[chronojump] encoderConfiguration always saves to SQL on exit

commit c5b9a1a7717ea0592c18430fd04b81ea1d0bed48
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jan 8 19:29:50 2017 +0100

    encoderConfiguration always saves to SQL on exit

 src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs |   49 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs b/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
index 8c3e9ec..beaab07 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ public class EncoderConfigurationWindow
        [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_rotary_axis;
        [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_rotary_friction_inertia_on_axis;
-       [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_top;
-       [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_options;
        [Widget] Gtk.Button button_previous;
        [Widget] Gtk.Button button_next;
@@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ public class EncoderConfigurationWindow
        [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_save_name;
        [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_save_description;
        [Widget] Gtk.Button button_apply;
-       [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete;
        [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_im_weight_calcule;
        [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_im_length_calcule;
@@ -659,27 +656,37 @@ public class EncoderConfigurationWindow
        //TODO: button_apply sensitive only when name != "" && != of the others
        void on_button_apply_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
-               string selectedName = getSelectedName();
-               if(selectedName == "")
-                       return;
+               apply(true, true);
+       }
-               //save_update when changing any value
-               //and when exiting with ok dialogMessage asking for save
+       private void apply(bool updateSQL, bool updateGUI)
+       {
+               if(updateSQL)
+               {
+                       string selectedName = getSelectedName();
+                       if(selectedName == "")
+                               return;
-               //update SQL
-               EncoderConfiguration econfOnGUI = GetAcceptedValues();
-               EncoderConfigurationSQLObject econfSO = new EncoderConfigurationSQLObject(-1,
-                               encoderGI, true, entry_save_name.Text.ToString(),
-                               econfOnGUI, entry_save_description.Text.ToString());
+                       //save_update when changing any value
+                       //and when exiting with ok dialogMessage asking for save
-               SqliteEncoderConfiguration.Update(false, encoderGI, selectedName, econfSO);
+                       //update SQL
+                       EncoderConfiguration econfOnGUI = GetAcceptedValues();
+                       EncoderConfigurationSQLObject econfSO = new EncoderConfigurationSQLObject(-1,
+                                       encoderGI, true, entry_save_name.Text.ToString(),
+                                       econfOnGUI, entry_save_description.Text.ToString());
-               //update GUI
-               TreeModel model;
-               TreeIter iter = new TreeIter();
-               treeview_select.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter);
-               store.SetValue (iter, colName, entry_save_name.Text);
-               store.SetValue (iter, colDescription, entry_save_description.Text);
+                       SqliteEncoderConfiguration.Update(false, encoderGI, selectedName, econfSO);
+               }
+               if(updateGUI)
+               {
+                       TreeModel model;
+                       TreeIter iter = new TreeIter();
+                       treeview_select.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter);
+                       store.SetValue (iter, colName, entry_save_name.Text);
+                       store.SetValue (iter, colDescription, entry_save_description.Text);
+               }
        void on_button_duplicate_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
@@ -802,6 +809,8 @@ public class EncoderConfigurationWindow
        private void on_button_close_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+               apply(true, false);
                //managed on gui/encoder.cs

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