[at-spi2-core] roles: EXTENDED roles are deprecated

commit 95a8c7a52e4da84225de9e6e209192c9ee4ce067
Author: Alejandro Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com>
Date:   Mon Jan 9 14:20:44 2017 -0200

    roles: EXTENDED roles are deprecated
    ATK extended roles were deprecated some years ago.

 atspi/atspi-constants.h |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/atspi/atspi-constants.h b/atspi/atspi-constants.h
index 838adc7..604ea1c 100644
--- a/atspi/atspi-constants.h
+++ b/atspi/atspi-constants.h
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ typedef enum {
  * onscreen viewport.
  * @ATSPI_ROLE_WINDOW: A top level window with no title or border.
  * @ATSPI_ROLE_EXTENDED: means that the role for this item is known, but not
- * included in the core enumeration.
+ * included in the core enumeration. Deprecated since 2.24.
  * @ATSPI_ROLE_HEADER: An object that serves as a document header.
  * @ATSPI_ROLE_FOOTER: An object that serves as a document footer.
  * @ATSPI_ROLE_PARAGRAPH: An object which is contains a single paragraph of

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