[gnome-software/wip/hughsie/fwupd_client_modify_remote: 6/7] fwupd: Show the download-type remotes in the source list

commit 333306fb3b3736b43161709b246f27d50ef3df9c
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date:   Sat Sep 9 20:55:36 2017 +0100

    fwupd: Show the download-type remotes in the source list

 plugins/fwupd/gs-plugin-fwupd.c |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/fwupd/gs-plugin-fwupd.c b/plugins/fwupd/gs-plugin-fwupd.c
index 3d71015..4a12bea 100644
--- a/plugins/fwupd/gs-plugin-fwupd.c
+++ b/plugins/fwupd/gs-plugin-fwupd.c
@@ -878,6 +878,28 @@ gs_plugin_fwupd_install (GsPlugin *plugin,
        return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+gs_plugin_fwupd_modify_source (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, gboolean enabled,
+                              GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
+       GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin);
+       const gchar *remote_id = gs_app_get_metadata_item (app, "fwupd::remote-id");
+       if (remote_id == NULL) {
+               g_set_error (error,
+                            GS_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                            GS_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED,
+                            "not enough data for fwupd %s",
+                            gs_app_get_unique_id (app));
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       return fwupd_client_modify_remote (priv->client,
+                                          remote_id,
+                                          "Enabled",
+                                          enabled ? "true" : "false",
+                                          cancellable,
+                                          error);
 gs_plugin_app_install (GsPlugin *plugin,
                       GsApp *app,
@@ -889,10 +911,30 @@ gs_plugin_app_install (GsPlugin *plugin,
                       gs_plugin_get_name (plugin)) != 0)
                return TRUE;
+       /* source -> remote */
+       if (gs_app_get_kind (app) == AS_APP_KIND_SOURCE) {
+               return gs_plugin_fwupd_modify_source (plugin, app, TRUE,
+                                                     cancellable, error);
+       }
+       /* firmware */
        return gs_plugin_fwupd_install (plugin, app, cancellable, error);
+gs_plugin_app_remove (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app,
+                     GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
+       /* only process this app if was created by this plugin */
+       if (g_strcmp0 (gs_app_get_management_plugin (app),
+                      gs_plugin_get_name (plugin)) != 0)
+               return TRUE;
+       /* source -> remote */
+       return gs_plugin_fwupd_modify_source (plugin, app, TRUE, cancellable, error);
 gs_plugin_update_app (GsPlugin *plugin,
                      GsApp *app,
                      GCancellable *cancellable,
@@ -979,3 +1021,46 @@ gs_plugin_file_to_app (GsPlugin *plugin,
        return TRUE;
+gs_plugin_add_sources (GsPlugin *plugin,
+                      GsAppList *list,
+                      GCancellable *cancellable,
+                      GError **error)
+       GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin);
+       g_autoptr(GPtrArray) remotes = NULL;
+       /* find all remotes */
+       remotes = fwupd_client_get_remotes (priv->client, cancellable, error);
+       if (remotes == NULL)
+               return FALSE;
+       for (guint i = 0; i < remotes->len; i++) {
+               FwupdRemote *remote = g_ptr_array_index (remotes, i);
+               g_autofree gchar *id = NULL;
+               g_autoptr(GsApp) app = NULL;
+               /* ignore these, they're built in */
+               if (fwupd_remote_get_kind (remote) == FWUPD_REMOTE_KIND_LOCAL)
+                       continue;
+               /* create something that we can use to enable/disable */
+               id = g_strdup_printf ("org.fwupd.%s.remote", fwupd_remote_get_id (remote));
+               app = gs_app_new (id);
+               gs_app_set_kind (app, AS_APP_KIND_SOURCE);
+               gs_app_set_scope (app, AS_APP_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
+               gs_app_set_state (app, fwupd_remote_get_enabled (remote) ?
+                                 AS_APP_STATE_INSTALLED : AS_APP_STATE_AVAILABLE);
+               gs_app_add_quirk (app, AS_APP_QUIRK_NOT_LAUNCHABLE);
+               gs_app_set_name (app, GS_APP_QUALITY_LOWEST,
+                                fwupd_remote_get_id (remote));
+               gs_app_set_summary (app, GS_APP_QUALITY_LOWEST,
+                                   fwupd_remote_get_title (remote));
+               gs_app_set_url (app, AS_URL_KIND_HOMEPAGE,
+                               fwupd_remote_get_metadata_uri (remote));
+               gs_app_set_metadata (app, "fwupd::remote-id",
+                                    fwupd_remote_get_id (remote));
+               gs_app_list_add (list, app);
+       }
+       return TRUE;

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