[vala] (173 commits) Created branch 0.36

The branch '0.36' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  e239e3a... build: vapigen and vapicheck don't require ccode
  114ff08... build: Add missing '\'
  e5a9905... glib-2.0: Add quark() functions to errordomains
  a1f5031... gio-2.0: Fix GLib.Task constructor
  1781a8f... gio-2.0: Fix GLib.Task.report_error/report_new_error()
  daa1bdd... gio-2.0: Tweak metadata to avoid duplicated interface depen
  5eecf84... vala: Enums require at least one value otherwise report an 
  7be8007... manual: Update from wiki.gnome.org
  c150d12... Release 0.36.2
  b2eedd7... Revert "codegen: Don't implicitly initialize local variable
  d242e81... codegen: Unref GLib.AsyncResult on uncaught errors in corou
  0fde1f7... scanner: Fix calculation of column value for tokens after m
  b07797b... Release 0.36.3
  f94ca5c... testrunner: Respect given VALAFLAGS
  991ebc7... vala: Handle non-null in coalescing expression
  0d8f3cb... vala: Don't warn about deprecated symbols if installed_vers
  652a3c1... poppler-glib: Update to 0.54.0
  a73bc50... tests: Additional basic-types tests for dbus
  4a44159... gdbus: Don't leak nested HashTable on deserialization
  2ca0f91... glib-2.0: Always use valid version-string for Version.depre
  010030f... tests: Add some constructor tests
  2df8d28... gobject-2.0: Add GLib.ParamSpecPointer
  7e05b63... gio-2.0: Use default 'length = null' for DataInputStream.re
  8f5aa8e... compiler: Add --gresourcesdir option
  f1a4bc6... codegen: Make the task_complete flag for < 2.44 more simila
  51c26cb... gstreamer-1.0: Various binding fixes
  f4a591b... codegen: Fix finally blocks with async yields
  320bd7c... codegen: Nullable ValueType requires POINTER as marshaller 
  b14c36a... codegen: NoAccessorMethod attribute is allowed for gobject-
  f74100c... girparser: Fix parsing of delegate-alias without target
  80b65a9... compiler: Use API_VERSION instead of stripping PACKAGE_SUFF
  ff1e4e0... girwriter: Write length-parameters of arrays with rank > 1
  e0bcc40... manual: Update from wiki.gnome.org
  daac7ee... Release 0.36.4
  a295fe4... libgdata: Make Authorizer.reauth_* methods virtual
  0f45552... libxml-2.0: Update Xml.ParserOption
  2561965... gobject-2.0: Add required type_id attributes to all ParamSp
  a929f82... gtk+-4.0: Make Gsk.Texturer.for_*() static factory methods
  32b810d... gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.91.2
  a7b176a... codegen: Include glib-object.h for Enums with type_id
  29b283a... codegen: Include glib-object.h for Structs with type_id
  5e1dd9d... vapigen: Mark given source-files as such and force girparse
  17bf2bf... testrunner: Add missing quotes
  507c65c... Add .editorconfig file
  de11702... tests: Fix test delegates/bug659778.vala
  acc800c... tests: Fix dbus/filedescriptor-errors.test
  3c2fe65... codegen: Don't transfer ownership of local-variable if targ
  7aa299a... tests: Add regression test
  1443460... codegen: Actually write declaration for GNodeTraverseFunc w
  85b8b81... codegen: Adjust format-index for printf/scanf-methods which
  419257d... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.19
  427ef81... codegen: Initialize temp-variable for fixed-size arrays to 
  b8fec27... libxml-2.0: Bind xmlLastElementChild and xmlPreviousElement
  dc6cca4... gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.91.2+b5afe757
  d33d611... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.19+70b61973
  2a26098... glib-2.0: OptionEntry[] params are null-terminated
  89259c4... glib-2.0: Fix MainContext.check()
  d6a2968... docs: Drop errornous @return documentation on void method
  fd14134... docs: Clarify SGR as Select Graphic Rendition
  b2f3d5a... gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.91.2+80e32390
  5394535... Release 0.36.5
  e2856e5... codegen: Support renamed signals
  0f01cc7... gio-2.0: Add DBusConnection 'closed' signal as 'on_closed'
  8a54df7... gvariant: Optimize (de)serialization of arrays with type-si
  bb030ce... glib-2.0: Bind g_convert_with_fallback() and g_convert_with
  a72107e... codegen: Try to use a more unique internal define for prope
  cf81470... vala: Update list of used attributes
  af2b5cc... method: Include owndership transfer classifier for return-t
  5a1408c... vala: Initialize CodeContext.*_directories fields
  3a2a3de... gnutls: Fix free_function ccode-attribute of Certificate
  5fe2019... gdk-3.0: Update to 3.22.24
  1b1aee8... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.18
  e5eca12... libgvc: Add missing PrintfFormat annotations
  14a4c2b... gio-2.0: Cherry-pick some fixes from 0.38
  fa7050e... gstreamer-1.0: Cherry-pick some fixes from 0.38
  91d87eb... gio-2.0: "address" parameter of Socket.receive_message() is
  2935696... libxml-2.0: Fix header of XPath.Context.register_ns()
  9908b09... Release 0.36.6
  6e78d05... codegen: Prioritize "array_length=true" over "array_null_te
  9270083... Regenerate GIR-based bindings
  81ff3bb... gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.92.1
  93329ce... gio-2.0: Expose g_task_get_source_object as Task.get_unowne
  05d0d7b... codegen: Avoid possible conflicts with internal property/si
  c7bee5c... libxml-2.0: Add DTD methods
  0af8cf5... Release 0.36.7
  2780246... tests: split VALAFLAGS over multiple lines in testrunner.sh
  4cdf633... vala: Subtype of string is allowed as constant
  76360e1... gidlparser: Fix cname format of renamed signals
  ad32953... Regenerate GIDL-based bindings
  805f68f... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.26
  21db934... tests: Invalid Code needs to be recoginized explicitly by a
  ec844b7... codegen: Enforce name-length >= 3 for structs using GType
  3c16eec... vala: Report error for missing type-parameter on enclosing 
  85f66c8... codegen: Discover invalid member access to instance field
  f309925... vala: Improve error output of mismatching overriding method
  353ff16... gobject-2.0: Add some missing symbols
  07a08fb... gstreamer-1.0: Bind GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE/*_WITH_TS
  ef8e843... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.26+9ce824d3
  1563f72... gobject-2.0: Add missing GType constants for fundamentals
  a7ee4ae... glib-2.0: Fix potential null pointer dereference in string.
