[geary] (15 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/730682-refine-convo-list

The branch 'wip/730682-refine-convo-list' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  456d3e9... Fix search loading spinner never disappearing when autosele
  b767fa9... Initial implementation of refined conversation list ux.
  1d1316f... Bind some Configuration props so they can be listened to us
  7ea64e7... Update conversation list items when the underlying conversa
  8884977... Update the model when conversations are added and removed.
  c2f09f0... Set the conversation list's scrolled window policy in the b
  c4b662c... Hook up selection/activation handling for new conversation 
  3d45f5c... Minor code clean up.
  d1c1a4a... Manage changing conversation counts from MainWindow, not Ge
  c1365b4... Re-implement conversation lazy loading on scroll.
  954afd0... Increase initial conversation load to make initial scroll l
  9c41ee7... Simple, inefficient preview loader implementation.
  ff21b9f... Very incomplete visible conversations implementation.

Commits added to the branch:

  5f414b5... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d09b1d6... Fix search loading spinner never disappearing when autosele (*)
  dfd3355... Suppress some C compiler build warnings. (*)
  ef9fa4b... Initial implementation of refined conversation list ux.
  74dfc1b... Bind some Configuration props so they can be listened to us
  ef4ec90... Update conversation list items when the underlying conversa
  a82d7ab... Update the model when conversations are added and removed.
  8411efe... Set the conversation list's scrolled window policy in the b
  6615dc3... Hook up selection/activation handling for new conversation 
  67135ce... Minor code clean up.
  3eddb5f... Manage changing conversation counts from MainWindow, not Ge
  663f5d5... Re-implement conversation lazy loading on scroll.
  9168ed7... Increase initial conversation load to make initial scroll l
  2879ed3... Simple, inefficient preview loader implementation.
  b0f7e1a... Very incomplete visible conversations implementation.

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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