[gtk-internet-radio-locator] Presentation

commit f1d7c8da269eef0769168ea25afe8a64f95a91e1
Author: Ole Aamot <ole gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jun 3 17:26:49 2018 +0200


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index d99573c..3ef411f 100644
--- a/src/internet-radio-locator.xml
+++ b/src/internet-radio-locator.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" 
href="https://people.gnome.org/~ole/gnome-internet-radio-locator/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xsl"; ?>
 <!DOCTYPE internet_radio_locator SYSTEM "internet-radio-locator-1.5.dtd">
-<internet_radio_locator version="0.0.1">
+<internet_radio_locator version="0.0.2">
   <station band="ONLINE" id="drnyheder" lang="da" name="Danmarks Radio Nyheder" rank="1.0" type="gov">
     <frequency uri="http://www.dr.dk/nyheder";>FM 93.3 in Aalborg</frequency>
     <location>Copenhagen, Denmark</location>
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new file mode 100644
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+% This is an example of how to create a presentation in PDFLaTeX. 
+% Matt Welsh, mdw cs berkeley edu
+% See http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~mdw/proj/texslides for details.
+% The basic document style is 'foils' from the FoilTeX package
+% These are my macros for creating slides
+% Basic things that we need are below
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+% Set headers
+\MyLogo{Ole Aamot}
+\vskip 1.5in
+  {\color{mdwblue}\Large\slingbold Free Internet Radio for GNOME 3.30
+    \vskip 11ex
+    Ole Aamot
+    \vskip 1ex
+           {\small\trebucit ole gnome org}
+           \vskip 1ex
+                  {\mdwsmall\tt \url{https://www.gnome.org/~ole/GNOME2018.pdf}
+                  }
+  }
+gtk-internet-radio-locator is a Free Software program that allows computer users
+to easily locate and listen to radio programs on broadcasters on the Internet
+such as BBC, KEXP and WMBR, as well as NASA's Third Rock Station and 82 other
+Internet Radio stations broadcasting from many universities around the world.
+gtk-internet-radio-locator is developed for the GNOME 3.30 desktop and requires
+gst-player from gstreamer (\url{https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/}) to be installed for audio playback.
+gtk-internet-radio-locator is not officially a part of GNU or GNOME,
+but using the *.gnome.org infrastructure on\\
+\url{http://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk-internet-radio-locator} and\\
+\slide{Why do I write gtk-internet-radio-locator?}
+\item I am a supporter of
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item Free Radio
+  \item Free Software
+  \item Free Speech
+  \end{list2}
+\item I want to give something back to the Free Software community
+\item Internet Radio is a free Internet resource
+\item Many Universities run non-profit Internet radio stations
+\slide{History of gtk-internet-radio-locator}
+\item 2018
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item gtk-internet-radio-locator version 0.0.2 was released on May 30th
+  \end{list2}
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item gtk-internet-radio-locator version 0.0.1 was released on May 29th
+  \end{list2}
+\slide{What is the definition of Free Software?}
+From FSF's home page (\url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html}):
+\item Free Software is a good idea because you have
+  \begin{list2}
+    \item The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
+    \item The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish 
(freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
+    \item The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).
+    \item The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this 
you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a 
precondition for this.
+  \end{list2}
+\slide{Existing Music Services}
+\item Apple Music, Google Music and Spotify
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item Require non-free client software
+  \item DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)
+  \item Impose EULAs that restrict more than copyright
+  \item Track what the user listens to
+  \end{list2}
+One redeeming feature of some of them:
+\item You can't access them from GNU/Linux at all.  If you're a GNU/Linux user, this protects you from the 
temptation to use them.
+\slide{Why did I write gtk-internet-radio-locator?}
+The first public talk I gave in the UK, was a talk on ``Music
+Recording, Production and Distribution with Free Software'' at UKUUG
+Linux 2005 at University of Wales, Swansea, in 2005.
+The first talk is available from \url{http://home.nuug.no/~ole/UKUUG2005.pdf}
+The second public talk I gave in Oslo, Norway, was a talk on ``GNOME Internet Radio Locator'' at OSDC in 
Oslo, Norway in 2015.
+The second talk is available from \url{http://home.nuug.no/~ole/ODSC2015.pdf}
+The third talk I prepared was ``Mapping Free Software in GNOME for GUADEC 2017'' at Manchester Metropolitan 
University, in 2017.
