[nautilus/wip/ernestask/gtk4-continued] flatpak: Use single manifest

commit cf7f41df70df3de8e937065d5e89951075ab0685
Author: Ernestas Kulik <ernestask gnome org>
Date:   Sat Jul 14 14:39:18 2018 +0300

    flatpak: Use single manifest

 .gitlab-ci.yml                                     |  90 ++------------
 build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.Nautilus.json          | 133 ---------------------
 build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.Nautilus.yml           |  97 ---------------
 build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusGtk4.yml       |  87 --------------
 ...me.NautilusMaster.yml => org.gnome.Nautilus.yml |  17 ++-
 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 408 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 3f1d7c579..66d85c9cd 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -14,26 +14,20 @@ stages:
       - ninja test
-    image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:3.28
+    image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:master
     stage: test
-        MANIFEST_PATH: "build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.Nautilus.yml"
-        MESON_ARGS: "-Dprofile=development -Dtests=all"
-        FLATPAK_MODULE: "nautilus"
-        RUNTIME_REPO: "https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome.flatpakrepo";
-        DBUS_ID: "org.gnome.NautilusDevel"
+        MANIFEST_PATH: "org.gnome.Nautilus.yml"
+        MESON_ARGS: "-Dprofile=Devel -Dtests=all"
+        RUNTIME_REPO: "https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo";
+        APP_ID: "org.gnome.NautilusDevel"
-        - flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-        # Make sure to keep this in sync with the Flatpak manifest, all arguments
-        # are passed except the config-args because we build it ourselves
-        - flatpak build app meson --prefix=/app --libdir=lib ${MESON_ARGS} _build
-        - flatpak build app ninja -C _build install
-        - flatpak-builder --finish-only --repo=repo app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
+        - flatpak-builder --repo=repo app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
         # Run automatic tests inside the Flatpak env
-        - xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" flatpak build app ninja -C _build test
+        - xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" flatpak build app ninja -C _build testi
         # Generate a Flatpak bundle
-        - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${DBUS_ID}
+        - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${APP_ID}
             - ${BUNDLE}
@@ -116,71 +110,3 @@ opensuse:tumbleweed:
         - schedules
         - web
         - tags
-    image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:master
-    stage: cross_environment
-    variables:
-        MANIFEST_PATH: "build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusMaster.yml"
-        MESON_ARGS: "-Dprofile=Master -Dtests=all"
-        FLATPAK_MODULE: "nautilus"
-        RUNTIME_REPO: "https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo";
-        DBUS_ID: "org.gnome.NautilusMaster"
-    script:
-        - flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-        # Make sure to keep this in sync with the Flatpak manifest, all arguments
-        # are passed except the config-args because we build it ourselves
-        - flatpak build app meson --prefix=/app --libdir=lib ${MESON_ARGS} _build
-        - flatpak build app ninja -C _build install
-        - flatpak-builder --finish-only --repo=repo app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-        # Run automatic tests inside the Flatpak env
-        - xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" flatpak build app ninja -C _build test
-        # Generate a Flatpak bundle
-        - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${DBUS_ID}
-    artifacts:
-        paths:
-            - ${BUNDLE}
-            - _build/meson-logs/
-        expire_in: 30 days
-    cache:
-        paths:
-            - .flatpak-builder/cache
-    only:
-        - schedules
-        - web
-        - tags
-    image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:master
-    stage: cross_environment
-    variables:
-        MANIFEST_PATH: "build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusGtk4.yml"
-        MESON_ARGS: "-Dprofile=Gtk4 -Dtests=all"
-        FLATPAK_MODULE: "nautilus"
-        RUNTIME_REPO: "https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo";
-        DBUS_ID: "org.gnome.NautilusGtk4"
-    script:
-        - flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-        # Make sure to keep this in sync with the Flatpak manifest, all arguments
-        # are passed except the config-args because we build it ourselves
-        - flatpak build app meson --prefix=/app --libdir=lib ${MESON_ARGS} _build
-        - flatpak build app ninja -C _build install
-        - flatpak-builder --finish-only --repo=repo app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-        # Run automatic tests inside the Flatpak env
-        - xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" flatpak build app ninja -C _build test
-        # Generate a Flatpak bundle
-        - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${DBUS_ID}
-    artifacts:
-        paths:
-            - ${BUNDLE}
-            - _build/meson-logs/
-        expire_in: 30 days
-    cache:
-        paths:
-            - .flatpak-builder/cache
-    only:
-        - schedules
-        - web
-        - tags
diff --git a/build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusMaster.yml b/org.gnome.Nautilus.yml
similarity index 92%
rename from build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusMaster.yml
rename to org.gnome.Nautilus.yml
index 1f78a7ff9..88abc9e1f 100644
--- a/build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.NautilusMaster.yml
+++ b/org.gnome.Nautilus.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-app-id: org.gnome.NautilusMaster
+app-id: org.gnome.NautilusDevel
 runtime: org.gnome.Platform
 runtime-version: master
 sdk: org.gnome.Sdk
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tags:
   - devel
   - nightly
   - master
-desktop-file-name-prefix: (Development Master)
+desktop-file-name-prefix: (Development Snapshot)
   - --filesystem=host
   - --share=ipc
@@ -122,12 +122,11 @@ modules:
       - "/lib/pkgconfig"
   - name: nautilus
-    buildsystem: meson
-    builddir: true
-    build-options:
-      config-opts:
-        - --libdir=/app/lib
-        - -Dprofile=Master
       - type: git
-        url: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus.git
+        path: .
+    config-opts:
+      - "--libdir=lib"
+      - "-Dprofile=Devel"
+    buildsystem: meson
+    builddir: true

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