[gnome-music/wip/mschraal/player-factor-out-gstreamer: 3/42] move gstplayer + pluginsdialog out

commit 3cc2bd68f106a3271d2f98a194483d17a82070d3
Author: Marinus Schraal <mschraal gnome org>
Date:   Thu Feb 8 22:25:57 2018 +0100

    move gstplayer + pluginsdialog out

 gnomemusic/Makefile.am  |   3 +-
 gnomemusic/gstplayer.py | 370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gnomemusic/player.py    | 334 +------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 373 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/Makefile.am b/gnomemusic/Makefile.am
index dff6325..d445378 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/Makefile.am
+++ b/gnomemusic/Makefile.am
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ appdir = $(pythondir)/gnomemusic/
 app_PYTHON = \
        albumartcache.py \
        application.py \
+       gstplayer.py \
        __init__.py \
        player.py \
        mpris.py \
@@ -16,4 +17,4 @@ app_PYTHON = \
        query.py \
        scrobbler.py \
        searchbar.py \
-       window.py
+       window.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnomemusic/gstplayer.py b/gnomemusic/gstplayer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8077295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnomemusic/gstplayer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Copyright © 2018 The GNOME Music developers
+# GNOME Music is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# GNOME Music is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with GNOME Music; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# The GNOME Music authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
+# GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
+# and GNOME Music.  This permission is above and beyond the permissions
+# granted by the GPL license by which GNOME Music is covered.  If you
+# modify this code, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+# code, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so,
+# delete this exception statement from your version.
+import logging
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
+gi.require_version('GstAudio', '1.0')
+gi.require_version('GstPbutils', '1.0')
+from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gio, GObject, Gst, GstAudio, GstPbutils
+from gettext import gettext as _, ngettext
+from gnomemusic import log
+from gnomemusic.playlists import Playlists
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+playlists = Playlists.get_default()
+class PlaybackStatus:
+    PLAYING = 0
+    PAUSED = 1
+    STOPPED = 2
+class GstPlayer(GObject.GObject):
+    @log
+    def __init__(self, player):
+        super().__init__()
+        Gst.init(None)
+        self._settings = Gio.Settings.new('org.gnome.Music')
+        self._super_player = player
+        self._player = Gst.ElementFactory.make('playbin', 'player')
+        self._bus = self._player.get_bus()
+        self._bus.add_signal_watch()
+        self._setup_replaygain()
+        replaygain = self._settings.get_value('replaygain') is not None
+        self._toggle_replaygain(replaygain)
+        self._settings.connect(
+            'changed::replaygain', self._on_replaygain_setting_changed)
+        self._bus.connect('message::state-changed', self._on_bus_state_changed)
+        self._bus.connect('message::error', self._on_bus_error)
+        self._bus.connect('message::element', self._on_bus_element)
+        self._bus.connect('message::eos', self._on_bus_eos)
+    @log
+    def _setup_replaygain(self):
+        """Set up replaygain
+        See https://github.com/gnumdk/lollypop/commit/429383c3742e631b34937d8987d780edc52303c0
+        """
+        self._rgfilter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("bin", "bin")
+        self._rg_audioconvert1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
+            "audioconvert", "audioconvert")
+        self._rg_audioconvert2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
+            "audioconvert", "audioconvert2")
+        self._rgvolume = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rgvolume", "rgvolume")
+        self._rglimiter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rglimiter", "rglimiter")
+        self._rg_audiosink = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
+            "autoaudiosink", "autoaudiosink")
+        if (not self._rgfilter
+                or not self._rg_audioconvert1
+                or not self._rg_audioconvert2
+                or not self._rgvolume
+                or not self._rglimiter
+                or not self._rg_audiosink):
+            logger.debug("Replay Gain is not available")
+            return
+        self._rgvolume.props.pre_amp = 0.0
+        self._rgfilter.add(self._rgvolume)
+        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audioconvert1)
+        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audioconvert2)
+        self._rgfilter.add(self._rglimiter)
+        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audiosink)
+        self._rg_audioconvert1.link(self._rgvolume)
+        self._rgvolume.link(self._rg_audioconvert2)
+        self._rgvolume.link(self._rglimiter)
+        self._rg_audioconvert2.link(self._rg_audiosink)
+        self._rgfilter.add_pad(Gst.GhostPad.new(
+            "sink", self._rg_audioconvert1.get_static_pad("sink")))
+    @log
+    def _toggle_replaygain(self, state=False):
+        if state and self._rgfilter:
+            self._player.set_property("audio-sink", self._rgfilter)
+        else:
+            self._player.set_property("audio-sink", None)
+    @log
+    def _on_replaygain_setting_changed(self, settings, value):
+        replaygain = settings.get_value('replaygain') is not None
+        self._toggle_replaygain(replaygain)
+    @log
+    def _on_bus_state_changed(self, bus, message):
+        print(message.type, self.state)
+        # Note: not all state changes are signaled through here, in
+        # particular transitions between Gst.State.READY and
+        # Gst.State.NULL are never async and thus don't cause a
+        # message. In practice, self means only Gst.State.PLAYING and
+        # Gst.State.PAUSED are.
