* reached the end of a subpath as we ran into a standalone point 
+            }
-            Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } => {
-                match get_segment_directionalities (segment) {
-                    Some ((v1x, v1y, _, _)) => { return (true, v1x, v1y); }
-                    None => { continue; }
+            Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } => match get_segment_directionalities(segment) {
+                Some((v1x, v1y, _, _)) => {
+                    return (true, v1x, v1y);
-            }
+                None => {
+                    continue;
+                }
+            },
@@ -530,7 +542,7 @@ fn find_outgoing_directionality_forwards (segments: &[Segment], start_index: usi
 // Normalizes an angle to [0.0, 2*PI)
-fn normalize_angle (mut angle: f64) -> f64 {
+fn normalize_angle(mut angle: f64) -> f64 {
     if angle < 0.0 {
         while angle < 0.0 {
             angle += PI * 2.0;
@@ -544,25 +556,25 @@ fn normalize_angle (mut angle: f64) -> f64 {
-fn angle_from_vector (vx: f64, vy: f64) -> f64 {
-    let angle = vy.atan2 (vx);
+fn angle_from_vector(vx: f64, vy: f64) -> f64 {
+    let angle = vy.atan2(vx);
-    if angle.is_nan () {
+    if angle.is_nan() {
     } else {
-        normalize_angle (angle)
+        normalize_angle(angle)
-fn bisect_angles (incoming: f64, outgoing: f64) -> f64 {
+fn bisect_angles(incoming: f64, outgoing: f64) -> f64 {
     let half_delta: f64;
     half_delta = (outgoing - incoming) * 0.5;
-    if FRAC_PI_2 < half_delta.abs () {
-        normalize_angle (incoming + half_delta - PI)
+    if FRAC_PI_2 < half_delta.abs() {
+        normalize_angle(incoming + half_delta - PI)
     } else {
-        normalize_angle (incoming + half_delta)
+        normalize_angle(incoming + half_delta)
@@ -571,89 +583,101 @@ fn bisect_angles (incoming: f64, outgoing: f64) -> f64 {
 enum MarkerType {
-    End
+    End,
-fn emit_marker_by_name (draw_ctx:       *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                        marker_name:    *const libc::c_char,
-                        xpos:           f64,
-                        ypos:           f64,
-                        computed_angle: f64,
-                        line_width:     f64) {
-    if marker_name.is_null () {
+fn emit_marker_by_name(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                       marker_name: *const libc::c_char,
+                       xpos: f64,
+                       ypos: f64,
+                       computed_angle: f64,
+                       line_width: f64) {
+    if marker_name.is_null() {
     let name = unsafe { utf8_cstr(marker_name) };
-    let c_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node_of_type (draw_ctx, name, NodeType::Marker);
+    let c_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node_of_type(draw_ctx, name, NodeType::Marker);
-    if c_node.is_null () {
+    if c_node.is_null() {
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *c_node };
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*c_node };
-    node.with_impl (|marker: &NodeMarker| marker.render (node, c_node, draw_ctx, xpos, ypos, computed_angle, 
+    node.with_impl(|marker: &NodeMarker| {
+                       marker.render(node,
+                                     c_node,
+                                     draw_ctx,
+                                     xpos,
+                                     ypos,
+                                     computed_angle,
+                                     line_width)
+                   });
-    drawing_ctx::release_node (draw_ctx, c_node);
+    drawing_ctx::release_node(draw_ctx, c_node);
-fn get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx (draw_ctx:    *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                     marker_type: MarkerType) -> *const libc::c_char {
-   match marker_type {
-        MarkerType::Start  => unsafe { rsvg_get_start_marker (draw_ctx) },
-        MarkerType::Middle => unsafe { rsvg_get_middle_marker (draw_ctx) },
-        MarkerType::End    => unsafe { rsvg_get_end_marker (draw_ctx) }
+fn get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                    marker_type: MarkerType)
+                                    -> *const libc::c_char {
+    match marker_type {
+        MarkerType::Start => unsafe { rsvg_get_start_marker(draw_ctx) },
+        MarkerType::Middle => unsafe { rsvg_get_middle_marker(draw_ctx) },
+        MarkerType::End => unsafe { rsvg_get_end_marker(draw_ctx) },
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 enum MarkerEndpoint {
-    End
+    End,
-fn emit_marker<E> (segment:     &Segment,
-                   endpoint:    MarkerEndpoint,
-                   marker_type: MarkerType,
-                   orient:      f64,
-                   emit_fn:     &mut E) where E: FnMut(MarkerType, f64, f64, f64) {
+fn emit_marker<E>(segment: &Segment,
+                  endpoint: MarkerEndpoint,
+                  marker_type: MarkerType,
+                  orient: f64,
+                  emit_fn: &mut E)
+    where E: FnMut(MarkerType, f64, f64, f64)
     let (x, y) = match *segment {
-        Segment::Degenerate  { x, y } => (x, y),
+        Segment::Degenerate { x, y } => (x, y),
-        Segment::LineOrCurve { x1, y1, x4, y4, .. } => match endpoint {
-            MarkerEndpoint::Start => (x1, y1),
-            MarkerEndpoint::End   => (x4, y4)
+        Segment::LineOrCurve { x1, y1, x4, y4, .. } => {
+            match endpoint {
+                MarkerEndpoint::Start => (x1, y1),
+                MarkerEndpoint::End => (x4, y4),
+            }
-    emit_fn (marker_type, x, y, orient);
+    emit_fn(marker_type, x, y, orient);
 extern "C" {
-    fn rsvg_get_normalized_stroke_width (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64;
+    fn rsvg_get_normalized_stroke_width(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> f64;
-    fn rsvg_get_start_marker (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
-    fn rsvg_get_middle_marker (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
-    fn rsvg_get_end_marker (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
+    fn rsvg_get_start_marker(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
+    fn rsvg_get_middle_marker(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
+    fn rsvg_get_end_marker(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> *const libc::c_char;
-fn drawing_ctx_has_markers (draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> bool {
-    (!get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx (draw_ctx, MarkerType::Start).is_null ()
-     || !get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx (draw_ctx, MarkerType::Middle).is_null ()
-     || !get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx (draw_ctx, MarkerType::End).is_null ())
+fn drawing_ctx_has_markers(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) -> bool {
+    (!get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx(draw_ctx, MarkerType::Start).is_null()
+     || !get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx(draw_ctx, MarkerType::Middle).is_null()
+     || !get_marker_name_from_drawing_ctx(draw_ctx, MarkerType::End).is_null())
-pub fn render_markers_for_path_builder (builder:  &RsvgPathBuilder,
-                                        draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
-    let linewidth: f64 = unsafe { rsvg_get_normalized_stroke_width (draw_ctx) };
+pub fn render_markers_for_path_builder(builder: &RsvgPathBuilder, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx) {
+    let linewidth: f64 = unsafe { rsvg_get_normalized_stroke_width(draw_ctx) };
     if linewidth == 0.0 {
-    if !drawing_ctx_has_markers (draw_ctx) {
+    if !drawing_ctx_has_markers(draw_ctx) {
@@ -668,71 +692,80 @@ pub fn render_markers_for_path_builder (builder:  &RsvgPathBuilder,
-fn emit_markers_for_path_builder<E> (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder,
-                                     emit_fn: &mut E) where E: FnMut(MarkerType, f64, f64, f64) {
+fn emit_markers_for_path_builder<E>(builder: &RsvgPathBuilder, emit_fn: &mut E)
+    where E: FnMut(MarkerType, f64, f64, f64)
     enum SubpathState {
-        InSubpath
+        InSubpath,
     /* Convert the path to a list of segments and bare points */
-    let segments = path_builder_to_segments (builder);
+    let segments = path_builder_to_segments(builder);
     let mut subpath_state = SubpathState::NoSubpath;
-    for (i, segment) in segments.iter ().enumerate () {
+    for (i, segment) in segments.iter().enumerate() {
         match *segment {
             Segment::Degenerate { .. } => {
                 if let SubpathState::InSubpath = subpath_state {
-                    assert! (i > 0);
+                    assert!(i > 0);
                     /* Got a lone point after a subpath; render the subpath's end marker first */
-                    let (_, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) = find_incoming_directionality_backwards (&segments, i 
- 1);
-                    emit_marker (&segments[i - 1],
-                                    MarkerEndpoint::End,
-                                    MarkerType::End,
-                                    angle_from_vector (incoming_vx, incoming_vy),
-                                    emit_fn);
+                    let (_, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) =
+                        find_incoming_directionality_backwards(&segments, i - 1);
+                    emit_marker(&segments[i - 1],
+                                MarkerEndpoint::End,
+                                MarkerType::End,
+                                angle_from_vector(incoming_vx, incoming_vy),
+                                emit_fn);
                 /* Render marker for the lone point; no directionality */
-                emit_marker (segment, MarkerEndpoint::Start, MarkerType::Middle, 0.0, emit_fn);
+                emit_marker(segment,
+                            MarkerEndpoint::Start,
+                            MarkerType::Middle,
+                            0.0,
+                            emit_fn);
                 subpath_state = SubpathState::NoSubpath;
-            },
+            }
             Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } => {
                 /* Not a degenerate segment */
                 match subpath_state {
                     SubpathState::NoSubpath => {
-                        let (_, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) = find_outgoing_directionality_forwards 
(&segments, i);
-                        emit_marker (segment,
-                                     MarkerEndpoint::Start,
-                                     MarkerType::Start,
-                                     angle_from_vector (outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy),
-                                     emit_fn);
+                        let (_, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) =
+                            find_outgoing_directionality_forwards(&segments, i);
+                        emit_marker(segment,
+                                    MarkerEndpoint::Start,
+                                    MarkerType::Start,
+                                    angle_from_vector(outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy),
+                                    emit_fn);
                         subpath_state = SubpathState::InSubpath;
-                    },
+                    }
                     SubpathState::InSubpath => {
-                        assert! (i > 0);
+                        assert!(i > 0);
-                        let (has_incoming, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) = 
find_incoming_directionality_backwards (&segments, i - 1);
-                        let (has_outgoing, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) = find_outgoing_directionality_forwards 
(&segments, i);
+                        let (has_incoming, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) =
+                            find_incoming_directionality_backwards(&segments, i - 1);
+                        let (has_outgoing, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) =
+                            find_outgoing_directionality_forwards(&segments, i);
                         let incoming: f64;
                         let outgoing: f64;
-                        incoming = angle_from_vector (incoming_vx, incoming_vy);
-                        outgoing = angle_from_vector (outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy);
+                        incoming = angle_from_vector(incoming_vx, incoming_vy);
+                        outgoing = angle_from_vector(outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy);
                         let angle: f64;
                         if has_incoming && has_outgoing {
-                            angle = bisect_angles (incoming, outgoing);
+                            angle = bisect_angles(incoming, outgoing);
                         } else if has_incoming {
                             angle = incoming;
                         } else if has_outgoing {
@@ -741,7 +774,11 @@ fn emit_markers_for_path_builder<E> (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder,
                             angle = 0.0;
-                        emit_marker (segment, MarkerEndpoint::Start, MarkerType::Middle, angle, emit_fn);
+                        emit_marker(segment,
+                                    MarkerEndpoint::Start,
+                                    MarkerType::Middle,
+                                    angle,
+                                    emit_fn);
@@ -752,299 +789,281 @@ fn emit_markers_for_path_builder<E> (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder,
     if !segments.is_empty() {
         let segment = &segments[segments.len() - 1];
-        if let Segment::LineOrCurve{ .. } = *segment {
-            let (_, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) = find_incoming_directionality_backwards (&segments, 
segments.len () - 1);
+        if let Segment::LineOrCurve { .. } = *segment {
+            let (_, incoming_vx, incoming_vy) =
+                find_incoming_directionality_backwards(&segments, segments.len() - 1);
             let angle = {
-                if let PathCommand::ClosePath = builder.get_path_commands ()[segments.len()] {
-                    let (_, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) = find_outgoing_directionality_forwards (&segments, 0);
-                    bisect_angles (angle_from_vector (incoming_vx, incoming_vy), angle_from_vector 
(outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy))
+                if let PathCommand::ClosePath = builder.get_path_commands()[segments.len()] {
+                    let (_, outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy) =
+                        find_outgoing_directionality_forwards(&segments, 0);
+                    bisect_angles(angle_from_vector(incoming_vx, incoming_vy),
+                                  angle_from_vector(outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy))
                 } else {
-                    angle_from_vector (incoming_vx, incoming_vy)
+                    angle_from_vector(incoming_vx, incoming_vy)
-            emit_marker (segment, MarkerEndpoint::End, MarkerType::End, angle, emit_fn);
+            emit_marker(segment,
+                        MarkerEndpoint::End,
+                        MarkerType::End,
+                        angle,
+                        emit_fn);
-/******************** Tests ********************/
+/******************** Tests ******************* * * * * **/
 mod parser_tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parsing_invalid_marker_units_yields_error () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&MarkerUnits::parse ("", ()).map_err (|e| AttributeError::from (e))));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&MarkerUnits::parse ("foo", ()).map_err (|e| AttributeError::from (e))));
+    fn parsing_invalid_marker_units_yields_error() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&MarkerUnits::parse("", ()).map_err(|e| AttributeError::from(e))));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&MarkerUnits::parse("foo", ()).map_err(|e| {
+                                                                          AttributeError::from(e)
+                                                                      })));
-    fn parses_marker_units () {
-        assert_eq! (MarkerUnits::parse ("userSpaceOnUse", ()), Ok (MarkerUnits::UserSpaceOnUse));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerUnits::parse ("strokeWidth", ()),    Ok (MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth));
+    fn parses_marker_units() {
+        assert_eq!(MarkerUnits::parse("userSpaceOnUse", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerUnits::UserSpaceOnUse));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerUnits::parse("strokeWidth", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerUnits::StrokeWidth));
-    fn parsing_invalid_marker_orient_yields_error () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&MarkerOrient::parse ("", ()).map_err (|e| AttributeError::from (e))));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&MarkerOrient::parse ("blah", ()).map_err (|e| AttributeError::from (e))));
+    fn parsing_invalid_marker_orient_yields_error() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&MarkerOrient::parse("", ()).map_err(|e| AttributeError::from(e))));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&MarkerOrient::parse("blah", ()).map_err(|e| {
+                                                                            AttributeError::from(e)
+                                                                        })));
         assert! (is_parse_error (&MarkerOrient::parse ("45blah", ()).map_err (|e| AttributeError::from 
-    fn parses_marker_orient () {
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("auto", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Auto));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("0", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Degrees (0.0)));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("180", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Degrees (180.0)));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("180deg", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Degrees (180.0)));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("-400grad", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Degrees (-360.0)));
-        assert_eq! (MarkerOrient::parse ("1rad", ()), Ok (MarkerOrient::Degrees (180.0 / PI)));
+    fn parses_marker_orient() {
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("auto", ()), Ok(MarkerOrient::Auto));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("0", ()), Ok(MarkerOrient::Degrees(0.0)));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("180", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerOrient::Degrees(180.0)));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("180deg", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerOrient::Degrees(180.0)));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("-400grad", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerOrient::Degrees(-360.0)));
+        assert_eq!(MarkerOrient::parse("1rad", ()),
+                   Ok(MarkerOrient::Degrees(180.0 / PI)));
 mod directionality_tests {
-    use std::f64::consts::*;
     use super::*;
+    use std::f64::consts::*;
-    fn test_bisection_angle (expected: f64,
-                             incoming_vx: f64,
-                             incoming_vy: f64,
-                             outgoing_vx: f64,
-                             outgoing_vy: f64) {
-        let bisected = super::bisect_angles (super::angle_from_vector (incoming_vx, incoming_vy),
-                                             super::angle_from_vector (outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy));
-        assert! (double_equals (expected, bisected));
+    fn test_bisection_angle(expected: f64,
+                            incoming_vx: f64,
+                            incoming_vy: f64,
+                            outgoing_vx: f64,
+                            outgoing_vy: f64) {
+        let bisected = super::bisect_angles(super::angle_from_vector(incoming_vx, incoming_vy),
+                                            super::angle_from_vector(outgoing_vx, outgoing_vy));
+        assert!(double_equals(expected, bisected));
-    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_from_incoming_counterclockwise_to_outgoing () {
+    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_from_incoming_counterclockwise_to_outgoing() {
         // 1st quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (FRAC_PI_4,
-                              1.0, 0.0,
-                              0.0, 1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(FRAC_PI_4, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
         // 2nd quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              0.0, 1.0,
-                              -1.0, 0.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0);
         // 3rd quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (PI + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              -1.0, 0.0,
-                              0.0, -1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI + FRAC_PI_4, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
         // 4th quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (PI + FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              0.0, -1.0,
-                              1.0, 0.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI + FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_from_incoming_clockwise_to_outgoing () {
+    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_from_incoming_clockwise_to_outgoing() {
         // 1st quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (FRAC_PI_4,
-                              0.0, 1.0,
-                              1.0, 0.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(FRAC_PI_4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
         // 2nd quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              -1.0, 0.0,
-                              0.0, 1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
         // 3rd quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (PI + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              0.0, -1.0,
-                              -1.0, 0.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI + FRAC_PI_4, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0);
         // 4th quadrant
-        test_bisection_angle (PI + FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4,
-                              1.0, 0.0,
-                              0.0, -1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI + FRAC_PI_2 + FRAC_PI_4, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
-    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_for_more_than_quarter_turn_angle () {
-        test_bisection_angle (0.0,
-                              0.1, -1.0,
-                              0.1, 1.0);
-        test_bisection_angle (FRAC_PI_2,
-                              1.0, 0.1,
-                              -1.0, 0.1);
-        test_bisection_angle (PI,
-                              -0.1, 1.0,
-                              -0.1, -1.0);
-        test_bisection_angle (PI + FRAC_PI_2,
-                              -1.0, -0.1,
-                              1.0, -0.1);
+    fn bisection_angle_is_correct_for_more_than_quarter_turn_angle() {
+        test_bisection_angle(0.0, 0.1, -1.0, 0.1, 1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(FRAC_PI_2, 1.0, 0.1, -1.0, 0.1);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI, -0.1, 1.0, -0.1, -1.0);
+        test_bisection_angle(PI + FRAC_PI_2, -1.0, -0.1, 1.0, -0.1);
-    fn degenerate (x: f64, y: f64) -> Segment {
-        super::make_degenerate (x, y)
+    fn degenerate(x: f64, y: f64) -> Segment {
+        super::make_degenerate(x, y)
-    fn line (x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> Segment {
-        super::make_line (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+    fn line(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> Segment {
+        super::make_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
-    fn curve (x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) -> Segment {
-        super::make_curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
+    fn curve(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) -> Segment {
+        super::make_curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
-    fn test_path_builder_to_segments (builder: &RsvgPathBuilder, expected_segments: Vec<Segment>) {
-        let segments = path_builder_to_segments (builder);
-        assert_eq! (expected_segments, segments);
+    fn test_path_builder_to_segments(builder: &RsvgPathBuilder, expected_segments: Vec<Segment>) {
+        let segments = path_builder_to_segments(builder);
+        assert_eq!(expected_segments, segments);
     /* Single open path; the easy case */
-    fn setup_open_path () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn setup_open_path() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        builder.move_to (10.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 20.0);
+        builder.move_to(10.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 20.0);
-    fn path_to_segments_handles_open_path () {
-        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![
-            line (10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
-            line (20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0)
-        ];
+    fn path_to_segments_handles_open_path() {
+        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> =
+            vec![line(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0), line(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0)];
-        test_path_builder_to_segments (&setup_open_path (), expected_segments);
+        test_path_builder_to_segments(&setup_open_path(), expected_segments);
     /* Multiple open subpaths */
-    fn setup_multiple_open_subpaths () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn setup_multiple_open_subpaths() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        builder.move_to (10.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 20.0);
+        builder.move_to(10.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 20.0);
-        builder.move_to (30.0, 30.0);
-        builder.line_to (40.0, 30.0);
-        builder.curve_to (50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0);
-        builder.line_to (80.0, 90.0);
+        builder.move_to(30.0, 30.0);
+        builder.line_to(40.0, 30.0);
+        builder.curve_to(50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0);
+        builder.line_to(80.0, 90.0);
-    fn path_to_segments_handles_multiple_open_subpaths () {
-        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![
-            line  (10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
-            line  (20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
-            line  (30.0, 30.0, 40.0, 30.0),
-            curve (40.0, 30.0, 50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0),
-            line  (70.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0)
-        ];
-        test_path_builder_to_segments (&setup_multiple_open_subpaths (), expected_segments);
+    fn path_to_segments_handles_multiple_open_subpaths() {
+        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> =
+            vec![line(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
+                 line(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
+                 line(30.0, 30.0, 40.0, 30.0),
+                 curve(40.0, 30.0, 50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0),
+                 line(70.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0)];
+        test_path_builder_to_segments(&setup_multiple_open_subpaths(), expected_segments);
     /* Closed subpath; must have a line segment back to the first point */
-    fn setup_closed_subpath () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn setup_closed_subpath() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        builder.move_to (10.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 20.0);
-        builder.close_path ();
+        builder.move_to(10.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 20.0);
+        builder.close_path();
-    fn path_to_segments_handles_closed_subpath () {
-        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![
-            line (10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
-            line (20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
-            line (20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0)
-        ];
+    fn path_to_segments_handles_closed_subpath() {
+        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![line(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
+                                                   line(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
+                                                   line(20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0)];
-        test_path_builder_to_segments (&setup_closed_subpath (), expected_segments);
+        test_path_builder_to_segments(&setup_closed_subpath(), expected_segments);
     /* Multiple closed subpaths; each must have a line segment back to their
      * initial points, with no degenerate segments between subpaths.
-    fn setup_multiple_closed_subpaths () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn setup_multiple_closed_subpaths() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        builder.move_to (10.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 20.0);
-        builder.close_path ();
+        builder.move_to(10.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 20.0);
+        builder.close_path();
-        builder.move_to (30.0, 30.0);
-        builder.line_to (40.0, 30.0);
-        builder.curve_to (50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0);
-        builder.line_to (80.0, 90.0);
-        builder.close_path ();
+        builder.move_to(30.0, 30.0);
+        builder.line_to(40.0, 30.0);
+        builder.curve_to(50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0);
+        builder.line_to(80.0, 90.0);
+        builder.close_path();
-    fn path_to_segments_handles_multiple_closed_subpaths () {
-        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![
-            line  (10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
-            line  (20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
-            line  (20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
-            line  (30.0, 30.0, 40.0, 30.0),
-            curve (40.0, 30.0, 50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0),
-            line  (70.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0),
-            line  (80.0, 90.0, 30.0, 30.0)
-        ];
-        test_path_builder_to_segments (&setup_multiple_closed_subpaths (), expected_segments);
+    fn path_to_segments_handles_multiple_closed_subpaths() {
+        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> =
+            vec![line(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
+                 line(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
+                 line(20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
+                 line(30.0, 30.0, 40.0, 30.0),
+                 curve(40.0, 30.0, 50.0, 35.0, 60.0, 60.0, 70.0, 70.0),
+                 line(70.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0),
+                 line(80.0, 90.0, 30.0, 30.0)];
+        test_path_builder_to_segments(&setup_multiple_closed_subpaths(), expected_segments);
-    /* A lineto follows the first closed subpath, with no moveto to start the second subpath.  The
-     * lineto must start at the first point of the first subpath.
+    /* A lineto follows the first closed subpath, with no moveto to start the second subpath.
+     * The lineto must start at the first point of the first subpath.
-    fn setup_no_moveto_after_closepath () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn setup_no_moveto_after_closepath() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        builder.move_to (10.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 10.0);
-        builder.line_to (20.0, 20.0);
-        builder.close_path ();
+        builder.move_to(10.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 10.0);
+        builder.line_to(20.0, 20.0);
+        builder.close_path();
-        builder.line_to (40.0, 30.0);
+        builder.line_to(40.0, 30.0);
-    fn path_to_segments_handles_no_moveto_after_closepath () {
-        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![
-            line  (10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
-            line  (20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
-            line  (20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
+    fn path_to_segments_handles_no_moveto_after_closepath() {
+        let expected_segments: Vec<Segment> = vec![line(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
+                                                   line(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0),
+                                                   line(20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
+                                                   line(10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 30.0)];
-            line  (10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 30.0)
-        ];
-        test_path_builder_to_segments (&setup_no_moveto_after_closepath (), expected_segments);
+        test_path_builder_to_segments(&setup_no_moveto_after_closepath(), expected_segments);
     /* Sequence of moveto; should generate degenerate points.
@@ -1084,77 +1103,78 @@ mod directionality_tests {
-    fn degenerate_segment_has_no_directionality () {
-        assert! (super::get_segment_directionalities (&degenerate (1.0, 2.0)).is_none ());
+    fn degenerate_segment_has_no_directionality() {
+        assert!(super::get_segment_directionalities(&degenerate(1.0, 2.0)).is_none());
-    fn line_segment_has_directionality () {
-        let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) = super::get_segment_directionalities (&line (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)).unwrap 
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 2.0), (v2x, v2y));
+    fn line_segment_has_directionality() {
+        let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
+            super::get_segment_directionalities(&line(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 2.0), (v2x, v2y));
-    fn line_segment_with_coincident_ends_has_no_directionality () {
-        assert! (super::get_segment_directionalities (&line (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0)).is_none ());
+    fn line_segment_with_coincident_ends_has_no_directionality() {
+        assert!(super::get_segment_directionalities(&line(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0)).is_none());
-    fn curve_has_directionality () {
+    fn curve_has_directionality() {
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 13.0, 20.0, 33.0)).unwrap 
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 3.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((12.0, 20.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 3.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((12.0, 20.0), (v2x, v2y));
-    fn curves_with_loops_and_coincident_ends_have_directionality () {
+    fn curves_with_loops_and_coincident_ends_have_directionality() {
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 1.0, 2.0)).unwrap ();
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((-4.0, -4.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((-4.0, -4.0), (v2x, v2y));
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0)).unwrap ();
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((-2.0, -2.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((-2.0, -2.0), (v2x, v2y));
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0)).unwrap ();
-        assert_eq! ((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((-2.0, -2.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((2.0, 2.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((-2.0, -2.0), (v2x, v2y));
-    fn curve_with_coincident_control_points_has_no_directionality () {
+    fn curve_with_coincident_control_points_has_no_directionality() {
         assert! (super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 
2.0)).is_none ());
-    fn curve_with_123_coincident_has_directionality () {
+    fn curve_with_123_coincident_has_directionality() {
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0)).unwrap 
-        assert_eq! ((20.0, 40.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((20.0, 40.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((20.0, 40.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((20.0, 40.0), (v2x, v2y));
-    fn curve_with_234_coincident_has_directionality () {
+    fn curve_with_234_coincident_has_directionality() {
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (20.0, 40.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).unwrap 
-        assert_eq! ((-20.0, -40.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((-20.0, -40.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((-20.0, -40.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((-20.0, -40.0), (v2x, v2y));
-    fn curve_with_12_34_coincident_has_directionality () {
+    fn curve_with_12_34_coincident_has_directionality() {
         let (v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) =
             super::get_segment_directionalities (&curve (20.0, 40.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 60.0, 
70.0)).unwrap ();
-        assert_eq! ((40.0, 30.0), (v1x, v1y));
-        assert_eq! ((40.0, 30.0), (v2x, v2y));
+        assert_eq!((40.0, 30.0), (v1x, v1y));
+        assert_eq!((40.0, 30.0), (v2x, v2y));
@@ -1163,46 +1183,48 @@ mod marker_tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn emits_for_open_subpath () {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
-        builder.move_to (0.0, 0.0);
-        builder.line_to (1.0, 0.0);
-        builder.line_to (1.0, 1.0);
-        builder.line_to (0.0, 1.0);
+    fn emits_for_open_subpath() {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
+        builder.move_to(0.0, 0.0);
+        builder.line_to(1.0, 0.0);
+        builder.line_to(1.0, 1.0);
+        builder.line_to(0.0, 1.0);
-        let mut v = Vec::new ();
+        let mut v = Vec::new();
         emit_markers_for_path_builder (&builder,
                                        &mut |marker_type: MarkerType, x: f64, y: f64, computed_angle: f64| {
                                            v.push ((marker_type, x, y, computed_angle));
-        assert_eq! (v, vec! [(MarkerType::Start,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-                             (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector (1.0, 1.0)),
-                             (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector (-1.0, 1.0)),
-                             (MarkerType::End,    0.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector (-1.0, 0.0))]);
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec![(MarkerType::Start, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                        (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector(1.0, 1.0)),
+                        (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector(-1.0, 1.0)),
+                        (MarkerType::End, 0.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector(-1.0, 0.0))]);
-    fn emits_for_closed_subpath () {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
-        builder.move_to (0.0, 0.0);
-        builder.line_to (1.0, 0.0);
-        builder.line_to (1.0, 1.0);
-        builder.line_to (0.0, 1.0);
-        builder.close_path ();
+    fn emits_for_closed_subpath() {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
+        builder.move_to(0.0, 0.0);
+        builder.line_to(1.0, 0.0);
+        builder.line_to(1.0, 1.0);
+        builder.line_to(0.0, 1.0);
+        builder.close_path();
-        let mut v = Vec::new ();
+        let mut v = Vec::new();
         emit_markers_for_path_builder (&builder,
                                        &mut |marker_type: MarkerType, x: f64, y: f64, computed_angle: f64| {
                                            v.push ((marker_type, x, y, computed_angle));
-        assert_eq! (v, vec! [(MarkerType::Start,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-                             (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector (1.0, 1.0)),
-                             (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector (-1.0, 1.0)),
-                             (MarkerType::Middle, 0.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector (-1.0, -1.0)),
-                             (MarkerType::End,    0.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector (1.0, -1.0))]);
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec![(MarkerType::Start, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                        (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector(1.0, 1.0)),
+                        (MarkerType::Middle, 1.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector(-1.0, 1.0)),
+                        (MarkerType::Middle, 0.0, 1.0, angle_from_vector(-1.0, -1.0)),
+                        (MarkerType::End, 0.0, 0.0, angle_from_vector(1.0, -1.0))]);
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/mask.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/mask.rs
index 81703371..2ea96ca0 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/mask.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/mask.rs
@@ -5,36 +5,34 @@ use attributes::Attribute;
 use coord_units::CoordUnits;
 use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
-use length::{RsvgLength, LengthDir};
-use node::{NodeResult, NodeTrait, NodeType, RsvgCNodeImpl, RsvgNode, boxed_node_new};
-use parsers::{Parse, parse};
+use length::{LengthDir, RsvgLength};
+use node::{boxed_node_new, NodeResult, NodeTrait, NodeType, RsvgCNodeImpl, RsvgNode};
+use parsers::{parse, Parse};
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 coord_units!(MaskUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
 coord_units!(MaskContentUnits, CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse);
 struct NodeMask {
-    x:      Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    y:      Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    width:  Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    x: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    y: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    width: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     height: Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    units:         Cell<MaskUnits>,
+    units: Cell<MaskUnits>,
     content_units: Cell<MaskContentUnits>,
 impl NodeMask {
     fn new() -> NodeMask {
-        NodeMask {
-            x:      Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_pos(LengthDir::Horizontal)),
-            y:      Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_pos(LengthDir::Vertical)),
+        NodeMask { x: Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_pos(LengthDir::Horizontal)),
+                   y: Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_pos(LengthDir::Vertical)),
-            width:  Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_size(LengthDir::Horizontal)),
-            height: Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_size(LengthDir::Vertical)),
+                   width: Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_size(LengthDir::Horizontal)),
+                   height: Cell::new(NodeMask::get_default_size(LengthDir::Vertical)),
-            units:         Cell::new(MaskUnits::default()),
-            content_units: Cell::new(MaskContentUnits::default())
-        }
+                   units: Cell::new(MaskUnits::default()),
+                   content_units: Cell::new(MaskContentUnits::default()), }
     fn get_default_pos(dir: LengthDir) -> RsvgLength {
@@ -50,18 +48,26 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeMask {
     fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::X =>      self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
-                Attribute::Y =>      self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::Width =>  self.width.set(parse("width", value, LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
-                Attribute::Height => self.height.set(parse("height", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                                           Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
-                Attribute::MaskUnits =>
-                    self.units.set(parse("maskUnits", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::MaskContentUnits =>
-                    self.content_units.set(parse("maskContentUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::X => self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
+                Attribute::Y => self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
+                Attribute::Width => {
+                    self.width.set(parse("width",
+                                         value,
+                                         LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                         Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
+                Attribute::Height => {
+                    self.height.set(parse("height",
+                                          value,
+                                          LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
+                Attribute::MaskUnits => self.units.set(parse("maskUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::MaskContentUnits => {
+                    self.content_units.set(parse("maskContentUnits", value, (), None)?)
