[libxslt] Silence tests a little

commit f996b93610ff38244b770f779f7761f3b21f4a32
Author: Nick Wellnhofer <wellnhofer aevum de>
Date:   Thu Jun 1 16:39:00 2017 +0200

    Silence tests a little

 Makefile.am                  |    6 +++---
 tests/docbook/Makefile.am    |   17 ++++-------------
 tests/exslt/date/Makefile.am |   29 ++++++++++++++---------------
 xsltproc/Makefile.am         |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 50af9b5..ff10f57 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ dummy:
 tests: dummy
        @echo '## Running the regression test suite'
-       @(cd tests ; $(MAKE) tests)
-       @(cd xsltproc ; $(MAKE) tests)
-       @(if [ "$(PYTHON_SUBDIR)" != "" ] ; then cd python ; $(MAKE) tests ; fi)
+       @(cd tests ; $(MAKE) -s tests)
+       @(cd xsltproc ; $(MAKE) -s tests)
+       @(if [ "$(PYTHON_SUBDIR)" != "" ] ; then cd python ; $(MAKE) -s tests ; fi)
        @echo '## Running the regression tests under Valgrind'
diff --git a/tests/docbook/Makefile.am b/tests/docbook/Makefile.am
index 09e7239..25f09ce 100644
--- a/tests/docbook/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/docbook/Makefile.am
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-       @echo '## Running docbook tests'
-       $(MAKE) single
-       $(MAKE) xtchunk
+       @$(MAKE) single
+       @$(MAKE) xtchunk
        @echo '## Running the regression tests under Valgrind'
@@ -22,12 +21,12 @@ full: tests htmltests xhtmltests fotests
 # a single tests to check that stuff ain't broken
+       @echo '## Running single docbook tests'
        @$(MKDIR_P) result/html
        @$(MKDIR_P) result/fo
        @$(MKDIR_P) result/xhtml
        @(echo > .memdump)
        @(for i in $(srcdir)/test/gdp-handbook.xml ; do \
-         echo -n "`basename $$i` : html " ; \
          out=result/html/`basename $$i .xml`.tst; \
          html=result/html/`basename $$i .xml`.html; \
          log=`$(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc --nonet \
@@ -42,12 +41,10 @@ single:
            fi ; \
          grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true` ; \
          if [ -n "$$log" ] ; then \
-               echo ; \
                echo result ; \
                echo "$$log" ; \
          fi ; \
          rm -f $$out ; \
-         echo -n "fo " ; \
          out=result/fo/`basename $$i .xml`.tst; \
          fo=result/fo/`basename $$i .xml`.fo; \
          msg=result/fo/`basename $$i .xml`.msg; \
@@ -63,12 +60,10 @@ single:
          fi ; \
          grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true` ; \
          if [ -n "$$log" ] ; then \
-               echo ; \
                echo result ; \
                echo "$$log" ; \
          fi ; \
          rm -f $$out $$msg ; \
-         echo -n "xhtml " ; \
          out=result/xhtml/`basename $$i .xml`.tst; \
          xhtml=result/xhtml/`basename $$i .xml`.xhtml; \
          log=`$(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc --nonet \
@@ -83,19 +78,17 @@ single:
          fi ; \
          grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true` ; \
          if [ -n "$$log" ] ; then \
-               echo ; \
                echo result ; \
                echo "$$log" ; \
          fi ; \
          rm -f $$out ; \
          done )
-       @echo
+       @echo '## Running xtchunk docbook tests'
        @$(MKDIR_P) result/html
        @$(MKDIR_P) result/xtchunk
        @(echo > .memdump)
-       @echo -n html-chunking
        @(for i in $(srcdir)/test/gdp-handbook.xml ; do \
          base=`basename $$i .xml` ; \
          html=result/html/$$base.html; \
@@ -121,13 +114,11 @@ xtchunk:
            done ; \
            grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true` ; \
          if [ -n "$$log" ] ; then \
-               echo ; \
                echo result ; \
                echo "$$log" ; \
          fi ; \
          rm -f result/xtchunk/html/gdp-handbook ; \
          done )
-       @echo
 # The full set of tests
diff --git a/tests/exslt/date/Makefile.am b/tests/exslt/date/Makefile.am
index ec1b896..515f549 100644
--- a/tests/exslt/date/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/exslt/date/Makefile.am
@@ -38,23 +38,22 @@ CLEANFILES = .memdump
        @(echo > .memdump)
-       @echo \<doc/\> >current.xml
-       @echo "#"
-       @echo "# Inspect the following for correctness"
-       @echo "#"
-       @(for i in $(srcdir)/current.xsl ; do \
-         name=`basename $$i .xsl` ; \
-         if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/$$name.xml ] ; then continue ; fi ; \
-         $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc $(srcdir)/$$name.xsl $(srcdir)/$$name.xml;\
-         grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true;\
-         done)
-       @rm -f current.xml
+       @(if [ -z "$$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" ]; then \
+           echo \<doc/\> >current.xml ; \
+           echo "#" ; \
+           echo "# Inspect the following for correctness" ; \
+           echo "#" ; \
+           for i in $(srcdir)/current.xsl ; do \
+             name=`basename $$i .xsl` ; \
+             if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/$$name.xml ] ; then continue ; fi ; \
+             $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc $(srcdir)/$$name.xsl $(srcdir)/$$name.xml;\
+             grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true;\
+           done ; \
+           rm -f current.xml ; \
+         fi)
+test tests: $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc test-current
        @echo '## Running exslt date tests'
-test tests: $(top_builddir)/xsltproc/xsltproc test-logall test-current
-       @echo '## Running exslt common tests'
        @(echo > .memdump)
        @(for i in $(srcdir)/*.xsl ; do \
          name=`basename $$i .xsl` ; \
diff --git a/xsltproc/Makefile.am b/xsltproc/Makefile.am
index ad1c3dc..1a8804f 100644
--- a/xsltproc/Makefile.am
+++ b/xsltproc/Makefile.am
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ xsltproc.dv: xsltproc.o
 tests: testThreads
        @echo > .memdump
        @echo '## Running testThreads'
-       @($(CHECKER) ./testThreads ; grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" || true)
+       @($(CHECKER) ./testThreads > /dev/null; grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" 
|| true)

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