[guadec-web: 9/10] more icons and fixed picture on popup

commit 75f9aac4d382f3f830eb23d6a3d8320389241a92
Author: Jorge Sanz <xurxosanz gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jun 27 11:00:41 2018 +0200

    more icons and fixed picture on popup

 content/pages/map.md                              | 269 +---------------------
 src/js/guadec_map/guadec-map.js                   |   4 +-
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/bank-45.svg     |  48 ++++
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/karaoke-45.svg  |  55 +++++
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/lodging-45.svg  |  48 ++++
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/marker-45.svg   |  48 ++++
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/suitcase-45.svg |  49 ++++
 src/js/guadec_map/maki-guadec-svg/village-45.svg  |  48 ++++
 src/js/guadec_map/sprite.json                     | 100 +++++---
 src/js/guadec_map/sprite.png                      | Bin 13977 -> 16588 bytes
 src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x json                  | 100 +++++---
 src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x png                   | Bin 31098 -> 37353 bytes
 12 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/pages/map.md b/content/pages/map.md
index ba13d62..f599349 100644
--- a/content/pages/map.md
+++ b/content/pages/map.md
@@ -75,28 +75,29 @@ Date: 20180615
     /* parameters */
     var options = {/* List of ways to include in the map */
         osm_ways : [
-            { osm_id: 27152910, name: 'railway station', icon: 'rail-45'}, // almeria railway
+            { osm_id: 27152910, name: 'Railway Station', icon: 'rail-45'}, // almeria railway
             27152911, // Estación intermodal
             { osm_id: 29220363, icon: 'gnome-guadec-red'}, // almeria university
-            435775764, // Civitas
-            37923960, // airport
-            { osm_id: 36406179, name: 'UAL Parking'}, // UAL parking
+            { osm_id: 435775764, icon: 'lodging-45'}, // Civitas
+            { osm_id:37923960, icon: 'airport-45'}, // airport
+            { osm_id: 36406179, name: 'UAL Parking', icon: 'parking-45'}, // UAL parking
             { osm_id: 509640566, name: 'Patio de los naranjos'}, // Patio de los naranjos
             187403583, // terraza del mar
-            { osm_id: 27155530, name: 'Alcazaba meeting point'},
+            { osm_id: 27155530, name: 'Alcazaba meeting point', icon: 'marker-45'},
             { osm_id: 27018547, name: 'Alcazaba de Almería', icon: 'gnome-guadec-yellow'},
-            { osm_id: 37639082, name: 'Auditorium'},
+            { osm_id: 37639082, name: 'Auditorium', icon: 'theatre-45'},
             { osm_id: 37639116, name: 'Conference Room'},
-            { osm_id: 37639300, name: 'University cafeteria'},
+            { osm_id: 37639300, name: 'University cafeteria', icon:'cafe-45'},
         /* List of nodes to include in the map */
         osm_nodes : [
+            4414057566, // la mala
             { osm_id: 2870058034, name: 'Intermodal bus stop',icon: 'bus-45'}, // 292
             { osm_id: 974730957, icon: 'bus-45'}, // 144
             { osm_id: 469474242, icon: 'bus-45'}, // 71
             { osm_id: 469474241, icon: 'bus-45'},  //56
             { osm_id: 1304074112, name: 'Airport bus stop',icon: 'bus-45'}, // 188
-            { osm_id: 999522025, name: 'ATM'}, // ATM machine
+            { osm_id: 999522025, name: 'ATM', icon: 'bank-45'}, // ATM machine
         /* list of routes to render */
         routes : [
@@ -128,248 +129,6 @@ Date: 20180615
             'adr:street', 'picture',
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-        ;
-    /* Functions and helpers */
-    var overpass_url = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter',
-        /* from https://www.npmjs.com/package/geojson-polygon-center */
-        polygon_center = function (polygon) {
-            var minx = miny = 1000,
-                maxx = maxy = -1000
-            polygon = polygon[0]
-            for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
-                var point = polygon[i]
-                var x = point[0]
-                var y = point[1]
-                if (x < minx) minx = x
-                else if (x > maxx) maxx = x
-                if (y < miny) miny = y
-                else if (y > maxy) maxy = y
-            }
-            return {
-                type: 'Point',
-                coordinates: [
-                minx + ((maxx - minx) / 2),
-                miny + ((maxy - miny) / 2)
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        /* helper to get the list of ids */
-        get_ids = function(el){
-            return typeof el == "number" ? el : el['osm_id'];
-        },
-        /* takes a feature, and augment it with any custom properties 
-           passed on thi list of nodes and ways */
-        get_props = function(feature){
-            var /* filter checker */
-                filter_node = function(node){
-                    return typeof node != "number" && node['osm_id'] == feat_id;
-                },
-                properties = feature['properties'],
-                /* feature id */
-                feat_id = properties['id'],
-                /* candidates */
-                candidate = osm_nodes.filter(filter_node)
-                                .concat(osm_ways.filter(filter_node));
-            if (candidate.length == 1){
-                properties = Object.assign(properties,candidate[0]);
-            };
-            return feature;
