[beast: 1/14] SFI: bcore.hh: provide diagnostics and basic macro utilities in the Bse namespace

commit 93b9959beb80ca90e4a3c87b62ffcd2e7c911532
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Tue Mar 14 00:42:42 2017 +0100

    SFI: bcore.hh: provide diagnostics and basic macro utilities in the Bse namespace
    Signed-off-by: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>

 sfi/Makefile.am        |    6 +-
 sfi/bcore.cc           |   72 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 sfi/bcore.hh           |  150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sfi/glib-extra.cc      |    3 +-
 sfi/glib-extra.hh      |   24 +++-----
 sfi/sfi.hh             |   11 +---
 sfi/sficomport.cc      |    6 +-
 sfi/sficomwire.cc      |   18 +++---
 sfi/sfimemory.cc       |    2 +-
 sfi/sfiserial.cc       |    4 +-
 sfi/sfistore.cc        |    2 +-
 sfi/sfitypes.hh        |    2 +-
 sfi/sfiwrapper.cc      |   36 ------------
 sfi/sfiwrapper.hh      |   62 ++++++-------------
 sfi/tests/Makefile.am  |    2 +-
 sfi/tests/misctests.cc |    2 +
 sfi/tests/ring.cc      |    2 +
 17 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sfi/Makefile.am b/sfi/Makefile.am
index a26aea9..b51d2c7 100644
--- a/sfi/Makefile.am
+++ b/sfi/Makefile.am
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ DEFS        += @DEFINE__FILE_DIR__@ -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"SFI\" -DG_DISABLE_CONST_RET
 AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)
 sfi_public_headers = $(strip \
+       bcore.hh        \
        sfistore.hh     sficomwire.hh   sfifilecrawler.hh \
        glib-extra.hh                   sfiwrapper.hh    \
        sfivmarshal.hh  sfiglue.hh      sfigluecodec.hh sfiglueproxy.hh \
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ sfi_public_headers = $(strip \
        gbsearcharray.hh \
 sfi_all_sources = $(strip \
+       bcore.cc        \
        sfistore.cc     sficomwire.cc   sfifilecrawler.cc \
        glib-extra.cc                   sfiwrapper.cc   sfiprimitives.cc \
        sfivmarshal.cc  sfiglue.cc      sfigluecodec.cc sfiglueproxy.cc \
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES            = libsfi-@MAJOR@.la
 libsfi_@MAJOR@includedir      = $(bseincludedir)/sfi
 libsfi_@MAJOR@include_HEADERS = $(sfi_public_headers)
 libsfi_@MAJOR@_la_SOURCES     = $(sfi_all_sources)
 libsfi_@MAJOR@_la_LIBADD      = $(LIBBSE_LIBS)
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ libsfi_@MAJOR@_la_LIBADD      = $(LIBBSE_LIBS)
 bin_PROGRAMS   = sfidl
 sfidl_SOURCES  = sfidl.cc
 sfidl_LDADD    = $(LIBBSE_LIBS)
 # included files
 EXTRA_DIST += sfidl-generator.cc sfidl-namespace.cc sfidl-options.cc sfidl-parser.cc sfidl-factory.cc
diff --git a/sfi/bcore.cc b/sfi/bcore.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..031921b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfi/bcore.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Licensed GNU LGPL v2.1 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+#include "bcore.hh"
+#include <unistd.h>     // _exit
+namespace Bse {
+using namespace Rapicorn;
+namespace Internal {
+bool debug_any_enabled = true; // initialized by debug_key_enabled()
+debug_key_enabled (const char *conditional)
+  // cache $BSE_DEBUG and setup debug_any_enabled;
+  static const char *const debug_flags = [] () {
+    const char *f = getenv ("BSE_DEBUG");
+    std::string flags = !f ? "" : ":" + std::string (f) + ":";
+    char *result = new char [flags.size() + 1];
+    strcpy (result, flags.data());
+    debug_any_enabled = result && result[0];
