[bijiben/wip/inigomartinez/meson: 2/5] build: Port to meson build system

commit 73f1141162e24ecf4fc8e3bd7dbdeaa1fe49cc86
Author: Iñigo Martínez <inigomartinez gmail com>
Date:   Wed Aug 16 10:45:36 2017 +0200

    build: Port to meson build system
    meson is a build system focused on speed an ease of use, which
    helps speeding up the software development. This patch adds meson
    support along autotools.

 configure_meson                      |  166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/icons/meson.build               |   42 +++++++++
 data/meson.build                     |   78 ++++++++++++++++
 help/LINGUAS                         |   12 +++
 help/meson.build                     |   31 +++++++
 meson.build                          |  153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 meson_options.txt                    |    2 +
 meson_post_install.py                |   37 ++++++++
 po/meson.build                       |    1 +
 src/libbiji/meson.build              |   60 ++++++++++++
 src/meson.build                      |   69 ++++++++++++++
 subprojects/libgd                    |    2 +-
 12 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure_meson b/configure_meson
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..720cb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure_meson
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# configure script adapter for Meson
+# Based on build-api: https://github.com/cgwalters/build-api
+# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2013 Colin Walters <walters verbum org>
+# Copyright 2016, 2017 Emmanuele Bassi
+# Copyright 2017 Iñigo Martínez <inigomartinez gmail com>
+# Licensed under the new-BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
+# Build API variables:
+# Little helper function for reading args from the commandline.
+# it automatically handles -a b and -a=b variants, and returns 1 if
+# we need to shift $3.
+read_arg() {
+    # $1 = arg name
+    # $2 = arg value
+    # $3 = arg parameter
+    local rematch='^[^=]*=(.*)$'
+    if [[ $2 =~ $rematch ]]; then
+        read "$1" <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+    else
+        read "$1" <<< "$3"
+        # There is no way to shift our callers args, so
+        # return 1 to indicate they should do it instead.
+        return 1
+    fi
+sanitycheck() {
+    # $1 = arg name
+    # $1 = arg command
+    # $2 = arg alternates
+    local cmd=$( which $2 2>/dev/null )
+    if [ -x "$cmd" ]; then
+        read "$1" <<< "$cmd"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    test -z $3 || {
+        for alt in $3; do
+            cmd=$( which $alt 2>/dev/null )
+            if [ -x "$cmd" ]; then
+                read "$1" <<< "$cmd"
+                return 0
+            fi
+        done
+    }
+    echo -e "\e[1;31mERROR\e[0m: Command '$2' not found"
+    exit 1
+checkoption() {
+    # $1 = arg
+    option="${1#*--}"
+    action="${option%%-*}"
+    name="${option#*-}"
+    if [ ${default_options[$name]+_} ]; then
+        case "$action" in
+            enable) meson_options[$name]=true;;
+            disable) meson_options[$name]=false;;
+            *) echo -e "\e[1;33mINFO\e[0m: Ignoring unknown action '$action'";;
+        esac
+    else
+        echo -e "\e[1;33mINFO\e[0m: Ignoring unknown option '$option'"
+    fi
+echooption() {
+    # $1 = option
+    if [ ${meson_options[$1]+_} ]; then
+        echo ${meson_options[$1]}
+    elif [ ${default_options[$1]+_} ]; then
+        echo ${default_options[$1]}
+    fi
+sanitycheck MESON 'meson'
+sanitycheck MESONTEST 'mesontest'
+sanitycheck NINJA 'ninja' 'ninja-build'
+declare -A default_options=(
+    ['zeitgeist']=true
+    ['update-mimedb']=false
+declare -A meson_options
+while (($# > 0)); do
+    case "${1%%=*}" in
+        --prefix) read_arg prefix "$@" || shift;;
+        --bindir) read_arg bindir "$@" || shift;;
+        --sbindir) read_arg sbindir "$@" || shift;;
+        --libexecdir) read_arg libexecdir "$@" || shift;;
+        --datarootdir) read_arg datarootdir "$@" || shift;;
