[librsvg: 6/9] rustfmt: Skip the attribute slice in build.rs

commit b4501ae9662fd84d412f9150e63a956f8e547065
Author: Jordan Petridis <jordanpetridis protonmail com>
Date:   Wed Feb 28 18:42:03 2018 +0200

    rustfmt: Skip the attribute slice in build.rs

 rsvg_internals/build.rs | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 149 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/build.rs b/rsvg_internals/build.rs
index 12d2b99a..ac9069ed 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/build.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/build.rs
@@ -14,152 +14,155 @@ fn generate_phf_of_svg_attributes() {
     // (attribute name, Rust enum value)
     // Keep this in sync with rsvg-attributes.h
-    let attribute_defs = [("alternate", "Alternate"),
-                          ("amplitude", "Amplitude"),
-                          ("azimuth", "Azimuth"),
-                          ("baseFrequency", "BaseFrequency"),
-                          ("baseline-shift", "BaselineShift"),
-                          ("bias", "Bias"),
-                          ("class", "Class"),
-                          ("clip-path", "ClipPath"),
-                          ("clip-rule", "ClipRule"),
-                          ("clipPathUnits", "ClipPathUnits"),
-                          ("color", "Color"),
-                          ("comp-op", "CompOp"),
-                          ("cx", "Cx"),
-                          ("cy", "Cy"),
-                          ("d", "D"),
-                          ("diffuseConstant", "DiffuseConstant"),
-                          ("direction", "Direction"),
-                          ("display", "Display"),
-                          ("divisor", "Divisor"),
-                          ("dx", "Dx"),
-                          ("dy", "Dy"),
-                          ("edgeMode", "EdgeMode"),
-                          ("elevation", "Elevation"),
-                          ("enable-background", "EnableBackground"),
-                          ("encoding", "Encoding"),
-                          ("exponent", "Exponent"),
-                          ("fill", "Fill"),
-                          ("fill-opacity", "FillOpacity"),
-                          ("fill-rule", "FillRule"),
-                          ("filter", "Filter"),
-                          ("filterUnits", "FilterUnits"),
-                          ("flood-color", "FloodColor"),
-                          ("flood-opacity", "FloodOpacity"),
-                          ("font-family", "FontFamily"),
-                          ("font-size", "FontSize"),
-                          ("font-stretch", "FontStretch"),
-                          ("font-style", "FontStyle"),
-                          ("font-variant", "FontVariant"),
-                          ("font-weight", "FontWeight"),
-                          ("fx", "Fx"),
-                          ("fy", "Fy"),
-                          ("gradientTransform", "GradientTransform"),
-                          ("gradientUnits", "GradientUnits"),
-                          ("height", "Height"),
-                          ("href", "Href"),
-                          ("id", "Id"),
-                          ("in", "In"),
-                          ("in2", "In2"),
-                          ("intercept", "Intercept"),
-                          ("k1", "K1"),
-                          ("k2", "K2"),
-                          ("k3", "K3"),
-                          ("k4", "K4"),
-                          ("kernelMatrix", "KernelMatrix"),
-                          ("kernelUnitLength", "KernelUnitLength"),
-                          ("letter-spacing", "LetterSpacing"),
-                          ("lighting-color", "LightingColor"),
-                          ("limitingConeAngle", "LimitingConeAngle"),
-                          ("marker", "Marker"),
-                          ("marker-end", "MarkerEnd"),
-                          ("marker-mid", "MarkerMid"),
-                          ("marker-start", "MarkerStart"),
-                          ("markerHeight", "MarkerHeight"),
-                          ("markerUnits", "MarkerUnits"),
-                          ("markerWidth", "MarkerWidth"),
-                          ("mask", "Mask"),
-                          ("maskContentUnits", "MaskContentUnits"),
-                          ("maskUnits", "MaskUnits"),
-                          ("mode", "Mode"),
-                          ("numOctaves", "NumOctaves"),
-                          ("offset", "Offset"),
-                          ("opacity", "Opacity"),
-                          ("operator", "Operator"),
-                          ("order", "Order"),
-                          ("orient", "Orient"),
-                          ("overflow", "Overflow"),
-                          ("parse", "Parse"),
-                          ("path", "Path"),
-                          ("patternContentUnits", "PatternContentUnits"),
-                          ("patternTransform", "PatternTransform"),
-                          ("patternUnits", "PatternUnits"),
-                          ("points", "Points"),
-                          ("pointsAtX", "PointsAtX"),
-                          ("pointsAtY", "PointsAtY"),
-                          ("pointsAtZ", "PointsAtZ"),
