[gtk+/wip/otte/shader: 114/200] gskslexpression: Change function call error handling

commit 0b5f0a417b0e4c3fb92f44ac49817e15f8b474ed
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date:   Fri Sep 29 01:25:57 2017 +0200

    gskslexpression: Change function call error handling
    Allow calling the function call parsing code with a NULL function. In
    that case, we will parse the arguments and then return without emitting
    an error. This ensures that the parser is in a sane state and reports
    useful errors even if there's a typo in a function call.

 gsk/gskslexpression.c |   31 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/gskslexpression.c b/gsk/gskslexpression.c
index ad1d7b4..ea99319 100644
--- a/gsk/gskslexpression.c
+++ b/gsk/gskslexpression.c
@@ -737,7 +737,8 @@ gsk_sl_expression_function_call_free (GskSlExpression *expression)
   g_free (function_call->arguments);
-  gsk_sl_function_unref (function_call->function);
+  if (function_call->function)
+    gsk_sl_function_unref (function_call->function);
   g_slice_free (GskSlExpressionFunctionCall, function_call);
@@ -1138,13 +1139,13 @@ gsk_sl_expression_parse_function_call (GskSlScope        *scope,
   guint i;
   call = gsk_sl_expression_new (GskSlExpressionFunctionCall, &GSK_SL_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION_CALL);
-  call->function = gsk_sl_function_ref (function);
   token = gsk_sl_preprocessor_get (stream);
   if (!gsk_sl_token_is (token, GSK_SL_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN))
       gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (stream, SYNTAX, "Expected opening \"(\" when calling function.");
-      return (GskSlExpression *) call;
+      gsk_sl_expression_unref ((GskSlExpression *) call);
+      return gsk_sl_expression_error_new ();
   gsk_sl_preprocessor_consume (stream, (GskSlExpression *) call);
@@ -1173,19 +1174,28 @@ gsk_sl_expression_parse_function_call (GskSlScope        *scope,
   types = g_newa (GskSlType *, call->n_arguments);
   for (i = 0; i < call->n_arguments; i++)
     types[i] = gsk_sl_expression_get_return_type (call->arguments[i]);
-  if (!gsk_sl_function_matches (call->function, types, call->n_arguments, &error))
+  if (function && !gsk_sl_function_matches (function, types, call->n_arguments, &error))
       gsk_sl_preprocessor_emit_error (stream, TRUE, gsk_sl_preprocessor_get_location (stream), error);
       g_clear_error (&error);
+      function = NULL;
   if (!gsk_sl_token_is (token, GSK_SL_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN))
       gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (stream, SYNTAX, "Expected closing \")\" after arguments.");
-      return (GskSlExpression *) call;
+      gsk_sl_preprocessor_sync (stream, GSK_SL_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN);
   gsk_sl_preprocessor_consume (stream, (GskSlExpression *) call);
+  if (function == NULL)
+    {
+      gsk_sl_expression_unref ((GskSlExpression *) call);
+      return gsk_sl_expression_error_new ();
+    }
+  else
+  call->function = gsk_sl_function_ref (function);
   return (GskSlExpression *) call;
@@ -1217,14 +1227,9 @@ gsk_sl_expression_parse_primary (GskSlScope        *scope,
             GskSlFunction *function = gsk_sl_scope_lookup_function (scope, name);
             if (function == NULL)
-              {
-                gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (stream, DECLARATION, "No function named \"%s\".", name);
-                expr = gsk_sl_expression_error_new ();
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                expr = gsk_sl_expression_parse_function_call (scope, stream, function);
-              }
+              gsk_sl_preprocessor_error (stream, DECLARATION, "No function named \"%s\".", name);
+            expr = gsk_sl_expression_parse_function_call (scope, stream, function);

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