[gnome-builder/wip/slaf/xml-pack: 570/572] xml-pack: IdeXmlRngParser object

commit 705cf409db3982bc0b4540f8dfe3a0ee1e237aca
Author: Sebastien Lafargue <slafargue gnome org>
Date:   Sun May 14 23:11:30 2017 +0200

    xml-pack: IdeXmlRngParser object
    The libxml2 is private so this is a 'simple'
    one based on it, to be used for completion.

 plugins/xml-pack/Makefile.am          |    2 +
 plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.c | 2044 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.h |   42 +
 3 files changed, 2088 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/xml-pack/Makefile.am b/plugins/xml-pack/Makefile.am
index c1fa2b9..dbd0978 100644
--- a/plugins/xml-pack/Makefile.am
+++ b/plugins/xml-pack/Makefile.am
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ libxml_pack_plugin_la_SOURCES =              \
        ide-xml-rng-define.h                 \
        ide-xml-rng-grammar.c                \
        ide-xml-rng-grammar.h                \
+       ide-xml-rng-parser.h                 \
+       ide-xml-rng-parser.c                 \
        ide-xml-sax.c                        \
        ide-xml-sax.h                        \
        ide-xml-service.c                    \
diff --git a/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.c b/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52ede5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+/* ide-xml-rng-parser.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastien Lafargue <slafargue gnome org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Based on the relaxng.c libxml2 code.
+ * No error checks because already done in the validation step.
+ * Whole refactoring to match the GNOME Builder needs.
+ */
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/uri.h>
+#include "ide-xml-rng-define.h"
+#include "ide-xml-rng-grammar.h"
+#include "ide-xml-rng-parser.h"
+static const guchar *HREF_PROP = (const guchar *)"href";
+static const guchar *NS_PROP = (const guchar *)"ns";
+static const guchar *xmlRelaxNGNs = (const guchar *)"http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0";;
+static gboolean          ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *root);
+static void              parse_define               (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *nodes);
+static void              parse_include              (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *nodes);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine  *parse_name_class           (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *node,
+                                                     IdeXmlRngDefine    *current);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine  *parse_element              (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *node);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine  *parse_patterns             (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *nodes,
+                                                     gboolean            group_elements);
+static IdeXmlRngGrammar *parse_grammar              (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *node);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine  *parse_pattern              (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *node);
+static IdeXmlSchema     *parse_document             (IdeXmlRngParser    *self,
+                                                     xmlNode            *root);
+typedef enum
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_ATTRIBUTE      = 1 << 0,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_ONEORMORE      = 1 << 1,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_LIST                       = 1 << 2,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_START                    = 1 << 4,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_OOMGROUP               = 1 << 5,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_ANYEXCEPT      = 1 << 8,
+  XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_NSEXCEPT               = 1 << 9
+} XmlRngFlags;
+typedef enum
+  XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF          = 1 << 0,
+  XML_RNG_COMBINE_CHOICE         = 1 << 1,
+} XmlRngCombine;
+typedef struct _XmlDocument
+  gchar           *href;
+  xmlDoc          *doc;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *content;
+  IdeXmlSchema    *schema;
+  guint            is_external_ref : 1;
+} XmlDocument;
+struct _IdeXmlRngParser
+  GObject            parent_instance;
+  GArray            *xml_externalref_docs;
+  GQueue             xml_externalref_docs_stack;
+  GArray            *xml_include_docs;
+  GQueue             xml_include_docs_stack;
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar  *grammars;
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar  *parent_grammar;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine   *current_def;
+  IdeXmlHashTable   *interleaves;
+  gint               interleaves_count;
+  XmlRngFlags        flags;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (IdeXmlRngParser, ide_xml_rng_parser, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static inline void
+_autofree_cleanup_xmlFree (void *p)
+  void **pp = (void**)p;
+  xmlFree (*pp);
+#define g_autoxmlfree __attribute__((cleanup(_autofree_cleanup_xmlFree)))
+static void
+xml_document_free (XmlDocument *doc)
+  g_assert (doc != NULL);
+  g_free (doc->href);
+  if (doc->doc != NULL)
+    xmlFreeDoc (doc->doc);
+  if (doc->content != NULL)
+    ide_xml_rng_define_unref (doc->content);
+  if (doc->schema != NULL)
+    ide_xml_schema_unref (doc->schema);
+static void
+_xmlfree (xmlChar **xmlstr)
+  g_assert (xmlstr != NULL);
+  if (*xmlstr != NULL)
+    {
+      xmlFree (*xmlstr);
+      *xmlstr = NULL;
+    }
+static inline guchar *
+_strip (guchar *name)
+  if (name != NULL)
+    g_strstrip ((gchar *)name);
+  return name;
+static inline gboolean
+is_valid_rng_node (xmlNode     *node,
+                   const gchar *name)
+  return (node != NULL &&
+          node->ns != NULL &&
+          node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
+          ide_str_equal0 (node->name, name) &&
+          ide_str_equal0 (node->ns->href, xmlRelaxNGNs));
+static inline gboolean
+is_blank_rng_node (xmlNode *node)
+  const gchar *str;
+  gunichar ch;
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (node->content == NULL)
+    return TRUE;
+  str = (const gchar *)node->content;
+  ch = g_utf8_get_char (str);
+  while (ch != 0)
+    {
+      if (!g_unichar_isspace(ch))
+        return FALSE;
+      str = g_utf8_next_char (str);
+      ch = g_utf8_get_char (str);
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static inline void
+remove_node (xmlNode *node)
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  xmlUnlinkNode(node);
+  xmlFreeNode(node);
+static guchar *
+get_node_closest_ns (xmlNode *node)
+  guchar *ns;
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  while (NULL == (ns = xmlGetProp(node, NS_PROP)))
+    {
+      node = node->parent;
+      if (node == NULL || node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+        break;
+    }
+  return ns;
+static gint
+compare_href_func (XmlDocument *xml_doc,
+                   gchar       *href)
+  return !ide_str_equal0 (href, xml_doc->href);
+static XmlDocument *
+xml_include_docs_stack_lookup (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                               const gchar     *url)
+  GList *l;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  l = g_queue_find_custom (&self->xml_include_docs_stack, url, (GCompareFunc)compare_href_func);
+  return (l != NULL) ? l->data : NULL;
+static XmlDocument *
+xml_externalref_docs_stack_lookup (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                                   const gchar     *url)
+  GList *l;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  l = g_queue_find_custom (&self->xml_externalref_docs_stack, url, (GCompareFunc)compare_href_func);
+  return (l != NULL) ? l->data : NULL;
