[chronojump] MIF. Previous force larger than 0.2s

commit e74c630ba23a07b14349e66c6713e1080a59969c
Author: Xavier Padullés <x padulles gmail com>
Date:   Tue Oct 24 17:22:22 2017 +0200

    MIF. Previous force larger than 0.2s

 r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R |    7 +++++--
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
index 1f0eb1f..9431b88 100644
--- a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
+++ b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
@@ -116,11 +116,13 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentC
         endTime = originalTest$time[endSample]
         # Initial force. It is needed to perform an initial steady force to avoid jerks and great peaks in 
the force
-        if(startSample < 11)
+        if(startSample <= 20)
                 print("Not previos steady tension applied before performing the test")
         initf = mean(originalTest$force[(startSample - 20):(startSample - 10)]) #ATENTION. This value is 
different from f0.raw
         fmax.raw = max(originalTest$force[startSample:endSample])
@@ -638,7 +640,8 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFolder <- function(folderName, resultFileName, export2Pdf
-#Finds the sample in which the force decrease a given percentage of the maximum force.
+#Finds the sample in which the force start incresing (RFD > 20% of maxRFD)
+#and decrease a given percentage of the maximum force.
 #The maximum force is calculed from the moving average of averageLength seconds
 getTrimmingSamples <- function(test, rfd, movingAverageForce, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5)

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