[gimp-gap/gap-2-8] applied patch from #792549 to fix typos

commit 602664c940c312b30913ce7f4cb16f07ad164036
Author: Wolfgang Hofer <wolfgangh svn gnome org>
Date:   Fri Jan 19 14:03:15 2018 +0100

    applied patch from #792549 to fix  typos

 ChangeLog                       |   16 ++++++++++++++++
 gap/gap_base_ops.c              |    2 +-
 gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c     |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c  |   16 ++++++++--------
 gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c |    2 +-
 gap/gap_morph_dialog.c          |   10 +++++-----
 gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c    |   10 +++++-----
 gap/gap_mov_dialog.c            |    4 ++--
 gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c |    4 ++--
 gap/gap_wr_resynth.c            |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 1fc4486..c6aac87 100755
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2017-01-19 Wolfgang Hofer <hof gimp org>
+- applied patch provided by Anders Jonsson @ https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792549
+  (0001-Fix-typos-in-translatable-strings.txt)
+ * gap/gap_base_ops.c
+ * gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c
+ * gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c
+ * gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c
+ * gap/gap_morph_dialog.c
+ * gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c
+ * gap/gap_mov_dialog.c
+ * gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c
+ * gap/gap_wr_resynth.c
 2017-10-08 Wolfgang Hofer <hof gimp org>
 - Fix for Storyboard Audio rendering in case where clips of the same 
diff --git a/gap/gap_base_ops.c b/gap/gap_base_ops.c
index bd3b101..c9e71e4 100644
--- a/gap/gap_base_ops.c
+++ b/gap/gap_base_ops.c
@@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ p_rename_frames(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, char *newBasenamePtr, gboolean doRename)
-      gimp_progress_init(_("Check Framnames"));
+      gimp_progress_init(_("Check Framenames"));
diff --git a/gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c b/gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c
index 74b9b9d..8fb270a 100644
--- a/gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c
+++ b/gap/gap_detail_align_exec.c
@@ -1569,11 +1569,11 @@ gap_detail_xml_align_dialog(XmlAlignValues *xaVals)
   argv[ii].constraint = TRUE;
   argv[ii].label_txt = _("PrecisionThreshold:");
   argv[ii].help_txt  = _("Threshold for fine tuning purpose. "
-                         "Iterative calulated coordinates with precision lower than this threshold "
+                         "Iterative calculated coordinates with precision lower than this threshold "
                          "are used for fine tuning probe render attempts. "
-                         "icreasing the threshold results in more probe attempts "
-                         "and makes processng very slow but typically reduces jitter effects."
-                         "Setting the threshold smaller than precision diasbles finetuning probe rendering."
+                         "increasing the threshold results in more probe attempts "
+                         "and makes processing very slow but typically reduces jitter effects. "
+                         "Setting the threshold smaller than precision disables finetuning probe rendering. "
                          "Note that finetuning also depends on the presence of a reference layer "
                          "with layername REF in the 1st handled frame");
   argv[ii].flt_min   = 0.0;
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ gap_detail_xml_align_dialog(XmlAlignValues *xaVals)
  *            POINT_ORDER_MODE_21_43 : order 0,2,1,3  alternative point order.
  *            POINT_ORDER_MODE_1234_1234: alternative with 2 paths, 
  *                                      using active path as Source mark 4 points in the active layer
- *                                      and sperate path vectors with name "TARGET"
+ *                                      and separate path vectors with name "TARGET"
 static gint
@@ -3679,7 +3679,7 @@ p_refresh_and_update_infoLabel(GtkWidget *widgetDummy, AlignDialogVals *advPtr)
       infoText = g_strdup_printf(_("Current paths are not valid for Perspective transformation:\n"
                             "    For valid transformation 4 points are required\n"
                             "    both in the active path and in another path with the name: %s \n"
-                            "    AND the connection of the 4 points must build up 4 differnt lines.\n"
+                            "    AND the connection of the 4 points must build up 4 different lines.\n"
                             , GAP_EXACT_ALIGNER_TARGET_PATH_NAME
@@ -4091,22 +4091,22 @@ gap_detail_exact_align_via_4point_path(gint32 image_id, gint32 activeDrawableId
       g_message(_("This filter requires a current path with 4 points, "
                 "where point 1 and 2 mark reference positions "
-                "and point 3 and 4 mark positions in the target layer."
