[libsoup/wip/danw/guri] wip

commit 677194110578397e3325055e89bd76ca56d3f09e
Author: Dan Winship <danw gnome org>
Date:   Sun Nov 24 14:50:41 2013 -0500


 libsoup/soup-uri.c |  311 ++++++++++++----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libsoup/soup-uri.c b/libsoup/soup-uri.c
index e3092dc..1e0b239 100644
--- a/libsoup/soup-uri.c
+++ b/libsoup/soup-uri.c
@@ -163,26 +163,6 @@ gpointer _SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP, _SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS;
-static inline const char *
-soup_uri_parse_scheme (const char *scheme, int len)
-       if (len == 4 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (scheme, "http", len)) {
-               return SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP;
-       } else if (len == 5 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (scheme, "https", len)) {
-               return SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS;
-       } else if (len == 8 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (scheme, "resource", len)) {
-               return SOUP_URI_SCHEME_RESOURCE;
-       } else {
-               char *lower_scheme;
-               lower_scheme = g_ascii_strdown (scheme, len);
-               scheme = g_intern_static_string (lower_scheme);
-               if (scheme != (const char *)lower_scheme)
-                       g_free (lower_scheme);
-               return scheme;
-       }
 static inline guint
 soup_scheme_default_port (const char *scheme)
@@ -196,6 +176,38 @@ soup_scheme_default_port (const char *scheme)
                return 0;
+static GUri *
+soup_uri_to_g_uri (SoupURI *uri, gboolean override_port, guint port)
+       if (!uri)
+               return NULL;
+       return g_uri_build_with_user (G_URI_ENCODED | G_URI_HAS_PASSWORD,
+                                     uri->scheme,
+                                     uri->user, uri->password, NULL,
+                                     uri->host,
+                                     override_port ? port : uri->port,
+                                     uri->path, uri->query, uri->fragment);
+static SoupURI *
+soup_uri_from_g_uri (GUri *guri)
+       SoupURI *uri;
+       uri = g_slice_new0 (SoupURI);
+       uri->scheme   = g_intern_string (g_uri_get_scheme (guri));
+       uri->user     = g_strdup (g_uri_get_user (guri));
+       uri->password = g_strdup (g_uri_get_password (guri));
+       uri->host     = g_strdup (g_uri_get_host (guri));
+       uri->port     = g_uri_get_port (guri);
+       uri->path     = g_strdup (g_uri_get_path (guri));
+       uri->query    = g_strdup (g_uri_get_query (guri));
+       uri->fragment = g_strdup (g_uri_get_fragment (guri));
+       return uri;
  * soup_uri_new_with_base:
  * @base: a base URI
@@ -209,12 +221,7 @@ SoupURI *
 soup_uri_new_with_base (SoupURI *base, const char *uri_string)
        SoupURI *uri, fixed_base;
-       const char *end, *hash, *colon, *at, *path, *question;
-       const char *p, *hostend;
-       gboolean remove_dot_segments = TRUE;
-       int len;
-       g_return_val_if_fail (uri_string != NULL, NULL);
+       GUri *base_guri, *guri;
        /* Allow a %NULL path in @base, for compatibility */
        if (base && base->scheme && !base->path) {
@@ -227,225 +234,24 @@ soup_uri_new_with_base (SoupURI *base, const char *uri_string)
        g_return_val_if_fail (base == NULL || SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (base), NULL);
-       /* First some cleanup steps (which are supposed to all be no-ops,
-        * but...). Skip initial whitespace, strip out internal tabs and
-        * line breaks, and ignore trailing whitespace.
