[beast] Created tag 0.11.0-rc1

The unsigned tag '0.11.0-rc1' was created.

Tagger: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date: Mon Jun 19 13:01:08 2017 +0200

    Release beast-0.11.0~rc1.tar.xz

Changes since the last tag '0.10.0':

Stefan Westerfeld (65):
      BUILD: added configure check for libfluidsynth, required for SoundFonts
      BUILD: added new files for sound font support
      BSE: removed unnecessary code in constant module
      BSE: added BseSoundFont* typedefs
      BSE: fixed typos
      BSE: added code which allows modules to get midi events from receiver
      BSE: added global sound font repository to each project
      BSE: fixed typo in bse source
      BSE: fixed typo in bse server
      BSE: implemented new concept: BseStorageBlob
      BSE: allow sound font presets as instruments for a track.
      BSE: added zintern snet for sound font preset replay
      BSE: added sound font support for bse projects wrapping fluid synths structures.
      BSE: implemented BseSoundFontOsc, which wraps fluid synth computations.
      BUILD: added beast-gtk files for sound font support
      BEAST-GTK: added file dialog support for loading sound fonts
      BEAST-GTK: added code for sound font repository super class
      BEAST-GTK: implemented browsing and selection of available sound fonts
      BEAST-GTK: added sound font view as widget
      BEAST-GTK: added new sound font view radget
      BEAST-GTK: Added necessary gui support for browsing sound fonts
      BUILD: include the right sound font header file into beast_headers
      BEAST-GTK: remove sound font related debugging code
      BUILD: update glib-gettext.m4 to latest version from glib git repo
      BEAST: link beast against python libraries, fixes build on KUbuntu 16.04
      BEAST: fix crash: assigning NULL to std::string is an error
      BSE: SF2: adapt code to c++ified beast codebase
      BEAST: SF2: adapt code to c++ified beast codebase
      BSE: SF2: use mixfreq to compute number of silent samples required for done output
      BSE: SF2: add documentation how the fluidsynth engine is used in sound font osc modules
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com/tim-janik/beast into soundfont
      BSE: SF2: replace g_object_new() with bse_object_new()
      BSE: SF2: move sound-font-snet from zintern to res; fixes sf2 playback
      BSE: SF2: set fluid synth gain to 1.0 (default is 0.2)
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com/tim-janik/beast into soundfont
      BSE: SF2: remove generated file which should not have been checked in
      BSE: SF2: Fix a few signedness warnings in sound font code
      BSE: SF2: remove G_BEGIN_DECLS|G_END_DECLS from headers
      BEAST: SF2: remove G_BEGIN_DECLS|G_END_DECLS from headers
      BSE: SF2: remove extern "C" from header
      BSE: SF2: replace manually allocated repo arrays with std::vector
      BSE: SF2: use std::vector for oscs|channel_map instead of manual allocation
      BSE: SF2: move mutex to C++ soundfont repo c++ impl class
      BSE: SF2: replace std::list with std::vector in midi receiver code
      BSE: SF2: replace lock/unlock based repo locking with std::lock_guard code
      BSE: SF2: use std::vector for BseStorage blobs instead of g_renew
      BSE: SF2: use std::shared_ptr for blob reference counting
      BSE: SF2: BseStorage::Blob: replace C style API with C++ style API
      TESTS: audio: add soundfont-test, which tests basic sound font replay
      BSE: SF2: store tmp files under $XDG_CACHE_HOME/libbse or ~/.cache/libbse
      BSE: SF2: fix extremely rare temp file name collions; use better prefix
      BSE: SF2: move more data members from BseSoundFont to Bse::SoundFontImpl
      TESTS: add required sf2 files to EXTRA_DIST
      BSE: SF2: store sound font presets in std::vector instead of GList
      BSE: SF2: move preset vector to SoundFontImpl object
      BSE: SF2: move sound_fonts GList to SoundFontRepoImpl and use std::vector
      BSE: SF2: move more fluid* data members to SoundFontRepoImpl
      BSE: SF2: move remaining data members from SoundFontRepo to Impl
      BSE: SF2: fix make check by using sample path to locate soundfonts
      TESTS: testresampler: fix signedness related bug in FFT windowing
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: fix compilation problem (__unused undefined)
      BSE: SF2: disable unimportant fluid messages
      TOOLS: fix average energy output for completely silent samples
      BSE: fix midi import problems related to Bse::Song API updates
      TOOLS: bsefextract: don't segfault if input file is empty

Tim Janik (376):