+                "and point 3 and 4 mark positions in the target layer. "
                 "It transforms the target layer in a way that "
-                "point3 is moved to point1 and point4 moves to point2."
+                "point3 is moved to point1 and point4 moves to point2. "
                 "(this may include rotate and scale transformation).\n"
-                "A path with 2 points can be used to move point2 to point1."
+                "A path with 2 points can be used to move point2 to point1. "
                 "(via simple move operation without rotate and scale)"));
       g_message(_("This filter requires a current path with 4 points, "
                 "where point 1 and 3 mark reference positions "
-                "and point 2 and 4 mark positions in the target layer."
+                "and point 2 and 4 mark positions in the target layer. "
                 "It transforms the target layer in a way that "
-                "point2 is moved to point1 and point4 moves to point3."
+                "point2 is moved to point1 and point4 moves to point3. "
                 "(this may include rotate and scale transformation).\n"
-                "A path with 2 points can be used to move point2 to point1."
+                "A path with 2 points can be used to move point2 to point1. "
                 "(via simple move operation without rotate and scale)"));
diff --git a/gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c b/gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c
index b2f3711..f95cd81 100644
--- a/gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c
+++ b/gap/gap_detail_tracking_main.c
@@ -291,14 +291,14 @@ static void query (void)
   fineTuningText = g_strdup_printf(_("optional fine tuning "
                             "is triggered when the frame image has an additional Layer "
-                            "with the special name '%s.' "
-                            "in this case the transformation is done in more probe variants with slightly 
different values "
+                            "with the special name '%s.'. "
+                            "In this case the transformation is done in more probe variants with slightly 
different values "
                             "and the result is compared with the opaque areas in the '%s.' layer "
-                            "for final rendering, the variant is picked that has the minumum difference in 
the compared areas "
+                            "for final rendering, the variant is picked that has the minimum difference in 
the compared areas. "
                             "The performance intensive fine tuning is intended to reduce unwanted jitter 
effects "
                             "with minimal amplitude of just 1 pixel or below "
-                            "when alignment is applied to many frames of a videoclip for stabilsation 
purpose. "
-                            "The the '%s.' layer shall have a layer mask that marks comparable background 
white (opaque)."
+                            "when alignment is applied to many frames of a videoclip for stabilization 
purposes. "
+                            "The '%s.' layer shall have a layer mask that marks comparable background white 
                             " ")
                             , GAP_EXACT_ALIGNER_REF_LAYER_NAME
                             , GAP_EXACT_ALIGNER_REF_LAYER_NAME
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void query (void)
   descriptionText = g_strdup_printf(_("This video frame stabilisation filter transforms the specified layer. 
                             "It uses the relevant controlpoint (that matches the framePhase parameter) in 
the recorded XML file as input.  "
-                            "and calculates offsts, scaling and rotation or perspective corner points to 
transform the layer in a way that "
+                            "and calculates offsets, scaling and rotation or perspective corner points to 
transform the layer in a way that "
                             "the points p1x p1y p2x p2y (p3x p3y p4x p4y) "
                             "will exactly match with the points s1x s1y s2x s2y (s3x s3y s4x s4y) in the 
same controlpoint in the XML file."
                             "(calling this filter with framePhase 1 typically does no transformation) "
@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ static void query (void)
   descriptionText = g_strdup_printf(_("This filter "
-                          "expects a current path with 4 points as input where point 1 and 2 mark positions "
+                          "expects a current path with 4 points as input where points 1 and 2 mark positions 
                           "within a reference layer and points 3 and 4 mark 2 corresponding point in the 
target layer. "
                           "The transformation is applied to the target layer and sets offsets, scaling and 
rotation "
                           "in a way that point3 is placed on position of point1, and point4 is placed on 
position of point2."
