[cantarell-fonts] Created tag 0.100

The unsigned tag '0.100' was created.

Tagger: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date: Thu Feb 8 14:39:01 2018 +0100


Changes since the last tag '0.0.24':

Fabio Tomat (1):
      Add Friulian translation

Jakub Steiner (1):
      build: keep module name of cantarell-fonts

Jiri Grönroos (1):
      Add Finnish translation

Nikolaus Waxweiler (136):
      Work on Latin base glyphs.
      Outline and spacing work on C and G, experiment with terminals
      Work on S terminals.
      Changes to terminals and curves of base Latin glyphs
      Thicken stems in 'k', widen curve of 'G'
      Port many glyph changes from regular to bold, respace.
      Respace krxvywrl
      More spacing, adjustments to some ligatures
      Re-add f-ligatures as simple references.
      Adjust bold 'K' slightly.
      Adjust 'K', 'k' outlines and 'a' and '[E|e]ng' spacing
      Slightly respace 'a'
      Adjustments to 'c', 's', 'ß'
      Adjust 6 and 9, slant 5 slightly
      Fix several off-by-one anchors, regenerate a few composites.
      Squeeze 6 and 9 a bit again
      Lots of tweaks
      Stop generating obliques.
      Various tweaks.
      Rename glyphs to the nice names used by Glyphs.
      Fix inconsistent counters of 'm'.
      Update font binaries, delete obliques.
      Initial restructuring: sfdir to UFO, autotools to meson.
      Add redesigned master.
      Add configurable paths to build system.
      Clean up miscellaneous files.
      Add build instructions.
      Reformat contributors as table.
      Merge pull request #1 from madig/restructure
      Various work
      Small correction in the README.
      Clarify build instructions
      Respacing, minor handle balancing.
      Delete legacy Cantarell before adding the re-redesign.
      Delete old redesign.
      Add re-redesign.
      Clean up scripts.
      Delete the old passage about the first redesign.
      Yet more weight distrubution and correction work.
      More work on weight distribution, automatic respacing
      More weight work on capital letters
      First pass at numerals.
      Pass over 'ABCGchgst' and numerals
      More weight and proportion work, punctuation glyphs
      Major extension of glyph coverage, minor tweaks
      Currency and other misc. glyphs, minor tweaks
      More misc. and math symbols
      Incorporate more feedback
      Narrow ogonek on Ii, shift ogonek on O as in U.
      Shift ogonek in o as in UO.
      Re-redo 'astS23', some misc. symbols, anchor Lldot.
      Add oldstyle figures.
      Several weight and curvature tweaks, .case umlauts
      Weight tweak of 'z'.
      Slight weight tweaks to 'Vvw'
      Several spacing and weight tweaks, proportional currency symbols.
      Slight weight and curvature tweaks
      Make hook of Eeng more like j.
      Shorten descenders, make O more symmetric.
      Taper terminals slightly instead of flaring; detail work
      Add thin and black master, complete sketches of lower case latin
      Various weight, width and curvature tweaks across all masters
      Slightly lower weight of black 'x'.
      Slightly lower middle stem of thin 's'.
      Add and tweak thin and black 'DAESINHO', width-tweak 'uz'
      Various weight and curvature tweaks
      Increase contrast for thin, work on black 'bdpqg' bowls.
      Completed first pass on thin and black upper case.
      Tweaking of upper and lower case glyphs, respace thin and black
      Various weight and curvature tweaks across all masters
      Complete thin Latin. General Respacing.
      Almost complete thin master, start black diacritics.
      Add many black Western Europe diacritics
      More diacritics.
      Complete first pass at black Latin, fill up black punctuation.
      Respace all masters. Thin wider, regular and black tighter.
      More respacing, tweaking to black master
      Match proportions of thin and black to regular; respacing
      More misc. glyphs, slight tweaking to percent and others.
      Complete black symbols, minor tweaks to '2?fN' in some masters
      Lower 'o' in black numero.
      Proportion matching for 'CGSJcefstl' and a few others.
      More width matching (numbers, symbols, thin 'eobdqpg')
      Disable interpolated regular.
      Terminal consistency matching across all masters
      Fractions, tabular figures, sup. and inf. figures.
      Decompose many glyphs, get rid of #anchors; clear non-master layers; figure spacing
      Fix extra bold æ
      Align some figures with top blue zone; add variants of six and nine
      Weight tweaks to bold "Qaesw" and six.ss01, reg. "W"; black instance
      Rework "dbpqg" bowls based on "o", minor tweaks to "sw"; disable reg. master
      Minor position updates to some components; Fix thorn spacing.
      Adjust family blue values while reg. master disabled
      Thin extra bold e's middle stem slightly
      Rework thin/bold base Latin UC; rework regular "bdqpg" bowls; reactivate reg.
      Width/form rework of thin/bold Latin base lowercase
      Minor bold f respacing
      Thin/bold rework of more int. letters, figures and symbols
      Weight/width tweaks to "MWw"; match most European lc diacritics
      Tweaks to "MNWK", strokeshortcomb, height of caron, form of acute/grave
      Work on ogonek, caroncomb.alt, eth, cedilla, commaaccent, ...
      Thicken vertical stems of extrabold M a bit.
      Optical slant fix for "Ww", minor form tweaks for typoquote.
      Work on lowercase Vietnamese and a few other stacked diacritics
      Work on a few stacked lc diacritics
      Slight weight tweaks to regular * and #
      Shuffle underscore downwards
      Make "Kk" diagnoal stems not touch the vertical stem
      Thin black a slightly, improve black l tail
      More tweaks to l, thin slash and dot in ldot.
      Thin fraction slightly, tweak underscore
      Stacked diacritics work; Extrabold base latin work
      Tighten extrabold spacing up more
      Shorten tail on reg and extrabold l, tweak slash in lslash
      O: widen thin, condense extrabold. Q: Revert tail angle and length to original
      t: shorten cross, adjust anchors; l: add slight weight to tails
      Tighter spacing; work on "alnmh"
      Make "a" more cantarelly by myking the bowl more perky
      Condense extra bold "f", slight "a" curve tweak
      Condensed extrabold H and N, widen thin glyphs
      Increase /space slightly
      Manage blackness in rightArrow at bolder weights
      Increase contrast in "BRPD" across all weights
      Remove useless custom FontConfig configuration
      Add Appstream template
      Split Meson build files into subdirectories
      Simplify fontmake wrapper
      Remove now defunct fontconfigdir option
      Build fonts within the src/ directory
      Embolden extra bold G slightly
      Thin terminals in regular and extra bold somewhat
      Introduce appdatadir variable
      Add option to use prebuilt binaries
      Reformat README.md, add mention of other mentors
      v0.100 release
      Update NEWS for v0.100

Piotr Drąg (2):
      build: Remove intltool markers from the AppData
      build: Add POTFILES.in

Rafael Fontenelle (1):
      Add Brazilian Portuguese translation

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