[beast: 37/47] EBEAST: remove obsolete Mithril code

commit 6a9e38ea2bf14a5fa34713b6118d3ab4c4351f29
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Thu Jun 8 18:15:42 2017 +0200

    EBEAST: remove obsolete Mithril code
    Signed-off-by: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>

 ebeast/app.js            |   91 +------------------------------
 ebeast/assets/dialogs.js |  137 ----------------------------------------------
 ebeast/assets/widgets.js |   50 -----------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ebeast/app.js b/ebeast/app.js
index f21855a..4ee1825 100644
--- a/ebeast/app.js
+++ b/ebeast/app.js
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
 'use strict';
-// == Essential Modules ==
-// window.$ = preloaded jQuery
-window.Electron = require ('electron').remote;
-window.Bse = require ('./v8bse/v8bse.node');
-window.Mithril = require ('mithril');
 // == App ==
 const AppMethods = {
   __proto__ : Electron.app
@@ -23,101 +17,18 @@ window.App = App;
 // load and setup application menus
 const Menus = require ('./menus.js');
 Electron.Menu.setApplicationMenu (Menus.build_menubar());
-// load parts that depend on App
-const Widgets = require ('./assets/widgets.js');
-const Dialogs = require ('./assets/dialogs.js');
-const m = Mithril;
 // == App.status() ==
 // update status bar with the given text
 AppMethods.status = function (message) {
-  $('#statusfield').text (message);
-const StatusBar = {
-  view (_vnode) {
-    return (
-      m ('#statusarea.StatusArea.hbox.w100', [
-       m ('#statusbar.StatusBar.maxbox', [
-         'Status: ',
-         m ('#statusfield.StatusField'),
-       ]),
-      ])
-    );
-  },
-// == PlayControls ==
-const PlayControls = {
-  view (vnode) {
-    const B = Widgets.IconButton;
-    return (
-      m ('#playcontrols.PlayControls', vnode.attrs, [
-       m ('span', { style: 'margin: 0 2em' }, [
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-cog fa-spin0' }),
-       ]),
-       m ('span.ButtonBox', [
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-fast-backward', hotkey: 'L',     onclick: () => { App.status ('Last...'); } }),
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-backward',      hotkey: 'B',     onclick: () => { App.status ('Backwards...'); } 
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-stop',          hotkey: 'Space', onclick: () => { App.status ('Stop...'); } }),
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-play',          hotkey: 'P',     onclick: () => { App.status ('Play...'); } }), 
// toggle fa-play / fa-pause
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-circle',        hotkey: 'R',     onclick: () => { App.status ('...Record...'); } 
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-forward',       hotkey: 'F',     onclick: () => { App.status ('Forwards...'); } 
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-fast-forward',  hotkey: 'N',     onclick: () => { App.status ('Next...'); } }),
-       ]),
-       m ('span.ButtonBox', { style: 'margin: 0 2em' }, [
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-music' }),
-       ]),
-       m ('span', { style: 'margin: 0 2em' }, [
-         m (B, { icon: 'fa-info-circle' }),
-       ]),
-      ])
-    );
-  },
-// == Toolbar ==
-const Toolbar = {
-  view (vnode) {
-    return (
-      m ('#toolbar.ToolBar', vnode.attrs, vnode.children, [
-       m (PlayControls),
-      ])
-    );
-  },
+  console.log ('STATUS:' + message);
 // == export start_app() ==
-const MithrilApp = {
-  document_title (vnode) {
-    if (App.current_project) {
-      return App.project().uname + // FIXME
-      ' – BEAST';
-    }
-    return "Beast - Music Synthesizer and Composer";
-  },
-  view: function () {
-    const app_body = [
-      m (Toolbar),
-      m ('.maxbox'),
-      m (StatusBar),
-      Dialogs.about_dialog(),
-    ];
-    const vtree = (
-      m ('div#mithril.Mithril.vbox', {
-       style: 'position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;',
-      }, app_body)
-    );
-    const newtitle = this.document_title (vtree);
-    if (newtitle != document.title)
-      document.title = newtitle;
-    return vtree;
-  }
 module.exports.start_app = function () { // application setup after onready
   if (!App.current_project) {
     App.current_project = Bse.server.create_project ('Untitled');
     if (App.current_project)
       App.current_project.restore_from_file ('../library/demo/partymonster.bse');
-  m.mount ($('#mount-mithril')[0], MithrilApp);

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