[gnome-shell] Remove the browser plugin

commit 49133c7245861a546c56d24ea74d93613ef71f67
Author: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro igalia com>
Date:   Mon Dec 31 13:25:05 2018 -0600

    Remove the browser plugin
    The browser plugin is crashy and broken; there are dozens of bugs filed
    against it on Bugzilla and nobody is looking at them. Chrome and Firefox
    have both dropped support for NPAPI plugins. Epiphany still has support,
    but it's hidden behind a gsetting and all the UI to enable it has been
    removed, so very few users would be able to figure out how to enable.
    I've even previously considered blacklisting this plugin in the past due
    to all the crashes.
    Since this plugin has not actually worked in any browsers for a long
    time now, time to delete it.

 browser-plugin/README.md           |   17 -
 browser-plugin/browser-plugin.c    | 1058 ------------------------------------
 browser-plugin/meson.build         |   19 -
 browser-plugin/npapi/npapi.h       |  893 ------------------------------
 browser-plugin/npapi/npfunctions.h |  322 -----------
 browser-plugin/npapi/npruntime.h   |  393 --------------
 browser-plugin/npapi/nptypes.h     |  121 -----
 meson.build                        |    9 -
 meson_options.txt                  |    6 -
 9 files changed, 2838 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 6c6321555..bb47235da 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -54,13 +54,10 @@ convertdir = join_paths(datadir, 'GConf', 'gsettings')
 desktopdir = join_paths(datadir, 'applications')
 ifacedir = join_paths(datadir, 'dbus-1', 'interfaces')
 localedir = join_paths(datadir, 'locale')
-mozplugindir = join_paths(libdir, 'mozilla', 'plugins')
 portaldir = join_paths(datadir, 'xdg-desktop-portal', 'portals')
 schemadir = join_paths(datadir, 'glib-2.0', 'schemas')
 servicedir = join_paths(datadir, 'dbus-1', 'services')
-plugindir = get_variable('BROWSER_PLUGIN_DIR', mozplugindir)
 # XXX: Once https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/9595 is fixed and we can
 # depend on this version, replace with something like:
 # systemduserunitdir = systemd_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('systemduserunitdir',
@@ -134,12 +131,6 @@ else
   have_systemd = false
-if get_option('browser_plugin')
-  json_glib_dep = dependency('json-glib-1.0', version: json_glib_req)
-  subdir('browser-plugin')
 if get_option('man')
   xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc')
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index 65188c7ff..853ca98dc 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-  type: 'boolean',
-  value: true,
-  description: 'Enable extensions.gnome.org browser plugin'
   type: 'boolean',
   value: false,

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