[gmime] Updated README.md

commit ee87791dc7677b8e8caaabb3129ecb3d55133047
Author: Jeffrey Stedfast <jestedfa microsoft com>
Date:   Sat Mar 11 17:23:49 2017 -0500

    Updated README.md

 README.md               |  247 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 gmime/gmime-signature.h |    8 ++
 tests/test-pgpmime.c    |    2 +-
 tests/test-smime.c      |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6a23ec2..e042c7b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ The first thing you must do is find the `GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime` part (see th
-    GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *pkcs7_mime = (GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *) entity;
+    GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *pkcs7 = (GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *) entity;
     GMimeSecureMimeType smime_type;
     smime_type = g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_get_smime_type (pkcs7_mime);
-        return g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_decrypt (pkcs7_mime, GMIME_DECRYPT_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, NULL, 
+        return g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_decrypt (pkcs7, 0, NULL, NULL, &err);
@@ -439,8 +439,7 @@ g_ptr_array_add (rcpts, "alice wonderland com"); // or use her fingerprint
 /* now to encrypt our message body */
 ctx = g_mime_gpg_context_new ();
-encrypted = g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt (ctx, body, FALSE, NULL, GMIME_DIGEST_ALGO_DEFAULT,
-     GMIME_ENCRYPT_FLAGS_NONE, rcpts, &err);
+encrypted = g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt (ctx, body, FALSE, NULL, 0, 0, rcpts, &err);
 g_ptr_array_free (rcpts, TRUE);
 g_object_unref (body);
 g_object_unref (ctx);
@@ -468,7 +467,245 @@ The first thing you must do is find the `GMimeMultipartEncrypted` part (see the
     GMimeMultipartEncrypted *encrypted = (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *) entity;
-    return g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt (encrypted, GMIME_DECRYPT_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, NULL, &err);
+    return g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt (encrypted, 0, NULL, NULL, &err);
+### Digitally Signing Messages with S/MIME or PGP/MIME
+Both S/MIME and PGP/MIME use a `multipart/signed` to contain the signed content and the detached signature 
+Here's how you might digitally sign a message using S/MIME:
+GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *pkcs7;
+GMimeMessage *message;
+GError *err = NULL;
+GMimeObject *body;
+message = g_mime_message_new (TRUE);
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_FROM, "Joey", "joey friends com");
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_TO, "Alice", "alice wonderland com");
+g_mime_message_set_subject (message, "How you doin?", NULL);
+/* create our message body (perhaps a multipart/mixed with the message text and some
+ * image attachments, for example) */
+body = CreateMessageBody ();
+/* now to sign our message body */
+if (!(pkcs7 = g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_sign (body, "joey friends com", GMIME_DIGEST_ALGO_DEFAULT, 
&err))) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "sign failed: %s\n", err->message);
+    g_object_unref (body);
+    g_error_free (err);
+    return;
+g_object_unref (body);
+g_mime_message_set_mime_part (message, pkcs7);
+g_object_unref (pkcs7);
+S/MIME also gives you the option of using a `multipart/signed` method of signing a message.
+GMimeMultipartSigned *ms;
+GMimeCryptoContext *ctx;
+GMimeMessage *message;
+GError *err = NULL;
+GMimeObject *body;
+message = g_mime_message_new (TRUE);
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_FROM, "Joey", "joey friends com");
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_TO, "Alice", "alice wonderland com");
+g_mime_message_set_subject (message, "How you doin?", NULL);
+/* create our message body (perhaps a multipart/mixed with the message text and some
+ * image attachments, for example) */
+body = CreateMessageBody ();
+/* create our crypto context - needed because multipart/signed works for both S/MIME and PGP/MIME */
+ctx = g_mime_pkcs7_context_new ();
+/* now to sign our message body */
+if (!(ms = g_mime_multipart_signed_sign (ctx, body, "joey friends com", GMIME_DIGEST_ALGO_DEFAULT, &err))) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "sign failed: %s\n", err->message);
+    g_object_unref (body);
+    g_object_unref (ctx);
+    g_error_free (err);
+    return;
+g_object_unref (body);
+g_object_unref (ctx);
+g_mime_message_set_mime_part (message, ms);
+g_object_unref (ms);
+If you'd prefer to use PGP instead of S/MIME, things work almost exactly the same except that you
+would use the `GMimeGpgContext`.