+                }
                 _ => (),
@@ -80,92 +86,92 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeMask {
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_new(_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Mask,
-                   raw_parent,
-                   Box::new(NodeMask::new()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Mask, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeMask::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_x(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_x(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut v = RsvgLength::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        v = mask.x.get();
-    });
+                       v = mask.x.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_y(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_y(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut v = RsvgLength::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        v = mask.y.get();
-    });
+                       v = mask.y.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_width(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_width(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut v = RsvgLength::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        v = mask.width.get();
-    });
+                       v = mask.width.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_height(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_height(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgLength {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut v = RsvgLength::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        v = mask.height.get();
-    });
+                       v = mask.height.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut units = MaskUnits::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        units = mask.units.get();
-    });
+                       units = mask.units.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_mask_get_content_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_mask_get_content_units(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> CoordUnits {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut units = MaskContentUnits::default();
     node.with_impl(|mask: &NodeMask| {
-        units = mask.content_units.get();
-    });
+                       units = mask.content_units.get();
+                   });
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/node.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/node.rs
index 16718157..397ba301 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/node.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/node.rs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 use downcast_rs::*;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use libc;
-use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
 use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::ptr;
+use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
-use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use drawing_ctx;
+use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use error::*;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
 use parsers::ParseError;
@@ -27,12 +27,16 @@ pub type RsvgNode = Rc<Node>;
 pub enum RsvgCNodeImpl {}
 pub trait NodeTrait: Downcast {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult;
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl;
+    fn set_atts(&self,
+                node: &RsvgNode,
+                handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+                pbag: &PropertyBag)
+                -> NodeResult;
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32);
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl;
-impl_downcast! (NodeTrait);
 // After creating/parsing a Node, it will be in a success or an error state.
 // We represent this with a Result, aliased as a NodeResult.  There is no
@@ -58,11 +62,11 @@ pub type NodeResult = Result<(), NodeError>;
 pub struct Node {
     node_type: NodeType,
-    parent:    Option<Weak<Node>>,       // optional; weak ref to parent
-    children:  RefCell<Vec<Rc<Node>>>,   // strong references to children
-    state:     *mut RsvgState,
-    result:    RefCell <NodeResult>,
-    node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>
+    parent: Option<Weak<Node>>,       // optional; weak ref to parent
+    children: RefCell<Vec<Rc<Node>>>, // strong references to children
+    state: *mut RsvgState,
+    result: RefCell<NodeResult>,
+    node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>,
 /* Keep this in sync with rsvg-private.h:RsvgNodeType */
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ pub enum NodeType {
     /* Filter primitives */
-    FilterPrimitiveFirst,              /* just a marker; not a valid type */
+    FilterPrimitiveFirst, /* just a marker; not a valid type */
@@ -120,106 +124,105 @@ pub enum NodeType {
-    FilterPrimitiveLast                /* just a marker; not a valid type */
+    FilterPrimitiveLast, /* just a marker; not a valid type */
 impl Node {
-    pub fn new (node_type: NodeType,
-                parent:    Option<Weak<Node>>,
-                state:     *mut RsvgState,
-                node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>) -> Node {
-        Node {
-            node_type: node_type,
-            parent:    parent,
-            children:  RefCell::new (Vec::new ()),
-            state:     state,
-            result:    RefCell::new (Ok (())),
-            node_impl: node_impl
-        }
+    pub fn new(node_type: NodeType,
+               parent: Option<Weak<Node>>,
+               state: *mut RsvgState,
+               node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>)
+               -> Node {
+        Node { node_type,
+               parent,
+               children: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
+               state,
+               result: RefCell::new(Ok(())),
+               node_impl, }
-    pub fn get_type (&self) -> NodeType {
+    pub fn get_type(&self) -> NodeType {
-    pub fn get_state (&self) -> *mut RsvgState {
+    pub fn get_state(&self) -> *mut RsvgState {
-    pub fn get_parent (&self) -> Option<Rc<Node>> {
+    pub fn get_parent(&self) -> Option<Rc<Node>> {
         match self.parent {
             None => None,
-            Some (ref weak_node) => Some (weak_node.upgrade ().unwrap ())
+            Some(ref weak_node) => Some(weak_node.upgrade().unwrap()),
-    pub fn is_ancestor (ancestor: Rc<Node>, descendant: Rc<Node>) -> bool {
-        let mut desc = Some (descendant.clone ());
+    pub fn is_ancestor(ancestor: Rc<Node>, descendant: Rc<Node>) -> bool {
+        let mut desc = Some(descendant.clone());
-        while let Some (ref d) = desc.clone () {
-            if rc_node_ptr_eq (&ancestor, d) {
+        while let Some(ref d) = desc.clone() {
+            if rc_node_ptr_eq(&ancestor, d) {
                 return true;
-            desc = d.get_parent ();
+            desc = d.get_parent();
-    pub fn add_child (&self, child: &Rc<Node>) {
-        self.children.borrow_mut ().push (child.clone ());
+    pub fn add_child(&self, child: &Rc<Node>) {
+        self.children.borrow_mut().push(child.clone());
-    pub fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) {
-        *self.result.borrow_mut () = self.node_impl.set_atts (node, handle, pbag);
+    pub fn set_atts(&self, node: &RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) {
+        *self.result.borrow_mut() = self.node_impl.set_atts(node, handle, pbag);
-    pub fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        if self.result.borrow ().is_ok () {
-            self.node_impl.draw (node, draw_ctx, dominate);
+    pub fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        if self.result.borrow().is_ok() {
+            self.node_impl.draw(node, draw_ctx, dominate);
-    pub fn set_error (&self, error: NodeError) {
-        *self.result.borrow_mut () = Err (error);
+    pub fn set_error(&self, error: NodeError) {
+        *self.result.borrow_mut() = Err(error);
-    pub fn get_result (&self) -> NodeResult {
-        self.result.borrow ().clone ()
+    pub fn get_result(&self) -> NodeResult {
+        self.result.borrow().clone()
-    pub fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        self.node_impl.get_c_impl ()
+    pub fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        self.node_impl.get_c_impl()
-    pub fn with_impl<T: NodeTrait, F: FnOnce (&T)> (&self, f: F) {
-        if let Some (t) = (&self.node_impl).downcast_ref::<T> () {
-            f (t);
+    pub fn with_impl<T: NodeTrait, F: FnOnce(&T)>(&self, f: F) {
+        if let Some(t) = (&self.node_impl).downcast_ref::<T>() {
+            f(t);
         } else {
-            panic! ("could not downcast");
+            panic!("could not downcast");
-    pub fn draw_children (&self, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+    pub fn draw_children(&self, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
         if dominate != -1 {
-            drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, self.state, dominate);
+            drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, self.state, dominate);
-            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
         self.foreach_child(|child| {
-            let boxed_child = box_node (child.clone ());
+                               let boxed_child = box_node(child.clone());
-            drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx, boxed_child, 0);
+                               drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx, boxed_child, 0);
-            rsvg_node_unref (boxed_child);
+                               rsvg_node_unref(boxed_child);
-            true
-        });
+                               true
+                           });
         if dominate != -1 {
-            drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
@@ -245,151 +248,154 @@ impl Node {
 // states; we only create stub nodes with ptr::null() for state.
 impl Drop for Node {
-    fn drop (&mut self) {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
         extern "C" {
-            fn rsvg_state_free (state: *mut RsvgState);
+            fn rsvg_state_free(state: *mut RsvgState);
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            rsvg_state_free(self.state);
-        unsafe { rsvg_state_free (self.state); }
-pub fn node_ptr_to_weak (raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> Option<Weak<Node>> {
-    if raw_parent.is_null () {
+pub fn node_ptr_to_weak(raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> Option<Weak<Node>> {
+    if raw_parent.is_null() {
     } else {
-        let p: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_parent };
-        Some (Rc::downgrade (&p.clone ()))
+        let p: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_parent };
+        Some(Rc::downgrade(&p.clone()))
-pub fn boxed_node_new (node_type:  NodeType,
-                       raw_parent: *const RsvgNode,
-                       node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    box_node (Rc::new (Node::new (node_type,
-                                  node_ptr_to_weak (raw_parent),
-                                  drawing_ctx::state_new (),
-                                  node_impl)))
+pub fn boxed_node_new(node_type: NodeType,
+                      raw_parent: *const RsvgNode,
+                      node_impl: Box<NodeTrait>)
+                      -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    box_node(Rc::new(Node::new(node_type,
+                               node_ptr_to_weak(raw_parent),
+                               drawing_ctx::state_new(),
+                               node_impl)))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_get_type (raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> NodeType {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_get_type(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> NodeType {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    node.get_type ()
+    node.get_type()
-pub fn box_node (node: RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    Box::into_raw (Box::new (node))
+pub fn box_node(node: RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    Box::into_raw(Box::new(node))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_get_parent (raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_get_parent(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    match node.get_parent () {
-        None => { ptr::null () }
+    match node.get_parent() {
+        None => ptr::null(),
-        Some (node) => {
-            box_node (node)
-        }
+        Some(node) => box_node(node),
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_ref (raw_node: *mut RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_ref(raw_node: *mut RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    box_node (node.clone ())
+    box_node(node.clone())
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_unref (raw_node: *mut RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
-    if !raw_node.is_null () {
-        let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw (raw_node) };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_unref(raw_node: *mut RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgNode {
+    if !raw_node.is_null() {
+        let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw_node) };
-    ptr::null_mut () // so the caller can do "node = rsvg_node_unref (node);" and lose access to the node
+    ptr::null_mut() // so the caller can do "node = rsvg_node_unref (node);" and lose access to the node
 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/36497 - this is what
 // added Rc::ptr_eq(), but we don't want to depend on unstable Rust
 // just yet.
-fn rc_node_ptr_eq<T: ?Sized> (this: &Rc<T>, other: &Rc<T>) -> bool {
+fn rc_node_ptr_eq<T: ?Sized>(this: &Rc<T>, other: &Rc<T>) -> bool {
     let this_ptr: *const T = &**this;
     let other_ptr: *const T = &**other;
     this_ptr == other_ptr
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_is_same (raw_node1: *const RsvgNode, raw_node2: *const RsvgNode) -> 
glib_sys::gboolean {
-    let is_same = if raw_node1.is_null () && raw_node2.is_null () {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_is_same(raw_node1: *const RsvgNode,
+                                    raw_node2: *const RsvgNode)
+                                    -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+    let is_same = if raw_node1.is_null() && raw_node2.is_null() {
-    } else if !raw_node1.is_null () && !raw_node2.is_null () {
-        let node1: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node1 };
-        let node2: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node2 };
+    } else if !raw_node1.is_null() && !raw_node2.is_null() {
+        let node1: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node1 };
+        let node2: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node2 };
-        rc_node_ptr_eq (node1, node2)
+        rc_node_ptr_eq(node1, node2)
     } else {
-    is_same.to_glib ()
+    is_same.to_glib()
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_get_state (raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgState {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_get_state(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> *mut RsvgState {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    node.get_state ()
+    node.get_state()
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_add_child (raw_node: *mut RsvgNode, raw_child: *const RsvgNode) {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    assert! (!raw_child.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_add_child(raw_node: *mut RsvgNode, raw_child: *const RsvgNode) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    assert!(!raw_child.is_null());
     let node: &mut RsvgNode = unsafe { &mut *raw_node };
-    let child: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_child };
+    let child: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_child };
-    node.add_child (child);
+    node.add_child(child);
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_set_atts (raw_node: *mut RsvgNode,
-                                  handle: *const RsvgHandle,
-                                  pbag: *const PropertyBag) {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_set_atts(raw_node: *mut RsvgNode,
+                                     handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+                                     pbag: *const PropertyBag) {
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let pbag = unsafe { &*pbag };
     node.set_atts(node, handle, &pbag);
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_draw (raw_node: *const RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_draw(raw_node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                 draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                 dominate: i32) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    node.draw (node, draw_ctx, dominate);
+    node.draw(node, draw_ctx, dominate);
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_set_attribute_parse_error (raw_node:    *const RsvgNode,
-                                                   attr_name:   *const libc::c_char,
-                                                   description: *const libc::c_char)
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_set_attribute_parse_error(raw_node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                                      attr_name: *const libc::c_char,
+                                                      description: *const libc::c_char) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    assert! (!attr_name.is_null ());
-    assert! (!description.is_null ());
+    assert!(!attr_name.is_null());
+    assert!(!description.is_null());
     unsafe {
         node.set_error (NodeError::parse_error (&String::from_glib_none (attr_name),
@@ -397,142 +403,145 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_node_set_attribute_parse_error (raw_node:    *const RsvgNode,
-type NodeForeachChild = unsafe extern "C" fn (node: *const RsvgNode, data: *const libc::c_void) -> 
+type NodeForeachChild =
+    unsafe extern "C" fn(node: *const RsvgNode, data: *const libc::c_void) -> glib_sys::gboolean;
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_foreach_child (raw_node: *const RsvgNode, func: NodeForeachChild, data: *const 
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_foreach_child(raw_node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                          func: NodeForeachChild,
+                                          data: *const libc::c_void) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     node.foreach_child(|child| {
-        let boxed_child = box_node (child.clone ());
+                           let boxed_child = box_node(child.clone());
-        let next: bool = unsafe { from_glib (func (boxed_child, data)) };
+                           let next: bool = unsafe { from_glib(func(boxed_child, data)) };
-        rsvg_node_unref (boxed_child);
+                           rsvg_node_unref(boxed_child);
-        next
-    });
+                           next
+                       });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_draw_children (raw_node: *const RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: 
i32) {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_draw_children(raw_node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                          draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                          dominate: i32) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
-    node.draw_children (draw_ctx, dominate);
+    node.draw_children(draw_ctx, dominate);
 mod tests {
-    use std::rc::Rc;
+    use super::*;
     use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
     use handle::RsvgHandle;
-    use super::*;
     use std::ptr;
+    use std::rc::Rc;
     struct TestNodeImpl {}
     impl NodeTrait for TestNodeImpl {
-        fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-            Ok (())
+        fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+            Ok(())
-        fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
-        }
+        fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {}
-        fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-            unreachable! ();
+        fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+            unreachable!();
-    fn node_refs_and_unrefs () {
-        let node = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                       None,
-                                       ptr::null_mut (),
-                                       Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+    fn node_refs_and_unrefs() {
+        let node = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                     None,
+                                     ptr::null_mut(),
+                                     Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        let ref1 = box_node (node);
+        let ref1 = box_node(node);
         let new_node: &mut RsvgNode = unsafe { &mut *ref1 };
-        let weak = Rc::downgrade (new_node);
+        let weak = Rc::downgrade(new_node);
-        let ref2 = rsvg_node_ref (new_node);
-        assert! (weak.upgrade ().is_some ());
+        let ref2 = rsvg_node_ref(new_node);
+        assert!(weak.upgrade().is_some());
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref2);
-        assert! (weak.upgrade ().is_some ());
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref2);
+        assert!(weak.upgrade().is_some());
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref1);
-        assert! (weak.upgrade ().is_none ());
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref1);
+        assert!(weak.upgrade().is_none());
-    fn reffed_node_is_same_as_original_node () {
-        let node = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                       None,
-                                       ptr::null_mut (),
-                                       Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+    fn reffed_node_is_same_as_original_node() {
+        let node = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                     None,
+                                     ptr::null_mut(),
+                                     Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        let ref1 = box_node (node);
+        let ref1 = box_node(node);
-        let ref2 = rsvg_node_ref (ref1);
+        let ref2 = rsvg_node_ref(ref1);
-        assert! (rsvg_node_is_same (ref1, ref2) == true.to_glib ());
+        assert!(rsvg_node_is_same(ref1, ref2) == true.to_glib());
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref1);
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref2);
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref1);
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref2);
-    fn different_nodes_have_different_pointers () {
-        let node1 = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                        None,
-                                        ptr::null_mut (),
-                                        Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+    fn different_nodes_have_different_pointers() {
+        let node1 = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                      None,
+                                      ptr::null_mut(),
+                                      Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        let ref1 = box_node (node1);
+        let ref1 = box_node(node1);
-        let node2 = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                        None,
-                                        ptr::null_mut (),
-                                        Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+        let node2 = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                      None,
+                                      ptr::null_mut(),
+                                      Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        let ref2 = box_node (node2);
+        let ref2 = box_node(node2);
-        assert! (rsvg_node_is_same (ref1, ref2) == false.to_glib ());
+        assert!(rsvg_node_is_same(ref1, ref2) == false.to_glib());
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref1);
-        rsvg_node_unref (ref2);
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref1);
+        rsvg_node_unref(ref2);
-    fn node_is_its_own_ancestor () {
-        let node = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                       None,
-                                       ptr::null_mut (),
-                                       Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+    fn node_is_its_own_ancestor() {
+        let node = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                     None,
+                                     ptr::null_mut(),
+                                     Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        assert! (Node::is_ancestor (node.clone (), node.clone ()));
+        assert!(Node::is_ancestor(node.clone(), node.clone()));
-    fn node_is_ancestor_of_child () {
-        let node = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                       None,
-                                       ptr::null_mut (),
-                                       Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+    fn node_is_ancestor_of_child() {
+        let node = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                     None,
+                                     ptr::null_mut(),
+                                     Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        let child = Rc::new (Node::new (NodeType::Path,
-                                        Some (Rc::downgrade (&node)),
-                                        ptr::null_mut (),
-                                        Box::new (TestNodeImpl {})));
+        let child = Rc::new(Node::new(NodeType::Path,
+                                      Some(Rc::downgrade(&node)),
+                                      ptr::null_mut(),
+                                      Box::new(TestNodeImpl {})));
-        node.add_child (&child);
+        node.add_child(&child);
-        assert! (Node::is_ancestor (node.clone (), child.clone ()));
-        assert! (!Node::is_ancestor (child.clone (), node.clone ()));
+        assert!(Node::is_ancestor(node.clone(), child.clone()));
+        assert!(!Node::is_ancestor(child.clone(), node.clone()));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/opacity.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/opacity.rs
index 8a6bffb2..9e1248ee 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/opacity.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/opacity.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 /// Struct to represent an inheritable opacity property
 /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/masking.html#OpacityProperty>
 use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput, Token};
 use libc;
 use std::str::FromStr;
-use parsers::ParseError;
 use error::*;
+use parsers::ParseError;
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 // Keep this in sync with rsvg-css.h:RsvgOpacityKind
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ use util::utf8_cstr;
 pub enum OpacityKind {
-    ParseError
+    ParseError,
 // Keep this in sync with rsvg-css.h:RsvgOpacitySpec
@@ -24,102 +23,101 @@ pub enum OpacityKind {
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub struct OpacitySpec {
     kind: OpacityKind,
-    opacity: u8
+    opacity: u8,
 // This is the Rust version of the above
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum Opacity {
-    Specified (f64)
+    Specified(f64),
 impl From<Result<Opacity, AttributeError>> for OpacitySpec {
-    fn from (result: Result<Opacity, AttributeError>) -> OpacitySpec {
+    fn from(result: Result<Opacity, AttributeError>) -> OpacitySpec {
         match result {
-            Ok (Opacity::Inherit) =>
-                OpacitySpec {
-                    kind: OpacityKind::Inherit,
-                    opacity: 0
-                },
-            Ok (Opacity::Specified (val)) =>
-                OpacitySpec {
-                    kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
-                    opacity: opacity_to_u8 (val)
-                },
-            _ =>
-                OpacitySpec {
-                    kind: OpacityKind::ParseError,
-                    opacity: 0
-                }
+            Ok(Opacity::Inherit) => {
+                OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Inherit,
+                              opacity: 0, }
+            }
+            Ok(Opacity::Specified(val)) => {
+                OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
+                              opacity: opacity_to_u8(val), }
+            }
+            _ => {
+                OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::ParseError,
+                              opacity: 0, }
+            }
-pub fn opacity_to_u8 (val: f64) -> u8 {
-    (val * 255.0 + 0.5).floor () as u8
+pub fn opacity_to_u8(val: f64) -> u8 {
+    (val * 255.0 + 0.5).floor() as u8
-fn make_err () -> AttributeError {
-    AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected 'inherit' or number"))
+fn make_err() -> AttributeError {
+    AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected 'inherit' or number"))
 impl FromStr for Opacity {
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn from_str (s: &str) -> Result<Opacity, AttributeError> {
-        let mut input = ParserInput::new (s);
-        let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Opacity, AttributeError> {
+        let mut input = ParserInput::new(s);
+        let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
         let opacity = {
-            let token = parser.next ()
-                .map_err (|_| make_err ())?;
+            let token = parser.next().map_err(|_| make_err())?;
             match *token {
-                Token::Ident (ref cow) => {
-                    if cow.as_ref () == "inherit" {
+                Token::Ident(ref cow) => {
+                    if cow.as_ref() == "inherit" {
                     } else {
-                        return Err (make_err ());
+                        return Err(make_err());
-                },
+                }
                 Token::Number { value, .. } => {
                     if value < 0.0 {
-                        Opacity::Specified (0.0)
+                        Opacity::Specified(0.0)
                     } else if value > 1.0 {
-                        Opacity::Specified (1.0)
+                        Opacity::Specified(1.0)
                     } else {
-                        Opacity::Specified (f64::from(value))
+                        Opacity::Specified(f64::from(value))
-                },
+                }
-                _ => return Err (make_err ())
+                _ => return Err(make_err()),
-        parser.expect_exhausted ().map_err (|_| make_err ())?;
+        parser.expect_exhausted().map_err(|_| make_err())?;
-        Ok (opacity)
+        Ok(opacity)
 impl Opacity {
-    pub fn from_opacity_spec (spec: &OpacitySpec) -> Result <Opacity, AttributeError> {
+    pub fn from_opacity_spec(spec: &OpacitySpec) -> Result<Opacity, AttributeError> {
         match *spec {
-            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Inherit, .. }      => Ok (Opacity::Inherit),
+            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Inherit,
+                          .. } => Ok(Opacity::Inherit),
-            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified, opacity } => Ok (Opacity::Specified 
(f64::from(opacity) / 255.0)),
+            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
+                          opacity, } => Ok(Opacity::Specified(f64::from(opacity) / 255.0)),
-            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::ParseError, .. } => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new 
("parse error")))
+            OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::ParseError,
+                          .. } => Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("parse error"))),
-pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_opacity (string: *const libc::c_char) -> OpacitySpec {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_css_parse_opacity(string: *const libc::c_char) -> OpacitySpec {
     let s = unsafe { utf8_cstr(string) };
@@ -128,79 +126,79 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_opacity (string: *const libc::c_char) -> OpacitySpe
 mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    use std::str::FromStr;
     use glib::translate::*;
+    use std::str::FromStr;
-    fn parses_inherit () {
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("inherit"), Ok (Opacity::Inherit));
+    fn parses_inherit() {
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("inherit"), Ok(Opacity::Inherit));
-    fn parses_number () {
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("0"),   Ok (Opacity::Specified (0.0)));
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("1"),   Ok (Opacity::Specified (1.0)));
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("0.5"), Ok (Opacity::Specified (0.5)));
+    fn parses_number() {
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("0"), Ok(Opacity::Specified(0.0)));
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("1"), Ok(Opacity::Specified(1.0)));
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("0.5"), Ok(Opacity::Specified(0.5)));
-    fn parses_out_of_range_number () {
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("-10"), Ok (Opacity::Specified (0.0)));
-        assert_eq! (Opacity::from_str ("10"),  Ok (Opacity::Specified (1.0)));
+    fn parses_out_of_range_number() {
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("-10"), Ok(Opacity::Specified(0.0)));
+        assert_eq!(Opacity::from_str("10"), Ok(Opacity::Specified(1.0)));
-    fn errors_on_invalid_input () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&Opacity::from_str ("")));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&Opacity::from_str ("foo")));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&Opacity::from_str ("-x")));
+    fn errors_on_invalid_input() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&Opacity::from_str("")));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&Opacity::from_str("foo")));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&Opacity::from_str("-x")));
-    fn errors_on_extra_input () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&Opacity::from_str ("inherit a million dollars")));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&Opacity::from_str ("0.0foo")));
+    fn errors_on_extra_input() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&Opacity::from_str("inherit a million dollars")));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&Opacity::from_str("0.0foo")));
-    fn parse (s: &str) -> OpacitySpec {
-        rsvg_css_parse_opacity (s.to_glib_none ().0)
+    fn parse(s: &str) -> OpacitySpec {
+        rsvg_css_parse_opacity(s.to_glib_none().0)
-    fn converts_result_to_opacity_spec () {
-        assert_eq! (parse ("inherit"),
-                    OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Inherit,
-                                  opacity: 0 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("0"),
-                    OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
-                                  opacity: 0 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("1"),
-                    OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
-                                  opacity: 255 });
-        assert_eq! (parse ("foo"),
-                    OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::ParseError,
-                                  opacity: 0 });
+    fn converts_result_to_opacity_spec() {
+        assert_eq!(parse("inherit"),
+                   OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Inherit,
+                                 opacity: 0, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("0"),
+                   OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
+                                 opacity: 0, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("1"),
+                   OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::Specified,
+                                 opacity: 255, });
+        assert_eq!(parse("foo"),
+                   OpacitySpec { kind: OpacityKind::ParseError,
+                                 opacity: 0, });
-    fn test_roundtrip (s: &str) {
-        let result = Opacity::from_str (s);
-        let result2 = result.clone ();
-        let spec = OpacitySpec::from (result2);
+    fn test_roundtrip(s: &str) {
+        let result = Opacity::from_str(s);
+        let result2 = result.clone();
+        let spec = OpacitySpec::from(result2);
-        if result.is_ok () {
-            assert_eq! (Opacity::from_opacity_spec (&spec), result);
+        if result.is_ok() {
+            assert_eq!(Opacity::from_opacity_spec(&spec), result);
         } else {
-            assert! (Opacity::from_opacity_spec (&spec).is_err ());
+            assert!(Opacity::from_opacity_spec(&spec).is_err());
-    fn roundtrips () {
-        test_roundtrip ("inherit");
-        test_roundtrip ("0");
-        test_roundtrip ("1.0");
-        test_roundtrip ("chilaquil");
+    fn roundtrips() {
+        test_roundtrip("inherit");
+        test_roundtrip("0");
+        test_roundtrip("1.0");
+        test_roundtrip("chilaquil");
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/paint_server.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/paint_server.rs
index a3b654d3..07d23d7d 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/paint_server.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/paint_server.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 use cairo;
 use cssparser;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use libc;
-use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::ptr;
+use std::rc::Rc;
 use bbox::RsvgBbox;
 use color::Color;
@@ -18,25 +18,29 @@ use pattern;
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct PaintServerSpread (pub cairo::enums::Extend);
+pub struct PaintServerSpread(pub cairo::enums::Extend);
 impl Parse for PaintServerSpread {
     type Data = ();
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result <PaintServerSpread, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<PaintServerSpread, AttributeError> {
         match s {
-            "pad"     => Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)),
-            "reflect" => Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Reflect)),
-            "repeat"  => Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Repeat)),
-            _         => Err (AttributeError::Parse (ParseError::new ("expected 'pad' | 'reflect' | 
+            "pad" => Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)),
+            "reflect" => Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Reflect)),
+            "repeat" => Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Repeat)),
+            _ => {
+                Err(AttributeError::Parse(ParseError::new("expected 'pad' | \
+                                                           'reflect' | \
+                                                           'repeat'")))
+            }
 impl Default for PaintServerSpread {
-    fn default () -> PaintServerSpread {
-        PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)
+    fn default() -> PaintServerSpread {
+        PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)
@@ -50,14 +54,11 @@ pub enum PaintServer {
 impl PaintServer {
-    pub fn parse_input<'i, 't>(
-        input: &mut cssparser::Parser<'i, 't>,
-    ) -> Result<Self, AttributeError> {
+    pub fn parse_input<'i, 't>(input: &mut cssparser::Parser<'i, 't>)
+                               -> Result<Self, AttributeError> {
         if let Ok(url) = input.try(|i| i.expect_url()) {
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: String::from(url.as_ref()),
-                alternate: PaintServer::parse_fallback(input),
-            })
+            Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: String::from(url.as_ref()),
+                                  alternate: PaintServer::parse_fallback(input), })
         } else {
@@ -66,25 +67,28 @@ impl PaintServer {
     fn parse_color<'i, 't>(input: &mut cssparser::Parser<'i, 't>) -> Result<Color, AttributeError> {
         if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("inherit")).is_ok() {
-        } else if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("currentColor")).is_ok() {
+        } else if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("currentColor"))
+                       .is_ok()
+        {
         } else {
-            input
-                .try(|i| cssparser::Color::parse(i))
-                .map(Color::from)
-                .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+            input.try(|i| cssparser::Color::parse(i))
+                 .map(Color::from)
+                 .map_err(AttributeError::from)
     fn parse_fallback<'i, 't>(input: &mut cssparser::Parser<'i, 't>) -> Option<Color> {
         if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("none")).is_ok() {
-        } else if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("currentColor")).is_ok() {
+        } else if input.try(|i| i.expect_ident_matching("currentColor"))
+                       .is_ok()
+        {
         } else {
-            input.try(|i| cssparser::Color::parse(i)).ok().map(|i| {
-                Color::from(i)
-            })
+            input.try(|i| cssparser::Color::parse(i))
+                 .ok()
+                 .map(|i| Color::from(i))
@@ -99,32 +103,29 @@ impl Parse for PaintServer {
-fn _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(
-    ctx: *mut drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx,
-    color: &Color,
-    opacity: u8,
-    current_color: u32,
-) {
+fn _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(ctx: *mut drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                color: &Color,
+                                opacity: u8,
+                                current_color: u32) {
     let rgba_color = match *color {
-        Color::RGBA(rgba)   => Some(rgba),
+        Color::RGBA(rgba) => Some(rgba),
         Color::CurrentColor => {
             if let Color::RGBA(rgba) = Color::from(current_color) {
             } else {
-        },
+        }
-        _  => None
+        _ => None,
     if let Some(rgba) = rgba_color {
-        drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(ctx).set_source_rgba(
-            f64::from(rgba.red_f32()),
-            f64::from(rgba.green_f32()),
-            f64::from(rgba.blue_f32()),
-            f64::from(rgba.alpha_f32()) * (f64::from(opacity) / 255.0)
-        );
+        drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(ctx).set_source_rgba(f64::from(rgba.red_f32()),
+                                                            f64::from(rgba.green_f32()),
+                                                            f64::from(rgba.blue_f32()),
+                                                            f64::from(rgba.alpha_f32())
+                                                            * (f64::from(opacity) / 255.0));
@@ -135,11 +136,9 @@ fn _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(
 /// * `str` - The SVG paint specification string to parse.