+static guchar *
+build_url (xmlDoc  *doc,
+           xmlNode *node)
+  g_autoxmlfree guchar *href = NULL;
+  g_autoxmlfree guchar *base = NULL;
+  if (NULL == (href = xmlGetProp(node, HREF_PROP)) ||
+      NULL == (base = xmlNodeGetBase(doc, node)))
+    return NULL;
+  return xmlBuildURI(href, base);
+static void
+ide_xml_remove_redefine (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                         xmlNode         *children,
+                         const gchar     *name)
+  xmlNode *node, *node_next, *inc_root;
+  XmlDocument *inc_doc;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  node = children;
+  while (node != NULL)
+    {
+      node_next = node->next;
+      if (name == NULL && is_valid_rng_node (node, "start"))
+        remove_node (node);
+      else if (name != NULL && is_valid_rng_node (node, "define"))
+        {
+          g_autoxmlfree guchar *name_tmp = _strip (xmlGetProp (node, (const guchar *)"name"));
+          if (name_tmp != NULL)
+            {
+              if (ide_str_equal0 (name, name_tmp))
+                remove_node (node);
+            }
+        }
+      else if (name != NULL && is_valid_rng_node (node, "include"))
+        {
+          inc_doc = node->psvi;
+          if (inc_doc != NULL &&
+              inc_doc->doc != NULL &&
+              inc_doc->doc->children != NULL &&
+              ide_str_equal0 (inc_doc->doc->children->name, "grammar"))
+            {
+              inc_root = xmlDocGetRootElement (inc_doc->doc);
+              ide_xml_remove_redefine (self, inc_root->children, name);
+            }
+        }
+      node = node_next;
+    }
+static XmlDocument *
+load_include (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+              xmlNode         *node,
+              const gchar     *url)
+  g_autoxmlfree guchar *ns = NULL;
+  xmlDoc *href_doc;
+  XmlDocument xml_doc, *xml_doc_ref;
+  xmlNode *root, *current;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  g_assert (!ide_str_empty0 (url));
+  if (NULL != (xml_include_docs_stack_lookup (self, url)) ||
+      NULL == (ns = get_node_closest_ns (node)) ||
+      NULL == (href_doc = xmlReadFile (url, NULL, 0)))
+    return NULL;
+  xml_doc.is_external_ref = TRUE;
+  xml_doc.href = g_strdup (url);
+  xml_doc.doc = href_doc;
+  g_array_append_val (self->xml_include_docs, xml_doc);
+  xml_doc_ref = &g_array_index (self->xml_include_docs, XmlDocument, self->xml_include_docs->len - 1);
+  g_queue_push_head (&self->xml_include_docs_stack, xml_doc_ref);
+  if (NULL != (root = xmlDocGetRootElement(href_doc)))
+    {
+      ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (self, root);
+      if (xmlHasProp(root, NS_PROP))
+        xmlSetProp(root, NS_PROP, ns);
+    }
+  g_queue_pop_head (&self->xml_include_docs_stack);
+  if (root != NULL && !is_valid_rng_node (root, "grammar"))
+    return NULL;
+  current = node->children;
+  while (current != NULL)
+    {
+      if (is_valid_rng_node (root, "start"))
+        ide_xml_remove_redefine (self, root->children, NULL);
+      else if (is_valid_rng_node (root, "define"))
+        {
+          g_autoxmlfree guchar *name = _strip (xmlGetProp (current, (const guchar *)"name"));
+          if (name != NULL)
+            ide_xml_remove_redefine (self, root->children, (const gchar *)name);
+        }
+      current = current->next;
+    }
+  return xml_doc_ref;
+/* TODO: Get an error code to differenciate between recurse and can't load ? */
+static XmlDocument *
+load_externalref (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                  xmlNode         *node,
+                  const gchar     *url)
+  g_autoxmlfree guchar *ns = NULL;
+  xmlDoc *href_doc;
+  XmlDocument xml_doc, *xml_doc_ref;
+  xmlNode *root;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  g_assert (!ide_str_empty0 (url));
+  if (NULL != (xml_externalref_docs_stack_lookup (self, url)) ||
+      NULL == (ns = get_node_closest_ns (node)) ||
+      NULL == (href_doc = xmlReadFile (url, NULL, 0)))
+    return NULL;
+  xml_doc.is_external_ref = TRUE;
+  xml_doc.href = g_strdup (url);
+  xml_doc.doc = href_doc;
+  g_array_append_val (self->xml_externalref_docs, xml_doc);
+  xml_doc_ref = &g_array_index (self->xml_externalref_docs, XmlDocument, self->xml_externalref_docs->len - 
+  g_queue_push_head (&self->xml_externalref_docs_stack, xml_doc_ref);
+  if (NULL != (root = xmlDocGetRootElement(href_doc)))
+    {
+      ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (self, root);
+      if (xmlHasProp(root, NS_PROP))
+        xmlSetProp(root, NS_PROP, ns);
+    }
+  g_queue_pop_head (&self->xml_externalref_docs_stack);
+  return xml_doc_ref;
+static gboolean
+ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                            xmlNode         *root)
+  xmlNode *current, *delete = NULL;
+  XmlDocument *ext_doc;
+  g_autoxmlfree guchar *href_url = NULL;
+  gboolean ret = FALSE;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  current = root;
+  while (current != NULL)
+    {
+      if (delete != NULL)
+        {
+          remove_node (delete);
+          delete = NULL;
+        }
+      if (current->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+        {
+          if (current->ns == NULL || !ide_str_equal0 (current->ns->href, xmlRelaxNGNs))
+            {
+              delete = current;
+              goto next_node;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "externalRef"))
+                {
+                  if (NULL == (href_url = build_url (root->doc, current)) ||
+                      NULL == (ext_doc = load_externalref (self, current, (const gchar *)href_url)))
+                    {
+                      delete = current;
+                      goto next_node;
+                    }
+                  current->psvi = ext_doc;
+                }
+              else if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "include"))
+                {
+                  if (NULL == (href_url = build_url (root->doc, current)) ||
+                      NULL == (ext_doc = load_include (self, current, (const gchar *)href_url)))
+                    {
+                      delete = current;
+                      goto next_node;
+                    }
+                  current->psvi = ext_doc;
+                }
+              else if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "element") ||
+                       ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "attribute"))
+                {
+                  xmlNode *text_node;
+                  xmlNode *doc_node;
+                  g_autoxmlfree guchar *ns = NULL;
+                  g_autoxmlfree guchar *name = xmlGetProp (current, (const guchar *)"name");
+                  if (name != NULL)
+                    {
+                      if (current->children == NULL)
+                        text_node = xmlNewChild (current, current->ns, (const guchar *)"name", name);
+                      else
+                        {
+                          doc_node = xmlNewDocNode (current->doc, current->ns, (const guchar *)"name", NULL);
+                          xmlAddPrevSibling (current->children, doc_node);
+                          text_node = xmlNewText (name);
+                          xmlAddChild (doc_node, text_node);
+                          text_node = doc_node;
+                        }
+                      xmlUnsetProp (current, (const guchar *)"name");
+                      if (NULL != (ns = xmlGetProp (current, NS_PROP)))
+                        xmlSetProp (text_node, NS_PROP, ns);
+                      else if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "attribute"))
+                        xmlSetProp (text_node, NS_PROP, (const guchar *)"");
+                    }
+                }
+              else if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "name") ||
+                       ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "nsname") ||
+                       ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "value"))