+GMimeMultipartSigned *ms;
+GMimeCryptoContext *ctx;
+GMimeMessage *message;
+GError *err = NULL;
+GMimeObject *body;
+message = g_mime_message_new (TRUE);
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_FROM, "Joey", "joey friends com");
+g_mime_message_add_mailbox (message, GMIME_ADDRESS_TYPE_TO, "Alice", "alice wonderland com");
+g_mime_message_set_subject (message, "How you doin?", NULL);
+/* create our message body (perhaps a multipart/mixed with the message text and some
+ * image attachments, for example) */
+body = CreateMessageBody ();
+/* create our crypto context - needed because multipart/signed works for both S/MIME and PGP/MIME */
+ctx = g_mime_gpg_context_new ();
+/* now to sign our message body */
+if (!(ms = g_mime_multipart_signed_sign (ctx, body, "joey friends com", GMIME_DIGEST_ALGO_DEFAULT, &err))) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "sign failed: %s\n", err->message);
+    g_object_unref (body);
+    g_object_unref (ctx);
+    g_error_free (err);
+    return;
+g_object_unref (body);
+g_object_unref (ctx);
+g_mime_message_set_mime_part (message, ms);
+g_object_unref (ms);
+### Verifying S/MIME and PGP/MIME Digital Signatures
+As mentioned earlier, both S/MIME and PGP/MIME typically use a `multipart/signed` part to contain the
+signed content and the detached signature data.
+A `multipart/signed` contains exactly 2 parts: the first `GMimeObject` is the signed content while the second
+`GMimeObject` is the detached signature and, by default, will either be a `GMimeApplicationPgpSignature` part
+or a `GMimeApplicationPkcs7Signature` part (depending on whether the sending client signed using OpenPGP or
+Because the `multipart/signed` part may have been signed by multiple signers, the
+`g_mime_multipart_signed_verify()` function returns a `GMimeSignatureList` which contains a list of
+digital signatures (one for each signer) that each contain their own metdata describing who that
+signer is and what the status of their signature is.
+    GMimeMultipartSigned *ms = (GMimeMultipartSigned *) entity;
+    GMimeSignatureList *signatures;
+    GError *err = NULL;
+    int i, count;
+    if (!(signatures = g_mime_multipart_signed_verify (ms, 0, &err))) {
+        fprintf (stderr, "verify failed: %s\n", err->message);
+        g_error_free (err);
+        return;
+    }
+    fputs ("\nSignatures:\n", stdout);
+    count = g_mime_signature_list_length (signatures);
+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        GMimeSignature *sig = g_mime_signature_list_get_signature (signatures, i);
+        GMimeSignatureStatus status = g_mime_signature_get_status (sig);
+        GMimeCertificate *cert = g_mime_signature_get_certificate (sig);
+        time_t created = g_mime_signature_get_created (sig);
+        time_t expires = g_mime_signature_get_expires (sig);
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tName: %s\n", g_mime_certificate_get_name (cert));
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tKeyId: %s\n", g_mime_certificate_get_key_id (cert));
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tFingerprint: %s\n", g_mime_certificate_get_fingerprint (cert));
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tTrust: ");
+        switch (g_mime_certificate_get_trust (cert)) {
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_NONE:      fputs ("None\n", stdout); break;
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_NEVER:     fputs ("Never\n", stdout); break;
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_UNDEFINED: fputs ("Undefined\n", stdout); break;
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_MARGINAL:  fputs ("Marginal\n", stdout); break;
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_FULLY:     fputs ("Fully\n", stdout); break;
+        case GMIME_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_ULTIMATE:  fputs ("Ultimate\n", stdout); break;
+        }
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tStatus: ");
+        if (status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_RED)
+            fputs ("BAD\n", stdout);
+        else if (status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_GREEN)
+            fputs ("GOOD\n", stdout);
+        else if (status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID)
