[gnome-keysign] Created tag 0.9.5

The signed tag '0.9.5' was created.

Tagger: Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de>
Date: 1507029612 +0200

    Bumped version to 0.9.5
    GNOME Keysign is a tool to make signing OpenPGP keys as easy as possible.
    This is the v0.9.5 release which is much more stable for pathologic OpenPGP keys
    and brings support for translations.  It also supports transferring file
    via Bluetooth instead of the local network.
    You can get the app from:
     * Translation support. Read keysign/locale/README.rst for details.
     * gpgme: Ignore KEY_CONSIDERED and CARDCTRL.
     * gpgmh: Support for colons in UIDs.
     * gpgmh: Default to gpgmeh
     * avahioffer: Do not depend on Gtk, GLib, or GObject
     * Added Bluetooth support
     * Much better Python 3 support
    Download: https://github.com/GNOME-Keysign/gnome-keysign/archive/0.9.5.tar.gz
    Web site: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/GnomeKeysign

Changes since the last tag '0.9':

Ludovico de Nittis (1):
      Merge branch 'master' into bluetooth

RyuzakiKK (62):
      tests: Added a test for a key with a colon in the UID
      gpgmks: Unescape the UID
      gpgmks: Unescape the UID with a separate function
      gpgmeh: added missing STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED
      gpgmks: Fix multi UID with colon error
      tests: Add a test for the multi UIDs with colon
      AvahiBrowser: remove unecessary decode and update gajim url
      gpgmeh: Add status CARDCTRL to ignored list
      app: Fix Gst.init parameters
      i18n: Initialised IT locale
      util: switch hmac digest to sha256
      bluetooth: initial commit using the bt_mac as code
      bluetoothoffer: let the receiver close the connection
      bluetooth: handle long keys
      bluetoothoffer: cancel an offering
      bluetoothoffer: add a main to allow direct execution
      bluetoothoffer: avoid gtk warning when executed directly
      bluetoothreceive: add a main to allow direct execution
      bluetoothoffer: avoid exception in deferred when cancel sending
      bluetoothoffer: better error handling when BT is not available
      bluetooth receive: better error handling
      bluetoothreceive: add connection refused error handling
      create offer to handle both avahi and BT
      bluetoothreceive: avoid double download with two valid codes
      add discover for both avahi and BT
      bluetoothreceive: add the key mac check
      test_bluetooth: create unit tests
      bluetooth: refactor to a more clear structure
      handle bluetooth as an optional dependency
      Add PyBluez to README and setup
      bluetoothoffer: add missing import keysing for direct execute
      offer: remove unused import
      util: add missing dbus import
      bluetooth: add hmac requirement also with direct execution
      offer: avoid extra semicolon when bluetooth isn't available
      bluetoothoffer: select wait for 0.5 second and remove defer for accept
      send: remove old codes no more necessary
      receive: rename old reference to on_scanner_changed
      avahioffer: also return the code
      send: remove old function reference
      app: add missing reactor
      bluetooth: explicit import and add os import
      send: remove offer class and incorporate it directly inside send
      bluetooth: add shutdown() before close()
      send: remove inlineCallback leftover
      send: avoid appending empty element when bt is not available
      bluetooth: let the system assign an available port
      discover: avoid a deferred error when there is a problem with bluetooth
      bluetooth: main and test now use the new dynamic port allocation
      avahi and bluetooth return only the data and not the code
      bluetoothreceive: cleaner check for end of connection
      send: when BluetoothOffer finish we restart it
      bluetoothreceive: catch exception trying to double close a connection
      bluetoothreceive: remove redundant thread deferred for recv()
      infobar discovery: prevent displaying it if we also have Bluetooth
      bluetoothoffer: more explicit bind parameters
      bluetooth: add i18n support
      bluetoothoffer: close client socket to avoid possible waste of resources
      setup: add twisted
      test_bluetooth: add hmac dismatch test
      test_bluetooth: add corrupted key test
      gnome-keysign-sign-key: Add binary mode for Python 3 compatibility