      configure.ac: revision increment to 0.10.1
      BUILD: depend on Rapicorn 16.0.1
      DEBIAN: control: depend on Rapicorn 16.0.1~git5374, consolidate versions
      TRAVIS: distinguish INTENT=package and INTENT=distcheck
      BUILD: buildtool.sh: throw a warning for shallow git repositories
      TRAVIS: use different bintray repositories for stable vs devel packages
      Merge branch 'kubuntu-16-04' (patches from Stefan Westerfeld)
      BUILD: configure.ac: detect LIBZ_LIBS and configure CXX to use C++11
      PLUGINS: remove unused macro
      BEAST: add LIBZ_LIBS where needed
      BSE: add missing libs
      Merge branch 'add-missing-libs'
      BSE: move Container.get_item() into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use Container.get_item() from bseapi.idl
      BSE: move Container.list_children() into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use Container.list_children() from bseapi.idl
      BSE: move WaveRepoImpl.list_children() and remove_wave() into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use WaveRepoImpl.list_children() and remove_wave() from bseapi.idl
      SFI: fix sfi_error() so it warns but doesn't abort the program
      BSE: move BseWave methods into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use Wave methods from bseapi.idl
      BSE: move Category and CategorySeq into bseapi.idl and switch to Icon
      BEAST: use Bse:: Category, CategorySeq and Icon from bseapi.idl everywhere
      BSE: fix accidental ENGINE_JOB_ICONNECT rename
      SFI: define SfiProxy as ssize_t to avoid useless signedness casts
      BSE: move all Song methods into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use Song methods from bseapi.idl
      BSE: migrate enum ProjectState and signal state_changed into bseapi.idl
      BSE: add SuperSeq and migrate Project.get_supers() into bseapi.idl
      PO: POTSCAN: remove unused file entries
      PO: Makefile.am: fix message about untranslated files
      PO: POTSCAN: fix sorting
      PO: POTSCAN: purge old file entries
      BSE: use UI-friendly Synth/Song/Midi-Synth as default object names
      BSE: minor cleanups to Song methods
      BSE: migrate all Project methods into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use project methods
      Merge branch 'migrate-procedures'
      MISC: mkbuildid.sh: add script to generate build id
      MISC: mive Dockerfile-apt.in here
      MISC: applyenv.sh: add script to substitute @ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE@ in input file
      BUILD: qualify version as 0.10.1~wip to indicate development of pre-0.10.1 code
      BSE: replace all birnet_* symbols
      BUILD: generate topbuildid.cc
      BEAST: compile and use Internal::buildid()
      MISC: bintrayup.sh: add script for package uploads to bintray.com
      MISC: shift bintray package upload into Dockerfile
      TRAVIS: leave package handling to Dockerfile
      Merge branch 'dockerbuild'
      TRAVIS: unset 'language', use clang++ for distcheck
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: just issue a warning if the final test installation fails
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: support multiple intent values next to clangbuild
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: leave the build files around for inspection
      Merge branch 'travis-fixes'
      BEAST: fix passing std::string through varargs
      BEAST: fix signed shifts
      BSE: use noexcept instead of dynamic exception specifications
      Merge branch 'compile-fixes'
      SFI: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      BSE: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      TOOLS: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      PLUGINS: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      DRIVERS: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      BEAST: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      SHELL: remove 'extern "C"' from all API
      BSE: use bseengine.hh symbols instead of duplicating header bits
      BSE: ldscript.map: export only C++ symbols
      BSE: provide tick_stamp_from_systime()
      BSE: provide Bse::objects_debug_leaks()
      BEAST: use BseServer.tick_stamp_from_systime()
      BEAST: use Bse::objects_debug_leaks()
      BSE: remove extern "C" from plugin export symbols
      Merge branch 'remove-extern-c'
      BUILD: move autotools files to config/ and require srcdir==builddir
      BUILD: acbeast.m4: provide MC_ASSERT_VERSION
      BUILD: autogen.sh: avoid calling ./configure if $NOCONFIGURE is set
      BUILD: configure.ac: move 'subdir-objects' option, to apply to all Makefiles
