[gtk+] (175 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/otte/shader

The branch 'wip/otte/shader' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8f0db4b... build: Remove old Makefile.inc files
  a8896f5... gtk-demo: Remove old build file
  1ed8da6... gsk: Add a skeleton for a GLSL parser
  c3af15f... gsksl: Start parsing statements by parsing constants
  7589713... gsksl: Parse assignments
  429b84c... gsksl: Add gsksltypesprivate.h
  6a66afd... gskslnode: Add gsk_sl_node_get_return_type()
  d91cf86... gskslnode: Add gsk_sl_node_is_constant()
  919a209... gskslnode: Add variables
  c1c1665... gskslnode: Add GskSlNodeOperation
  6c4f044... gsksltype: Prepare type system for rework
  6c9ef7a... gsksltype: Make GskSlType classed
  2171d0b... gsksltype: Add support for vector types
  dccc650... gsksltype: Add matrix type
  f82d442... gskslnode: Add support for bitwise operations
  9266080... gskslnode: Add comparison and shift operators
  f14225a... gskslnode: Add arithmetic operations
  936f1ca... gskslnode: Add builtin constructors
  8d2aa5e... gskslnode: Parse return statements
  f6c3cd4... gsksltype: Turn gsk_sl_type_print() into gsk_sl_type_get_na
  af5d201... gtk: Add gtk-glsl binary
  56f69a0... gsk: Add GskSlPointerType
  1313594... gsksl: Implement skeleton SPIRV output
  90da7a8... gsksltokenizer: Detect preprocessor directives
  68cd6c5... gsksltokenizer: Always return idents
  49ddb67... gsksl: Split out GskSlProgram
  0dc5c72... gsksl: Introduce GskSlCompiler
  b2ce95c... gskslcompiler: Add support for adding defines
  dc66b8c... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #define and #undef
  61d2184... gsksl: Add GskSlVariable
  7cbef99... gsksl: Split Expression from Node
  1b5ada6... gsksl: Turn functions into functions
  cbd38e2... gskslfunction: Change name printing to name getting
  4aa5087... gskslprogram: Parse global variables
  dedc699... gsksl: Introduce GskSlValue
  80dd78a... gsksl: Redo declaration "decorator" parsing
  543d0fa... gsksl: Parse common layout() specifiers
  00ad3fa... gskslexpression: Change is_constant() to get_constant()
  0ddfa89... gskslvariable: Store constness of variables
  1dfa202... gsksldeclaration: Throw an error if a variable initializer 
  46a52bf... gskslvariable: Allow storing an initializer value with a va
  6c0c0d2... gskslprogram: Allow variables to have constant initializers
  443084f... gskslexpression: References to const variables are const
  8a588d5... gsksltype: Add gsk_sl_type_get_index_stride()
  243f468... gskslexpression: Parse swizzles
  1777289... gskslpreprocessor: Redo error emission
  71eb440... gsksl: Add an error enum
  53f5224... gskslpreprocessor: Return fatalness of parsing
  c133e33... gsksl: Make expression parsing never fail
  abca3ed... gskslnode: Always return a statement
  d148736... gskslscope: Track function calls
  440eba5... gskslexpression: Implment function calls
  49cf8b9... gsksl: Add support for structs
  e96bd35... gsksl: Add support for parsing members of struct variables
  db715c6... gsksltype: Generate better type names
  e562c33... gskslfunction: Properly type-check calls to struct construc
  2159997... gsksl: Introduce gsk_sl_preprocessor_sync()
  3eb3918... gskslfunction: Parse arguments
  6908b81... gskslexpression: Parse (sub)expressions in parenthesis
  94d69c7... gskslexpression: Change function call error handling
  3f574bd... gskslexpression: Implement negation
  b5f6ee1... gskslfunction: Split regular and builtin constructors
  12befc7... gskslfunction: Reorganize gsk_sl_function_matches()
  c3658b1... gsksl: Add support for overloaded functions
  e1f6c17... gsksl: Add GskSlPrinter
  42a48d3... gsksl: Rename GskSlNode to GskSlStatement
  11b1a5a... gskslstatement: Print semicolon in the statement print func