+                {
+                  if (xmlHasProp (current, NS_PROP) == NULL)
+                    {
+                      xmlNode *node = NULL;
+                      g_autoxmlfree guchar *ns = NULL;
+                      node = current->parent;
+                      while (node != NULL && node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+                        {
+                          if (NULL == (ns = xmlGetProp (node, NS_PROP)))
+                            break;
+                          node = node->parent;
+                        }
+                      if (ns == NULL)
+                        xmlSetProp (current, NS_PROP, (const guchar *)"");
+                      else
+                        xmlSetProp (current, NS_PROP, ns);
+                    }
+                  if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "name"))
+                    {
+                      g_autoxmlfree guchar *name = NULL;
+                      g_autoxmlfree guchar *local = NULL;
+                      g_autoxmlfree guchar *prefix = NULL;
+                      if (NULL != (name = xmlNodeGetContent (current)) &&
+                          NULL != (local = xmlSplitQName2 (name, &prefix)))
+                        {
+                          xmlNsPtr ns_node;
+                          if (NULL != (ns_node = xmlSearchNs (current->doc, current, prefix)))
+                            {
+                              xmlSetProp (current, NS_PROP, ns_node->href);
+                              xmlNodeSetContent (current, local);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+              else if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "except") && current != root)
+                {
+                    if (current->parent != NULL &&
+                        (ide_str_equal0 (current->parent->name, "anyName") ||
+                         ide_str_equal0 (current->parent->name, "nsName")))
+                      {
+                        ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (self, current);
+                        goto next_node;
+                      }
+                }
+              if (ide_str_equal0 (current->name, "div"))
+                {
+                  g_autoxmlfree guchar *ns = NULL;
+                  xmlNode *child;
+                  xmlNode *next_node;
+                  xmlNode *ins;
+                  ns = xmlGetProp (current, NS_PROP);
+                  child = current->children;
+                  ins = current;
+                  while (child != NULL)
+                    {
+                      if (ns != NULL && !xmlHasProp (child, NS_PROP))
+                        xmlSetProp (child, NS_PROP, ns);
+                      next_node = child->next;
+                      xmlUnlinkNode (child);
+                      ins = xmlAddNextSibling (ins, child);
+                      child = next_node;
+                    }
+                  if (current->nsDef != NULL && current->parent != NULL)
+                    {
+                      xmlNsPtr parDef = (xmlNsPtr)&current->parent->nsDef;
+                      while (parDef->next != NULL)
+                        parDef = parDef->next;
+                      parDef->next = current->nsDef;
+                      current->nsDef = NULL;
+                    }
+                  delete = current;
+                  goto next_node;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      else if (current->type == XML_TEXT_NODE || current->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+        {
+          if (is_blank_rng_node (current))
+            {
+              if (current->parent != NULL && current->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+                {
+                  if (!ide_str_equal0 (current->parent->name, "value") &&
+                      !ide_str_equal0 (current->parent->name, "param"))
+                    delete = current;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  delete = current;
+                  goto next_node;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          delete = current;
+          goto next_node;
+        }
+      if (current->children != NULL &&
+          current->children->type != XML_ENTITY_DECL &&
+          current->children->type != XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE &&
+          current->children->type != XML_ENTITY_NODE)
+        {
+          current = current->children;
+          continue;
+        }
+      if (current->next == NULL)
+        {
+          do
+            {
+              current = current->parent;
+              if (current == NULL || current == root)
+                goto next_step;
+              if (current->next != NULL)
+                {
+                  current = current->next;
+                  break;
+                }
+            } while (current != NULL);
+        }
+      else
+        current = current->next;
+    }
+  if (delete != NULL)
+    remove_node (delete);
+  ret = TRUE;
+  return ret;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_except_name_class (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                         xmlNode         *node,
+                         gboolean         is_attribute)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def, *current, *last = NULL;
+  g_autoptr (IdeXmlRngDefine) tmp_def = NULL;
+  IdeXmlRngDefineType type;
+  xmlNode *child;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (!is_valid_rng_node (node, "except") || node->children == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, self->current_def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXCEPT);
+  child = node->children;
+  while (child != NULL)
+    {
+      current = ide_xml_rng_define_new (child, def, NULL, type);
+      if (NULL != (tmp_def = parse_name_class (self, child, current)))
+        {
+          if (last == NULL)
+            def->content = current;
+          else
+            last->next = current;
+          last = current;
+        }
+      child = child->next;
+    }
+  return def;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_name_class (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                  xmlNode         *node,
+                  IdeXmlRngDefine *current)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def, *tmp_def = NULL, *parent;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  def = current;
+  if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "name") ||
+      is_valid_rng_node (node, "anyName") ||
+      is_valid_rng_node (node, "nsName"))
+    {
+      if (current->type != IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT && current->type != IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE)
+        {
+          if (self->flags & XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_ATTRIBUTE)
+            def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, current, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE);
+          else
+            def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, current, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT);
+        }
+    }
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  self->current_def = def;
+  if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "name"))
+    {
+      _xmlfree (&def->name);
+      _xmlfree (&def->ns);
+      def->name = _strip (xmlNodeGetContent(node));
+      def->ns = xmlGetProp(node, NS_PROP);
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "anyName"))
+    {
+      _xmlfree (&def->name);
+      _xmlfree (&def->ns);
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          g_assert (def->name_class == NULL);
+          def->name_class = parse_except_name_class (self,
+                                                     node->children,
+                                                     current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "nsName"))
+    {
+      _xmlfree (&def->name);
+      def->ns = xmlGetProp(node, NS_PROP);
