[gimp/meson: 4/128] added source lists of libs

commit f4a2a9d33c97f2cc30938d2104f946de8be62acf
Author: Félix Piédallu <felix piedallu me>
Date:   Tue Nov 7 13:43:44 2017 +0100

    added source lists of libs

 libgimp/meson.build        |  111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libgimpbase/meson.build    |  195 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libgimpcolor/meson.build   |   16 ++++
 libgimpconfig/meson.build  |   12 +++
 libgimpmath/meson.build    |    5 +
 libgimpmodule/meson.build  |    4 +
 libgimpthumb/meson.build   |    6 ++
 libgimpwidgets/meson.build |   68 +++++++++++++++
 meson.build                |   66 +++++++++------
 9 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgimp/meson.build b/libgimp/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3f066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimp/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+libgimp_sources = [
+  'gimp_pdb.c',
+  'gimp.c',
+  'gimpaspectpreview.c',
+  'gimpbrush_pdb.c',
+  'gimpbrushes_pdb.c',
+  'gimpbrushes.c',
+  'gimpbrushmenu.c',
+  'gimpbrushselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimpbrushselect.c',
+  'gimpbrushselectbutton.c',
+  'gimpbuffer_pdb.c',
+  'gimpchannel_pdb.c',
+  'gimpchannel.c',
+  'gimpcolor_pdb.c',
+  'gimpcontext_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdebug_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdisplay_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdrawable_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdrawable.c',
+  'gimpdrawablecolor_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdrawablepreview.c',
+  'gimpdrawabletransform_pdb.c',
+  'gimpdynamics_pdb.c',
+  'gimpedit_pdb.c',
+  'gimpedit.c',
+  'gimpexport.c',
+  'gimpfileops_pdb.c',
+  'gimpfloatingsel_pdb.c',
+  'gimpfontmenu.c',
+  'gimpfonts_pdb.c',
+  'gimpfontselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimpfontselect.c',
+  'gimpfontselectbutton.c',
+  'gimpgimprc_pdb.c',
+  'gimpgimprc.c',
+  'gimpgradient_pdb.c',
+  'gimpgradientmenu.c',
+  'gimpgradients_pdb.c',
+  'gimpgradients.c',
+  'gimpgradientselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimpgradientselect.c',
+  'gimpgradientselectbutton.c',
+  'gimphelp_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimage_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimage.c',
+  'gimpimagecolorprofile_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimagecolorprofile.c',
+  'gimpimagecombobox.c',
+  'gimpimageconvert_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimagegrid_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimageguides_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimagemetadata.c',
+  'gimpimagesamplepoints_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimageselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimagetransform_pdb.c',
+  'gimpimageundo_pdb.c',
+  'gimpitem_pdb.c',
+  'gimpitemcombobox.c',
+  'gimpitemtransform_pdb.c',
+  'gimplayer_pdb.c',
+  'gimplayer.c',
+  'gimpmenu.c',
+  'gimpmessage_pdb.c',
+  'gimppainttools_pdb.c',
+  'gimppalette_pdb.c',
+  'gimppalette.c',
+  'gimppalettemenu.c',
+  'gimppalettes_pdb.c',
+  'gimppalettes.c',
+  'gimppaletteselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimppaletteselect.c',
+  'gimppaletteselectbutton.c',
+  'gimppaths_pdb.c',
+  'gimppattern_pdb.c',
+  'gimppatternmenu.c',
+  'gimppatterns_pdb.c',
+  'gimppatterns.c',
+  'gimppatternselect_pdb.c',
+  'gimppatternselect.c',
+  'gimppatternselectbutton.c',
+  'gimppixbuf.c',
+  'gimppixelfetcher.c',
+  'gimppixelrgn.c',
+  'gimpplugin_pdb.c',
+  'gimpplugin.c',
+  'gimpprocbrowserdialog.c',
+  'gimpproceduraldb_pdb.c',
+  'gimpproceduraldb.c',
+  'gimpprocview.c',
+  'gimpprogress_pdb.c',
+  'gimpprogress.c',
+  'gimpprogressbar.c',
+  'gimpregioniterator.c',
+  'gimpselectbutton.c',
+  'gimpselection_pdb.c',
+  'gimpselection.c',
+  'gimpselectiontools_pdb.c',
+  'gimptextlayer_pdb.c',
+  'gimptexttool_pdb.c',
+  'gimptile.c',
+  'gimptilebackendplugin.c',
+  'gimptransformtools_pdb.c',
+  'gimpui.c',
+  'gimpunit_pdb.c',
+  'gimpunitcache.c',
+  'gimpvectors_pdb.c',
+  'gimpvectors.c',
+  'gimpzoompreview.c',
diff --git a/libgimpbase/meson.build b/libgimpbase/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..525afef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpbase/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+global_cflags = []
