[gnome-builder/wip/snwh/symbolics] symbolic icons: update lang-include and lang-define

commit b5f41b926f1b91f6004a65ba7e3df98cd2e6526c
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 14:58:23 2018 -0400

    symbolic icons: update lang-include and lang-define

 .../hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-define-symbolic.svg |  2 +-
 .../scalable/actions/lang-include-symbolic.svg        |  2 +-
 data/icons/src/symbolic.svg                           | 19 +++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-define-symbolic.svg 
index 96031659d..1caef0f44 100644
--- a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-define-symbolic.svg
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-define-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16">
-    <path d="M8 1a7 7 0 1 0 0 14A7 7 0 0 0 8 1zM5.53 5.023h2l-.176 1h2l.175-1h1.908l-.176 1H12v1h-.917l-.259 
2H12v1h-1.354l-.175 1h-2l.175-1h-2l-.175 1H4.6l.139-1H4v-1h.899l.277-2H4v-1h1.354zm1.422 1.888l-.445 
2.206H9.01l.43-2.206z" color="#000" overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436"/>
+    <path d="M8 1a7 7 0 1 0 0 14A7 7 0 0 0 8 1zM5 
4.023h2v2h2v-2h2v2h1v1h-1v2h1v1h-1v2H9v-2H7v2H5v-2H4v-1h1v-2H4v-1h1zm2 3v2h2v-2z" color="#000" 
overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-include-symbolic.svg 
index 75a4e36ff..73b4d0f78 100644
--- a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-include-symbolic.svg
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/lang-include-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16">
-    <path d="M5.59 2l-.53 3.006H3.07L2.88 6.09h1.988L4.177 10H2.189l-.192 1.084h1.988L3.47 
14h1.972l.516-2.916h3.065L8.507 14h1.973l.515-2.916h2.033L13.22 
10h-2.033l.691-3.91h2.033l.192-1.084h-2.034L12.601 2H10.63l-.531 3.006H7.032L7.564 2zm1.25 4.09h3.067L9.214 
10H6.149z" color="#000" overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436"/>
+    <path d="M5 1v3H3v2h2v4H3v2h2v3h2v-3h3v3h2v-3h2v-2h-2V6h2V4h-2V1h-2v3H7V1zm2 5h3v4H7z" color="#000" 
overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/data/icons/src/symbolic.svg b/data/icons/src/symbolic.svg
index 65a2daeb2..759959d24 100644
--- a/data/icons/src/symbolic.svg
+++ b/data/icons/src/symbolic.svg
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
-     inkscape:zoom="1.4142136"
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-     inkscape:cy="-182.18098"
+     inkscape:zoom="1"
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+     inkscape:cy="-148.58331"
@@ -2686,9 +2686,10 @@
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-         d="m 168.72669,197 -0.53125,3.00586 h -1.98828 l -0.19141,1.08398 h 1.98828 L 167.31263,205 h 
-1.98828 l -0.19141,1.08398 h 1.98828 L 166.6056,209 h 1.97265 l 0.51563,-2.91602 h 3.06445 L 171.6427,209 h 
1.97266 l 0.51563,-2.91602 h 2.0332 L 176.3556,205 h -2.03321 l 0.69141,-3.91016 h 2.0332 l 0.19141,-1.08398 
h -2.0332 L 175.73646,197 h -1.97071 l -0.53125,3.00586 h -3.0664 L 170.69935,197 Z m 1.25,4.08984 h 3.06641 
L 172.34974,205 h -3.06446 z"
+         d="m 168.13581,196 v 3 h -2 v 2 h 2 v 4 h -2 v 2 h 2 v 3 h 2 v -3 h 3 v 3 h 2 v -3 h 2 v -2 h -2 v 
-4 h 2 v -2 h -2 v -3 h -2 v 3 h -3 v -3 z m 2,5 h 3 v 4 h -3 z"
-         inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
+         inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
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@@ -2696,11 +2697,9 @@
-         d="m 228,0.9765625 c -3.86599,0 -7,3.134007 -7,7 0,3.8659935 3.13401,6.9999995 7,6.9999995 
3.86599,0 7,-3.134006 7,-6.9999995 0,-3.865993 -3.13401,-7 -7,-7 z M 225.5293,5 h 2 l -0.17578,1 h 2 l 
0.17578,-1 h 1.90759 l -0.17578,1 H 232 v 1 h -0.91663 l -0.25915,2 H 232 v 1 h -1.35352 l -0.17578,1 h -2 l 
0.17578,-1 h -2 l -0.17578,1 h -1.86931 l 0.13844,-1 H 224 V 9 h 0.8989 l 0.27688,-2 H 224 V 6 h 1.35352 z m 
1.42244,1.8879813 -0.4449,2.2053676 h 2.50408 l 0.42944,-2.2053676 z"
-         transform="translate(-56.864197,195.02344)"
-         id="path17573"
-         inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-         sodipodi:nodetypes="ssssscccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
+         d="M 28 140.97656 C 24.13401 140.97656 21 144.11057 21 147.97656 C 21 151.84256 24.13401 154.97656 
28 154.97656 C 31.86599 154.97656 35 151.84256 35 147.97656 C 35 144.11057 31.86599 140.97656 28 140.97656 z 
M 25 144 L 27 144 L 27 146 L 29 146 L 29 144 L 31 144 L 31 146 L 32 146 L 32 147 L 31 147 L 31 149 L 32 149 L 
32 150 L 31 150 L 31 152 L 29 152 L 29 150 L 27 150 L 27 152 L 25 152 L 25 150 L 24 150 L 24 149 L 25 149 L 
25 147 L 24 147 L 24 146 L 25 146 L 25 144 z M 27 147 L 27 149 L 29 149 L 29 147 L 27 147 z "
+         transform="translate(143.1358,55.02344)"
+         id="path17573" />

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