[mutter] cogl-texture: Remove unused function

commit 748223b8961e3ed2aa4a98b6747de995e5734bac
Author: Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Fri Feb 9 13:54:22 2018 +0100

    cogl-texture: Remove unused function
    Commit d8f2f583e69f removed the only caller.

 cogl/cogl/cogl-texture.c | 279 -----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 279 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cogl/cogl/cogl-texture.c b/cogl/cogl/cogl-texture.c
index 55104e531..e2d37e225 100644
--- a/cogl/cogl/cogl-texture.c
+++ b/cogl/cogl/cogl-texture.c
@@ -542,285 +542,6 @@ cogl_texture_set_data (CoglTexture *texture,
-/* Reads back the contents of a texture by rendering it to the framebuffer
- * and reading back the resulting pixels.
- *
- * It will perform multiple renders if the texture is larger than the
- * current glViewport.
- *
- * It assumes the projection and modelview have already been setup so
- * that rendering to 0,0 with the same width and height of the viewport
- * will exactly cover the viewport.
- *
- * NB: Normally this approach isn't normally used since we can just use
- * glGetTexImage, but may be used as a fallback in some circumstances.
- */
-static CoglBool
-do_texture_draw_and_read (CoglFramebuffer *fb,
-                          CoglPipeline *pipeline,
-                          CoglTexture *texture,
-                          CoglBitmap *target_bmp,
-                          float *viewport,
-                          CoglError **error)
-  float rx1, ry1;
-  float rx2, ry2;
-  float tx1, ty1;
-  float tx2, ty2;
-  int bw,  bh;
-  CoglBitmap *rect_bmp;
-  unsigned int tex_width, tex_height;
-  CoglContext *ctx = fb->context;
-  tex_width = cogl_texture_get_width (texture);
-  tex_height = cogl_texture_get_height (texture);
-  ry2 = 0;
-  ty2 = 0;
-  /* Walk Y axis until whole bitmap height consumed */
-  for (bh = tex_height; bh > 0; bh -= viewport[3])
-    {
-      /* Rectangle Y coords */
-      ry1 = ry2;
-      ry2 += (bh < viewport[3]) ? bh : viewport[3];
-      /* Normalized texture Y coords */
-      ty1 = ty2;
-      ty2 = (ry2 / (float) tex_height);
-      rx2 = 0;
-      tx2 = 0;
-      /* Walk X axis until whole bitmap width consumed */
-      for (bw = tex_width; bw > 0; bw-=viewport[2])
-        {
-          int width;
-          int height;
-          /* Rectangle X coords */
-          rx1 = rx2;
-          rx2 += (bw < viewport[2]) ? bw : viewport[2];
-          width = rx2 - rx1;
-          height = ry2 - ry1;
-          /* Normalized texture X coords */
-          tx1 = tx2;
-          tx2 = (rx2 / (float) tex_width);
-          /* Draw a portion of texture */
-          cogl_framebuffer_draw_textured_rectangle (fb,
-                                                    pipeline,
-                                                    0, 0,
-                                                    rx2 - rx1,
-                                                    ry2 - ry1,
-                                                    tx1, ty1,
-                                                    tx2, ty2);
-          /* Read into a temporary bitmap */
-          rect_bmp = _cogl_bitmap_new_with_malloc_buffer
-                                              (ctx,
-                                               width, height,
-                                               COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888_PRE,
-                                               error);
-          if (!rect_bmp)
-            return FALSE;
-          if (!_cogl_framebuffer_read_pixels_into_bitmap
-                                               (fb,
-                                                viewport[0], viewport[1],
-                                                COGL_READ_PIXELS_COLOR_BUFFER,
-                                                rect_bmp,
-                                                error))
-            {
-              cogl_object_unref (rect_bmp);
-              return FALSE;
-            }
-          /* Copy to target bitmap */
-          if (!_cogl_bitmap_copy_subregion (rect_bmp,
-                                            target_bmp,
-                                            0, 0,
-                                            rx1, ry1,
-                                            width,
-                                            height,
-                                            error))
-            {
-              cogl_object_unref (rect_bmp);
-              return FALSE;
-            }
-          /* Free temp bitmap */
-          cogl_object_unref (rect_bmp);
-        }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Reads back the contents of a texture by rendering it to the framebuffer
- * and reading back the resulting pixels.
- *
- * NB: Normally this approach isn't normally used since we can just use
- * glGetTexImage, but may be used as a fallback in some circumstances.
- */
-static CoglBool
-_cogl_texture_draw_and_read (CoglTexture *texture,
-                             CoglBitmap *target_bmp,
-                             GLuint target_gl_format,
-                             GLuint target_gl_type,
-                             CoglError **error)
-  CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = cogl_get_draw_framebuffer ();
-  CoglContext *ctx = framebuffer->context;
-  float save_viewport[4];
-  float viewport[4];
-  CoglBool status = FALSE;
-  viewport[0] = 0;
-  viewport[1] = 0;
-  viewport[2] = cogl_framebuffer_get_width (framebuffer);