  e013040... gskslstatement: Parse compound statements
  1ac5aea... gsksl: Don't return a value from gsk_sl_statement_write_spv
  0bb2621... gskslfunction: the body of a function is a single statement
  eb0918e... gskslstatement: Handle if statements
  b9ef830... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #ifdef, #else and #endif
  5d701bd... gsksltype: Turn void into a custom type class
  66552f9... gskslstatement: Add gsk_sl_Stement_get_jump()
  da1d9cd... gsksl: Redo qualifier handling
  7025fc2... gskslqualifier: Handle uniform variables
  023ef10... gsksl: Add support for parsing blocks
  4f59519... gskslqualifier: Implement layout(push_constant)
  9e1301c... gsksltokenizer: Parse strings
  2314bc8... gsk: Add GskCodeSource
  04f025b... gskslcompiler: Provide a way to compile files
  becca52... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #include
  5b02a20... gskslpreprocessor: Support parsing #version
  11dcb2a... xxx: Change the clip shader do not use #f
  ceb703c... gsksltype: Add concept of components
  c05b476... gskslvalue: Add gsk_sl_value_to_string ()
  cd479c2... gsksl: Builtin constructors are no longer functions
  73a53f4... gskslfunction: Add gsk_sl_function_get_constant()
  101d643... gsksltype: Add gsk_sl_type_value_equal()
  608da8c... gsksl: Implement constructor writing to SPIR-V
  fc3ed36... gskslexpression: Split multiplication from other binary ope

Commits added to the branch:

  52afccb... Fix a doc comment (*)
  3a37440... Cosmetics (*)
  4c29102... vulkan: Add a counter for intermediate textures (*)
  983e0b7... Small simplification (*)
  50bea37... Reshuffle things a little bit (*)
  4e33be1... Add a forgotten rename (*)
  5340962... switch: Remove some unneeded includes (*)
  773973d... cssshadowsvalue: Don't heap-allocate shadows (*)
  a32725b... iconhelper: Don't inherit from GObject (*)
  2da82f8... image: Remove priv pointer (*)
  bcaed4b... image: Remove some unneeded includes (*)
  edaa2c4... label: Remove priv pointer (*)
  29a6c66... switch: Remove priv pointer (*)
  b5c3c51... spinner: Remove priv pointer (*)
  0f6574d... stylecontext: Drop priv pointer (*)
  3aaea0e... Clip intermediate textures (*)
  a4d984f... Create tests for GskTextNode (*)
  47464ce... Create tests for gsk box shadows (*)
  8beb781... Start reftests for gsk (*)
  d2afa1d... gtkroundedbox: Remove some unneeded conditionals (*)
  8e59b3b... snapshot: Use one large GArray for all states (*)
  f5297e6... snapshot: Use one GPtrArray for all nodes (*)
  604da88... snapshot: Fix mixup when creating crossfade nodes (*)
  3bdc9d7... imcontext: Fix typo on ctrl+shift+u hex sequences handling (*)
  252b03c... Frame: Enhance CSS docs (*)
  06bf049... Revert "widget-factory: Usefully demo Frame shadow types" (*)
  f4ffd26... widget-factory: Demo different Frame border-styles (*)
  ffaaba6... inspector: Add gsk and vulkan information (*)
  5a32b78... build: Bump minimum GLib version to 2.53.7 (*)
  5849b98... ComboBox|TreeMenu: Clarify :row|column-span-column (*)
  9c3ea3f... ComboBox|TreeMenu: Slightly clarify wrap-width doc (*)
  06941c5... testcombo: Test grid :row- and :column-span-column (*)
  f63519d... TreeMenu: Remove accidentally duplicated doc lines (*)
  0445640... -wayland: Safeguard against NULL gtk_surface1 (*)
  e4754a0... Enter submenus when activating their parent item (*)
  88b15be... updateiconcache: Avoid confusing loop construct (*)
  090b833... wayland: fix a typo (*)
  a4fda99... HighContrast: Correctly select window decoration (*)
  f9744cf... combobox: Remove unneeded queue_resize call (*)
  3515a27... appchooserdialog: Remove unused macro (*)
  786d89c... scrolledwindow: Make sure gtk_get_current_event_state retur (*)
  7770bdc... switch: Fix int/double comparison (*)
  fd7d006... [l10n] Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation (*)