-pub extern "C" fn rsvg_paint_server_parse(
-    inherit: *mut glib_sys::gboolean,
-    str: *const libc::c_char,
-) -> *const PaintServer {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_paint_server_parse(inherit: *mut glib_sys::gboolean,
+                                          str: *const libc::c_char)
+                                          -> *const PaintServer {
     if !inherit.is_null() {
         unsafe {
             *inherit = true.to_glib();
@@ -157,14 +156,15 @@ pub extern "C" fn rsvg_paint_server_parse(
-            *color = Color::RGBA(
-                cssparser::RGBA{red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 255}
-            );
+            *color = Color::RGBA(cssparser::RGBA { red: 0,
+                                                   green: 0,
+                                                   blue: 0,
+                                                   alpha: 255, });
     match paint_server {
-        Ok(m)  => Rc::into_raw(Rc::new(m)),
+        Ok(m) => Rc::into_raw(Rc::new(m)),
         Err(_) => ptr::null_mut(),
@@ -203,13 +203,12 @@ pub extern "C" fn rsvg_paint_server_unref(paint_server: *const PaintServer) {
-pub extern "C" fn _set_source_rsvg_paint_server(
-    c_ctx: *mut drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx,
-    c_ps: *const PaintServer,
-    opacity: u8,
-    c_bbox: RsvgBbox,
-    current_color: u32,
-) -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+pub extern "C" fn _set_source_rsvg_paint_server(c_ctx: *mut drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                                c_ps: *const PaintServer,
+                                                opacity: u8,
+                                                c_bbox: RsvgBbox,
+                                                current_color: u32)
+                                                -> glib_sys::gboolean {
@@ -217,41 +216,37 @@ pub extern "C" fn _set_source_rsvg_paint_server(
     let mut had_paint_server = false;
     match *ps {
-        PaintServer::Iri {
-            ref iri,
-            ref alternate,
-        } => {
+        PaintServer::Iri { ref iri,
+                           ref alternate, } => {
             let node_ptr = drawing_ctx::acquire_node(c_ctx, iri.as_str());
             if !node_ptr.is_null() {
                 let node = unsafe { &*node_ptr };
-                if node.get_type() == NodeType::LinearGradient ||
-                    node.get_type() == NodeType::RadialGradient
+                if node.get_type() == NodeType::LinearGradient
+                   || node.get_type() == NodeType::RadialGradient
-                    had_paint_server = gradient::gradient_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(
-                        node,
-                        c_ctx,
-                        opacity,
-                        &c_bbox,
-                    );
+                    had_paint_server =
+                        gradient::gradient_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(node,
+                                                                             c_ctx,
+                                                                             opacity,
+                                                                             &c_bbox);
                 } else if node.get_type() == NodeType::Pattern {
-                    had_paint_server = pattern::pattern_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(node, c_ctx, 
+                    had_paint_server =
+                        pattern::pattern_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(node, c_ctx, &c_bbox);
             if !had_paint_server && alternate.is_some() {
-                _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(
-                    c_ctx,
-                    alternate.as_ref().unwrap(),
-                    opacity,
-                    current_color,
-                    );
+                _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(c_ctx,
+                                             alternate.as_ref().unwrap(),
+                                             opacity,
+                                             current_color);
                 had_paint_server = true;
             drawing_ctx::release_node(c_ctx, node_ptr);
-        },
+        }
         PaintServer::SolidColor(color) => {
             _set_source_rsvg_solid_color(c_ctx, &color, opacity, current_color);
@@ -267,86 +262,56 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_spread_method () {
-        assert_eq! (PaintServerSpread::parse ("pad", ()),
-                    Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)));
+    fn parses_spread_method() {
+        assert_eq!(PaintServerSpread::parse("pad", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Pad)));
-        assert_eq! (PaintServerSpread::parse ("reflect", ()),
-                    Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Reflect)));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServerSpread::parse("reflect", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Reflect)));
-        assert_eq! (PaintServerSpread::parse ("repeat", ()),
-                    Ok (PaintServerSpread (cairo::enums::Extend::Repeat)));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServerSpread::parse("repeat", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServerSpread(cairo::enums::Extend::Repeat)));
-        assert! (PaintServerSpread::parse ("foobar", ()).is_err ());
+        assert!(PaintServerSpread::parse("foobar", ()).is_err());
     fn parses_solid_color() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("rgb(255, 128, 64, 0.5)", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::from(0x80ff8040)))
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("inherit", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::Inherit))
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("currentColor", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::CurrentColor))
-        );
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("rgb(255, 128, 64, 0.5)", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::from(0x80ff8040))));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("inherit", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::Inherit)));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("currentColor", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::SolidColor(Color::CurrentColor)));
     fn parses_iri() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link)", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: None,
-            })
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link) none", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: None,
-            })
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link) #ff8040", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: Some(Color::from(0xffff8040)),
-            })
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link) rgb(255, 128, 64, 0.5)", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: Some(Color::from(0x80ff8040)),
-            })
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link) currentColor", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: Some(Color::CurrentColor),
-            })
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            PaintServer::parse("url(#link) inherit", ()),
-            Ok(PaintServer::Iri {
-                iri: "#link".to_string(),
-                alternate: None,
-            })
-        );
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link)", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: None, }));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link) none", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: None, }));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link) #ff8040", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: Some(Color::from(0xffff8040)), }));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link) rgb(255, 128, 64, 0.5)", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: Some(Color::from(0x80ff8040)), }));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link) currentColor", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: Some(Color::CurrentColor), }));
+        assert_eq!(PaintServer::parse("url(#link) inherit", ()),
+                   Ok(PaintServer::Iri { iri: "#link".to_string(),
+                                         alternate: None, }));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/parsers.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/parsers.rs
index 36a7f991..e2bae5a4 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/parsers.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/parsers.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-use libc;
-use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput, Token, BasicParseError};
+use cssparser::{BasicParseError, Parser, ParserInput, Token};
 use glib::translate::*;
 use glib_sys;
+use libc;
 use std::f64::consts::*;
 use std::mem;
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ use util::utf8_cstr;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub struct ParseError {
-    pub display: String
+    pub display: String,
 impl ParseError {
-    pub fn new<T: AsRef<str>> (msg: T) -> ParseError {
-        ParseError { display: msg.as_ref ().to_string () }
+    pub fn new<T: AsRef<str>>(msg: T) -> ParseError {
+        ParseError { display: msg.as_ref().to_string(), }
 impl<'a> From<BasicParseError<'a>> for ParseError {
-    fn from (_: BasicParseError) -> ParseError {
-        ParseError::new ("parse error")
+    fn from(_: BasicParseError) -> ParseError {
+        ParseError::new("parse error")
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pub trait Parse: Sized {
     type Data;
     type Err;
-    fn parse (s: &str, data: Self::Data) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>;
+    fn parse(s: &str, data: Self::Data) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>;
 /// Parses a `value` string into a type `T` with an optional validation function.
@@ -46,17 +46,18 @@ pub trait Parse: Sized {
 pub fn parse<T>(key: &str,
                 value: &str,
                 data: <T as Parse>::Data,
-                validate: Option<fn(T) -> Result<T, AttributeError>>) -> Result <T, NodeError>
+                validate: Option<fn(T) -> Result<T, AttributeError>>)
+                -> Result<T, NodeError>
     where T: Parse<Err = AttributeError> + Copy
-    T::parse (value, data)
-        .and_then (|v|
-                   if let Some(validate) = validate {
-                       validate(v)
-                   } else {
-                       Ok(v)
-                   })
-        .map_err (|e| NodeError::attribute_error (key, e))
+    T::parse(value, data).and_then(|v| {
+                                       if let Some(validate) = validate {
+                                           validate(v)
+                                       } else {
+                                           Ok(v)
+                                       }
+                                   })
+                         .map_err(|e| NodeError::attribute_error(key, e))
 // angle:
@@ -66,13 +67,13 @@ pub fn parse<T>(key: &str,
 // Returns an f64 angle in degrees
-pub fn angle_degrees (s: &str) -> Result <f64, ParseError> {
-    let mut input = ParserInput::new (s);
-    let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+pub fn angle_degrees(s: &str) -> Result<f64, ParseError> {
+    let mut input = ParserInput::new(s);
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
     let angle = {
-        let token = parser.next ()
-            .map_err (|_| ParseError::new ("expected angle"))?;
+        let token = parser.next()
+                          .map_err(|_| ParseError::new("expected angle"))?;
         match *token {
             Token::Number { value, .. } => f64::from(value),
@@ -80,158 +81,165 @@ pub fn angle_degrees (s: &str) -> Result <f64, ParseError> {
             Token::Dimension { value, ref unit, .. } => {
                 let value = f64::from(value);
-                match unit.as_ref () {
-                    "deg"  => value,
+                match unit.as_ref() {
+                    "deg" => value,
                     "grad" => value * 360.0 / 400.0,
-                    "rad"  => value * 180.0 / PI,
-                    _      => return Err (ParseError::new ("expected 'deg' | 'grad' | 'rad'"))
+                    "rad" => value * 180.0 / PI,
+                    _ => return Err(ParseError::new("expected 'deg' | 'grad' | 'rad'")),
-            },
+            }
-            _ => return Err (ParseError::new ("expected angle"))
+            _ => return Err(ParseError::new("expected angle")),
-    parser.expect_exhausted ().map_err (|_| ParseError::new ("expected angle"))?;
+    parser.expect_exhausted()
+          .map_err(|_| ParseError::new("expected angle"))?;
-    Ok (angle)
+    Ok(angle)
-pub fn optional_comma (parser: &mut Parser) {
-    let _ = parser.try (|p| p.expect_comma ());
+pub fn optional_comma(parser: &mut Parser) {
+    let _ = parser.try(|p| p.expect_comma());
 // number-optional-number
 // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#DataTypeNumberOptionalNumber
-pub fn number_optional_number (s: &str) -> Result <(f64, f64), ParseError> {
-    let mut input = ParserInput::new (s);
-    let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+pub fn number_optional_number(s: &str) -> Result<(f64, f64), ParseError> {
+    let mut input = ParserInput::new(s);
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
-    let x = f64::from(parser.expect_number ()?);
+    let x = f64::from(parser.expect_number()?);
-    if !parser.is_exhausted () {
-        let state = parser.state ();
+    if !parser.is_exhausted() {
+        let state = parser.state();
-        match *parser.next ()? {
-            Token::Comma => {},
-            _ => parser.reset (&state)
+        match *parser.next()? {
+            Token::Comma => {}
+            _ => parser.reset(&state),
-        let y = f64::from(parser.expect_number ()?);
+        let y = f64::from(parser.expect_number()?);
-        parser.expect_exhausted ()?;
+        parser.expect_exhausted()?;
-        Ok ((x, y))
+        Ok((x, y))
     } else {
-        Ok ((x, x))
+        Ok((x, x))
-pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_number_optional_number (s: *const libc::c_char,
-                                                     out_x: *mut f64,
-                                                     out_y: *mut f64) -> glib_sys::gboolean {
-    assert! (!s.is_null ());
-    assert! (!out_x.is_null ());
-    assert! (!out_y.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_css_parse_number_optional_number(s: *const libc::c_char,
+                                                        out_x: *mut f64,
+                                                        out_y: *mut f64)
+                                                        -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+    assert!(!s.is_null());
+    assert!(!out_x.is_null());
+    assert!(!out_y.is_null());
     let string = unsafe { utf8_cstr(s) };
-    match number_optional_number (string) {
-        Ok ((x, y)) => {
+    match number_optional_number(string) {
+        Ok((x, y)) => {
             unsafe {
                 *out_x = x;
                 *out_y = y;
-        },
+        }
-        Err (_) => {
+        Err(_) => {
             unsafe {
                 *out_x = 0.0;
                 *out_y = 0.0;
-    }.to_glib ()
+    }.to_glib()
 // Parse a list-of-points as for polyline and polygon elements
 // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/shapes.html#PointsBNF
-pub fn list_of_points (string: &str) -> Result <Vec<(f64, f64)>, ParseError> {
-    let mut input = ParserInput::new (string);
-    let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+pub fn list_of_points(string: &str) -> Result<Vec<(f64, f64)>, ParseError> {
+    let mut input = ParserInput::new(string);
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
-    let mut v = Vec::new ();
+    let mut v = Vec::new();
     loop {
-        let x = f64::from(parser.expect_number ()?);
+        let x = f64::from(parser.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma (&mut parser);
+        optional_comma(&mut parser);
-        let y = f64::from(parser.expect_number ()?);
+        let y = f64::from(parser.expect_number()?);
-        v.push ((x, y));
+        v.push((x, y));
-        if parser.is_exhausted () {
+        if parser.is_exhausted() {
-        match parser.next_including_whitespace () {
-            Ok (&Token::WhiteSpace(_)) => (),
-            _ => optional_comma (&mut parser)
+        match parser.next_including_whitespace() {
+            Ok(&Token::WhiteSpace(_)) => (),
+            _ => optional_comma(&mut parser),
-    Ok (v)
+    Ok(v)
 // Lists of number values
 pub enum ListLength {
-    Exact (usize),
-    Maximum (usize)
+    Exact(usize),
+    Maximum(usize),
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum NumberListError {
-    Parse (ParseError)
+    Parse(ParseError),
-pub fn number_list (s: &str, length: ListLength) -> Result <Vec<f64>, NumberListError> {
+pub fn number_list(s: &str, length: ListLength) -> Result<Vec<f64>, NumberListError> {
     let n;
     match length {
-        ListLength::Exact (l)   => { assert! (l > 0); n = l; }
-        ListLength::Maximum (l) => { assert! (l > 0); n = l; }
+        ListLength::Exact(l) => {
+            assert!(l > 0);
+            n = l;
+        }
+        ListLength::Maximum(l) => {
+            assert!(l > 0);
+            n = l;
+        }
-    let mut input = ParserInput::new (s);
-    let mut parser = Parser::new (&mut input);
+    let mut input = ParserInput::new(s);
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
-    let mut v = Vec::<f64>::with_capacity (n);
+    let mut v = Vec::<f64>::with_capacity(n);
     for i in 0..n {
         v.push (f64::from(parser.expect_number ().map_err (|_| NumberListError::Parse (ParseError::new 
("expected number")))?));
         if i != n - 1 {
-            optional_comma (&mut parser);
+            optional_comma(&mut parser);
-        if parser.is_exhausted () {
-            if let ListLength::Maximum (_) = length {
+        if parser.is_exhausted() {
+            if let ListLength::Maximum(_) = length {
-    parser.expect_exhausted ().map_err (|_| NumberListError::IncorrectNumberOfElements)?;
+    parser.expect_exhausted()
+          .map_err(|_| NumberListError::IncorrectNumberOfElements)?;
@@ -240,41 +248,41 @@ pub fn number_list (s: &str, length: ListLength) -> Result <Vec<f64>, NumberList
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum NumberListLength {
-    Maximum
+    Maximum,
-pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_number_list (in_str:   *const libc::c_char,
-                                          nlength:  NumberListLength,
-                                          size:     libc::size_t,
-                                          out_list: *mut *const libc::c_double,
-                                          out_list_length: *mut libc::size_t) -> glib_sys::gboolean {
-    assert! (!in_str.is_null ());
-    assert! (!out_list.is_null ());
-    assert! (!out_list_length.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_css_parse_number_list(in_str: *const libc::c_char,
+                                             nlength: NumberListLength,
+                                             size: libc::size_t,
+                                             out_list: *mut *const libc::c_double,
+                                             out_list_length: *mut libc::size_t)
+                                             -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+    assert!(!in_str.is_null());
+    assert!(!out_list.is_null());
+    assert!(!out_list_length.is_null());
     let length = match nlength {
-        NumberListLength::Exact   => ListLength::Exact (size),
-        NumberListLength::Maximum => ListLength::Maximum (size)
+        NumberListLength::Exact => ListLength::Exact(size),
+        NumberListLength::Maximum => ListLength::Maximum(size),
     let s = unsafe { utf8_cstr(in_str) };
-    let result = number_list (&s, length);
+    let result = number_list(&s, length);
     match result {
-        Ok (number_list) => {
-            let num_elems = number_list.len ();
+        Ok(number_list) => {
+            let num_elems = number_list.len();
             let c_array = unsafe {
-                glib_sys::g_malloc_n (num_elems,
-                                      mem::size_of::<libc::c_double> ())
-                    as *mut libc::c_double
+                glib_sys::g_malloc_n(num_elems, mem::size_of::<libc::c_double>())
+                as *mut libc::c_double
-            let array = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut (c_array, num_elems) };
+            let array = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(c_array, num_elems) };
-            array.copy_from_slice (&number_list);
+            array.copy_from_slice(&number_list);
             unsafe {
                 *out_list = c_array;
@@ -282,16 +290,16 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_css_parse_number_list (in_str:   *const libc::c_char,
-        },
+        }
-        Err (_) => {
+        Err(_) => {
             unsafe {
-                *out_list = ptr::null ();
+                *out_list = ptr::null();
                 *out_list_length = 0;
-    }.to_glib ()
+    }.to_glib()
@@ -299,95 +307,95 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_number_optional_number () {
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("1, 2"), Ok ((1.0, 2.0)));
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("1 2"),  Ok ((1.0, 2.0)));
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("1"),    Ok ((1.0, 1.0)));
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("-1, -2"), Ok ((-1.0, -2.0)));
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("-1 -2"),  Ok ((-1.0, -2.0)));
-        assert_eq! (number_optional_number ("-1"),     Ok ((-1.0, -1.0)));
+    fn parses_number_optional_number() {
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("1, 2"), Ok((1.0, 2.0)));
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("1 2"), Ok((1.0, 2.0)));
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("1"), Ok((1.0, 1.0)));
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("-1, -2"), Ok((-1.0, -2.0)));
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("-1 -2"), Ok((-1.0, -2.0)));
+        assert_eq!(number_optional_number("-1"), Ok((-1.0, -1.0)));
-    fn invalid_number_optional_number () {
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("1x").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("x1").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("1 x").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("1 , x").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("1 , 2x").is_err ());
-        assert! (number_optional_number ("1 2 x").is_err ());
+    fn invalid_number_optional_number() {
+        assert!(number_optional_number("").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("1x").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("x1").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("1 x").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("1 , x").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("1 , 2x").is_err());
+        assert!(number_optional_number("1 2 x").is_err());
-    fn parses_list_of_points () {
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points (" 1 2 "),      Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0)]));
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points ("1 2 3 4"),  Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points ("1,2,3,4"),  Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points ("1,2 3,4"),  Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points ("1,2 -3,4"), Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0), (-3.0, 4.0)]));
-        assert_eq! (list_of_points ("1,2,-3,4"), Ok (vec! [(1.0, 2.0), (-3.0, 4.0)]));
+    fn parses_list_of_points() {
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points(" 1 2 "), Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0)]));
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points("1 2 3 4"), Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points("1,2,3,4"), Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points("1,2 3,4"), Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]));
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points("1,2 -3,4"),
+                   Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0), (-3.0, 4.0)]));
+        assert_eq!(list_of_points("1,2,-3,4"),
+                   Ok(vec![(1.0, 2.0), (-3.0, 4.0)]));
-    fn errors_on_invalid_list_of_points () {
-        assert! (list_of_points ("-1-2-3-4").is_err ());
-        assert! (list_of_points ("1 2-3,-4").is_err ());
+    fn errors_on_invalid_list_of_points() {
+        assert!(list_of_points("-1-2-3-4").is_err());
+        assert!(list_of_points("1 2-3,-4").is_err());
-    fn parses_angle () {
-        assert_eq! (angle_degrees ("0"),        Ok (0.0));
-        assert_eq! (angle_degrees ("15"),       Ok (15.0));
-        assert_eq! (angle_degrees ("180.5deg"), Ok (180.5));
-        assert_eq! (angle_degrees ("1rad"),     Ok (180.0 / PI));
-        assert_eq! (angle_degrees ("-400grad"), Ok (-360.0));
-        assert! (angle_degrees ("").is_err ());
-        assert! (angle_degrees ("foo").is_err ());
-        assert! (angle_degrees ("300foo").is_err ());
+    fn parses_angle() {
+        assert_eq!(angle_degrees("0"), Ok(0.0));
+        assert_eq!(angle_degrees("15"), Ok(15.0));
+        assert_eq!(angle_degrees("180.5deg"), Ok(180.5));
+        assert_eq!(angle_degrees("1rad"), Ok(180.0 / PI));
+        assert_eq!(angle_degrees("-400grad"), Ok(-360.0));
+        assert!(angle_degrees("").is_err());
+        assert!(angle_degrees("foo").is_err());
+        assert!(angle_degrees("300foo").is_err());
-    fn parses_number_list () {
-        assert_eq! (number_list ("5", ListLength::Exact (1)),
-                    Ok (vec! [5.0]));
+    fn parses_number_list() {
+        assert_eq!(number_list("5", ListLength::Exact(1)), Ok(vec![5.0]));
-        assert_eq! (number_list ("1 2 3 4", ListLength::Exact (4)),
-                    Ok (vec! [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]));
+        assert_eq!(number_list("1 2 3 4", ListLength::Exact(4)),
+                   Ok(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]));
-        assert_eq! (number_list ("5", ListLength::Maximum (1)),
-                    Ok (vec! [5.0]));
+        assert_eq!(number_list("5", ListLength::Maximum(1)), Ok(vec![5.0]));
-        assert_eq! (number_list ("1.0, -2.5", ListLength::Maximum (2)),
-                    Ok (vec! [1.0, -2.5]));
+        assert_eq!(number_list("1.0, -2.5", ListLength::Maximum(2)),
+                   Ok(vec![1.0, -2.5]));
-        assert_eq! (number_list ("5 6", ListLength::Maximum (3)),
-                    Ok (vec! [5.0, 6.0]));
+        assert_eq!(number_list("5 6", ListLength::Maximum(3)),
+                   Ok(vec![5.0, 6.0]));
-    fn errors_on_invalid_number_list () {
+    fn errors_on_invalid_number_list() {
         // empty
-        assert! (number_list ("", ListLength::Exact (1)).is_err ());
+        assert!(number_list("", ListLength::Exact(1)).is_err());
         // garbage
-        assert! (number_list ("foo", ListLength::Exact (1)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1foo", ListLength::Exact (2)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1 foo", ListLength::Exact (2)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1 foo 2", ListLength::Exact (2)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1,foo", ListLength::Exact (2)).is_err ());
+        assert!(number_list("foo", ListLength::Exact(1)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1foo", ListLength::Exact(2)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1 foo", ListLength::Exact(2)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1 foo 2", ListLength::Exact(2)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1,foo", ListLength::Exact(2)).is_err());
         // too many
-        assert! (number_list ("1 2", ListLength::Exact (1)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1,2,3", ListLength::Maximum (2)).is_err ());
+        assert!(number_list("1 2", ListLength::Exact(1)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1,2,3", ListLength::Maximum(2)).is_err());
         // extra token
-        assert! (number_list ("1,", ListLength::Exact (1)).is_err ());
+        assert!(number_list("1,", ListLength::Exact(1)).is_err());
         // too few
-        assert! (number_list ("1", ListLength::Exact (2)).is_err ());
-        assert! (number_list ("1 2", ListLength::Exact (3)).is_err ());
+        assert!(number_list("1", ListLength::Exact(2)).is_err());
+        assert!(number_list("1 2", ListLength::Exact(3)).is_err());
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/path_builder.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/path_builder.rs
index ff32c293..f80bdebb 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/path_builder.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/path_builder.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-use cairo_sys;
 use cairo;
+use cairo_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
 use std::f64;
@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ pub struct LargeArc(pub bool);
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum Sweep {
-    Positive
+    Positive,
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum PathCommand {
-    MoveTo (f64, f64),
-    LineTo (f64, f64),
-    CurveTo ((f64, f64), (f64, f64), (f64, f64)), // (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) <- this is the destination 
-    ClosePath
+    MoveTo(f64, f64),
+    LineTo(f64, f64),
+    CurveTo((f64, f64), (f64, f64), (f64, f64)), /* (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) <- this is
+                                                  * the destination point */
+    ClosePath,
@@ -29,9 +30,7 @@ pub struct RsvgPathBuilder {
 impl Default for RsvgPathBuilder {
     fn default() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-        RsvgPathBuilder {
-            path_commands: Vec::new ()
-        }
+        RsvgPathBuilder { path_commands: Vec::new(), }
@@ -40,15 +39,15 @@ impl PathCommand {
         match *self {
             PathCommand::MoveTo(x, y) => {
                 cr.move_to(x, y);
-            },
+            }
             PathCommand::LineTo(x, y) => {
                 cr.line_to(x, y);
-            },
+            }
             PathCommand::CurveTo((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) => {
                 cr.curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
-            },
+            }
             PathCommand::ClosePath => {
@@ -58,45 +57,48 @@ impl PathCommand {
 impl RsvgPathBuilder {
-    pub fn new () -> RsvgPathBuilder {
+    pub fn new() -> RsvgPathBuilder {
-    pub fn move_to (&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
-        self.path_commands.push (PathCommand::MoveTo (x, y));
+    pub fn move_to(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
+        self.path_commands.push(PathCommand::MoveTo(x, y));
-    pub fn line_to (&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
-        self.path_commands.push (PathCommand::LineTo (x, y));
+    pub fn line_to(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
+        self.path_commands.push(PathCommand::LineTo(x, y));
-    pub fn curve_to (&mut self, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
-        self.path_commands.push (PathCommand::CurveTo ((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)));
+    pub fn curve_to(&mut self, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
+        self.path_commands.push(PathCommand::CurveTo((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)));
-    pub fn close_path (&mut self) {
-        self.path_commands.push (PathCommand::ClosePath);
+    pub fn close_path(&mut self) {
+        self.path_commands.push(PathCommand::ClosePath);
-    pub fn get_path_commands (&self) -> &[PathCommand] {
+    pub fn get_path_commands(&self) -> &[PathCommand] {
-    /**
-     * x1/y1: starting coordinates
-     * rx/ry: radiuses before rotation
-     * x_axis_rotation: Rotation angle for axes, in degrees
-     * large_arc: false for arc length <= 180, true for arc >= 180
-     * sweep: negative or positive angle
-     * x2/y2: ending coordinates
-     */
-    pub fn arc (&mut self,
-                x1: f64, y1: f64,
-                mut rx: f64, mut ry: f64,
-                x_axis_rotation: f64,
-                large_arc: LargeArc,
-                sweep: Sweep,
-                x2: f64, y2: f64) {
+    /** * * * * **/
+    // x1/y1: starting coordinates
+    // rx/ry: radiuses before rotation
+    // x_axis_rotation: Rotation angle for axes, in degrees
+    // large_arc: false for arc length <= 180, true for arc >= 180
+    // sweep: negative or positive angle
+    // x2/y2: ending coordinates
+    //
+    pub fn arc(&mut self,
+               x1: f64,
+               y1: f64,
+               mut rx: f64,
+               mut ry: f64,
+               x_axis_rotation: f64,
+               large_arc: LargeArc,
+               sweep: Sweep,
+               x2: f64,
+               y2: f64) {
         /* See Appendix F.6 Elliptical arc implementation notes
         http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes */
@@ -129,16 +131,16 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
         /* X-axis */
         f = x_axis_rotation * PI / 180.0;
-        sinf = f.sin ();
-        cosf = f.cos ();
+        sinf = f.sin();
+        cosf = f.cos();
-        rx = rx.abs ();
-        ry = ry.abs ();
+        rx = rx.abs();
+        ry = ry.abs();
         /* Check the radius against floading point underflow.
