[pygobject] setup.py: add a "test" command which is equal to "make check" with autotools

commit 2ccef77f240149891fe9e8f557c7afc951a91839
Author: Christoph Reiter <reiter christoph gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jan 18 17:08:26 2018 +0100

    setup.py: add a "test" command which is equal to "make check" with autotools
    Adds a "build_tests" command which builds all resources required for testing.
    It has some simple dependency awareness and only rebuilds if any of the direct
    sources have changed. Passing -f/--force will force a rebuild.
    Adds a new "test" command which builds the main extension module in the source
    directory, runs "build_tests" and finally runs all tests.
    Extends the "distcheck" command to run the tests after extracting the source
    distribution and run the distcheck command in the gitlab CI script.
    Only tested on Linux.

 .gitlab-ci/test-docker.sh          |   3 +
 docs/devguide/building_testing.rst |  28 ++--
 setup.py                           | 336 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 tests/runtests.py                  |   1 +
 4 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker.sh b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker.sh
index 60a25761..4143face 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker.sh
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker.sh
@@ -28,3 +28,6 @@ if [[ "${PYVER}" == "2" ]]; then
     python -m pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
     python -m sphinx -W -a -E -b html -n docs docs/_build
+xvfb-run -a python setup.py distcheck
diff --git a/docs/devguide/building_testing.rst b/docs/devguide/building_testing.rst
index 87f86000..4ec792a5 100644
--- a/docs/devguide/building_testing.rst
+++ b/docs/devguide/building_testing.rst
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Building & Testing
-Building with Autotools
+Using Autotools
 Building for Python 2:
@@ -20,19 +20,6 @@ Building for Python 3:
-Building with Setuptools
-Building in the source directory:
-    python setup.py buildext --inplace
 To run the test suite::
     make check
@@ -54,3 +41,14 @@ To executes all the tests in valgrind::
 To execute pyflakes and pep8 tests::
     make check.quality
+Using Setuptools
+Building and testing in the source directory:
+    python2 setup.py test
+    python3 setup.py test
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 95669dba..ab1f494c 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from email import parser
 import pkg_resources
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-from distutils.core import Extension, Distribution
+from distutils.core import Extension, Distribution, Command
 from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
 from distutils import dir_util
@@ -130,7 +130,10 @@ def pkg_config_version_check(pkg, version):
 def pkg_config_parse(opt, pkg):
     ret = _run_pkg_config([opt, pkg])
-    output = ret.decode()
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        output = ret.decode()
+    else:
+        output = ret
     opt = opt[-2:]
     return [x.lstrip(opt) for x in output.split()]
@@ -153,7 +156,8 @@ du_sdist = get_command_class("sdist")
 class distcheck(du_sdist):
     """Creates a tarball and does some additional sanity checks such as
-    checking if the tarballs includes all files and builds.
+    checking if the tarball includes all files, builds successfully and
+    the tests suite passes.
     def _check_manifest(self):
@@ -211,6 +215,7 @@ class distcheck(du_sdist):
                         os.path.join(distcheck_dir, "log.txt"),
+            self.spawn([sys.executable, "setup.py", "test"])
@@ -220,6 +225,280 @@ class distcheck(du_sdist):
+class build_tests(Command):
+    description = "build test libraries and extensions"
+    user_options = [
+        ("force", "f", "force a rebuild"),
+    ]
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        self.build_temp = None
+        self.force = False
+    def finalize_options(self):
+        self.set_undefined_options(
+            'build_ext',
+            ('build_temp', 'build_temp'))
+    def _newer_group(self, sources, target):
+        from distutils.dep_util import newer_group
+        if self.force:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return newer_group(sources, target)
+    def run(self):
+        from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
+        from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
+        gidatadir = pkg_config_parse(
+            "--variable=gidatadir", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+        g_ir_scanner = pkg_config_parse(
+            "--variable=g_ir_scanner", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+        g_ir_compiler = pkg_config_parse(
+            "--variable=g_ir_compiler", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+        script_dir = get_script_dir()
+        tests_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "tests")
+        gi_tests_dir = os.path.join(gidatadir, "tests")
+        schema_xml = os.path.join(tests_dir, "org.gnome.test.gschema.xml")
+        schema_bin = os.path.join(tests_dir, "gschemas.compiled")
+        if self._newer_group([schema_xml], schema_bin):
+            subprocess.check_call([
+                "glib-compile-schemas",
+                "--targetdir=%s" % tests_dir,
+                "--schema-file=%s" % schema_xml,
+            ])
+        compiler = new_compiler()
+        customize_compiler(compiler)
+        def build_ext(ext):
+            ext_path = os.path.join(
+                tests_dir,
+                compiler.shared_object_filename(ext.name))