+The third talk is available from \url{http://home.nuug.no/~ole/GUADEC2017.pdf}
+\item Free Radio
+\item Free Software
+\item Free Speech
+\slide{Features in gtk-internet-radio-locator version 0.0.2}
+\item 86 non-profit and independent radio stations are supported.
+\item 10 language translations (see gtk-internet-radio-locator/AUTHORS and 
+\item Radio station search by physical location, but just city names.
+\item Click-to-play map feature for 35 cities.
+\item Support for New/Personal Stations (``\$HOME/.internet-radio-locator/internet-radio-locator.xml'').
+\item Radio playback in all audio codecs supported by gstreamer.
+\slide{Supported Internet Radio Stations}
+The following major cities are supported in gtk-internet-radio-locator 0.0.2:
+  \begin{list2}
+  \end{list2}
 for the current list of supported radio stations in gtk-internet-radio-locator.
+\slide{Supported Radio Codecs}
+The radio stations stream live audio with several different audio
+codecs supported by the gstreamer library, see
+The audio codecs in usage among the supported 86 radio stations are:
+  \item
+    \begin{list2}
+    \item ``AAC, v4 LC''
+    \item ``MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3 (MP3)''
+    \item ``MPEG ADTS, layer III (Joint Stereo)''
+    \item ``MPEG-2 AAC (AAC+)''
+    \item ``MPEG-2 AAC''
+    \item ``MPEG-4 AAC''
+    \item ``Ogg Vorbis''
+    \end{list2}
+\slide{gtk-internet-radio-locator Data Type Definition (DTD)}
+\item gtk-internet-radio-locator 1.5.0 DTD
+\item Short description of each radio station (<station ...>).
+\item Short description of each radio station stream (<stream ...>).
+\item gtk-internet-radio-locator 1.5.0 DTD is available from 
+\item gtk-internet-radio-locator 0.0.2 XML data renders as HTML using XSLT in at least Firefox 54.0 at 
+\slide{Current gtk-internet-radio-locator 1.5.0 DTD}
+<!ATTLIST frequency uri CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ELEMENT description ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ATTLIST description lang CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ELEMENT frequency ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT email ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT location ( lat | lon | href)* >
+<!ELEMENT internet_radio_locator ( station+ ) >
+<!ATTLIST internet_radio_locator version NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
+<!ELEMENT station ( frequency | location | description | stream)* >
+<!ATTLIST station band CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST station icon CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST station lang CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST station name CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST station rank CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST station type CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ELEMENT stream EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST stream bitrate NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST stream channels NMTOKEN #IMPLIED >
+<!ATTLIST stream codec CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST stream mime CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST stream samplerate NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
+\slide{Example of gtk-internet-radio-locator 0.0.2 XML data}
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
+  href="https://www.gnome.org/~ole/gtk-internet-radio-locator/internet-radio-locator.xsl"; ?>
+<!DOCTYPE internet-radio-locator SYSTEM "internet-radio-locator-1.5.dtd">
+<internet_radio_locator version="0.0.2">
+  ...
+  <station band="88.1FM"
+           id="wmbr"
+           lang="en"
+           name="WMBR"
+           rank="1.0"
+           type="edu">
+    <frequency>88.1 FM in Cambridge, MA</frequency>
+    <location>Boston, MA</location>
+    <description lang="en">WMBR is the MIT campus radio station.
+    We broadcast on 88.1 FM between 20 and 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
+    We transmit at 720 watts, effective radiated power from the top of the
+    Eastgate Building in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+    Our programming includes a wide range of music shows, public affairs
+    programs and eclectic audio entertainment.</description>
+    <stream mime="audio/mpeg"
+            uri="http://wmbr.org/WMBR_live_128.m3u";
+            codec="MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3 (MP3)"
+            samplerate="44100 Hz"
+            channels="Stereo"
+            bitrate="128 kbps" />
+    <uri>http://wmbr.org/</uri>
+  </station>
+  ...
+  \colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=0.6\hsize]{../data/screenshot.png}}
+  {\blueem Screenshot of gtk-internet-radio-locator 0.0.2}
+\slide{Legal stuff}
+  \item Internet Radio stations in the U.S. need a broadcast license permit from the F.C.C.
