[gimp-web] (20 commits) ...2.10.4: typo fix

Summary of changes:

  7bbdcbf... Update the Participate page (*)
  fd5f842... Update /bugs/ to change Bugzilla references. (*)
  4c76e56... Update /bugs/report.html (*)
  56575d5... update content/bugs/submit-patch.html (*)
  b2b508d... Minor change to text (*)
  dea0cce... Issue #2: website instructions on upgrading 2.8. (*)
  0566b2f... Mention the search system in the 2.10 release notes (*)
  b90b0e0... Mention Jehan's second name too (*)
  7279039... Add new directory for GIMP 2.10.4 news (*)
  a66e1c7... Add first draft of 2.10.4 news (*)
  222560e... Update 2.10.4 draft: GEGL changes (*)
  a7a149e... 2.10.4: add more videos, fill the Ongoing Development secti (*)
  f91e64a... 2.10.4: formatting fix, macos builds (*)
  366de1c... 2.10.4: babl updates (*)
  cf65fb5... 2.10.4: unsharp mask (*)
  98bd7ac... Small fixes to 2.10.4 release announcement (*)
  48d1ca2... 2.10.4: rename news folder to match actual release date (*)
  edfa047... 2.10.4: add screenshots (*)
  3e7b2d6... 2.10.4: remove draft status (*)
  07b4473... 2.10.4: typo fix (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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