-                          ("preserveAlpha", "PreserveAlpha"),
-                          ("preserveAspectRatio", "PreserveAspectRatio"),
-                          ("primitiveUnits", "PrimitiveUnits"),
-                          ("r", "R"),
-                          ("radius", "Radius"),
-                          ("refX", "RefX"),
-                          ("refY", "RefY"),
-                          ("requiredExtensions", "RequiredExtensions"),
-                          ("requiredFeatures", "RequiredFeatures"),
-                          ("result", "Result"),
-                          ("rx", "Rx"),
-                          ("ry", "Ry"),
-                          ("scale", "Scale"),
-                          ("seed", "Seed"),
-                          ("shape-rendering", "ShapeRendering"),
-                          ("slope", "Slope"),
-                          ("specularConstant", "SpecularConstant"),
-                          ("specularExponent", "SpecularExponent"),
-                          ("spreadMethod", "SpreadMethod"),
-                          ("stdDeviation", "StdDeviation"),
-                          ("stitchTiles", "StitchTiles"),
-                          ("stop-color", "StopColor"),
-                          ("stop-opacity", "StopOpacity"),
-                          ("stroke", "Stroke"),
-                          ("stroke-dasharray", "StrokeDasharray"),
-                          ("stroke-dashoffset", "StrokeDashoffset"),
-                          ("stroke-linecap", "StrokeLinecap"),
-                          ("stroke-linejoin", "StrokeLinejoin"),
-                          ("stroke-miterlimit", "StrokeMiterlimit"),
-                          ("stroke-opacity", "StrokeOpacity"),
-                          ("stroke-width", "StrokeWidth"),
-                          ("style", "Style"),
-                          ("surfaceScale", "SurfaceScale"),
-                          ("systemLanguage", "SystemLanguage"),
-                          ("tableValues", "TableValues"),
-                          ("targetX", "TargetX"),
-                          ("targetY", "TargetY"),
-                          ("text-anchor", "TextAnchor"),
-                          ("text-decoration", "TextDecoration"),
-                          ("text-rendering", "TextRendering"),
-                          ("transform", "Transform"),
-                          ("type", "Type"),
-                          ("unicode-bidi", "UnicodeBidi"),
-                          ("values", "Values"),
-                          ("verts", "Verts"),
-                          ("viewBox", "ViewBox"),
-                          ("visibility", "Visibility"),
-                          ("width", "Width"),
-                          ("writing-mode", "WritingMode"),
-                          ("x", "X"),
-                          ("x1", "X1"),
-                          ("y1", "Y1"),
-                          ("x2", "X2"),
-                          ("y2", "Y2"),
-                          ("xChannelSelector", "XChannelSelector"),
-                          ("xlink:href", "XlinkHref"),
-                          ("xml:lang", "XmlLang"),
-                          ("xml:space", "XmlSpace"),
-                          ("y", "Y"),
-                          ("yChannelSelector", "YChannelSelector"),
-                          ("z", "Z")];
+    #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
+    let attribute_defs = [
+        ( "alternate",          "Alternate" ),
+        ( "amplitude",          "Amplitude" ),
+        ( "azimuth",            "Azimuth" ),
+        ( "baseFrequency",      "BaseFrequency" ),
+        ( "baseline-shift",     "BaselineShift" ),
+        ( "bias",               "Bias" ),
+        ( "class",              "Class" ),
+        ( "clip-path",          "ClipPath" ),
+        ( "clip-rule",          "ClipRule" ),
+        ( "clipPathUnits",      "ClipPathUnits" ),
+        ( "color",              "Color" ),
+        ( "comp-op",            "CompOp" ),
+        ( "cx",                 "Cx" ),
+        ( "cy",                 "Cy" ),
+        ( "d",                  "D" ),
+        ( "diffuseConstant",    "DiffuseConstant" ),
+        ( "direction",          "Direction" ),
+        ( "display",            "Display" ),
+        ( "divisor",            "Divisor" ),
+        ( "dx",                 "Dx" ),
+        ( "dy",                 "Dy" ),
+        ( "edgeMode",           "EdgeMode" ),
+        ( "elevation",          "Elevation" ),
+        ( "enable-background",  "EnableBackground" ),
+        ( "encoding",           "Encoding" ),
+        ( "exponent",           "Exponent" ),
+        ( "fill",               "Fill" ),
+        ( "fill-opacity",       "FillOpacity" ),
+        ( "fill-rule",          "FillRule" ),
+        ( "filter",             "Filter" ),
+        ( "filterUnits",        "FilterUnits" ),
+        ( "flood-color",        "FloodColor" ),
+        ( "flood-opacity",      "FloodOpacity" ),
+        ( "font-family",        "FontFamily" ),
+        ( "font-size",          "FontSize" ),
+        ( "font-stretch",       "FontStretch" ),
+        ( "font-style",         "FontStyle" ),
+        ( "font-variant",       "FontVariant" ),
+        ( "font-weight",        "FontWeight" ),
+        ( "fx",                 "Fx" ),