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          g_assert (def->name_class == NULL);
+          def->name_class = parse_except_name_class (self,
+                                                     node->children,
+                                                     current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "choice"))
+    {
+      xmlNode *child;
+      IdeXmlRngDefine *last = NULL, *choice_parent;
+      def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, current, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE);
+      if (NULL != (child = node->children))
+        {
+          choice_parent = self->current_def;
+          self->current_def = def;
+          while (child != NULL)
+            {
+              if (NULL != (tmp_def = parse_name_class (self, child, def)))
+                {
+                  if (last == NULL)
+                    last = def->name_class = tmp_def;
+                  else
+                    {
+                      last->next = tmp_def;
+                      last = tmp_def;
+                    }
+                }
+              child = child->next;
+            }
+          self->current_def = choice_parent;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      def = NULL;
+      goto end;
+    }
+  if (def != current)
+    {
+      if (current->name_class == NULL)
+        current->name_class = def;
+      else
+        {
+          tmp_def = current->name_class;
+          while (tmp_def->next != NULL)
+            tmp_def = tmp_def->next;
+          tmp_def->next = def;
+        }
+      goto end;
+    }
+  else
+    ide_xml_rng_define_ref (def);
+  self->current_def = parent;
+  return def;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_data (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+            xmlNode         *node)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  /* TODO: not done for now */
+  return def;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_value (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+             xmlNode         *node)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  /* TODO: not done for now */
+  return def;
+/* TODO: we don't compute the interleaves for now */
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_interleave (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                  xmlNode         *node)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def, *current, *last = NULL, *parent;
+  xmlNode *child;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (NULL == (child = node->children))
+    return NULL;
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE);
+  self->current_def = def;
+  while (child != NULL)
+    {
+      if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "element"))
+        current = parse_element (self, child);
+      else
+        current = parse_pattern (self, child);
+      if (current != NULL)
+        {
+          if (last == NULL)
+            def->content = current;
+          else
+            last->next = current;
+          last = current;
+        }
+      child = child->next;
+    }
+  self->current_def = parent;
+  return def;
+static void
+import_ref_func (const gchar *name,
+                 gpointer     value,
+                 gpointer     data)
+  IdeXmlRngParser *self = (IdeXmlRngParser *)data;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = (IdeXmlRngDefine *)value;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (def != NULL);
+  def->is_external_ref = TRUE;
+  ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->grammars->refs, name, def);
+/* TODO: check that we don't change the same table we read ? */
+static void
+parse_import_refs (IdeXmlRngParser  *self,
+                   IdeXmlRngGrammar *grammar)
+  g_assert (grammar != NULL);
+  g_assert (self->grammars != NULL);
+  if (grammar->refs == NULL)
+    return;
+  ide_xml_hash_table_full_scan (grammar->refs, import_ref_func, self);
+/* TODO: should we free the XmlDocument ? */
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_externalref (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                   xmlNode         *node)
+  g_autoptr (IdeXmlRngDefine) def = NULL;
+  XmlDocument *doc = NULL;
+  xmlNode *root, *tmp;
+  g_autoxmlfree xmlChar *ns = NULL;
+  XmlRngFlags old_flags;
+  gboolean has_new_ns = FALSE;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (NULL != (doc = node->psvi))
+    {
+      def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, self->current_def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXTERNALREF);
+      if (doc->content == NULL)
+        {
+          if (NULL == (root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc->doc)))
+            return NULL;
+          if (NULL == (ns = xmlGetProp(root, NS_PROP)))
+            {
+              tmp = node;
+              while (tmp != NULL && tmp->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+                {
+                  if (NULL != (ns = xmlGetProp(tmp, NS_PROP)))
+                    break;
+                  tmp = tmp->parent;
+                }
+              if (ns != NULL)
+                {
+                  xmlSetProp(root, NS_PROP, ns);
+                  has_new_ns = TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+          old_flags = self->flags;
+          self->flags |= XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_EXTERNALREF;
+          doc->schema = parse_document (self, root);
+          self->flags = old_flags;
+          if (doc->schema != NULL && doc->schema->top_grammar != NULL)
+            {
+              doc->content = doc->schema->top_grammar->start_defines;
+              parse_import_refs (self, doc->schema->top_grammar);
+            }
+          if (has_new_ns)
+            xmlUnsetProp(root, NS_PROP);
+        }
+      def->content = doc->content;
+      ide_xml_rng_define_propagate_parent (def->content, def);
+    }
+  return g_steal_pointer (&def);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_attribute (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                 xmlNode         *node)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = NULL, *current, *parent;
+  xmlNode *child;
+  XmlRngFlags old_flags;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, self->current_def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE);
+  if (NULL == (child = node->children))
+    return def;
+  old_flags = self->flags;
+  self->flags |= XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_ATTRIBUTE;
+  if (NULL != (current = parse_name_class (self, child, def)))
+    {
+      ide_xml_rng_define_unref (current);
+      child = child->next;
+    }
+  if (child != NULL)
+    {
+      parent = self->current_def;
+      self->current_def = def;
+      if (NULL != (current = parse_pattern (self, child)))
+        switch (current->type)
+          {
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_TEXT:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_VALUE:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_REF:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DEFINE:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP:
+            def->content = current;
+            break;
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_START:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARAM:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXCEPT:
+          case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOOP:
+            ide_xml_rng_define_unref (current);
+            break;
+          default:
+            g_assert_not_reached ();
+          }
+      self->current_def = parent;
+    }
+  self->flags = old_flags;
+  return def;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_pattern (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+               xmlNode         *node)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = NULL, *parent;
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar *grammar, *old_grammar, *parent_grammar;