+    return result;
+  } ();
+  // find conditional in colon-separated $BSE_DEBUG
+  if (conditional && debug_flags)
+    {
+      const char *const flag = strstr (debug_flags, conditional);
+      const int l = strlen (conditional);
+      if (flag && flag > debug_flags && flag[-1] == ':' && l)
+        {
+          if (flag[l] == ':' || // also allow =1 =yes =true =on
+              (flag[l] == '=' && (strchr ("123456789yYtT", flag[l + 1]) ||
+                                  strncasecmp (flag + l, "=on", 3) == 0)))
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+  return false;
+force_abort ()
+  // ensure the program halts on error conditions
+  abort();
+  _exit (-1);
+diagnostic (char kind, const std::string &message)
+  const char buf[2] = { kind, 0 };
+  String prefix;
+  switch (kind) {
+  case 'W':     prefix = "WARNING: ";   break;
+  case 'I':     prefix = "INFO: ";      break;
+  case 'D':     prefix = "DEBUG: ";     break;
+  case ' ':     prefix = "";            break;
+  case 'F':
+    prefix = program_argv0() + ": FATAL: ";
+    break;
+  default:
+    prefix = program_argv0() + ": " + buf + ": ";
+    break;
+  }
+  const char *const newline = !message.empty() && message.data()[message.size() - 1] == '\n' ? "" : "\n";
+  printerr ("%s%s%s", prefix, message, newline);
+} // Internal
+} // Bse
diff --git a/sfi/bcore.hh b/sfi/bcore.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1024f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfi/bcore.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Licensed GNU LGPL v2.1 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+#ifndef __BSE_BCORE_HH__
+#define __BSE_BCORE_HH__
+#include <rapicorn-core.hh>
+#undef  fatal                           // avoid easy clashes
+#include <sfi/glib-extra.hh>
+namespace Bse {
+using namespace Rapicorn;
+using Rapicorn::uint8;
+using Rapicorn::uint16;
+using Rapicorn::uint32;
+using Rapicorn::uint64;
+using Rapicorn::int8;
+using Rapicorn::int16;
+using Rapicorn::int32;
+using Rapicorn::int64;
+using Rapicorn::unichar;
+using Rapicorn::String;
+using Rapicorn::string_format;
+using Rapicorn::printout;
+using Rapicorn::printerr;
+namespace Path = Rapicorn::Path;
+// == Utility Macros ==
+#define BSE_ISLIKELY(expr)      RAPICORN_ISLIKELY(expr)         ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is likely to 
be true.
+#define BSE_UNLIKELY(expr)      RAPICORN_UNLIKELY(expr)         ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is unlikely 
to be true.
+#define BSE_LIKELY              BSE_ISLIKELY                    ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is likely to 
be true.
+#define BSE_ABS(a)              ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))          ///< Yield the absolute value of @a a.
+#define BSE_MIN(a,b)            ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))        ///< Yield the smaller value of @a a and @a 
+#define BSE_MAX(a,b)            ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))        ///< Yield the greater value of @a a and @a 
+#define BSE_CLAMP(v,mi,ma)      ((v) < (mi) ? (mi) : ((v) > (ma) ? (ma) : (v))) ///< Yield @a v clamped to [ 
@a mi .. @a ma ].
+#define BSE_ARRAY_SIZE(array)   (sizeof (array) / sizeof ((array)[0]))          ///< Yield the number of C 
@a array elements.
+#define BSE_ALIGN(size, base)   ((base) * (((size) + (base) - 1) / (base)))     ///< Round up @a size to 
multiples of @a base.
+#define BSE_CPP_STRINGIFY(s)    RAPICORN_CPP_STRINGIFY(s)    ///< Turn @a s into a C string literal.
