[gimp/gimp-2-8] Bug 779842 - Scottish Gaelic translation of the installer
- From: Michael Schumacher <schumaml src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp/gimp-2-8] Bug 779842 - Scottish Gaelic translation of the installer
- Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 21:01:08 +0000 (UTC)
commit dcd2b1faff3eb65cfae06241c5066c07543f7e2c
Author: GunChleoc <fios foramnagaidhlig net>
Date: Mon May 15 23:00:05 2017 +0200
Bug 779842 - Scottish Gaelic translation of the installer
build/windows/installer/lang/gd.setup.isl | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/windows/installer/lang/gd.setup.isl b/build/windows/installer/lang/gd.setup.isl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa25b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/windows/installer/lang/gd.setup.isl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+;InfoBefore page is used instead of license page because the GPL only concerns distribution, not use, and as
such doesn't have to be accepted
+WizardInfoBefore=Aonta ceadachais
+AboutSetupNote=Chaidh an t-inneal-st�laidh a thogail le Jernej Simon�i�, jernej-gimp ena si%n%nAn dealbh air
duilleag-fhosglaidh an inneil-st�laidh le Alexia_Death%nAn dealbh air duilleag-dh�naidh an inneil-st�laidh le
Jakub Steiner
+WinVersionTooLowError=Feumaidh an tionndadh seo dhe GIMP Windows XP le Service Pack 3 no tionndadh dhe
Windows nas �ire.
+;shown before the wizard starts on development versions of GIMP
+DevelopmentWarningTitle=Tionndadh an luchd-leasachaidh
+;DevelopmentWarning=This is a development version of GIMP. As such, some features aren't finished, and it
may be unstable. If you encounter any problems, first verify that they haven't already been fixed in GIT
before you contact the developers.%nThis version of GIMP is not intended for day-to-day work, as it may be
unstable, and you could lose your work. Do you wish to continue with installation anyway?
+DevelopmentWarning=Seo tionndadh luchd-leasachaidh dhen inneal-st�laidh GIMP. Cha deach a chur fo dheuchainn
cho teann �s a chaidh an t-inneal-st�laidh seasmhach agus dh�fhaoidte nach obraich GIMP mar bu ch�ir ri linn
sin. Innis dhuinn mu dhuilgheadas sam bith air Bugzilla GIMP (Installer
component):%n_https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GIMP%n%nTha duilgheadasan as aithne dhuinn aig
an inneal-st�laidh seo:%n- chan obraich luchdadh fhaidhlichean TIFF%n- cha d�id meud nam faidhlichean a
shealltainn mar bu ch�ir%nNa innis dhuinn mu na duilgheadasan seo on a mhothaich sinn dhaibh mar-th�.%n%nA
bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart leis an st�ladh co-dhi�?
+DevelopmentButtonContinue=&Lean air adhart
+DevelopmentButtonExit=F�g an-seo
+;XPSP3Recommended=Warning: you are running an unsupported version of Windows. Please update to at least
Windows XP with Service Pack 3 before reporting any problems.
+SSERequired=Feumaidh an tionndadh seo dhe GIMP pr�iseasar a chuireas tais ri sti�ireadh SSE.
+Require32BPPTitle=Duilgheadas le roghainnean an uidheim-thaisbeanaidh
+Require32BPP=Mhothaich an t-inneal-st�laidh nach eil an Windows agad �ga ruith sa mhodh-taisbeanaidh 32 biod
gach piogsail. Tha fios againn gun adhbharaich seo trioblaidean seasmhachd le GIMP, mar sin mholamaid gun
atharraich thu doimhne dhathan an uidheim-thaisbeanaidh gu 32bpp mus lean thu air adhart.
+Require32BPPContinue=&Lean air adhart
+Require32BPPExit=&F�g an-seo
+InstallOrCustomize=Tha GIMP ullamh airson st�ladh a-nis. Briog air a� phutan �St�laich� gus a st�ladh leis
na roghainnean t�sail no briog air a� phutan �Gn�thaich� nam bu toigh leat na th�id a st�ladh a sti�ireadh na
mu mhionaidiche.
+;setup types
+TypeCompact=St�ladh teannta
+TypeCustom=St�ladh gn�thaichte
+TypeFull=St�ladh sl�n
+;text above component description
+ComponentsGimpDescription=GIMP agus a h-uile plugan t�sail
+ComponentsDeps=Leabharlannan ruith
+ComponentsDepsDescription=Na leabharlannan ruith a chleachdas GIMP, a� gabhail a-steach �rainneachd ruith
+ComponentsGtkWimp=Einnsean MS-Windows airson GTK+
+ComponentsGtkWimpDescription=Coltas t�sail Windows air GIMP
+ComponentsCompat=Taic ri seann-phlugain
+ComponentsCompatDescription=St�laich na leabharlannan a dh�fheumas na seann-phlugain treas-ph�rtaidh
+ComponentsPython=Sgriobtadh Python
+ComponentsPythonDescription=Leigidh seo leat plugain GIMP a chleachdadh a chaidh a sgr�obhadh sa ch�nan
sgriobtaidh Python.
+ComponentsGhostscript=Taic ri PostScript
+ComponentsGhostscriptDescription=Leig le GIMP faidhlichean PostScript a luchdadh
+;only when installing on x64 Windows
+ComponentsGimp32=Taic ri plugain 32-biod
+ComponentsGimp32Description=Gabh a-steach na faidhlichean a bhios riatanach gus plugain 32-biod a
chleachdadh.%nChan fhaigh thu taic ri Python �s an aonais.
