[gnome-maps] (33 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/mlundblad/transit-routing

The branch 'wip/mlundblad/transit-routing' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8483a28... routeQuery: Add support for setting time and arrival/depart
  53e7be4... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  1e2819c... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  a7b30a3... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  879e8c3... routeService: Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  45fbb7c... Add module to handle HVT codes (hierachical vehicle types)
  a5fd158... Break out reading of the service file
  81d90fb... mapSource: Use general service handler
  e91eee9... Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  5ceea91... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  2b8097d... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  220f366... Add transit mode icons
  37f100b... utils: Add color luminance and contrast functions
  97a70ac... Add label widget for route labels
  580aff8... Add list box row class for representing transit itineraries
  baba1f3... Add list box row to display a leg of a transit itinerary
  e8e47e0... Add a list box row to show the arrival of a transit itinera
  2fbb130... Add list box row for loading more transit results
  345e919... application: Add a function to switch to/from transit route
  a6ac744... mapBubble: Ensure non-transit when routing
  c76e5a1... sidebar: Add functionallity for transit routing
  a1ee6f9... Add map marker to mark start of walking transit legs
  e6fdad2... Add map marker to mark end of transit itineraries
  63b14ab... Add map marker for marking boarding points in transit itine
  9675b48... Add list box row class for transit stops
  0abd2c6... turnPointMarker: Add support for showing markers for transi
  fbe1b41... mapView: Implement showing transit routes
  2cc1570... mapView: Add a view property to indicate showing a route
  e7f9933... mainWindow: Show the print button when a route is rendered
  1b79e71... Add print layout for transit
  f83428f... printOperation: Use transit print layout when requested

Commits added to the branch:

  df02f2e... configure.ac: Bump GTK+ required version (*)
  6efb2b0... Release 3.23.4 (*)
  cada2f3... routeQuery: Add support for setting time and arrival/depart
  9661a07... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  37d10ab... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  4489983... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  f257196... routeService: Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  3d3ec94... Add module to handle HVT codes (hierachical vehicle types)
  e11577b... Break out reading of the service file
  af5de49... mapSource: Use general service handler
  627b634... Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  37abcaf... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  8c8a569... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  315d260... Add transit mode icons
  91966e5... utils: Add color luminance and contrast functions
  9991e74... Add label widget for route labels
  604d846... Add list box row class for representing transit itineraries
  09da9c3... Add list box row to display a leg of a transit itinerary
  06900bc... Add a list box row to show the arrival of a transit itinera
  2f4141c... Add list box row for loading more transit results
  7e473de... application: Add a function to switch to/from transit route
  394a2ca... mapBubble: Ensure non-transit when routing
  6a3f93b... sidebar: Add functionallity for transit routing
  90db609... Add map marker to mark start of walking transit legs
  26b5759... Add map marker to mark end of transit itineraries
  47a3247... Add map marker for marking boarding points in transit itine
  6375341... Add list box row class for transit stops
  7be95ee... turnPointMarker: Add support for showing markers for transi
  7aaf682... mapView: Implement showing transit routes
  7dd0589... mapView: Add a view property to indicate showing a route
  d5bd76a... mainWindow: Show the print button when a route is rendered
  0a4b729... Add print layout for transit
  e5afdfe... printOperation: Use transit print layout when requested

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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