[gtk+/wip/otte/shader: 148/226] gsksl: Split binary expressions into their own header

commit cb975b4faab19ac19f9ac3e0d3acb311d8a54192
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date:   Sun Oct 8 03:59:27 2017 +0200

    gsksl: Split binary expressions into their own header
    Ad a first step, do this for multiplication.

 gsk/gskslbinary.c        |  475 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gsk/gskslbinaryprivate.h |   52 +++++
 gsk/gskslexpression.c    |  368 +++---------------------------------
 gsk/meson.build          |    1 +
 4 files changed, 552 insertions(+), 344 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/gskslbinary.c b/gsk/gskslbinary.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d51eb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gsk/gskslbinary.c
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit
+ *   
+ * Copyright © 2017 Benjamin Otte <otte gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gskslbinaryprivate.h"
+#include "gskslpreprocessorprivate.h"
+#include "gsksltypeprivate.h"
+#include "gskslvalueprivate.h"
+#include "gskspvwriterprivate.h"
+typedef struct _GskSlBinary GskSlBinary;
+struct _GskSlBinary
+  const char *          sign;
+  GskSlType *           (* check_type)                          (GskSlPreprocessor      *preproc,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *ltype,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *rtype);
+  GskSlValue *          (* get_constant)                        (GskSlType              *type,
+                                                                 GskSlValue             *lvalue,
+                                                                 GskSlValue             *rvalue);
+  guint32               (* write_spv)                           (GskSpvWriter           *writer,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *type,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *ltype,
+                                                                 guint32                 left_id,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *rtype,
+                                                                 guint32                 right_id);
+#define GSK_SL_BINARY_FUNC_SCALAR(func,type,...) \
+static void \
+func (gpointer value, gpointer scalar) \
+{ \
+  type x = *(type *) value; \
+  type y = *(type *) scalar; \
+  __VA_ARGS__ \
+  *(type *) value = x; \
+static GskSlType *
+gsk_sl_multiplication_check_type (GskSlPreprocessor *preproc,
+                                  GskSlType         *ltype,
+                                  GskSlType         *rtype)
+  GskSlScalarType scalar;
+  if (gsk_sl_scalar_type_can_convert (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype),
+                                      gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype)))
+    scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype);
+  else if (gsk_sl_scalar_type_can_convert (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype),
+                                           gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype)))
+    scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype);
+  else
+    {
+      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                 "Operand types %s and %s do not share compatible scalar types.",
+                                 gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  if (scalar == GSK_SL_BOOL)
+    {
+      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Cannot multiply booleans.");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)))
+            {
+              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                         "Incompatible dimensions when multiplying %s * %s.",
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype),
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
+              return NULL;
+            }
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype),
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (ltype)));
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype))
+            {
+              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                         "Matrix column count doesn't match vector length.");
+              return NULL;
+            }
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type 
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype),
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (ltype)));
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                     "Right operand is incompatible type for multiplication.");
+          return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)))
+            {
+              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                         "Vector length for %s doesn't match row count for %s",
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
+              return NULL;
+            }
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype));
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype))
+            {
+              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                         "Vector operands %s and %s to arithmetic multiplication have 
different length.",
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
+              return NULL;
+            }
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype));
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar,
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype));
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
+                                     "Right operand is incompatible type for multiplication.");