      TOOLS: fix automake warning
      BUILD: support clang++ options and various sanitizers for --enable-debug
      BUILD: configure.ac: combine dependencies into one LIBBSE pkg-config check
      BUILD: configure.ac: fix a bogus clang++ warning
      BUILD: use only config/config.h for autoconf results
      Merge branch 'configure-updates'
      DEBIAN: adapt 10-skip-update-mime.patch to configure.ac changes
      PLUGINS: avoid building explicit non-SIMD version of plugins
      BSE: match and load all plugins, identified by extension ".so" or ".dll"
      LAUNCHERS: remove unused bseshstart.c
      BSE: remove largely unused BSE_*_VERSION defines
      Merge branch 'always-simd'
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com/tim-janik/beast into soundfont
      BSE: SF2: fix missing bse_sound_font_repo_finalize and use Rapicorn Mutex
      BSE: SF2: use Bse::TickStamp instead of old gsl API
      BSE: SF2: port storage blob to Rapicorn Mutex
      BSE: SF2: use C++ inheritance for GObject struct derivation
      BSE: SF2: upgrade sound-font-snet.bse to version 0.8.1
      BSE: bsestorage: replace g_strdup_printf with g_strdup_format()
      BSE: bsestorage: whitespace fixes
      BSE: bsestorage: use Rapicorn::string_format() for bse_storage_printf()
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com/tim-janik/beast into soundfont
      BSE: remove code for non-threaded engine (unused for many years)
      BSE: _engine_pop_unprocessed_node: avoid race condition for node lock
      BSE: make bse_engine_const_values thread safe and simplify implementation
      BSE: start 3 additional DSP slave threads to process modules concurrently
      BSE: adjust number of slave DSP threads to the number of available CPU cores
      Merge branch 'threaded-engine'
      BEAST: remove duplicate definition of __unused (provided by Rapicorn)
      SFI: tests: fix testsfidl linkage missing sfi_init()
      BSE: use ProjectImpl.create_song() instead of an old purged procedure
      BSE: slave: recheck thread alive condition before entering conditions waits
      BSE: slave: ensure proper locking around changes to thread alive condition
      Merge branch 'bug-fixes'
      BSE: derive ObjectImpl from DataListContainer for type save data extensions
      BSE: add Bse::icon_sanitize() to ensure consistency of icon fields
      BSE: turn Item::icon into a read-wrtie property
      Merge branch 'custom-icons'
      Merge branch 'stw-fixes'
      Merge branch 'stw-fixes'
      DEBIAN: patches: adjust file paths in patches to account for -p1
      BUILD: autogen.sh: speed up by some +40% by avoiding autoreconf
      TOOLS: work around maintainer-clean removing included dependency file too early
      MISC: dockerbuild.sh: support --no-cache to be passed on to docker build
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: explicitely require gccbuild intent
      TRAVIS: test builds on ubuntu:zesty, debian:unstable and debian:stretch
      PO: update po files for distcheck
      TRAVIS: minor tweak to easily spot distcheck builds on travis-ci.org
      PO: check-unlisted: use pipefail and 'readlink -ve' to catch errors in pipelines
      Merge branch 'build-fixes'
      BUILD: add 'distcheck' to try builds out of tree and with srcdir==builddir
      BUILD: distcheck: support parallel builds, distuninstallcheck and $(DESTDIR) checks
      BUILD: test 'make clean' after build as part of distcheck
      BUILD: configure.ac: detect GCC when invoked with an alias
      BSE: avoid shipping files generated from .proc
      GXK: avoid shipping generated enum sources
      BSE: avoid shipping generated enum sources
      BUILD: remove unused GENERATED_EXTRA_DIST
      BSE: avoid shipping generated gslfft.cc
      BSE: gsl-fftgen.pl: avoid redundant printf arguments
      BSE: avoid shipping generated bseserverapi.hh
      BSE: avoid shipping generated bsehack.idl
      BSE: avoid shipping generated bseclientapi.hh
      BSE: avoid shipping generated bsegentypes.h
      BSE: avoid shipping generated PNGs
      BEAST: avoid shipping generated ../topbuildid.cc
      TOOLS: avoid shipping generated ../topbuildid.cc
      Merge branch 'fix-distcheck'
      DEBIAN: beast.install: install HACKING, COPYING, NEWS, README
      SFI: generate doc_sources.lst
      BSE: generate doc_sources.lst
      GXK: generate doc_sources.lst
      BEAST: generate doc_sources.lst
      DOCS: update the cppreference tagfile to the archive version from 20151129
      DOCS: move tagfile-susv4.xml.bz2 and tagfile-rapicorn.xml.bz2 here
      PLUGINS: generate doc_sources.lst
      DOCS: add sample references.bib