         See http://bugs.debian.org/508443 */
         if (rx < f64::EPSILON) || (ry < f64::EPSILON) {
-            self.line_to (x2, y2);
+            self.line_to(x2, y2);
@@ -150,8 +152,8 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
         gamma = (x1_ * x1_) / (rx * rx) + (y1_ * y1_) / (ry * ry);
         if gamma > 1.0 {
-            rx *= gamma.sqrt ();
-            ry *= gamma.sqrt ();
+            rx *= gamma.sqrt();
+            ry *= gamma.sqrt();
         /* Compute the center */
@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
-        k1 = ((rx * rx * ry * ry) / k1 - 1.0).abs ().sqrt ();
+        k1 = ((rx * rx * ry * ry) / k1 - 1.0).abs().sqrt();
         if is_positive_sweep == is_large_arc {
             k1 = -k1;
@@ -179,28 +181,28 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
         k3 = (-x1_ - cx_) / rx;
         k4 = (-y1_ - cy_) / ry;
-        k5 = (k1 * k1 + k2 * k2).abs ().sqrt ();
+        k5 = (k1 * k1 + k2 * k2).abs().sqrt();
         if k5 == 0.0 {
         k5 = k1 / k5;
-        k5 = clamp (k5, -1.0, 1.0);
-        theta1 = k5.acos ();
+        k5 = clamp(k5, -1.0, 1.0);
+        theta1 = k5.acos();
         if k2 < 0.0 {
             theta1 = -theta1;
         /* Compute delta_theta */
-        k5 = ((k1 * k1 + k2 * k2) * (k3 * k3 + k4 * k4)).abs ().sqrt ();
+        k5 = ((k1 * k1 + k2 * k2) * (k3 * k3 + k4 * k4)).abs().sqrt();
         if k5 == 0.0 {
         k5 = (k1 * k3 + k2 * k4) / k5;
-        k5 = clamp (k5, -1.0, 1.0);
-        delta_theta = k5.acos ();
+        k5 = clamp(k5, -1.0, 1.0);
+        delta_theta = k5.acos();
         if k1 * k4 - k3 * k2 < 0.0 {
             delta_theta = -delta_theta;
@@ -213,23 +215,28 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
         /* Now draw the arc */
-        n_segs = (delta_theta / (PI * 0.5 + 0.001)).abs ().ceil () as i32;
+        n_segs = (delta_theta / (PI * 0.5 + 0.001)).abs().ceil() as i32;
         let n_segs_dbl = f64::from(n_segs);
-        for i in 0 .. n_segs {
-            self.arc_segment (cx, cy,
-                              theta1 + f64::from(i)  * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
-                              theta1 + f64::from(i + 1) * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
-                              rx, ry,
-                              x_axis_rotation);
+        for i in 0..n_segs {
+            self.arc_segment(cx,
+                             cy,
+                             theta1 + f64::from(i) * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
+                             theta1 + f64::from(i + 1) * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
+                             rx,
+                             ry,
+                             x_axis_rotation);
-    fn arc_segment (&mut self,
-                    xc: f64, yc: f64,
-                    th0: f64, th1: f64,
-                    rx: f64, ry: f64,
-                    x_axis_rotation: f64) {
+    fn arc_segment(&mut self,
+                   xc: f64,
+                   yc: f64,
+                   th0: f64,
+                   th1: f64,
+                   rx: f64,
+                   ry: f64,
+                   x_axis_rotation: f64) {
         let x1: f64;
         let y1: f64;
         let x2: f64;
@@ -243,24 +250,24 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
         let cosf: f64;
         f = x_axis_rotation * PI / 180.0;
-        sinf = f.sin ();
-        cosf = f.cos ();
+        sinf = f.sin();
+        cosf = f.cos();
         th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0);
-        t = (8.0 / 3.0) * (th_half * 0.5).sin () * (th_half * 0.5).sin () / th_half.sin ();
-        x1 = rx * (th0.cos () - t * th0.sin ());
-        y1 = ry * (th0.sin () + t * th0.cos ());
-        x3 = rx * th1.cos ();
-        y3 = ry * th1.sin ();
-        x2 = x3 + rx * (t * th1.sin ());
-        y2 = y3 + ry * (-t * th1.cos ());
-        self.curve_to (xc + cosf * x1 - sinf * y1,
-                       yc + sinf * x1 + cosf * y1,
-                       xc + cosf * x2 - sinf * y2,
-                       yc + sinf * x2 + cosf * y2,
-                       xc + cosf * x3 - sinf * y3,
-                       yc + sinf * x3 + cosf * y3);
+        t = (8.0 / 3.0) * (th_half * 0.5).sin() * (th_half * 0.5).sin() / th_half.sin();
+        x1 = rx * (th0.cos() - t * th0.sin());
+        y1 = ry * (th0.sin() + t * th0.cos());
+        x3 = rx * th1.cos();
+        y3 = ry * th1.sin();
+        x2 = x3 + rx * (t * th1.sin());
+        y2 = y3 + ry * (-t * th1.cos());
+        self.curve_to(xc + cosf * x1 - sinf * y1,
+                      yc + sinf * x1 + cosf * y1,
+                      xc + cosf * x2 - sinf * y2,
+                      yc + sinf * x2 + cosf * y2,
+                      xc + cosf * x3 - sinf * y3,
+                      yc + sinf * x3 + cosf * y3);
     fn to_cairo(&self, cr: &cairo::Context) {
@@ -270,7 +277,7 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
-fn clamp (val: f64, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 {
+fn clamp(val: f64, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 {
     if val < low {
     } else if val > high {
@@ -281,10 +288,10 @@ fn clamp (val: f64, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 {
-pub extern fn rsvg_path_builder_add_to_cairo_context (raw_builder: *mut RsvgPathBuilder,
-                                                      raw_cr: *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t) {
-    assert! (!raw_builder.is_null ());
-    assert! (!raw_cr.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_path_builder_add_to_cairo_context(raw_builder: *mut RsvgPathBuilder,
+                                                         raw_cr: *mut cairo_sys::cairo_t) {
+    assert!(!raw_builder.is_null());
+    assert!(!raw_cr.is_null());
     let builder: &mut RsvgPathBuilder = unsafe { &mut (*raw_builder) };
     let cr = unsafe { cairo::Context::from_glib_none(raw_cr) };
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/path_parser.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/path_parser.rs
index 4abe9056..08eadc2a 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/path_parser.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/path_parser.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
+use path_builder::*;
 use std::error::Error;
 use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
+use std::iter::Enumerate;
 use std::str;
 use std::str::Chars;
-use std::iter::Enumerate;
-use path_builder::*;
 struct PathParser<'b> {
     chars_enumerator: Enumerate<Chars<'b>>,
-    lookahead: Option<char>, /* None if we are in EOF */
+    lookahead: Option<char>,    /* None if we are in EOF */
     current_pos: Option<usize>, /* None if the string hasn't been scanned */
     builder: &'b mut RsvgPathBuilder,
@@ -32,70 +32,69 @@ struct PathParser<'b> {
      * used for closepath.
     subpath_start_x: f64,
-    subpath_start_y: f64
+    subpath_start_y: f64,
 /* This is a recursive descent parser for path data in SVG files,
- * as specified in https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataBNF
- *
- * Some peculiarities:
- *
- * - SVG allows optional commas inside coordiante pairs, and between
- * coordinate pairs.  So, for example, these are equivalent:
- *
- *     M 10 20 30 40
- *     M 10, 20 30, 40
- *     M 10, 20, 30, 40
- *
- * - Whitespace is optional.  These are equivalent:
- *
- *     M10,20 30,40
- *     M10,20,30,40
- *
- *   These are also equivalent:
- *
- *     M-10,20-30-40
- *     M -10 20 -30 -40
- *
- *     M.1-2,3E2-4
- *     M 0.1 -2 300 -4
- */
+ * as specified in https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataBNF */
+// Some peculiarities:
+// - SVG allows optional commas inside coordiante pairs, and between
+// coordinate pairs.  So, for example, these are equivalent:
+//     M 10 20 30 40
+//     M 10, 20 30, 40
+//     M 10, 20, 30, 40
+// - Whitespace is optional.  These are equivalent:
+//     M10,20 30,40
+//     M10,20,30,40
+//   These are also equivalent:
+//     M-10,20-30-40
+//     M -10 20 -30 -40
+//     M.1-2,3E2-4
+//     M 0.1 -2 300 -4
 impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn new (builder: &'b mut RsvgPathBuilder, path_str: &'b str) -> PathParser<'b> {
-        PathParser {
-            chars_enumerator: path_str.chars ().enumerate (),
-            lookahead: None,
-            current_pos: None,
+    fn new(builder: &'b mut RsvgPathBuilder, path_str: &'b str) -> PathParser<'b> {
+        PathParser { chars_enumerator: path_str.chars().enumerate(),
+                     lookahead: None,
+                     current_pos: None,
-            builder: builder,
+                     builder,
-            current_x: 0.0,
-            current_y: 0.0,
+                     current_x: 0.0,
+                     current_y: 0.0,
-            cubic_reflection_x: 0.0,
-            cubic_reflection_y: 0.0,
+                     cubic_reflection_x: 0.0,
+                     cubic_reflection_y: 0.0,
-            quadratic_reflection_x: 0.0,
-            quadratic_reflection_y: 0.0,
+                     quadratic_reflection_x: 0.0,
+                     quadratic_reflection_y: 0.0,
-            subpath_start_x: 0.0,
-            subpath_start_y: 0.0
-        }
+                     subpath_start_x: 0.0,
+                     subpath_start_y: 0.0, }
-    fn parse (&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
-        self.getchar ();
+    fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+        self.getchar();
-    fn getchar (&mut self) {
-        if let Some ((pos, c)) = self.chars_enumerator.next () {
+    fn getchar(&mut self) {
+        if let Some((pos, c)) = self.chars_enumerator.next() {
             self.lookahead = Some(c);
             self.current_pos = Some(pos);
         } else {
-            // We got to EOF; make current_pos point to the position after the last char in the string
+            // We got to EOF; make current_pos point to the position after the last char in the
+            // string
             self.lookahead = None;
             if self.current_pos.is_none() {
                 self.current_pos = Some(0);
@@ -106,16 +105,14 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
     fn error(&self, kind: ErrorKind) -> ParseError {
-        ParseError {
-            position: self.current_pos.unwrap(),
-            kind: kind
-        }
+        ParseError { position: self.current_pos.unwrap(),
+                     kind, }
-    fn match_char (&mut self, c: char) -> bool {
-        if let Some (x) = self.lookahead {
+    fn match_char(&mut self, c: char) -> bool {
+        if let Some(x) = self.lookahead {
             if c == x {
-                self.getchar ();
+                self.getchar();
                 return true;
@@ -123,14 +120,14 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn whitespace (&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
-        if let Some (c) = self.lookahead {
-            if c.is_whitespace () {
-                assert! (self.match_char (c));
+    fn whitespace(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+        if let Some(c) = self.lookahead {
+            if c.is_whitespace() {
+                assert!(self.match_char(c));
-                while let Some (c) = self.lookahead {
-                    if c.is_whitespace () {
-                        assert! (self.match_char (c));
+                while let Some(c) = self.lookahead {
+                    if c.is_whitespace() {
+                        assert!(self.match_char(c));
                     } else {
@@ -142,22 +139,22 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn optional_whitespace (&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn optional_whitespace(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         let _ = self.whitespace();
-    fn optional_comma_whitespace (&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn optional_comma_whitespace(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         if self.lookahead_is(',') {
-            self.match_char (',');
+            self.match_char(',');
-    fn lookahead_is (&self, c: char) -> bool {
-        if let Some (x) = self.lookahead {
+    fn lookahead_is(&self, c: char) -> bool {
+        if let Some(x) = self.lookahead {
             if x == c {
                 return true;
@@ -166,9 +163,9 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn lookahead_is_digit (&self, d: &mut char) -> bool {
-        if let Some (c) = self.lookahead {
-            if c.is_digit (10) {
+    fn lookahead_is_digit(&self, d: &mut char) -> bool {
+        if let Some(c) = self.lookahead {
+            if c.is_digit(10) {
                 *d = c;
                 return true;
@@ -179,20 +176,18 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
     fn lookahead_is_start_of_number(&mut self) -> bool {
         let mut c = ' ';
-        self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) ||
-            self.lookahead_is('.') ||
-            self.lookahead_is('+') ||
-            self.lookahead_is('-')
+        self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) || self.lookahead_is('.') || self.lookahead_is('+')
+        || self.lookahead_is('-')
-    fn number (&mut self) -> Result<f64, ParseError> {
+    fn number(&mut self) -> Result<f64, ParseError> {
         let mut sign: f64;
         sign = 1.0;
-        if self.match_char ('+') {
+        if self.match_char('+') {
             sign = 1.0;
-        } else if self.match_char ('-') {
+        } else if self.match_char('-') {
             sign = -1.0;
@@ -206,36 +201,36 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         let mut c: char = ' ';
-        if self.lookahead_is_digit (&mut c) || self.lookahead_is ('.') {
+        if self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) || self.lookahead_is('.') {
             /* Integer part */
-            while self.lookahead_is_digit (&mut c) {
-                value = value * 10.0 + f64::from(char_to_digit (c));
+            while self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) {
+                value = value * 10.0 + f64::from(char_to_digit(c));
-                assert! (self.match_char (c));
+                assert!(self.match_char(c));
             /* Fractional part */
-            if self.match_char ('.') {
+            if self.match_char('.') {
                 let mut fraction: f64 = 1.0;
                 let mut c: char = ' ';
-                while self.lookahead_is_digit (&mut c) {
+                while self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) {
                     fraction /= 10.0;
-                    value += fraction * f64::from(char_to_digit (c));
+                    value += fraction * f64::from(char_to_digit(c));
-                    assert! (self.match_char (c));
+                    assert!(self.match_char(c));
-            if self.match_char ('E') || self.match_char ('e') {
+            if self.match_char('E') || self.match_char('e') {
                 /* exponent sign */
-                if self.match_char ('+') {
+                if self.match_char('+') {
                     exponent_sign = 1.0;
-                } else if self.match_char ('-') {
+                } else if self.match_char('-') {
                     exponent_sign = -1.0;
@@ -243,13 +238,13 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
                 let mut c: char = ' ';
-                if self.lookahead_is_digit (&mut c) {
+                if self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) {
                     let mut exp = 0.0;
-                    while self.lookahead_is_digit (&mut c) {
-                        exp = exp * 10.0 + f64::from(char_to_digit (c));
+                    while self.lookahead_is_digit(&mut c) {
+                        exp = exp * 10.0 + f64::from(char_to_digit(c));
-                        assert! (self.match_char (c));
+                        assert!(self.match_char(c));
                     exponent = Some(exp);
@@ -261,9 +256,9 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
             if let Some(exp) = exponent {
-                Ok (sign * value * 10.0f64.powf (exp * exponent_sign))
+                Ok(sign * value * 10.0f64.powf(exp * exponent_sign))
             } else {
-                Ok (sign * value)
+                Ok(sign * value)
         } else if self.lookahead.is_some() {
@@ -272,10 +267,10 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn flag (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.match_char ('0') {
+    fn flag(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.match_char('0') {
-        } else if self.match_char ('1') {
+        } else if self.match_char('1') {
         } else if self.lookahead.is_some() {
@@ -284,7 +279,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn coordinate_pair (&mut self) -> Result<(f64, f64), ParseError> {
+    fn coordinate_pair(&mut self) -> Result<(f64, f64), ParseError> {
         let a = self.number()?;
         let b = self.number()?;
@@ -292,7 +287,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         Ok((a, b))
-    fn set_current_point (&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
+    fn set_current_point(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
         self.current_x = x;
         self.current_y = y;
@@ -303,7 +298,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         self.quadratic_reflection_y = self.current_y;
-    fn set_cubic_reflection_and_current_point (&mut self, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
+    fn set_cubic_reflection_and_current_point(&mut self, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
         self.cubic_reflection_x = x3;
         self.cubic_reflection_y = y3;
@@ -314,7 +309,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         self.quadratic_reflection_y = self.current_y;
-    fn set_quadratic_reflection_and_current_point (&mut self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) {
+    fn set_quadratic_reflection_and_current_point(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) {
         self.quadratic_reflection_x = a;
         self.quadratic_reflection_y = b;
@@ -325,28 +320,28 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         self.cubic_reflection_y = self.current_y;
-    fn emit_move_to (&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
-        self.set_current_point (x, y);
+    fn emit_move_to(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
+        self.set_current_point(x, y);
         self.subpath_start_x = self.current_x;
         self.subpath_start_y = self.current_y;
-        self.builder.move_to (self.current_x, self.current_y);
+        self.builder.move_to(self.current_x, self.current_y);
-    fn emit_line_to (&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
-        self.set_current_point (x, y);
+    fn emit_line_to(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
+        self.set_current_point(x, y);
-        self.builder.line_to (self.current_x, self.current_y);
+        self.builder.line_to(self.current_x, self.current_y);
-    fn emit_curve_to (&mut self, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
-        self.set_cubic_reflection_and_current_point (x3, y3, x4, y4);
+    fn emit_curve_to(&mut self, x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) {
+        self.set_cubic_reflection_and_current_point(x3, y3, x4, y4);
-        self.builder.curve_to (x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
+        self.builder.curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
-    fn emit_quadratic_curve_to (&mut self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) {
+    fn emit_quadratic_curve_to(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) {
         /* raise quadratic Bézier to cubic */
         let x2 = (self.current_x + 2.0 * a) / 3.0;
@@ -356,32 +351,42 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
         let x3 = (x4 + 2.0 * a) / 3.0;
         let y3 = (y4 + 2.0 * b) / 3.0;
-        self.set_quadratic_reflection_and_current_point (a, b, c, d);
+        self.set_quadratic_reflection_and_current_point(a, b, c, d);
-        self.builder.curve_to (x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
+        self.builder.curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
-    fn emit_arc (&mut self, rx: f64, ry: f64, x_axis_rotation: f64, large_arc: LargeArc, sweep: Sweep, x: 
f64, y: f64) {
+    fn emit_arc(&mut self,
+                rx: f64,
+                ry: f64,
+                x_axis_rotation: f64,
+                large_arc: LargeArc,
+                sweep: Sweep,
+                x: f64,
+                y: f64) {
         let (start_x, start_y) = (self.current_x, self.current_y);
-        self.set_current_point (x, y);
+        self.set_current_point(x, y);
-        self.builder.arc (start_x, start_y,
-                          rx, ry,
-                          x_axis_rotation,
-                          large_arc,
-                          sweep,
-                          self.current_x, self.current_y);
+        self.builder.arc(start_x,
+                         start_y,
+                         rx,
+                         ry,
+                         x_axis_rotation,
+                         large_arc,
+                         sweep,
+                         self.current_x,
+                         self.current_y);
-    fn emit_close_path (&mut self) {
+    fn emit_close_path(&mut self) {
         let (x, y) = (self.subpath_start_x, self.subpath_start_y);
-        self.set_current_point (x, y);
+        self.set_current_point(x, y);
-        self.builder.close_path ();
+        self.builder.close_path();
-    fn lineto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn lineto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let (mut x, mut y) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
@@ -390,40 +395,42 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
                 y += self.current_y;
-            self.emit_line_to (x, y);
+            self.emit_line_to(x, y);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
-    fn moveto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool, is_initial_moveto: bool) -> Result<(), 
ParseError> {
-        let (mut x, mut y) = self.coordinate_pair ()?;
+    fn moveto_argument_sequence(&mut self,
+                                absolute: bool,
+                                is_initial_moveto: bool)
+                                -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+        let (mut x, mut y) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
         if is_initial_moveto {
-            self.emit_move_to (x, y);
+            self.emit_move_to(x, y);
         } else {
             if !absolute {
                 x += self.current_x;
                 y += self.current_y;
-            self.emit_move_to (x, y);
+            self.emit_move_to(x, y);
-        if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-            assert! (self.match_char (','));
+        if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+            assert!(self.match_char(','));
         } else if self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -433,12 +440,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn moveto (&mut self, is_initial_moveto: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('M') || self.lookahead_is ('m') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('M') {
+    fn moveto(&mut self, is_initial_moveto: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('M') || self.lookahead_is('m') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('M') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('m'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('m'));
@@ -451,7 +458,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn moveto_drawto_command_group (&mut self, is_initial_moveto: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn moveto_drawto_command_group(&mut self, is_initial_moveto: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
@@ -474,7 +481,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn optional_drawto_commands (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+    fn optional_drawto_commands(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
         while self.drawto_command()? {
@@ -482,33 +489,28 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn drawto_command (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        Ok(self.close_path()?                       ||
-           self.line_to()?                          ||
-           self.horizontal_line_to()?               ||
-           self.vertical_line_to()?                 ||
-           self.curve_to()?                         ||
-           self.smooth_curve_to()?                  ||
-           self.quadratic_bezier_curve_to()?        ||
-           self.smooth_quadratic_bezier_curve_to()? ||
-           self.elliptical_arc()?)
+    fn drawto_command(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        Ok(self.close_path()? || self.line_to()? || self.horizontal_line_to()?
+           || self.vertical_line_to()? || self.curve_to()? || self.smooth_curve_to()?
+           || self.quadratic_bezier_curve_to()?
+           || self.smooth_quadratic_bezier_curve_to()? || self.elliptical_arc()?)