+        self._super_player._sync_playing()
+    @log
+    def _gst_plugins_base_check_version(self, major, minor, micro):
+        gst_major, gst_minor, gst_micro, gst_nano = GstPbutils.plugins_base_version()
+        return ((gst_major > major) or
+                (gst_major == major and gst_minor > minor) or
+                (gst_major == major and gst_minor == minor and gst_micro >= micro) or
+                (gst_major == major and gst_minor == minor and gst_micro + 1 == micro and gst_nano > 0))
+    @log
+    def _start_plugin_installation(
+            self, missing_plugin_messages, confirm_search):
+        install_ctx = GstPbutils.InstallPluginsContext.new()
+        install_ctx.set_desktop_id('org.gnome.Music.desktop')
+        install_ctx.set_confirm_search(confirm_search)
+        startup_id = '_TIME%u' % Gtk.get_current_event_time()
+        install_ctx.set_startup_notification_id(startup_id)
+        installer_details = []
+        for message in missing_plugin_messages:
+            installer_detail = GstPbutils.missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail(message)
+            installer_details.append(installer_detail)
+        def on_install_done(res):
+            # We get the callback too soon, before the installation has
+            # actually finished. Do nothing for now.
+            pass
+        GstPbutils.install_plugins_async(
+            installer_details, install_ctx, on_install_done)
+    @log
+    def _show_codec_confirmation_dialog(
+            self, install_helper_name, missing_plugin_messages):
+        dialog = MissingCodecsDialog(self._parent_window, install_helper_name)
+        def on_dialog_response(dialog, response_type):
+            if response_type == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
+                self._start_plugin_installation(missing_plugin_messages, False)
+            dialog.destroy()
+        descriptions = []
+        for message in missing_plugin_messages:
+            description = GstPbutils.missing_plugin_message_get_description(message)
+            descriptions.append(description)
+        dialog.set_codec_names(descriptions)
+        dialog.connect('response', on_dialog_response)
+        dialog.present()
+    @log
+    def _handle_missing_plugins(self):
+        if not self._missingPluginMessages:
+            return
+        missing_plugin_messages = self._missingPluginMessages
+        self._missingPluginMessages = []
+        if self._gst_plugins_base_check_version(1, 5, 0):
+            proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
+                Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None),
+                Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit',
+                '/org/freedesktop/PackageKit',
+                'org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Modify2', None)
+            prop = Gio.DBusProxy.get_cached_property(proxy, 'DisplayName')
+            if prop:
+                display_name = prop.get_string()
+                if display_name:
+                    self._show_codec_confirmation_dialog(
+                        display_name, missing_plugin_messages)
+                    return
+        # If the above failed, fall back to immediately starting the
+        # codec installation.
