[libgtkmusic.wiki] Update home

commit e9a07844302b813bc48a4aa0058c30c9be21f23a
Author: Leandro Resende Mattioli <leandro mattioli gmail com>
Date:   Sat Dec 8 03:40:52 2018 +0000

    Update home

 home.md | 163 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/home.md b/home.md
index 157e3d3..fa764f4 100644
--- a/home.md
+++ b/home.md
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-## page was renamed from libgtkmusic
-{{{#!wiki caution
-'''Wiki will be moved to GitLab'''
-This Wiki will soon be replaced by the one in the new project's page: 
-== What's libgtkmusic? ==
+What's libgtkmusic?
 libgtkmusic is a GTK+ library that provides widgets for displaying and
-interacting with musical instruments views, as well as some utility functions.
-It can be used for any kind of application that needs a musical instrument
-view, such as virtual guitars, note detector, guitar training and games).
-Currently it supports a highly customizable guitar and a piano.
+interacting with musical instruments views, as well as some utility
+functions. It can be used for any kind of application that needs a
+musical instrument view, such as virtual guitars, note detector, guitar
+training and games). Currently it supports a highly customizable guitar
+and a piano.
-{{attachment:guitar_widget.png|Guitar Widget|width=45%}}
-{{attachment:piano_widget.png|Piano Widget|width=45%}}
-== Installing ==
-=== Building from source ===
+### Building from source
-Currently this is the only installation method. The source code can be accessed either through its
-[[https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgtkmusic|GitLab libgtkmusic Project]].
+Currently this is the only installation method. The source code can be
+accessed either through its [GitLab libgtkmusic
+Project](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgtkmusic "wikilink").
-The library uses the [[mesonbuild.com|Meson build system]]. The instructions here provided assume the reader 
has a basic knowledge of GNU/Linux systems.
+The library uses the [Meson build system](mesonbuild.com "wikilink").
+The instructions here provided assume the reader has a basic knowledge
+of GNU/Linux systems.
-==== Installing Dependencies ====
+#### Installing Dependencies
 Please make sure the following packages are installed:
-|| '''Fedora'''  || '''Debian or Ubuntu'''        ||
-|| vala          || valac                         ||
-|| pkgconf       || pkg-config                    ||
-|| libgee-devel  || libgee-0.8-dev                ||
-|| meson         || (outdated package; see below) ||
-|||| git                                          ||
-|||| ninja-build                                  ||
-Please make sure that a recent meson version is installed (>= 0.44). In doubt, install via '''pip3'''
-# apt-get install python3-pip
-$ pip3 install --user --upgrade meson
-To enable all build features, please also install the packages below: 
-|| '''Fedora'''                    || '''Debian or Ubuntu'''        || '''Feature'''                         
-|||| gobject-introspection                                          || Allows use with other runtimes, such 
as Python ||
-|| gobject-introspection-devel     || libgirepository1.0-dev        || (same as above)                       
-|| libgee-devel                    || libgladeui-dev                || Add libgtkmusic widgets to Glade 
designer      ||
-|||| valadoc                                                        || Generate Devhelp API reference via 
valadoc     ||
-==== Building the library ====
-$ git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgtkmusic.git
-$ cd libgtkmusic
-$ meson build
-$ cd build
-$ ninja
-# ninja install
-If needed add the directory of the installed library to LD_EXPORT_PATH:
- $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
-== Usage ==
+| **Fedora**   | **Debian or Ubuntu**          |
+| :----------- | :---------------------------- |
+| vala         | valac                         |
+| pkgconf      | pkg-config                    |
+| libgee-devel | libgee-0.8-dev                |
+| meson        | (outdated package; see below) |
+| git          | git                           |
+| ninja-build  | ninja-build                   |
+Please make sure that a recent meson version is installed (>= 0.44).
+In doubt, install via **pip3**
+sudo apt install python3-pip
+pip3 install --user --upgrade meson
+To enable all build features, please also install the packages below:
+** This table needs to be fixed...**
+| **Fedora** | **Debian or Ubuntu** | **Feature** |   |   |
+| ---------- | -------------------- | ----------- | - | - |
+gobject-introspection || Allows use with other runtimes, such as Python
+|| || gobject-introspection-devel || libgirepository1.0-dev || (same as
+above) || || libgee-devel || libgladeui-dev || Add libgtkmusic widgets
+to Glade designer || |||| valadoc || Generate Devhelp API reference via
+valadoc ||
+#### Building the library
+git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgtkmusic.git
+cd libgtkmusic
+meson build
+cd build
+ninja install
+If needed add the directory of the installed library to
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
-Provided that you've successfully installed the library and its GObject Introspection typelib, try out
-this minimal Python example:
+Provided that you've successfully installed the library and its GObject
+Introspection typelib, try out this minimal Python example:
-{{{#!highlight python
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import gi
 gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ gi.require_version('GtkMusic', '0.4')
 from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GtkMusic
 def note_pressed(sender, widget, event, midi_code):
-       print('You pressed the note with MIDI code %d!' % midi_code)
+        print('You pressed the note with MIDI code %d!' % midi_code)
 win = Gtk.Window()
 piano = GtkMusic.Piano()
@@ -103,19 +103,22 @@ win.add(piano)
-== API Reference ==
+API Reference
-The API reference is currently hosted at [[http://leandromattioli.com/api/GtkMusic/]].
+The API reference is currently hosted at
-== Future ==
+*  ~~Migration to GitLab~~ (DONE)
+*  Add other widgets (notably a drum kit)
- * --(Migration to GitLab)-- (DONE)
- * Add other widgets (notably a drum kit)
-== Getting in Touch ==
+Getting in Touch
- * Chat: `#libgtkmusic` at [[irc://irc.gnome.org/#libgtkmusic | irc.gnome.org]] and 
[[https://riot.im/app/#/room/#_gimpnet_#libgtkmusic:matrix.org | Riot]]
\ No newline at end of file
+*  Chat: `#libgtkmusic` at  [irc.gnome.org](irc://irc.gnome.org/#libgtkmusic "wikilink") and 
[Riot](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#_gimpnet_#libgtkmusic:matrix.org "wikilink")

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