-    fn close_path (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.match_char ('Z') || self.match_char ('z') {
-            self.emit_close_path ();
+    fn close_path(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.match_char('Z') || self.match_char('z') {
+            self.emit_close_path();
         } else {
-    fn line_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('L') || self.lookahead_is ('l') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('L') {
+    fn line_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('L') || self.lookahead_is('l') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('L') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('l'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('l'));
@@ -521,7 +523,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn horizontal_lineto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn horizontal_lineto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let mut x = self.number()?;
@@ -531,12 +533,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
             let y = self.current_y;
-            self.emit_line_to (x, y);
+            self.emit_line_to(x, y);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -546,12 +548,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn horizontal_line_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('H') || self.lookahead_is ('h') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('H') {
+    fn horizontal_line_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('H') || self.lookahead_is('h') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('H') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('h'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('h'));
@@ -564,7 +566,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn vertical_lineto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn vertical_lineto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let mut y = self.number()?;
@@ -574,12 +576,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
             let x = self.current_x;
-            self.emit_line_to (x, y);
+            self.emit_line_to(x, y);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -589,12 +591,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn vertical_line_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('V') || self.lookahead_is ('v') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('V') {
+    fn vertical_line_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('V') || self.lookahead_is('v') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('V') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('v'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('v'));
@@ -607,7 +609,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn curveto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn curveto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let (mut x2, mut y2) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
@@ -628,12 +630,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
                 y4 += self.current_y;
-            self.emit_curve_to (x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
+            self.emit_curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn smooth_curveto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn smooth_curveto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let (mut x3, mut y3) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
@@ -659,14 +661,14 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
             let (x2, y2) = (self.current_x + self.current_x - self.cubic_reflection_x,
-                            self.current_y + self.current_y - self.cubic_reflection_y);
+            self.current_y + self.current_y - self.cubic_reflection_y);
-            self.emit_curve_to (x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
+            self.emit_curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -676,12 +678,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn curve_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('C') || self.lookahead_is ('c') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('C') {
+    fn curve_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('C') || self.lookahead_is('c') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('C') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('c'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('c'));
@@ -694,12 +696,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn smooth_curve_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('S') || self.lookahead_is ('s') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('S') {
+    fn smooth_curve_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('S') || self.lookahead_is('s') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('S') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('s'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('s'));
@@ -712,7 +714,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let (mut a, mut b) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
@@ -727,12 +729,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
                 d += self.current_y;
-            self.emit_quadratic_curve_to (a, b, c, d);
+            self.emit_quadratic_curve_to(a, b, c, d);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -742,25 +744,27 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn quadratic_bezier_curve_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('Q') || self.lookahead_is ('q') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('Q') {
+    fn quadratic_bezier_curve_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('Q') || self.lookahead_is('q') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('Q') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('q'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('q'));
-            self.quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence (absolute)?;
+            self.quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence(absolute)?;
         } else {
-    fn smooth_quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn smooth_quadratic_curveto_argument_sequence(&mut self,
+                                                  absolute: bool)
+                                                  -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let (mut c, mut d) = self.coordinate_pair()?;
@@ -770,14 +774,14 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
             let (a, b) = (self.current_x + self.current_x - self.quadratic_reflection_x,
-                          self.current_y + self.current_y - self.quadratic_reflection_y);
+            self.current_y + self.current_y - self.quadratic_reflection_y);
-            self.emit_quadratic_curve_to (a, b, c, d);
+            self.emit_quadratic_curve_to(a, b, c, d);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -787,12 +791,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn smooth_quadratic_bezier_curve_to (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('T') || self.lookahead_is ('t') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('T') {
+    fn smooth_quadratic_bezier_curve_to(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('T') || self.lookahead_is('t') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('T') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('t'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('t'));
@@ -805,7 +809,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn elliptical_arc_argument_sequence (&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn elliptical_arc_argument_sequence(&mut self, absolute: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         loop {
             let rx = self.number()?.abs();
@@ -819,7 +823,7 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-            let large_arc = LargeArc (self.flag()?);
+            let large_arc = LargeArc(self.flag()?);
@@ -838,12 +842,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
                 y += self.current_y;
-            self.emit_arc (rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc, sweep, x, y);
+            self.emit_arc(rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc, sweep, x, y);
-            if self.lookahead_is (',') {
-                assert! (self.match_char (','));
+            if self.lookahead_is(',') {
+                assert!(self.match_char(','));
             } else if !self.lookahead_is_start_of_number() {
@@ -853,12 +857,12 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-    fn elliptical_arc (&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
-        if self.lookahead_is ('A') || self.lookahead_is ('a') {
-            let absolute = if self.match_char ('A') {
+    fn elliptical_arc(&mut self) -> Result<bool, ParseError> {
+        if self.lookahead_is('A') || self.lookahead_is('a') {
+            let absolute = if self.match_char('A') {
             } else {
-                assert! (self.match_char ('a'));
+                assert!(self.match_char('a'));
@@ -872,39 +876,44 @@ impl<'b> PathParser<'b> {
-fn char_to_digit (c: char) -> i32 {
+fn char_to_digit(c: char) -> i32 {
     c as i32 - '0' as i32
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum ErrorKind {
-    UnexpectedEof
+    UnexpectedEof,
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub struct ParseError {
     pub position: usize,
-    pub kind: ErrorKind
+    pub kind: ErrorKind,
 impl Error for ParseError {
     fn description(&self) -> &str {
         match self.kind {
             ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken => "unexpected token",
-            ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof   => "unexpected end of data"
+            ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => "unexpected end of data",
 impl Display for ParseError {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "error at position {}: {}", self.position, self.description())
+        write!(f,
+               "error at position {}: {}",
+               self.position,
+               self.description())
-pub fn parse_path_into_builder (path_str: &str, builder: &mut RsvgPathBuilder) -> Result <(), ParseError> {
-    let mut parser = PathParser::new (builder, path_str);
+pub fn parse_path_into_builder(path_str: &str,
+                               builder: &mut RsvgPathBuilder)
+                               -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    let mut parser = PathParser::new(builder, path_str);
@@ -917,648 +926,446 @@ mod tests {
-    fn make_parse_result(error_pos_str: &str, error_kind: Option<ErrorKind>) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+    fn make_parse_result(error_pos_str: &str,
+                         error_kind: Option<ErrorKind>)
+                         -> Result<(), ParseError> {
         if let Some(pos) = find_error_pos(error_pos_str) {
-            Err(ParseError {
-                position: pos,
-                kind: error_kind.unwrap()
-            })
+            Err(ParseError { position: pos,
+                             kind: error_kind.unwrap(), })
         } else {
-    fn test_parser (path_str: &str,
-                    error_pos_str: &str,
-                    expected_commands: &[PathCommand],
-                    expected_error_kind: Option<ErrorKind>) {
+    fn test_parser(path_str: &str,
+                   error_pos_str: &str,
+                   expected_commands: &[PathCommand],
+                   expected_error_kind: Option<ErrorKind>) {
         let expected_result = make_parse_result(error_pos_str, expected_error_kind);
         let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        let result = parse_path_into_builder (path_str, &mut builder);
+        let result = parse_path_into_builder(path_str, &mut builder);
-        let commands = builder.get_path_commands ();
+        let commands = builder.get_path_commands();
         assert_eq!(expected_commands, commands);
         assert_eq!(expected_result, result);
-    fn moveto (x: f64, y: f64) -> PathCommand {
-        PathCommand::MoveTo (x, y)
+    fn moveto(x: f64, y: f64) -> PathCommand {
+        PathCommand::MoveTo(x, y)
-    fn lineto (x: f64, y: f64) -> PathCommand {
-        PathCommand::LineTo (x, y)
+    fn lineto(x: f64, y: f64) -> PathCommand {
+        PathCommand::LineTo(x, y)
-    fn curveto (x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) -> PathCommand {
-        PathCommand::CurveTo ((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4))
+    fn curveto(x2: f64, y2: f64, x3: f64, y3: f64, x4: f64, y4: f64) -> PathCommand {
+        PathCommand::CurveTo((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4))
-    fn closepath () -> PathCommand {
+    fn closepath() -> PathCommand {
-    fn handles_empty_data () {
-        test_parser ("",
-                     "^",
-                     &Vec::<PathCommand>::new (),
-                     Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+    fn handles_empty_data() {
+        test_parser("",
+                    "^",
+                    &Vec::<PathCommand>::new(),
+                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-    fn handles_numbers () {
-        test_parser ("M 10 20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M -10 -20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-10.0, -20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M .10 0.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (0.10, 0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M -.10 -0.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-0.10, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-.10-0.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-0.10, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10.5.50",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.5, 0.50)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M.10.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (0.10, 0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M .10E1 .20e-4",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (1.0, 0.000020)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-.10E1-.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-1.0, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10.10E2 -0.20e3",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (1010.0, -200.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-10.10E2-0.20e-3",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-1010.0, -0.00020)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_numbers() {
+        test_parser("M 10 20", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M -10 -20", "", &vec![moveto(-10.0, -20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M .10 0.20", "", &vec![moveto(0.10, 0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M -.10 -0.20", "", &vec![moveto(-0.10, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M-.10-0.20", "", &vec![moveto(-0.10, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M10.5.50", "", &vec![moveto(10.5, 0.50)], None);
+        test_parser("M.10.20", "", &vec![moveto(0.10, 0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M .10E1 .20e-4", "", &vec![moveto(1.0, 0.000020)], None);
+        test_parser("M-.10E1-.20", "", &vec![moveto(-1.0, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M10.10E2 -0.20e3", "", &vec![moveto(1010.0, -200.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M-10.10E2-0.20e-3",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(-1010.0, -0.00020)],
+                    None);
     fn detects_bogus_numbers() {
-        test_parser("M+",
-                    "  ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M+", "  ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M-",
-                    "  ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M-", "  ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M+x",
-                    "  ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("M+x", "  ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
-        test_parser("M10e",
-                    "    ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10e", "    ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M10ex",
-                    "    ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("M10ex", "    ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
-        test_parser("M10e-",
-                    "     ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10e-", "     ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
                     "     ^",
-    fn handles_numbers_with_comma () {
-        test_parser ("M 10, 20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M -10,-20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-10.0, -20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M.10    ,    0.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (0.10, 0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M -.10, -0.20   ",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-0.10, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-.10-0.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-0.10, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M.10.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (0.10, 0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M .10E1,.20e-4",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (1.0, 0.000020)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-.10E-2,-.20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-0.0010, -0.20)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10.10E2,-0.20e3",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (1010.0, -200.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M-10.10E2,-0.20e-3",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (-1010.0, -0.00020)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_numbers_with_comma() {
+        test_parser("M 10, 20", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M -10,-20", "", &vec![moveto(-10.0, -20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M.10    ,    0.20", "", &vec![moveto(0.10, 0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M -.10, -0.20   ", "", &vec![moveto(-0.10, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M-.10-0.20", "", &vec![moveto(-0.10, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M.10.20", "", &vec![moveto(0.10, 0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M .10E1,.20e-4", "", &vec![moveto(1.0, 0.000020)], None);
+        test_parser("M-.10E-2,-.20", "", &vec![moveto(-0.0010, -0.20)], None);
+        test_parser("M10.10E2,-0.20e3", "", &vec![moveto(1010.0, -200.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M-10.10E2,-0.20e-3",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(-1010.0, -0.00020)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_single_moveto () {
-        test_parser ("M 10 20 ",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10,20  ",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20   ",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("    M10,20     ",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_single_moveto() {
+        test_parser("M 10 20 ", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M10,20  ", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("M10 20   ", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
+        test_parser("    M10,20     ", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0)], None);
-    fn handles_absolute_moveto_with_implicit_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10,20,30,40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M.1-2,3E2-4",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (0.1, -2.0),
-                         lineto (300.0, -4.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_absolute_moveto_with_implicit_lineto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10,20,30,40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M.1-2,3E2-4",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(0.1, -2.0), lineto(300.0, -4.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_with_implicit_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_with_implicit_lineto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(40.0, 60.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_absolute_moveto_with_implicit_linetos () {
-        test_parser ("M10,20 30,40,50 60",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 40.0),
-                         lineto (50.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_absolute_moveto_with_implicit_linetos() {
+        test_parser("M10,20 30,40,50 60",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 40.0), lineto(50.0, 60.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_with_implicit_linetos () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 30 40 50 60",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0),
-                         lineto (90.0, 120.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_with_implicit_linetos() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 30 40 50 60",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(40.0, 60.0), lineto(90.0, 120.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_absolute_moveto_moveto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 M 30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         moveto (30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_absolute_moveto_moveto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 M 30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), moveto(30.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_moveto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 m 30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         moveto (40.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_moveto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 m 30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), moveto(40.0, 60.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto_moveto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 30 40 m 50 60",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0),
-                         moveto (90.0, 120.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto_moveto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 30 40 m 50 60",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(40.0, 60.0), moveto(90.0, 120.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_absolute_moveto_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 L30,40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_absolute_moveto_lineto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 L30,40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 l30,40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 l30,40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(40.0, 60.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto_lineto_abs_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("m10 20 30 40l30,40,50 60L200,300",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0),
-                         lineto (70.0, 100.0),
-                         lineto (120.0, 160.0),
-                         lineto (200.0, 300.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_relative_moveto_lineto_lineto_abs_lineto() {
+        test_parser("m10 20 30 40l30,40,50 60L200,300",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(40.0, 60.0),
+                          lineto(70.0, 100.0),
+                          lineto(120.0, 160.0),
+                          lineto(200.0, 300.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_horizontal_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 H30",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 H30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 H30,40-50",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (-50.0, 20.0),
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 h30,40-50",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (80.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (30.0, 20.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_horizontal_lineto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 H30",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 20.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 H30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(30.0, 20.0), lineto(40.0, 20.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 H30,40-50",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(30.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(40.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(-50.0, 20.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 h30,40-50",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(40.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(80.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(30.0, 20.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_vertical_lineto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 V30",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 30.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 V30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 30.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 V30,40-50",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 30.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 40.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, -50.0),
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 v30,40-50",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 50.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 90.0),
-                         lineto (10.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_vertical_lineto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 V30",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(10.0, 30.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 V30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), lineto(10.0, 30.0), lineto(10.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 V30,40-50",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, 30.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, 40.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, -50.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 v30,40-50",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, 50.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, 90.0),
+                          lineto(10.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_curveto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 C 30,40 50 60-70,80",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, -70.0, 80.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 C 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, -70.0, 80.0),
-                         curveto (90.0, 100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0, 140.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 c 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0, -60.0, 100.0),
-                         curveto (30.0, 200.0, 50.0, 220.0, 70.0, 240.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 c 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0, -60.0, 100.0),
-                         curveto (30.0, 200.0, 50.0, 220.0, 70.0, 240.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_curveto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 C 30,40 50 60-70,80",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, -70.0, 80.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 C 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, -70.0, 80.0),
+                          curveto(90.0, 100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0, 140.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 c 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0, -60.0, 100.0),
+                          curveto(30.0, 200.0, 50.0, 220.0, 70.0, 240.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 c 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100,110 120,130,140",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0, -60.0, 100.0),
+                          curveto(30.0, 200.0, 50.0, 220.0, 70.0, 240.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_smooth_curveto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 S 30,40-50,60",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, -50.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 S 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0),
-                         curveto (70.0, 80.0, -70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 s 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0),
-                         curveto (80.0, 100.0, -10.0, 160.0, 150.0, 180.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_smooth_curveto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 S 30,40-50,60",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, -50.0, 60.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 S 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0),
+                          curveto(70.0, 80.0, -70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 s 30,40 50 60-70,80,90 100",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 80.0),
+                          curveto(80.0, 100.0, -10.0, 160.0, 150.0, 180.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_quadratic_curveto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (70.0 / 3.0, 100.0 / 3.0, 110.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60,70,80-90 100",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (70.0 / 3.0, 100.0 / 3.0, 110.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 60.0),
-                         curveto (190.0 / 3.0, 220.0 / 3.0, 50.0 / 3.0, 260.0 / 3.0, -90.0, 100.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 q 30,40 50 60-70,80 90 100",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (90.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 200.0 / 3.0, 60.0, 80.0),
-                         curveto (40.0 / 3.0, 400.0 / 3.0, 130.0 / 3.0, 500.0 / 3.0, 150.0, 180.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_quadratic_curveto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(70.0 / 3.0,
+                                  100.0 / 3.0,
+                                  110.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  50.0,
+                                  60.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60,70,80-90 100",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(70.0 / 3.0,
+                                  100.0 / 3.0,
+                                  110.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  50.0,
+                                  60.0),
+                          curveto(190.0 / 3.0,
+                                  220.0 / 3.0,
+                                  50.0 / 3.0,
+                                  260.0 / 3.0,
+                                  -90.0,
+                                  100.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 q 30,40 50 60-70,80 90 100",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(90.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  200.0 / 3.0,
+                                  60.0,
+                                  80.0),
+                          curveto(40.0 / 3.0,
+                                  400.0 / 3.0,
+                                  130.0 / 3.0,
+                                  500.0 / 3.0,
+                                  150.0,
+                                  180.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_smooth_quadratic_curveto () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 T30 40",
-                     "",
-                     &vec! [
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (10.0, 20.0, 50.0 / 3.0, 80.0 / 3.0, 30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60 T70 80",
-                     "",
-                     &vec! [
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (70.0 / 3.0, 100.0 / 3.0, 110.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 60.0),
-                         curveto (190.0 / 3.0, 220.0 / 3.0, 70.0, 80.0, 70.0, 80.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 q 30,40 50 60t-70,80",
-                     "",
-                     &vec! [
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (90.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 200.0 / 3.0, 60.0, 80.0),
-                         curveto (220.0 / 3.0, 280.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 120.0, -10.0, 160.0)
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_smooth_quadratic_curveto() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 T30 40",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(10.0, 20.0, 50.0 / 3.0, 80.0 / 3.0, 30.0, 40.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60 T70 80",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(70.0 / 3.0,
+                                  100.0 / 3.0,
+                                  110.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  50.0,
+                                  60.0),
+                          curveto(190.0 / 3.0, 220.0 / 3.0, 70.0, 80.0, 70.0, 80.0)],
+                    None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 q 30,40 50 60t-70,80",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(90.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  200.0 / 3.0,
+                                  60.0,
+                                  80.0),
+                          curveto(220.0 / 3.0, 280.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 120.0, -10.0, 160.0)],
+                    None);
-    fn handles_close_path () {
-        test_parser ("M10 20 Z",
-                     "",
-                     &vec! [
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         closepath ()
-                     ],
-                     None);
-        test_parser ("m10 20 30 40 m 50 60 70 80 90 100z",
-                     "",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         lineto (40.0, 60.0),
-                         moveto (90.0, 120.0),
-                         lineto (160.0, 200.0),
-                         lineto (250.0, 300.0),
-                         closepath ()
-                     ],
-                     None);
+    fn handles_close_path() {
+        test_parser("M10 20 Z", "", &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0), closepath()], None);
+        test_parser("m10 20 30 40 m 50 60 70 80 90 100z",
+                    "",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          lineto(40.0, 60.0),
+                          moveto(90.0, 120.0),
+                          lineto(160.0, 200.0),
+                          lineto(250.0, 300.0),
+                          closepath()],
+                    None);
     /* FIXME: we don't have a handles_arc() because
@@ -1569,43 +1376,22 @@ mod tests {
     fn first_command_must_be_moveto() {
-        test_parser("  L10 20",
-                    "  ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("  L10 20", "  ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
     fn moveto_args() {
-        test_parser("M",
-                    " ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M", " ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M,",
-                    " ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("M,", " ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
-        test_parser("M10",
-                    "   ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10", "   ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M10,",
-                    "    ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10,", "    ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
-        test_parser("M10x",
-                    "   ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("M10x", "   ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
-        test_parser("M10,x",
-                    "    ^",
-                    &vec![],
-                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
+        test_parser("M10,x", "    ^", &vec![], Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken));
@@ -1630,14 +1416,12 @@ mod tests {
     fn closepath_no_args() {
                     "       ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0),
-                          closepath()],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0), closepath()],
                     "       ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0),
-                          closepath()],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0), closepath()],
@@ -1650,14 +1434,12 @@ mod tests {
         test_parser("M 10,10 L 20,20,30",
                     "                  ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 10.0),
-                          lineto(20.0, 20.0)],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 10.0), lineto(20.0, 20.0)],
         test_parser("M 10,10 L 20,20,",
                     "                ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 10.0),
-                          lineto(20.0, 20.0)],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 10.0), lineto(20.0, 20.0)],
@@ -1675,8 +1457,7 @@ mod tests {
                     "          ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0),
-                          lineto(30.0, -20.0)],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0), lineto(30.0, -20.0)],
@@ -1694,8 +1475,7 @@ mod tests {
                     "          ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0),
-                          lineto(10.0, 10.0)],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0), lineto(10.0, 10.0)],
@@ -1760,8 +1540,7 @@ mod tests {
                     "                   ^",
-                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0),
-                          curveto(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0)],
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0), curveto(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0)],
@@ -1838,13 +1617,16 @@ mod tests {
                     &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0)],
-        test_parser ("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60,",
-                     "                    ^",
-                     &vec![
-                         moveto  (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (70.0 / 3.0, 100.0 / 3.0, 110.0 / 3.0, 140.0 / 3.0, 50.0, 60.0)
-                     ],
-                     Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10 20 Q30 40 50 60,",
+                    "                    ^",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(70.0 / 3.0,
+                                  100.0 / 3.0,
+                                  110.0 / 3.0,
+                                  140.0 / 3.0,
+                                  50.0,
+                                  60.0)],
+                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
@@ -1858,13 +1640,11 @@ mod tests {
                     &vec![moveto(10.0, -20.0)],
-        test_parser ("M10 20 T30 40,",
-                     "              ^",
-                     &vec! [
-                         moveto (10.0, 20.0),
-                         curveto (10.0, 20.0, 50.0 / 3.0, 80.0 / 3.0, 30.0, 40.0)
-                     ],
-                     Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
+        test_parser("M10 20 T30 40,",
+                    "              ^",
+                    &vec![moveto(10.0, 20.0),
+                          curveto(10.0, 20.0, 50.0 / 3.0, 80.0 / 3.0, 30.0, 40.0)],
+                    Some(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/pattern.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/pattern.rs
index 57621010..04afc8ff 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/pattern.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/pattern.rs
@@ -25,52 +25,50 @@ coord_units!(PatternUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
 coord_units!(PatternContentUnits, CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse);
- struct Pattern {
-    pub units:                 Option<PatternUnits>,
-    pub content_units:         Option<PatternContentUnits>,
+struct Pattern {
+    pub units: Option<PatternUnits>,
+    pub content_units: Option<PatternContentUnits>,
     // This Option<Option<ViewBox>> is a bit strange.  We want a field
     // with value None to mean, "this field isn't resolved yet".  However,
     // the vbox can very well be *not* specified in the SVG file.
     // In that case, the fully resolved pattern will have a .vbox=Some(None) value.
-    pub vbox:                  Option<Option<ViewBox>>,
+    pub vbox: Option<Option<ViewBox>>,
     pub preserve_aspect_ratio: Option<AspectRatio>,
-    pub affine:                Option<cairo::Matrix>,
-    pub fallback:              Option<String>,
-    pub x:                     Option<RsvgLength>,
-    pub y:                     Option<RsvgLength>,
-    pub width:                 Option<RsvgLength>,
-    pub height:                Option<RsvgLength>,
+    pub affine: Option<cairo::Matrix>,
+    pub fallback: Option<String>,
+    pub x: Option<RsvgLength>,
+    pub y: Option<RsvgLength>,
+    pub width: Option<RsvgLength>,
+    pub height: Option<RsvgLength>,
     // Point back to our corresponding node, or to the fallback node which has children
-    pub node:                  Option<Weak<Node>>
+    pub node: Option<Weak<Node>>,
 impl Default for Pattern {
-    fn default () -> Pattern {
+    fn default() -> Pattern {
         // These are per the spec
-        Pattern {
-            units:                 Some(PatternUnits::default()),
-            content_units:         Some(PatternContentUnits::default()),
-            vbox:                  Some(None),
-            preserve_aspect_ratio: Some(AspectRatio::default()),
-            affine:                Some(cairo::Matrix::identity()),
-            fallback:              None,
-            x:                     Some(RsvgLength::default()),
-            y:                     Some(RsvgLength::default()),
-            width:                 Some(RsvgLength::default()),
-            height:                Some(RsvgLength::default()),
-            node:                  None
-        }
+        Pattern { units: Some(PatternUnits::default()),
+                  content_units: Some(PatternContentUnits::default()),
+                  vbox: Some(None),
+                  preserve_aspect_ratio: Some(AspectRatio::default()),
+                  affine: Some(cairo::Matrix::identity()),
+                  fallback: None,
+                  x: Some(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  y: Some(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  width: Some(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  height: Some(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  node: None, }
-fn node_has_children (node: &Option<Weak<Node>>) -> bool {
+fn node_has_children(node: &Option<Weak<Node>>) -> bool {
     match *node {
         None => false,
-        Some (ref weak) => {
-            let ref strong_node = weak.clone ().upgrade ().unwrap ();
+        Some(ref weak) => {
+            let ref strong_node = weak.clone().upgrade().unwrap();
@@ -101,148 +99,143 @@ macro_rules! fallback_to (
 impl Pattern {
     fn unresolved() -> Pattern {
-        Pattern {
-            units:                 None,
-            content_units:         None,
-            vbox:                  None,
-            preserve_aspect_ratio: None,
-            affine:                None,
-            fallback:              None,
-            x:                     None,
-            y:                     None,
-            width:                 None,
-            height:                None,
-            node:                  None,
-        }
+        Pattern { units: None,
+                  content_units: None,
+                  vbox: None,
+                  preserve_aspect_ratio: None,
+                  affine: None,
+                  fallback: None,
+                  x: None,
+                  y: None,
+                  width: None,
+                  height: None,
+                  node: None, }
-    fn is_resolved (&self) -> bool {
-        self.units.is_some () &&
-            self.content_units.is_some () &&
-            self.vbox.is_some () &&
-            self.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_some () &&
-            self.affine.is_some () &&
-            self.x.is_some () &&
-            self.y.is_some () &&
-            self.width.is_some () &&
-            self.height.is_some () &&
-            node_has_children (&self.node)
+    fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
+        self.units.is_some() && self.content_units.is_some() && self.vbox.is_some()
+        && self.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_some() && self.affine.is_some() && self.x.is_some()
+        && self.y.is_some() && self.width.is_some() && self.height.is_some()
+        && node_has_children(&self.node)
-    fn resolve_from_defaults (&mut self) {
+    fn resolve_from_defaults(&mut self) {
-        if !node_has_children (&self.node) {
+        if !node_has_children(&self.node) {
             self.node = None;
-    fn resolve_from_fallback (&mut self, fallback: &Pattern) {
-        fallback_to! (self.units,                 fallback.units);
-        fallback_to! (self.content_units,         fallback.content_units);
-        fallback_to! (self.vbox,                  fallback.vbox);
-        fallback_to! (self.preserve_aspect_ratio, fallback.preserve_aspect_ratio);
-        fallback_to! (self.affine,                fallback.affine);
-        fallback_to! (self.x,                     fallback.x);
-        fallback_to! (self.y,                     fallback.y);
-        fallback_to! (self.width,                 fallback.width);
-        fallback_to! (self.height,                fallback.height);
-        self.fallback = fallback.fallback.clone ();
-        if !node_has_children (&self.node) {
-            self.node = fallback.node.clone ();
+    fn resolve_from_fallback(&mut self, fallback: &Pattern) {
+        fallback_to!(self.units, fallback.units);
+        fallback_to!(self.content_units, fallback.content_units);
+        fallback_to!(self.vbox, fallback.vbox);
+        fallback_to!(self.preserve_aspect_ratio, fallback.preserve_aspect_ratio);
+        fallback_to!(self.affine, fallback.affine);
+        fallback_to!(self.x, fallback.x);
+        fallback_to!(self.y, fallback.y);
+        fallback_to!(self.width, fallback.width);
+        fallback_to!(self.height, fallback.height);
+        self.fallback = fallback.fallback.clone();
+        if !node_has_children(&self.node) {
+            self.node = fallback.node.clone();
 struct NodePattern {
-    pattern: RefCell<Pattern>
+    pattern: RefCell<Pattern>,
 impl NodePattern {
-    fn new () -> NodePattern {
-        NodePattern {
-            pattern: RefCell::new (Pattern::unresolved ())
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodePattern {
+        NodePattern { pattern: RefCell::new(Pattern::unresolved()), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodePattern {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        let mut p = self.pattern.borrow_mut ();
+    fn set_atts(&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+        let mut p = self.pattern.borrow_mut();
-        p.node = Some (Rc::downgrade (node));
+        p.node = Some(Rc::downgrade(node));
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::PatternUnits =>
-                    p.units = Some(parse("patternUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PatternUnits => p.units = Some(parse("patternUnits", value, (), None)?),
-                Attribute::PatternContentUnits =>
-                    p.content_units = Some(parse("patternContentUnits", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PatternContentUnits => {
+                    p.content_units = Some(parse("patternContentUnits", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::ViewBox =>
-                    p.vbox = Some(Some(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)?)),
+                Attribute::ViewBox => p.vbox = Some(Some(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)?)),
-                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio =>