+          return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype),
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)));
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar,
+                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype));
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_sl_type_get_scalar (scalar);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Right operand is incompatible type for 
+          return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Left operand is incompatible type for 
+      return NULL;
+    }
+GSK_SL_BINARY_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_int, gint32, x *= y;)
+GSK_SL_BINARY_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_uint, guint32, x *= y;)
+GSK_SL_BINARY_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_float, float, x *= y;)
+GSK_SL_BINARY_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_double, double, x *= y;)
+static void (* mult_funcs[]) (gpointer, gpointer) = {
+  [GSK_SL_INT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_int,
+  [GSK_SL_UINT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_uint,
+  [GSK_SL_FLOAT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_float,
+  [GSK_SL_DOUBLE] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_double,
+static GskSlValue *
+gsk_sl_multiplication_get_constant (GskSlType  *type,
+                                    GskSlValue *lvalue,
+                                    GskSlValue *rvalue)
+  GskSlValue *result;
+  GskSlType *ltype, *rtype;
+  GskSlScalarType scalar;
+  scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type);
+  lvalue = gsk_sl_value_convert_components (lvalue, scalar);
+  rvalue = gsk_sl_value_convert_components (rvalue, scalar);
+  ltype = gsk_sl_value_get_type (lvalue);
+  rtype = gsk_sl_value_get_type (rvalue);
+  if ((gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype)) ||
+      (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype)) ||
+      (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype)))
+    {
+      gsize c, cols;
+      gsize r, rows;
+      gsize i, n;
+      gpointer data, ldata, rdata;
+      result = gsk_sl_value_new (type);
+      data = gsk_sl_value_get_data (result);
+      ldata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue);
+      rdata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue);
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          cols = 1;
+          rows = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
+          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
+        {
+          cols = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
+          rows = 1;
+          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          cols = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
+          rows = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result)));
+          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype);
+        }
+        for (c = 0; c < cols; c++) \
+          { \
+            for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) \
+              { \
+                TYPE result = 0; \
+                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) \
+                  { \
+                    result += *((TYPE *) rdata + c * n + i) *  \
+                              *((TYPE *) ldata + i * rows + r); \
+                  } \
+                *((TYPE *) data + c * rows + r) = result; \
+              } \
+          } \
+      }G_STMT_END
+      if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type) == GSK_SL_DOUBLE)
+        MATRIXMULT(double);
+      else
+        MATRIXMULT(float);
+      gsk_sl_value_free (lvalue);
+      gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
+      return result;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* we can multiply componentwise */
+      gsize ln, rn;
+      ln = gsk_sl_type_get_n_components (ltype);
+      rn = gsk_sl_type_get_n_components (rtype);
+      if (ln == 1)
+        {
+          gsk_sl_value_componentwise (rvalue, mult_funcs[scalar], gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue));
+          gsk_sl_value_free (lvalue);
+          result = rvalue;
+        }
+      else if (rn == 1)
+        {
+          gsk_sl_value_componentwise (lvalue, mult_funcs[scalar], gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue));
+          gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
+          result = lvalue;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          guchar *ldata, *rdata;
+          gsize i, stride;
+          stride = gsk_sl_scalar_type_get_size (scalar);
+          ldata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue);
+          rdata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue);
+          for (i = 0; i < ln; i++)
+            {
+              mult_funcs[scalar] (ldata + i * stride, rdata + i * stride);
+            }
+          gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
+          result = lvalue;
+        }
+    }
+  return result;
+static guint32
+gsk_sl_multiplication_write_spv (GskSpvWriter *writer,
+                                 GskSlType    *type,
+                                 GskSlType    *ltype,
+                                 guint32       left_id,
+                                 GskSlType    *rtype,
+                                 guint32       right_id)
+  if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type))
+    {
+      GskSlType *new_type = gsk_sl_type_get_matching (ltype, gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type));
+      left_id = gsk_spv_writer_convert (writer, left_id, ltype, new_type);
+      ltype = new_type;