+  g_autoxmlfree xmlChar *name = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  if (node == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "element"))
+    def = parse_element (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "attribute"))
+    def = parse_attribute (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "empty"))
+    def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "text"))
+    def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_TEXT);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "zeroOrMore"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ZEROORMORE);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "oneOrMore"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "optional"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_OPTIONAL);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "choice"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "group"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "ref"))
+    {
+      name = _strip (xmlGetProp (node, (const guchar *)"name"));
+      if (!ide_str_empty0 ((gchar *)name))
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, name, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_REF);
+          ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->grammars->refs, (gchar *)def->name, ide_xml_rng_define_ref (def));
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "data"))
+    def = parse_data (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "value"))
+    def = parse_value (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "list"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST);
+          self->current_def = def;
+          def->content = parse_patterns (self, node->children, FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "interleave"))
+    def = parse_interleave (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "externalref"))
+    def = parse_externalref (self, node);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "notAllowed"))
+    def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "grammar"))
+    {
+      parent_grammar = self->parent_grammar;
+      self->parent_grammar = old_grammar = self->grammars;
+      grammar = parse_grammar (self, node->children);
+      def = grammar->start_defines;
+      if (old_grammar != NULL)
+        {
+          self->grammars = old_grammar;
+          self->parent_grammar = parent_grammar;
+        }
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "parentref"))
+    {
+      if (self->parent_grammar == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+      name = _strip (xmlGetProp (node, (const guchar *)"name"));
+      def = ide_xml_rng_define_new  (node, parent, name, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARENTREF);
+      if (def->name != NULL)
+        ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->parent_grammar->refs, (gchar *)def->name, ide_xml_rng_define_ref 
+    }
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (node, "mixed"))
+    {
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        {
+          IdeXmlRngDefine *tmp_def;
+          def = parse_interleave (self, node);
+          if (def->content != NULL && def->content->next != NULL)
+            {
+              tmp_def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP);
+              tmp_def->content = def->content;
+              ide_xml_rng_define_propagate_parent (def->content, tmp_def);
+              def->content = tmp_def;
+            }
+          tmp_def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_TEXT);
+          tmp_def->next = def->content;
+          def->content = tmp_def;
+        }
+    }
+  self->current_def = parent;
+  return def;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_element (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+               xmlNode         *node)
+  g_autoptr (IdeXmlRngDefine) def = NULL;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *current, *last = NULL, *parent;
+  xmlNode *child;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (NULL == (child = node->children))
+    return NULL;
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT);
+  self->current_def = def;
+  if (NULL != (current = parse_name_class (self, child, def)))
+    {
+      ide_xml_rng_define_unref (current);
+      child = child->next;
+    }
+  if (child == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  while (child != NULL)
+    {
+      if (NULL != (current = parse_pattern (self, child)))
+        {
+          switch (current->type)
+            {
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_TEXT:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DATATYPE:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_VALUE:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_REF:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DEFINE:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_OPTIONAL:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP:
+              if (last == NULL)
+                def->content = last = current;
+              else
+                {
+                  if (last->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT && def->content == last)
+                    {
+                      def->content = ide_xml_rng_define_new (node, def, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP);
+                      def->content->content = last;
+                      last->parent = def->content;
+                      self->current_def = def->content;
+                    }
+                  last->next = current;
+                  last = last->next;
+                }
+              break;
+              current->next = def->attributes;
+              def->attributes = current;
+              break;
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_START:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARAM:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXCEPT:
+            case IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOOP:
+              break;
+            default:
+              g_assert_not_reached ();
+            }
+        }
+      child = child->next;
+    }
+  self->current_def = parent;
+  return g_steal_pointer (&def);
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+parse_patterns (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                xmlNode         *nodes,
+                gboolean         group_elements)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def = NULL, *last = NULL, *current, *parent;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  while (nodes != NULL)
+    {
+      if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "element"))
+        {
+          current = parse_element (self, nodes);
+          if (def == NULL)
+            def = last = current;
+          else
+            {
+              if (group_elements && def->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT && def == last)
+                {
+                  def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (nodes, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP);
+                  def->content = last;
+                  last->parent = def;
+                  self->current_def = def;
+                }
+              last->next = current;
+              last = current;
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (NULL != (current = parse_pattern (self, nodes)))
+            {
+              if (def == NULL)
+                def = last = current;
+              else
+                {
+                  last->next = current;
+                  last = current;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      nodes = nodes->next;
+    }
+  self->current_def = parent;
+  return def;
+static void
+parse_start (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+             xmlNode         *nodes)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def, *parent;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (nodes != NULL);