+global_lflags = []
+global_cflags += [
+  '-DPREFIX="'+ prefix + '"',
+  '-DGIMPDIR="'+ gimpdir + '"',
+  '-DDATADIR="'+ datadir + '"',
+  '-DLOCALEDIR="'+ localedir + '"',
+  '-DPLUGINDIR="'+ plugindir + '"',
+  '-DSYSCONFDIR="'+ sysconfdir + '"',
+  '-DGIMP_PACKAGE="'+ gettext_package + '"',
+  '-DGIMP_DATA_VERSION="'+ data_version + '"',
+  '-DGIMP_USER_VERSION="'+ user_version + '"',
+  '-DGIMP_SYSCONF_VERSION="'+ sysconf_version + '"',
+  '-DGIMP_PLUGIN_VERSION="'+ plugin_version + '"',
+  '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="'+ 'LibGimpBase' + '"',
+if platform_win32
+  global_cflags += '-no-undefined'
+if platform_osx
+  global_cflags += '-xobjective-c'
+  global_lflags += ['-framework', 'Cocoa']
+if os_win32
+  global_lflags += '-lole32'
+  # global_lflags += ['-export-symbols', 'gimpbase.def']
+#  $(GIO_CFLAGS)                                               \
+# $(GEXIV2_CFLAGS)                                     \
+# $(BINRELOC_CFLAGS)                                   \
+# $(xobjective_c)
+# -I$(top_builddir)    \
+# -I$(top_srcdir)
+# ]
+# #
+# # test programs, not to be built by default and never installed
+# #
+# TESTS = test-cpu-accel
+# test_cpu_accel_SOURCES = test-cpu-accel.c
+# test_cpu_accel_DEPENDENCIES = \
+#      $(top_builddir)/libgimpbase/libgimpbase-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
+# test_cpu_accel_LDADD = \
+#      $(GLIB_LIBS)    \
+#      $(test_cpu_accel_DEPENDENCIES)
+# EXTRA_PROGRAMS = test-cpu-accel
+# #
+# # rules to generate built sources
+# #
+# gen_sources = xgen-bec xgen-cec
+# CLEANFILES = $(EXTRA_PROGRAMS) $(gen_sources)
+# xgen-bec: $(srcdir)/gimpbaseenums.h $(GIMP_MKENUMS) Makefile.am
+#      $(AM_V_GEN) $(GIMP_MKENUMS) \
+#              --fhead "#include \"config.h\"\n#include <glib-object.h>\n#undef 
GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n#include \"gimpbasetypes.h\"\n#include \"libgimp/libgimp-intl.h\"" \
+#              --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@basename@\" */" \
+#              --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n  static const G@Type@Value values[] =\n  {" \
+#              --vprod "    { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
+#              --vtail "    { 0, NULL, NULL }\n  };\n" \
+#              --dhead "  static const Gimp@Type@Desc descs[] =\n  {" \
+#              --dprod "    { @VALUENAME@, @valuedesc@, @valuehelp@ }," \
+#              --dtail "    { 0, NULL, NULL }\n  };\n\n  static GType type = 0;\n\n  if (G_UNLIKELY (! 
type))\n    {\n      type = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n      
gimp_type_set_translation_domain (type, GETTEXT_PACKAGE \"-libgimp\");\n      
gimp_type_set_translation_context (type, \"@enumnick@\");\n      gimp_@type@_set_value_descriptions (type, 
descs);\n    }\n\n  return type;\n}\n" \
+#              $< > $@
+# # copy the generated enum file back to the source directory only if it's
+# # changed; otherwise, only update its timestamp, so that the recipe isn't
+# # executed again on the next build, however, allow this to (harmlessly) fail,
+# # to support building from a read-only source tree.
+# $(srcdir)/gimpbaseenums.c: xgen-bec
+#      $(AM_V_GEN) if ! cmp -s $< $@; then \
+#              cp $< $@; \
+#      else \
+#              touch $@ 2> /dev/null \
+#              || true; \
+#      fi
+# xgen-cec: $(srcdir)/gimpcompatenums.h $(GIMP_MKENUMS) Makefile.am
+#      $(AM_V_GEN) $(GIMP_MKENUMS) \
+#              --fhead "#include \"config.h\"\n#include <glib-object.h>\n#include 
\"gimpbasetypes.h\"\n#include \"gimpcompatenums.h\"\n#include \"libgimp/libgimp-intl.h\"" \
+#              --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@basename@\" */" \
+#              --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n  static const G@Type@Value values[] =\n  {" \
+#              --vprod "    { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
+#              --vtail "    { 0, NULL, NULL }\n  };\n" \
+#              --dhead "  static const Gimp@Type@Desc descs[] =\n  {" \
+#              --dprod "    { @VALUENAME@, @valuedesc@, @valuehelp@ }," \
+#              --dtail "    { 0, NULL, NULL }\n  };\n\n  static GType type = 0;\n\n  if (G_UNLIKELY (! 