  3ad7a86... HighContrast: Actually style tooltips... (*)
  6b2c8bf... HC: Give tooltips a border for contrast on Inverse (*)
  0fb4a01... HC: Copy working tooltip code from Adwaita & tweak (*)
  d2a577d... HighContrast: set min-height for headerbars (*)
  84de918... HighContrast: Fix titlebar containing >1 headerbar (*)
  efaf994... HC: Fix MessageDialog’s rounded bottom borders (*)
  018bee6... HighContrastInverse: Make window borders visible (*)
  70fa5be... HC: Flat titlebuttons became non-flat in backdrop (*)
  fbf24d1... HC: Add border/hilight when hovering flat buttons (*)
  02a526c... image: Remove mention on gdk-pixbuf-csource (*)
  9125dc7... box: Drop priv pointer (*)
  aef86a8... searchbar: Remove superfluous padding (*)
  3b9aa2f... widget: Allow 0×0 allocations (*)
  869d9e8... Widget: make sure windowed widgets have a 1×1 min size (*)
  ec1addf... Some updates (*)
  0fa46b4... Update Polish translation (*)
  2936953... build: Remove old Makefile.inc files (*)
  defcf17... gtk-demo: Remove old build file (*)
  c1e9869... build: Don't turn off critical warnings (*)
  9115291... widget-factory: Don't leak GPropertyAction instances (*)
  b34c84a... applicationwindw: Don't leak show-help-overlay action (*)
  d292ebc... filechooserbutton: Don't leak priv->model (*)
  2c28c62... treeviewcolumn: Don't leak button (*)
  d832e5b... modelbutton: set_relative_to(NULL) the popover in dispose (*)
  0724fa7... treeview: Transform motion event coords to "bin window" coo (*)
  f7d02bf... treeviewcolumn: Don't swallow motion/crossing events (*)
  a0de570... gtktreeview: Transform cell area to widget coordinates (*)
  e7b79e2... gtk-demo: Keep treeviews expanding (*)
  2ac6632... build: Turn on more warning flags (*)
  43c212a... build: Enable -Wswitch-enum and -Wswitch-default (*)
  6253572... gsk: Add a skeleton for a GLSL parser
  1379007... gsksl: Start parsing statements by parsing constants
  33edfe2... gsksl: Parse assignments
  89200d4... gsksl: Add gsksltypesprivate.h
  8425064... gskslnode: Add gsk_sl_node_get_return_type()
  228ec70... gskslnode: Add gsk_sl_node_is_constant()
  1701964... gskslnode: Add variables
  36cf513... gskslnode: Add GskSlNodeOperation
  87e3191... gsksltype: Add support for vector types
  4d1c0de... gsksltype: Add matrix type
  def5824... gskslnode: Add comparison and shift operators
  9a496f2... gskslnode: Add builtin constructors
  f26662b... gskslnode: Parse return statements
  ebb270c... gtk: Add gtk-glsl binary
  531f5f7... gsk: Add GskSlPointerType
  5d1a5e1... gsksl: Implement skeleton SPIRV output
  18f9935... gsksltokenizer: Always return idents
  d9f1d47... gsksl: Split out GskSlProgram
  86dbad6... gsksl: Introduce GskSlCompiler
  af9aaf6... gskslcompiler: Add support for adding defines
  3d2bcdf... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #define and #undef
  eb7a4ff... gsksl: Add GskSlVariable
  d205f1d... gsksl: Split Expression from Node
  1d94022... gsksl: Turn functions into functions
  7c1adce... gskslfunction: Change name printing to name getting
  072e376... gskslprogram: Parse global variables
  7c9494c... gsksl: Introduce GskSlValue
  00bc3bf... gsksl: Redo declaration "decorator" parsing
  6b3d054... gsksl: Parse common layout() specifiers
  304c352... gskslexpression: Change is_constant() to get_constant()
  e6655ba... gskslvariable: Store constness of variables
  425dfce... gsksldeclaration: Throw an error if a variable initializer 
  ff8fff8... gskslvariable: Allow storing an initializer value with a va
  ed48d8d... gskslprogram: Allow variables to have constant initializers
  12531b5... gskslexpression: References to const variables are const
  81f3c80... gsksltype: Add gsk_sl_type_get_index_stride()
  fd7bdfb... gskslexpression: Parse swizzles
  c5786b6... gskslpreprocessor: Redo error emission