+    \begin{list2}
+    \item Read gtk-internet-radio-locator/BROADCAST for some details on radio and music licensing
+    \item \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_license}
+    \item \url{https://www.dnalounge.com/backstage/webcasting.html}
+    \end{list2}
+  \item Personal Radio Stations can be set up using Icecast streaming server
+    \begin{list2}
+    \item Download Icecast from \url{http://www.icecast.org/} and add your station in 
+    \end{list2}
+  \item Only Internet radio stations with broadcast permit are included in gtk-internet-radio-locator
+\slide{Internet Radio Fairness Act}
+\item Many Internet radio stations can't afford to pay royalty fee collection agencies
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
+  \item Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
+    \item Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC)
+  \end{list2}
+  \item New bill in support of Internet Radio introduced in U.S. Congress 2002:
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item \url{https://www.eff.org/Internet-Radio-Fairness-Act-Explanation}
+  \item \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Radio_Equality_Act}
+  \end{list2}
+\item EFF had a 2012 campaign in support of the Internet Radio Fairness Act
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item \url{https://www.eff.org/Internet-Radio-Fairness-Act-Explanation}
+  \end{list2}
+\item The IRFA bill may be reintroduced in U.S. Congress in 2019, but who knows?
+\slide{Email from Dr. Richard M. Stallman of FSF}
+  \begin{tiny}
+    From: Richard Stallman <rms gnu org>
+    Subject: Re: Internet Radio Fairness Act? (Re: It's your birthday)
+    Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 22:43:25 -0400
+    To: oka oka no
+    [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
+    [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
+    [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
+      > Regarding updating the LETTER included in GNOME Internet Radio Locator,
+      > I don't know what to write/who to contact to promote Internet Radio
+      > Fairness Act again in U.S. politics, except you.
+    Ask people to contact their congressional representatives.
+    Can you write a message to the public about this?
+    -- 
+    Dr Richard Stallman
+    President, Free Software Foundation
+    51 Franklin St
+    Boston MA 02110
+    USA
+    www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
+    Skype: No way! See stallman.org/skype.html.
+  \end{tiny}
+\item gtk-internet-radio-locator 0.0.2 is available here and now.
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item 
+  \end{list2}
+\item Debian 9 stable package
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item 
+  \end{list2}
+\item Fedora 28 RPM
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item 
+  \end{list2}
+\item Ubuntu 18.04 package
+  \begin{list2}
+  \item 
+  \end{list2}
+\item Source repository
+  \begin{list2}
+    \item \url{git://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk-internet-radio-locator}
+    \item \url{https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk-internet-radio-locator}
+    \item \url{ssh://$USERNAME gitlab gnome org/GNOME/gtk-internet-radio-locator}
+  \end{list2}
+\slide{\LaTeX{} source code for this presentation}
+\slide{GNOME Wiki page}
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+       Without the 'dvips', 'dvipsone' or 'vtex' option \MessageBreak
+       (when running LaTeX), rotation is not supported}
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+ % the old definitions
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+ % %\global\let \@begindvi \@empty
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+ %           \let \label \@gobble
+ %           \let \index \@gobble
+ %           \let \glossary \@gobble %% 21 Jun 91
+ %           \@thehead
+ %           }%
+ %       \color@endbox
+ %       }%                        %% 22 Feb 87
+ %     \dp\@tempboxa \z@
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+ %         \let \index \@gobble      %% 22 Feb 87
+ %         \let \glossary \@gobble   %% 21 Jun 91
+ %         \@thefoot
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+ %     }%
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+ % \endgroup
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+ % \stepcounter{page}%
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+ %}
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+ % \ifcur@rot@state\foil@rot@start\fi  %% added by for foils.cls
+ %   \vskip \topmargin
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+ %     \setbox\@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight{%
+ %       \vfil
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+ %           \let \label \@gobble
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+ %           \let \glossary \@gobble %% 21 Jun 91
+ %           \@thehead
+ %           }%
+ %       \color@endbox
+ %       }%                        %% 22 Feb 87
+ %     \dp\@tempboxa \z@
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+ %         \let \label \@gobble
+ %         \let \index \@gobble      %% 22 Feb 87
+ %         \let \glossary \@gobble   %% 21 Jun 91
+ %         \@thefoot
+ %         }%
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+ %     }%
+ %   }%
+ % \endgroup
+ % \global \@colht \textheight
+ % \stepcounter{page}%
+ % \let\firstmark\botmark
+ %}
+   \global\@namedef{end#1*}{\@endtheorem}}}}
+\def\@xstarthm#1{\@beginstartheorem{#1} \ignorespaces}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1\ #2. }]\slshape}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1\ #2.\ [#3] }]\slshape}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1. }]\slshape}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1.\ [#2] }]\slshape}
+\newenvironment{Proof}{\begin{trivlist}\item[] {\bfseries Proof.}}{%
+  \ifhmode\nolinebreak[4]~$\ProofBox$\else$\ProofBox$\fi \end{trivlist}}
+    $$\global\@ignoretrue\unboldmath}
+%% End of file `foils.cls'.
