[gnome-latex: 155/205] Underscores in the menu

commit 67c4a981db40d8f887410b54f923b0ef691af916
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <sebastien wilmet gmail com>
Date:   Sun Dec 27 23:23:33 2009 +0100

    Underscores in the menu
    We can type Alt+[underlined character] to enter the menu. Some people
    use that and it's better for the accessibility.
    ui.xml is now a string in ui.c, so LaTeXila starts a little faster.

 TODO               |   2 -
 src/CMakeLists.txt |   2 +-
 src/ui.c           | 628 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/ui.xml         | 359 ------------------------------
 4 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 508 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index cb531e9..a833b4a 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 TODO LaTeXila
-[-] underscores in the menu
 [-] write the HACKING file
 [-] update French translation
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index dbcd2bd..b05a6c2 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ SET(latexila_src main.c                 main.h
                 tool_menu_action.c     tool_menu_action.h
                 file_browser.c         file_browser.h
                 templates.c            templates.h)
 ADD_EXECUTABLE(latexila ${latexila_src})
-INSTALL(FILES ui.xml DESTINATION "share/latexila")
diff --git a/src/ui.c b/src/ui.c
index 638ea09..60b8e72 100644
--- a/src/ui.c
+++ b/src/ui.c
@@ -74,292 +74,629 @@ static struct {
        {DATA_DIR "/images/icons/math-nth-root.png", "math-nth-root"},
+static const char *ui =
+"  <menubar name='MainMenu'>"
+"    <menu action='File'>"
+"      <menuitem action='FileNew' />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileOpen' />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileOpenRecent' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileSave' />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileSaveAs' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileCreateTemplate' />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileDeleteTemplate' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileClose' />"
+"      <menuitem action='FileQuit' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu name='Edit' action='Edit'>"
+"      <menuitem name='Undo' action='EditUndo' />"
+"      <menuitem name='Redo' action='EditRedo' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditCut' />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditCopy' />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditPaste' />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditDelete' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditSelectAll' />"
+"      <menuitem action='EditPreferences' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='View'>"
+"      <menuitem action='ViewSidePane' />"
+"      <menuitem action='ViewEditToolbar' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='ViewZoomIn' />"
+"      <menuitem action='ViewZoomOut' />"
+"      <menuitem action='ViewZoomReset' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Search'>"
+"      <menuitem action='SearchFind' />"
+"      <menuitem action='SearchReplace' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='SearchGoToLine' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Build'>"
+"      <menuitem action='compile_latex' />"
+"      <menuitem action='viewDVI' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='compile_pdflatex' />"
+"      <menuitem action='viewPDF' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='DVItoPDF' />"
+"      <menuitem action='DVItoPS' />"
+"      <menuitem action='viewPS' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='compile_bibtex' />"
+"      <menuitem action='compile_makeindex' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Latex'>"
+"      <menu action='Sectioning'>"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningPart' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningChapter' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubsection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubsubsection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningParagraph' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubparagraph' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='References'>"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesLabel' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesRef' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesPageref' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesIndex' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesFootnote' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesCite' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='Environments'>"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentCenter' />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentLeft' />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentRight' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentMinipage' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentQuote' />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentQuotation' />"
+"        <menuitem action='EnvironmentVerse' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='ListEnvironments'>"