+    }
+  if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype) != gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type))
+    {
+      GskSlType *new_type = gsk_sl_type_get_matching (rtype, gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type));
+      right_id = gsk_spv_writer_convert (writer, right_id, rtype, new_type);
+      rtype = new_type;
+    }
+  if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_matrix (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_vector (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_scalar (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_matrix (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          switch (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type))
+            {
+            case GSK_SL_FLOAT:
+            case GSK_SL_DOUBLE:
+              return gsk_spv_writer_f_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+            case GSK_SL_INT:
+            case GSK_SL_UINT:
+              return gsk_spv_writer_i_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+            case GSK_SL_VOID:
+            case GSK_SL_BOOL:
+            default:
+              g_assert_not_reached ();
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_scalar (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (ltype))
+    {
+      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_scalar (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
+        {
+          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_scalar (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
+        }
+      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
+        {
+          switch (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (type))
+            {
+            case GSK_SL_FLOAT:
+            case GSK_SL_DOUBLE:
+              return gsk_spv_writer_f_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+            case GSK_SL_INT:
+            case GSK_SL_UINT:
+              return gsk_spv_writer_i_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
+            case GSK_SL_VOID:
+            case GSK_SL_BOOL:
+            default:
+              g_assert_not_reached ();
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  g_assert_not_reached ();
+  return 0;
+static const GskSlBinary GSK_SL_BINARY_MULTIPLICATION = {
+  "*",
+  gsk_sl_multiplication_check_type,
+  gsk_sl_multiplication_get_constant,
+  gsk_sl_multiplication_write_spv
+/* API */
+const char *
+gsk_sl_binary_get_sign (const GskSlBinary *binary)
+  return binary->sign;
+GskSlType *
+gsk_sl_binary_check_type (const GskSlBinary *binary,
+                          GskSlPreprocessor *stream,
+                          GskSlType         *ltype,
+                          GskSlType         *rtype)
+  return binary->check_type (stream, ltype, rtype);
+GskSlValue *
+gsk_sl_binary_get_constant (const GskSlBinary *binary,
+                            GskSlType         *type,
+                            GskSlValue        *lvalue,
+                            GskSlValue        *rvalue)
+  return binary->get_constant (type, lvalue, rvalue);
+gsk_sl_binary_write_spv (const GskSlBinary *binary,
+                         GskSpvWriter      *writer,
+                         GskSlType         *type,
+                         GskSlType         *ltype,
+                         guint32            left_id,
+                         GskSlType         *rtype,
+                         guint32            right_id)
+  return binary->write_spv (writer, type, ltype, left_id, rtype, right_id);
+const GskSlBinary *
+gsk_sl_binary_get_for_token (GskSlTokenType token)
+  switch ((guint) token)
+  {
+    case GSK_SL_TOKEN_STAR:
+    default:
+      return NULL;
+  }
diff --git a/gsk/gskslbinaryprivate.h b/gsk/gskslbinaryprivate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..678ebcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gsk/gskslbinaryprivate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2017 Benjamin Otte <otte gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "gsk/gsksltypesprivate.h"
+#include "gsk/gsksltokenizerprivate.h"
+typedef struct _GskSlBinary GskSlBinary;
+const GskSlBinary * gsk_sl_binary_get_for_token                 (GskSlTokenType          token);
+const char *        gsk_sl_binary_get_sign                      (const GskSlBinary      *binary);
+GskSlType *         gsk_sl_binary_check_type                    (const GskSlBinary      *binary,
+                                                                 GskSlPreprocessor      *stream,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *ltype,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *rtype);
+GskSlValue *        gsk_sl_binary_get_constant                  (const GskSlBinary      *binary,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *type,
+                                                                 GskSlValue             *lvalue,
+                                                                 GskSlValue             *rvalue);
+guint32             gsk_sl_binary_write_spv                     (const GskSlBinary      *binary,
+                                                                 GskSpvWriter           *writer,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *type,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *ltype,
+                                                                 guint32                 left_id,
+                                                                 GskSlType              *rtype,
+                                                                 guint32                 right_id);
+#endif /* __GSK_SL_BINARY_PRIVATE_H__ */
