[vala] (93 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/transform

The branch 'wip/transform' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  380c68d... Collect error_types on demand to allow transformations
  5b1adc1... Code transformer
  bc0f980... Move WhileStatement transformation into the code transforme
  39376b9... Move DoStatement transformation into the code transformer
  cf8ae67... Move ForStatement transformation into the code transformer
  71d1bc1... Move ConditionalExpression transformation into the code tra
  c30adf7... GVariant transformer
  6da3a18... Add ConditionalExpression.replace_expression plus other fix
  23bf23a... Add missing replace_expression to code nodes
  47a7c31... Code builder
  f8c39e1... Parse expressions from string
  9ad4e31... Serialize structs
  0810f23... Serialize hash table
  346f53f... Basic gvariant deserialization
  a733f6e... Deserialize arrays
  ec5f9df... Deserialize structs
  977f5b7... Deserialize hash tables
  a06087e... Wrapper methods
  245b023... Cache wrapper methods
  066397b... Use wrapper method for serializing hash table and structs
  dc3e7ad... Resolve symbols during transformation
  39914af... Add more to_string() methods to expressions
  56f259d... Let the transformer handle recursive transformations
  29e2eb1... Simplify some code
  deec127... Move gvariant helper methods down to CodeTransformer
  41d711d... Drop serialize_expression
  a7babea... Use wrapper methods for deserializing gvariants
  c100db4... Complete the gvariant transformer
  64426e0... GDBus client transformer
  b0fba24... GDBus server transformer
  6625beb... Drop unnecessary code
  623d66a... Drop build_context from CodeBuilder
  8475842... Fix nested Variant (de)serialization
  7f5885b... Move ForeachStatement transformation into the code transfor
  62eee16... Split CodeTrasformer into CCodeTransformer
  28a8a11... Move BinaryExpression transformation to the code transforme
  07fde8e... Move ObjectCreationExpression transformation to the code tr
  b611b1b... Drop GVariant stuff from CCodeBaseModule
  7732a4e... Preserve the cast when unboxing gvariant
  1c6bf7a... DOM-like linked list of statements
  69f605e... Don't navigate the resolver tree if a node has been checked
  b372751... Use builder for the while statements
  0370163... Allow floating temp variables with CodeBuilder
  060388c... Do not handle binary expressions without parent statement
  e96160f... Fix for statement and foreach on GList
  420d45d... Fix unary expression and active locals
  9ec745d... dbus: Require gio-2.0
  f052e95... Access SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol in a stati
  72eb319... Fix some code-style issues
  977126a... Report error for unsupported GVariant (de)serialization
  eee15e8... Fix deserialiation of hash tables
  63b7639... codegen: Fix capture of compiler-generated internal temp va
  2003011... transformer: Clear wrapper cache for every file
  1c95204... dbus: Copy type when declaring temporary variables
  c2fc828... codegen: Fix making local variables and constants active
  17e3f34... Added TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callba
  e00ba24... Convert get_used_variables to TraverseVisitor
  59d9750... Make Method.yield_count be stateless
  9e44782... Drop visit_expression from Traverse to avoid checking twice
  d3c8833... Visit assignment and reference transfer in traverse
  6663265... Set parent_node when replacing expressions
  9706062... Set parent_node to properties defult value
  83df60b... Don't set source ref in Block.get_error_types
  06107fa... Fix get_current_* methods in the semantic analyzer
  14e1f5f... Fix result var for pre/post conditions
  587d6a8... Fix passing BusName and manage unhandled GErrors
  5273ebc... Copy types in transformer
  9d04ff7... Use qualified names in transformed expressions
  5130756... Make gdbus work, temp commit
  751c268... Allow symbol_from_string to return null
  0dce583... Fix coalescing operator
  021cce0... Visit all nodes for transformation, not only the source one
  0f57e8f... Cleanup generated empty blocks
  3204cca... Return (owned) for temp variables when possible to avoid us
  2502384... Use return_temp_access in conditional expression
  aa16342... Use return_temp_access in coalescing expression
  6de8f7d... Move Template transformation to the code transformer
  9eeaed5... Use _ctmp%d_ for compiler variables since they are globally
  0af3cd1... Move postfix transformation from the codegen to the transfo
  60bdad9... Set the scope of the codebuilder block for symbol resolutio
  4ac4890... Factorize some common code with convenient api. Fix do-whil
  5bd3a2f... Parse statements from a string
  8fbc907... Fix parsing temporary variables. Use statements()
  ed0dbe2... Accept method call children
  15d46f0... Use %? in the parser rather than stringifying expressions
  a17728b... Rename CodeBuilder.replaced to data
  297d23e... Use more statements()
  eb44bd3... Visit more expressions in the transformer
  d03959a... Recurse arguments when getting error types for method calls
  b3b9778... Make CodeTransformer pluggable
  d017c1c... Load plugins with GModule
  8d581cb... Do not load plugins from libdir. Issue a warning when using
  e9ad010... Add more get_error_types
  cfc5c39... Fix string templates