+"        <menuitem action='ListEnvItemize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ListEnvEnumerate' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ListEnvDescription' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='ListEnvItem' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='CharacterSize'>"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeTiny' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeScriptsize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeFootnotesize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeSmall' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeNormalsize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizelarge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeLarge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeLARGE' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizehuge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeHuge' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='FontStyles'>"
+"        <menuitem action='Bold' />"
+"        <menuitem action='Italic' />"
+"        <menuitem action='Typewriter' />"
+"        <menuitem action='Slanted' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SmallCaps' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='Emph' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='Underline' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menu action='FontFamily'>"
+"          <menuitem action='FontFamilyRoman' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontFamilySansSerif' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontFamilyMonospace' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"        <menu action='FontSeries'>"
+"          <menuitem action='FontSeriesMedium' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontSeriesBold' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"        <menu action='FontShape'>"
+"          <menuitem action='FontShapeUpright' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontShapeItalic' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontShapeSlanted' />"
+"          <menuitem action='FontShapeSmallCaps' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"      </menu>"
+"      <menu action='Math'>"
+"        <menu action='MathEnvironments'>"
+"          <menuitem action='MathEnvNormal' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathEnvCentered' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathEnvNumbered' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathEnvArray' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathEnvNumberedArray' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathSuperscript' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathSubscript' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathFrac' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathSquareRoot' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathNthRoot' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menu action='MathLeftDelimiters'>"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter1' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter2' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter3' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter4' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter5' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter6' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter7' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter8' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter9' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"        <menu action='MathRightDelimiters'>"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter1' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter2' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter3' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter4' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter5' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter6' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter7' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter8' />"
+"          <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter9' />"
+"        </menu>"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Tools'>"
+"      <menuitem action='ToolsComment' />"
+"      <menuitem action='ToolsUncomment' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='ToolsIndent' />"
+"      <menuitem action='ToolsUnindent' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Documents'>"
+"      <menuitem action='DocumentsSaveAll' />"
+"      <menuitem action='DocumentsCloseAll' />"
+"      <separator />"
+"      <menuitem action='DocumentsPrevious' />"
+"      <menuitem action='DocumentsNext' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"    <menu action='Help'>"
+"      <menuitem action='HelpLatexReference' />"
+"      <menuitem action='HelpAbout' />"
+"    </menu>"
+"  </menubar>"
+"  <toolbar name='MainToolbar'>"
+"    <toolitem action='FileNew' />"
+"    <toolitem action='FileOpen' />"
+"    <!-- TODO add FileOpenRecent with the arrow only -->"
+"    <toolitem action='FileSave' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='EditUndo' />"
+"    <toolitem action='EditRedo' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='EditCut' />"
+"    <toolitem action='EditCopy' />"
+"    <toolitem action='EditPaste' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='SearchFind' />"
+"    <toolitem action='SearchReplace' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='compile_latex' />"
+"    <toolitem action='viewDVI' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='compile_pdflatex' />"
+"    <toolitem action='viewPDF' />"
+"  </toolbar>"
+"  <toolbar name='EditToolbar'>"
+"    <toolitem action='SectioningToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='Sectioning'>"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningPart' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningChapter' />"