+        self._start_plugin_installation(missing_plugin_messages, True)
+    @log
+    def _is_missing_plugin_message(self, message):
+        error, debug = message.parse_error()
+        if error.matches(Gst.CoreError.quark(), Gst.CoreError.MISSING_PLUGIN):
+            return True
+        return False
+    @log
+    def _on_bus_element(self, bus, message):
+        if GstPbutils.is_missing_plugin_message(message):
+            self._missingPluginMessages.append(message)
+    def _on_bus_error(self, bus, message):
+        if self._is_missing_plugin_message(message):
+            self.pause()
+            self._handle_missing_plugins()
+            return True
+        # FIXME: This shouldn't be here
+        media = self.get_current_media()
+        if media is not None:
+            if self.currentTrack and self.currentTrack.valid():
+                currentTrack = self.playlist.get_iter(
+                    self.currentTrack.get_path())
+                self.playlist.set_value(
+                    currentTrack, self.discovery_status_field, DiscoveryStatus.FAILED)
+            uri = media.get_url()
+        else:
+            uri = 'none'
+        logger.warn('URI: %s', uri)
+        error, debug = message.parse_error()
+        debug = debug.split('\n')
+        debug = [('     ') + line.lstrip() for line in debug]
+        debug = '\n'.join(debug)
+        logger.warn('Error from element %s: %s', message.src.get_name(), error.message)
+        logger.warn('Debugging info:\n%s', debug)
+        self.play_next()
+        return True
+    @log
+    def _on_bus_eos(self, bus, message):
+        print("BUS EOS")
+        # FIXME: This shouldn't be here
+        if self.nextTrack:
+            GLib.idle_add(self._on_glib_idle)
+        elif (self.repeat == RepeatType.NONE):
+            self.stop()
+            self.playBtn.set_image(self._playImage)
+            self._progress_scale_zero()
+            self.progressScale.set_sensitive(False)
+            if self.playlist is not None:
+                currentTrack = self.playlist.get_path(self.playlist.get_iter_first())
+                if currentTrack:
+                    self.currentTrack = Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(self.playlist, currentTrack)
+                    self.currentTrackUri = self.playlist.get_value(
+                        self.playlist.get_iter(self.currentTrack.get_path()), 5).get_url()
+                else:
+                    self.currentTrack = None
+                self.load(self.get_current_media())
+            self.emit('playback-status-changed')
+        else:
+            # Stop playback
+            self.stop()
+            self.playBtn.set_image(self._playImage)
+            self._progress_scale_zero()
+            self.progressScale.set_sensitive(False)
+            self.emit('playback-status-changed')
+    @log
+    def is_playing(self):
+        ok, state, pending = self._player.get_state(0)
+        if ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:
+            return pending == Gst.State.PLAYING
+        elif ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS:
+            return state == Gst.State.PLAYING
+        else:
+            return False
+    @log
+    def get_playback_status(self):
+        ok, state, pending = self._player.get_state(0)
+        if ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:
+            state = pending
+        elif (ok != Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS):
+            return PlaybackStatus.STOPPED
+        if state == Gst.State.PLAYING:
+            return PlaybackStatus.PLAYING
+        elif state == Gst.State.PAUSED:
+            return PlaybackStatus.PAUSED
+        else:
+            return PlaybackStatus.STOPPED
+    @GObject.Property
+    @log
+    def state(self):
+        return self.get_playback_status()
+    @state.setter
+    @log
+    def state(self, playbackstate):
+        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.PAUSED:
+            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED)
+        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.STOPPED:
+            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.NULL)
+        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.PLAYING:
+            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
+    @GObject.Property
+    @log
+    def url(self):
+        return self._player.get_value('current-uri', 0)
+    @url.setter
+    @log
+    def url(self, url_):
+        self._player.set_property('uri', url_)
+    @log
+    def get_position(self):
+        return self._player.query_position(Gst.Format.TIME)[1] / 10**9
+class MissingCodecsDialog(Gtk.MessageDialog):
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<MissingCodecsDialog>'
+    @log
+    def __init__(self, parent_window, install_helper_name):
+        super().__init__(
+            transient_for=parent_window, modal=True, destroy_with_parent=True,
+            message_type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL,
+            text=_("Unable to play the file"))
+        # TRANSLATORS: this is a button to launch a codec installer.
+        # %s will be replaced with the software installer's name, e.g.
+        # 'Software' in case of gnome-software.
