[gnome-software] (11 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/ubuntu-3-24

The branch 'wip/ubuntu-3-24' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  061bebc... Construct the "Software Sources" menu item dynamically
  e5bcf0a... Don't use notification actions under Unity
  3192f79... gs-update-monitor: Hide "Software Updates Available" notifi
  43b8510... Hide licence, updated and category fields if they aren't se
  746412a... Download changelog information on demand - this stops the U
  ee0ec26... Add an APT plugin
  21c66d9... Sort snaps before other apps
  54f33d5... Hide Kudo details since we don't have good data

Commits added to the branch:

  9f987f7... Fix callback for gs_plugin_loader_url_to_app_async, fixing  (*)
  db7eee9... Construct the "Software Sources" menu item dynamically
  1b20c90... Don't use notification actions under Unity
  05c6a74... gs-update-monitor: Hide "Software Updates Available" notifi
  2cc815f... Hide licence, updated and category fields if they aren't se
  05b491d... Download changelog information on demand - this stops the U
  edfb441... Add an APT plugin
  d686f2a... Sort snaps before other apps
  38dbf5b... Hide Kudo details since we don't have good data
  5805a90... details: Show an in-app notification when passed an invalid
  4b99bc5... dpkg: Mark local .debs as managed by APT

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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