[gnote] Move sync manger test into suite

commit 8b8c2ed7eb0a49d58cadc6e9abf71faf516da42d
Author: Aurimas Černius <aurisc4 gmail com>
Date:   Sun Aug 12 20:02:48 2018 +0300

    Move sync manger test into suite

 src/test/unit/syncmanagerutests.cpp | 103 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/test/unit/syncmanagerutests.cpp b/src/test/unit/syncmanagerutests.cpp
index 44c90430..3277e3e7 100644
--- a/src/test/unit/syncmanagerutests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/unit/syncmanagerutests.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * gnote
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Aurimas Cernius
+ * Copyright (C) 2017,2018 Aurimas Cernius
  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -35,62 +35,65 @@
 using namespace gnote;
-void create_note(test::NoteManager & manager, const Glib::ustring & title, const Glib::ustring & body)
-  Glib::ustring content = 
-                            title, body);
-  manager.create(title, content)->save();
+  void create_note(test::NoteManager & manager, const Glib::ustring & title, const Glib::ustring & body)
+  {
+    Glib::ustring content = 
+                              title, body);
+    manager.create(title, content)->save();
+  }
-  char notes_dir_tmpl[] = "/tmp/gnotetestnotesXXXXXX";
-  char notes_dir_tmpl2[] = "/tmp/gnotetestnotesXXXXXX";
-  char *notes_dir = g_mkdtemp(notes_dir_tmpl);
-  CHECK(notes_dir != NULL);
-  char *notes_dir2 = g_mkdtemp(notes_dir_tmpl2);
-  CHECK(notes_dir2 != NULL);
-  Glib::ustring notesdir = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/notes";
-  Glib::ustring notesdir2 = Glib::ustring(notes_dir2) + "/notes";
-  Glib::ustring syncdir = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/sync";
-  REQUIRE CHECK(g_mkdir(syncdir.c_str(), S_IRWXU) == 0);
-  Glib::ustring manifest = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/manifest.xml";
+  TEST(clean_sync)
+  {
+    char notes_dir_tmpl[] = "/tmp/gnotetestnotesXXXXXX";
+    char notes_dir_tmpl2[] = "/tmp/gnotetestnotesXXXXXX";
+    char *notes_dir = g_mkdtemp(notes_dir_tmpl);
+    CHECK(notes_dir != NULL);
+    char *notes_dir2 = g_mkdtemp(notes_dir_tmpl2);
+    CHECK(notes_dir2 != NULL);
+    Glib::ustring notesdir = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/notes";
+    Glib::ustring notesdir2 = Glib::ustring(notes_dir2) + "/notes";
+    Glib::ustring syncdir = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/sync";
+    REQUIRE CHECK(g_mkdir(syncdir.c_str(), S_IRWXU) == 0);
+    Glib::ustring manifest = Glib::ustring(notes_dir) + "/manifest.xml";
-  new test::TagManager;
-  test::NoteManager manager1(notesdir);
-  create_note(manager1, "note1", "content1");
-  create_note(manager1, "note2", "content2");
-  create_note(manager1, "note3", "content3");
+    new test::TagManager;
+    test::NoteManager manager1(notesdir);
+    create_note(manager1, "note1", "content1");
+    create_note(manager1, "note2", "content2");
+    create_note(manager1, "note3", "content3");
-  test::NoteManager manager2(notesdir2);
+    test::NoteManager manager2(notesdir2);
-  test::SyncManager sync_manager1(manager1, syncdir);
-  test::SyncManager sync_manager2(manager2, syncdir);
-  test::SyncClient::Ptr sync_client1 = 
-  gnote::sync::SilentUI::Ptr sync_ui = gnote::sync::SilentUI::create(manager1);
-  sync_manager1.perform_synchronization(sync_ui);
+    test::SyncManager sync_manager1(manager1, syncdir);
+    test::SyncManager sync_manager2(manager2, syncdir);
+    test::SyncClient::Ptr sync_client1 = 
+    gnote::sync::SilentUI::Ptr sync_ui = gnote::sync::SilentUI::create(manager1);
+    sync_manager1.perform_synchronization(sync_ui);
-  Glib::ustring syncednotesdir = syncdir + "/0/0";
-  REQUIRE CHECK(sharp::directory_exists(syncednotesdir));
-  std::list<Glib::ustring> files;
-  sharp::directory_get_files_with_ext(syncednotesdir, ".note", files);
-  REQUIRE CHECK_EQUAL(3, files.size());
-  bool note1found = false, note2found = false, note3found = false;
-  for(auto file : files) {
-    Glib::ustring content = sharp::file_read_all_text(file);
-    if(content.find("<note-title>note1</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
-      note1found = true;
-    }
-    else if(content.find("<note-title>note2</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
-      note2found = true;
+    Glib::ustring syncednotesdir = syncdir + "/0/0";
+    REQUIRE CHECK(sharp::directory_exists(syncednotesdir));
+    std::list<Glib::ustring> files;
+    sharp::directory_get_files_with_ext(syncednotesdir, ".note", files);
+    REQUIRE CHECK_EQUAL(3, files.size());
+    bool note1found = false, note2found = false, note3found = false;
+    for(auto file : files) {
+      Glib::ustring content = sharp::file_read_all_text(file);
+      if(content.find("<note-title>note1</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
+        note1found = true;
+      }
+      else if(content.find("<note-title>note2</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
+        note2found = true;
+      }
+      else if(content.find("<note-title>note3</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
+        note3found = true;
+      }
-    else if(content.find("<note-title>note3</note-title>") != Glib::ustring::npos) {
-      note3found = true;
-    }
-  }
-  CHECK(note1found);
-  CHECK(note2found);
-  CHECK(note3found);
+    CHECK(note1found);
+    CHECK(note2found);
+    CHECK(note3found);
+  }

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