+        --datadir) read_arg datadir "$@" || shift;;
+        --sysconfdir) read_arg sysconfdir "$@" || shift;;
+        --libdir) read_arg libdir "$@" || shift;;
+        --mandir) read_arg mandir "$@" || shift;;
+        --includedir) read_arg includedir "$@" || shift;;
+        *) checkoption $1;;
+    esac
+    shift
+# Defaults
+test -z ${prefix} && prefix="/usr/local"
+test -z ${bindir} && bindir=${prefix}/bin
+test -z ${sbindir} && sbindir=${prefix}/sbin
+test -z ${libexecdir} && libexecdir=${prefix}/bin
+test -z ${datarootdir} && datarootdir=${prefix}/share
+test -z ${datadir} && datadir=${datarootdir}
+test -z ${sysconfdir} && sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc
+test -z ${libdir} && libdir=${prefix}/lib
+test -z ${mandir} && mandir=${prefix}/share/man
+test -z ${includedir} && includedir=${prefix}/include
+# The source directory is the location of this file
+srcdir=$(dirname $0)
+# The build directory is the current location
+# If we're calling this file from the source directory then
+# we automatically create a build directory and ensure that
+# both Meson and Ninja invocations are relative to that
+# location
+if [[ -f "${builddir}/meson.build" ]]; then
+    mkdir -p _build
+    builddir="${builddir}/_build"
+    NINJA_OPT="-C ${builddir}"
+# Wrapper Makefile for Ninja
+cat > Makefile <<END
+# Generated by configure; do not edit
+       CC="\$(CC)" CXX="\$(CXX)" ${NINJA} ${NINJA_OPT}
+       DESTDIR="\$(DESTDIR)" ${NINJA} ${NINJA_OPT} install
+for key in "${!meson_options[@]}"; do
+    cmd_options="$cmd_options -Denable-$key=${meson_options[$key]}"
+exec ${MESON} \
+    --prefix=${prefix} \
+    --libdir=${libdir} \
+    --libexecdir=${libexecdir} \
+    --datadir=${datadir} \
+    --sysconfdir=${sysconfdir} \
+    --bindir=${bindir} \
+    --includedir=${includedir} \
+    --mandir=${mandir} \
+    ${cmd_options} \
+    ${builddir} \
+    ${srcdir}
diff --git a/data/icons/meson.build b/data/icons/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efcee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+apps_icon_sizes = [
+  '16x16',
+  '22x22',
+  '24x24',
+  '32x32',
+  '48x48',
+  '256x256'
+# must be renamed to org.gnome.bijiben.png
+foreach icon_size: apps_icon_sizes
+  install_data(
+    '_'.join(['hicolor', 'apps', icon_size, 'org.gnome.bijiben.png']),
+    install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', icon_size, 'apps')
+  )
+# must be renamed to org.gnome.bijiben-symbolic.svg
+  '_'.join(['hicolor', 'apps', 'scalable', 'org.gnome.bijiben-symbolic.svg']),
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', 'scalable', 'apps')
+actions_icon_sizes = [
+  '16x16',
+  '24x24',
+  '48x48'
+# must be renamed to note.png
+foreach icon_size: actions_icon_sizes
+  install_data(
+    '_'.join(['hicolor', 'actions', icon_size, 'note.png']),
+    install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_pkgdatadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', icon_size, 'actions')
+  )
+# must be renamed to link.svg
+  '_'.join(['hicolor', 'actions', 'scalable', 'link.svg']),
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_pkgdatadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', 'scalable', 'actions')
diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a5975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+mime = 'org.gnome.bijiben.xml'
+  mime,
+  input: mime + '.in',
+  output: mime,
+  command: intltool_xml_cmd,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'mime', 'packages')
+appdata = 'org.gnome.bijiben.appdata.xml'
+  appdata,
+  input: appdata + '.in',
+  output: appdata,
+  command: intltool_xml_cmd,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'metainfo')
+desktop = 'org.gnome.bijiben.desktop'
+desktop_conf = configuration_data()
+desktop_conf.set('VERSION', bijiben_version)
+desktop_in = configure_file(
+  input: desktop + '.in.in',
+  output: desktop + '.in',
+  configuration: desktop_conf
+  desktop,
+  input: desktop_in,
+  output: desktop,
+  command: intltool_desktop_cmd,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'applications')
