[dconf-editor] Add completion.

commit a932e345f0279ad5d7d329f0d9f5237610fca547
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jan 7 02:49:47 2018 +0100

    Add completion.
    Should be good enough for a first try.

 editor/completion/dconf-editor |  121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editor/meson.build             |    5 ++
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/editor/completion/dconf-editor b/editor/completion/dconf-editor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c411df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/completion/dconf-editor
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Check for bash
+[ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ] && return
+__dconf-editor() {
+  function gen_paths() {
+    local _cur=$1
+    local _prefix=$2
+    local dconf_choices="$(dconf _complete '' "${_cur}")"
+    local gsettings_current_path=""
+    local gsettings_choices="$(gsettings list-schemas --print-paths |
+                               cut -f2 -d" " |
+                               grep ^${_cur} |
+                               sed -e 's,^'"${_cur}"',,' |
+                               awk '{if($0 != "") {print $1} else if ("'"${_cur:0-1}"'" == "/") {print ""}}' 
+                               awk -F'/' '{if ($0 == "") {print ""} else if(($1 != "") AND 
("'"${_cur:0-1}"'" != "/")) {print $1 "/"}}' |
+                               sed -e 's,.*,'"${_prefix} ${_cur}"'&,' )"
+    local keys_choices="$(gsettings list-schemas --print-paths |
+                          awk -F' ' '{if ("'"${_cur%/*}/"'" == $2) {system("gsettings list-keys "$1)}}' |
+                          sed -e 's,.*,'"${_prefix} ${_cur%/*}/"'&,' )"
+    echo "$(echo "$dconf_choices" "
+               " "$gsettings_current_path" "
+               " "$gsettings_choices" "
+               " "$keys_choices" |
+            sort | uniq)"
+  }
+  function gen_fixed() {
+    local _cur=$1
+    local _prefix=$2
+    echo "$(gsettings list-schemas |
+            grep ^${_cur} |
+            sed -e 's,^'"${_cur}"',,' |
+            awk -F'.' '{if ($2 != "") {print $1 "."} else {print $1}}' |
+            sed -e 's,.*,'"${_prefix} ${_cur}"'&,' |
+            sort | uniq)"
+  }
+  function gen_reloc() {
+    local _cur=$1
+    local _prefix=$2
+    echo "$(gsettings list-relocatable-schemas |
+            grep ^${_cur} |
+            sed -e 's,^'"${_cur}"',,' |
+            awk -F'.' '{if ($2 != "") {print $1 "."} else {print $1 "\\\\:/"}}' |
+            sed -e 's,.*,'"${_prefix} ${_cur}"'&,' |
+            sort | uniq)"
+  }
+  function gen_schemas() {
+    local _cur=$1
+    local _prefix=$2
+    echo "$(echo "$(gen_fixed $1 $2)" "
+               " "$(gen_reloc $1 $2)" | sort | uniq)"
+  }
+  function gen_keys() {
+    local _schema=$1
+    echo "$(gsettings list-keys "${_schema}" |
+            sort)"
+  }
+  local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+  local complist=""
+  local nosoloopt="--I-understand-that-changing-options-can-break-applications"
+  if [[ "${COMP_CWORD}" == "1" ]]; then
+    if [[ "${cur}" == "${nosoloopt}" ]]; then
+      local IFS=$'\n'
+      complist="$(gen_paths "/" "${nosoloopt}") $(gen_schemas "" "${nosoloopt}")"
+    else
+      local soloopts="--help
+                      --list-relocatable-schemas
+                      --version"
+      if   [[ "${cur}" == -* ]]; then complist="${soloopts} ${nosoloopt}"
+      elif [[ "${cur}" == "" ]]; then complist="${soloopts} ${nosoloopt} $(gen_paths "/"     ) $(gen_schemas 
""      )"
+      elif [[ "${cur}" == /* ]]; then complist="                         $(gen_paths "${cur}")               
+      else                            complist="                                               $(gen_schemas 
+      fi
+    fi
+  elif [[ "${COMP_CWORD}" == "2" ]]; then
+    local prim="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
+    if [[ "${prim:0:1}" == "/" ]]; then
+      complist="${nosoloopt}"
+    elif [[ ("$(gsettings list-schemas             | grep ^"${prim}"                                   )" != 
"") ||
+            ("$(gsettings list-relocatable-schemas | grep ^"$(echo "${prim}" | awk -F':' '{print substr($1, 
1, length($1)-1)}')")" != "") ]]; then
+      complist="${nosoloopt} $(gen_keys "$(echo "${prim}" | awk -F':' '{if (substr($1, length($1)) == "\\") 
{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)} else {print $1}}')")"
+    elif [[ "${prim}" == "${nosoloopt}" ]]; then
+      if   [[ "${cur}" == "" ]]; then complist="                         $(gen_paths "/"     ) $(gen_schemas 
""      )"
+      elif [[ "${cur}" == /* ]]; then complist="                         $(gen_paths "${cur}")               
+      else                            complist="                                               $(gen_schemas 
+      fi
+    fi
+  elif [[ "${COMP_CWORD}" == "3" ]]; then
+    local prim="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
+    if   [[ "${prim}" == "${nosoloopt}" ]]; then
+      complist="$(gen_keys "${COMP_WORDS[2]}")"
+    elif [[ ("$(gsettings list-schemas | grep ^"${prim}")" != "") && ("${COMP_WORDS[2]}" != "${nosoloopt}") 
]]; then
+      complist="${nosoloopt}"
+    fi
+# problem with paths containing a ':', considered having four words or more
+  fi
+  COMPREPLY=($(compgen -o nosort -W "${complist}" -- "${cur}"))
+  return 0
+complete -o nospace -o nosort -F __dconf-editor dconf-editor
diff --git a/editor/meson.build b/editor/meson.build
index e160ab3..d25ce9e 100644
--- a/editor/meson.build
+++ b/editor/meson.build
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ install_data(
   install_dir: join_paths(dconf_editor_mandir, 'man1')
+  'completion/dconf-editor',
+  install_dir: join_paths(dconf_editor_datadir, 'bash-completion', 'completions')
 sources = files(

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