[gparted] Quote mount point when copying and resizing xfs (#782681)

commit 2025581029eae816cf331918ddae42094d3600f1
Author: Mike Fleetwood <mike fleetwood googlemail com>
Date:   Fri May 19 15:52:15 2017 +0100

    Quote mount point when copying and resizing xfs (#782681)
    Attempting to grow an already mounted xfs where the mount point
    contained spaces failed like this:
        Grow /dev/sdb4 from 1.00 GiB to 1.50 GiB
        + calibrate /dev/sdb4
        + grow partition from 1.00 GiB to 1.50 GiB
        + grow file system to fill the partition
          + xfs_growfs /tmp/File System Label
            Usage: xfs_growfs [options] mountpoint
    Apply the rule and quote all uses of mount points within command lines.
    This is also applied to copying xfs file systems even though it was safe
    because it only ever used GParted generated mount points.
    Also for the xfs copy operation switch unmounting of partitions to
    specify mount points instead of partitions.  This is just to be
    consistent with how it is done in all the online file system resizing
    Bug 782681 - btrfs partitions mounted with whitespace cannot be resized

 src/xfs.cc |   26 ++++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/xfs.cc b/src/xfs.cc
index 8593e90..f925737 100644
--- a/src/xfs.cc
+++ b/src/xfs.cc
@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ bool xfs::resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationde
                mount_point = mk_temp_dir( "", operationdetail ) ;
                if ( mount_point.empty() )
                        return false ;
-               success &= ! execute_command( "mount -v -t xfs " + partition_new .get_path() + " " + 
+               success &= ! execute_command( "mount -v -t xfs " + partition_new .get_path() +
+                                             " \"" + mount_point + "\"",
                                              operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
@@ -201,10 +202,12 @@ bool xfs::resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationde
        if ( success )
-               success &= ! execute_command( "xfs_growfs " + mount_point, operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS 
+               success &= ! execute_command( "xfs_growfs \"" + mount_point + "\"",
+                                             operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
                if ( ! partition_new .busy )
-                       success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v " + mount_point, operationdetail, 
+                       success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v \"" + mount_point + "\"",
+                                                     operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
        if ( ! partition_new .busy )
@@ -236,7 +239,8 @@ bool xfs::copy( const Partition & src_part,
        success &= ! execute_command( "mount -v -t xfs -o noatime,ro " + src_part.get_path() +
-                                     " " + src_mount_point, operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
+                                     " \"" + src_mount_point + "\"",
+                                     operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
        // Get source FS used bytes, needed in progress update calculation
        Byte_Value fs_size;
@@ -249,21 +253,23 @@ bool xfs::copy( const Partition & src_part,
        if ( success )
                success &= ! execute_command( "mount -v -t xfs " + dest_part.get_path() +
-                                             " " + dest_mount_point, operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
+                                             " \"" + dest_mount_point + "\"",
+                                             operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
                if ( success )
-                       success &= ! execute_command( "sh -c 'xfsdump -J - " + src_mount_point +
-                                                     " | xfsrestore -J - " + dest_mount_point + "'",
+                       success &= ! execute_command( "sh -c 'xfsdump -J - \"" + src_mount_point +
+                                                     "\" | xfsrestore -J - \"" + dest_mount_point + "\"'",
                                                      static_cast<TimedSlot>( sigc::mem_fun( *this, 
&xfs::copy_progress ) ) );
-                       success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v " + dest_part.get_path(), operationdetail,
-                                                     EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
+                       success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v \"" + dest_mount_point + "\"",
+                                                     operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
-               success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v " + src_part.get_path(), operationdetail, 
+               success &= ! execute_command( "umount -v \"" + src_mount_point + "\"",
+                                             operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
        rm_temp_dir( dest_mount_point, operationdetail ) ;

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