diff --git a/gsk/gskslexpression.c b/gsk/gskslexpression.c
index 4437728..2b855e0 100644
--- a/gsk/gskslexpression.c
+++ b/gsk/gskslexpression.c
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "gskslexpressionprivate.h"
+#include "gskslbinaryprivate.h"
 #include "gskslpreprocessorprivate.h"
 #include "gskslfunctionprivate.h"
 #include "gskslpointertypeprivate.h"
@@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ typedef struct _GskSlExpressionMultiplication GskSlExpressionMultiplication;
 struct _GskSlExpressionMultiplication {
   GskSlExpression parent;
+  const GskSlBinary *binary;
   GskSlType *type;
   GskSlExpression *left;
   GskSlExpression *right;
@@ -202,142 +204,13 @@ gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_print (const GskSlExpression *expression,
   GskSlExpressionMultiplication *multiplication = (GskSlExpressionMultiplication *) expression;
   gsk_sl_expression_print (multiplication->left, printer);
-  gsk_sl_printer_append (printer, " * ");
+  gsk_sl_printer_append (printer, " ");
+  gsk_sl_printer_append (printer, gsk_sl_binary_get_sign (multiplication->binary));
+  gsk_sl_printer_append (printer, " ");
   gsk_sl_expression_print (multiplication->right, printer);
 static GskSlType *
-gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_get_result_type (GskSlPreprocessor *preproc,
-                                                  GskSlType         *ltype,
-                                                  GskSlType         *rtype)
-  GskSlScalarType scalar;
-  if (gsk_sl_scalar_type_can_convert (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype),
-                                      gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype)))
-    scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype);
-  else if (gsk_sl_scalar_type_can_convert (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype),
-                                           gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype)))
-    scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype);
-  else
-    {
-      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                 "Operand types %s and %s do not share compatible scalar types.",
-                                 gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  if (scalar == GSK_SL_BOOL)
-    {
-      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Cannot multiply booleans.");
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)))
-            {
-              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                         "Incompatible dimensions when multiplying %s * %s.",
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype),
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
-              return NULL;
-            }
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype),
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (ltype)));
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype))
-            {
-              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                         "Matrix column count doesn't match vector length.");
-              return NULL;
-            }
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type 
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype),
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (ltype)));
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                     "Right operand is incompatible type for multiplication.");
-          return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)))
-            {
-              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                         "Vector length for %s doesn't match row count for %s",
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
-              return NULL;
-            }
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype));
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          if (gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype))
-            {
-              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                         "Vector operands %s and %s to arithmetic multiplication have 
different length.",
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_name (ltype), gsk_sl_type_get_name (rtype));
-              return NULL;
-            }
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar, gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype));
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar,
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype));
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH,
-                                     "Right operand is incompatible type for multiplication.");
-          return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_matrix (scalar,
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype),
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (rtype)));
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_vector (scalar,
-                                         gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype));
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_sl_type_get_scalar (scalar);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Right operand is incompatible type for 
-          return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (preproc, TYPE_MISMATCH, "Left operand is incompatible type for 
-      return NULL;
-    }
-static GskSlType *
 gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_get_return_type (const GskSlExpression *expression)
   GskSlExpressionMultiplication *multiplication = (GskSlExpressionMultiplication *) expression;
@@ -354,17 +227,6 @@ func (gpointer value, gpointer scalar) \