      DOCS: add nicer CSS for doxygen
      DOCS: majorly simplify and speed up doxygen documentation generation
      TOOLS: generate doc_sources.lst
      DOCS: include tools/ docs
      PO: ignore docs/doxy/ when searching for translatable files
      DOCS: imports: remove unused tagfile import rules
      DOCS: fix distcheck paths
      Merge branch 'simpler-docs'
      DOCS: beast.1.md: convert imports/beast.1 to markdown
      DOCS: build (and ship) revisions.lst to generate revisioned markdown files
      DOCS: build and install beast.1 from beast.1.md
      DOCS: build and install beast.1.html from beast.1.md
      DOCS: bse.5.md: convert imports/bse.5 to markdown
      DOCS: build and install bse.5 (+ .html) from bse.5.md
      DOCS: bsewavetool.1.md: convert imports/bsewavetool.1 to markdown
      DOCS: build and install bsewavetool.1 (+ .html) from bsewavetool.1.md
      DOCS: install all html man pages under doc/beast/html/man/
      DOCS: fix TOC indentation for html man pages
      DOCS: bsescm.1.md: convert imports/bsescm.1 to markdown
      DOCS: build and install bsescm.1 (+ .html) from bsescm.1.md
      DOCS: sfidl.1.md: convert imports/sfidl.1 to markdown
      DOCS: build and install sfidl.1 (+ .html) from sfidl.1.md
      DOCS: remove unused imports/Makefile.am
      DOCS: avoid creation of doc_sources.lst files during make clean or uninstall
      Merge branch 'md-mans'
      SFI: bcore.hh: provide diagnostics and basic macro utilities in the Bse namespace
      BSE: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      PLUGINS: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      DRIVERS: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      SHELL: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      GXK: use gxk diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      BEAST: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      TOOLS: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      TESTS: use Bse diagnostics and BSE_CONVENIENCE
      BSE: make use of Bse::debug()
      DRIVERS: make use of Bse::debug()
      SFI: make use of Bse::debug()
      SFI: remove deprecated bse_debug_enabled
      Merge branch 'bse-diagnostics'
      BSE: synchronize PcmWriter output with song start
      BSE: bsesequencer: allow sequencer-events dumps
      TESTS: increase n-voices in audio tests to work around sequencer timings
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: fix missing memory fence
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: fix detection of polyphony voice underruns
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: assert there's only one VoiceInput per voice at maximum
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: allow midi-events and midi-voice change dumps
      Merge branch 'fix-audio-timing'
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: normalize indentation and whitespaces for merging
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc: avoid conditional indentation of switch() statement
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: install libfluidsynth-dev for building beast
      BSE: fix String and string_format references outside of Bse namespace
      Merge branch 'wip/soundfont' from http://space.twc.de/public/git/stwbeast.git
      PO: update po files for distcheck
      Squash 'external/v8pp' content from commit f221bc9d099b
      Merge branch 'wip/for-beast' of http://github.com/tim-janik/v8pp as 'external/v8pp'
      V8BSE: add ebeast/v8bse/Makefile.am
      V8BSE: add rules to fetch node-gyp and electron via npm
      V8BSE: add basic rules to build v8bse.node module
      V8BSE: V8Stub.py: add skeleton for language binding generation
      V8BSE: fixup ignores
      V8BSE: describe experimental make rules
      V8BSE: build v8bse.node from nodemodule.cc and include V8stub
      V8BSE: generate classes with properties into V8stub
      V8BSE: hook up v8bse with the GLib or libuv event loops
      V8BSE: export bse.server object
      V8BSE: add inactive debugging aid
      V8BSE: generate class methods
      V8BSE: generate class inheritance statements
      V8BSE: specialise v8pp::convert<> for all Aida::RemoteHandle derived types
      EBEAST: add Makefile.am
      EBEAST: describe experimental make rules
      EBEAST: move app, run, npm, npmclean rules here
      V8BSE: generate binding.gyp, needed to build v8bse.node with node-gyp
      V8BSE: link v8bse.node against libbse-0.so, use -rpath to search install path
      V8BSE: build v8bse.node against external/v8pp
      EBEAST: use LD_PRELOAD to pick up -lbse from $(builddir) for 'make run'