+#define BSE__HERE__             RAPICORN__HERE__             ///< Shorthand for a string literal containing 
__FILE__ ":" __LINE__
+#define BSE_PURE               RAPICORN_PURE           ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_MALLOC             RAPICORN_MALLOC         ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_SENTINEL           RAPICORN_SENTINEL       ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_NORETURN           RAPICORN_NORETURN       ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_CONST              RAPICORN_CONST          ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_UNUSED             RAPICORN_UNUSED         ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_USED               RAPICORN_USED           ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_DEPRECATED         RAPICORN_DEPRECATED     ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_NOINLINE           RAPICORN_NOINLINE       ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_CONSTRUCTOR                RAPICORN_CONSTRUCTOR    ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_MAY_ALIAS          RAPICORN_MAY_ALIAS      ///< A <a 
href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Type-Attributes.html";>GCC Attribute</a>.
+#define BSE_CLASS_NON_COPYABLE(ClassName) RAPICORN_CLASS_NON_COPYABLE (ClassName) ///< Delete copy ctor and 
assignment operator.
+#define BSE_DECLARE_VLA(Type, var, count) RAPICORN_DECLARE_VLA (Type, var, count) ///< Declare a variable 
length array (clang++ uses std::vector<>).
+// == Path Name Macros ==
+#ifdef  _WIN32 // includes _WIN64
+#undef  BSE_UNIX_PATHS                                                  ///< Undefined on _WIN32 and _WIN64, 
defined on Unix.
+#define BSE_DOS_PATHS                1                                  ///< Undefined on Unix-like systems, 
defined on _WIN32 and _WIN64.
+#else   // !_WIN32
+#define BSE_UNIX_PATHS               1                                  ///< Undefined on _WIN32 and _WIN64, 
defined on Unix.
+#undef  BSE_DOS_PATHS                                                   ///< Undefined on Unix-like systems, 
defined on _WIN32 and _WIN64.
+#endif  // !_WIN32
+#define BSE_DIR_SEPARATOR               RAPICORN_DIR_SEPARATOR          ///< A '/' on Unix-like systems, a 
'\\' on _WIN32.
+#define BSE_DIR_SEPARATOR_S             RAPICORN_DIR_SEPARATOR_S        ///< A "/" on Unix-like systems, a 
"\\" on _WIN32.
+#define BSE_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR        RAPICORN_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR   ///< A ':' on Unix-like systems, a 
';' on _WIN32.
+#define BSE_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S      RAPICORN_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S ///< A ":" on Unix-like systems, a 
";" on _WIN32.
+#define BSE_IS_ABSPATH(p)               RAPICORN_IS_ABSPATH (p)         ///< Checks root directory path 
component, plus drive letter on _WIN32.
+// == Diagnostics ==
+template<class ...Args> void        fatal             (const char *format, const Args &...args) 
+template<class ...Args> void        warning           (const char *format, const Args &...args);
+template<class ...Args> void        warn              (const char *format, const Args &...args);
+template<class ...Args> void        info              (const char *format, const Args &...args);
+template<class ...Args> inline void dump              (const char *conditional, const char *format, const 
+template<class ...Args> inline void debug             (const char *conditional, const char *format, const 
+inline bool                         debug_enabled     (const char *conditional) RAPICORN_ALWAYS_INLINE 
+// == Legacy ==
+inline bool BSE_DEPRECATED bse_debug_enabled (const char *k)    { return debug_enabled (k); }
+// == Internal Implementation Details ==
+namespace Internal {
+extern bool                         debug_any_enabled;  //< Indicates if $BSE_DEBUG enables some debug 
+bool                                debug_key_enabled (const char *conditional) BSE_PURE;
+void                                diagnostic        (char kind, const std::string &message);
+void                                force_abort       () RAPICORN_NORETURN;
+} // Internal
+/// Issue a printf-like message if @a conditional is enabled by $BSE_DEBUG.
+template<class ...Args> inline void RAPICORN_ALWAYS_INLINE
+dump (const char *conditional, const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  if (BSE_UNLIKELY (Internal::debug_any_enabled) && Internal::debug_key_enabled (conditional))
+    Internal::diagnostic (' ', string_format (format, args...));
+/// Issue a printf-like debugging message if @a conditional is enabled by $BSE_DEBUG.