-  viewport[3] = cogl_framebuffer_get_height (framebuffer);
-  cogl_framebuffer_get_viewport4fv (framebuffer, save_viewport);
-  _cogl_framebuffer_push_projection (framebuffer);
-  cogl_framebuffer_orthographic (framebuffer,
-                                 0, 0,
-                                 viewport[2],
-                                 viewport[3],
-                                 0, 100);
-  cogl_framebuffer_push_matrix (framebuffer);
-  cogl_framebuffer_identity_matrix (framebuffer);
-  /* Direct copy operation */
-  if (ctx->texture_download_pipeline == NULL)
-    {
-      ctx->texture_download_pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new (ctx);
-      cogl_pipeline_set_blend (ctx->texture_download_pipeline,
-                               "RGBA = ADD (SRC_COLOR, 0)",
-                               NULL);
-    }
-  cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (ctx->texture_download_pipeline, 0, texture);
-  cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine (ctx->texture_download_pipeline,
-                                   0, /* layer */
-                                   "RGBA = REPLACE (TEXTURE)",
-                                   NULL);
-  cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters (ctx->texture_download_pipeline, 0,
-                                   COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST,
-                                   COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST);
-  if (!do_texture_draw_and_read (framebuffer,
-                                 ctx->texture_download_pipeline,
-                                 texture, target_bmp, viewport,
-                                 error))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* XXX: As an alleged PowerVR driver bug workaround where the driver
-   * is apparently not maintaining the alpha component of some
-   * framebuffers we render the alpha component of the texture
-   * separately to be sure we retrieve all components of the texture.
-   *
-   * TODO: verify if this is still an issue
-   */
-  if ((_cogl_texture_get_format (texture) & COGL_A_BIT)/* && a_bits == 0*/)
-    {
-      uint8_t *srcdata;
-      uint8_t *dstdata;
-      uint8_t *srcpixel;
-      uint8_t *dstpixel;
-      int target_width = cogl_bitmap_get_width (target_bmp);
-      int target_height = cogl_bitmap_get_height (target_bmp);
-      int target_rowstride = cogl_bitmap_get_rowstride (target_bmp);
-      int bpp = _cogl_pixel_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888);
-      int alpha_rowstride = bpp * target_width;
-      CoglBitmap *alpha_bmp;
-      int x,y;
-      if ((dstdata = _cogl_bitmap_map (target_bmp,
-                                       COGL_BUFFER_ACCESS_WRITE,
-                                       COGL_BUFFER_MAP_HINT_DISCARD,
-                                       error)) == NULL)
-        goto EXIT;
-      /* Create temp bitmap for alpha values */
-      alpha_bmp =
-        _cogl_bitmap_new_with_malloc_buffer (ctx,
-                                             target_width,
-                                             target_height,
-                                             COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,
-                                             error);
-      if (!alpha_bmp)
-        {
-          _cogl_bitmap_unmap (target_bmp);
-          goto EXIT;
-        }
-      /* Draw alpha values into RGB channels */
-      cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine (ctx->texture_download_pipeline,
-                                       0, /* layer */
-                                       "RGBA = REPLACE (TEXTURE[A])",
-                                       NULL);
-      if (!do_texture_draw_and_read (framebuffer,
-                                     ctx->texture_download_pipeline,
-                                     texture, alpha_bmp, viewport,
-                                     error))
-        {
-          cogl_object_unref (alpha_bmp);
-          _cogl_bitmap_unmap (target_bmp);
-          goto EXIT;
-        }
-      /* Copy temp R to target A */
-      /* Note: we don't try to catch errors since "mapping" an
-       * malloc buffer should never fail */
-      srcdata = _cogl_bitmap_map (alpha_bmp,
-                                  COGL_BUFFER_ACCESS_READ,
-                                  0 /* hints */,
-                                  NULL);
-      for (y=0; y<target_height; ++y)
-        {
-          for (x=0; x<target_width; ++x)
-            {
-              srcpixel = srcdata + x*bpp;
-              dstpixel = dstdata + x*bpp;
-              dstpixel[3] = srcpixel[0];
-            }
-          srcdata += alpha_rowstride;
-          dstdata += target_rowstride;
-        }
-      _cogl_bitmap_unmap (alpha_bmp);
-      _cogl_bitmap_unmap (target_bmp);
-      cogl_object_unref (alpha_bmp);
-    }
-  status = TRUE;
-  /* Restore old state */
-  cogl_framebuffer_pop_matrix (framebuffer);
-  _cogl_framebuffer_pop_projection (framebuffer);
-  cogl_framebuffer_set_viewport (framebuffer,
-                                 save_viewport[0],
-                                 save_viewport[1],
-                                 save_viewport[2],
-                                 save_viewport[3]);
-  return status;
 static CoglBool
 get_texture_bits_via_offscreen (CoglTexture *meta_texture,
                                 CoglTexture *sub_texture,

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