-                    p.preserve_aspect_ratio = Some(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio => {
+                    p.preserve_aspect_ratio = Some(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::PatternTransform =>
-                    p.affine = Some(parse("patternTransform", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PatternTransform => {
+                    p.affine = Some(parse("patternTransform", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::XlinkHref =>
-                    p.fallback = Some(value.to_owned()),
+                Attribute::XlinkHref => p.fallback = Some(value.to_owned()),
-                Attribute::X =>
-                    p.x = Some(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
+                Attribute::X => p.x = Some(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
-                Attribute::Y =>
-                    p.y = Some(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
+                Attribute::Y => p.y = Some(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::Width =>
-                    p.width = Some(parse("width", value, LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                         Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::Width => {
+                    p.width = Some(parse("width",
+                                         value,
+                                         LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                         Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
-                Attribute::Height =>
-                    p.height = Some(parse("height", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::Height => {
+                    p.height = Some(parse("height",
+                                          value,
+                                          LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                          Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing; paint servers are handled specially
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
 trait FallbackSource {
-    fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode>;
+    fn get_fallback(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode>;
-fn resolve_pattern (pattern: &Pattern, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) -> Pattern {
-    let mut result = pattern.clone ();
+fn resolve_pattern(pattern: &Pattern, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) -> Pattern {
+    let mut result = pattern.clone();
-    while !result.is_resolved () {
+    while !result.is_resolved() {
         let mut opt_fallback: Option<RsvgNode> = None;
-        if let Some (ref fallback_name) = result.fallback {
-            opt_fallback = fallback_source.get_fallback (&**fallback_name);
+        if let Some(ref fallback_name) = result.fallback {
+            opt_fallback = fallback_source.get_fallback(&**fallback_name);
-        if let Some (fallback_node) = opt_fallback {
-            fallback_node.with_impl (|i: &NodePattern|
-                                     result.resolve_from_fallback (&*i.pattern.borrow ()));
+        if let Some(fallback_node) = opt_fallback {
+            fallback_node.with_impl(|i: &NodePattern| {
+                                        result.resolve_from_fallback(&*i.pattern.borrow())
+                                    });
         } else {
-            result.resolve_from_defaults ();
+            result.resolve_from_defaults();
@@ -252,68 +245,68 @@ fn resolve_pattern (pattern: &Pattern, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) ->
 struct NodeFallbackSource {
     draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-    acquired_nodes: Vec<*mut RsvgNode>
+    acquired_nodes: Vec<*mut RsvgNode>,
 impl NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn new (draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx) -> NodeFallbackSource {
-        NodeFallbackSource {
-            draw_ctx: draw_ctx,
-            acquired_nodes: Vec::<*mut RsvgNode>::new ()
-        }
+    fn new(draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx) -> NodeFallbackSource {
+        NodeFallbackSource { draw_ctx,
+                             acquired_nodes: Vec::<*mut RsvgNode>::new(), }
 impl Drop for NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn drop (&mut self) {
-        while let Some (node) = self.acquired_nodes.pop () {
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (self.draw_ctx, node);
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        while let Some(node) = self.acquired_nodes.pop() {
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(self.draw_ctx, node);
 impl FallbackSource for NodeFallbackSource {
-    fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode> {
-        let raw_fallback_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node_of_type (self.draw_ctx, name, NodeType::Pattern);
+    fn get_fallback(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<RsvgNode> {
+        let raw_fallback_node =
+            drawing_ctx::acquire_node_of_type(self.draw_ctx, name, NodeType::Pattern);
-        if raw_fallback_node.is_null () {
+        if raw_fallback_node.is_null() {
             return None;
-        self.acquired_nodes.push (raw_fallback_node);
+        self.acquired_nodes.push(raw_fallback_node);
-        let fallback_node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_fallback_node };
+        let fallback_node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_fallback_node };
-        Some (fallback_node.clone ())
+        Some(fallback_node.clone())
-fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (pattern: &Pattern,
-                                draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                bbox:     &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    assert! (pattern.is_resolved ());
+fn set_pattern_on_draw_context(pattern: &Pattern,
+                               draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                               bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                               -> bool {
+    assert!(pattern.is_resolved());
-    if !node_has_children (&pattern.node) {
+    if !node_has_children(&pattern.node) {
         return false;
-    let units                 = pattern.units.unwrap ();
-    let content_units         = pattern.content_units.unwrap ();
-    let pattern_affine        = pattern.affine.unwrap ();
-    let vbox                  = pattern.vbox.unwrap ();
-    let preserve_aspect_ratio = pattern.preserve_aspect_ratio.unwrap ();
+    let units = pattern.units.unwrap();
+    let content_units = pattern.content_units.unwrap();
+    let pattern_affine = pattern.affine.unwrap();
+    let vbox = pattern.vbox.unwrap();
+    let preserve_aspect_ratio = pattern.preserve_aspect_ratio.unwrap();
     if units == PatternUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-        drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
+        drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
-    let pattern_x      = pattern.x.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-    let pattern_y      = pattern.y.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-    let pattern_width  = pattern.width.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-    let pattern_height = pattern.height.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    let pattern_x = pattern.x.unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+    let pattern_y = pattern.y.unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+    let pattern_width = pattern.width.unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
+    let pattern_height = pattern.height.unwrap().normalize(draw_ctx);
     if units == PatternUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
-        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
     // Work out the size of the rectangle so it takes into account the object bounding box
@@ -325,7 +318,7 @@ fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (pattern: &Pattern,
         PatternUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) => {
             bbwscale = bbox.rect.width;
             bbhscale = bbox.rect.height;
-        },
+        }
         PatternUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse) => {
             bbwscale = 1.0;
@@ -333,10 +326,11 @@ fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (pattern: &Pattern,
-    let taffine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&pattern_affine, &drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine 
+    let taffine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&pattern_affine,
+                                          &drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx));
-    let mut scwscale = (taffine.xx * taffine.xx + taffine.xy * taffine.xy).sqrt ();
-    let mut schscale = (taffine.yx * taffine.yx + taffine.yy * taffine.yy).sqrt ();
+    let mut scwscale = (taffine.xx * taffine.xx + taffine.xy * taffine.xy).sqrt();
+    let mut schscale = (taffine.yx * taffine.yx + taffine.yy * taffine.yy).sqrt();
     let pw: i32 = (pattern_width * bbwscale * scwscale) as i32;
     let ph: i32 = (pattern_height * bbhscale * schscale) as i32;
@@ -344,152 +338,149 @@ fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (pattern: &Pattern,
     let scaled_width = pattern_width * bbwscale;
     let scaled_height = pattern_height * bbhscale;
-    if scaled_width.abs () < DBL_EPSILON || scaled_height.abs () < DBL_EPSILON
-        || pw < 1 || ph < 1 {
+    if scaled_width.abs() < DBL_EPSILON || scaled_height.abs() < DBL_EPSILON || pw < 1 || ph < 1 {
         return false;
     scwscale = f64::from(pw) / scaled_width;
     schscale = f64::from(ph) / scaled_height;
-    let mut affine: cairo::Matrix = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
+    let mut affine: cairo::Matrix = cairo::Matrix::identity();
     // Create the pattern coordinate system
     match units {
         PatternUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) => {
-            affine.translate (bbox.rect.x + pattern_x * bbox.rect.width,
-                              bbox.rect.y + pattern_y * bbox.rect.height);
-        },
+            affine.translate(bbox.rect.x + pattern_x * bbox.rect.width,
+                             bbox.rect.y + pattern_y * bbox.rect.height);
+        }
         PatternUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse) => {
-            affine.translate (pattern_x, pattern_y);
+            affine.translate(pattern_x, pattern_y);
     // Apply the pattern transform
-    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&affine, &pattern_affine);
+    affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&affine, &pattern_affine);
     let mut caffine: cairo::Matrix;
     let pushed_view_box: bool;
     // Create the pattern contents coordinate system
-    if let Some (vbox) = vbox {
+    if let Some(vbox) = vbox {
         // If there is a vbox, use that
-        let (mut x, mut y, w, h) = preserve_aspect_ratio.compute (vbox.0.width,
-                                                                  vbox.0.height,
-                                                                  0.0,
-                                                                  0.0,
-                                                                  pattern_width * bbwscale,
-                                                                  pattern_height * bbhscale);
+        let (mut x, mut y, w, h) = preserve_aspect_ratio.compute(vbox.0.width,
+                                                                 vbox.0.height,
+                                                                 0.0,
+                                                                 0.0,
+                                                                 pattern_width * bbwscale,
+                                                                 pattern_height * bbhscale);
         x -= vbox.0.x * w / vbox.0.width;
         y -= vbox.0.y * h / vbox.0.height;
-        caffine = cairo::Matrix::new (w / vbox.0.width,
-                                      0.0,
-                                      0.0,
-                                      h / vbox.0.height,
-                                      x,
-                                      y);
+        caffine = cairo::Matrix::new(w / vbox.0.width, 0.0, 0.0, h / vbox.0.height, x, y);
-        drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height);
+        drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height);
         pushed_view_box = true;
-    } else if content_units == PatternContentUnits (CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
+    } else if content_units == PatternContentUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) {
         // If coords are in terms of the bounding box, use them
-        caffine = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
-        caffine.scale (bbox.rect.width, bbox.rect.height);
+        caffine = cairo::Matrix::identity();
+        caffine.scale(bbox.rect.width, bbox.rect.height);
-        drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
+        drawing_ctx::push_view_box(draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
         pushed_view_box = true;
     } else {
-        caffine = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
+        caffine = cairo::Matrix::identity();
         pushed_view_box = false;
     if scwscale != 1.0 || schscale != 1.0 {
-        let mut scalematrix = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
-        scalematrix.scale (scwscale, schscale);
-        caffine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&caffine, &scalematrix);
+        let mut scalematrix = cairo::Matrix::identity();
+        scalematrix.scale(scwscale, schscale);
+        caffine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&caffine, &scalematrix);
-        scalematrix = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
-        scalematrix.scale (1.0 / scwscale, 1.0 / schscale);
+        scalematrix = cairo::Matrix::identity();
+        scalematrix.scale(1.0 / scwscale, 1.0 / schscale);
-        affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&scalematrix, &affine);
+        affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&scalematrix, &affine);
     // Draw to another surface
-    let cr_save = drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context (draw_ctx);
-    drawing_ctx::state_push (draw_ctx);
+    let cr_save = drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context(draw_ctx);
+    drawing_ctx::state_push(draw_ctx);
-    let surface = cr_save.get_target ().create_similar (cairo::Content::ColorAlpha, pw, ph);
+    let surface = cr_save.get_target()
+                         .create_similar(cairo::Content::ColorAlpha, pw, ph);
-    let cr_pattern = cairo::Context::new (&surface);
+    let cr_pattern = cairo::Context::new(&surface);
-    drawing_ctx::set_cairo_context (draw_ctx, &cr_pattern);
+    drawing_ctx::set_cairo_context(draw_ctx, &cr_pattern);
     // Set up transformations to be determined by the contents units
-    drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx, caffine);
+    drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx, caffine);
     // Draw everything
-    let pattern_node = pattern.node.clone ().unwrap ().upgrade ().unwrap ();
-    pattern_node.draw_children (draw_ctx, 2);
+    let pattern_node = pattern.node.clone().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap();
+    pattern_node.draw_children(draw_ctx, 2);
     // Return to the original coordinate system and rendering context
-    drawing_ctx::state_pop (draw_ctx);
-    drawing_ctx::set_cairo_context (draw_ctx, &cr_save);
+    drawing_ctx::state_pop(draw_ctx);
+    drawing_ctx::set_cairo_context(draw_ctx, &cr_save);
     if pushed_view_box {
-        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::pop_view_box(draw_ctx);
     // Set the final surface as a Cairo pattern into the Cairo context
-    let surface_pattern = cairo::SurfacePattern::create (&surface);
-    surface_pattern.set_extend (cairo::Extend::Repeat);
+    let surface_pattern = cairo::SurfacePattern::create(&surface);
+    surface_pattern.set_extend(cairo::Extend::Repeat);
     let mut matrix = affine;
-    matrix.invert ();
+    matrix.invert();
-    surface_pattern.set_matrix (matrix);
-    surface_pattern.set_filter (cairo::Filter::Best);
+    surface_pattern.set_matrix(matrix);
+    surface_pattern.set_filter(cairo::Filter::Best);
-    cr_save.set_source (&surface_pattern);
+    cr_save.set_source(&surface_pattern);
-fn resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (pattern:  &Pattern,
-                                      draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                      bbox:     &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    let mut fallback_source = NodeFallbackSource::new (draw_ctx);
+fn resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(pattern: &Pattern,
+                                     draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                     bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                                     -> bool {
+    let mut fallback_source = NodeFallbackSource::new(draw_ctx);
-    let resolved = resolve_pattern (pattern, &mut fallback_source);
+    let resolved = resolve_pattern(pattern, &mut fallback_source);
-    set_pattern_on_draw_context (&resolved, draw_ctx, bbox)
+    set_pattern_on_draw_context(&resolved, draw_ctx, bbox)
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_pattern_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode 
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Pattern,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodePattern::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_pattern_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                        raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                        -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Pattern, raw_parent, Box::new(NodePattern::new()))
-pub fn pattern_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (node: &RsvgNode,
-                                                  draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                                  bbox: &RsvgBbox) -> bool {
-    assert! (node.get_type () == NodeType::Pattern);
+pub fn pattern_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(node: &RsvgNode,
+                                                 draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                                 bbox: &RsvgBbox)
+                                                 -> bool {
+    assert!(node.get_type() == NodeType::Pattern);
     let mut did_set_pattern = false;
-    node.with_impl (|node_pattern: &NodePattern| {
-        let pattern = &*node_pattern.pattern.borrow ();
-        did_set_pattern = resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (pattern, draw_ctx, bbox);
-    });
+    node.with_impl(|node_pattern: &NodePattern| {
+                       let pattern = &*node_pattern.pattern.borrow();
+                       did_set_pattern = resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern(pattern, draw_ctx, bbox);
+                   });
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/property_bag.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/property_bag.rs
index cc296226..603bb6d3 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/property_bag.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/property_bag.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use libc;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use glib_sys;
 use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
 use std::ops::Deref;
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for PropertyBagIter<'a> {
     type Item = (&'a str, Attribute, &'a str);
     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        self.0.next().map(|(k, a, v)| (k.to_str_utf8(), a, v.to_str_utf8()))
+        self.0.next()
+            .map(|(k, a, v)| (k.to_str_utf8(), a, v.to_str_utf8()))
@@ -137,20 +138,22 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for PropertyBagCStrIter<'a> {
-pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_new<'a>(atts: *const *const libc::c_char) -> *const PropertyBag<'a> {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_property_bag_new<'a>(atts: *const *const libc::c_char)
+                                            -> *const PropertyBag<'a> {
     let pbag = unsafe { PropertyBag::new_from_key_value_pairs(atts) };
-pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_free(pbag: *mut PropertyBag) {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_property_bag_free(pbag: *mut PropertyBag) {
     unsafe {
         let _ = Box::from_raw(pbag);
-pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_begin(pbag: *const PropertyBag) -> *mut PropertyBagCStrIter {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_begin(pbag: *const PropertyBag)
+                                               -> *mut PropertyBagCStrIter {
     let pbag = unsafe { &*pbag };
@@ -158,12 +161,11 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_begin(pbag: *const PropertyBag) -> *mut Pro
-pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_next(iter: *mut PropertyBagCStrIter,
-                                          out_key: *mut *const libc::c_char,
-                                          out_attr: *mut Attribute,
-                                          out_value: *mut *const libc::c_char)
-                                          -> glib_sys::gboolean
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_next(iter: *mut PropertyBagCStrIter,
+                                              out_key: *mut *const libc::c_char,
+                                              out_attr: *mut Attribute,
+                                              out_value: *mut *const libc::c_char)
+                                              -> glib_sys::gboolean {
     let iter = unsafe { &mut *iter };
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_next(iter: *mut PropertyBagCStrIter,
-pub extern fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_end(iter: *mut PropertyBagCStrIter) {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_property_bag_iter_end(iter: *mut PropertyBagCStrIter) {
     unsafe { Box::from_raw(iter) };
@@ -204,12 +206,10 @@ mod tests {
     fn property_bag_iters() {
-        let pairs = [
-            CString::new("rx").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("1").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("ry").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("2").unwrap(),
-        ];
+        let pairs = [CString::new("rx").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("1").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("ry").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("2").unwrap()];
         let mut v = Vec::new();
@@ -244,12 +244,10 @@ mod tests {
     fn property_bag_can_iterate_from_c() {
-        let pairs = [
-            CString::new("rx").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("1").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("ry").unwrap(),
-            CString::new("2").unwrap(),
-        ];
+        let pairs = [CString::new("rx").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("1").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("ry").unwrap(),
+                     CString::new("2").unwrap()];
         let mut v = Vec::new();
@@ -273,7 +271,8 @@ mod tests {
         while from_glib(rsvg_property_bag_iter_next(iter,
                                                     &mut key as *mut _,
                                                     &mut att as *mut _,
-                                                    &mut val as *mut _)) {
+                                                    &mut val as *mut _))
+        {
             let k = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(key).to_str_utf8() };
             let v = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(val).to_str_utf8() };
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/shapes.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/shapes.rs
index 9358ee0b..d5f6da85 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/shapes.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/shapes.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use libc;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::cell::Cell;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
 use attributes::Attribute;
 use drawing_ctx;
@@ -17,26 +17,26 @@ use path_parser;
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 use state::RsvgState;
-fn render_path_builder (builder:  &RsvgPathBuilder,
-                        draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                        state:    *mut RsvgState,
-                        dominate: i32,
-                        render_markers: bool) {
-    drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, state, dominate);
-    drawing_ctx::render_path_builder (draw_ctx, builder);
+fn render_path_builder(builder: &RsvgPathBuilder,
+                       draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                       state: *mut RsvgState,
+                       dominate: i32,
+                       render_markers: bool) {
+    drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, state, dominate);
+    drawing_ctx::render_path_builder(draw_ctx, builder);
     if render_markers {
-        marker::render_markers_for_path_builder (builder, draw_ctx);
+        marker::render_markers_for_path_builder(builder, draw_ctx);
-fn render_ellipse (cx: f64,
-                   cy: f64,
-                   rx: f64,
-                   ry: f64,
-                   node: &RsvgNode,
-                   draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                   dominate: i32) {
+fn render_ellipse(cx: f64,
+                  cy: f64,
+                  rx: f64,
+                  ry: f64,
+                  node: &RsvgNode,
+                  draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                  dominate: i32) {
     // Per the spec, rx and ry must be nonnegative
     if rx <= 0.0 || ry <= 0.0 {
@@ -48,52 +48,62 @@ fn render_ellipse (cx: f64,
     // approximate an ellipse using 4 Bézier curves
-    let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
-    builder.move_to (cx + rx, cy);
-    builder.curve_to (cx + rx, cy - arc_magic * ry,
-                      cx + arc_magic * rx, cy - ry,
-                      cx, cy - ry);
-    builder.curve_to (cx - arc_magic * rx, cy - ry,
-                      cx - rx, cy - arc_magic * ry,
-                      cx - rx, cy);
-    builder.curve_to (cx - rx, cy + arc_magic * ry,
-                      cx - arc_magic * rx, cy + ry,
-                      cx, cy + ry);
-    builder.curve_to (cx + arc_magic * rx, cy + ry,
-                      cx + rx, cy + arc_magic * ry,
-                      cx + rx, cy);
-    builder.close_path ();
-    render_path_builder (&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate, false);
+    let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
+    builder.move_to(cx + rx, cy);
+    builder.curve_to(cx + rx,
+                     cy - arc_magic * ry,
+                     cx + arc_magic * rx,
+                     cy - ry,
+                     cx,
+                     cy - ry);
+    builder.curve_to(cx - arc_magic * rx,
+                     cy - ry,
+                     cx - rx,
+                     cy - arc_magic * ry,
+                     cx - rx,
+                     cy);
+    builder.curve_to(cx - rx,
+                     cy + arc_magic * ry,
+                     cx - arc_magic * rx,
+                     cy + ry,
+                     cx,
+                     cy + ry);
+    builder.curve_to(cx + arc_magic * rx,
+                     cy + ry,
+                     cx + rx,
+                     cy + arc_magic * ry,
+                     cx + rx,
+                     cy);
+    builder.close_path();
+    render_path_builder(&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate, false);
-/***** NodePath *****/
+/***** NodePath **** * * * * **/
 struct NodePath {
-    builder: RefCell<Option<RsvgPathBuilder>>
+    builder: RefCell<Option<RsvgPathBuilder>>,
 impl NodePath {
-    fn new () -> NodePath {
-        NodePath {
-            builder: RefCell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodePath {
+        NodePath { builder: RefCell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodePath {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             if attr == Attribute::D {
-                let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+                let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-                if path_parser::parse_path_into_builder (value, &mut builder).is_err() {
+                if path_parser::parse_path_into_builder(value, &mut builder).is_err() {
                     // FIXME: we don't propagate errors upstream, but creating a partial
                     // path is OK per the spec
@@ -102,144 +112,142 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodePath {
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
         if let Some(ref builder) = *self.builder.borrow() {
-            render_path_builder (builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate, true);
+            render_path_builder(builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate, true);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodePoly *****/
+/***** NodePoly **** * * * * **/
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
 enum PolyKind {
-    Closed
+    Closed,
 struct NodePoly {
-    points: RefCell <Option<Vec<(f64, f64)>>>,
-    kind: PolyKind
+    points: RefCell<Option<Vec<(f64, f64)>>>,
+    kind: PolyKind,
 impl NodePoly {
-    fn new (kind: PolyKind) -> NodePoly {
-        NodePoly {
-            points: RefCell::new (None),
-            kind:   kind
-        }
+    fn new(kind: PolyKind) -> NodePoly {
+        NodePoly { points: RefCell::new(None),
+                   kind, }
 impl NodeTrait for NodePoly {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             // support for svg < 1.0 which used verts
             if attr == Attribute::Points || attr == Attribute::Verts {
-                let result = parsers::list_of_points (value.trim ());
+                let result = parsers::list_of_points(value.trim());
                 match result {
-                    Ok (v) => {
-                        *self.points.borrow_mut () = Some (v);
+                    Ok(v) => {
+                        *self.points.borrow_mut() = Some(v);
-                    },
+                    }
-                    Err (e) => { return Err (NodeError::parse_error (key, e)); }
+                    Err(e) => {
+                        return Err(NodeError::parse_error(key, e));
+                    }
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        if let Some (ref points) = *self.points.borrow () {
-            let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        if let Some(ref points) = *self.points.borrow() {
+            let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-            for (i, &(x, y)) in points.iter ().enumerate () {
+            for (i, &(x, y)) in points.iter().enumerate() {
                 if i == 0 {
-                    builder.move_to (x, y);
+                    builder.move_to(x, y);
                 } else {
-                    builder.line_to (x, y);
+                    builder.line_to(x, y);
             if self.kind == PolyKind::Closed {
-                builder.close_path ();
+                builder.close_path();
-            render_path_builder (&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate, true);
+            render_path_builder(&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate, true);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeLine *****/
+/***** NodeLine **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeLine {
     x1: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     y1: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     x2: Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    y2: Cell<RsvgLength>
+    y2: Cell<RsvgLength>,
 impl NodeLine {
-    fn new () -> NodeLine {
-        NodeLine {
-            x1: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            y1: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            x2: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            y2: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ())
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeLine {
+        NodeLine { x1: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   y1: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   x2: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   y2: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeLine {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::X1 => self.x1.set(parse("x1", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Y1 => self.y1.set(parse("y1", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
                 Attribute::X2 => self.x2.set(parse("x2", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Y2 => self.y2.set(parse("y2", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                _ => ()
+                _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
-        let x1 = self.x1.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let y1 = self.y1.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let x2 = self.x2.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let y2 = self.y2.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+        let x1 = self.x1.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let y1 = self.y1.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let x2 = self.x2.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let y2 = self.y2.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        builder.move_to (x1, y1);
-        builder.line_to (x2, y2);
+        builder.move_to(x1, y1);
+        builder.line_to(x2, y2);
-        render_path_builder (&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate, true);
+        render_path_builder(&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate, true);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeRect *****/
+/***** NodeRect **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeRect {
     // x, y, width, height
@@ -250,25 +258,23 @@ struct NodeRect {
     // Radiuses for rounded corners
     rx: Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
-    ry: Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>
+    ry: Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
 impl NodeRect {
-    fn new () -> NodeRect {
-        NodeRect {
-            x: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            y: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            w: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            h: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            rx: Cell::new (None),
-            ry: Cell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeRect {
+        NodeRect { x: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   y: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   w: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   h: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                   rx: Cell::new(None),
+                   ry: Cell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeRect {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::X      => self.x.set (parse ("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
@@ -289,38 +295,38 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeRect {
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let x = self.x.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let y = self.y.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let x = self.x.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let y = self.y.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        let w = self.w.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let h = self.h.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+        let w = self.w.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let h = self.h.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
         let mut rx;
         let mut ry;
-        match (self.rx.get (), self.ry.get ()) {
+        match (self.rx.get(), self.ry.get()) {
             (None, None) => {
                 rx = 0.0;
                 ry = 0.0;
-            },
+            }
-            (Some (_rx), None) => {
-                rx = _rx.normalize (draw_ctx);
-                ry = _rx.normalize (draw_ctx);
-            },
+            (Some(_rx), None) => {
+                rx = _rx.normalize(draw_ctx);
+                ry = _rx.normalize(draw_ctx);
+            }
-            (None, Some (_ry)) => {
-                rx = _ry.normalize (draw_ctx);
-                ry = _ry.normalize (draw_ctx);
-            },
+            (None, Some(_ry)) => {
+                rx = _ry.normalize(draw_ctx);
+                ry = _ry.normalize(draw_ctx);
+            }
-            (Some (_rx), Some (_ry)) => {
-                rx = _rx.normalize (draw_ctx);
-                ry = _ry.normalize (draw_ctx);
+            (Some(_rx), Some(_ry)) => {
+                rx = _rx.normalize(draw_ctx);
+                ry = _ry.normalize(draw_ctx);
@@ -351,17 +357,17 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeRect {
             rx = 0.0;
-        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new ();
+        let mut builder = RsvgPathBuilder::new();
         if rx == 0.0 {
             /* Easy case, no rounded corners */
-            builder.move_to (x, y);
-            builder.line_to (x + w, y);
-            builder.line_to (x + w, y + h);
-            builder.line_to (x, y + h);
-            builder.line_to (x, y);
-            builder.close_path ();
+            builder.move_to(x, y);
+            builder.line_to(x + w, y);
+            builder.line_to(x + w, y + h);
+            builder.line_to(x, y + h);
+            builder.line_to(x, y);
+            builder.close_path();
         } else {
             /* Hard case, rounded corners
@@ -428,161 +434,173 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeRect {
             builder.close_path ();
-        render_path_builder (&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate, false);
+        render_path_builder(&builder, draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate, false);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeCircle *****/
+/***** NodeCircle **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeCircle {
     cx: Cell<RsvgLength>,
     cy: Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    r:  Cell<RsvgLength>
+    r: Cell<RsvgLength>,
 impl NodeCircle {
-    fn new () -> NodeCircle {
-        NodeCircle {
-            cx: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            cy: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            r:  Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeCircle {
+        NodeCircle { cx: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                     cy: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                     r: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeCircle {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::Cx => self.cx.set(parse("cx", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Cy => self.cy.set(parse("cy", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::R  => self.r.set (parse("r",  value, LengthDir::Both,
-                                                   Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::R => {
+                    self.r.set(parse("r",
+                                     value,
+                                     LengthDir::Both,
+                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let cx = self.cx.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let cy = self.cy.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let r = self.r.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let cx = self.cx.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let cy = self.cy.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let r = self.r.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        render_ellipse (cx, cy, r, r, node, draw_ctx, dominate);
+        render_ellipse(cx, cy, r, r, node, draw_ctx, dominate);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeEllipse *****/
+/***** NodeEllipse **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeEllipse {
-    cx: Cell <RsvgLength>,
-    cy: Cell <RsvgLength>,
-    rx: Cell <RsvgLength>,
-    ry: Cell <RsvgLength>
+    cx: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    cy: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    rx: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    ry: Cell<RsvgLength>,
 impl NodeEllipse {
-    fn new () -> NodeEllipse {
-        NodeEllipse {
-            cx: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            cy: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            rx: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            ry: Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeEllipse {
+        NodeEllipse { cx: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                      cy: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                      rx: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                      ry: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeEllipse {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::Cx => self.cx.set(parse("cx", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?),
                 Attribute::Cy => self.cy.set(parse("cy", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?),
-                Attribute::Rx => self.rx.set(parse("rx", value, LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                                   Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
-                Attribute::Ry => self.ry.set(parse("ry", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                                   Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::Rx => {
+                    self.rx.set(parse("rx",
+                                      value,
+                                      LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                      Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
+                Attribute::Ry => {
+                    self.ry.set(parse("ry",
+                                      value,
+                                      LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                      Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let cx = self.cx.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let cy = self.cy.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let rx = self.rx.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let ry = self.ry.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let cx = self.cx.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let cy = self.cy.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let rx = self.rx.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let ry = self.ry.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        render_ellipse (cx, cy, rx, ry, node, draw_ctx, dominate);
-    }        
+        render_ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, node, draw_ctx, dominate);
+    }
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** C Prototypes *****/
+/***** C Prototypes **** * * * * **/
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_path_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Path,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodePath::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_path_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Path, raw_parent, Box::new(NodePath::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_polygon_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode 
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Path,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodePoly::new (PolyKind::Closed)))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_polygon_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                        raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                        -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Path,
+                   raw_parent,
+                   Box::new(NodePoly::new(PolyKind::Closed)))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_polyline_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const 
RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Path,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodePoly::new (PolyKind::Open)))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_polyline_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                         raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                         -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Path,
+                   raw_parent,
+                   Box::new(NodePoly::new(PolyKind::Open)))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_line_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Line,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeLine::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_line_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Line, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeLine::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_rect_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Rect,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeRect::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_rect_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Rect, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeRect::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_circle_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Circle,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeCircle::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_circle_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                       raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                       -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Circle, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeCircle::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_ellipse_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode 
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Ellipse,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeEllipse::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_ellipse_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                        raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                        -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Ellipse, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeEllipse::new()))
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/space.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/space.rs
index afbcd878..937befeb 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/space.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/space.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-use libc;
 use glib::translate::*;
 use itertools::Itertools;
+use libc;
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum XmlSpace {
-    Preserve
+    Preserve,
 /// Implements `xml:space` handling per the SVG spec
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub enum XmlSpace {
 pub fn xml_space_normalize(mode: XmlSpace, s: &str) -> String {
     match mode {
         XmlSpace::Default => normalize_default(s),
-        XmlSpace::Preserve => normalize_preserve(s)
+        XmlSpace::Preserve => normalize_preserve(s),
@@ -31,18 +31,17 @@ pub fn xml_space_normalize(mode: XmlSpace, s: &str) -> String {
 // leading and trailing space characters. Then, all contiguous space
 // characters will be consolidated.