+        self.find_button = self.add_button(_("_Find in %s") % install_helper_name,
+                                           Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
+        self.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
+        Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(self.find_button.get_style_context(), 'suggested-action')
+    @log
+    def set_codec_names(self, codec_names):
+        n_codecs = len(codec_names)
+        if n_codecs == 2:
+            # TRANSLATORS: separator for a list of codecs
+            text = _(" and ").join(codec_names)
+        else:
+            # TRANSLATORS: separator for a list of codecs
+            text = _(", ").join(codec_names)
+        self.format_secondary_text(ngettext("%s is required to play the file, but is not installed.",
+                                            "%s are required to play the file, but are not installed.",
+                                            n_codecs) % text)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnomemusic/player.py b/gnomemusic/player.py
index 0345fc8..ef1e7da 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/player.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/player.py
@@ -35,9 +35,6 @@ import logging
 from random import randint
 import time
-from gi.repository import GIRepository
 import gi
 gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
 gi.require_version('GstAudio', '1.0')
@@ -47,6 +44,7 @@ from gettext import gettext as _, ngettext
 from gnomemusic import log
 from gnomemusic.albumartcache import Art
+from gnomemusic.gstplayer import GstPlayer, PlaybackStatus
 from gnomemusic.grilo import grilo
 from gnomemusic.playlists import Playlists
 from gnomemusic.scrobbler import LastFmScrobbler
@@ -65,308 +63,12 @@ class RepeatType:
     SHUFFLE = 3
-class PlaybackStatus:
-    PLAYING = 0
-    PAUSED = 1
-    STOPPED = 2
 class DiscoveryStatus:
     PENDING = 0
     FAILED = 1
     SUCCEEDED = 2
-class GstPlayer(GObject.GObject):
-    @log
-    def __init__(self, player):
-        super().__init__()
-        Gst.init(None)
-        self._settings = Gio.Settings.new('org.gnome.Music')
-        self._super_player = player
-        self._player = Gst.ElementFactory.make('playbin', 'player')
-        self._bus = self._player.get_bus()
-        self._bus.add_signal_watch()
-        self._setup_replaygain()
-        replaygain = self._settings.get_value('replaygain') is not None
-        self._toggle_replaygain(replaygain)
-        self._settings.connect(
-            'changed::replaygain', self._on_replaygain_setting_changed)
-        self._bus.connect('message::state-changed', self._on_bus_state_changed)
-        self._bus.connect('message::error', self._on_bus_error)
-        self._bus.connect('message::element', self._on_bus_element)
-        self._bus.connect('message::eos', self._on_bus_eos)
-    @log
-    def _setup_replaygain(self):
-        """Set up replaygain
-        See https://github.com/gnumdk/lollypop/commit/429383c3742e631b34937d8987d780edc52303c0
-        """
-        self._rgfilter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("bin", "bin")
-        self._rg_audioconvert1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
-            "audioconvert", "audioconvert")
-        self._rg_audioconvert2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
-            "audioconvert", "audioconvert2")
-        self._rgvolume = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rgvolume", "rgvolume")
-        self._rglimiter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rglimiter", "rglimiter")
-        self._rg_audiosink = Gst.ElementFactory.make(
-            "autoaudiosink", "autoaudiosink")
-        if (not self._rgfilter
-                or not self._rg_audioconvert1
-                or not self._rg_audioconvert2
-                or not self._rgvolume
-                or not self._rglimiter
-                or not self._rg_audiosink):
-            logger.debug("Replay Gain is not available")
-            return
-        self._rgvolume.props.pre_amp = 0.0
-        self._rgfilter.add(self._rgvolume)
-        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audioconvert1)
-        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audioconvert2)
-        self._rgfilter.add(self._rglimiter)
-        self._rgfilter.add(self._rg_audiosink)
-        self._rg_audioconvert1.link(self._rgvolume)
-        self._rgvolume.link(self._rg_audioconvert2)
-        self._rgvolume.link(self._rglimiter)
-        self._rg_audioconvert2.link(self._rg_audiosink)
-        self._rgfilter.add_pad(Gst.GhostPad.new(
-            "sink", self._rg_audioconvert1.get_static_pad("sink")))
-    @log
-    def _toggle_replaygain(self, state=False):
-        if state and self._rgfilter:
-            self._player.set_property("audio-sink", self._rgfilter)
-        else:
-            self._player.set_property("audio-sink", None)
-    @log
-    def _on_replaygain_setting_changed(self, settings, value):
-        replaygain = settings.get_value('replaygain') is not None
-        self._toggle_replaygain(replaygain)
-    @log
-    def _on_bus_state_changed(self, bus, message):
-        # Note: not all state changes are signaled through here, in
-        # particular transitions between Gst.State.READY and
-        # Gst.State.NULL are never async and thus don't cause a
-        # message. In practice, self means only Gst.State.PLAYING and
-        # Gst.State.PAUSED are.