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "empty"))
+    def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (nodes, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY);
+  else if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "notAllowed"))
+    def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (nodes, parent, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED);
+  else
+    def = parse_patterns (self, nodes, TRUE);
+  if (self->grammars->start_defines != NULL)
+    ide_xml_rng_define_append (self->grammars->start_defines, def);
+  else
+    self->grammars->start_defines = def;
+static void
+parse_grammar_content (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                       xmlNode         *nodes)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *parent;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  parent = self->current_def;
+  self->current_def = NULL;
+  while (nodes != NULL)
+    {
+      if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "start"))
+        {
+          g_assert (nodes->children != NULL);
+          parse_start (self, nodes->children);
+        }
+      else if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "define"))
+        parse_define (self, nodes);
+      else if (is_valid_rng_node (nodes, "include"))
+        parse_include (self, nodes);
+      else
+        g_assert_not_reached ();
+      nodes = nodes->next;
+    }
+  self->current_def = parent;
+static void
+parse_define (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+              xmlNode         *nodes)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *def, *parent;
+  g_autoxmlfree xmlChar *name = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (nodes != NULL);
+  if (NULL != (name = _strip (xmlGetProp (nodes, (const guchar *)"name"))))
+    {
+      parent = self->current_def;
+      def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (nodes, NULL, name, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DEFINE);
+      self->current_def = def;
+      if (nodes->children != NULL)
+        def->content = parse_patterns (self, nodes->children, FALSE);
+      ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->grammars->defines, (gchar *)name, def);
+      self->current_def = parent;
+    }
+static void
+parse_include (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+               xmlNode         *node)
+  XmlDocument *include;
+  xmlNode *root;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (node != NULL);
+  if (NULL != (include = node->psvi) &&
+      NULL != (root = xmlDocGetRootElement(include->doc)) &&
+      ide_str_equal0 (root->name, "grammar") &&
+      root->children != NULL)
+    {
+      parse_grammar_content (self, root->children);
+      if (node->children != NULL)
+        parse_grammar_content (self, node->children);
+    }
+static void
+merge_starts (IdeXmlRngParser  *self,
+              IdeXmlRngGrammar *grammar)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *starts, *current;
+  xmlChar *combine;
+  g_autofree gchar *name = NULL;
+  XmlRngCombine combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (grammar != NULL);
+  starts = current = grammar->start_defines;
+  if (starts == NULL || starts->next == NULL)
+    return;
+  while (current != NULL)
+    {
+      combine = NULL;
+      if (current->node != NULL &&
+          current->node->parent != NULL &&
+          ide_str_equal0 (current->node->parent->name, "start"))
+        {
+          if (NULL != (combine = xmlGetProp(current->node->parent, (const guchar *)"combine")))
+            {
+              if (ide_str_equal0 (combine, "choice"))
+                {
+                  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+                    combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_CHOICE;
+                }
+              else if (ide_str_equal0 (combine, "interleave"))
+                {
+                  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+                    combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_INTERLEAVE;
+                }
+              xmlFree (combine);
+            }
+        }
+      current = current->next;
+    }
+  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+    combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_INTERLEAVE;
+  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_CHOICE)
+    current = ide_xml_rng_define_new (starts->node, NULL, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE);
+  else
+    {
+      name = g_strdup_printf ("interleaved%d", ++self->interleaves_count);
+      ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->interleaves, name, current);
+      current = ide_xml_rng_define_new (starts->node, NULL, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE);
+    }
+  current->content = grammar->start_defines;
+  ide_xml_rng_define_propagate_parent (grammar->start_defines, current);
+  grammar->start_defines = current;
+static void
+merge_defines_func (const gchar *name,
+                    GPtrArray   *array,
+                    gpointer     data)
+  IdeXmlRngParser *self = (IdeXmlRngParser *)data;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *current, *def, *tmp_def, *tmp2_def, *last = NULL;
+  xmlChar *combine;
+  XmlRngCombine combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (array != NULL);
+  if (array->len == 1)
+    return;
+  for (gint i = 0; i <array->len; ++i)
+    {
+      current = g_ptr_array_index (array, i);
+      if (NULL != (combine = xmlGetProp(current->node, (const guchar *)"combine")))
+        {
+          if (ide_str_equal0 (combine, "choice"))
+            {
+              if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+                combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_CHOICE;
+            }
+          else if (ide_str_equal0 (combine, "interleave"))
+            {
+              if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+                combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_INTERLEAVE;
+            }
+          xmlFree (combine);
+        }
+    }
+  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_UNDEF)
+    combine_type = XML_RNG_COMBINE_INTERLEAVE;
+  def = g_ptr_array_index (array, 0);
+  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_CHOICE)
+    current = ide_xml_rng_define_new (def->node, NULL, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE);
+  else
+    current = ide_xml_rng_define_new (def->node, NULL, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE);
+  for (gint i = 0; i <array->len; ++i)
+    {
+      tmp_def = g_ptr_array_index (array, i);
+      if (tmp_def->content != NULL)
+        {
+          if (tmp_def->content->next != NULL)
+            {
+              tmp2_def = ide_xml_rng_define_new (def->node, NULL, NULL, IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP);
+              tmp2_def->content = tmp_def->content;
+              tmp_def->content->parent = tmp2_def;
+            }
+          else
+            tmp2_def = tmp_def->content;
+          if (last == NULL)
+            {
+              current->content = tmp2_def;
+              tmp2_def->parent = current;
+            }
+          else
+            last->next = tmp2_def;
+          last = tmp2_def;
+        }
+      tmp_def->content = current;
+      current->parent = tmp_def;
+    }
+  def->content = current;
+  current->parent = def;
+  if (combine_type == XML_RNG_COMBINE_INTERLEAVE)
+    {
+      name = g_strdup_printf ("interleaved%d", ++self->interleaves_count);
+      ide_xml_hash_table_add (self->interleaves, name, current);
+    }
+static void
+merge_refs_func (const gchar *name,
+                 GPtrArray   *array,
+                 gpointer     data)
+  IdeXmlRngParser *self = (IdeXmlRngParser *)data;
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar *grammar;
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *ref, *def;
+  GPtrArray *def_array;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (array != NULL);
+  grammar = self->grammars;