+;additional installation tasks
+AdditionalIcons=�omhaigheagan a bharrachd:
+AdditionalIconsDesktop=Cruthaich �omhaigheag air an &deasg
+AdditionalIconsQuickLaunch=Cruthaich �omhaigheag &grad-t�iseachaidh
+RemoveOldGIMP=Thoir air falbh an tionndadh roimhe dhe GIMP
+;%1 is replaced by file name; these messages should never appear (unless user runs out of disk space at the
exact right moment)
+ErrorChangingEnviron=Thachair duilgheadas ag �rachadh �rainneachd GIMP an-seo: %1. Ma gheibh thu mearachdan
le luchdadh nam plugan, feuch an d�-st�laich thu GIMP �s gun st�laich thu �s �r e.
+ErrorExtractingTemp=Mearachd le �s-tharraing d�ta shealaich.
+ErrorUpdatingPython=Mearachd le �rachadh fiosrachaidh an eadar-theangadair Python.
+ErrorReadingGimpRC=Mearachd le �rachadh %1.
+ErrorUpdatingGimpRC=Mearachd le �rachadh faidhle r�iteachaidh GIMP %1.
+;displayed in Explorer's right-click menu
+OpenWithGimp=Deasaich le GIMP
+;file associations page
+SelectAssociationsCaption=Tagh co-cheangal nam faidhlichean
+SelectAssociationsInfo1=Tagh na se�rsaichean faidhle a bu toigh leat co-cheangal ri GIMP
+SelectAssociationsInfo2=Bheir seo air na faidhlichean gun d�id am fosgladh le GIMP nuair a n� thu briogadh
d�bailte orra ann an Taisgealaiche nam faidhle.
+SelectAssociationsSelectAll=T&agh na h-uile
+SelectAssociationsUnselectAll=D�-th&agh na h-uile
+SelectAssociationsSelectUnused=Tagh an fheadhainn g&un chleachdadh
+;shown on summary screen just before starting the install
+ReadyMemoAssociations=Na se�rsaichean faidhle a th�id a cho-cheangal ri GIMP:
+RemovingOldVersion=A� toirt air falbh tionndaidhean roimhe dhe GIMP:
+;%1 = version, %2 = installation directory
+;ran uninstaller, but it returned an error, or didn't remove everything
+RemovingOldVersionFailed=Chan urrainn dhuinn GIMP %1 a st�ladh thar an tionndaidh dhe GIMP a tha st�laichte
agad an-dr�sta agus dh�fh�illig le d�-st�ladh f�in-obrachail an t-seann-tionndaidh.%n%nThoir air falbh an
tionndadh roimhe dhe GIMP a l�imh mus st�laich thu an tionndadh seo gu %2 no tagh st�ladh gn�thaichte agus
pasgan st�laidh eadar-dhealaichte.%n%nTh�id an t-inneal-st�laidh fh�gail a-nis.
+;couldn't find an uninstaller, or found several uninstallers
+RemovingOldVersionCantUninstall=Chan urrainn dhuinn GIMP %1 a st�ladh thar an tionndaidh dhe GIMP a tha
st�laichte agad an-dr�sta agus cha d�fhuair an t-inneal-st�laidh a-mach ciamar a bheir e air falbh an
seann-tionndadh gu f�in-obrachail.%n%nThoir air falbh an tionndadh roimhe dhe GIMP �s a h-uile tuilleadan
aige a l�imh mus st�laich thu an tionndadh seo gu %2 no tagh st�ladh gn�thaichte agus pasgan st�laidh
eadar-dhealaichte.%n%nTh�id an t-inneal-st�laidh fh�gail a-nis.
+RebootRequiredFirst=Chaidh an tionndadh roimhe dhe GIMP a thoirt air falbh ach feumaidh sinn Windows
ath-th�iseachadh mus urrainn dhuinn leantainn air adhart leis an st�ladh.%n%n�s d�idh an coimpiutair agad
ath-th�iseachadh, leanaidh an t-inneal-st�laidh air adhart an ath-thuras a chl�raicheas rianaire a-steach.
+;displayed if restart settings couldn't be read, or if the setup couldn't re-run itself
+ErrorRestartingSetup=Thachair mearachd le ath-th�iseachadh an inneil-st�laidh. (%1)
+;displayed while the files are being extracted; note the capitalisation!
+Billboard1=Cuimhnich: �S e bathar-bog saor a th� ann an GIMP.%n%nTadhail air
+;www.gimp.org (displayed between Billboard1 and Billboard2)
+Billboard2=airson �rachaidhean saora �s an-asgaidh.
+SettingUpAssociations=A� suidheachadh co-cheangal nam faidhlichean�
+SettingUpPyGimp=A� suidheachadh �rainneachd an leudachain Python airson GIMP�
+SettingUpEnvironment=A� suidheachadh �rainneachd GIMP�
+SettingUpGimpRC=A� suidheachadh r�iteachadh GIMP airson taic ri plugain 32-biod�
+;displayed on last page
+LaunchGimp=T�isich GIMP
+;shown during uninstall when removing add-ons
+UninstallingAddOnCaption=A� toirt air falbh nan tuilleadan
+InternalError=Mearachd inntearnail (%1).
+;used by installer for add-ons (currently only help)
+DirNotGimp=Tha coltas nach deach GIMP a st�ladh dhan phasgan a thagh thu. A bheil thu airson leantainn air
adhart co-dhi�?
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