+        ( "fy",                 "Fy" ),
+        ( "gradientTransform",  "GradientTransform" ),
+        ( "gradientUnits",      "GradientUnits" ),
+        ( "height",             "Height" ),
+        ( "href",               "Href" ),
+        ( "id",                 "Id" ),
+        ( "in",                 "In" ),
+        ( "in2",                "In2" ),
+        ( "intercept",          "Intercept" ),
+        ( "k1",                 "K1" ),
+        ( "k2",                 "K2" ),
+        ( "k3",                 "K3" ),
+        ( "k4",                 "K4" ),
+        ( "kernelMatrix",       "KernelMatrix" ),
+        ( "kernelUnitLength",   "KernelUnitLength" ),
+        ( "letter-spacing",     "LetterSpacing" ),
+        ( "lighting-color",     "LightingColor" ),
+        ( "limitingConeAngle",  "LimitingConeAngle" ),
+        ( "marker",             "Marker" ),
+        ( "marker-end",         "MarkerEnd" ),
+        ( "marker-mid",         "MarkerMid" ),
+        ( "marker-start",       "MarkerStart" ),
+        ( "markerHeight",       "MarkerHeight" ),
+        ( "markerUnits",        "MarkerUnits" ),
+        ( "markerWidth",        "MarkerWidth" ),
+        ( "mask",               "Mask" ),
+        ( "maskContentUnits",   "MaskContentUnits" ),
+        ( "maskUnits",          "MaskUnits" ),
+        ( "mode",               "Mode" ),
+        ( "numOctaves",         "NumOctaves" ),
+        ( "offset",             "Offset" ),
+        ( "opacity",            "Opacity" ),
+        ( "operator",           "Operator" ),
+        ( "order",              "Order" ),
+        ( "orient",             "Orient" ),
+        ( "overflow",           "Overflow" ),
+        ( "parse",              "Parse" ),
+        ( "path",               "Path" ),
+        ( "patternContentUnits", "PatternContentUnits" ),
+        ( "patternTransform",   "PatternTransform" ),
+        ( "patternUnits",       "PatternUnits" ),
+        ( "points",             "Points" ),
+        ( "pointsAtX",          "PointsAtX" ),
+        ( "pointsAtY",          "PointsAtY" ),
+        ( "pointsAtZ",          "PointsAtZ" ),
+        ( "preserveAlpha",      "PreserveAlpha" ),
+        ( "preserveAspectRatio", "PreserveAspectRatio" ),
+        ( "primitiveUnits",     "PrimitiveUnits" ),
+        ( "r",                  "R" ),
+        ( "radius",             "Radius" ),
+        ( "refX",               "RefX" ),
+        ( "refY",               "RefY" ),
+        ( "requiredExtensions", "RequiredExtensions" ),
+        ( "requiredFeatures",   "RequiredFeatures" ),
+        ( "result",             "Result" ),
+        ( "rx",                 "Rx" ),
+        ( "ry",                 "Ry" ),
+        ( "scale",              "Scale" ),
+        ( "seed",               "Seed" ),
+        ( "shape-rendering",    "ShapeRendering" ),
+        ( "slope",              "Slope" ),
+        ( "specularConstant",   "SpecularConstant" ),
+        ( "specularExponent",   "SpecularExponent" ),
+        ( "spreadMethod",       "SpreadMethod" ),
+        ( "stdDeviation",       "StdDeviation" ),
+        ( "stitchTiles",        "StitchTiles" ),
+        ( "stop-color",         "StopColor" ),
+        ( "stop-opacity",       "StopOpacity" ),
+        ( "stroke",             "Stroke" ),
+        ( "stroke-dasharray",   "StrokeDasharray" ),
+        ( "stroke-dashoffset",  "StrokeDashoffset" ),
+        ( "stroke-linecap",     "StrokeLinecap" ),
+        ( "stroke-linejoin",    "StrokeLinejoin" ),
+        ( "stroke-miterlimit",  "StrokeMiterlimit" ),
+        ( "stroke-opacity",     "StrokeOpacity" ),
+        ( "stroke-width",       "StrokeWidth" ),
+        ( "style",              "Style" ),
+        ( "surfaceScale",       "SurfaceScale" ),
+        ( "systemLanguage",     "SystemLanguage" ),
+        ( "tableValues",        "TableValues" ),
+        ( "targetX",            "TargetX" ),
+        ( "targetY",            "TargetY" ),
+        ( "text-anchor",        "TextAnchor" ),
+        ( "text-decoration",    "TextDecoration" ),
+        ( "text-rendering",     "TextRendering" ),
+        ( "transform",          "Transform" ),
+        ( "type",               "Type" ),
+        ( "unicode-bidi",       "UnicodeBidi" ),
+        ( "values",             "Values" ),
+        ( "verts",              "Verts" ),
+        ( "viewBox",            "ViewBox" ),
+        ( "visibility",         "Visibility" ),
+        ( "width",              "Width" ),
+        ( "writing-mode",       "WritingMode" ),
+        ( "x",                  "X" ),
+        ( "x1",                 "X1" ),
+        ( "y1",                 "Y1" ),
+        ( "x2",                 "X2" ),
+        ( "y2",                 "Y2" ),
+        ( "xChannelSelector",   "XChannelSelector" ),
+        ( "xlink:href",         "XlinkHref" ),
+        ( "xml:lang",           "XmlLang" ),
+        ( "xml:space",          "XmlSpace" ),
+        ( "y",                  "Y" ),
+        ( "yChannelSelector",   "YChannelSelector" ),
+        ( "z",                  "Z" ),
+    ];
     let path = Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("attributes-codegen.rs");
     let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(&path).unwrap());

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