+service_conf = configuration_data()
+service_conf.set('libexecdir', bijiben_libexecdir)
+service = 'org.gnome.bijiben.SearchProvider.service'
+  input: service + '.in',
+  output: service,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'dbus-1', 'services'),
+  configuration: service_conf
+  'org.gnome.bijiben-search-provider.ini',
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'gnome-shell', 'search-providers')
+search_provider_dbus_iface = files('shell-search-provider-dbus-interfaces.xml')
+web_files = files(
+  'Default.css',
+  'bijiben.js'
+  web_files,
+  install_dir: bijiben_pkgdatadir
+  'org.gnome.bijiben.gschema.xml',
+  install_dir: join_paths(bijiben_datadir, 'glib-2.0', 'schemas')
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.bijiben.desktop.in.in b/data/org.gnome.bijiben.desktop.in.in
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.bijiben.gschema.xml b/data/org.gnome.bijiben.gschema.xml
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/help/LINGUAS b/help/LINGUAS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6aeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/LINGUAS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# please keep this list sorted alphabetically
diff --git a/help/meson.build b/help/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe322ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+sources = [
+  'colors.page',
+  'create.page',
+  'cut-copy-paste.page',
+  'delete.page',
+  'delete-permanent.page',
+  'delete-restore.page',
+  'format-list.page',
+  'format-text.page',
+  'index.page',
+  'introduction.page',
+  'new-window.page',
+  'notebooks.page',
+  'rename.page',
+  'search.page',
+  'share.page',
+  'legal.xml'
+media = [
+  'figures/hicolor_apps_48x48_bijiben.png',
+  'figures/hicolor_apps_16x16_bijiben.png',
+  'figures/notes-3-12.png'
+  bijiben_name,
+  sources: sources,
+  media: media,
+  symlink_media: true
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f5891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+  'bijiben', 'c',
+  version: '3.26.1',
+  license: 'GPL3',
+  default_options: [
+    'buildtype=debugoptimized',
+    'warning_level=1'
+  ],
+  meson_version: '>= 0.43.0'
+bijiben_name = meson.project_name()
+bijiben_version = meson.project_version()
+bijiben_prefix = get_option('prefix')
+bijiben_bindir = join_paths(bijiben_prefix, get_option('bindir'))
+bijiben_libexecdir = join_paths(bijiben_prefix, get_option('libexecdir'))
+bijiben_localedir = join_paths(bijiben_prefix, get_option('localedir'))
+bijiben_datadir = join_paths(bijiben_prefix, get_option('datadir'))
+bijiben_pkgdatadir = join_paths(bijiben_datadir, bijiben_name)
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+config_h = configuration_data()
+# defines
+set_defines = [
+  # package
+  ['PACKAGE', bijiben_name],
+  ['PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', 'http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=' + bijiben_name],
+  ['PACKAGE_NAME', bijiben_name],
+  ['PACKAGE_STRING', '@0@ @1@'.format(bijiben_name, bijiben_version)],
+  ['PACKAGE_TARNAME', bijiben_name],
+  ['PACKAGE_URL', 'https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Bijiben'],
+  ['PACKAGE_VERSION', bijiben_version],
+  ['VERSION', bijiben_version],
+  # i18n
+  ['GETTEXT_PACKAGE', bijiben_name]
+foreach define: set_defines
+  config_h.set_quoted(define[0], define[1])
+# compiler flags
+common_flags = [
+  '-DDATADIR="@0@"'.format(bijiben_datadir),
+  '-DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR="@0@"'.format(bijiben_localedir)
+if get_option('buildtype').contains('debug')
+  test_cflags = [
+    '-fno-strict-aliasing',
+    '-Wcast-align',
+    '-Wdeclaration-after-statement',
+    '-Werror',
+    '-Wformat=2',
+    '-Winit-self',
+    '-Winline',
+    '-Wmissing-declarations',
+    '-Wmissing-format-attribute',
+    '-Wmissing-include-dirs',
+    '-Wmissing-noreturn',
+    '-Wmissing-prototypes',
+    '-Wnested-externs',
+    '-Wno-error=missing-field-initializers',
+    '-Wno-error=unused-parameter',