+"        <separator />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubsection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubsubsection' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningParagraph' />"
+"        <menuitem action='SectioningSubparagraph' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"    <toolitem action='ReferencesToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='References'>"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesLabel' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesRef' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesPageref' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesIndex' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesFootnote' />"
+"        <menuitem action='ReferencesCite' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"    <toolitem action='CharacterSizeToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='CharacterSize'>"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeTiny' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeScriptsize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeFootnotesize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeSmall' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeNormalsize' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizelarge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeLarge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeLARGE' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizehuge' />"
+"        <menuitem action='CharacterSizeHuge' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='Bold' />"
+"    <toolitem action='Italic' />"
+"    <toolitem action='Typewriter' />"
+"    <toolitem action='Underline' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='EnvironmentCenter' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='ListEnvItemize' />"
+"    <toolitem action='ListEnvEnumerate' />"
+"    <toolitem action='ListEnvDescription' />"
+"    <toolitem action='ListEnvItem' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathEnvironmentsToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='MathEnvironments'>"
+"        <menuitem action='MathEnvNormal' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathEnvCentered' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathEnvNumbered' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathEnvArray' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathEnvNumberedArray' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathSuperscript' />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathSubscript' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathFrac' />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathSquareRoot' />"
+"    <separator />"
+"    <toolitem action='MathLeftDelimitersToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='MathLeftDelimiters'>"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter1' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter2' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter3' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter4' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter5' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter6' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter7' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter8' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathLeftDelimiter9' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"    <toolitem action='MathRightDelimitersToolItem'>"
+"      <menu action='MathRightDelimiters'>"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter1' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter2' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter3' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter4' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter5' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter6' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter7' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter8' />"
+"        <menuitem action='MathRightDelimiter9' />"
+"      </menu>"
+"    </toolitem>"
+"  </toolbar>"
 // all the actions (for the menu and the toolbar)
 // {name, stock_id, label, accelerator, tooltip, callback}
 // the names come from the XML file
 static GtkActionEntry entries[] = {
-       {"File", NULL, N_("File"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"FileNew", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("New"), "<Control>N",
+       {"File", NULL, N_("_File"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"FileNew", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("_New"), "<Control>N",
                N_("New file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_new)},
-       {"FileOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("Open..."), "<Control>O",
+       {"FileOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("_Open..."), "<Control>O",
                N_("Open a file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_open)},
-       {"FileSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("Save..."), "<Control>S",
+       {"FileSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save..."), "<Control>S",
                N_("Save the current file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_save)},
-       {"FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save as..."), "<Shift><Control>S",
+       {"FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As..."), "<Shift><Control>S",
                N_("Save the current file with a different name"), G_CALLBACK (cb_save_as)},
-       {"FileCreateTemplate", NULL, N_("Create Template From Document..."), NULL,
