[gnome-documents] (8 commits) Created branch wip/rishi/onedrive

The branch 'wip/rishi/onedrive' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  3357fc2... selections: Be more strict about invalid code paths
  057098d... application: Use GIO's named constant instead of 'standard:
  53b1b57... documents: Track nfo:fileName for later use
  270191c... documents: Add property to denote the URI to be loaded by t
  de67ade... documents: Let everybody provide their own download impleme
  5b24abe... documents: Implement the downloadImpl vfunc for SkydriveDoc
  98760f5... documents: Fix previewing of LOKDocView-supported OneDrive 
  df7e6d4... documents: Strip the D-Bus error name from the UI string

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