   __VA_ARGS__ \
   *(type *) value = x; \
-GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_int, gint32, x *= y;)
-GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_uint, guint32, x *= y;)
-GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_float, float, x *= y;)
-GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_double, double, x *= y;)
-static void (* mult_funcs[]) (gpointer, gpointer) = {
-  [GSK_SL_INT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_int,
-  [GSK_SL_UINT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_uint,
-  [GSK_SL_FLOAT] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_float,
-  [GSK_SL_DOUBLE] = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_double,
 GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_division_int, gint32, x = y == 0 ? G_MAXINT32 : x / y;)
 GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_division_uint, guint32, x = y == 0 ? G_MAXUINT32 : x / y;)
 GSK_SL_OPERATION_FUNC_SCALAR(gsk_sl_expression_division_float, float, x /= y;)
@@ -391,11 +253,8 @@ static GskSlValue *
 gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_get_constant (const GskSlExpression *expression)
   const GskSlExpressionMultiplication *multiplication = (const GskSlExpressionMultiplication *) expression;
-  GskSlValue *result, *lvalue, *rvalue;
-  GskSlType *ltype, *rtype;
-  GskSlScalarType scalar;
+  GskSlValue *lvalue, *rvalue;
-  scalar = gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type);
   lvalue = gsk_sl_expression_get_constant (multiplication->left);
   if (lvalue == NULL)
     return NULL;
@@ -405,103 +264,11 @@ gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_get_constant (const GskSlExpression *expression
       gsk_sl_value_free (lvalue);
       return NULL;
-  lvalue = gsk_sl_value_convert_components (lvalue, scalar);
-  rvalue = gsk_sl_value_convert_components (rvalue, scalar);
-  ltype = gsk_sl_value_get_type (lvalue);
-  rtype = gsk_sl_value_get_type (rvalue);
-  if ((gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype)) ||
-      (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype)) ||
-      (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype) && gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype)))
-    {
-      gsize c, cols;
-      gsize r, rows;
-      gsize i, n;
-      gpointer data, ldata, rdata;
-      result = gsk_sl_value_new (multiplication->type);
-      data = gsk_sl_value_get_data (result);
-      ldata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue);
-      rdata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue);
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          cols = 1;
-          rows = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
-          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (rtype);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
-        {
-          cols = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
-          rows = 1;
-          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          cols = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result));
-          rows = gsk_sl_type_get_length (gsk_sl_type_get_index_type (gsk_sl_value_get_type (result)));
-          n = gsk_sl_type_get_length (ltype);
-        }
-        for (c = 0; c < cols; c++) \
-          { \
-            for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) \
-              { \
-                TYPE result = 0; \
-                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) \
-                  { \
-                    result += *((TYPE *) rdata + c * n + i) *  \
-                              *((TYPE *) ldata + i * rows + r); \
-                  } \
-                *((TYPE *) data + c * rows + r) = result; \
-              } \
-          } \
-      }G_STMT_END
-      if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type) == GSK_SL_DOUBLE)
-        MATRIXMULT(double);
-      else
-        MATRIXMULT(float);
-      gsk_sl_value_free (lvalue);
-      gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
-      return result;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* we can multiply componentwise */
-      gsize ln, rn;
-      ln = gsk_sl_type_get_n_components (ltype);
-      rn = gsk_sl_type_get_n_components (rtype);
-      if (ln == 1)
-        {
-          gsk_sl_value_componentwise (rvalue, mult_funcs[scalar], gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue));
-          gsk_sl_value_free (lvalue);
-          result = rvalue;
-        }
-      else if (rn == 1)
-        {
-          gsk_sl_value_componentwise (lvalue, mult_funcs[scalar], gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue));
-          gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
-          result = lvalue;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          guchar *ldata, *rdata;
-          gsize i, stride;
-          stride = gsk_sl_scalar_type_get_size (scalar);
-          ldata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (lvalue);
-          rdata = gsk_sl_value_get_data (rvalue);
-          for (i = 0; i < ln; i++)
-            {
-              mult_funcs[scalar] (ldata + i * stride, rdata + i * stride);
-            }
-          gsk_sl_value_free (rvalue);
-          result = lvalue;
-        }
-    }
-  return result;
+  return gsk_sl_binary_get_constant (multiplication->binary,
+                                     multiplication->type,
+                                     lvalue,
+                                     rvalue);
 static guint32
@@ -509,105 +276,14 @@ gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_write_spv (const GskSlExpression *expression,