+       {"FileCreateTemplate", NULL, N_("Create _Template From Document..."), NULL,
                N_("Create a new template from the current document"), G_CALLBACK (cb_create_template)},
-       {"FileDeleteTemplate", NULL, N_("Delete Template..."), NULL,
+       {"FileDeleteTemplate", NULL, N_("_Delete Template..."), NULL,
                N_("Delete personnal template(s)"), G_CALLBACK (cb_delete_template)},
-       {"FileClose", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("Close"), "<Control>W",
+       {"FileClose", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("_Close"), "<Control>W",
                N_("Close the current file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_close)},
-       {"FileQuit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, N_("Quit"), "<Control>Q",
+       {"FileQuit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, N_("_Quit"), "<Control>Q",
                N_("Quit the program"), G_CALLBACK (cb_quit)},
-       {"Edit", NULL, N_("Edit"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, N_("Undo"), "<Control>Z",
+       {"Edit", NULL, N_("_Edit"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, N_("_Undo"), "<Control>Z",
                N_("Undo the last action"), G_CALLBACK (cb_undo)},
-       {"EditRedo", GTK_STOCK_REDO, N_("Redo"), "<Shift><Control>Z",
+       {"EditRedo", GTK_STOCK_REDO, N_("_Redo"), "<Shift><Control>Z",
                N_("Redo the last undone action"), G_CALLBACK (cb_redo)},
-       {"EditCut", GTK_STOCK_CUT, N_("Cut"), "<Control>X",
+       {"EditCut", GTK_STOCK_CUT, N_("Cu_t"), "<Control>X",
                N_("Cut the selection"), G_CALLBACK (cb_cut)},
-       {"EditCopy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, N_("Copy"), "<Control>C",
+       {"EditCopy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, N_("_Copy"), "<Control>C",
                N_("Copy the selection"), G_CALLBACK (cb_copy)},
-       {"EditPaste", GTK_STOCK_PASTE, N_("Paste"), "<Control>V",
+       {"EditPaste", GTK_STOCK_PASTE, N_("_Paste"), "<Control>V",
                N_("Paste the clipboard"), G_CALLBACK (cb_paste)},
-       {"EditDelete", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("Delete"), NULL,
+       {"EditDelete", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete"), NULL,
                N_("Delete the selected text"), G_CALLBACK (cb_delete)},
-       {"EditSelectAll", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_ALL, N_("Select All"), "<Control>A",
+       {"EditSelectAll", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_ALL, N_("Select _All"), "<Control>A",
                N_("Select the entire document"), G_CALLBACK (cb_select_all)},
-       {"EditPreferences", GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, N_("Preferences"), NULL,
+       {"EditPreferences", GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, N_("Pr_eferences"), NULL,
                N_("Configure the application"), G_CALLBACK (cb_preferences)},
-       {"View", NULL, N_("View"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"ViewZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("Zoom In"), "<Control>plus",
+       {"View", NULL, N_("_View"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"ViewZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("Zoom _In"), "<Control>plus",
                N_("Enlarge the font"), G_CALLBACK (cb_zoom_in)},
-       {"ViewZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom Out"), "<Control>minus",
+       {"ViewZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "<Control>minus",
                N_("Shrink the font"), G_CALLBACK (cb_zoom_out)},
-       {"ViewZoomReset", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_100, N_("Reset Zoom"), "<Control>0",
+       {"ViewZoomReset", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_100, N_("_Reset Zoom"), "<Control>0",
                N_("Reset the size of the font"), G_CALLBACK (cb_zoom_reset)},
-       {"Search", NULL, N_("Search"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"SearchFind", GTK_STOCK_FIND, N_("Find..."), "<Control>F",
+       {"Search", NULL, N_("_Search"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"SearchFind", GTK_STOCK_FIND, N_("_Find..."), "<Control>F",
                N_("Search for text"), G_CALLBACK (cb_find)},
-       {"SearchReplace", GTK_STOCK_FIND_AND_REPLACE, N_("Replace..."), "<Control>H",
+       {"SearchReplace", GTK_STOCK_FIND_AND_REPLACE, N_("_Replace..."), "<Control>H",
                N_("Search for and replace text"), G_CALLBACK (cb_replace)},
-       {"SearchGoToLine", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("Go to Line..."), "<Control>G",
+       {"SearchGoToLine", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("_Go to Line..."), "<Control>G",
                N_("Go to a specific line"), G_CALLBACK (cb_go_to_line)},
-       {"Build", NULL, N_("Build"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"compile_latex", "compile_latex", N_("Compile (latex)"), "<Release>F5",
+       {"Build", NULL, N_("_Build"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"compile_latex", "compile_latex", N_("_Compile (latex)"), "<Release>F5",
                N_("Produce the document in DVI format"), G_CALLBACK (cb_latex)},
-       {"viewDVI", "view_dvi", N_("View DVI"), "<Release>F6",
+       {"viewDVI", "view_dvi", N_("_View DVI"), "<Release>F6",
                N_("View the DVI file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_view_dvi)},
-       {"compile_pdflatex", "compile_pdflatex", N_("Compile (pdflatex)"), "<Release>F7",