diff --git a/talk/mdwslides.sty b/talk/mdwslides.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff42e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/mdwslides.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+% mdwslides.sty by Matt Welsh <mdw cs berkeley edu>
+% Last updated 22 Nov 00
+% This is a LaTeX package with a set of helper routines for generating
+% PDF-based presentations with pdflatex and the foiltex macros. To use 
+% it just
+%    \usepackage{mdwslides}
+% at the top of your document.
+% Basic usage:
+% \slide{Slide title}
+% \begin{list1}
+% \item This is a list item
+% \item This is another list item
+%      \begin{list2}
+%      \item Second-level list
+%              \begin{list3}
+%              \item Third-level list
+%              \end{list3}
+%      \end{list2}
+% \end{list1}
+% Macros for commonly-used TTF fonts are included. Margins, colors,
+% etc. all set for my regular presentation format; these are easy to
+% tweak.
+% Define page margins
+% Define colors
+% Use following for gradient:
+% \vpagecolor[topcol]{botcol}
+% Use following for solid color:
+% Set default color (used for title, footer, etc.)
+% Set up fonts
+% Set default fonts
+% Define various macros
+\newcommand{\slide}[1]{\foilhead{\slingbold #1}}
+% Define list1, list2, list3 environments
+% Turn of bullets on top-level list items (only used with itemize)
diff --git a/talk/pagetrans.sty b/talk/pagetrans.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a45be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pagetrans.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%% Transition commands for use with hyperref.
+%% Thanks to Marc van Dongen <dongen cs ucc ie> for preparing this.
+  \hypersetup{pdfpagetransition={#1}}
+  \pagetransition{Split /Dm /H /M /O}
+  \pagetransition{Split /Dm /H /M /I}
+  \pagetransition{Split /Dm /V /M /O}
+  \pagetransition{Split /Dm /V /M /I}
+  \pagetransition{Blinds /Dm /H}
+  \pagetransition{Blinds /Dm /V}
+  \pagetransition{Box /M /O}
+  \pagetransition{Box /M /I}
+% argument must be number from 0 to 360
+  \pagetransition{Wipe /Di #1}
+  \pagetransition{Dissolve}
+% argument must be number 0, 270 or 315
+  \pagetransition{Glitter /Di #1}
+  \pagetransition{Replace}
diff --git a/talk/pause.sty b/talk/pause.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f31153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pause.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+%% pause.sty                                      18 Jun 2002
+%% History:
+%% The initial version was created                11 Jun 1999
+%% Updated to allow options                       10 Mar 2000
+%% Restructured after tests                       03 Apr 2000
+%% Added procesing for random builds              07 May 2000
+%% Supply test for new enough pdftex              09 May 2000
+%% No need for pdftex 14 any more                 31 May 2000
+%% Added commands for highligthing etc.           12 Jun 2000
+%% Added options ignore, nomarkers and dvipdfm
+%% runs with vlatex and dvipdfm                   10 Nov 2001
+%% Update comment section                         13 Jun 2002
+%% Make catcodes safe for pdfliteral              18 Jun 2002
+%%   Because we need a color definition this can be used
+%%   primarily with LaTeX. Thus we can also rely on \@ifnextchar
+%%   and LaTeX option processing.
+%% insert small colored chunks to mark spots in the pdf file,
+%% where a break should be made during display.
+%% This method needs postprocessing by another program.
+%% But one can preview the formatted text, where stops are indicated
+%% as small colored chunks. These will vanish during postprocessing.
+%% Take care: because we have to insert pdf comments starting with
+%% the letter '%' the catcode of '%' will be changed temporarily.
+%% must define all optional variants to support creating a file
+%% without pdf elements
+%% Options
+\newif\ifpause@ignore    \pause@ignorefalse
+\newif\ifpause@nomarkers \pause@nomarkersfalse
+\newif\ifpause@dvipdfm   \pause@dvipdfmfalse
+%% warning if ignore and nomarkers
+  \ifpause@nomarkers
+    \message{Warning, options ignore and nomarkers used together}
+  \fi
+%% We need to make sure that , and : are not active characters while
+%% we read these macro definitions.