+            if self._newer_group(ext.sources + ext.depends, ext_path):
+                objects = compiler.compile(
+                    ext.sources,
+                    output_dir=self.build_temp,
+                    include_dirs=ext.include_dirs)
+                compiler.link_shared_object(
+                    objects,
+                    ext_path,
+                    output_dir=script_dir,
+                    libraries=ext.libraries,
+                    library_dirs=ext.library_dirs)
+        ext = Extension(
+            name='libgimarshallingtests',
+            sources=[
+                os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "gimarshallingtests.c"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "gimarshallingtestsextra.c"),
+            ],
+            include_dirs=[
+                gi_tests_dir,
+                tests_dir,
+            ],
+            depends=[
+                os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "gimarshallingtests.h"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "gimarshallingtestsextra.h"),
+            ],
+        )
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+        build_ext(ext)
+        gir_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, "GIMarshallingTests-1.0.gir")
+        typelib_path = os.path.join(
+            tests_dir, "GIMarshallingTests-1.0.typelib")
+        if self._newer_group(ext.sources + ext.depends, gir_path):
+            subprocess.check_call([
+                g_ir_scanner,
+                "--include=Gio-2.0",
+                "--namespace=GIMarshallingTests",
+                "--nsversion=1.0",
+                "--symbol-prefix=gi_marshalling_tests",
+                "--warn-all",
+                "--warn-error",
+                "--library-path=%s" % tests_dir,
+                "--library=gimarshallingtests",
+                "--pkg=glib-2.0",
+                "--pkg=gio-2.0",
+                "--output=%s" % gir_path,
+            ] + ext.sources + ext.depends)
+        if self._newer_group([gir_path], typelib_path):
+            subprocess.check_call([
+                g_ir_compiler,
+                gir_path,
+                "--output=%s" % typelib_path,
+            ])
+        ext = Extension(
+            name='libregress',
+            sources=[
+                os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "regress.c"),
+            ],
+            include_dirs=[
+                gi_tests_dir,
+            ],
+            depends=[
+                os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "regress.h"),
+            ],
+        )
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "cairo")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "cairo-gobject")
+        build_ext(ext)
+        gir_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, "Regress-1.0.gir")
+        typelib_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, "Regress-1.0.typelib")
+        if self._newer_group(ext.sources + ext.depends, gir_path):
+            subprocess.check_call([
+                g_ir_scanner,
+                "--include=cairo-1.0",
+                "--include=Gio-2.0",
+                "--namespace=Regress",
+                "--nsversion=1.0",
+                "--warn-all",
+                "--warn-error",
+                "--library-path=%s" % tests_dir,
+                "--library=regress",
+                "--pkg=glib-2.0",
+                "--pkg=gio-2.0",
+                "--pkg=cairo",
+                "--pkg=cairo-gobject",
+                "--output=%s" % gir_path,
+            ] + ext.sources + ext.depends)
+        if self._newer_group([gir_path], typelib_path):
+            subprocess.check_call([
+                g_ir_compiler,
+                gir_path,
+                "--output=%s" % typelib_path,
+            ])
+        ext = Extension(
+            name='tests.testhelper',
+            sources=[
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "testhelpermodule.c"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-floating.c"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-thread.c"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-unknown.c"),
+            ],
+            include_dirs=[
+                os.path.join(script_dir, "gi"),
+                tests_dir,
+            ],
+            depends=[
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-thread.h"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-unknown.h"),
+                os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-floating.h"),
+            ],
+        )
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+        add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "cairo")
+        dist = Distribution({"ext_modules": [ext]})
+        cmd = dist.get_command_obj("build_ext")
+        cmd.inplace = True
+        cmd.ensure_finalized()
+        cmd.run()
+class test(Command):
+    user_options = []
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        pass
+    def finalize_options(self):
+        pass
+    def run(self):
+        cmd = self.reinitialize_command("build_ext")
+        cmd.inplace = True
+        cmd.ensure_finalized()
+        cmd.run()
+        cmd = self.reinitialize_command("build_tests")
+        cmd.ensure_finalized()
+        cmd.run()
+        tests_dir = os.path.join(get_script_dir(), "tests")
+        subprocess.check_call([
+            sys.executable,
+            os.path.join(tests_dir, "runtests.py"),
+        ])
+def get_script_dir():
+    return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+def get_pycairo_include_dir():
+    """Returns the best guess at where to find the pycairo headers.
+    Raises if pycairo isn't found.