                           " "
-                          "As alternitive this filter also provides exact alignment via Perspective 
Transformation. "
+                          "As alternative this filter also provides exact alignment via Perspective 
Transformation. "
                           "Therefore 4 points are required in the current path, and another 4 points are 
required in an "
                           "additional path that must have the name '%s'. The layer will be transformed in a 
way "
                           "that all 4 points in the current path will be placed on their corresponding 
points in the '%s' path."
diff --git a/gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c b/gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c
index 8c8bef4..bebbff5 100644
--- a/gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c
+++ b/gap/gap_edge_detection_dialog.c
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ gap_edge_create_dialog (GapEdgeDetectGuiParams *edguiPtr)
   gtk_table_attach ( GTK_TABLE (table), check_button, 1, 3, row, row+1, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (check_button),
-  gimp_help_set_help_data(check_button, _("ON: apply auto strech levels"), NULL);
+  gimp_help_set_help_data(check_button, _("ON: apply auto stretch levels"), NULL);
   edguiPtr->autoLevels_toggle = check_button;
   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(check_button), "edguiPtr", edguiPtr);
diff --git a/gap/gap_morph_dialog.c b/gap/gap_morph_dialog.c
index 3035581..50d02f0 100644
--- a/gap/gap_morph_dialog.c
+++ b/gap/gap_morph_dialog.c
@@ -3612,10 +3612,10 @@ gap_morph_create_dialog(GapMorphGUIParams *mgup)
   gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE(table), button, 2, 4, row, row+1,
                     GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0 );
-                       _("Create N workpoints following the outline shape of the layer."
-                         "the simple shape detection is looking for non-transparent pixels."
+                       _("Create N workpoints following the outline shape of the layer. "
+                         "The simple shape detection is looking for non-transparent pixels. "
                          "CTRL-click uses an edge detection based shape detection algorithm "
-                         "that is capable to operate on opaque images."
+                         "that is capable to operate on opaque images. "
                          "SHIFT-click: adds the new points and keeps the old points")
                        , NULL);
   gtk_widget_show (button);
@@ -3717,7 +3717,7 @@ gap_morph_create_dialog(GapMorphGUIParams *mgup)
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgup->mgpp->use_gravity);
-                       _("ON: Descending deform action from workpoint (full) to radius (zero). Descend by 
power of intensity."
+                       _("ON: Descending deform action from workpoint (full) to radius (zero). Descend by 
power of intensity. "
                          "OFF: Linear deform action inside the radius")
                        , NULL);
@@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ gap_morph_create_dialog(GapMorphGUIParams *mgup)
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgup->mgpp->use_quality_wp_selection);
-                       _("ON: Use quality workpoint selection algorithm."
+                       _("ON: Use quality workpoint selection algorithm. "
                          "OFF: Use fast workpoint selection algorithm.")
                        , NULL);
diff --git a/gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c b/gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c
index 53f28b7..d43a44c 100644
--- a/gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c
+++ b/gap/gap_morph_tween_dialog.c
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ gap_morph_generate_frame_tween_workpoints_dialog(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, GapMorp
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgpp->use_quality_wp_selection);
-                       _("ON: Use quality workpoint selection algorithm."
+                       _("ON: Use quality workpoint selection algorithm. "
                          "OFF: Use fast workpoint selection algorithm.")
                        , NULL);
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ gap_morph_generate_frame_tween_workpoints_dialog(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, GapMorp
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgpp->overwrite_flag);
-                       _("ON: overwrite existing workpointfiles."
+                       _("ON: overwrite existing workpointfiles. "
                          "OFF: Skip workpoint generation or add new generated workpoints (see append 
                        , NULL);
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ gap_morph_generate_frame_tween_workpoints_dialog(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, GapMorp
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgpp->append_flag);
-                       _("ON: add newly generated workpoints to existing workpointfiles."
+                       _("ON: add newly generated workpoints to existing workpointfiles. "
                          "OFF: Skip workpoint generation for frames where workpointfile already exists.")