+template<class ...Args> inline void RAPICORN_ALWAYS_INLINE
+debug (const char *conditional, const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  if (BSE_UNLIKELY (Internal::debug_any_enabled) && Internal::debug_key_enabled (conditional))
+    Internal::diagnostic ('D', string_format (format, args...));
+/// Check if @a conditional is enabled by $BSE_DEBUG.
+debug_enabled (const char *conditional)
+  if (BSE_UNLIKELY (Internal::debug_any_enabled))
+    return Internal::debug_key_enabled (conditional);
+  return false;
+/// Issue a printf-like message and abort the program, this function will not return.
+template<class ...Args> void RAPICORN_NORETURN
+fatal (const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  Internal::diagnostic ('F', string_format (format, args...));
+  Internal::force_abort();
+/// Issue a printf-like warning message.
+template<class ...Args> void RAPICORN_NORETURN
+warn (const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  Internal::diagnostic ('W', string_format (format, args...));
+/// Issue a printf-like warning message.
+template<class ...Args> void RAPICORN_NORETURN
+warning (const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  Internal::diagnostic ('W', string_format (format, args...));
+/// Issue an informative printf-like message.
+template<class ...Args> void RAPICORN_NORETURN
+info (const char *format, const Args &...args)
+  Internal::diagnostic ('I', string_format (format, args...));
+} // Bse
+#endif // __BSE_BCORE_HH__
diff --git a/sfi/glib-extra.cc b/sfi/glib-extra.cc
index 72e1bc0..8f4d6be 100644
--- a/sfi/glib-extra.cc
+++ b/sfi/glib-extra.cc
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 // Licensed GNU LGPL v2.1 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+#include "bcore.hh"
 #include <string.h>
-#include "glib-extra.hh"
 g_object_disconnect_any (gpointer object,
diff --git a/sfi/glib-extra.hh b/sfi/glib-extra.hh
index 5f5112f..3193e89 100644
--- a/sfi/glib-extra.hh
+++ b/sfi/glib-extra.hh
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <glib-object.h>
-#include <rapicorn-core.hh>     // for Rapicorn::string_format
+#include <string>
-using Rapicorn::printout;
-using Rapicorn::printerr;
-using Rapicorn::string_format;
+typedef int64_t         int64;          ///< A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings.
 #define G_HASH_LONG(l) ((l) + ((l) >> 32))
@@ -168,11 +166,11 @@ g_bit_matrix_change (GBitMatrix     *matrix,
                      guint           y,
                      gboolean        bit_set)
-  guint32 cons, index, shift;
-  RAPICORN_ASSERT_RETURN (matrix && x < matrix->width && y < matrix->height);
-  cons = y * matrix->width + x;
-  index = cons >> 5; /* / 32 */
-  shift = cons & 0x1f;  /* % 32 */
+  if (!(matrix && x < matrix->width && y < matrix->height))
+    return;
+  const guint32 cons = y * matrix->width + x;
+  const guint32 index = cons >> 5; /* / 32 */
+  const guint32 shift = cons & 0x1f;  /* % 32 */
   if (bit_set)
     matrix->bits[index] |= 1 << shift;
@@ -330,10 +328,6 @@ constexpr GConnectFlags  operator~  (GConnectFlags  s1)                 { return
 // these definitions need to move into bse/utils or similar
 namespace Bse {
-// import helpers from Rapicorn
-using Rapicorn::String;
-namespace Path = Rapicorn::Path;
 // See also configure.ac, this function is here because beast and all libs include this file.
 enum InstallpathType {
@@ -359,8 +353,8 @@ enum InstallpathType {
 /// Provide installation directories and searchpaths for various types of data.