      EBEAST: check for 'make npm' and ./node_modules/ before 'make run'
      EBEAST: generate package.json and auto-update npm packages
      EBEAST: display an 'about:' window containing version information
      V8BSE: wrap vector derived Sequence types by v8:Array copy
      V8BSE: allow pointer results from aida_remote_handle_unwrap_native()
      V8BSE: wrap Aida::RemoteMember like Aida::RemoteHandle
      V8BSE: derive fundamental IDL types from Aida::RemoteHandle to allow generic wrappers
      V8BSE: cache JS wrappers for RemoteHandles to preserve object identity in JS
      BUILD: ensure MOSTLYCLEANFILES can be used with +=
      EBEAST: rename ebeast/index.html
      EBEAST: pick a dark Gtk+-2 theme if possible
      EBEAST: use xmllint to lint HTML files
      EBEAST: use eslint 3.16.1 for linting of *.js files and JS snippets in *.html
      EBEAST: build objects/app.css from app.less and use it in index.html
      EBEAST: adjust webkit-scrollbar to match dark theme
      EBEAST: generate panel-background as non-banding linear gradient image
      EBEAST: integrate mithril 1.0.1
      EBEAST: move <button/> styles into assets/widgets.less
      EBEAST: integrate jQuery 3.1.1.
      EBEAST: move background fallback definitions into .gradient-01-bg
      EBEAST: add css classes to utilize flexbox layouts
      EBEAST: move version information into a modal About dialog
      EBEAST: use a non-serif font for monospace
      EBEAST: widgets.js: export symbolic key codes for non-character keys
      EBEAST: widgets.js: provide helpers for AnimationFrame callbacks
      EBEAST: add closeonescape to ModalDialog
      EBEAST: grab focus asynchronously to work around Mithril 1.0.1 m.redraw
      EBEAST: menus.js: define main application menus
      EBEAST: show About dialog on Help ยป About...
      EBEAST: provide single-letter shortcuts for menubar submenu navigation
      EBEAST: move application logic into app.js
      EBEAST: pick BrowserWindow defaults from a BrowserWindowDefaults CSS rule
      EBEAST: integrate font-awesome 4.7.0.
      EBEAST: provide @button-active-lg and @button-radius settings in app.less
      EBEAST: widgets: provide ButtonBox styling and IconButton
      EBEAST: parse command line, handle --version, --help and pass files to App
      EBEAST: add StatusBar and a ToolBar with PlayControls
      EBEAST: create default BseProject for App and update document.title
      V8BSE: fix printerr usage outside of Bse namespace
      EBEAST: conditionalize ebeat app build on finding npm
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: install nodejs and npm for building ebeast
      EBEAST: export ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING to catch build error resons
      V8BSE: use electron/package.json to detect electron version without DISPLAY
      EBEAST: ensure node_modules are installed before running lessc
      BUILD: disable npm based Beast package builds if ebeast/ is not present
      EBEAST: bundle and install ebeast-<VERSION> under libexec/
      Merge branch 'wip/ebeast'
      BUILD: provide CONFIGURE_INSTALLPATH_OBJDIR to handle .libs/ subdirs
      SFI: load plugins from objdir if installpath_override() is used
      SFI: bcore.cc: fix missing NULL check
      SFI: support BSE_DEBUG=all
      SFI: use program_alias() for error messages
      BSE: immediately load all plugins and scripts with Bse.server.load_assets()
      BSE: bsetool.cc: use installpath_override() when invoked uninstalled
      BSE: disable SCM loading, the loading is broken and occasionally hangs
      Merge branch 'load-assets'
      TRAVIS: stop deb package builds and uploads
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: do ci build against newest Rapicorn from source
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: disable check-update-po during docker distcheck
      Merge branch 'ci-fixes'
      TRAVIS: allow_failures for wily and jessie which have broken npm/node deps
      DATA: document and simplify .bse and .bsewave mime registration
      DATA: fix ancient Gnome mime handler in .applications file
      DATA: document origin of ancient .keys and .mime files
      DATA: beast.desktop.in: remove category GTK
      MISC: adapt versioning to use 0.10.1~rc1+<commitcount>.g<commithash>
      MISC: make-deb.sh: create an /opt binary deb from librapicorn and Beast
      MISC: make-deb.sh: move the final package into CWD
      BUILD: add $beastdir / INSTALLPATH_BEASTDIR for /opt/<package> installation
      BUILD: move includes, libraries, data and docs into Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: move binaries and locale files into Beast <package> dir
