[damned-lies] Initialize DocFormat with branch and domain

commit d18fecded269454c596835969a86c67cca307eeb
Author: Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net>
Date:   Sat Jun 23 15:13:02 2018 +0200

    Initialize DocFormat with branch and domain

 stats/utils.py | 30 ++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stats/utils.py b/stats/utils.py
index 8be65915..6747532f 100644
--- a/stats/utils.py
+++ b/stats/utils.py
@@ -50,11 +50,14 @@ class DocFormat:
     itstool_regex = re.compile("^msgid \"external ref=\'(?P<path>[^\']*)\' md5=\'(?P<hash>[^\']*)\'\"")
     xml2po_regex = re.compile("^msgid \"@@image: \'(?P<path>[^\']*)\'; md5=(?P<hash>[^\"]*)\"")
-    def __init__(self, makefile):
-        # makefile is a MakefileWrapper (or subclass) instance)
-        self.makefile = makefile
-        doc_id = makefile.read_variable("HELP_ID", "yelp.project_id")
-        uses_itstool = doc_id is not None or isinstance(makefile, MesonfileWrapper)
+    def __init__(self, domain, branch):
+        self.branch = branch
+        self.vcs_path = branch.domain_path(domain)
+        self.makefile = MakefileWrapper.find_file(branch, [self.vcs_path])
+        if self.makefile is None:
+            raise Exception(ugettext_noop("Unable to find a makefile for module %s") % branch.module.name)
+        doc_id = self.makefile.read_variable("HELP_ID", "yelp.project_id")
+        uses_itstool = doc_id is not None or self.use_meson
         has_page_files = any(f.suffix == '.page' for f in self.list_C_files())
         self.format = 'mallard' if has_page_files else 'docbook'
         self.tool = 'itstool' if uses_itstool else 'xml2po'
@@ -64,8 +67,7 @@ class DocFormat:
         return isinstance(self.makefile, MesonfileWrapper)
     def list_C_files(self):
-        base_path = self.makefile.path.parent
-        return [p.relative_to(base_path) for p in (base_path / 'C').iterdir() if p.is_file()]
+        return [p.relative_to(self.vcs_path) for p in (self.vcs_path / 'C').iterdir() if p.is_file()]
     def source_files(self):
         """Return help source files, with path relative to help base dir."""
@@ -396,17 +398,13 @@ def generate_doc_pot_file(branch, domain):
     errors = []
     vcs_path = branch.domain_path(domain)
     moduleid = branch.module.name
-    makefile = MakefileWrapper.find_file(branch, [vcs_path])
-    if makefile is None:
-        errors.append(
-            ("error", ugettext_noop("Unable to find a makefile for module %s") % moduleid)
-        )
-        return "", errors, None
-    doc_format = DocFormat(makefile)
+    try:
+        doc_format = DocFormat(domain, branch)
+    except Exception as err:
+        return "", [("error", str(err))], None
     files = []
     if doc_format.format == "docbook":
-        modulename = makefile.read_variable(doc_format.module_var)
+        modulename = doc_format.makefile.read_variable(doc_format.module_var)
         if not modulename:
             modulename = moduleid
         for index_page in ("index.docbook", modulename + ".xml", moduleid + ".xml"):

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