[gnome-keysign] (131 commits) ...bumped version to 0.9.9

Summary of changes:

  3c0ce10... gitignore: Add PyCharm folder and glade tmp files (*)
  c4c893a... Completely remove Avahi (*)
  9ad2db1... receive.ui: Add button for send code (*)
  6a34192... send.ui: Add wormhole code (*)
  3559b0c... Initial Magic Wormhole implementation (*)
  1698db9... app: Fix Gst.init parameters (*)
  9a45aab... gpgmeh: added missing STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED (*)
  8db524e... gpgmeh: Add status CARDCTRL to ignored list (*)
  2c0ea2e... wormhole: Add Python 2 compatibility (*)
  f4e3e89... Avoid receive with blank code, support multiple receive ret (*)
  1d21f67... readme: add the wormhole progress (*)
  4ea4536... Revert "Completely remove Avahi" (*)
  9254253... Wormhole refactor and wormhole now also in QRcode (*)
  663e853... Add parse of wormhole code in QR code (*)
  4f156a9... wormhole: add check before callback (*)
  8ec1775... Initial wormhole test (*)
  aa6cf85... Add AvahiWormholeDiscover (*)
  91da8fc... wormhole refactor and first error handling example (*)
  8a0ef97... setup.py: Add future and magic wormhole (*)
  df33d26... receive.ui: deprecate the receive button (*)
  8b6246b... Send: add final page with sending result (*)
  b3ea8d9... wormhole: improve error handling (*)
  2b39259... Error page receiver tab, improved barcode handling (*)
  8c4a2ee... wormholeoffer: fix main that was stuck waiting for a callba (*)
  36e1c95... wormholeoffer: fix unhandled error when a wrong code was pr (*)
  7d80d93... Send: deprecate ok, redo and cancel buttons from final page (*)
  58d0681... wormholeoffer: fix stop method (*)
  05bf930... Add a switch for choose between Avahi and Wormhole (*)
  a388ec6... wormholereceive: fix Python2 TypeError (*)
  058a53e... wormholeoffer: decode verifier before logging it (*)
  5cdcc09... avahiwormholeoffer: fix avahi start on None object (*)
  1a9d4a5... avahi: fix double AvahiWormholeDiscover initialization (*)
  e7adb05... app: update on_send_header_button_clicked comment (*)
  163a55c... avahioffer: revert inialization of keyserver inside __init_ (*)
  cf87be0... test_wormhole: made these tests nose compatible (*)
  c4f2141... wormholeoffer: log the exeception instead of silently pass (*)
  e08b08a... wormhole: use unicode_literals for simpler Py3 compatibilit (*)
  08623ad... send: do not stop Avahi when the user switch to Internet (*)
  500e3ee... wormholeoffer: fix "Unhandled error" on close() (*)
  2367444... app: avoid adding multiple times the resultbox element (*)
  26cee7e... send tab: add info bar to inform users about slow/no connec (*)
  a2b8921... receive: workaroud for infobar show() and hide() (*)
  46ae1fe... Stop the program with Ctrl-C (*)
  cd3fdca... receive: remove unused import (*)
  62bcd44... send: fix directly execution (*)
  300e722... wormholereceive: add main (*)
  6d00b06... wormholeoffer: move local import below gi (*)
  65c03d9... wormhole classes imports following PEP8 and remove unused o (*)
  5456b53... fix format in logging according to pylint W1202 (*)
  d88f6c0... wormholeoffer: relative imports after setting sys.path (*)
  c72f7fd... Add Internet toggle in top bar (*)
  c621b54... test_wormhole: remove redundant gtk3reactor.install() (*)
  64e7b7c... wormhole: remove GLib.idle_add() (*)
  c0d001f... Initial attempt to armonize avahi and wormhole methods (*)
  77df0c4... receive: reorder imports (*)
  0d3bc19... test_wormhole: add a comment about the offline code (*)
  e9d726c... send tab: fix back and internet buttons (*)
  f5fd0d1... send tab: refactor widget signals handling (*)
  01522db... receive: fix receive app with wormhole codes (*)
  1a50ba8... receive: prevent double key download (*)
  2e22df6... avahiwormholediscover: when possible try both avahi and wor (*)
  dfd30fc... send tab: add infobar for no connection (*)
  bef2214... send: add LonelyError to on_message_callback (*)
  2e36324... test_latin1: add missing parameter for KeyPresentWidget (*)
  7a82164... send: avoid to check message.type if message is None (*)