 fn normalize_default(s: &str) -> String {
-    s.trim()
-        .chars()
-        .filter(|ch| *ch != '\n')
-        .map(|ch| match ch {
-            '\t' => ' ',
-            c => c,
-        })
-        .coalesce(|current, next| match (current, next) {
-            (' ', ' ') => Ok(' '),
-            (_, _) => Err((current, next)),
-        })
-        .collect::<String>()
+    s.trim().chars()
+     .filter(|ch| *ch != '\n')
+     .map(|ch| match ch {
+              '\t' => ' ',
+              c => c,
+          })
+     .coalesce(|current, next| match (current, next) {
+                   (' ', ' ') => Ok(' '),
+                   (_, _) => Err((current, next)),
+               })
+     .collect::<String>()
 // From https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/text.html#WhiteSpace
@@ -56,19 +55,18 @@ fn normalize_default(s: &str) -> String {
 // and "b") will produce a larger separation between "a" and "b" than
 // "a b" (one space between "a" and "b").
 fn normalize_preserve(s: &str) -> String {
-    s.chars()
-        .map(|ch| {
-            match ch {
-                '\n' | '\t' => ' ',
+    s.chars().map(|ch| match ch {
+              '\n' | '\t' => ' ',
-                c => c
-            }
-        })
-        .collect()
+              c => c,
+          })
+     .collect()
-pub extern fn rsvg_xml_space_normalize(mode: XmlSpace, s: *const libc::c_char) -> *const libc::c_char {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_xml_space_normalize(mode: XmlSpace,
+                                           s: *const libc::c_char)
+                                           -> *const libc::c_char {
     let rs = unsafe { utf8_cstr(s) };
     xml_space_normalize(mode, rs).to_glib_full()
@@ -80,9 +78,12 @@ mod tests {
     fn xml_space_default() {
-        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Default, "\n    WS example\n    indented lines\n  "),
+        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Default,
+                                       "\n    WS example\n    indented lines\n  "),
                    "WS example indented lines");
-        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Default, "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  indented 
lines\t\t  \n  "),
+        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Default,
+                                       "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  indented lines\t\t  \
+                                        \n  "),
                    "WS example indented lines");
         assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Default, "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  duplicate 
letters\t\t  \n  "),
                    "WS example duplicate letters");
@@ -94,9 +95,12 @@ mod tests {
     fn xml_space_preserve() {
-        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Preserve, "\n    WS example\n    indented lines\n  "),
+        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Preserve,
+                                       "\n    WS example\n    indented lines\n  "),
                    "     WS example     indented lines   ");
-        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Preserve, "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  indented 
lines\t\t  \n  "),
+        assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Preserve,
+                                       "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  indented lines\t\t  \
+                                        \n  "),
                    "       WS    example      indented lines       ");
         assert_eq!(xml_space_normalize(XmlSpace::Preserve, "\n  \t  \tWS \t\t\texample\n  \t  duplicate 
letters\t\t  \n  "),
                    "       WS    example      duplicate letters       ");
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/state.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/state.rs
index 0a5a9447..0d210448 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/state.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/state.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use libc;
 use glib::translate::*;
 use glib_sys;
+use libc;
 use pango;
 use pango_sys;
@@ -20,45 +20,41 @@ pub enum UnicodeBidi {
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 struct TextDecoration {
-    overline:  glib_sys::gboolean,
+    overline: glib_sys::gboolean,
     underline: glib_sys::gboolean,
-    strike:    glib_sys::gboolean
+    strike: glib_sys::gboolean,
 pub struct FontDecor {
-    pub overline:  bool,
+    pub overline: bool,
     pub underline: bool,
-    pub strike:    bool,
+    pub strike: bool,
 impl From<TextDecoration> for FontDecor {
     fn from(td: TextDecoration) -> FontDecor {
-        FontDecor {
-            overline:  from_glib(td.overline),
-            underline: from_glib(td.underline),
-            strike:    from_glib(td.strike),
-        }
+        FontDecor { overline: from_glib(td.overline),
+                    underline: from_glib(td.underline),
+                    strike: from_glib(td.strike), }
 extern "C" {
-    fn rsvg_state_get_language       (state: *const RsvgState) -> *const libc::c_char;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_unicode_bidi   (state: *const RsvgState) -> UnicodeBidi;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_text_dir       (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoDirection;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_text_gravity   (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoGravity;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_family    (state: *const RsvgState) -> *const libc::c_char;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_style     (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoStyle;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_variant   (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoVariant;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_weight    (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoWeight;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_stretch   (state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoStretch;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_letter_spacing (state: *const RsvgState) -> RsvgLength;
-    fn rsvg_state_get_font_decor     (state: *const RsvgState) -> *const TextDecoration;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_language(state: *const RsvgState) -> *const libc::c_char;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_unicode_bidi(state: *const RsvgState) -> UnicodeBidi;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_text_dir(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoDirection;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_text_gravity(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoGravity;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_family(state: *const RsvgState) -> *const libc::c_char;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_style(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoStyle;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_variant(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoVariant;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_weight(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoWeight;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_stretch(state: *const RsvgState) -> pango_sys::PangoStretch;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_letter_spacing(state: *const RsvgState) -> RsvgLength;
+    fn rsvg_state_get_font_decor(state: *const RsvgState) -> *const TextDecoration;
 pub fn get_language(state: *const RsvgState) -> Option<String> {
-    unsafe {
-        from_glib_none(rsvg_state_get_language(state))
-    }
+    unsafe { from_glib_none(rsvg_state_get_language(state)) }
 pub fn get_unicode_bidi(state: *const RsvgState) -> UnicodeBidi {
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/stop.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/stop.rs
index ecbc6023..661d739b 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/stop.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/stop.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use libc;
 use cssparser;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use libc;
 use std::cell::Cell;
@@ -19,23 +19,21 @@ use state::RsvgState;
 pub struct NodeStop {
     offset: Cell<f64>,
-    rgba: Cell<u32>
+    rgba: Cell<u32>,
 impl NodeStop {
-    fn new () -> NodeStop {
-        NodeStop {
-            offset: Cell::new (0.0),
-            rgba: Cell::new (0)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeStop {
+        NodeStop { offset: Cell::new(0.0),
+                   rgba: Cell::new(0), }
-    pub fn get_offset (&self) -> f64 {
-        self.offset.get ()
+    pub fn get_offset(&self) -> f64 {
+        self.offset.get()
-    pub fn get_rgba (&self) -> u32 {
-        self.rgba.get ()
+    pub fn get_rgba(&self) -> u32 {
+        self.rgba.get()
@@ -61,16 +59,17 @@ fn validate_offset(length: RsvgLength) -> Result<RsvgLength, AttributeError> {
 impl NodeTrait for NodeStop {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        let state = node.get_state ();
+    fn set_atts(&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+        let state = node.get_state();
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::Offset => {
                     let length = parse("offset", value, LengthDir::Both, Some(validate_offset))?;
-                    assert! (length.unit == LengthUnit::Default || length.unit == LengthUnit::Percent);
-                    self.offset.set (length.length);
-                },
+                    assert!(length.unit == LengthUnit::Default
+                            || length.unit == LengthUnit::Percent);
+                    self.offset.set(length.length);
+                }
                 Attribute::Style => {
                     // FIXME: this is the only place where rsvg_parse_style() and
@@ -82,22 +81,22 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeStop {
                     // rendering time?
                     unsafe {
-                        rsvg_parse_style (state, value.to_glib_none ().0);
+                        rsvg_parse_style(state, value.to_glib_none().0);
-                },
+                }
                 _ => (),
         unsafe {
-            rsvg_parse_presentation_attributes (state, pbag.ffi());
+            rsvg_parse_presentation_attributes(state, pbag.ffi());
-        let inherited_state = drawing_ctx::state_new ();
-        let boxed_node = box_node (node.clone ());
-        drawing_ctx::state_reconstruct (inherited_state, boxed_node);
-        rsvg_node_unref (boxed_node);
+        let inherited_state = drawing_ctx::state_new();
+        let boxed_node = box_node(node.clone());
+        drawing_ctx::state_reconstruct(inherited_state, boxed_node);
+        rsvg_node_unref(boxed_node);
         let mut color_rgba: cssparser::RGBA;
@@ -105,37 +104,37 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeStop {
             .map_err (|e| NodeError::attribute_error ("stop-color", e))?;
         match stop_color {
-            None => color_rgba = cssparser::RGBA::transparent (),
+            None => color_rgba = cssparser::RGBA::transparent(),
-            Some (Color::Inherit) => {
+            Some(Color::Inherit) => {
                 let inherited_stop_color = drawing_ctx::state_get_stop_color (inherited_state)
                     .map_err (|e| NodeError::attribute_error ("stop-color", e))?;
                 match inherited_stop_color {
-                    None => unreachable! (),
+                    None => unreachable!(),
-                    Some (Color::Inherit) => color_rgba = cssparser::RGBA::transparent (),
-                    Some (Color::CurrentColor) => {
-                        let color = drawing_ctx::state_get_current_color (inherited_state);
+                    Some(Color::Inherit) => color_rgba = cssparser::RGBA::transparent(),
+                    Some(Color::CurrentColor) => {
+                        let color = drawing_ctx::state_get_current_color(inherited_state);
                         match color {
-                            Color::RGBA (rgba) => color_rgba = rgba,
-                            _ => unreachable! ()
+                            Color::RGBA(rgba) => color_rgba = rgba,
+                            _ => unreachable!(),
-                    },
-                    Some (Color::RGBA (rgba)) => color_rgba = rgba
+                    }
+                    Some(Color::RGBA(rgba)) => color_rgba = rgba,
-            },
+            }
-            Some (Color::CurrentColor) => {
-                let color = drawing_ctx::state_get_current_color (inherited_state);
+            Some(Color::CurrentColor) => {
+                let color = drawing_ctx::state_get_current_color(inherited_state);
                 match color {
-                    Color::RGBA (rgba) => color_rgba = rgba,
-                    _ => unreachable! ()
+                    Color::RGBA(rgba) => color_rgba = rgba,
+                    _ => unreachable!(),
-            Some (Color::RGBA (rgba)) => color_rgba = rgba
+            Some(Color::RGBA(rgba)) => color_rgba = rgba,
         let stop_opacity = drawing_ctx::state_get_stop_opacity (state)
@@ -144,50 +143,48 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeStop {
         match stop_opacity {
             None => color_rgba.alpha = 0xff,
-            Some (Opacity::Inherit) => {
+            Some(Opacity::Inherit) => {
                 let inherited_opacity = drawing_ctx::state_get_stop_opacity (inherited_state)
                     .map_err (|e| NodeError::attribute_error ("stop-opacity", e))?;
                 match inherited_opacity {
-                    Some (Opacity::Specified (opacity)) => color_rgba.alpha = opacity_to_u8 (opacity),
-                    _ => color_rgba.alpha = 0xff
+                    Some(Opacity::Specified(opacity)) => color_rgba.alpha = opacity_to_u8(opacity),
+                    _ => color_rgba.alpha = 0xff,
-            },
+            }
-            Some (Opacity::Specified (opacity)) => color_rgba.alpha = opacity_to_u8 (opacity)
+            Some(Opacity::Specified(opacity)) => color_rgba.alpha = opacity_to_u8(opacity),
-        self.rgba.set (u32_from_rgba (color_rgba));
+        self.rgba.set(u32_from_rgba(color_rgba));
-        drawing_ctx::state_free (inherited_state);
+        drawing_ctx::state_free(inherited_state);
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing; paint servers are handled specially
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-fn u32_from_rgba (rgba: cssparser::RGBA) -> u32 {
-    (u32::from(rgba.red) << 24) |
-    (u32::from(rgba.green) << 16) |
-    (u32::from(rgba.blue) << 8) |
-    u32::from(rgba.alpha)
+fn u32_from_rgba(rgba: cssparser::RGBA) -> u32 {
+    (u32::from(rgba.red) << 24) | (u32::from(rgba.green) << 16) | (u32::from(rgba.blue) << 8)
+    | u32::from(rgba.alpha)
 extern "C" {
-    fn rsvg_parse_presentation_attributes (state: *mut RsvgState, pbag: *const PropertyBag);
-    fn rsvg_parse_style (state: *mut RsvgState, string: *const libc::c_char);
+    fn rsvg_parse_presentation_attributes(state: *mut RsvgState, pbag: *const PropertyBag);
+    fn rsvg_parse_style(state: *mut RsvgState, string: *const libc::c_char);
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_stop_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Stop,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeStop::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_stop_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Stop, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeStop::new()))
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/structure.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/structure.rs
index 4507a908..a81ec0ba 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/structure.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/structure.rs
@@ -1,167 +1,177 @@
 use glib::translate::*;
 use libc;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::cell::Cell;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
 use cairo::MatrixTrait;
 use aspect_ratio::*;
 use attributes::Attribute;
-use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use drawing_ctx;
+use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
 use length::*;
 use node::*;
-use parsers::{Parse, parse};
+use parsers::{parse, Parse};
 use property_bag::{OwnedPropertyBag, PropertyBag};
 use util::*;
 use viewbox::*;
-use viewport::{ClipMode,draw_in_viewport};
+use viewport::{draw_in_viewport, ClipMode};
-/***** NodeGroup *****/
+/***** NodeGroup **** * * * * **/
-struct NodeGroup ();
+struct NodeGroup();
 impl NodeGroup {
-    fn new () -> NodeGroup {
-        NodeGroup ()
+    fn new() -> NodeGroup {
+        NodeGroup()
 impl NodeTrait for NodeGroup {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        Ok (())
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        node.draw_children (draw_ctx, dominate);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        node.draw_children(draw_ctx, dominate);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeDefs *****/
+/***** NodeDefs **** * * * * **/
-struct NodeDefs ();
+struct NodeDefs();
 impl NodeDefs {
-    fn new () -> NodeDefs {
-        NodeDefs ()
+    fn new() -> NodeDefs {
+        NodeDefs()
 impl NodeTrait for NodeDefs {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        Ok (())
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeSwitch *****/
+/***** NodeSwitch **** * * * * **/
-struct NodeSwitch ();
+struct NodeSwitch();
 impl NodeSwitch {
-    fn new () -> NodeSwitch {
-        NodeSwitch ()
+    fn new() -> NodeSwitch {
+        NodeSwitch()
 impl NodeTrait for NodeSwitch {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
-        Ok (())
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, _: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate);
-        drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
         node.foreach_child(|child| {
-            if drawing_ctx::state_get_cond_true (child.get_state ()) {
-                let boxed_child = box_node (child.clone ());
+                               if drawing_ctx::state_get_cond_true(child.get_state()) {
+                                   let boxed_child = box_node(child.clone());
-                drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx, boxed_child, 0);
+                                   drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx, boxed_child, 0);
-                rsvg_node_unref (boxed_child);
+                                   rsvg_node_unref(boxed_child);
-                false // just draw this child
-            } else {
-                true
-            }
-        });
+                                   false // just draw this child
+                               } else {
+                                   true
+                               }
+                           });
-        drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeSvg *****/
+/***** NodeSvg **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeSvg {
     preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell<AspectRatio>,
-    x:                     Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    y:                     Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    w:                     Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    h:                     Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    vbox:                  Cell<Option<ViewBox>>,
-    pbag:                  RefCell<Option<OwnedPropertyBag>>
+    x: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    y: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    w: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    h: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    vbox: Cell<Option<ViewBox>>,
+    pbag: RefCell<Option<OwnedPropertyBag>>,
 impl NodeSvg {
-    fn new () -> NodeSvg {
-        NodeSvg {
-            preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell::new (AspectRatio::default ()),
-            x:                     Cell::new (RsvgLength::parse ("0", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap ()),
-            y:                     Cell::new (RsvgLength::parse ("0", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap ()),
-            w:                     Cell::new (RsvgLength::parse ("100%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap ()),
-            h:                     Cell::new (RsvgLength::parse ("100%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap ()),
-            vbox:                  Cell::new (None),
-            pbag:                  RefCell::new(None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeSvg {
+        NodeSvg { preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell::new(AspectRatio::default()),
+                  x: Cell::new(RsvgLength::parse("0", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap()),
+                  y: Cell::new(RsvgLength::parse("0", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap()),
+                  w: Cell::new(RsvgLength::parse("100%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap()),
+                  h: Cell::new(RsvgLength::parse("100%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap()),
+                  vbox: Cell::new(None),
+                  pbag: RefCell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeSvg {
-    fn set_atts (&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, node: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         // x & y attributes have no effect on outermost svg
         // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html#SVGElement
         let is_inner_svg = node.get_parent().is_some();
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio =>
-                    self.preserve_aspect_ratio.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio => {
+                    self.preserve_aspect_ratio.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::X => if is_inner_svg {
-                    self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?);
-                },
+                Attribute::X => {
+                    if is_inner_svg {
+                        self.x.set(parse("x", value, LengthDir::Horizontal, None)?);
+                    }
+                }
-                Attribute::Y => if is_inner_svg {
-                    self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?);
-                },
+                Attribute::Y => {
+                    if is_inner_svg {
+                        self.y.set(parse("y", value, LengthDir::Vertical, None)?);
+                    }
+                }
-                Attribute::Width => self.w.set(parse("width", value, LengthDir::Horizontal,
-                                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::Width => {
+                    self.w.set(parse("width",
+                                     value,
+                                     LengthDir::Horizontal,
+                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
-                Attribute::Height => self.h.set(parse("height", value, LengthDir::Vertical,
-                                                      Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?),
+                Attribute::Height => {
+                    self.h.set(parse("height",
+                                     value,
+                                     LengthDir::Vertical,
+                                     Some(RsvgLength::check_nonnegative))?)
+                }
-                Attribute::ViewBox => self.vbox.set(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)
-                                                    .map(Some)?),
+                Attribute::ViewBox => self.vbox.set(parse("viewBox", value, (), None).map(Some)?),
                 _ => (),
@@ -171,21 +181,24 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeSvg {
         // to store other attributes to be applied later.
         *self.pbag.borrow_mut() = Some(pbag.to_owned());
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let nx = self.x.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let ny = self.y.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let nw = self.w.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let nh = self.h.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let nx = self.x.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let ny = self.y.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let nw = self.w.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let nh = self.h.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
-        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate);
+        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate);
-        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state (draw_ctx);
-        let do_clip = !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow (state) && node.get_parent ().is_some ();
+        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state(draw_ctx);
+        let do_clip = !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow(state) && node.get_parent().is_some();
-        draw_in_viewport(nx, ny, nw, nh,
+        draw_in_viewport(nx,
+                         ny,
+                         nw,
+                         nh,
@@ -199,35 +212,33 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeSvg {
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeUse *****/
+/***** NodeUse **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeUse {
     link: RefCell<Option<String>>,
-    x:    Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    y:    Cell<RsvgLength>,
-    w:    Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
-    h:    Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
+    x: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    y: Cell<RsvgLength>,
+    w: Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
+    h: Cell<Option<RsvgLength>>,
 impl NodeUse {
-    fn new () -> NodeUse {
-        NodeUse {
-            link: RefCell::new (None),
-            x:    Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            y:    Cell::new (RsvgLength::default ()),
-            w:    Cell::new (None),
-            h:    Cell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeUse {
+        NodeUse { link: RefCell::new(None),
+                  x: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  y: Cell::new(RsvgLength::default()),
+                  w: Cell::new(None),
+                  h: Cell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeUse {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
                 Attribute::XlinkHref => *self.link.borrow_mut() = Some(value.to_owned()),
@@ -246,250 +257,256 @@ impl NodeTrait for NodeUse {
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
-        let link = self.link.borrow ();
+    fn draw(&self, node: &RsvgNode, draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, dominate: i32) {
+        let link = self.link.borrow();
-        if link.is_none () {
+        if link.is_none() {
-        let raw_child = drawing_ctx::acquire_node (draw_ctx, link.as_ref ().unwrap ());
-        if raw_child.is_null () {
+        let raw_child = drawing_ctx::acquire_node(draw_ctx, link.as_ref().unwrap());
+        if raw_child.is_null() {
         let child: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_child };
-        if Node::is_ancestor (node.clone (), child.clone ()) {
+        if Node::is_ancestor(node.clone(), child.clone()) {
             // or, if we're <use>'ing ourselves
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (draw_ctx, raw_child);
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(draw_ctx, raw_child);
-        let nx = self.x.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let ny = self.y.get ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+        let nx = self.x.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let ny = self.y.get().normalize(draw_ctx);
         // If attributes ‘width’ and/or ‘height’ are not specified,
         // [...] use values of '100%' for these attributes.
         // From https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html#UseElement in
         // "If the ‘use’ element references a ‘symbol’ element"
-        let nw = self.w.get ().unwrap_or_else(|| { RsvgLength::parse ("100%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap 
-            .normalize (draw_ctx);
-        let nh = self.h.get ().unwrap_or_else(|| { RsvgLength::parse ("100%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap 
-            .normalize (draw_ctx);
+        let nw = self.w.get()
+                     .unwrap_or_else(|| RsvgLength::parse("100%", LengthDir::Horizontal).unwrap())
+                     .normalize(draw_ctx);
+        let nh = self.h.get()
+                     .unwrap_or_else(|| RsvgLength::parse("100%", LengthDir::Vertical).unwrap())
+                     .normalize(draw_ctx);
         // width or height set to 0 disables rendering of the element
         // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html#UseElementWidthAttribute
-        if double_equals (nw, 0.0) || double_equals (nh, 0.0) {
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (draw_ctx, raw_child);
+        if double_equals(nw, 0.0) || double_equals(nh, 0.0) {
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(draw_ctx, raw_child);
-        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top (draw_ctx, node.get_state (), dominate);
-        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state (draw_ctx);
+        drawing_ctx::state_reinherit_top(draw_ctx, node.get_state(), dominate);
+        let state = drawing_ctx::get_current_state(draw_ctx);
-        if child.get_type () != NodeType::Symbol {
-            let mut affine = drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine (draw_ctx);
-            affine.translate (nx, ny);
-            drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine (draw_ctx, affine);
+        if child.get_type() != NodeType::Symbol {
+            let mut affine = drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx);
+            affine.translate(nx, ny);
+            drawing_ctx::set_current_state_affine(draw_ctx, affine);
-            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::push_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
-            let boxed_child = box_node (child.clone ());
-            drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack (draw_ctx, boxed_child, 1);
-            rsvg_node_unref (boxed_child);
+            let boxed_child = box_node(child.clone());
+            drawing_ctx::draw_node_from_stack(draw_ctx, boxed_child, 1);
+            rsvg_node_unref(boxed_child);
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (draw_ctx, raw_child);
-            drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer (draw_ctx);
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(draw_ctx, raw_child);
+            drawing_ctx::pop_discrete_layer(draw_ctx);
         } else {
-            child.with_impl (|symbol: &NodeSymbol| {
-                let do_clip = !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow (state)
-                    || (!drawing_ctx::state_has_overflow (state)
-                        && drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow (child.get_state ()));
-                draw_in_viewport(nx, ny, nw, nh,
-                                 ClipMode::ClipToVbox,
-                                 do_clip,
-                                 symbol.vbox.get(),
-                                 symbol.preserve_aspect_ratio.get(),
-                                 drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx),
-                                 draw_ctx,
-                                 || {
-                                     drawing_ctx::state_push(draw_ctx);
-                                     child.draw_children(draw_ctx, 1);
-                                     drawing_ctx::state_pop(draw_ctx);
-                                 });
-            });
-            drawing_ctx::release_node (draw_ctx, raw_child);
+            child.with_impl(|symbol: &NodeSymbol| {
+                                let do_clip =
+                                    !drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow(state)
+                                    || (!drawing_ctx::state_has_overflow(state)
+                                        && drawing_ctx::state_is_overflow(child.get_state()));
+                                draw_in_viewport(nx,
+                                                 ny,
+                                                 nw,
+                                                 nh,
+                                                 ClipMode::ClipToVbox,
+                                                 do_clip,
+                                                 symbol.vbox.get(),
+                                                 symbol.preserve_aspect_ratio.get(),
+                                                 drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine(draw_ctx),
+                                                 draw_ctx,
+                                                 || {
+                                                     drawing_ctx::state_push(draw_ctx);
+                                                     child.draw_children(draw_ctx, 1);
+                                                     drawing_ctx::state_pop(draw_ctx);
+                                                 });
+                            });
+            drawing_ctx::release_node(draw_ctx, raw_child);
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** NodeSymbol *****/
+/***** NodeSymbol **** * * * * **/
 struct NodeSymbol {
     preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell<AspectRatio>,
-    vbox:                  Cell<Option<ViewBox>>
+    vbox: Cell<Option<ViewBox>>,
 impl NodeSymbol {
-    fn new () -> NodeSymbol {
-        NodeSymbol {
-            preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell::new (AspectRatio::default ()),
-            vbox:                  Cell::new (None)
-        }
+    fn new() -> NodeSymbol {
+        NodeSymbol { preserve_aspect_ratio: Cell::new(AspectRatio::default()),
+                     vbox: Cell::new(None), }
 impl NodeTrait for NodeSymbol {
-    fn set_atts (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
+    fn set_atts(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgHandle, pbag: &PropertyBag) -> NodeResult {
         for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
             match attr {
-                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio =>
-                    self.preserve_aspect_ratio.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?),
+                Attribute::PreserveAspectRatio => {
+                    self.preserve_aspect_ratio.set(parse("preserveAspectRatio", value, (), None)?)
+                }
-                Attribute::ViewBox => self.vbox.set(parse("viewBox", value, (), None)
-                                                    .map(Some)?),
+                Attribute::ViewBox => self.vbox.set(parse("viewBox", value, (), None).map(Some)?),
                 _ => (),
-        Ok (())
+        Ok(())
-    fn draw (&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
+    fn draw(&self, _: &RsvgNode, _: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, _: i32) {
         // nothing
-    fn get_c_impl (&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
-        unreachable! ();
+    fn get_c_impl(&self) -> *const RsvgCNodeImpl {
+        unreachable!();
-/***** C Prototypes *****/
+/***** C Prototypes **** * * * * **/
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_group_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Group,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeGroup::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_group_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                      raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                      -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Group, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeGroup::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_defs_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Defs,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeDefs::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_defs_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                     raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                     -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Defs, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeDefs::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_switch_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Switch,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeSwitch::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_switch_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                       raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                       -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Switch, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeSwitch::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_svg_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Svg,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeSvg::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_svg_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                    raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                    -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Svg, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeSvg::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_use_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Use,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeUse::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_use_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                    raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                    -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Use, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeUse::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_symbol_new (_: *const libc::c_char, raw_parent: *const RsvgNode) -> *const RsvgNode {
-    boxed_node_new (NodeType::Symbol,
-                    raw_parent,
-                    Box::new (NodeSymbol::new ()))
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_symbol_new(_: *const libc::c_char,
+                                       raw_parent: *const RsvgNode)
+                                       -> *const RsvgNode {
+    boxed_node_new(NodeType::Symbol, raw_parent, Box::new(NodeSymbol::new()))
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_svg_get_size (raw_node: *const RsvgNode, out_width: *mut RsvgLength, out_height: 
*mut RsvgLength) {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
-    assert! (!out_width.is_null ());
-    assert! (!out_height.is_null ());
-    node.with_impl (|svg: &NodeSvg| {
-        unsafe {
-            *out_width  = svg.w.get ();
-            *out_height = svg.h.get ();
-        }
-    });
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_svg_get_size(raw_node: *const RsvgNode,
+                                         out_width: *mut RsvgLength,
+                                         out_height: *mut RsvgLength) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
+    assert!(!out_width.is_null());
+    assert!(!out_height.is_null());
+    node.with_impl(|svg: &NodeSvg| unsafe {
+                       *out_width = svg.w.get();
+                       *out_height = svg.h.get();
+                   });
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_svg_get_view_box (raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgViewBox {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_svg_get_view_box(raw_node: *const RsvgNode) -> RsvgViewBox {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
     let mut vbox: Option<ViewBox> = None;
-    node.with_impl (|svg: &NodeSvg| {
-        vbox = svg.vbox.get ();
-    });
+    node.with_impl(|svg: &NodeSvg| {
+                       vbox = svg.vbox.get();
+                   });
-    RsvgViewBox::from (vbox)
+    RsvgViewBox::from(vbox)
 extern "C" {
-    fn rsvg_parse_style_attrs (handle: *const RsvgHandle,
-                               node:   *const RsvgNode,
-                               tag:    *const libc::c_char,
-                               class:  *const libc::c_char,
-                               id:     *const libc::c_char,
-                               pbag:   *const PropertyBag);
+    fn rsvg_parse_style_attrs(handle: *const RsvgHandle,
+                              node: *const RsvgNode,
+                              tag: *const libc::c_char,
+                              class: *const libc::c_char,
+                              id: *const libc::c_char,
+                              pbag: *const PropertyBag);
-pub extern fn rsvg_node_svg_apply_atts (raw_node: *const RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle) {
-    assert! (!raw_node.is_null ());
-    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { & *raw_node };
-    node.with_impl (|svg: &NodeSvg| {
-        if let Some(owned_pbag) = svg.pbag.borrow().as_ref() {
-            let pbag = PropertyBag::from_owned(owned_pbag);
-            let mut class = None;
-            let mut id = None;
-            for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
-                match attr {
-                    Attribute::Class => class = Some(value),
-                    Attribute::Id => id = Some(value),
-                    _ => (),
-                }
-            }
-            let c_class = class.to_glib_none ();
-            let c_id = id.to_glib_none ();
-            unsafe { rsvg_parse_style_attrs (handle,
-                                             raw_node,
-                                             str::to_glib_none ("svg").0,
-                                             c_class.0,
-                                             c_id.0,
-                                             pbag.ffi()); }
-        }
-    });
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_node_svg_apply_atts(raw_node: *const RsvgNode, handle: *const RsvgHandle) {
+    assert!(!raw_node.is_null());
+    let node: &RsvgNode = unsafe { &*raw_node };
+    node.with_impl(|svg: &NodeSvg| {
+                       if let Some(owned_pbag) = svg.pbag.borrow().as_ref() {
+                           let pbag = PropertyBag::from_owned(owned_pbag);
+                           let mut class = None;
+                           let mut id = None;
+                           for (_key, attr, value) in pbag.iter() {
+                               match attr {
+                                   Attribute::Class => class = Some(value),
+                                   Attribute::Id => id = Some(value),
+                                   _ => (),
+                               }
+                           }
+                           let c_class = class.to_glib_none();
+                           let c_id = id.to_glib_none();
+                           unsafe {
+                               rsvg_parse_style_attrs(handle,
+                                                      raw_node,
+                                                      str::to_glib_none("svg").0,
+                                                      c_class.0,
+                                                      c_id.0,
+                                                      pbag.ffi());
+                           }
+                       }
+                   });
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
index eadcc4ce..35bc1dcd 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-use libc;
 use glib::translate::*;
+use libc;
 use pango::{self, ContextExt, LayoutExt};
 use pango_sys;
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ use drawing_ctx::{self, RsvgDrawingCtx};
 use state::{self, UnicodeBidi};
 use util::utf8_cstr;
-// FIXME: should the pango crate provide this like PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL() / PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_IMPROPER()?