                        , NULL);
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ gap_morph_frame_tweens_dialog(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, GapMorphGlobalParams *mgpp
       char *msg;
       msg = g_strdup_printf(ngettext("This operation creates %d missing frame between frame %d and %d"
-                                      ,"this operation creates %d missing frames between frame %d and %d"
+                                      ,"This operation creates %d missing frames between frame %d and %d"
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ gap_morph_frame_tweens_dialog(GapAnimInfo *ainfo_ptr, GapMorphGlobalParams *mgpp
     gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), mgpp->overwrite_flag);
-                         _("ON: overwrite existing frames."
+                         _("ON: overwrite existing frames. "
                            "OFF: skip processing when target frame/tween already exists.")
                          , NULL);
diff --git a/gap/gap_mov_dialog.c b/gap/gap_mov_dialog.c
index ad935a3..e84eb2c 100644
--- a/gap/gap_mov_dialog.c
+++ b/gap/gap_mov_dialog.c
@@ -4436,7 +4436,7 @@ mov_src_sel_create(t_mov_gui_stuff *mgp)
                           0,                                  /* digits */
                           FALSE,                              /* constrain */
                           (gdouble)-9999.0, (gdouble)9999.0,        /* lower, upper (unconstrained) */
-                          _("Handle Offest X is added to x coordinate in all points"),
+                          _("Handle Offset X is added to x coordinate in all points"),
                           NULL);    /* tooltip privatetip */
   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(adj), "mgp", mgp);
   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (adj), "value_changed",
@@ -4456,7 +4456,7 @@ mov_src_sel_create(t_mov_gui_stuff *mgp)
                           0,                                  /* digits */
                           FALSE,                              /* constrain */
                           (gdouble)-9999.0, (gdouble)9999.0,        /* lower, upper (unconstrained) */
-                          _("Handle Offest Y is added to y coordinate in all points"),
+                          _("Handle Offset Y is added to y coordinate in all points"),
                           NULL);    /* tooltip privatetip */
   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(adj), "mgp", mgp);
   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (adj), "value_changed",
diff --git a/gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c b/gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c
index 858ef04..337f530 100644
--- a/gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c
+++ b/gap/gap_opacity_exposure_main.c
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ p_dialog (FilterValues *fiVals, gint32 upperLayerId, gint32 lowerLayerId)
   /* add label that describes how to use this filter */
   label = gtk_label_new (_("This filter adjust opacity of a layer\n"
                            "in a way that the combination with the layer below\n"
-                           "matches the brightness of a reference layer)"));
+                           "matches the brightness of a reference layer"));
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox1), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
   gtk_widget_show (label);
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ p_dialog (FilterValues *fiVals, gint32 upperLayerId, gint32 lowerLayerId)
   g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (checkbutton), "oecd", oecd);
   oecd->useRefLayerLumCheckbutton = checkbutton;
   gtk_widget_show (checkbutton);
-  gimp_help_set_help_data (checkbutton, _("ON: use Average Luminance from opaque pixels in the reference 
layer (ignore Target) OFF: use specified Target Lumninance value"), NULL);
+  gimp_help_set_help_data (checkbutton, _("ON: use Average Luminance from opaque pixels in the reference 
layer (ignore Target) OFF: use specified Target Luminance value"), NULL);
   gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE(table1), checkbutton, 1, 2, row, row+1,
                     GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0 );
   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkbutton), oecd->vals->useRefLayerLum);
diff --git a/gap/gap_wr_resynth.c b/gap/gap_wr_resynth.c
index 9864a81..570abc9 100644
--- a/gap/gap_wr_resynth.c
+++ b/gap/gap_wr_resynth.c
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ p_dialog (TransValues *val_ptr, gint32 drawable_id)
     gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), combo, 1, 3, row, row+1,
                         (GtkAttachOptions) (GTK_FILL),
                         (GtkAttachOptions) (0), 0, 0);
-    gimp_help_set_help_data (combo, _("Select direction from where get sample pattern"), NULL);
+    gimp_help_set_help_data (combo, _("Select direction from where to get sample pattern"), NULL);

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