[gnome-latex: 72/205] Icons: 30x30 -> 24x24 (more beautiful)

commit d7d4eb8f2e5cc4e0ad1d6bfca305056b3bef77de
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <sebastien wilmet gmail com>
Date:   Sat Sep 19 23:45:06 2009 +0200

    Icons: 30x30 -> 24x24 (more beautiful)

 images/icons/character-size.png | Bin 537 -> 474 bytes
 images/icons/textbf.png         | Bin 425 -> 387 bytes
 images/icons/textit.png         | Bin 309 -> 288 bytes
 images/icons/texttt.png         | Bin 310 -> 290 bytes
 images/icons/underline.png      | Bin 381 -> 335 bytes
 src/ui.c                        |  10 +++++-----
 6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/images/icons/character-size.png b/images/icons/character-size.png
index d291012..23bd3d7 100644
Binary files a/images/icons/character-size.png and b/images/icons/character-size.png differ
diff --git a/images/icons/textbf.png b/images/icons/textbf.png
index 37815ab..425bd96 100644
Binary files a/images/icons/textbf.png and b/images/icons/textbf.png differ
diff --git a/images/icons/textit.png b/images/icons/textit.png
index c201b85..41faaff 100644
Binary files a/images/icons/textit.png and b/images/icons/textit.png differ
diff --git a/images/icons/texttt.png b/images/icons/texttt.png
index 2b89b2a..a496e6b 100644
Binary files a/images/icons/texttt.png and b/images/icons/texttt.png differ
diff --git a/images/icons/underline.png b/images/icons/underline.png
index a5553e7..6f9192b 100644
Binary files a/images/icons/underline.png and b/images/icons/underline.png differ
diff --git a/src/ui.c b/src/ui.c
index 9d8ffd5..6554956 100644
--- a/src/ui.c
+++ b/src/ui.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static GtkActionEntry entries[] = {
 static GtkActionEntry latex_entries[] = {
        {"Latex", NULL, N_("LaTeX"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
-       {"Sectioning", NULL, N_("Sectioning"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"Sectioning", "sectioning-section", N_("Sectioning"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
        {"SectioningPart", "sectioning-part", N_("part"), NULL,
                N_("part"), G_CALLBACK (cb_sectioning_part)},
        {"SectioningChapter", "sectioning-chapter", N_("chapter"), NULL,
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static GtkActionEntry latex_entries[] = {
        {"ReferencesFootnote", NULL, "footnote", NULL, "footnote", G_CALLBACK (cb_ref_footnote)},
        {"ReferencesCite", NULL, "cite", NULL, "cite", G_CALLBACK (cb_ref_cite)},
-       {"Environments", NULL, N_("Environments"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"Environments", "justify_center", N_("Environments"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
        {"EnvironmentCenter", "justify_center", N_("Center - \\begin{center}"), NULL,
                N_("Center - \\begin{center}"), G_CALLBACK (cb_env_center)},
        {"EnvironmentLeft", "justify_left", N_("Align Left - \\begin{flushleft}"), NULL,
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static GtkActionEntry latex_entries[] = {
        {"EnvironmentVerse", NULL, N_("Verse - \\begin{verse}"), NULL,
                N_("Verse - \\begin{verse}"), G_CALLBACK (cb_env_verse)},
-       {"ListEnvironments", NULL, N_("List Environments"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"ListEnvironments", "list-enumerate", N_("List Environments"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
        {"ListEnvItemize", "list-itemize", N_("Bulleted List - \\begin{itemize}"), NULL,
                N_("Bulleted List - \\begin{itemize}"), G_CALLBACK (cb_list_env_itemize)},
        {"ListEnvEnumerate", "list-enumerate", N_("Enumeration - \\begin{enumeration}"), NULL,
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static GtkActionEntry latex_entries[] = {
                N_("\\item"), G_CALLBACK (cb_list_env_item)},
-       {"CharacterSize", NULL, N_("Characters Sizes"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"CharacterSize", "character-size", N_("Characters Sizes"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
        {"CharacterSizeTiny", NULL, "tiny", NULL,
                "\\tiny", G_CALLBACK (cb_size_tiny)},
        {"CharacterSizeScriptsize", NULL, "scriptsize", NULL,
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static GtkActionEntry latex_entries[] = {
        {"CharacterSizeHuge", NULL, "Huge", NULL,
                "\\Huge", G_CALLBACK (cb_size_Huge)},
-       {"FontStyles", NULL, N_("Font Styles"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
+       {"FontStyles", "bold", N_("Font Styles"), NULL, NULL, NULL},
        {"Bold", "bold", N_("Bold - \\textbf{}"), NULL,
                N_("Bold - \\textbf{}"), G_CALLBACK (cb_text_bold)},
        {"Italic", "italic", N_("Italic - \\textit{}"), NULL,

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