+// FIXME: should the pango crate provide this like PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL() /
 fn gravity_is_vertical(gravity: pango::Gravity) -> bool {
     match gravity {
         pango::Gravity::East | pango::Gravity::West => true,
-        _ => false
+        _ => false,
@@ -32,9 +33,9 @@ fn create_pango_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, text: &str) -> pango::La
     match unicode_bidi {
         UnicodeBidi::Override | UnicodeBidi::Embed => {
-        },
+        }
-        _ => ()
+        _ => (),
     let gravity = state::get_text_gravity(state);
@@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ fn create_pango_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, text: &str) -> pango::La
     let (_, dpi_y) = drawing_ctx::get_dpi(draw_ctx);
-    font_desc.set_size(to_pango_units(drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx) / dpi_y * 72.0));
+    font_desc.set_size(to_pango_units(drawing_ctx::get_normalized_font_size(draw_ctx) / dpi_y
+                                      * 72.0));
     let layout = pango::Layout::new(&pango_context);
@@ -68,24 +70,20 @@ fn create_pango_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, text: &str) -> pango::La
     if let Some(font_decor) = state::get_font_decor(state) {
         if font_decor.underline {
-            attr_list.insert(pango::Attribute::new_underline(pango::Underline::Single)
-                             .unwrap());
+            attr_list.insert(pango::Attribute::new_underline(pango::Underline::Single).unwrap());
         if font_decor.strike {
-            attr_list.insert(pango::Attribute::new_strikethrough(true)
-                             .unwrap());
+            attr_list.insert(pango::Attribute::new_strikethrough(true).unwrap());
-    layout.set_alignment(
-        match state::get_text_dir(state) {
-            pango::Direction::Ltr => pango::Alignment::Left,
-            _                     => pango::Alignment::Right,
-        }
-    );
+    layout.set_alignment(match state::get_text_dir(state) {
+                             pango::Direction::Ltr => pango::Alignment::Left,
+                             _ => pango::Alignment::Right,
+                         });
@@ -93,8 +91,9 @@ fn create_pango_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx, text: &str) -> pango::La
-pub extern fn rsvg_text_create_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
-                                      text: *const libc::c_char) -> *const pango_sys::PangoLayout {
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_text_create_layout(draw_ctx: *const RsvgDrawingCtx,
+                                          text: *const libc::c_char)
+                                          -> *const pango_sys::PangoLayout {
     let s = unsafe { utf8_cstr(text) };
     let layout = create_pango_layout(draw_ctx, s);
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/transform.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/transform.rs
index 8ee42843..ecdfb7cc 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/transform.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/transform.rs
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ use libc;
 use std::f64::consts::*;
 use cairo::MatrixTrait;
-use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput, Token, ParseError as CssParseError};
+use cssparser::{ParseError as CssParseError, Parser, ParserInput, Token};
 use error::*;
-use parsers::{Parse, ParseError, optional_comma};
+use parsers::{optional_comma, Parse, ParseError};
 use util::utf8_cstr;
 impl Parse for cairo::Matrix {
     type Data = ();
     type Err = AttributeError;
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
-        parse_transform (s)
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
+        parse_transform(s)
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ impl Parse for cairo::Matrix {
 pub fn parse_transform(s: &str) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     let matrix = parse_transform_list(s)?;
-    matrix.try_invert ().map (|_| matrix)
-        .map_err (|_| AttributeError::Value ("invalid transformation matrix".to_string ()))
+    matrix.try_invert()
+          .map(|_| matrix)
+          .map_err(|_| AttributeError::Value("invalid transformation matrix".to_string()))
 fn parse_transform_list(s: &str) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
@@ -63,151 +64,170 @@ fn parse_transform_command(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, Attribu
         Token::Ident(ref name) => {
             parse_transform_function(name, parser)
-        },
+        }
         _ => Err(make_expected_function_error()),
-fn parse_transform_function(name: &str, parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
+fn parse_transform_function(name: &str,
+                            parser: &mut Parser)
+                            -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     match name {
-        "matrix"    => parse_matrix_args(parser),
+        "matrix" => parse_matrix_args(parser),
         "translate" => parse_translate_args(parser),
-        "scale"     => parse_scale_args(parser),
-        "rotate"    => parse_rotate_args(parser),
-        "skewX"     => parse_skewx_args(parser),
-        "skewY"     => parse_skewy_args(parser),
-        _           => Err(make_expected_function_error()),
+        "scale" => parse_scale_args(parser),
+        "rotate" => parse_rotate_args(parser),
+        "skewX" => parse_skewx_args(parser),
+        "skewY" => parse_skewy_args(parser),
+        _ => Err(make_expected_function_error()),
 fn parse_matrix_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let xx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma(p);
+                                  let xx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  optional_comma(p);
-        let yx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma(p);
+                                  let yx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  optional_comma(p);
-        let xy = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma(p);
+                                  let xy = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  optional_comma(p);
-        let yy = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma(p);
+                                  let yy = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  optional_comma(p);
-        let x0 = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        optional_comma(p);
+                                  let x0 = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  optional_comma(p);
-        let y0 = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  let y0 = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0))
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0))
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
 fn parse_translate_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let tx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  let tx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        let ty = f64::from(p.try(|p| -> Result<f32, CssParseError<()>> {
-            optional_comma(p);
-            Ok(p.expect_number()?)
-        }).unwrap_or(0.0));
+                                  let ty = f64::from(p.try(|p| -> Result<f32, CssParseError<()>> {
+                                                               optional_comma(p);
+                                                               Ok(p.expect_number()?)
+                                                           }).unwrap_or(0.0));
-        Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty))
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty))
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
 fn parse_scale_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let x = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-        let y = p.try(|p| -> Result<f32, CssParseError<()>> {
-            optional_comma(p);
-            Ok(p.expect_number()?)
-        }).map(f64::from).unwrap_or(x);
-        Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(x, 0.0, 0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0))
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  let x = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                  let y = p.try(|p| -> Result<f32, CssParseError<()>> {
+                                                    optional_comma(p);
+                                                    Ok(p.expect_number()?)
+                                                }).map(f64::from)
+                                           .unwrap_or(x);
+                                  Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(x, 0.0, 0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0))
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
 fn parse_rotate_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let angle = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
-        let (s, c) = angle.sin_cos();
-        let (tx, ty) = p.try(|p| -> Result<_, CssParseError<()>> {
-            optional_comma(p);
-            let tx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-            optional_comma(p);
-            let ty = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
-            Ok((tx, ty))
-        }).unwrap_or((0.0, 0.0));
-        let mut m = cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty);
-        m = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&cairo::Matrix::new (c, s, -s, c, 0.0, 0.0), &m);
-        m = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -tx, -ty), &m);
-        Ok(m)
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  let angle = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
+                                  let (s, c) = angle.sin_cos();
+                                  let (tx, ty) = p.try(|p| -> Result<_, CssParseError<()>> {
+                                                           optional_comma(p);
+                                                           let tx = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                                           optional_comma(p);
+                                                           let ty = f64::from(p.expect_number()?);
+                                                           Ok((tx, ty))
+                                                       }).unwrap_or((0.0, 0.0));
+                                  let mut m = cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty);
+                                  m = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&cairo::Matrix::new(c,
+                                                                                  s,
+                                                                                  -s,
+                                                                                  c,
+                                                                                  0.0,
+                                                                                  0.0),
+                                                              &m);
+                                  m = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&cairo::Matrix::new(1.0,
+                                                                                  0.0,
+                                                                                  0.0,
+                                                                                  1.0,
+                                                                                  -tx,
+                                                                                  -ty),
+                                                              &m);
+                                  Ok(m)
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
 fn parse_skewx_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let a = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
-        Ok(cairo::Matrix::new (1.0,      0.0,
-                               a.tan (), 1.0,
-                               0.0, 0.0))
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  let a = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
+                                  Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, a.tan(), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
 fn parse_skewy_args(parser: &mut Parser) -> Result<cairo::Matrix, AttributeError> {
     parser.parse_nested_block(|p| {
-        let a = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
-        Ok(cairo::Matrix::new (1.0,  a.tan (),
-                               0.0,  1.0,
-                               0.0, 0.0))
-    }).map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
-        .map_err(AttributeError::from)
+                                  let a = f64::from(p.expect_number()?) * PI / 180.0;
+                                  Ok(cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, a.tan(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+                              })
+          .map_err(CssParseError::<()>::basic)
+          .map_err(AttributeError::from)
-fn make_rotation_matrix (angle_degrees: f64, tx: f64, ty: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
+fn make_rotation_matrix(angle_degrees: f64, tx: f64, ty: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
     let angle = angle_degrees * PI / 180.0;
-    let mut m = cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty);
+    let mut m = cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty);
-    let mut r = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
-    r.rotate (angle);
-    m = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&r, &m);
+    let mut r = cairo::Matrix::identity();
+    r.rotate(angle);
+    m = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&r, &m);
-    m = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -tx, -ty), &m);
+    m = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -tx, -ty), &m);
-pub extern fn rsvg_parse_transform (out_matrix: *mut cairo::Matrix, s: *const libc::c_char) -> 
glib_sys::gboolean {
-    assert! (!out_matrix.is_null ());
-    assert! (!s.is_null ());
+pub extern "C" fn rsvg_parse_transform(out_matrix: *mut cairo::Matrix,
+                                       s: *const libc::c_char)
+                                       -> glib_sys::gboolean {
+    assert!(!out_matrix.is_null());
+    assert!(!s.is_null());
     let string = unsafe { utf8_cstr(s) };
     let matrix: &mut cairo::Matrix = unsafe { &mut *out_matrix };
-    match parse_transform (string) {
-        Ok (m) => {
+    match parse_transform(string) {
+        Ok(m) => {
             *matrix = m;
-            true.to_glib ()
-        },
+            true.to_glib()
+        }
-        Err (_) => {
-            *matrix = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
-            false.to_glib ()
+        Err(_) => {
+            *matrix = cairo::Matrix::identity();
+            false.to_glib()
@@ -217,25 +237,27 @@ mod test {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_valid_transform () {
-        let t = cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20.0, 30.0);
-        let s = cairo::Matrix::new (10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-        let r = make_rotation_matrix (30.0, 10.0, 10.0);
-        let a = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&s, &t);
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(20, 30), scale (10) rotate (30 10 10)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::multiply (&r, &a));
+    fn parses_valid_transform() {
+        let t = cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20.0, 30.0);
+        let s = cairo::Matrix::new(10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+        let r = make_rotation_matrix(30.0, 10.0, 10.0);
+        let a = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&s, &t);
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(20, 30), scale (10) rotate (30 10 10)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::multiply(&r, &a));
     fn assert_parse_error(s: &str) {
         match parse_transform(s) {
-            Err(AttributeError::Parse(_)) => {},
-            _ => { panic!(); }
+            Err(AttributeError::Parse(_)) => {}
+            _ => {
+                panic!();
+            }
-    fn syntax_error_yields_parse_error () {
+    fn syntax_error_yields_parse_error() {
         assert_parse_error("matrix (1 2 3 4 5)");
         assert_parse_error("translate(1 2 3 4 5)");
@@ -247,20 +269,26 @@ mod test {
-    fn invalid_transform_yields_value_error () {
-        match parse_transform ("matrix (0 0 0 0 0 0)") {
-            Err (AttributeError::Value (_)) => {},
-            _ => { panic! (); }
+    fn invalid_transform_yields_value_error() {
+        match parse_transform("matrix (0 0 0 0 0 0)") {
+            Err(AttributeError::Value(_)) => {}
+            _ => {
+                panic!();
+            }
-        match parse_transform ("scale (0), translate (10, 10)") {
-            Err (AttributeError::Value (_)) => {},
-            _ => { panic! (); }
+        match parse_transform("scale (0), translate (10, 10)") {
+            Err(AttributeError::Value(_)) => {}
+            _ => {
+                panic!();
+            }
-        match parse_transform ("scale (0), skewX (90)") {
-            Err (AttributeError::Value (_)) => {},
-            _ => { panic! (); }
+        match parse_transform("scale (0), skewX (90)") {
+            Err(AttributeError::Value(_)) => {}
+            _ => {
+                panic!();
+            }
@@ -270,86 +298,89 @@ mod parser_tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_matrix () {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("matrix (1 2 3 4 5 6)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
+    fn parses_matrix() {
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("matrix (1 2 3 4 5 6)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("matrix(1,2,3,4 5 6)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("matrix(1,2,3,4 5 6)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("matrix (1,2.25,-3.25e2,4 5 6)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 2.25, -325.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("matrix (1,2.25,-3.25e2,4 5 6)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 2.25, -325.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
-    fn parses_translate () {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(-1 -2)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0));
+    fn parses_translate() {
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(-1 -2)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(-1, -2)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(-1, -2)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(-1)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(-1)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0));
     fn parses_scale() {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("scale (-1)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("scale (-1)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("scale(-1 -2)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("scale(-1 -2)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("scale(-1, -2)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::new (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("scale(-1, -2)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::new(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-    fn parses_rotate () {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("rotate (30)").unwrap (), make_rotation_matrix (30.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("rotate (30,-1,-2)").unwrap (), make_rotation_matrix (30.0, -1.0, 
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("rotate(30, -1, -2)").unwrap (), make_rotation_matrix (30.0, -1.0, 
+    fn parses_rotate() {
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("rotate (30)").unwrap(),
+                   make_rotation_matrix(30.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("rotate (30,-1,-2)").unwrap(),
+                   make_rotation_matrix(30.0, -1.0, -2.0));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("rotate(30, -1, -2)").unwrap(),
+                   make_rotation_matrix(30.0, -1.0, -2.0));
-    fn make_skew_x_matrix (angle_degrees: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
+    fn make_skew_x_matrix(angle_degrees: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
         let a = angle_degrees * PI / 180.0;
-        cairo::Matrix::new (1.0,      0.0,
-                            a.tan (), 1.0,
-                            0.0, 0.0)
+        cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, a.tan(), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-    fn make_skew_y_matrix (angle_degrees: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
-        let mut m = make_skew_x_matrix (angle_degrees);
+    fn make_skew_y_matrix(angle_degrees: f64) -> cairo::Matrix {
+        let mut m = make_skew_x_matrix(angle_degrees);
         m.yx = m.xy;
         m.xy = 0.0;
-    fn parses_skew_x () {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("skewX (30)").unwrap (), make_skew_x_matrix (30.0));
+    fn parses_skew_x() {
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("skewX (30)").unwrap(),
+                   make_skew_x_matrix(30.0));
-    fn parses_skew_y () {
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("skewY (30)").unwrap (), make_skew_y_matrix (30.0));
+    fn parses_skew_y() {
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("skewY (30)").unwrap(),
+                   make_skew_y_matrix(30.0));
-    fn parses_transform_list () {
-        let t = cairo::Matrix::new (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20.0, 30.0);
-        let s = cairo::Matrix::new (10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-        let r = make_rotation_matrix (30.0, 10.0, 10.0);
+    fn parses_transform_list() {
+        let t = cairo::Matrix::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20.0, 30.0);
+        let s = cairo::Matrix::new(10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+        let r = make_rotation_matrix(30.0, 10.0, 10.0);
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("scale(10)rotate(30, 10, 10)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::multiply (&r, &s));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("scale(10)rotate(30, 10, 10)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::multiply(&r, &s));
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(20, 30), scale (10)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::multiply (&s, &t));
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(20, 30), scale (10)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::multiply(&s, &t));
-        let a = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&s, &t);
-        assert_eq! (parse_transform ("translate(20, 30), scale (10) rotate (30 10 10)").unwrap (),
-                    cairo::Matrix::multiply (&r, &a));
+        let a = cairo::Matrix::multiply(&s, &t);
+        assert_eq!(parse_transform("translate(20, 30), scale (10) rotate (30 10 10)").unwrap(),
+                   cairo::Matrix::multiply(&r, &a));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/util.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/util.rs
index f0b62aa7..0035e6f4 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/util.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/util.rs
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ use std::str;
 // In paint servers (patterns, gradients, etc.), we have an
 // Option<String> for fallback names.  This is a utility function to
 // clone one of those.
-pub fn clone_fallback_name (fallback: &Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
-    if let Some (ref fallback_name) = *fallback {
-        Some (fallback_name.clone ())
+pub fn clone_fallback_name(fallback: &Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
+    if let Some(ref fallback_name) = *fallback {
+        Some(fallback_name.clone())
     } else {
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ pub fn clone_fallback_name (fallback: &Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
 pub const DBL_EPSILON: f64 = 1e-10;
-pub fn double_equals (a: f64, b: f64) -> bool {
-    (a - b).abs () < DBL_EPSILON
+pub fn double_equals(a: f64, b: f64) -> bool {
+    (a - b).abs() < DBL_EPSILON
 /// Converts a `char *` which is known to be valid UTF-8 into a `&str`
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/viewbox.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/viewbox.rs
index 8ee4958a..97a03df7 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/viewbox.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/viewbox.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 use cairo;
-use glib_sys;
 use glib;
+use glib_sys;
 use error::*;
 use parsers;
-use parsers::Parse;
 use parsers::{ListLength, ParseError};
+use parsers::Parse;
 use self::glib::translate::*;
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use self::glib::translate::*;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub struct RsvgViewBox {
     pub rect: cairo::Rectangle,
-    active:   glib_sys::gboolean
+    active: glib_sys::gboolean,
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
@@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ pub struct ViewBox(pub cairo::Rectangle);
 impl ViewBox {
     pub fn new(x: f64, y: f64, w: f64, h: f64) -> ViewBox {
-        assert!(w >= 0.0 && h >= 0.0, "width and height must not be negative");
+        assert!(w >= 0.0 && h >= 0.0,
+                "width and height must not be negative");
-        ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle { x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h })
+        ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle { x,
+                                   y,
+                                   width: w,
+                                   height: h, })
 impl From<Option<ViewBox>> for RsvgViewBox {
     fn from(v: Option<ViewBox>) -> RsvgViewBox {
         if let Some(vb) = v {
-            RsvgViewBox {
-                rect: vb.0,
-                active: true.to_glib ()
-            }
+            RsvgViewBox { rect: vb.0,
+                          active: true.to_glib(), }
         } else {
-            RsvgViewBox {
-                rect: cairo::Rectangle { x: 0.0,
-                                         y: 0.0,
-                                         width: 0.0,
-                                         height: 0.0 },
-                active: false.to_glib ()
-            }
+            RsvgViewBox { rect: cairo::Rectangle { x: 0.0,
+                                                   y: 0.0,
+                                                   width: 0.0,
+                                                   height: 0.0, },
+                          active: false.to_glib(), }
@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ impl Parse for ViewBox {
     // x, y, w, h
     // Where w and h must be nonnegative.
-    fn parse (s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<ViewBox, AttributeError> {
+    fn parse(s: &str, _: ()) -> Result<ViewBox, AttributeError> {
         let v = parsers::number_list (s, ListLength::Exact (4))
             .map_err (|_| ParseError::new ("string does not match 'x [,] y [,] w [,] h'"))?;
         let (x, y, w, h) = (v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
         if w >= 0.0 && h >= 0.0 {
-            Ok (ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle { x: x,
-                                           y: y,
-                                           width: w,
-                                           height: h }))
+            Ok(ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle { x,
+                                          y,
+                                          width: w,
+                                          height: h, }))
         } else {
-            Err (AttributeError::Value ("width and height must not be negative".to_string ()))
+            Err(AttributeError::Value("width and height must not be negative".to_string()))
@@ -81,24 +81,24 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
-    fn parses_valid_viewboxes () {
-        assert_eq! (ViewBox::parse ("  1 2 3 4", ()),
-                    Ok (ViewBox::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));
+    fn parses_valid_viewboxes() {
+        assert_eq!(ViewBox::parse("  1 2 3 4", ()),
+                   Ok(ViewBox::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));
-        assert_eq! (ViewBox::parse (" -1.5 -2.5e1,34,56e2  ", ()),
-                    Ok (ViewBox::new(-1.5, -25.0, 34.0, 5600.0)));
+        assert_eq!(ViewBox::parse(" -1.5 -2.5e1,34,56e2  ", ()),
+                   Ok(ViewBox::new(-1.5, -25.0, 34.0, 5600.0)));
-    fn parsing_invalid_viewboxes_yields_error () {
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&ViewBox::parse ("", ())));
+    fn parsing_invalid_viewboxes_yields_error() {
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&ViewBox::parse("", ())));
-        assert! (is_value_error (&ViewBox::parse (" 1,2,-3,-4 ", ())));
+        assert!(is_value_error(&ViewBox::parse(" 1,2,-3,-4 ", ())));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&ViewBox::parse ("qwerasdfzxcv", ())));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&ViewBox::parse("qwerasdfzxcv", ())));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&ViewBox::parse (" 1 2 3 4   5", ())));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&ViewBox::parse(" 1 2 3 4   5", ())));
-        assert! (is_parse_error (&ViewBox::parse (" 1 2 foo 3 4", ())));
+        assert!(is_parse_error(&ViewBox::parse(" 1 2 foo 3 4", ())));
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/viewport.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/viewport.rs
index 09bfa269..a190262a 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/viewport.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/viewport.rs
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@ use viewbox::*;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum ClipMode {
-    ClipToVbox
+    ClipToVbox,
-pub fn draw_in_viewport<F>(vx: f64, vy: f64, vw: f64, vh: f64,
+pub fn draw_in_viewport<F>(vx: f64,
+                           vy: f64,
+                           vw: f64,
+                           vh: f64,
                            clip_mode: ClipMode,
                            do_clip: bool,
                            vbox: Option<ViewBox>,
@@ -26,7 +29,10 @@ pub fn draw_in_viewport<F>(vx: f64, vy: f64, vw: f64, vh: f64,
     let mut ctx = RsvgDrawingCtxWrapper(draw_ctx);
     in_viewport(&mut ctx,
-                vx, vy, vw, vh,
+                vx,
+                vy,
+                vw,
+                vh,
@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn draw_in_viewport<F>(vx: f64, vy: f64, vw: f64, vh: f64,
 trait ViewportCtx {
     fn push_view_box(&mut self, width: f64, height: f64);
-    fn pop_view_box(&mut self, );
+    fn pop_view_box(&mut self);
     fn push_discrete_layer(&mut self);
     fn pop_discrete_layer(&mut self);
     fn add_clipping_rect(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64, w: f64, h: f64);
@@ -73,7 +79,10 @@ impl ViewportCtx for RsvgDrawingCtxWrapper {
 fn in_viewport<F>(ctx: &mut ViewportCtx,
-                  vx: f64, vy: f64, vw: f64, vh: f64,
+                  vx: f64,
+                  vy: f64,
+                  vw: f64,
+                  vh: f64,
                   clip_mode: ClipMode,
                   do_clip: bool,
                   vbox: Option<ViewBox>,
@@ -107,8 +116,8 @@ fn in_viewport<F>(ctx: &mut ViewportCtx,
         ctx.push_view_box(vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height);
-        let (x, y, w, h) = preserve_aspect_ratio.compute(vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height,
-                                                         vx, vy, vw, vh);
+        let (x, y, w, h) =
+            preserve_aspect_ratio.compute(vbox.0.width, vbox.0.height, vx, vy, vw, vh);
         affine.translate(x, y);
         affine.scale(w / vbox.0.width, h / vbox.0.height);
@@ -148,11 +157,11 @@ mod tests {
     struct Ctx {
         pub view_box_size: Option<(f64, f64)>,
         pub clipping_rect: Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)>,
-        pub affine:        Option<cairo::Matrix>,
+        pub affine: Option<cairo::Matrix>,
         pub expected_view_box_size: Option<(f64, f64)>,
         pub expected_clipping_rect: Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)>,
-        pub expected_affine:        Option<cairo::Matrix>,
+        pub expected_affine: Option<cairo::Matrix>,
     impl ViewportCtx for Ctx {
@@ -160,14 +169,11 @@ mod tests {
             self.view_box_size = Some((width, height));
-        fn pop_view_box(&mut self) {
-        }
+        fn pop_view_box(&mut self) {}
-        fn push_discrete_layer(&mut self) {
-        }
+        fn push_discrete_layer(&mut self) {}
-        fn pop_discrete_layer(&mut self) {
-        }
+        fn pop_discrete_layer(&mut self) {}
         fn add_clipping_rect(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64, w: f64, h: f64) {
             self.clipping_rect = Some((x, y, w, h));
@@ -178,7 +184,10 @@ mod tests {
-    fn call_in_viewport(vx: f64, vy: f64, vw: f64, vh: f64,
+    fn call_in_viewport(vx: f64,
+                        vy: f64,
+                        vw: f64,
+                        vh: f64,
                         clip_mode: ClipMode,
                         do_clip: bool,
                         vbox: Option<ViewBox>,
@@ -186,7 +195,10 @@ mod tests {
                         affine: cairo::Matrix,
                         ctx: &mut Ctx) {
-                    vx, vy, vw, vh,
+                    vx,
+                    vy,
+                    vw,
+                    vh,
@@ -204,17 +216,18 @@ mod tests {
         let mut affine = cairo::Matrix::identity();
         affine.scale(0.25, 0.25);
-        let mut ctx = Ctx {
-            view_box_size: None,
-            clipping_rect: None,
-            affine:        None,
-            expected_view_box_size: Some((40.0, 40.0)),
-            expected_clipping_rect: Some((10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0)),
-            expected_affine: Some(affine)
+        let mut ctx = Ctx { view_box_size: None,
+                            clipping_rect: None,
+                            affine: None,
+                            expected_view_box_size: Some((40.0, 40.0)),
+                            expected_clipping_rect: Some((10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0)),
+                            expected_affine: Some(affine)
-        call_in_viewport(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
+        call_in_viewport(10.0,
+                         10.0,
+                         10.0,
+                         10.0,
                          Some(ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle {
@@ -234,25 +247,24 @@ mod tests {
         affine.translate(10.0, 10.0);
         affine.scale(0.40, 0.40);
-        let mut ctx = Ctx {
-            view_box_size: None,
-            clipping_rect: None,
-            affine:        None,
+        let mut ctx = Ctx { view_box_size: None,
+                            clipping_rect: None,
+                            affine: None,
-            expected_view_box_size: Some((50.0, 50.0)),
-            expected_clipping_rect: Some((0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0)),
-            expected_affine: Some(affine)
-        };
+                            expected_view_box_size: Some((50.0, 50.0)),
+                            expected_clipping_rect: Some((0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0)),
+                            expected_affine: Some(affine), };
-        call_in_viewport(10.0, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0,
+        call_in_viewport(10.0,
+                         10.0,
+                         20.0,
+                         20.0,
-                         Some(ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle {
-                             x: 0.0,
-                             y: 0.0,
-                             width: 50.0,
-                             height: 50.0,
-                         })),
+                         Some(ViewBox(cairo::Rectangle { x: 0.0,
+                                                         y: 0.0,
+                                                         width: 50.0,
+                                                         height: 50.0, })),
                          AspectRatio::parse("xMidYMid meet", ()).unwrap(),
                          &mut ctx);

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