-        self._super_player._sync_playing()
-    @log
-    def _gst_plugins_base_check_version(self, major, minor, micro):
-        gst_major, gst_minor, gst_micro, gst_nano = GstPbutils.plugins_base_version()
-        return ((gst_major > major) or
-                (gst_major == major and gst_minor > minor) or
-                (gst_major == major and gst_minor == minor and gst_micro >= micro) or
-                (gst_major == major and gst_minor == minor and gst_micro + 1 == micro and gst_nano > 0))
-    @log
-    def _start_plugin_installation(
-            self, missing_plugin_messages, confirm_search):
-        install_ctx = GstPbutils.InstallPluginsContext.new()
-        install_ctx.set_desktop_id('org.gnome.Music.desktop')
-        install_ctx.set_confirm_search(confirm_search)
-        startup_id = '_TIME%u' % Gtk.get_current_event_time()
-        install_ctx.set_startup_notification_id(startup_id)
-        installer_details = []
-        for message in missing_plugin_messages:
-            installer_detail = GstPbutils.missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail(message)
-            installer_details.append(installer_detail)
-        def on_install_done(res):
-            # We get the callback too soon, before the installation has
-            # actually finished. Do nothing for now.
-            pass
-        GstPbutils.install_plugins_async(
-            installer_details, install_ctx, on_install_done)
-    @log
-    def _show_codec_confirmation_dialog(
-            self, install_helper_name, missing_plugin_messages):
-        dialog = MissingCodecsDialog(self._parent_window, install_helper_name)
-        def on_dialog_response(dialog, response_type):
-            if response_type == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
-                self._start_plugin_installation(missing_plugin_messages, False)
-            dialog.destroy()
-        descriptions = []
-        for message in missing_plugin_messages:
-            description = GstPbutils.missing_plugin_message_get_description(message)
-            descriptions.append(description)
-        dialog.set_codec_names(descriptions)
-        dialog.connect('response', on_dialog_response)
-        dialog.present()
-    @log
-    def _handle_missing_plugins(self):
-        if not self._missingPluginMessages:
-            return
-        missing_plugin_messages = self._missingPluginMessages
-        self._missingPluginMessages = []
-        if self._gst_plugins_base_check_version(1, 5, 0):
-            proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
-                Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None),
-                Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit',
-                '/org/freedesktop/PackageKit',
-                'org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Modify2', None)
-            prop = Gio.DBusProxy.get_cached_property(proxy, 'DisplayName')
-            if prop:
-                display_name = prop.get_string()
-                if display_name:
-                    self._show_codec_confirmation_dialog(
-                        display_name, missing_plugin_messages)
-                    return
-        # If the above failed, fall back to immediately starting the
-        # codec installation.