-String installpath          (InstallpathType installpath_type);
-void   installpath_override (const String &topdir);
+std::string installpath          (InstallpathType installpath_type);
+void        installpath_override (const std::string &topdir);
 /// Provide a string containing the BSE library version number.
 std::string version ();
diff --git a/sfi/sfi.hh b/sfi/sfi.hh
index 1985ace..2b942ec 100644
--- a/sfi/sfi.hh
+++ b/sfi/sfi.hh
@@ -4,19 +4,11 @@
 // == Rapicorn Imports ==
-#include <rapicorn-core.hh>     // We move to Rapicorn core for low level stuff
-using Rapicorn::printerr;
-using Rapicorn::printout;
-using Rapicorn::string_format;
-using Rapicorn::Any;
-typedef std::string String;
+#include <sfi/sfiwrapper.hh>    // Introduces bcore.hh and Rapicorn
 namespace Sfi {
 using namespace Rapicorn;
 } // Sfi
-namespace Bse {
-using namespace Rapicorn;
-} // Bse
 /* no bin-compat: #include <sfi/sficomwire.hh> */
 #include <sfi/sficomport.hh>
@@ -38,7 +30,6 @@ using namespace Rapicorn;
 #include <sfi/sfivalues.hh>
 #include <sfi/sfivisitors.hh>
 #include <sfi/sfivmarshal.hh>
-#include <sfi/sfiwrapper.hh>
 #endif /* __SFI_H__ */
diff --git a/sfi/sficomport.cc b/sfi/sficomport.cc
index 520f8e8..3eb809d 100644
--- a/sfi/sficomport.cc
+++ b/sfi/sficomport.cc
@@ -453,13 +453,13 @@ com_port_read_pending (SfiComPort *port)
                  port->rbuffer.header[2] != ((SFI_COM_PORT_MAGIC >> 8) & 0xff) ||
                  port->rbuffer.header[3] != (SFI_COM_PORT_MAGIC & 0xff))
-                 printerr ("ComPort:%s: received data with invalid magic", port->ident);
+                 Bse::printerr ("ComPort:%s: received data with invalid magic", port->ident);
                  return FALSE;
              /* check length */
              if (port->rbuffer.dlen < 1 || port->rbuffer.dlen > 10 * 1024 * 1024)
-                 printerr ("ComPort:%s: received data with excessive length", port->ident);
+                 Bse::printerr ("ComPort:%s: received data with excessive length", port->ident);
                  return FALSE;
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ com_port_scanner_msg (GScanner *scanner,
                      gboolean  error)
   SfiComPort *port = (SfiComPort*) scanner->user_data;
-  printerr ("ComPort:%s: while processing data: %s", port->ident, message);
+  Bse::printerr ("ComPort:%s: while processing data: %s", port->ident, message);
 static void
diff --git a/sfi/sficomwire.cc b/sfi/sficomwire.cc
index 4bae125..1925f53 100644
--- a/sfi/sficomwire.cc
+++ b/sfi/sficomwire.cc
@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ wire_receive (SfiComWire *wire)
       p = get_uint32 (p, &type);
       if (magic != BSE_MAGIC_BSEm)
-         printerr ("%s: message with invalid magic: 0x%08x\n", wire->ident, magic);
+          Bse::printerr ("%s: message with invalid magic: 0x%08x\n", wire->ident, magic);
          wire->remote_input_broke = TRUE;
          wire->ibp = wire->ibuffer;
       else if (mlength <= mheader_length || mlength >= max_mlength)
-         printerr ("%s: message (type=%u) with invalid length: %u < %u < %u\n",
-                     wire->ident, type, mheader_length, mlength, max_mlength);
+          Bse::printerr ("%s: message (type=%u) with invalid length: %u < %u < %u\n",