  80e787f... gsksl: Add an error enum
  6ce0c22... gskslpreprocessor: Return fatalness of parsing
  afcece1... gsksl: Make expression parsing never fail
  64583df... gskslnode: Always return a statement
  6010eb0... gskslscope: Track function calls
  05f4c78... gskslexpression: Implment function calls
  7f9c78f... gsksl: Add support for structs
  7f3b1dc... gsksl: Add support for parsing members of struct variables
  9aa1aeb... gsksltype: Generate better type names
  271b1c4... gskslfunction: Properly type-check calls to struct construc
  3e986cd... gsksl: Introduce gsk_sl_preprocessor_sync()
  9fd4a1a... gskslfunction: Parse arguments
  bf14579... gskslexpression: Parse (sub)expressions in parenthesis
  8d3a86e... gskslexpression: Change function call error handling
  9b48b33... gskslexpression: Implement negation
  a6238eb... gskslfunction: Split regular and builtin constructors
  e8c1727... gskslfunction: Reorganize gsk_sl_function_matches()
  b5845b4... gsksl: Add support for overloaded functions
  ee636b4... gsksl: Add GskSlPrinter
  7c45aab... gsksl: Rename GskSlNode to GskSlStatement
  1dfc2e5... gskslstatement: Print semicolon in the statement print func
  b4bdd5b... gskslstatement: Parse compound statements
  6ce3a38... gsksl: Don't return a value from gsk_sl_statement_write_spv
  a0362ce... gskslfunction: the body of a function is a single statement
  65c5adb... gskslstatement: Handle if statements
  ec2a384... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #ifdef, #else and #endif
  5bcb79f... gsksltype: Turn void into a custom type class
  cc226c2... gskslstatement: Add gsk_sl_Stement_get_jump()
  276a59e... gsksl: Redo qualifier handling
  5baa483... gskslqualifier: Handle uniform variables
  7f6a8a8... gsksl: Add support for parsing blocks
  71c3ab3... gskslqualifier: Implement layout(push_constant)
  df84480... gsksltokenizer: Parse strings
  cf58194... gsk: Add GskCodeSource
  073b23b... gskslcompiler: Provide a way to compile files
  8d0a449... gskslpreprocessor: Implement #include
  bb7cdc4... gskslpreprocessor: Support parsing #version
  e5e788c... xxx: Change the clip shader do not use #f
  189b0b8... gsksltype: Add concept of components
  7449320... gskslvalue: Add gsk_sl_value_to_string ()
  e69eef8... gsksl: Builtin constructors are no longer functions
  d2f8dc3... gskslfunction: Add gsk_sl_function_get_constant()
  8be57ee... gsksltype: Add gsk_sl_type_value_equal()
  d0b67ed... gsksl: Implement constructor writing to SPIR-V
  6be3c70... gskslexpression: Split multiplication from other binary ope
  6f0f42d... gskslprinter: Deal with non-normal floating points
  2e084a5... gsksl: Add gsk_spv_writer_get_id_for_zero()
  96fc96d... gsksltype: Add gsk_sl_type_get_matching()
  9fb97a2... gskslstatement: Add SPV code for return statement
  fd7e01f... gskslfunction: Actually write arguments to SPV
  3615ea1... gskslexpression: Implement Division
  7e0727e... gskpsv: Completely redo SPV writing
  a5b72c9... gskspv: Add GskSpvCodeBlock
  fd5bcfb... gskspv: Allow writing function calls
  ff7fd11... gskspvwriter: Put the declaration section into the block
  79849e3... gskspv: emit Debug information
  abaa819... gskspvwriter: Allow writing a function with initializer
  8857772... gskspv: Reorganize code more
  26720e2... gskspv: Claim to support the same source extensions as glsl
  ad04220... gskspv: Variables can go different places
  c69548b... gsksl: Split binary expressions into their own header
  a2e20e1... gskslexpression: Move division to the new binary vfuncs
  0177313... gskslexpression: Move GskSlExpressionOperation to binaries
  e9d1f2d... gskslexpression: Convert assignment expression to GskSlBina

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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