[shotwell] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'wip/phako/flatpak' into 'master'

Summary of changes:

  56285e6... flatpak: Initial support (*)
  35758ac... Make UDEV optional (*)
  798fe03... flatpak: Disable udev (*)
  38e74a8... Fake udev event (*)
  bc19ef1... flatpak: Enable USB cameras (*)
  6596df6... flatpak: Turn off python for gexiv2 (*)
  dd9d516... flatpak: Update URLs for gitlab (*)
  713c727... flatpak: change libgdata and exiv2 source (*)
  13bf143... flatpak: Improve clean-up (*)
  16b0427... flatpak: Use specific commit for exiv2 (*)
  45684e9... flatpak: Rename icons and desktop file (*)
  b64226f... flatpak: Add flatpakref for nightly (*)
  501613c... flatpak: Temporary fix for turkish translation (*)
  4013f43... Merge branch 'wip/phako/flatpak' into 'master'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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