+                         wire->ident, type, mheader_length, mlength, max_mlength);
          wire->remote_input_broke = TRUE;
          wire->ibp = wire->ibuffer;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ wire_receive (SfiComWire *wire)
                    wire->iresults = g_list_prepend (wire->iresults, msg);
-                     printerr ("%s: ignoring spurious result (request=%u): %s\n", wire->ident, msg->request, 
+                      Bse::printerr ("%s: ignoring spurious result (request=%u): %s\n", wire->ident, 
msg->request, msg->message);
                      free_msg (msg);
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ wire_receive (SfiComWire *wire)
            case SFI_COM_MSG_RESERVED2:
            case SFI_COM_MSG_RESERVED3:
            case SFI_COM_MSG_RESERVED4:
-             printerr ("%s: ignoring message with unknown type: %u\n",
-                         wire->ident, type);
+              Bse::printerr ("%s: ignoring message with unknown type: %u\n",
+                             wire->ident, type);
              p += 4;   /* request */
              p += strl;
              n = wire->ibp - p;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ wire_receive (SfiComWire *wire)
              wire->ibp = wire->ibuffer + n;
-             printerr ("%s: message with invalid type: %u\n",
+             Bse::printerr ("%s: message with invalid type: %u\n",
                          wire->ident, type);
              wire->remote_input_broke = TRUE;
              wire->ibp = wire->ibuffer;
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ sfi_com_wire_receive_request (SfiComWire *wire,
       if (msg->request == 0)
          /* 0-requests are low-level messages, currently unhandled */
-         printerr ("%s: ignoring message with request_id=0\n", wire->ident);
+         Bse::printerr ("%s: ignoring message with request_id=0\n", wire->ident);
          free_msg (msg);
          return sfi_com_wire_receive_request (wire, request_p);
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ wire_default_dispatch (gpointer     data,
                       const gchar *request_msg,
                       SfiComWire  *wire)
-  printerr ("%s: unhandled request (id=%u): %s\n", wire->ident, request, request_msg);
+  Bse::printerr ("%s: unhandled request (id=%u): %s\n", wire->ident, request, request_msg);
   sfi_com_wire_discard_request (wire, request);
   return TRUE;
diff --git a/sfi/sfimemory.cc b/sfi/sfimemory.cc
index 4d1da77..e0542bb 100644
--- a/sfi/sfimemory.cc
+++ b/sfi/sfimemory.cc
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ sfi_free_memblock (gsize    block_size,
   cmem -= DBG8_SIZE;
   debug_size = (gsize*) cmem;
   if (block_size != *debug_size)
-    printerr ("%s: in memory block at (%p): block_size=%zd != *debug_size=%zd\n", G_STRLOC, mem, block_size, 
+    Bse::printerr ("%s: in memory block at (%p): block_size=%zd != *debug_size=%zd\n", G_STRLOC, mem, 
block_size, *debug_size);
   low_free (block_size + DBG8_SIZE, cmem);
diff --git a/sfi/sfiserial.cc b/sfi/sfiserial.cc
index 7499c7d..efa74fb 100644
--- a/sfi/sfiserial.cc
+++ b/sfi/sfiserial.cc
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ string_to_cescape (const String &str)   // FIXME: move
       uint8 d = *it;
       if (d < 32 || d > 126 || d == '?')