+%% Save their current catcode settings now and restore them at the end
+  \pppp@x\:\relax
+  \pppp@x\,\relax
+\def\pause{\@ifnextchar [{\pppp@pause}{\pppp@pause[]}}
+%% dvipdfm support
+  {\catcode`\^^M=12
+  \gdef\pdfliteral#1{\special{pdf: content
+      #1
+  }}}
+  \message{Using color settings for dvipdfm}
+  \RequirePackage[dvipdfm]{color}
+  %% This is for the support of the dvipdfm color philosophy
+  \def\pppp@gettail #1 #2:{#2}
+  \def\pppp@gethead #1 #2:{#1}
+  \def\pppp@tail #1{\expandafter\pppp@gettail #1:}
+  \def\pppp@tailtail #1{\expandafter\pppp@gettail\pppp@gettail #1::}
+  \def\pppp@head #1{\expandafter\pppp@gethead #1:}
+  \def\pppp@removebrackets[#1]{#1}
+  % maps dvipdfm color arguments to pdf color commands
+  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmap #1{\expandafter\pppp@grayorother#1:}
+  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmapper#1{\csname dvipdfmmapel@#1\endcsname}
+  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue#1{\expandafter\def\csname dvipdfmmapel@#1\endcsname}
+  \def\pppp@grayorother#1#2:{\pppp@dvipdfmmapper{#1}[#1#2]}
+  \def\pppp@rgborcmyk #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6:{\pppp@dvipdfmmapper{#6}[#2 #3 #4 #5]}
+  % for the latest dvipdfm.def-File
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{c}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} k \pppp@tail{#1} K}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{r}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} rg \pppp@tail{#1} RG}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{g}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} g \pppp@tail{#1} G}
+  % for dvipdfm.def with bg-error
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{b}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} g \pppp@tail{#1} G}
+  % support of the older format ([...],...)
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{0}[#1]{#1 g #1 G}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{1}[#1]{#1 g #1 G}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{[}[#1]{\expandafter\pppp@removebrackets[\expandafter\pppp@rgborcmyk #1 :}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{}[#1]{#1rg #1RG}
+  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{ }[#1]{#1 k #1 K}
+  \def\pppp@colortostring #1{\expandafter\pppp@dvipdfmmap\csname\string\color@#1\endcsname}
+  \RequirePackage{color}
+  \def\pppp@colortostring #1{\csname\string\color@#1\endcsname}
+%% We need to make sure that our argument parameters do not contain
+%% active characters when we are called. This means we better set the
+%% catcodes for some common delimiters in our arguments. Let's hope
+%% that nobody is going to change the letters and digits, too.
+  \catcode`\+12\relax
+  \catcode`\-12\relax
+  \catcode`\:12\relax
+  \catcode`\=12\relax
+  }
+%% now we need a section where % can be written to pdf files.
+%% thus make ! a comment character
+     \ifpause@ignore
+       \relax
+     \else
+       \pdfliteral{%pause}!
+       \ifpause@nomarkers
+         \relax
+       \else
+         \color{pp4red}\vrule width 2truemm height 5truemm\hss ! the marker
+       \fi
+       \pdfliteral{%esuap #1}!
+     \fi}
+ \gdef\pppp@pause[#1]{!
+      \ifvmode
+        \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hsize0pt\noindent\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}}\else!hmode or mmode
+        \null\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}\null!
+        !\null\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}\null
+      \fi}
+ \ifpause@ignore
+   !! define dummies, if \pause should be ignored
+   \gdef\pauselevel#1{\relax}!
+   \gdef\pausecolors#1#2#3{}!
+   \gdef\pausecolorreset{\relax}
+   \gdef\pausebuild{\relax}
+   \gdef\pausehighlight{\relax}
+ \else
+   \gdef\pauselevel{\bgroup\pppp@catcodes\pppp@pauselevel}!
+   \gdef\pppp@pauselevel#1{\pdfliteral{%pauselevel #1}\egroup}!
+   \gdef\pausecolors#1#2#3{!
+     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor \pppp@colortostring{#1}\space \pppp@colortostring{#2}\space 
+   \gdef\pausecolorreset{!
+     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor reset}}!
+   \gdef\pausebuild{!
+     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor appear}}!
+   \gdef\pausehighlight{!
+     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor highlight}}!
+ \fi

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