+    """
+    script_dir = get_script_dir()
+    min_version = get_version_requirement(
+        script_dir, get_pycairo_pkg_config_name())
+    dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution("pycairo>=%s" % min_version)
+    def get_sys_path(dist, name):
+        """The sysconfig path for a distribution, or None"""
+        location = dist.location
+        for scheme in sysconfig.get_scheme_names():
+            for path_type in ["platlib", "purelib"]:
+                path = sysconfig.get_path(path_type, scheme)
+                try:
+                    if samefile(path, location):
+                        return sysconfig.get_path(name, scheme)
+                except EnvironmentError:
+                    pass
+    data_path = get_sys_path(dist, "data") or sys.prefix
+    return os.path.join(data_path, "include", "pycairo")
+def add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler_type, name):
+    script_dir = get_script_dir()
+    msvc_libraries = {
+        "glib-2.0": ["glib-2.0"],
+        "gio-2.0": ["gio-2.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+        "gobject-introspection-1.0":
+            ["girepository-1.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+        "cairo": ["cairo"],
+        "cairo-gobject":
+            ["cairo-gobject", "cairo", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+        "libffi": ["ffi"],
+    }
+    fallback_libs = msvc_libraries[name]
+    if compiler_type == "msvc":
+        # assume that INCLUDE and LIB contains the right paths
+        ext.libraries += fallback_libs
+    else:
+        min_version = get_version_requirement(script_dir, name)
+        pkg_config_version_check(name, min_version)
+        ext.include_dirs += pkg_config_parse("--cflags-only-I", name)
+        ext.library_dirs += pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-L", name)
+        ext.libraries += pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-l", name)
 du_build_ext = get_command_class("build_ext")
@@ -234,7 +513,7 @@ class build_ext(du_build_ext):
         self.compiler_type = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler).compiler_type
     def _write_config_h(self):
-        script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+        script_dir = get_script_dir()
         target = os.path.join(script_dir, "config.h")
         versions = parse_versions(script_dir)
         with io.open(target, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as h:
@@ -253,53 +532,12 @@ class build_ext(du_build_ext):
     def _setup_extensions(self):
         ext = {e.name: e for e in self.extensions}
-        script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-        msvc_libraries = {
-            "glib-2.0": ["glib-2.0"],
-            "gio-2.0": ["gio-2.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
-            "gobject-introspection-1.0":
-                ["girepository-1.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
-            "cairo": ["cairo"],
-            "cairo-gobject":
-                ["cairo-gobject", "cairo", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
-            "libffi": ["ffi"],
-        }
         def add_dependency(ext, name):
-            fallback_libs = msvc_libraries[name]
-            if self.compiler_type == "msvc":
-                # assume that INCLUDE and LIB contains the right paths
-                ext.libraries += fallback_libs
-            else:
-                min_version = get_version_requirement(script_dir, name)
-                pkg_config_version_check(name, min_version)
-                ext.include_dirs += pkg_config_parse("--cflags-only-I", name)
-                ext.library_dirs += pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-L", name)
-                ext.libraries += pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-l", name)
+            add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, self.compiler_type, name)
         def add_pycairo(ext):
-            min_version = get_version_requirement(
-                script_dir, get_pycairo_pkg_config_name())
-            dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution("pycairo>=%s" % min_version)
-            def get_sys_path(dist, name):
-                """The sysconfig path for a distribution, or None"""
-                location = dist.location
-                for scheme in sysconfig.get_scheme_names():
-                    for path_type in ["platlib", "purelib"]:
-                        path = sysconfig.get_path(path_type, scheme)
-                        try:
-                            if samefile(path, location):
-                                return sysconfig.get_path(name, scheme)
-                        except EnvironmentError:
-                            pass
-            data_path = get_sys_path(dist, "data") or sys.prefix
-            include_dir = os.path.join(data_path, "include", "pycairo")
+            include_dir = get_pycairo_include_dir()
             ext.include_dirs += [include_dir]
         gi_ext = ext["gi._gi"]
@@ -324,7 +562,7 @@ class build_ext(du_build_ext):
 def main():
-    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    script_dir = get_script_dir()
     pkginfo = parse_pkg_info(script_dir)
     gi_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "gi")
@@ -375,6 +613,8 @@ def main():
             "build_ext": build_ext,
             "distcheck": distcheck,
+            "build_tests": build_tests,
+            "test": test,
             "pycairo>=%s" % get_version_requirement(
diff --git a/tests/runtests.py b/tests/runtests.py
index fda4dd18..79297d0f 100755
--- a/tests/runtests.py
+++ b/tests/runtests.py
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import gi
 gi.require_version("GIRepository", "2.0")
 from gi.repository import GIRepository
 repo = GIRepository.Repository.get_default()
 repo.prepend_library_path(os.path.join(tests_builddir, ".libs"))

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