Commits added to the branch:

  9361b24... Collect error_types on demand to allow transformations
  8df6f80... Code transformer
  d4301cb... Move WhileStatement transformation into the code transforme
  29caed8... Move DoStatement transformation into the code transformer
  7e94d22... Move ForStatement transformation into the code transformer
  41cfc0c... Move ConditionalExpression transformation into the code tra
  8ac882e... GVariant transformer
  2a6bbc0... Add ConditionalExpression.replace_expression plus other fix
  35e8953... Add missing replace_expression to code nodes
  694e62e... Code builder
  787381f... Parse expressions from string
  1001d76... Serialize structs
  e39970a... Serialize hash table
  e480041... Basic gvariant deserialization
  a629181... Deserialize arrays
  dcf9f56... Deserialize structs
  9783b00... Deserialize hash tables
  878dec7... Wrapper methods
  d39644e... Cache wrapper methods
  561e077... Use wrapper method for serializing hash table and structs
  8aedef1... Resolve symbols during transformation
  852e859... Add more to_string() methods to expressions
  23040fb... Let the transformer handle recursive transformations
  4ebddb9... Simplify some code
  3a8ea1f... Move gvariant helper methods down to CodeTransformer
  8fb5753... Drop serialize_expression
  9bee927... Use wrapper methods for deserializing gvariants
  2e08ef6... Complete the gvariant transformer
  e4d92e3... GDBus client transformer
  0a619e4... GDBus server transformer
  90cdea5... Drop unnecessary code
  fedcf35... Drop build_context from CodeBuilder
  7a27f44... Fix nested Variant (de)serialization
  99cce37... Move ForeachStatement transformation into the code transfor
  0b67f68... Split CodeTrasformer into CCodeTransformer
  94e644c... Move BinaryExpression transformation to the code transforme
  16ec2c7... Move ObjectCreationExpression transformation to the code tr
  a3e4970... Drop GVariant stuff from CCodeBaseModule
  ed9c630... Preserve the cast when unboxing gvariant
  6d8c4a8... DOM-like linked list of statements
  1de2b6d... Don't navigate the resolver tree if a node has been checked
  d0e6529... Use builder for the while statements
  d6a999d... Allow floating temp variables with CodeBuilder
  039d084... Do not handle binary expressions without parent statement
  806a0a4... Fix for statement and foreach on GList
  8de16b2... Fix unary expression and active locals
  a985ce1... dbus: Require gio-2.0
  d0cabc2... Access SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol in a stati
  ae78ec8... Fix some code-style issues
  61d0ca8... Report error for unsupported GVariant (de)serialization
  3bb1811... Fix deserialiation of hash tables
  ebef373... codegen: Fix capture of compiler-generated internal temp va
  e1512ef... transformer: Clear wrapper cache for every file
  40d36e3... dbus: Copy type when declaring temporary variables
  40600b8... codegen: Fix making local variables and constants active
  987c125... Added TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callba
  904369b... Convert get_used_variables to TraverseVisitor
  bda0ad6... Make Method.yield_count be stateless
  4cb01d5... Drop visit_expression from Traverse to avoid checking twice
  ca5f274... Visit assignment and reference transfer in traverse
  b944030... Set parent_node when replacing expressions
  2b34527... Set parent_node to properties defult value
  d23ef8b... Fix get_current_* methods in the semantic analyzer
  5f55f85... Fix result var for pre/post conditions
  1bb02bc... Fix passing BusName and manage unhandled GErrors
  b622630... Copy types in transformer
  fc50fb1... Use qualified names in transformed expressions
  3630fa0... Make gdbus work, temp commit
  65c8bfa... Allow symbol_from_string to return null
  c6224c5... Fix coalescing operator
  4348479... Visit all nodes for transformation, not only the source one
  fc203d5... Cleanup generated empty blocks
  041dfe9... Return (owned) for temp variables when possible to avoid us
  069c3e2... Use return_temp_access in conditional expression
  850614f... Use return_temp_access in coalescing expression
  6f005cd... Move Template transformation to the code transformer
  6dddee7... Use _ctmp%d_ for compiler variables since they are globally
  7d47a37... Move postfix transformation from the codegen to the transfo
  885138e... Set the scope of the codebuilder block for symbol resolutio
  0a604cb... Factorize some common code with convenient api. Fix do-whil
  c479155... Parse statements from a string
  33f7f22... Fix parsing temporary variables. Use statements()
  e044203... Accept method call children
  b17802c... Use %? in the parser rather than stringifying expressions
  2ba5de1... Rename CodeBuilder.replaced to data
  4a304e8... Use more statements()
  bb6b2f6... Visit more expressions in the transformer
  b16cb5f... Recurse arguments when getting error types for method calls
  a9c2e3a... Make CodeTransformer pluggable
  a6f7be0... Load plugins with GModule
  dc78cbc... Do not load plugins from libdir. Issue a warning when using
  d4a8b05... Fix string templates
  92cfe94... WIP Why?

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