+       {"compile_pdflatex", "compile_pdflatex", N_("C_ompile (pdflatex)"), "<Release>F7",
                N_("Produce the document in PDF format"), G_CALLBACK (cb_pdflatex)},
-       {"viewPDF", "view_pdf", N_("View PDF"), "<Release>F8",
+       {"viewPDF", "view_pdf", N_("V_iew PDF"), "<Release>F8",
                N_("View the PDF file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_view_pdf)},
-       {"DVItoPDF", "dvi_to_pdf", N_("DVI to PDF"), NULL,
+       {"DVItoPDF", "dvi_to_pdf", N_("_DVI to PDF"), NULL,
                N_("Convert the DVI document to the PDF format"), G_CALLBACK (cb_dvi_to_pdf)},
-       {"DVItoPS", "dvi_to_ps", N_("DVI to PS"), NULL,
+       {"DVItoPS", "dvi_to_ps", N_("DVI to _PS"), NULL,
                N_("Convert the DVI document to the PostScript format"), G_CALLBACK (cb_dvi_to_ps)},
-       {"viewPS", "view_ps", N_("View PS"), NULL,
+       {"viewPS", "view_ps", N_("Vi_ew PS"), NULL,
                N_("View the PostScript file"), G_CALLBACK (cb_view_ps)},
-       {"compile_bibtex", NULL, "BibTeX", NULL,
+       {"compile_bibtex", NULL, "_BibTeX", NULL,
                N_("Run BibTeX on the current document"), G_CALLBACK (cb_bibtex)},
-       {"compile_makeindex", NULL, "MakeIndex", NULL,
+       {"compile_makeindex", NULL, "_MakeIndex", NULL,
                N_("Run MakeIndex on the current document"), G_CALLBACK (cb_makeindex)},
-       {"Tools", NULL, N_("Tools"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"ToolsComment", NULL, N_("Comment"), "<Control>D",
+       {"Tools", NULL, N_("_Tools"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"ToolsComment", NULL, N_("_Comment"), "<Control>D",
                N_("Comment the selected lines (add the character \"%\")"),
                G_CALLBACK (cb_tools_comment)},
-       {"ToolsUncomment", NULL, N_("Uncomment"), "<Shift><Control>D",
+       {"ToolsUncomment", NULL, N_("_Uncomment"), "<Shift><Control>D",
                N_("Uncomment the selected lines (remove the character \"%\")"),
                G_CALLBACK (cb_tools_uncomment)},
-       {"ToolsIndent", GTK_STOCK_INDENT, N_("Indent"), "<Control>I",
+       {"ToolsIndent", GTK_STOCK_INDENT, N_("_Indent"), "<Control>I",
                N_("Indent the selected lines"), G_CALLBACK (cb_tools_indent)},
-       {"ToolsUnindent", GTK_STOCK_UNINDENT, N_("Unindent"), "<Shift><Control>I",
+       {"ToolsUnindent", GTK_STOCK_UNINDENT, N_("U_nindent"), "<Shift><Control>I",
                N_("Unindent the selected lines"), G_CALLBACK (cb_tools_unindent)},
-       {"Documents", NULL, N_("Documents"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"DocumentsSaveAll", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("Save All"), "<Shift><Control>L",
+       {"Documents", NULL, N_("_Documents"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"DocumentsSaveAll", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save All"), "<Shift><Control>L",
                N_("Save all open files"), G_CALLBACK (cb_documents_save_all)},
-       {"DocumentsCloseAll", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("Close All"), "<Shift><Control>W",
+       {"DocumentsCloseAll", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("_Close All"), "<Shift><Control>W",
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+       {"MathSubscript", "math-subscript", N_("Su_bscript - __{}"), NULL,
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+       {"MathFrac", "math-frac", N_("_Fraction - \\frac{}{}"), NULL,
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+       {"MathSquareRoot", "math-square-root", N_("Square _Root - \\sqrt{}"), NULL,
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+       {"MathNthRoot", "math-nth-root", N_("_N-th Root - \\sqrt[]{}"), NULL,
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+       {"MathLeftDelimiter7", NULL, N_("left _}"), NULL,
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+       {"MathRightDelimiter5", NULL, N_("right _("), NULL,
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+       {"MathRightDelimiter6", NULL, N_("right _["), NULL,
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+       {"MathRightDelimiter8", NULL, N_("right _<"), NULL,
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-       {"MathRightDelimiter9", NULL, N_("right ."), NULL,
+       {"MathRightDelimiter9", NULL, N_("right _."), NULL,
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 // {name, stock_id, label, accelerator, tooltip, callback}
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-       {"ViewSidePane", NULL, N_("Side pane"), NULL,
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@@ -397,7 +734,7 @@ init_ui (GtkWidget *box)
        // recent document
        GtkAction *recent = gtk_recent_action_new ("FileOpenRecent",
-                       _("Open Recent"), _("Open recently used files"), NULL);
+                       _("Open _Recent"), _("Open recently used files"), NULL);
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                        G_CALLBACK (cb_recent_item_activated), NULL);
@@ -465,8 +802,7 @@ init_ui (GtkWidget *box)
        gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (ui_manager, action_group, 0);
        // load the xml file
-       gchar *xml_file = DATA_DIR "/ui.xml";
-       gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_file (ui_manager, xml_file, &error);
+       gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (ui_manager, ui, -1, &error);
        if (error != NULL)
                print_error ("building menubar and toolbar failed: %s", error->message);

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