[nautilus] (96 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/ernestask/gtk4-continued

The branch 'wip/ernestask/gtk4-continued' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  21d4b6d... general: Replace uses of GdkScreen with GdkDisplay
  4b22513... batch-rename-dialog: Replace GtkStateType with GtkStateFlag
  192d69e... general: Use GTK+ API to set the cursor where appropriate
  bf92b3b... general: Use gtk_widget_get_preferred_size()
  eb6af62... general: Use new size_allocate() signature
  3fe6f46... canvas-container: Use event controller for key events
  07ac8c7... canvas-container: Use event controller for pointer motion e
  9a8a486... canvas-private: Drop unused enumeration
  3376930... flatpak: Build GTK+ 4 from source
  cd3430b... general: Build GtkPlacesSidebar from source
  ab4f93e... build: Sort libnautilus sources
  5ffd73c... canvas-item: Create GdkEvent using API
  38b359d... eel: canvas: Use GtkSnapshot API for drawing
  3170842... general: Don’t pass icon size when creating image buttons
  802b44d... general: Don’t pass size when creating GtkImage
  4bc4f47... general: Use GtkButton as a container
  bb0c3f8... icon-info: Drop gtk_icon_size_lookup()
  b3f5fb3... floating-bar: Use event controller for pointer motion event
  3d79f83... list-view: Use event controllers for pointer and key events
  6563e84... files-view: Use controller for scroll events
  70f49d9... files-view: Handle parent changes in GObject::notify
  785bdfe... files-view: Drop uses of removed GtkStyleContext API
  d30c7c3... general: Rework clipboard handling
  97c969e... general: Rework DnD handling
  4bf2058... location-entry: Use event controller for key events
  4aa4e1d... notebook: Use GtkCenterBox
  78a3692... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_set_redraw_on_allocate()
  29d5841... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_{g,s}et_clip()
  fa2565d... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_set_allocation()
  a1eeee9... pathbar: Update forall() signature
  79911f2... pathbar: Drop gtk_container_class_handle_border_width()
  c965b0f... tree-view-drag-dest: Stop connecting to ::draw
  ea52c02... tree-view-drag-dest: Replace uses of GDK thread API
  fa7dcf6... file: Don’t frame videos or images
  da4a23c... toolbar: Stop connecting to GtkWidget::draw
  b4ed23a... general: Use updated margin property names
  b6baedb... ide-box-theatric: Remove ability to draw icon
  0198704... x-content-bar: Declare loop counters inside the for stateme
  aaf970c... general: Don’t set xalign where unsupported
  b6a7a43... nautilus-search-popover.ui: Drop GtkSizeGroup:ignore-hidden
  e0638df... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Rename GtkHeaderBar:show-close-button
  a7e8c3c... window: Drop gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus()
  96e317f... window: Use controller for handling key events
  18a3336... general: Replace GtkWidget::delete-event with GtkWindow::cl
  d263899... view-icon-controller: Don’t use event in long press callb
  4086db6... view-icon-controller: Drop gtk_container_get_focus_child()
  5644c20... list-view: Remove null event guard
  913c169... list-view: Disable chain up to GtkWidget::button-press-even
  2046172... autorun-software: Use GdkTexture for window icon
  1417e3c... CI: Only build from GTK+ 4 manifest
  26758f3... meson.build: Disable -Wdeprecated-declarations
  6b6cd1b... canvas-container: Use drag gesture for rubberband selection
  e665fb3... view-icon-item-ui: Fill-align the icon
  cde4c94... nautilus-preferences-window.ui: Stop setting GtkContainer::
  4d8b053... nautilus-preferences-window.ui: Set numeric on GtkSpinButto
  6378fcc... directory-async: Use g_clear_object() more liberally
  239d6bc... preferences-window: Stop using GtkEntry API on GtkSpinButto
  e694a89... canvas-container: Unconditionally redo layout
  0bf426b... general: Drop uses of gtk-timeout-expand setting
  4bca21e... general: Rename NautilusCanvasIconData to NautilusFile