Tobias Mueller (115):
      Keyserver: call super constructor with an argument
      qrcode: use double slash division to force integer result for the size
      qrcode: Comment on the missing Surface.create_for_data in pycairo
      avahioffer: Use input() in a python2 and python3 compatible way
      avahioffer: Encode the fingerprint to bytes for MAC generation
      avahidiscovery: Encode MAC key before passing it to mac_verify
      avahidiscovery: Ignore IPv6 link local addresses
      Removed KeysPage because it's not in use any more
      Removed SignPages because it's not used anymore
      Marked strings as translatable
      i18n: Added a utility library
      Merged the ability to sign keys with colon in UIDs
      setup.py: Require nose and pgpy for tests
      tests: Made the mks test use pgpy to parse signatures
      Merge branch 'py3-avahidiscover' into py3
      Merge branch 'py3-qrcode' into py3
      Merge branch 'py3-keyserver' into py3
      Merge branch 'py3-avahioffer' into py3
      babelglade: yield a four-touple all the time
      setup.py: Extract message catalogs from Python and Glade files
      MANIFEST: Include PO files in source distribution
      setup.cfg: configure babel
      setup: Build and ship translations
      .gitignore: Ignore .eggs/
      i18n: Initialised DE locale
      .gitignore: Ignore .mo and .pot files
      send.ui: Mark title as translatable
      locale: Added instructions for translating stuff
      Added babelglade
      Marked strings as translatable
      Made all Python files executable
      i18n: Gracefully handle error setting the locale
      gpgkey: Removed formatting capability from UIDs
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/10' into pgpy
      Added a preliminary French translation
      Merge i18n support
      Updated Release Notes to reflect i18n support
      Merge branch 'master' into pgpy
      Make python setup.py nosetests run our desired tests
      setup.py: Make "test" run nosetests
      util: Added a glib_markup_escape_rencoded_text function
      Merged ignoring of KEY_CONSIDERED and CARDCTRL
      RELEASE NOTES: Added gpgme ignore KEY_CONSIDERED change
      KeyPresent: Decode UID before re-encoding it
      keylistwidget: Only format name, email, and expiry
      keyconfirm: Decode uid.uid before re-encoding
      util: Manually delete surrogates in re-encoding function
      tests: Added a test for latin1 in GUI elements
      gpgkey: Use bytes when splitting off the email address
      RELEASE_NOTES: Updated the app url in the GNOME Wiki
      Merge branch 'pgpy'
      RELEASE_NOTES: Added colon in changes
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'me/pr/4' into py3
      gpgkey: Parse UID to strings
      Added a simple test for our UID parsing
      keylistwidget: Default to empty string for UID components
      gpgkey: Encode the UID from a string to bytes
      Keyserver: Do not convert keydata to a string
      AvahiBrowser: Referred to an open pull request for Avahi
      gpgkey: Make the UID "safe" for direct consumption
      tests: gpgmeh: Sanitise UID from gpgme before comparing
      gpgmks: sign_keydata_and_encrypt: Use the fingerprint as recipient
      gpgmeh: Log the repr of the gpgme.Sink
      Merge KEY_CONSIDERED which is needed for gpgme tests to pass
      gpgmks: Make UIDExport get the key by fingerprint rather than UID
      gpgmks: Export a key based on its fingerprint rather than UID
      tests: gpgmks: Add some more check to bail out early
      avahioffer: Remove pygi imports
      Merge branch 'avahioffer-noglib'
      RELEASE_NOTES: Added comment about the avahioffer
      README: Fedora 25+ has moved the gtksink element to a separate packge
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/14'
      Merge translatable strings
      Merge pgpy
      Merged colon UIDs
      babelglade: Port exception syntax to Python 3
      Merge branch 'py3-babelglade' into py3
      i18n: Gracefully handle lang not being available
      keylistwidget: Import _ from i18n
      Merge branch 'i18n-klw'
      Merge branch 'i18n-grace'
      Merge branch 'py3'
      bluetoothoffer:  Use raw_input in python2
      bluetoothoffer: Configure Logging
      .gitignore: Ignore coverage folder
      tests: gpgmks: Added a key with UTF8 encoded UIDs
      tests: Added utf-8 test to gpgmeh
      tests: gpgmks: Reorder keys for Utf8 test
      tests: use private keys in utf8 tests
      Added a glib_markup_escape_text_to_text helper function
      test: removed seckey-1.asc
      send: Remove false comment on GLib import
      setup.cfg: Remove the where clause
      gpgmeh: log setting the signers
      gpgmeh: sign_key: bail out INV_SGNR
      tests: mks: load public keys rather than private key
      gpgmeh: Use gpgconf to determine the agent's location
      tests: mks: strip keydata when read
      tests: gpgmeh: Use secret keys only when necessary
      tests: gpgmeh: Make it compatible with gpgme 1.8 and gpgme 1.9
      tests: mks: Free some variables from the context
      sign-key: Require user input before quitting the app
      Merge waiting for user input in sign-key
      Merge gpgme and utf8 compatibility
      Added a DOAP file
      Merge branch 'bluetooth' of github.com:RyuzakiKK/gnome-keysign into bluetooth
      gpgmh: Defaulting to gpgme
      README: Mentioned the Debian package
      Added gpgmeh to the release notes
      Merge branch 'bluetooth'
      Added Bluetooth and Python 3 support to the release notes
      bumped version to 0.9.5
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:GNOME-Keysign/gnome-keysign
      Merged sha256 hmac

muelli (2):
      Merge pull request #17 from RyuzakiKK/i18n-it
      Merge pull request #19 from RyuzakiKK/sign_py3

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