+  ref = g_ptr_array_index (array, 0);
+  if (grammar == NULL ||
+      grammar->defines == NULL ||
+      ref->content != NULL)
+    return;
+  /* TODO: grammar->defines need to be linked by hash  ? */
+  printf ("ref lookup:%s\n", name);
+  if (NULL != (def_array = ide_xml_hash_table_lookup (grammar->defines, name)))
+    {
+      def = g_ptr_array_index (def_array, 0);
+      for (gint i = 0; i <array->len; ++i)
+        {
+          ref = g_ptr_array_index (array, i);
+          if (ref->is_external_ref)
+            continue;
+          ref->content = def;
+        }
+    }
+static IdeXmlRngGrammar *
+parse_grammar (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+               xmlNode         *nodes)
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar *grammar, *old_grammar;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  if (nodes == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  grammar = ide_xml_rng_grammar_new ();
+  if (self->grammars != NULL)
+    self->grammars->next = ide_xml_rng_grammar_ref (grammar);
+  else
+    self->grammars = ide_xml_rng_grammar_ref (grammar);
+  old_grammar = self->grammars;
+  self->grammars = grammar;
+  parse_grammar_content (self, nodes);
+  self->grammars = grammar;
+  merge_starts (self, grammar);
+  if (grammar->defines != NULL)
+    ide_xml_hash_table_array_scan (grammar->defines, merge_defines_func, self);
+  if (grammar->refs != NULL)
+    ide_xml_hash_table_array_scan (grammar->refs, merge_refs_func, self);
+  self->grammars = old_grammar;
+  return grammar;
+static IdeXmlRngDefine *
+unlink_define (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+               IdeXmlRngDefine *current,
+               IdeXmlRngDefine *parent,
+               IdeXmlRngDefine *prev)
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (current != NULL);
+  if (prev != NULL)
+    prev->next = current->next;
+  else
+    {
+      if (parent != NULL)
+        {
+          if (parent->content == current)
+            parent->content = current->next;
+          else if (parent->attributes == current)
+            parent->attributes = current->next;
+          else if (parent->name_class == current)
+            parent->name_class = current->next;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          current->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOOP;
+          prev = current;
+        }
+      /* TODO: free and remove the def from global structs ? */
+    }
+  return prev;
+static gboolean
+generate_attributes (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                     IdeXmlRngDefine *def)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *current = def, *parent = NULL, *tmp_def;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  while (current != NULL)
+    {
+      if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_TEXT ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DATATYPE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARAM ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_VALUE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY)
+        return FALSE;
+      if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ZEROORMORE ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_OPTIONAL ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARENTREF ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXTERNALREF ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_REF ||
+          current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_DEFINE)
+        {
+          if (current->content != NULL)
+            {
+              parent = current;
+              current = current->content;
+              tmp_def = current;
+              while (tmp_def != NULL)
+                {
+                  tmp_def->parent = parent;
+                  tmp_def = tmp_def->next;
+                }
+              continue;
+            }
+        }
+      if (current == def)
+        break;
+      if (current->next != NULL)
+        {
+          current = current->next;
+          continue;
+        }
+      do
+        {
+          if (NULL == (current = current->parent))
+            break;
+          if (current == def)
+            return TRUE;
+          if (current->next != NULL)
+            {
+              current = current->next;
+              break;
+            }
+        } while (current != NULL);
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+simplify (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+          IdeXmlRngDefine *current,
+          IdeXmlRngDefine *parent)
+  IdeXmlRngDefine *prev = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  while (current != NULL)
+    {
+      if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_REF || current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_PARENTREF)
+        {
+          if (!current->is_ref_simplified)
+            {
+              current->is_ref_simplified = TRUE;
+              simplify (self, current->content, current);
+            }
+        }
+      else if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED)
+        {
+          current->parent = parent;
+          if (parent != NULL &&
+              (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE ||
+               parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST ||
+               parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP ||
+               parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE ||
+               parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE ||
+               parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ZEROORMORE))
+            {
+              parent->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED;
+              break;
+            }
+          if (parent != NULL && parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE)
+            prev = unlink_define (self, current, parent, prev);
+          else
+            prev = current;
+        }
+      else if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY)
+        {
+          current->parent = parent;
+          if (parent != NULL &&
+              (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE || parent->type == 
+            {
+              parent->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY;
+              break;
+            }
+          if (parent != NULL &&
+              (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP || parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE))
+            {
+              prev = unlink_define (self, current, parent, prev);
+            }
+          else
+            prev = current;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          current->parent = parent;
+          if (current->content != NULL)
+            simplify (self, current->content, current);
+          if (current->type != IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_VALUE && current->attributes != NULL)
+            simplify (self, current->attributes, current);
+          if (current->name_class != NULL)
+            simplify (self, current->name_class, current);
+          if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ELEMENT)
+            {
+              IdeXmlRngDefine *tmp_def, *tmp_content;
+              while (current->content != NULL)
+                {
+                  if (generate_attributes (self, current->content))
+                    {
+                      tmp_def = current->content;
+                      current->content = tmp_def->next;
+                      tmp_def->next = current->attributes;
+                      current->attributes = tmp_def;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    break;
+                }
+              tmp_content = current->content;
+              while (tmp_content != NULL && tmp_content->next != NULL)
+                {
+                  tmp_def = tmp_content->next;
+                  if (generate_attributes (self, tmp_def))
+                    {
+                      tmp_content->next = tmp_def->next;