      MISC: make-deb.sh: find $BEASTDIR
      MISC: make-deb.sh: adjust the DEBIAN/postinst binary path to include versioning
      BUILD: move library and data files into Beast <package> dir
      EBEAST: move ebeast bundle into Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: move application and mime registry files into Beast <package>/share
      MISC: make-deb.sh: integrate Rapicorn 17.0.0~rc1 into Beast <package> dir
      MISC: make-deb.sh: move copyright and changelog.Debian.gz into Beast <package> dir
      PO: ignore tmp* when looking for untranslated files
      MISC: make-deb.sh: package usr/bin and usr/share symlinks
      BUILD: preserve $libdir while moving libbse into the Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: preserve $bindir while installing executables in the Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: preserve $docdir while installing documentation in the Beast <package> dir
      PO: show full pathnames on make install V=1
      BUILD: preserve $localedir while installing message catalogs in the Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: preserve $datadir while installing data files in the Beast <package> dir
      BUILD: preserve $datarootdir while installing files in Beast <package> /share
      BUILD: configure.ac: support --with-pkgroot for /opt/beast-<version>/ builds
      BUILD: build/install data/ last, so it can symlink other installed files
      LAUNCHERS: use prominent warning suid setting failed and sleep shorter
      DATA: install links into standard filesystem hierarchy, update desktop database
      BUILD: allow DESTDIR overrides for pkg-config
      MISC: make-deb.sh: build deb with /opt/beast-<version> and links in /usr
      MISC: add missing license headers
      DEBIAN: copyright: document misc/ licensing
      MISC: install copyright in beast-<version>/doc
      MISC: make-deb.sh: provide /usr/share/doc/<packagename>
      MISC: make-deb.sh: minor changelog adaptions
      DATA: bse.pc.in: fix $beastdatadir references
      DATA: bse.pc.in: adjust description
      Merge branch 'binary-deb'
      DATA: ship debian/copyright so it can be installed from tarballs
      BUILD: exempt mimeinfo.cache from distuninstallcheck
      BUILD: minor ChangeLog rule fixes
      BUILD: use 'git archive' in rule 'distgit' to create distribution tarballs
      BUILD: cleanup git archive export files
      Merge branch 'distgit'
      MISC: Dockerfile-apt.in: use 'make distgit'
      BUILD: roll our own distuninstallcheck, now we use no-dist autotools
      PLUGINS: fix doc_sources, now that DIST_* variables aren't provided anymore
      TESTS: filecheck: throw an error if the file checklist is empty
      BUILD: remove EXTRA_DIST everywhere, since we package all git tracked files
      TESTS: filecheck: use git ls-tree to find BSE files to check
      BUILD: prevent autoconf, autoheader, automake, etc from using stale caches
      TESTS: filecheck: trim bsefiles.list and build unconditionally
      BUILD: rename distgit to 'make dist' and support EXTRA_DIST
      DOCS: build revisions.lst when git is present and ship it in tarballs
      BUILD: fix uninstall_filter_files to handle lib/beast-<version> prefix
      Merge branch 'extra-dist'
      BUILD: introduce 'dist: all' dependency to ensure packaged files are uptodate
      BUILD: remove left over rule
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: remove unused distfile-list rule
      BUILD: fix some automake warnings
      SHELL: remove subdir and guile dependency
      TESTS: latency: disable test, since bsescm is gone
      LIBRARY: remove unused scheme scripts
      DOCS: remove doc references to bsescm
      DATA: remove references to bsescm
      BSE: remove obsolete scripting interface
      BUILD: add autotools files to MAINTAINERCLEANFILES
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: provide QSTDOUT
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: simplify GITSTAMP by using git reflog entries
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: print extra-gitdist enter/leave directory for V=1
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: cleanup 'report' rule
      DOCS: adjust to lack of guile
      BUILD: fix build rules to not require guile anymore
      README.md: mention the 'npm' dependency, remove 'guile' dependency
      PO: update po files after scm script removal
      Merge branch 'remove-guile'
      TRAVIS: remove ubuntu:wily tests, it's nodejs version is too old
      NEWS: add updates for 0.11.0~rc1
      BUILD: bump ABI and version to 0.11.0~rc1

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