type))\n    {\n      type = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n      
gimp_type_set_translation_domain (type, GETTEXT_PACKAGE \"-libgimp\");\n      
gimp_type_set_translation_context (type, \"@enumnick@\");\n      gimp_@type@_set_value_descriptions (type, 
descs);\n    }\n\n  return type;\n}\n" \
+#              $< > $@
+# # copy the generated enum file back to the source directory only if it's
+# # changed; otherwise, only update its timestamp, so that the recipe isn't
+# # executed again on the next build, however, allow this to (harmlessly) fail,
+# # to support building from a read-only source tree.
+# $(srcdir)/gimpcompatenums.c: xgen-cec
+#      $(AM_V_GEN) if ! cmp -s $< $@; then \
+#              cp $< $@; \
+#      else \
+#              touch $@ 2> /dev/null \
+#              || true; \
+#      fi
+# DISTCLEANFILES = gimpversion.h
+libgimpbase_sources = [
+  'gimpbase-private.c',
+  'gimpbaseenums.c',
+  'gimpbasetypes.c',
+  'gimpchecks.c',
+  'gimpcompatenums.c',
+  'gimpcpuaccel.c',
+  'gimpdatafiles.c',
+  'gimpenv.c',
+  'gimpmemsize.c',
+  'gimpmetadata.c',
+  'gimpparasite.c',
+  'gimpparasiteio.c',
+  'gimpprotocol.c',
+  'gimprectangle.c',
+  'gimpreloc.c',
+  'gimpsignal.c',
+  'gimpunit.c',
+  'gimputils.c',
+  'gimpvaluearray.c',
+  'gimpwire.c',
+  'test-cpu-accel.c',
+libgimpbase_sources += [
+  'gimpbaseenums.c',
+  'gimpcompatenums.c',
+libgimpbase_headers = [
+  'gimpbase.h',
+  'gimpbaseenums.h',
+  'gimpbasetypes.h',
+  'gimpcpuaccel.h',
+  'gimplimits.h',
+  'gimpparam.h',
+  'gimpversion.h',
+  'gimpchecks.h',
+  'gimpdatafiles.h',
+  'gimpenv.h',
+  'gimpmemsize.h',
+  'gimpmetadata.h',
+  'gimpparasite.h',
+  'gimpparasiteio.h',
+  'gimprectangle.h',
+  'gimpsignal.h',
+  'gimpunit.h',
+  'gimputils.h',
+  'gimpvaluearray.h',
+libgimpbase = library('gimpbase-' + api_version,
+  libgimpbase_sources,
+  include_directories: rootInclude,
+  dependencies: [
+    gio, gexiv2,
+  ],
+  c_args: global_cflags,
+  link_args: global_lflags,
diff --git a/libgimpcolor/meson.build b/libgimpcolor/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b70458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpcolor/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+libgimpcolor_sources = [
+  'gimpadaptivesupersample.c',
+  'gimpbilinear.c',
+  'gimpcairo.c',
+  'gimpcmyk.c',
+  'gimpcolormanaged.c',
+  'gimpcolorprofile.c',
+  'gimpcolorspace.c',
+  'gimpcolortransform.c',
+  'gimphsl.c',
+  'gimphsv.c',
+  'gimppixbuf.c',
+  'gimprgb-parse.c',
+  'gimprgb.c',
+  'test-color-parser.c',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgimpconfig/meson.build b/libgimpconfig/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0fe20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpconfig/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ilbgimpconfig_sources = [
+  'gimpcolorconfig.c',
+  'gimpconfig-deserialize.c',
+  'gimpconfig-error.c',
+  'gimpconfig-iface.c',
+  'gimpconfig-path.c',
+  'gimpconfig-serialize.c',
+  'gimpconfig-utils.c',
+  'gimpconfigenums.c',
+  'gimpconfigwriter.c',
+  'gimpscanner.c',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgimpmath/meson.build b/libgimpmath/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfeb8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpmath/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+libgimpmath_sources = [
+  'gimpmatrix.c',
+  'gimpmd5.c',
+  'gimpvector.c',
diff --git a/libgimpmodule/meson.build b/libgimpmodule/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662de84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpmodule/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+libgimpmodule_sources = [
+  'gimpmodule.c',