-        buffer += string_format ("\\%03o", d);
+        buffer += Bse::string_format ("\\%03o", d);
       else if (d == '\\')
         buffer += "\\\\";
       else if (d == '"')
@@ -959,6 +959,6 @@ sfi_value_store_stderr (const GValue *value)
   GString *gstring = g_string_new ("");
   sfi_value_store_typed (value, gstring);
-  printerr ("((GValue*)%p)=%s\n", value, gstring->str);
+  Bse::printerr ("((GValue*)%p)=%s\n", value, gstring->str);
   g_string_free (gstring, TRUE);
diff --git a/sfi/sfistore.cc b/sfi/sfistore.cc
index c749d79..17a5653 100644
--- a/sfi/sfistore.cc
+++ b/sfi/sfistore.cc
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ sfi_wstore_flush_fd (SfiWStore *wstore,
       while (foff < 0 && errno == EINTR);
       if (foff < 0 && errno)
         return -errno;
-      std::string str = string_format ("0x%08x 0x%08x", guint32 (bblock->offset - binary_offset), guint32 
+      std::string str = Bse::string_format ("0x%08x 0x%08x", guint32 (bblock->offset - binary_offset), 
guint32 (bblock->length));
        l = write (fd, str.data(), str.size());
       while (l < 0 && errno == EINTR);
diff --git a/sfi/sfitypes.hh b/sfi/sfitypes.hh
index 923cf30..3a4171a 100644
--- a/sfi/sfitypes.hh
+++ b/sfi/sfitypes.hh
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #ifndef __SFI_TYPES_H__
 #define __SFI_TYPES_H__
-#include <sfi/glib-extra.hh>
+#include <sfi/bcore.hh>
 #include <sfi/sfiwrapper.hh>
 /* --- Sfi typedefs --- */
diff --git a/sfi/sfiwrapper.cc b/sfi/sfiwrapper.cc
index 0b529fe..f43533f 100644
--- a/sfi/sfiwrapper.cc
+++ b/sfi/sfiwrapper.cc
@@ -5,42 +5,6 @@
 #include <rapicorn-test.hh>
 #include <errno.h>
-namespace Bse {
-/// Caching flag to inhibit useless bse_debug() calls.
-bool volatile _cached_bse_debug = true;
-/// Issue a debugging message, configurable via #$BSE_DEBUG.
-bse_debug (const char *key, const char *file_path, const int line, const String &message)
-  envkey_debug_message ("BSE_DEBUG", key, file_path, line, message, &_cached_bse_debug);
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
-/** Check if debugging is enabled for @a key.
- * This function checks if #$BSE_DEBUG contains @a key or "all" and returns true
- * if debugging is enabled for the given key. The @a key argument may be NULL in which
- * case the function checks if general debugging is enabled.
- */
-bool bse_debug_enabled (const char *key);
-#endif // DOXYGEN
-_bse_debug_enabled (const char *key)
-  return envkey_debug_check ("BSE_DEBUG", key, &_cached_bse_debug);
-/// Check if the feature toggle @a key is enabled in #$BSE_FLIPPER.
-bse_flipper_check (const char *key)
-  return envkey_flipper_check ("BSE_FLIPPER", key);
-} // Bse
 /* --- initialization --- */
 sfi_init (int *argcp, char **argv, const Bse::StringVector &args)
diff --git a/sfi/sfiwrapper.hh b/sfi/sfiwrapper.hh
index 8947a1d..d325dfb 100644
--- a/sfi/sfiwrapper.hh
+++ b/sfi/sfiwrapper.hh
@@ -1,43 +1,27 @@
 // Licensed GNU LGPL v2.1 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 #ifndef __SFI_WRAPPER_H__
 #define __SFI_WRAPPER_H__
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <sfi/glib-extra.hh>
-#include <rapicorn-core.hh>
-namespace Bse {
-using namespace Rapicorn;
-// == Likelyness Hinting ==
-#define BSE_ISLIKELY(expr)      RAPICORN_ISLIKELY(expr) ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is likely to be true.
-#define BSE_UNLIKELY(expr)      RAPICORN_UNLIKELY(expr) ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is unlikely to be 
-#define BSE_LIKELY              BSE_ISLIKELY            ///< Compiler hint that @a expr is likely to be true.
-// == Debugging ==
-/// Issue a general purpose debugging message, configurable via #$BSE_DEBUG.
-#define BSE_DEBUG(...)          do { if (BSE_UNLIKELY (Bse::_cached_bse_debug)) Bse::bse_debug (NULL, 
RAPICORN_PRETTY_FILE, __LINE__, Rapicorn::string_format (__VA_ARGS__)); } while (0)
-/// Issue a debugging message if debugging for @a key is enabled via #$BSE_DEBUG.