-        */
-       while (g_ascii_isspace (*uri_string))
-               uri_string++;
-       len = strcspn (uri_string, "\t\n\r");
-       if (uri_string[len]) {
-               char *clean = g_malloc (strlen (uri_string) + 1), *d;
-               const char *s;
-               for (s = uri_string, d = clean; *s; s++) {
-                       if (*s != '\t' && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r')
-                               *d++ = *s;
-               }
-               *d = '\0';
-               uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (base, clean);
-               g_free (clean);
-               return uri;
-       }
-       end = uri_string + len;
-       while (end > uri_string && g_ascii_isspace (end[-1]))
-               end--;
-       uri = g_slice_new0 (SoupURI);
-       /* Find fragment. */
-       hash = strchr (uri_string, '#');
-       if (hash) {
-               uri->fragment = uri_normalized_copy (hash + 1, end - hash + 1,
-                                                    NULL);
-               end = hash;
-       }
-       /* Find scheme */
-       p = uri_string;
-       while (p < end && (g_ascii_isalpha (*p) ||
-                          (p > uri_string && (g_ascii_isdigit (*p) ||
-                                              *p == '.' ||
-                                              *p == '+' ||
-                                              *p == '-'))))
-               p++;
-       if (p > uri_string && *p == ':') {
-               uri->scheme = soup_uri_parse_scheme (uri_string, p - uri_string);
-               uri_string = p + 1;
-       }
-       if (uri_string == end && !base && !uri->fragment) {
-               uri->path = g_strdup ("");
-               return uri;
-        }
-       /* Check for authority */
-       if (strncmp (uri_string, "//", 2) == 0) {
-               uri_string += 2;
-               path = uri_string + strcspn (uri_string, "/?#");
-               if (path > end)
-                       path = end;
-               at = strchr (uri_string, '@');
-               if (at && at < path) {
-                       colon = strchr (uri_string, ':');
-                       if (colon && colon < at) {
-                               uri->password = soup_uri_decoded_copy (colon + 1,
-                                                                      at - colon - 1, NULL);
-                       } else {
-                               uri->password = NULL;
-                               colon = at;
-                       }
-                       uri->user = soup_uri_decoded_copy (uri_string,
-                                                          colon - uri_string, NULL);
-                       uri_string = at + 1;
-               } else
-                       uri->user = uri->password = NULL;
-               /* Find host and port. */
-               if (*uri_string == '[') {
-                       const char *pct;
-                       uri_string++;
-                       hostend = strchr (uri_string, ']');
-                       if (!hostend || hostend > path) {
-                               soup_uri_free (uri);
-                               return NULL;
-                       }
-                       if (*(hostend + 1) == ':')
-                               colon = hostend + 1;
-                       else
-                               colon = NULL;
+       base_guri = soup_uri_to_g_uri (base, FALSE, 0);
+       guri = g_uri_parse_relative (base_guri, uri_string, G_URI_ENCODED | G_URI_HAS_PASSWORD, NULL);
+       if (base_guri)
+               g_uri_unref (base_guri);
-                       pct = memchr (uri_string, '%', hostend - uri_string);
-                       if (!pct || (pct[1] == '2' && pct[2] == '5')) {
-                               uri->host = soup_uri_decoded_copy (uri_string,
-                                                                  hostend - uri_string, NULL);
-                       } else
-                               uri->host = g_strndup (uri_string, hostend - uri_string);
-               } else {
-                       colon = memchr (uri_string, ':', path - uri_string);
-                       hostend = colon ? colon : path;
-                       uri->host = soup_uri_decoded_copy (uri_string,
-                                                          hostend - uri_string, NULL);
-               }
-               if (colon && colon != path - 1) {
-                       char *portend;
-                       uri->port = strtoul (colon + 1, &portend, 10);
-                       if (portend != (char *)path) {
-                               soup_uri_free (uri);
-                               return NULL;
-                       }
-               }
-               uri_string = path;
-       }
-       /* Find query */
-       question = memchr (uri_string, '?', end - uri_string);
-       if (question) {
-               uri->query = uri_normalized_copy (question + 1,
-                                                 end - (question + 1),
-                                                 NULL);
-               end = question;
-       }
-       if (end != uri_string) {
-               uri->path = uri_normalized_copy (uri_string, end - uri_string,
-                                                NULL);
-       }
-       /* Apply base URI. This is spelled out in RFC 3986. */
-       if (base && !uri->scheme && uri->host)
-               uri->scheme = base->scheme;
-       else if (base && !uri->scheme) {
-               uri->scheme = base->scheme;