                                             GskSpvWriter          *writer)
   const GskSlExpressionMultiplication *multiplication = (const GskSlExpressionMultiplication *) expression;
-  GskSlType *ltype, *rtype, *type;
-  guint32 left_id, right_id;
-  type = multiplication->type;
-  ltype = gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (multiplication->left);
-  rtype = gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (multiplication->right);
-  left_id = gsk_sl_expression_write_spv (multiplication->left, writer);
-  if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (ltype) != gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type))
-    {
-      GskSlType *new_type = gsk_sl_type_get_matching (ltype, gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type 
-      left_id = gsk_spv_writer_convert (writer, left_id, ltype, new_type);
-      ltype = new_type;
-    }
-  right_id = gsk_sl_expression_write_spv (multiplication->right, writer);
-  if (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (rtype) != gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type))
-    {
-      GskSlType *new_type = gsk_sl_type_get_matching (rtype, gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type 
-      right_id = gsk_spv_writer_convert (writer, right_id, rtype, new_type);
-      rtype = new_type;
-    }
-  if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_matrix (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_matrix (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_scalar (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-        }
-    }
-  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_vector (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          switch (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type))
-            {
-            case GSK_SL_FLOAT:
-            case GSK_SL_DOUBLE:
-              return gsk_spv_writer_f_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-            case GSK_SL_INT:
-            case GSK_SL_UINT:
-              return gsk_spv_writer_i_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-            case GSK_SL_VOID:
-            case GSK_SL_BOOL:
-            default:
-              g_assert_not_reached ();
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_scalar (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-        }
-    }
-  else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (ltype))
-    {
-      if (gsk_sl_type_is_matrix (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_matrix_times_scalar (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_vector (rtype))
-        {
-          return gsk_spv_writer_vector_times_scalar (writer, type, right_id, left_id);
-        }
-      else if (gsk_sl_type_is_scalar (rtype))
-        {
-          switch (gsk_sl_type_get_scalar_type (multiplication->type))
-            {
-            case GSK_SL_FLOAT:
-            case GSK_SL_DOUBLE:
-              return gsk_spv_writer_f_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-            case GSK_SL_INT:
-            case GSK_SL_UINT:
-              return gsk_spv_writer_i_mul (writer, type, left_id, right_id);
-            case GSK_SL_VOID:
-            case GSK_SL_BOOL:
-            default:
-              g_assert_not_reached ();
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  g_assert_not_reached ();
-  return 0;
+  return gsk_sl_binary_write_spv (multiplication->binary,
+                                  writer,
+                                  multiplication->type,
+                                  gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (multiplication->left),
+                                  gsk_sl_expression_write_spv (multiplication->left, writer),
+                                  gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (multiplication->right),
+                                  gsk_sl_expression_write_spv (multiplication->right, writer));
 static const GskSlExpressionClass GSK_SL_EXPRESSION_MULTIPLICATION = {
@@ -2903,15 +2579,19 @@ gsk_sl_expression_parse_multiplicative (GskSlScope        *scope,
       right = gsk_sl_expression_parse_unary (scope, stream);
       if (op == MUL)
+          const GskSlBinary *binary;
           GskSlType *result_type;
-          result_type = gsk_sl_expression_multiplication_get_result_type (stream,
-                                                                          gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type 
-                                                                          gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type 
+          binary = gsk_sl_binary_get_for_token (GSK_SL_TOKEN_STAR);
+          result_type = gsk_sl_binary_check_type (binary,
+                                                  stream,
+                                                  gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (expression),
+                                                  gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (right));
           if (result_type)
               GskSlExpressionMultiplication *multiplication;
               multiplication = gsk_sl_expression_new (GskSlExpressionMultiplication, 
+              multiplication->binary = binary;
               multiplication->type = gsk_sl_type_ref (result_type);
               multiplication->left = expression;
               multiplication->right = right;
diff --git a/gsk/meson.build b/gsk/meson.build
index 889fc65..716b3ed 100644
--- a/gsk/meson.build
+++ b/gsk/meson.build
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ gsk_private_sources = files([
+  'gskslbinary.c',

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