+  'gimpmoduledb.c',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgimpthumb/meson.build b/libgimpthumb/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b668c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpthumb/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+libgimpthumb_sources = [
+  'gimp-thumbnail-list.c',
+  'gimpthumb-error.c',
+  'gimpthumb-utils.c',
+  'gimpthumbnail.c',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgimpwidgets/meson.build b/libgimpwidgets/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5e3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimpwidgets/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+libgimpwidgets_sources = [
+  'gimp3migration.c',
+  'gimpbrowser.c',
+  'gimpbutton.c',
+  'gimpcairo-utils.c',
+  'gimpcellrenderercolor.c',
+  'gimpcellrenderertoggle.c',
+  'gimpchainbutton.c',
+  'gimpcolorarea.c',
+  'gimpcolorbutton.c',
+  'gimpcolordisplay.c',
+  'gimpcolordisplaystack.c',
+  'gimpcolorhexentry.c',
+  'gimpcolornotebook.c',
+  'gimpcolorprofilechooserdialog.c',
+  'gimpcolorprofilecombobox.c',
+  'gimpcolorprofilestore.c',
+  'gimpcolorprofileview.c',
+  'gimpcolorscale.c',
+  'gimpcolorscales.c',
+  'gimpcolorselect.c',
+  'gimpcolorselection.c',
+  'gimpcolorselector.c',
+  'gimpcontroller.c',
+  'gimpdialog.c',
+  'gimpeevl.c',
+  'gimpenumcombobox.c',
+  'gimpenumlabel.c',
+  'gimpenumstore.c',
+  'gimpenumwidgets.c',
+  'gimpfileentry.c',
+  'gimpframe.c',
+  'gimphelpui.c',
+  'gimphintbox.c',
+  'gimpicons.c',
+  'gimpintcombobox.c',
+  'gimpintstore.c',
+  'gimpmemsizeentry.c',
+  'gimpnumberpairentry.c',
+  'gimpoffsetarea.c',
+  'gimpoldwidgets.c',
+  'gimppageselector.c',
+  'gimppatheditor.c',
+  'gimppickbutton-default.c',
+  'gimppickbutton-quartz.c',
+  'gimppickbutton.c',
+  'gimppixmap.c',
+  'gimppreview.c',
+  'gimppreviewarea.c',
+  'gimppropwidgets.c',
+  'gimpquerybox.c',
+  'gimpruler.c',
+  'gimpscaleentry.c',
+  'gimpscrolledpreview.c',
+  'gimpsizeentry.c',
+  'gimpstringcombobox.c',
+  'gimpunitcombobox.c',
+  'gimpunitmenu.c',
+  'gimpunitstore.c',
+  'gimpwidgets-error.c',
+  'gimpwidgets-private.c',
+  'gimpwidgets.c',
+  'gimpwidgetsenums.c',
+  'gimpwidgetsutils.c',
+  'gimpzoommodel.c',
+  'test-eevl.c',
+  'test-preview-area.c',
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 445ed0d..7fb2ae8 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ platform_win32 = (host_os.startswith('mingw') or host_os.startswith('cygwin'))
 os_win32 = host_os.startswith('mingw')
 platform_osx = host_os.startswith('darwin')
-conf.set10('PLATFORM_OSX',  platform_osx)
+if platform_osx
+  conf.set10('PLATFORM_OSX',  platform_osx)
@@ -715,8 +716,8 @@ add_project_arguments(
-  '--omg-optimized',
-  '--disable-instructions',
+  # '--omg-optimized',
+  # '--disable-instructions',
   language: 'c'
@@ -733,38 +734,47 @@ has_nl_measurement = cc.has_function(
   prefix: '#include<langinfo.h>',
+rootInclude = include_directories('.')
+# Data / Desktop / xml files
-# subdir('po')
-# subdir('po-libgimp')
-# subdir('po-plug-ins')
-# subdir('po-python')
-# subdir('po-script-fu')
-# subdir('po-tips')
-# subdir('menus')
-# subdir('libgimpbase')
-# subdir('tools')
-# subdir('icons')
-# subdir('libgimpcolor')
-# subdir('libgimpconfig')
-# subdir('libgimpmath')
-# subdir('libgimpmodule')
-# subdir('libgimpthumb')
-# subdir('libgimpwidgets')
-# subdir('libgimp')
-# subdir('app')
-# subdir('modules')
-# subdir('plug-ins')
+# subdir('desktop')
 # subdir('etc')
+# subdir('icons')
+# subdir('menus')
+# Docs
 # subdir('devel-docs')
 # subdir('docs')
-# subdir('build')
+# Translations
+# Libraries
+# Executables, plugins
+# subdir('modules')
+# subdir('plug-ins')
+# subdir('tools')
+# subdir('app')
+# subdir('build')
 # build/windows/gimp-plug-ins.rc
 # build/windows/gimp.rc

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