  c700b7c... wormhole tests: fix and add new "wrong code" test (*)
  f42c5eb... re sorround SIGINT with try catch
  5a3c786... send: better error presentation, now selectable
  5e1d10e... wormholeoffer: fix a possible close() called in a None obje
  1c0d22b... wormholereceive: catch WrongPasswordError also in the recei
  b21effa... README: add wormhole and Arch Linux instructions
  186a434... README: remove the temporary wormhole progress
  d49bd71... setup: add minimum version required for magic wormhole
  ba18383... Avoid manual execution of Gtk loop, let reactor handle it
  da6b7ee... util: stricter check for wormhole codes
  29cc5d8... wormhole: initial switch to inlinecallbacks
  04e9e4a... wormholeoffer: only print exception doc instead of full obj
  f62af37... wormhole: switch to inline callbacks for the receive part
  964cd8b... wormhole: fix main for direct execution
  fe7b5ce... wormholereceive: fix reply message in main
  5a45833... send: update main with the latest code changes
  2f34620... avahiwormholediscover: stopped variable to avoid double key
  9b15b59... send: remove unused imports
  744f6f6... app: explicitly check current page when back button has bee
  5a9f68d... test_wormhole: refactor to use inline callbacks
  3cbcac0... receive: handle the ValueError
  f2eace3... Clean old references to switch and spinner
  926c1e4... avahiwormholeoffer: removed this no more used meta class
  a8b760e... Add licence info to newly created files
  378218f... bluetooth: initial commit using the bt_mac as code
  d1c3c93... bluetoothoffer: let the receiver close the connection
  29fe585... bluetooth: handle long keys
  7598579... bluetoothoffer: cancel an offering
  2b21866... bluetoothoffer: add a main to allow direct execution
  9fb5e60... bluetoothoffer: avoid gtk warning when executed directly
  c2f66b7... bluetoothreceive: add a main to allow direct execution
  ec31a4b... bluetoothoffer: avoid exception in deferred when cancel sen
  71ec9be... bluetoothoffer: better error handling when BT is not availa
  6f727f5... bluetooth receive: better error handling
  bbdbfc7... bluetoothreceive: add connection refused error handling
  c4863c2... avahiwormholeoffer now is only "offer"
  61470f6... bluetoothreceive: avoid double download with two valid code
  210b861... avahiwormholediscover is now only "discover"
  da2a2b5... bluetoothreceive: add the key mac check
  82b3bd1... test_bluetooth: create unit tests
  1ef9b18... bluetooth: refactor to a more similar wormhole structure
  5390579... handle bluetooth as an optional dependency
  ae3cc51... Add PyBluez to README and setup
  e68b58f... bluetoothoffer: add missing import keysing for direct execu
  0bfaa64... Merge branch 'master' into worm_bt_mac2
  7c65a25... offer: fix Bluetooth breakage due to the latest merge of 'm
  8cfd527... Small code cleanup
  987778d... Merge branch 'master' into worm_bt_mac2
  2e2150b... README: replaced the deprecated pacaur from the arch instru
  c82515f... setup: add missing comma
  281571f... keylistwidget: remove old glib_markup_escape_rencoded_text 
  f8616d5... setup: requires twisted[tls] instead of twisted
  ee92501... send: stop the previously activated Avahi if we are without
  0521e24... bump the required version of twisted in setup.py
  6f0151b... Merge branch 'master' into worm_bt_mac2
  82c0567... discover: Avoid displaying an error when we can't find a ke
  777592d... setup: update old pep8 to pycodestyle
  7fd2a38... Merged renamed pep8
  e568d14... app: log when an unexpected page is visible
  d8e3163... KeyPresent: Better explain the code variable
  90b6ee4... KeyPresent: fix demo application with the required discover
  e5bfb2d... send: makes user facing strings translatable
  da371c8... send: log when an unexpected page is visible in the send de
  1946ef1... app.ui: change the internet icon to gtk-connect
  e03b255... Merged magic wormwhole support
  50bd288... bumped version to 0.9.9

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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