+    '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',
+    '-Wno-suggest-attribute=format',
+    '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+    '-Wold-style-definition',
+    '-Wpacked',
+    '-Wpointer-arith',
+    '-Wredundant-decls',
+    '-Wshadow',
+    '-Wstrict-prototypes',
+    '-Wswitch-default',
+    '-Wswitch-enum',
+    '-Wundef',
+    '-Wunused-but-set-variable',
+    '-Wwrite-strings'
+  ]
+  common_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(test_cflags)
+add_project_arguments(common_flags, language: 'c')
+libgd = subproject(
+  'libgd',
+  default_options: [
+    'static=true',
+    'with-view-common=true',
+    'with-gtk-hacks=true',
+    'with-main-view=true',
+    'with-tagged-entry=true'
+  ]
+libgd_dep = libgd.get_variable('libgd_dep')
+tracker_sparql_dep = dependency('tracker-sparql-1.0', required: false)
+if not tracker_sparql_dep.found()
+  tracker_sparql_dep = dependency('tracker-sparql-0.18', required: true)
+bijiben_deps = [
+  libgd_dep,
+  tracker_sparql_dep,
+  dependency('gio-unix-2.0'),
+  dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.53.4'),
+  dependency('goa-1.0'),
+  dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.11.4'),
+  dependency('libecal-1.2', version: '>= 3.13.90'),
+  dependency('libedataserver-1.2', version: '>= 3.13.90'),
+  dependency('libxml-2.0'),
+  dependency('uuid'),
+  dependency('webkit2gtk-4.0', version: '>= 2.10'),
+  cc.find_library('m')
+gnome = import('gnome')
+i18n = import('i18n')
+po_dir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po')
+intltool_merge = find_program('intltool-merge')
+intltool_cache = join_paths(po_dir, '.intltool-merge-cache')
+intltool_desktop_cmd = [intltool_merge, '-d', '-u', '-c', intltool_cache, po_dir, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
+intltool_xml_cmd = [intltool_merge, '-x', '-u', '-c', intltool_cache, po_dir, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
+top_inc = include_directories('.')
+  output: 'config.h',
+  configuration: config_h
+  'meson_post_install.py',
+  bijiben_datadir,
+  get_option('enable-update-mimedb') ? 'update-mimedb' : ''
+output = '  Version:          ' + bijiben_version + '\n'
+output += '  Enable Zeitgeist  ' + enable_zeitgeist.to_string() + '\n'
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1452c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+option('enable-zeitgeist', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enable Zeitgeist')
+option('enable-update-mimedb', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'update-mime-database after 
diff --git a/meson_post_install.py b/meson_post_install.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09902c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_post_install.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+if not os.environ.get('DESTDIR'):
+  datadir = sys.argv[1]
+  name_pattern = re.compile('hicolor_(?:apps|actions)_(?:\d+x\d+|scalable)_(.*)')
+  search_pattern = '/**/hicolor_*'
+  actions_icondir = os.path.join(datadir, 'bijiben', 'icons', 'hicolor')
+  [os.rename(file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), name_pattern.search(file).group(1)))
+   for file in glob.glob(actions_icondir + search_pattern, recursive=True)]
+  icondir = os.path.join(datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor')
+  [os.rename(file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), name_pattern.search(file).group(1)))
+   for file in glob.glob(icondir + search_pattern, recursive=True)]
+  print('Update icon cache...')
+  subprocess.call(['gtk-update-icon-cache', '-f', '-t', icondir])
+  schemadir = os.path.join(datadir, 'glib-2.0', 'schemas')
+  print('Compile gsettings schemas...')
+  subprocess.call(['glib-compile-schemas', schemadir])
+  desktop_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'applications', 'org.gnome.bijiben.desktop')
+  print('Validate desktop file...')
+  subprocess.call(['desktop-file-validate', desktop_file])
+  if sys.argv[2] == 'update-mimedb':
+    mimedir = os.path.join(datadir, 'mime')
+    print('Update mime database...')