+            fputs ("VALID\n", stdout);
+        else
+            fputs ("UNKNOWN\n", stdout);
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tSignature made on %s", ctime (&created));
+        if (expires != (time_t) 0)
+            fprintf (stdout, "\tSignature expires on %s", ctime (&expires));
+        else
+            fprintf (stdout, "\tSignature never expires\n");
+        fprintf (stdout, "\tErrors: ");
+            fputs ("Key Revoked, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("Key Expired, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("Sig Expired, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("Key Missing, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("CRL Missing, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("CRL Too Old, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("Bad Policy, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("System Error, ", stdout);
+            fputs ("Tofu Conflict", stdout);
+        if ((status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_ERROR_MASK) == 0)
+            fputs ("None", stdout);
+        fputs ("\n\n", stdout);
+    }
+It should be noted, however, that while most S/MIME clients will use the preferred `multipart/signed`
+approach, it is possible that you may encounter an `application/pkcs7-mime` part with an "smime-type"
+parameter set to "signed-data". Luckily, GMime can handle this format as well:
+    GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *pkcs7 = (GMimeApplicationPkcs7Mime *) entity;
+    GMimeSecureMimeType smime_type;
+    smime_type = g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_get_smime_type (pkcs7);
+    if (smime_type == GMIME_SECURE_MIME_TYPE_SIGNED_DATA) {
+        /* extract the original content and get a list of signatures */
+        GMimeSignatureList *signatures;
+        GMimeObject extracted;
+        GError *err = NULL;
+        int i, count;
+        /* Note: if you are rendering the message, you'll want to render the
+         * extracted mime part rather than the application/pkcs7-mime part. */
+        if (!(signatures = g_mime_application_pkcs7_mime_verify (pkcs7, 0, &extracted, &err))) {
+            fprintf (stderr, "verify failed: %s\n", err->message);
+            g_error_free (err);
+            return;
+        }
+        count = g_mime_signature_list_length (signatures);
+        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+            GMimeSignature *sig = g_mime_signature_list_get_signature (signatures, i);
+            /* ... */
+        }
diff --git a/gmime/gmime-signature.h b/gmime/gmime-signature.h
index 060fb70..2ea8bdf 100644
--- a/gmime/gmime-signature.h
+++ b/gmime/gmime-signature.h
@@ -83,6 +83,14 @@ typedef enum {
+ *
+ * A convenience macro for masking out the non-error bit flags.
+ **/
  * GMimeSignature:
  * @parent_object: parent #GObject
  * @status: A bitfield of #GMimeSignatureStatus values.
diff --git a/tests/test-pgpmime.c b/tests/test-pgpmime.c
index 9b0cebc..5d39c6b 100644
--- a/tests/test-pgpmime.c
+++ b/tests/test-pgpmime.c
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ print_verify_results (GMimeSignatureList *signatures)
                        fputs ("System Error, ", stdout);
                if (sig->status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_TOFU_CONFLICT)
                        fputs ("Tofu Conflict", stdout);
+               if ((sig->status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_ERROR_MASK) == 0)
                        fputs ("None", stdout);
                fputc ('\n', stdout);
diff --git a/tests/test-smime.c b/tests/test-smime.c
index c3f7dc0..281e983 100644
--- a/tests/test-smime.c
+++ b/tests/test-smime.c
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ print_verify_results (GMimeSignatureList *signatures)
                        fputs ("System Error, ", stdout);
                if (sig->status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_TOFU_CONFLICT)
                        fputs ("Tofu Conflict", stdout);
+               if ((sig->status & GMIME_SIGNATURE_STATUS_ERROR_MASK) == 0)
                        fputs ("None", stdout);
                fputc ('\n', stdout);

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