-               uri->user = g_strdup (base->user);
-               uri->password = g_strdup (base->password);
-               uri->host = g_strdup (base->host);
-               uri->port = base->port;
-               if (!uri->path) {
-                       uri->path = g_strdup (base->path);
-                       if (!uri->query)
-                               uri->query = g_strdup (base->query);
-                       remove_dot_segments = FALSE;
-               } else if (*uri->path != '/') {
-                       char *newpath, *last;
-                       last = strrchr (base->path, '/');
-                       if (last) {
-                               newpath = g_strdup_printf ("%.*s%s",
-                                                          (int)(last + 1 - base->path),
-                                                          base->path,
-                                                          uri->path);
-                       } else
-                               newpath = g_strdup_printf ("/%s", uri->path);
-                       g_free (uri->path);
-                       uri->path = newpath;
-               }
-       }
-       if (remove_dot_segments && uri->path && *uri->path) {
-               char *p, *q;
-               /* Remove "./" where "." is a complete segment. */
-               for (p = uri->path + 1; *p; ) {
-                       if (*(p - 1) == '/' &&
-                           *p == '.' && *(p + 1) == '/')
-                               memmove (p, p + 2, strlen (p + 2) + 1);
-                       else
-                               p++;
-               }
-               /* Remove "." at end. */
-               if (p > uri->path + 2 &&
-                   *(p - 1) == '.' && *(p - 2) == '/')
-                       *(p - 1) = '\0';
-               /* Remove "<segment>/../" where <segment> != ".." */
-               for (p = uri->path + 1; *p; ) {
-                       if (!strncmp (p, "../", 3)) {
-                               p += 3;
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       q = strchr (p + 1, '/');
-                       if (!q)
-                               break;
-                       if (strncmp (q, "/../", 4) != 0) {
-                               p = q + 1;
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       memmove (p, q + 4, strlen (q + 4) + 1);
-                       p = uri->path + 1;
-               }
-               /* Remove "<segment>/.." at end where <segment> != ".." */
-               q = strrchr (uri->path, '/');
-               if (q && !strcmp (q, "/..")) {
-                       p = q - 1;
-                       while (p > uri->path && *p != '/')
-                               p--;
-                       if (strncmp (p, "/../", 4) != 0)
-                               *(p + 1) = 0;
-               }
+       if (!guri)
+               return NULL;
-               /* Remove extraneous initial "/.."s */
-               while (!strncmp (uri->path, "/../", 4))
-                       memmove (uri->path, uri->path + 3, strlen (uri->path) - 2);
-               if (!strcmp (uri->path, "/.."))
-                       uri->path[1] = '\0';
-       }
+       uri = soup_uri_from_g_uri (guri);
+       g_uri_unref (guri);
-       /* HTTP-specific stuff */
+       /* HTTP-specific fixes */
        if (uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP ||
            uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS) {
-               if (!uri->path)
+               if (!*uri->path) {
+                       g_free (uri->path);
                        uri->path = g_strdup ("/");
+               }
                if (!SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (uri)) {
                        soup_uri_free (uri);
                        return NULL;
@@ -461,8 +267,6 @@ soup_uri_new_with_base (SoupURI *base, const char *uri_string)
        if (!uri->port)
                uri->port = soup_scheme_default_port (uri->scheme);
-       if (!uri->path)
-               uri->path = g_strdup ("");
        return uri;
@@ -581,7 +385,28 @@ soup_uri_to_string_internal (SoupURI *uri, gboolean just_path_and_query,
 char *
 soup_uri_to_string (SoupURI *uri, gboolean just_path_and_query)
-       return soup_uri_to_string_internal (uri, just_path_and_query, FALSE);
+       GUri *guri;
+       char *ret;
+       g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);
+       if (!SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri)) {
+               g_warn_if_fail (SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri));
+               return g_strdup ("");
+       }
+       if (just_path_and_query) {
+               guri = g_uri_build (G_URI_ENCODED,
+                                   NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,
+                                   uri->path, uri->query, NULL);
+       } else
+               guri = soup_uri_to_g_uri (uri, soup_uri_uses_default_port (uri), 0);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (guri != NULL, NULL);
+       ret = g_uri_to_string_partial (guri, G_URI_HIDE_PASSWORD);
+       g_uri_unref (guri);
+       return ret;
@@ -916,7 +741,7 @@ soup_uri_set_scheme (SoupURI *uri, const char *scheme)
        g_return_if_fail (uri != NULL);
        g_return_if_fail (scheme != NULL);
-       uri->scheme = soup_uri_parse_scheme (scheme, strlen (scheme));
+       uri->scheme = g_intern_string (scheme);
        uri->port = soup_scheme_default_port (uri->scheme);

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