+                      tmp_def->next = current->attributes;
+                      current->attributes = tmp_def;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    tmp_content = tmp_def;
+                }
+            }
+          if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP || current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE)
+            {
+              if (current->content == NULL)
+                  current->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY;
+              else if (current->content->next == NULL)
+                {
+                  if (parent == NULL && prev == NULL)
+                    current->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOOP;
+                  else if (prev == NULL)
+                    {
+                      parent->content = current->content;
+                      current->content->next = current->next;
+                      current = current->content;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      current->content->next = current->next;
+                      prev->next = current->content;
+                      current = current->content;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+          if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EXCEPT &&
+              current->content != NULL &&
+              current->content->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED)
+            {
+              prev = unlink_define (self, current, parent, prev);
+            }
+          else if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED)
+            {
+              if (parent != NULL &&
+                  (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_LIST ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ZEROORMORE))
+                {
+                  parent->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOTALLOWED;
+                  break;
+                }
+              if (parent != NULL && parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE)
+                prev = unlink_define (self, current, parent, prev);
+              else
+                prev = current;
+            }
+          else if (current->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY)
+            {
+              if (parent != NULL &&
+                  (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ONEORMORE ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_ZEROORMORE))
+                {
+                    parent->type = IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_EMPTY;
+                    break;
+                }
+              if (parent != NULL &&
+                  (parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_GROUP ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_INTERLEAVE ||
+                   parent->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_CHOICE))
+                {
+                  prev = unlink_define (self, current, parent, prev);
+                }
+              else
+                prev = current;
+          }
+          else
+            prev = current;
+        }
+      current = current->next;
+    }
+static IdeXmlSchema *
+parse_document (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                xmlNode         *root)
+  IdeXmlSchema *schema;
+  IdeXmlRngGrammar *old_grammar;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self));
+  g_assert (root != NULL);
+  schema = ide_xml_schema_new ();
+  if (is_valid_rng_node (root, "grammar"))
+    schema->top_grammar = parse_grammar (self, root->children);
+  else
+    {
+      schema->top_grammar = ide_xml_rng_grammar_new ();
+      if (NULL != (old_grammar = self->grammars))
+        ide_xml_rng_grammar_add_child (self->grammars, schema->top_grammar);
+      self->grammars = schema->top_grammar;
+      parse_start (self, root);
+      if (old_grammar != NULL)
+        self->grammars = old_grammar;
+    }
+  if (schema->top_grammar->start_defines != NULL)
+    {
+      if (!(self->flags & XML_RNG_FLAGS_IN_EXTERNALREF))
+        {
+          /* simplify sets the nodes parent but in case we don't use it
+           * parent is also set when parsing.
+           */
+          simplify (self, schema->top_grammar->start_defines, NULL);
+          while (schema->top_grammar->start_defines != NULL &&
+                 schema->top_grammar->start_defines->type == IDE_XML_RNG_DEFINE_NOOP &&
+                 schema->top_grammar->start_defines->next != NULL)
+            {
+              schema->top_grammar->start_defines = schema->top_grammar->start_defines->content;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return schema;
+/* No rules or cycles checks are done because the parser is meant
+ * to be run on a valid rng syntax.
+ */
+IdeXmlSchema *
+ide_xml_rng_parser_parse (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                          const gchar     *schema_data,
+                          gsize            schema_size,
+                          GFile           *file)
+  IdeXmlSchema *schema = NULL;
+  g_autofree gchar *url;
+  xmlDoc *doc;
+  xmlNode *root;
+  guchar *mem;
+  gint size;
+  gint options;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (IDE_IS_XML_RNG_PARSER (self), NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL);
+  url = g_file_get_uri (file);
+  if (NULL != (doc = xmlReadMemory (schema_data, schema_size, url, NULL, options)))
+  {
+    if (NULL == (root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc)) ||
+        !ide_xml_rng_parser_cleanup (self, root))
+      goto end;
+    schema = parse_document (self, root);
+    /* TODO: transfer other self fields to schema */
+    /* TODO: code at L7546 */
+    xmlDocDumpMemory (doc, &mem, &size);
+    xmlFree (mem);
+    if (self->grammars != NULL)
+      ide_xml_rng_grammar_dump_tree (self->grammars);
+  }
+  if (doc != NULL)
+    xmlFreeDoc (doc);
+  return schema;
+IdeXmlRngParser *
+ide_xml_rng_parser_new (void)
+  return g_object_new (IDE_TYPE_XML_RNG_PARSER, NULL);
+static void
+ide_xml_rng_parser_finalize (GObject *object)
+  IdeXmlRngParser *self = (IdeXmlRngParser *)object;
+  g_array_free (self->xml_externalref_docs, TRUE);
+  g_array_free (self->xml_include_docs, TRUE);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (ide_xml_rng_parser_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+ide_xml_rng_parser_class_init (IdeXmlRngParserClass *klass)
+  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+  object_class->finalize = ide_xml_rng_parser_finalize;
+static void
+ide_xml_rng_parser_init (IdeXmlRngParser *self)
+  g_queue_init (&self->xml_externalref_docs_stack);
+  g_queue_init (&self->xml_include_docs_stack);
+  self->xml_externalref_docs = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (XmlDocument));
+  self->xml_include_docs = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (XmlDocument));
diff --git a/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.h b/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a26b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/xml-pack/ide-xml-rng-parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* ide-xml-rng-parser.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastien Lafargue <slafargue gnome org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <ide.h>
+#include "ide-xml-schema.h"
+#define IDE_TYPE_XML_RNG_PARSER (ide_xml_rng_parser_get_type())
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (IdeXmlRngParser, ide_xml_rng_parser, IDE, XML_RNG_PARSER, GObject)
+IdeXmlRngParser       *ide_xml_rng_parser_new            (void);
+IdeXmlSchema          *ide_xml_rng_parser_parse          (IdeXmlRngParser *self,
+                                                          const gchar     *schema_data,
+                                                          gsize            schema_size,
+                                                          GFile           *file);
+#endif /* IDE_XML_RNG_PARSER_H */

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