[evolution-data-server] Use Unicode in new translatable strings

commit 86038d8ee6a0aa64b2a9cd3d1e99d9c602a65ef9
Author: Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jun 20 17:06:25 2018 +0200

    Use Unicode in new translatable strings
    See https://developer.gnome.org/hig/stable/typography.html

 data/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.gschema.xml.in     | 10 +++++-----
 src/addressbook/backends/webdav/e-book-backend-webdav.c |  4 ++--
 src/calendar/backends/caldav/e-cal-backend-caldav.c     |  4 ++--
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.gschema.xml.in 
index 7d13e08af..27b2e0dd8 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.gschema.xml.in
+++ b/data/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.gschema.xml.in
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
       <_description>Users can extend the list of supported protocols and hostnames for defined OAuth2 
services, in addition to those hard-coded.
       Each line can be of the form:
-      where 'servicename' is the actual service name;
-      the '-protocol' is optional, and if written, then the service can be used only if both 'protocol' and 
'hostnameX' match;
-      the 'hostnameX' is the actual host name to compare with, case insensitively.
+      where “servicename” is the actual service name;
+      the “-protocol” is optional, and if written, then the service can be used only if both “protocol” and 
“hostnameX” match;
+      the “hostnameX” is the actual host name to compare with, case insensitively.
       Each line can contain multiple values, separated by comma. There can be provided multiple lines
       for one OAuth2 service. Note that the actual URL where the token is requested and refreshed cannot
       be changed here, the hostname is to allow other servers, where the OAuth2 service can be used.
-         Company:mail.company.com - enables 'Company' OAuth2 authentication for 'mail.company.com' host
-        Company-CalDAV:caldav.company.com - enables 'Company' OAuth2 authentication for any 'CalDAV' source, 
which reads data from 'caldav.company.com' host</_description>
+         Company:mail.company.com — enables “Company” OAuth2 authentication for “mail.company.com” host
+        Company-CalDAV:caldav.company.com — enables “Company” OAuth2 authentication for any “CalDAV” source, 
which reads data from “caldav.company.com” host</_description>
diff --git a/src/addressbook/backends/webdav/e-book-backend-webdav.c 
index 22ec5a8b0..be7193b2d 100644
--- a/src/addressbook/backends/webdav/e-book-backend-webdav.c
+++ b/src/addressbook/backends/webdav/e-book-backend-webdav.c
@@ -1032,9 +1032,9 @@ ebb_webdav_load_contact_sync (EBookMetaBackend *meta_backend,
                        success = FALSE;
                        if (!href)
-                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDB_ERROR_EX 
(E_DATA_BOOK_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR, _("Server didn't return object's href")));
+                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDB_ERROR_EX 
(E_DATA_BOOK_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR, _("Server didn’t return object’s href")));
                        else if (!etag)
-                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDB_ERROR_EX 
(E_DATA_BOOK_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR, _("Server didn't return object's ETag")));
+                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDB_ERROR_EX 
(E_DATA_BOOK_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR, _("Server didn’t return object’s ETag")));
                                g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDB_ERROR_EX 
(E_DATA_BOOK_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR, _("Received object is not a valid vCard")));
diff --git a/src/calendar/backends/caldav/e-cal-backend-caldav.c 
index 708b45bb4..613ba8ec3 100644
--- a/src/calendar/backends/caldav/e-cal-backend-caldav.c
+++ b/src/calendar/backends/caldav/e-cal-backend-caldav.c
@@ -1188,9 +1188,9 @@ ecb_caldav_load_component_sync (ECalMetaBackend *meta_backend,
                        success = FALSE;
                        if (!href)
-                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDC_ERROR_EX (InvalidObject, _("Server 
didn't return object's href")));
+                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDC_ERROR_EX (InvalidObject, _("Server 
didn’t return object’s href")));
                        else if (!etag)
-                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDC_ERROR_EX (InvalidObject, _("Server 
didn't return object's ETag")));
+                               g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDC_ERROR_EX (InvalidObject, _("Server 
didn’t return object’s ETag")));
                                g_propagate_error (&local_error, EDC_ERROR (InvalidObject));

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