-        },
-        /* Generate a valid OSM Overpass API request */
-        get_osm_query = function(){
-            var ways = osm_ways.map(get_ids).join(',');
-            var nodes = osm_nodes.map(get_ids).join(',');
-            return `[out:xml][timeout:300];
-                    (
-                        way(id:${ways});
-                        node(id:${nodes});
-                    )->.a;
-                    (.a; .a >;);out qt;`
-        }
-        /* moves tags up to the main properties function */
-        tags_to_props = function(feature){
-            properties = feature['properties']
-            tags = properties['tags'];
-            Object.assign(properties, tags);
-            delete properties['tags'];
-            if (properties['id'] == undefined){
-                properties['id'] = String(feature['id'])
-            } else {
-                properties['id'] = String(properties['id'])
-            };
-            // Override the name in Engish, if it exists
-            if (properties['name:en'] != undefined){
-                properties['name'] = properties['name:en']
-            };
-            return feature
-        },
-        /* transforms OSM data into geojson and adds that as
-           points and labels to the map */
-        load_osm_data = function(data){
-            console.log('loading data...');
-            var  // Convert to GeoJSON
-                geojson_data = osmtogeojson(data),
-                // Filter ways
-                polys_geojson = geojson_data.features.filter(function(feature){
-                    return feature.properties.type == "way"
-                }),
-                // Filter points
-                points_geojson = geojson_data.features.filter(function(feature){
-                    return feature.properties.type == "node"
-                }),
-                // Generate centroids for points
-                polys_geojson_points = polys_geojson.map(function(poly){
-                    copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(poly));
-                    copy['geometry'] = polygon_center(copy.geometry.coordinates);
-                    return copy
-                }),
-                // Get together both set of points
-                all_features = points_geojson.concat(polys_geojson_points),
-                // Get all properties out from the tags
-                points_geojson_props = all_features.map(tags_to_props),
-                // Override any custom properties
-                final_points = points_geojson_props.map(get_props);
-            // Build final geojson collection
-            return {
-                        'type': 'FeatureCollection',
-                        'features': final_points
-            };           
-        },
-        /* Loads the data retrieved into a mapboxgl map */
-        add_layers = function(map, data){
-            map.loadImage(icon, function(error, image) {
-                if (error) throw error;
-                map.addImage('gnome', image);
-                /* Icon layer */
-                map.addLayer({
-                    'id': 'guadec_icon',
-                    'type': 'symbol',
-                    'source': {
-                        'type': 'geojson',
-                        'data': geojson_data
-                    },
-                    'layout': {
-                        "symbol-placement": "point",
-                        "text-field": '{name}' ,
-                        "icon-image": "gnome",
-                        "text-font": ["Open Sans Regular"],
-                        "icon-allow-overlap": true,
-                        "text-offset": [.3,.3],
-                        "text-anchor": "top-left",
-                        "text-max-width": 5,
-                        "text-justify": "left",
-                        "text-allow-overlap": false,
-                        "text-optional": true,
-                        "icon-size": {
-                            "stops": [
-                                [0, 0.10],
-                                [12, 0.12],
-                                [14, 0.15],
-                                [18, 0.25]
-                            ]
-                        },
-                        "text-size": {
-                            "stops": [
-                                [0, 0],
-                                [9,0],
-                                [12, 15],
-                                [16, 20]
-                            ]
-                        }
-                    },
-                    'paint': {
-                        "text-color": main_color,
-                        "icon-opacity": 1,
-                        "text-opacity": {
-                            "stops": [
-                                [0, 0],
-                                [9,0],
-                                [12, 1]
-                            ]
-                        },
-                        "text-halo-color": "white",
-                        "text-halo-width": 1.5,
-                        "text-halo-blur": 1
-                    }
-                },'place_hamlet');
-            }); 
-        };
-    /* SCRIPT */
-    var geojson_data = {},
-        map = new mapboxgl.Map({
-            container: 'map',
-            style: basemap_style,
-            center: center,
-            zoom: zoom,
-            attributionControl: true
-        });
-    /*Once map is loaded, get data from OSM to add as a new layer */
-    map.on('load', function() {
-        console.log('fetching osm data...')
