[libdmapsharing] Fix handling of mediakind property in testpython.py

commit 081c2b29189ff3d78cb1cb3ff94715bd59a4f8c7
Author: W. Michael Petullo <mike flyn org>
Date:   Mon Nov 13 09:32:23 2017 -0500

    Fix handling of mediakind property in testpython.py
    Signed-off-by: W. Michael Petullo <mike flyn org>

 tests/test-dmap-client-python |   61 +++++++++++++---------------------------
 tests/testpython.py           |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/test-dmap-client-python b/tests/test-dmap-client-python
index ce0cac0..f88b908 100755
--- a/tests/test-dmap-client-python
+++ b/tests/test-dmap-client-python
@@ -26,48 +26,27 @@ class TestDMAPClient(GObject.GObject):
     def print_record(self, id, record, user_data):
-        location    = record.get_property('location')
-        title       = record.get_property('title')
-        songalbum   = record.get_property('songalbum')
-        sort_album  = record.get_property('sort-album')
-        songartist  = record.get_property('songartist')
-        sort_artist = record.get_property('sort-artist')
-        songgenre   = record.get_property('songgenre')
-        format      = record.get_property('format')
-        rating      = record.get_property('rating')
-        filesize    = record.get_property('filesize')
-        duration    = record.get_property('duration')
-        track       = record.get_property('track')
-        year        = record.get_property('year')
-        firstseen   = record.get_property('firstseen')
-        mtime       = record.get_property('mtime')
-        disc        = record.get_property('disc')
-        bitrate     = record.get_property('bitrate')
-        has_video   = record.get_property('has_video')
-        mediakind   = record.get_property('mediakind')
-        songalbumid = record.get_property('songalbumid')
         print('id:',            id)
-        print('  location:',    location)
-        print('  title:',       title)
-        print('  songalbum:',   songalbum)
-        print('  sort_album:',  sort_album)
-        print('  songartist:',  songartist)
-        print('  sort_artist:', sort_artist)
-        print('  songgenre:',   songgenre)
-        print('  format:',      format)
-        print('  rating:',      rating)
-        print('  filesize:',    filesize)
-        print('  duration:',    duration)
-        print('  track:',       track)
-        print('  year:',        year)
-        print('  firstseen:',   firstseen)
-        print('  mtime:',       mtime)
-        print('  disc:',        disc)
-        print('  bitrate:',     bitrate)
-        print('  has_video:',   has_video)
-        print('  mediakind:',   mediakind)
-        print('  songalbumid:', songalbumid)
+        print('  location:',    record.location)
+        print('  title:',       record.title)
+        print('  songalbum:',   record.songalbum)
+        print('  sort_album:',  record.sort_album)
+        print('  songartist:',  record.songartist)
+        print('  sort_artist:', record.sort_artist)
+        print('  songgenre:',   record.songgenre)
+        print('  format:',      record.format)
+        print('  rating:',      record.rating)
+        print('  filesize:',    record.filesize)
+        print('  duration:',    record.duration)
+        print('  track:',       record.track)
+        print('  year:',        record.year)
+        print('  firstseen:',   record.firstseen)
+        print('  mtime:',       record.mtime)
+        print('  disc:',        record.disc)
+        print('  bitrate:',     record.bitrate)
+        print('  has_video:',   record.has_video)
+        print('  mediakind:',   record.mediakind)
+        print('  songalbumid:', record.songalbumid)
     def authenticate_cb(self, connection, name, session, msg, auth, retrying):
         username = connection.get_property('username')
diff --git a/tests/testpython.py b/tests/testpython.py
index 768476f..2898a42 100644
--- a/tests/testpython.py
+++ b/tests/testpython.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class PyDAAPRecord(GObject.GObject, DAAP.Record, DMAP.Record):
     disc        = GObject.property(type=GObject.TYPE_INT,     default=0)
     bitrate     = GObject.property(type=GObject.TYPE_INT,     default=0)
     has_video   = GObject.property(type=GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, default=0)
-    mediakind   = GObject.property(type=GObject.TYPE_INT,     default=0)
+    mediakind   = GObject.property(type=DMAP.MediaKind,       default=DMAP.MediaKind.MUSIC)
     songalbumid = GObject.property(type=GObject.TYPE_INT64,   default=0)
     hash        = GObject.property(type=GLib.ByteArray,       default=None)

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