  82dbcf8... progress-info: Don’t cast in g_clear_pointer()
  c407dc7... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Use model for app menu
  893b11a... files-view: Remove desktop leftovers
  8bfe01c... canvas-container: Remove unused signal
  d6a32dc... list-model: Use GdkTexture for icon
  f5a3e96... file: Remove references to folder-open icon
  0aeee7b... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Remove main box margin
  2438cc5... view-icon-item-ui: Use GdkTexture for thumbnail
  b62dda2... canvas-container: Draw DnD highlight in snapshot()
  0aa24b5... general: Return boolean from GtkEventControllerScroll::scro
  3db24cd... file-conflict-dialog: Use textures for file thumbnails
  4a8c831... canvas-dnd: Fix DnD shadows
  52459af... pathbar: Remove event GdkWindow
  016853e... pathbar: Replace ::button-press-event handler with gesture
  6eb278f... icon-info: Clean up API
  c1494f4... properties-window: Set thumbnail GtkImage size explicitly
  7fc61f7... window-slot: Remove unused vfuncs
  a135b77... window-slot: Use bindings for mode changing
  a4c6b72... CI: Always upload artifacts
  e236c24... CI: Fix build log path
  6ea305e... properties-window: Fix usage chart
  4ddd962... file: Tweak code formatting
  9a5b797... files-view: Remove unused signal
  5c1b803... application: Make type final
  9aec7bc... canvas-private: Remove unused code
  98f4b4e... selection-canvas-item: Use GObject macros to define type
  21df6ae... canvas-item: Use GObject macros to define type
  c5a88b8... general: Fix header inclusions
  362f212... rename-file-popover-controller: Use controller for key even
  1ba6c19... toolbar: Fix GtkEntry::populate-popup handler
  edebbe2... toolbar: Don’t hide location entry when window becomes in
  3664f06... location-entry: Reimplement as GtkWidget
  476636e... list-view: Don’t claim event sequence
  6e5e821... meson.build: Set -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types
  b1a8bc0... list-view: Drop detail/priv structs
  25e550d... batch-rename-dialog: Replace ::event handlers with controll

Commits added to the branch:

  39fb6d6... general: Replace uses of GdkScreen with GdkDisplay
  735114e... batch-rename-dialog: Replace GtkStateType with GtkStateFlag
  f80b66c... general: Use GTK+ API to set the cursor where appropriate
  ff53ef6... general: Use gtk_widget_get_preferred_size()
  4ee4e59... general: Use new size_allocate() signature
  2b3f4d4... canvas-container: Use event controller for key events
  6fef659... canvas-container: Use event controller for pointer motion e
  4debe13... canvas-private: Drop unused enumeration
  577db11... flatpak: Build GTK+ 4 from source
  9114195... general: Build GtkPlacesSidebar from source
  48fd62c... build: Sort libnautilus sources
  505c109... canvas-item: Create GdkEvent using API
  9783069... eel: canvas: Use GtkSnapshot API for drawing
  31ea868... general: Don’t pass icon size when creating image buttons
  3733497... general: Don’t pass size when creating GtkImage
  f8a0df3... general: Use GtkButton as a container
  d2d874c... icon-info: Drop gtk_icon_size_lookup()
  5e5d4de... floating-bar: Use event controller for pointer motion event
  93fc97f... list-view: Use event controllers for pointer and key events
  ee074de... files-view: Use controller for scroll events
  34c3c3f... files-view: Handle parent changes in GObject::notify
  d8ff817... files-view: Drop uses of removed GtkStyleContext API
  a3d3a4d... general: Rework clipboard handling
  5c06b0c... general: Rework DnD handling
  d256213... location-entry: Use event controller for key events
  b997aa2... notebook: Use GtkCenterBox
  5c0e21c... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_set_redraw_on_allocate()
  ea6f37b... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_{g,s}et_clip()
  cd8d71c... pathbar: Drop gtk_widget_set_allocation()
  67f0b70... pathbar: Update forall() signature
  cbb2ca2... pathbar: Drop gtk_container_class_handle_border_width()