-        self._start_plugin_installation(missing_plugin_messages, True)
-    @log
-    def _is_missing_plugin_message(self, message):
-        error, debug = message.parse_error()
-        if error.matches(Gst.CoreError.quark(), Gst.CoreError.MISSING_PLUGIN):
-            return True
-        return False
-    @log
-    def _on_bus_element(self, bus, message):
-        if GstPbutils.is_missing_plugin_message(message):
-            self._missingPluginMessages.append(message)
-    def _on_bus_error(self, bus, message):
-        if self._is_missing_plugin_message(message):
-            self.pause()
-            self._handle_missing_plugins()
-            return True
-        # FIXME: This shouldn't be here
-        media = self.get_current_media()
-        if media is not None:
-            if self.currentTrack and self.currentTrack.valid():
-                currentTrack = self.playlist.get_iter(
-                    self.currentTrack.get_path())
-                self.playlist.set_value(
-                    currentTrack, self.discovery_status_field, DiscoveryStatus.FAILED)
-            uri = media.get_url()
-        else:
-            uri = 'none'
-        logger.warn('URI: %s', uri)
-        error, debug = message.parse_error()
-        debug = debug.split('\n')
-        debug = [('     ') + line.lstrip() for line in debug]
-        debug = '\n'.join(debug)
-        logger.warn('Error from element %s: %s', message.src.get_name(), error.message)
-        logger.warn('Debugging info:\n%s', debug)
-        self.play_next()
-        return True
-    @log
-    def _on_bus_eos(self, bus, message):
-        # FIXME: This shouldn't be here
-        if self.nextTrack:
-            GLib.idle_add(self._on_glib_idle)
-        elif (self.repeat == RepeatType.NONE):
-            self.stop()
-            self.playBtn.set_image(self._playImage)
-            self._progress_scale_zero()
-            self.progressScale.set_sensitive(False)
-            if self.playlist is not None:
-                currentTrack = self.playlist.get_path(self.playlist.get_iter_first())
-                if currentTrack:
-                    self.currentTrack = Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(self.playlist, currentTrack)
-                    self.currentTrackUri = self.playlist.get_value(
-                        self.playlist.get_iter(self.currentTrack.get_path()), 5).get_url()
-                else:
-                    self.currentTrack = None
-                self.load(self.get_current_media())
-            self.emit('playback-status-changed')
-        else:
-            # Stop playback
-            self.stop()
-            self.playBtn.set_image(self._playImage)
-            self._progress_scale_zero()
-            self.progressScale.set_sensitive(False)
-            self.emit('playback-status-changed')
-    @log
-    def is_playing(self):
-        ok, state, pending = self._player.get_state(0)
-        if ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:
-            return pending == Gst.State.PLAYING
-        elif ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS:
-            return state == Gst.State.PLAYING
-        else:
-            return False
-    @log
-    def get_playback_status(self):
-        ok, state, pending = self._player.get_state(0)
-        if ok == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:
-            state = pending
-        elif (ok != Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS):
-            return PlaybackStatus.STOPPED
-        if state == Gst.State.PLAYING:
-            return PlaybackStatus.PLAYING
-        elif state == Gst.State.PAUSED:
-            return PlaybackStatus.PAUSED
-        else:
-            return PlaybackStatus.STOPPED
-    @GObject.Property
-    @log
-    def state(self):
-        return self.get_playback_status()
-    @state.setter
-    @log
-    def state(self, playbackstate):
-        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.PAUSED:
-            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.Paused)
-        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.STOPPED:
-            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.NULL)
-        if playbackstate == PlaybackStatus.PLAYING:
-            self._player.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
-    @GObject.Property
-    @log
-    def url(self):
-        return self._player.get_value('current-uri', 0)
-    @url.setter
-    @log
-    def url(self, url_):
-        self._player.set_property('uri', url_)
-    @log
-    def get_position(self):
-        return self._player.query_position(Gst.Format.TIME)[1] / 10**9
 class Player(GObject.GObject):
     nextTrack = None
     timeout = None
@@ -1135,40 +837,6 @@ class Player(GObject.GObject):
         return self.playlist.get_value(currentTrack, self.playlistField)
-class MissingCodecsDialog(Gtk.MessageDialog):
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<MissingCodecsDialog>'
-    @log
-    def __init__(self, parent_window, install_helper_name):
-        super().__init__(
-            transient_for=parent_window, modal=True, destroy_with_parent=True,
-            message_type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL,
-            text=_("Unable to play the file"))
-        # TRANSLATORS: this is a button to launch a codec installer.
-        # %s will be replaced with the software installer's name, e.g.
-        # 'Software' in case of gnome-software.
-        self.find_button = self.add_button(_("_Find in %s") % install_helper_name,
-                                           Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
-        self.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
-        Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(self.find_button.get_style_context(), 'suggested-action')
-    @log
-    def set_codec_names(self, codec_names):
-        n_codecs = len(codec_names)
-        if n_codecs == 2:
-            # TRANSLATORS: separator for a list of codecs
-            text = _(" and ").join(codec_names)
-        else:
-            # TRANSLATORS: separator for a list of codecs
-            text = _(", ").join(codec_names)
-        self.format_secondary_text(ngettext("%s is required to play the file, but is not installed.",
-                                            "%s are required to play the file, but are not installed.",
-                                            n_codecs) % text)
 class SelectionToolbar():
     def __repr__(self):

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