  bcc8a77... girparser: Allow change of parameter names
  49265d1... vala: Don't transform an explicit "null" into a valid forma
  f03db79... tests: Add further "use of generics in constructor" test
  a6055f8... codegen: Don't create null-safe destroy-wrapper for Generic
  5a69008... SemanticAnalyser.get_actual_type() should never return null
  03528ef... Improve error message for missing type-parameter on enclosi
  7c5003b... gtk+-3.0: Fix FileChooser.add_choice()
  4082018... girparser: Handle metadata for fields inside a transparent 
  2c420d3... girparser: Accept setters with boolean return-type as valid
  5110eea... Regenerate GIR-based bindings
  cc3d5fd... gtk+-4.0: Add some fixes from gtk+-3.0
  20cc1be... gstreamer-1.0: Cherry-pick some fixes from 0.38
  b535c93... gtk+-3.0: Don't mark simple-type out-parameters with '?' as
  990a5aa... girparser: Don't mark simple-type out-parameters with '?' a
  9b4ccaf... Regenerate GIR-based bindings
  8f22502... Release 0.36.8
  8ee3a06... gtk+-3.0: Mark MessageDialog constructor parameter, message
  b933850... gtk+-2.0: Mark MessageDialog constructor parameter, message
  829bc39... gtk+-2.0: Don't hide user_data parameter in Clipboard.set_w
  affc62e... gtk+-3.0: Don't hide user_data parameter in Clipboard.set_w
  67bf5d5... glib-2.0: Add GLib.OPTION_REMAINING and GLib.OptionFlags.NO
  8879806... tests: Add chain-up regression test for real non-null struc
  6e02c90... semanticanalyzer: Directly access local datatypes in check_
  e1241f5... codegen: Avoid silent casts if not needed
  33a0ab7... codegen: Add destroy out-param when invoking delegate retur
  2f47091... g-i: Update type qualifiers
  5f1d643... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.19.3
  4538c59... vala: Replace if-else-tree with switch
  b40c133... vapigen: Add coverage build-flags
  f9cb6bd... tests: Add "template" parser test to increase coverage
  237e08a... tests: Add "tuple" parser test to increase coverage
  ced0ff9... tests: Add "initially-unowned" test to increase coverage
  02784e8... tests: Add explicit "move" and "resize" array tests to incr
  0e35686... tests: Add "dynamic" signal and property tests to increase 
  ea5e4a4... tests: Add "contains" method test to increase coverage
  4813b9d... tests: Add "iterator" methods tests to increase coverage
  c3aea27... tests: Add "do-while" parser tests to increase coverage
  b7f2a8b... tests: Add "assignment" operator parser tests to increase c
  18f569f... tests: Add "preprocessor" parser test to increase coverage
  a0cd17b... tests: Add "continue" parser test to increase coverage
  1dfebe0... tests: Add "while (false)" test to increase coverage
  dbfc82a... tests: Add invalid "base" tests to increase coverage
  35e9335... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.19.5
  6ee2e5c... libwnck-3.0: Update to 3.24.1
  a60faad... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.26+6f26d0dc
  4eea6a8... webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0: Fix DOM.EventTarget interface
  7ea4032... test: Drop workaround for fixed bug with compact classes
  a04af20... Revert "Do not warn about non-default parameters for corout
  f404960... vala: Skip default-value positioning check for parameters o
  1a2de59... tests: Add test for parameter type checking of async method
  2b49af3... codewriter: Don't use string.replace() to apply header_to_o
  5e35293... posix: fix binding of struct hostent. Make clear that getho
  d8a8fe5... posix: add ctime(3)
  a1c307c... Release 0.36.9
  137cf16... girparser: Set NoAccessorMethod for non-readable and constr
  250172d... Regenerate GIR-based bindings
  d55e0ec... vala: Variadic constructors without a real first parameter 
  f979a35... tests: Add test for invalid variadic function
  42edfb3... codegen: Infer error parameter from abstract/virtual method
  7e7b8d6... tests: Add missing PrintfFormat attribute
  70f9be0... codegen: Fix return-type for cancelled async creation metho
  208a2e9... girparser: Ignore conflicting closure/destroy indexes
  7b7e5e6... girparser: Don't accept methods as property-accessor which 
  5bcc6a4... Regenerate GIR-based bindings
  0832b17... gstreamer-1.0: Cherry-pick some fixes from 0.38
  3619229... Release 0.36.10
  733a67a... codegen: Don't try to infer error argument on async begin m
  e99ce18... Release 0.36.11
  ccc511d... tests: Add "destructors" test to increase coverage
  5d812a2... tests: Add various regression "codegen" tests to increase c
  300a298... codegen: Fix GDestroyNotify of delegate parameters in deleg
  601e128... codegen: Avoid critical when connecting dynamic signals
  2da520f... compiler: Prefix headers for set_cheader_override() if incl

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