  19c678e... tree-view-drag-dest: Stop connecting to ::draw
  dc979af... tree-view-drag-dest: Replace uses of GDK thread API
  99240c7... file: Don’t frame videos or images
  8b651a8... toolbar: Stop connecting to GtkWidget::draw
  1309557... general: Use updated margin property names
  bada1ca... ide-box-theatric: Remove ability to draw icon
  2762ee4... x-content-bar: Declare loop counters inside the for stateme
  2f00389... general: Don’t set xalign where unsupported
  53b97d6... nautilus-search-popover.ui: Drop GtkSizeGroup:ignore-hidden
  25c7074... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Rename GtkHeaderBar:show-close-button
  eefdd68... window: Drop gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus()
  1a7d862... window: Use controller for handling key events
  610bf5b... general: Replace GtkWidget::delete-event with GtkWindow::cl
  1f35544... view-icon-controller: Don’t use event in long press callb
  7d85968... view-icon-controller: Drop gtk_container_get_focus_child()
  684f8b5... list-view: Remove null event guard
  2a35b53... list-view: Disable chain up to GtkWidget::button-press-even
  7499abf... autorun-software: Use GdkTexture for window icon
  614dcd8... CI: Only build from GTK+ 4 manifest
  e17b7bb... meson.build: Disable -Wdeprecated-declarations
  bebe170... canvas-container: Use drag gesture for rubberband selection
  4b09c07... view-icon-item-ui: Fill-align the icon
  9dfb297... nautilus-preferences-window.ui: Stop setting GtkContainer::
  07805a1... nautilus-preferences-window.ui: Set numeric on GtkSpinButto
  be72b72... directory-async: Use g_clear_object() more liberally
  7a6dd77... preferences-window: Stop using GtkEntry API on GtkSpinButto
  70a7407... canvas-container: Unconditionally redo layout
  36208b6... general: Drop uses of gtk-timeout-expand setting
  e0ff492... general: Rename NautilusCanvasIconData to NautilusFile
  168f8c4... progress-info: Don’t cast in g_clear_pointer()
  20d375b... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Use model for app menu
  1f8a687... files-view: Remove desktop leftovers
  ef33ae9... canvas-container: Remove unused signal
  38330d8... list-model: Use GdkTexture for icon
  aaf9209... file: Remove references to folder-open icon
  42fa85a... nautilus-toolbar.ui: Remove main box margin
  e3b7ece... view-icon-item-ui: Use GdkTexture for thumbnail
  a1bf2c4... canvas-container: Draw DnD highlight in snapshot()
  4d817a7... general: Return boolean from GtkEventControllerScroll::scro
  e2b8fb7... file-conflict-dialog: Use textures for file thumbnails
  3023484... canvas-dnd: Fix DnD shadows
  0534f4f... pathbar: Remove event GdkWindow
  511615b... pathbar: Replace ::button-press-event handler with gesture
  98a162c... icon-info: Clean up API
  c1d8cff... properties-window: Set thumbnail GtkImage size explicitly
  349d7a5... window-slot: Remove unused vfuncs
  7df341b... window-slot: Use bindings for mode changing
  6805484... CI: Always upload artifacts
  e9fcffc... CI: Fix build log path
  ed0343e... properties-window: Fix usage chart
  e9102f0... file: Tweak code formatting
  3c061de... files-view: Remove unused signal
  06f0219... application: Make type final
  94930d4... canvas-private: Remove unused code
  16232d6... selection-canvas-item: Use GObject macros to define type
  3a4b307... canvas-item: Use GObject macros to define type
  212ee62... general: Fix header inclusions
  e8b36f5... rename-file-popover-controller: Use controller for key even
  0eaf9ca... toolbar: Fix GtkEntry::populate-popup handler
  09df941... toolbar: Don’t hide location entry when window becomes in
  4474431... location-entry: Reimplement as GtkWidget
  f0137ea... list-view: Don’t claim event sequence
  044c67a... meson.build: Set -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types
  9fc0269... list-view: Drop detail/priv structs
  19b813f... batch-rename-dialog: Replace ::event handlers with controll

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