[chronojump] added P(F0,V0) evolution. Pendig integrate with GUI
- From: Xavier Padullés <xpadulles src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] added P(F0,V0) evolution. Pendig integrate with GUI
- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 18:19:09 +0000 (UTC)
commit 49e44c4f33e7d10277f15cd67f1df1e721a70b1f
Author: Xavier Padullés <x padulles gmail com>
Date: Fri Jan 5 19:17:48 2018 +0100
added P(F0,V0) evolution. Pendig integrate with GUI
encoder/graph.R | 6 ++
encoder/pfvProfileEvolution.R | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 5443ac4..1c0aedb 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -2385,6 +2385,8 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
#--- include files ---
if(op$Analysis == "neuromuscularProfile")
source(paste(op$EncoderRScriptsPath, "/neuromuscularProfile.R", sep=""))
+ if(op$Analysis == "pfvProfileEvolution")
+ source(paste(op$EncoderRScriptsPath, "/pfvProfileEvolution", sep=""))
@@ -3172,6 +3174,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
op$Analysis == "1RMBadillo2010" || op$Analysis == "1RMAnyExercise" ||
op$Analysis == "curves" || op$Analysis == "curvesAC" ||
op$Analysis == "neuromuscularProfile" ||
+ op$Analysis == "pfvProfileEvolution" ||
paf = data.frame()
@@ -3389,6 +3392,9 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
neuromuscularProfileWriteData(npj, op$OutputData1)
+ else if(op$analysis == "pfvProfileEvolution"){
+ pfvProfileExecute("/tmp/chronojump-last-encoder-analyze-table.txt")
+ }
if(op$Analysis == "curves" || op$Analysis == "curvesAC" || writeCurves) {
#create pafCurves to be printed on CSV. This columns are going to be removed:
diff --git a/encoder/pfvProfileEvolution.R b/encoder/pfvProfileEvolution.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7881f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encoder/pfvProfileEvolution.R
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# This file is part of ChronoJump
+# ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Xavier Padullés <x padulles gmail com>
+#Returns the number of sessions analysed
+pfvProfileGetNumberSession <- function(analyzeTable)
+ return(length(levels(analyzeTable$date)))
+#Returns the table of force and velocity of each repetitions of a session
+pfvProfileGetSessionFV <- function(analyzeTable, sessionNum)
+ f = analyzeTable$meanForce[which(analyzeTable$date == levels(analyzeTable$date)[sessionNum])]
+ v = analyzeTable$meanSpeed[which(analyzeTable$date == levels(analyzeTable$date)[sessionNum])]
+ return(list(f = f, v = v))
+#Returns the F0 and V0 of a session
+pfvProfileGetSessionProfile <- function(force, speed)
+ profile = lm(force ~ speed)
+ v0 = -coef(profile)[[1]] / coef(profile)[[2]]
+ f0 = coef(profile)[[1]]
+ return(list(v0 = v0, f0 = f0))
+#Returns the profile F0 and V0 of each session
+pfvProfileGetAnalysisProfiles <- function(analyzeTable)
+ sessionNumber = length(levels(analyzeTable$date))
+ dates = levels(analyzeTable$date)
+ session = 1
+ #Get the force and velocity of each repetition in the first session
+ sessionFV = pfvProfileGetSessionFV(analyzeTable, session)
+ #Get the profile of the first session
+ sessionProfile = pfvProfileGetSessionProfile(sessionFV$f, sessionFV$v)
+ f0 = sessionProfile$f0
+ v0 = sessionProfile$v0
+ if (sessionNumber > 1){
+ for (session in 2:sessionNumber)
+ {
+ #Get the force and velocity of each repetition in the current session
+ sessionFV = pfvProfileGetSessionFV(analyzeTable, session)
+ #Get the profile of the current session
+ sessionProfile = pfvProfileGetSessionProfile(sessionFV$f, sessionFV$v)
+ f0 = c(f0, sessionProfile$f0)
+ v0 = c(v0, sessionProfile$v0)
+ }
+ }
+ #print("F0's:")
+ #print(f0)
+ #print("V0's:")
+ #print(v0)
+ return(list(f0 = f0, v0 = v0, dates = dates))
+#In the plane V0-F0, each point corresponds to a profile.
+#Each profile has unique Pmax. Each isopotential line corresponds to the points that have the same Pmax
+pfvProfileDrawProfilesEvolution <- function(analyzetable)
+ profiles = pfvProfileGetAnalysisProfiles(analyzeTable)
+ f0 = profiles$f0
+ v0 = profiles$v0
+ pmax = f0*v0/4
+ dates = profiles$dates
+ flimits = c(min(f0) - (max(f0) - min(f0))*0.1, max(f0) + (max(f0) - min(f0))*0.1)
+ vlimits = c(min(v0) - (max(v0) - min(v0))*0.1, max(v0) + (max(v0) - min(v0))*0.1)
+ #flimits = c(min(f0)*0.9, max(f0)*1.1)
+ #vlimits = c(min(v0)*0.9, max(v0)*1.1)
+ #To plot the isopotentials we need to cerate the surface of the P(f,v) function
+ #Creating equidistant values for force and velocity axes
+ #f = seq(flimits[1], flimits[2], by = (flimits[2] - flimits[1]) / 100)
+ #v = seq(vlimits[1], vlimits[2], by = (vlimits[2] - vlimits[1]) / 100)
+ f = seq(0, flimits[2], by = flimits[2] / 100)
+ v = seq(0, vlimits[2], by = vlimits[2] / 100)
+ #Create a grid with all the combinations of the force and velocity values
+ fv <- expand.grid(f,v)
+ #Calculate the Pmax of each force and velocity combination
+ p <- fv[,1]*fv[,2]/4
+ power = matrix(p, ncol=101)
+ #Plot the isopotential lines
+ par(mar=c(5,4,4,5))
+ contour(x = v, y = f, z = power,
+ main = "Pmax(F0,V0) evolution", xlab = "V0 (m/s)", ylab = "F0 (N)",
+ xlim = vlimits, ylim = flimits,
+ lty = 2, nlevels = 30, method = "edge")
+ #Plot the evolution of the session profile
+ arrows(v0[1:4], f0[1:4], v0[2:5], f0[2:5], length = 0.15, col = "red")
+ points(v0, f0)
+ #Date of the session
+ text(v0, f0, labels = dates, pos = 1, offset = 0.5, cex = 0.75)
+ #Pmax of the session
+ text(v0, f0, labels = paste(round(pmax, digits = 0), "W", sep=""), pos = 3, offset = 0.5, cex = 0.75)
+ mtext("Maximum mean power using the F-V profile of each session", side = 4, line = -2)
+pfvProfileExecute <- function(inputFile,graphMode)
+ analyzeTable = read.csv(inputFile, dec = ".", sep = ",")
+ colnames(analyzeTable)[2] = "date"
+ pfvProfileDrawProfilesEvolution(analyzeTable)
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