-        fetch(overpass_url,{
-            method: "POST",
-            body:  get_osm_query()})
-            .then(response => response.text())
-            .then(str => (new window.DOMParser()).parseFromString(str, "text/xml"))
-            .then(function(data){
-                // Get the geojson to work
-                geojson_data = load_osm_data(data);
-                console.log(geojson_data);
-                // Add it as a layer
-                add_layers(map,geojson_data);
-            })
-            .catch(error => console.log("Error:", error));
-    });
-    /* Navigation control */
-    map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl());
-    /* Popup up singleton */
-    var tooltip = new mapboxgl.Popup({   
-        closeButton: false,
-        closeOnClick: true,
-        anchor: "top",
-        offset: [0, 8]
-        });
-    // helper to render the properties
-    var get_properties_list = function(properties){
-        return popup_properties.filter(function(key){
-                return (Object.keys(properties).findIndex(x => x == key) > -1)
-            })
-            .map(function(key){
-                if (key == 'website'){
-                    return `<li><a href="${properties[key]}">${key}</a></li>`
-                } else if (key == 'wikidata'){
-                    return `<li><a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/${properties[key]}";>${key}</a></li>`
-                } else if (key == 'wikipedia'){
-                    return `<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${properties[key]}";>${key}</a></li>`
-                } else if (key == 'picture'){
-                    return `<li><a href="${properties[key]}">${key}</a></li>`
-                } else {
-                    return `<li><strong>${key}</strong>: ${properties[key]}</li>`
-                }
-            }).join('')
->>>>>>> master
     (async function() {
@@ -409,14 +168,4 @@ Date: 20180615
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-                // Set the filter of the layer to match those ids
-                map.setFilter('guadec_icon', ['match', ['get', 'id'], ids, true, false]);
-            }
-        });
->>>>>>> master
diff --git a/src/js/guadec_map/guadec-map.js b/src/js/guadec_map/guadec-map.js
index f444e45..754a519 100644
--- a/src/js/guadec_map/guadec-map.js
+++ b/src/js/guadec_map/guadec-map.js
@@ -170,6 +170,8 @@ class GuadecMap {
                     return `<li><a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/${properties[key]}";>${key}</a></li>`
                 } else if (key == 'wikipedia'){
                     return `<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${properties[key]}";>${key}</a></li>`
+                } else if (key == 'picture') {
+                    return `<li><a href="${properties[key]}">Picture</a></li>`
                 } else {
                     return `<li><strong>${key}</strong>: ${properties[key]}</li>`
@@ -295,7 +297,7 @@ class GuadecMap {
                 "text-halo-color": "white",
-                "text-halo-width": 1.5,
+                "text-halo-width": 2,
                 "text-halo-blur": 1
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+    "width": 90,
+    "x": 450,
+    "y": 0
+  },
+  "restaurant-45": {
+    "height": 90,
+    "pixelRatio": 2,
+    "width": 90,
+    "x": 540,
+    "y": 0
+  },
+  "rocket-45": {
+    "height": 90,
+    "pixelRatio": 2,
+    "width": 90,
+    "x": 630,
+    "y": 0
+  },
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-    "x": 652,
-    "y": 0
+    "x": 472,
+    "y": 180
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     "height": 90,
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     "width": 90,
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-    "y": 0
+    "y": 90
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+  "suitcase-45": {
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-    "y": 0
+    "y": 90
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+    "width": 90,
+    "x": 630,
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+  },
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+    "y": 180
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x png b/src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x png
index 53ab608..38259c6 100644
Binary files a/src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x png and b/src/js/guadec_map/sprite 2x png differ

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