+    subprocess.call(['update-mime-database', mimedir])
diff --git a/po/meson.build b/po/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd068b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+i18n.gettext(bijiben_name, preset: 'glib')
diff --git a/src/libbiji/meson.build b/src/libbiji/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb2cf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libbiji/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+sources = files(
+  'deserializer/biji-lazy-deserializer.c',
+  'deserializer/biji-tomboy-reader.c',
+  'editor/biji-editor-selection.c',
+  'editor/biji-webkit-editor.c',
+  'provider/biji-import-provider.c',
+  'provider/biji-local-note.c',
+  'provider/biji-local-provider.c',
+  'provider/biji-memo-note.c',
+  'provider/biji-memo-provider.c',
+  'provider/biji-own-cloud-note.c',
+  'provider/biji-own-cloud-provider.c',
+  'provider/biji-provider.c',
+  'serializer/biji-lazy-serializer.c',
+  'biji-date-time.c',
+  'biji-error.c',
+  'biji-info-set.c',
+  'biji-item.c',
+  'biji-manager.c',
+  'biji-notebook.c',
+  'biji-note-id.c',
+  'biji-note-obj.c',
+  'biji-string.c',
+  'biji-timeout.c',
+  'biji-tracker.c',
+  'biji-zeitgeist.c'
+marshalers = 'biji-marshalers'
+sources += gnome.genmarshal(
+  marshalers,
+  sources: marshalers + '.list',
+  prefix: '_biji_marshal'
+deps = bijiben_deps
+cflags = []
+enable_zeitgeist = get_option('enable-zeitgeist')
+if enable_zeitgeist
+  deps += [dependency('zeitgeist-2.0')]
+  cflags += '-DBUILD_ZEITGEIST'
+libbiji = static_library(
+  'biji',
+  sources: sources,
+  include_directories: top_inc,
+  dependencies: deps,
+  c_args: cflags
+libbiji_dep = declare_dependency(
+  link_with: libbiji,
+  include_directories: include_directories('.'),
+  dependencies: deps
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5eeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+sources = files(
+  'bjb-app-menu.c',
+  'bjb-bijiben.c',
+  'bjb-color-button.c',
+  'bjb-controller.c',
+  'bjb-debug.c',
+  'bjb-editor-toolbar.c',
+  'bjb-empty-results-box.c',
+  'bjb-import-dialog.c',
+  'bjb-load-more-button.c',
+  'bjb-main.c',
+  'bjb-main-toolbar.c',
+  'bjb-main-view.c',
+  'bjb-note-view.c',
+  'bjb-organize-dialog.c',
+  'bjb-rename-note.c',
+  'bjb-search-toolbar.c',
+  'bjb-selection-toolbar.c',
+  'bjb-settings.c',
+  'bjb-settings-dialog.c',
+  'bjb-share.c',
+  'bjb-window-base.c'
+resource_data = files(
+  'resources/Adwaita.css',
+  'resources/app-menu.ui',
+  'resources/editor-toolbar.ui',
+  'resources/note-symbolic.svg',
+  'resources/settings-dialog.ui',
+  'resources/thumbnail-frame.png'
+sources += gnome.compile_resources(
+  'bjb-resources',
+  'bjb.gresource.xml',
+  c_name: 'bjb',
+  dependencies: resource_data,
+  export: true
+  bijiben_name,
+  sources,
+  include_directories: top_inc,
+  dependencies: libbiji_dep,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: bijiben_bindir
+sources = files('bijiben-shell-search-provider.c')
+sources += gnome.gdbus_codegen(
+  'bijiben-shell-search-provider-generated',
+  search_provider_dbus_iface,
+  interface_prefix: 'org.gnome.',
+  namespace: 'Bijiben'
+  'bijiben-shell-search-provider',
+  sources,
+  include_directories: top_inc,
+  dependencies: libbiji_dep,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: bijiben_libexecdir
diff --git a/subprojects/libgd b/subprojects/libgd
index 643ad53..cc90107 160000
--- a/subprojects/libgd
+++ b/subprojects/libgd
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 643ad53887f6507a775c1f6e1cfbbbe4e939b043
+Subproject commit cc90107531640bcba6c3c58e5cf6aec94d498763

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