-#define BSE_KEY_DEBUG(key,...)  do { if (BSE_UNLIKELY (Bse::_cached_bse_debug)) Bse::bse_debug (key, 
RAPICORN_PRETTY_FILE, __LINE__, Rapicorn::string_format (__VA_ARGS__)); } while (0)
-extern bool volatile _cached_bse_debug;
-void        bse_debug         (const char*, const char*, int, const String&);
-bool       _bse_debug_enabled (const char *key);
-inline bool bse_debug_enabled (const char *key = NULL) { return BSE_UNLIKELY (_cached_bse_debug) && 
_bse_debug_enabled (key); }
-bool        bse_flipper_check (const char *key);
-} // Bse
-// sfiwrapper.h is a thin C language wrapper around C++ features
-/* --- short integer types --- */
-using Rapicorn::uint8;
-using Rapicorn::uint16;
-using Rapicorn::uint32;
-using Rapicorn::uint64;
-using Rapicorn::int8;
-using Rapicorn::int16;
-using Rapicorn::int32;
-using Rapicorn::int64;
-using Rapicorn::unichar;
+#include <sfi/bcore.hh>
+using Bse::uint8;
+using Bse::uint16;
+using Bse::uint32;
+using Bse::uint64;
+using Bse::int8;
+using Bse::int16;
+using Bse::int32;
+using Bse::int64;
+using Bse::unichar;
+/* --- macros --- */
+#define sfi_error(...)          Bse::fatal (__VA_ARGS__)
+#define sfi_warning(...)        Bse::warning (__VA_ARGS__)
+#define sfi_info(...)           Bse::info (__VA_ARGS__)
+#define sfi_diag(...)           Bse::warning (__VA_ARGS__)
+#define BSE_KEY_DEBUG(...)      Bse::debug (__VA_ARGS__)
 /* --- initialization --- */
 typedef struct
@@ -48,12 +32,6 @@ typedef struct
 } SfiInitValue;
 void sfi_init (int *argcp, char **argv, const Bse::StringVector &args = Bse::StringVector());
-/* --- messaging --- */
-#define         sfi_error(...)                   RAPICORN_CRITICAL (__VA_ARGS__)
-#define         sfi_warning(...)                 RAPICORN_CRITICAL (__VA_ARGS__)
-#define         sfi_info(...)                    BSE_DEBUG (__VA_ARGS__)
-#define         sfi_diag(...)                    BSE_DEBUG (__VA_ARGS__)
 /* --- url handling --- */
 void sfi_url_show                      (const char           *url);
diff --git a/sfi/tests/Makefile.am b/sfi/tests/Makefile.am
index 4fc4d4f..2715f36 100644
--- a/sfi/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/sfi/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.decl
 AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) -I.
 DEFS       += @DEFINE__FILE_DIR__@ -DG_LOG_DOMAIN='"$(basename $(@F))"' -DPARANOID # 
 noinst_PROGRAMS   = $(ALLTESTS)
 progs_ldadd      = $(top_builddir)/sfi/libsfi-@MAJOR@.la $(LIBBSE_LIBS)
diff --git a/sfi/tests/misctests.cc b/sfi/tests/misctests.cc
index 248d426..ac28386 100644
--- a/sfi/tests/misctests.cc
+++ b/sfi/tests/misctests.cc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 #include <signal.h>    /* G_BREAKPOINT() */
 #include <math.h>
+using namespace Bse;
 /* provide IDL type initializers */
 #define sfidl_pspec_Real(group, name, nick, blurb, dflt, min, max, step, hints)  \
   sfi_pspec_real (name, nick, blurb, dflt, min, max, step, hints)
diff --git a/sfi/tests/ring.cc b/sfi/tests/ring.cc
index c3f9523..494aa4d 100644
--- a/sfi/tests/ring.cc
+++ b/sfi/tests/ring.cc
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 #include <sfi/sfitests.hh>
 #include <sfi/sfi.hh>
+using namespace Bse;
 static void
 print_ring_ints (SfiRing *ring)

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